The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-06-29, Page 8•;,• • •„. ' intim 1P414374 1$41/41111.1' • , 774 7.1l**Illalt*X7 • . 4' , ' • ••:" • . argest, • in history A " at . , witn summer prices inpleteirs • • • ,•• ti 4, WE EAYIE ARRANOED *ITE A -LARGE TORONTO- MANU-- FACTUltER FOR THE •DISFLAYT „ A1\41, THE COATS ARE , 9114RANTEEET ,. • Your Old" Coat in 'Exchange . with , :a. Fair Allowance hey will Rentodel ItOor-014 Coat to .'EVER*. COAT IS NEWSTYLE 1934 . • PAYS YOU TO COME AND SEE • ' 4.• • " Ill:IJji0 NIT 13.44TINFII. • • • - .„ , • • , 1711,11iSDAY 'JUNE'•294h, 1933 " fcgOSVIII ANNIVERSARY " 3., A ASIIFIELD PRCH. oeal & Gmertil ., ,,s.h,QQ:t.tal.ite.•11414,13.770,1.4y,syel,settniciinoe L.,0.,,O.Og;r4gatlea,a, .14.0..,Te: Than Ta Sea: Seat,- .. , . nu 'Cap city Of: 'Char hi To 'Hear : 1 • ' ' ' . • - ' - "" • l) • MaeGillivray 4 Brother of e . `STOlit'''' • ,.. . . ' -. • , . • ,' , , .th . Mrs. !Ti4n1:44; ArMatralqg at Blyth • jar:- Preaeili.'Paat*Y, '.' • visiting:with he nePliew • Mr.7F-.A. - -.... ..,, , • , : Nixon.' 1 . ' , ..• ..• • ' Thg Aahfield PrefibYterian '10linteli. ,gt., :.LOT.110(Ofti.tiPtt 'Of the .Pan?, of' Anni'lrel'.AarY '44rY!'cna '`o'xi '0.0,i444,r 0,t,•-' . g°ilt041 '.§t•f!ft: 0:"..13P94.0in0.,,i0§', toti:•••: ,t1•40t0d. 14Vg.c .c9P013 0400,4 -Pi' ' f)t.11,-: ..., •OaY4 atu--414: liOlne, 411 Praailit341:.; • :1"rnii,110 .#7,14 :gs',4111g', , *vir011-- ,/,TilmY: . , ' ,Miss. ,lniina- mit b fi' .12'. • • . • 'were linable to find' sift' .., „ , c e, . r.oin N1,414194: :„ r... -:. , • ••-.• :.--r: - . -.,,irkg, ocv:4-0-,-• , . .4.04. 144..,.,../‘-10461,0409.. 0,1t0}‘,eil -.. . _ ,44:13,..pillivnry:- '9.t.', Cidq1Pli, ,' i).rg.thr. •1:4i *i'4' 1110141,a'S.4114: #iith. b0-iiiiiieris; 'Mr: .."•;,,t1911" 11104,,,,•' .:11‘e:'"'Pur°14.' tit.' '4, j' ' • " .!..,.,r,M__74,,_h_i;P.,1,.,2Sire.,,r,;.ili,.1f,a,ncl.-.da'agh,..ter7:;i"t"....gr' Cat -'1).9iYr,±1,r'oTc/ncliglin:4•8/3141707 ' ., tbg'present'pastor,bought.' ' , :•1'!P1f 'Vera, ,14,P?Aq .104,Ving. On, ,$atur-,' j'entid impiesaion on • the la ' 'ud- " ' . W411. .0Pent, the suMnrier:' •• ' ' ' day f.,9, r p,r,Washi''Poertae.4:0,.. .,whereNvho,• they •I.k%egnees.,The'. c' hoir':' Olo:''tli,i,.'7O:c•:sien"'' . , . . • -..,„, „ : , .. r • f o?lls :st.•Ite 'beat i ••• the', * 'theme'''. ' ae. in. the leading .4 .the ,,servlee,' * • '.• Mrs..." RUSieli. ;Rob' ' . . ii ', • • " ' ' P... . .. ' . all , , . aa. • :3 lv,,,1700,104n ,Irrosaizot:707.!otro; .liaoopnerait.sioodo.i i . P .-Ptalae.-- Mrs : n ert.' Scat was. • rsoloiat at the anorning Oerviee and' ' "a•O'well.,-As' could he: ekfiect d• . ; " Mis's' 'Montgomery' 4.: RiPley in the t• ;.;4,.at..,,,THE; 4ARKET, no4E ....• ,, • .?•-veningt• .T..10... ''-inesSage in song wee : .'"vei•Y,' ',.$1,001,:- .i4i'reilase ., .y.ou. , ... a' 'hance. at the..100':1-6s. :of. Ong:nly,8:1C.,'.: 'fig1;0":stichtil•A3:1's;:spprgarti:Ce9isn7S'tA.:6dsA.,ser1;.:•h'Pht:ls,Afoi•sse,AT:i'tf.Asin.in:id'ittt.i:e.: W.""-'6*.*ALKERTON. ,CA2ST.',..' '.'1'.•.*.-"-''•', •: , "L•L 304 and MI'S; AiTcirCW• Allen and . v!11.2:•Itrh'raerlIg9fiCii;4 • • •44 1 '7'4411g TOILET' SOAP. e • 23e '16 PARS PEARL; SOAP • . • .1 • •• •••••,••;.,•.; 3,3g. 4 •CANS BEANs ' 41JART. BOTTLE! CATSUP • ' ' . 3. -LARGE SALMON . ' • ' • 4. '. .29c 2 LBS LAR0E sIzg:Pitu.r$0, „ • .4.c , . 3. Lins..coon„ING .• • ,.• • „. * „,.• _2c , 3 1.13S. DA1')ES- FANCY CAKES ^ ' • • •• • ' 15 ' ly.tftratxpIG: .'$tAiSoN'A.BtiK,* YJEGEYAPb.E.S ' SUPPLIES.;••FOR,';•.THE-110LID;Ak• "'•:-" a. ' prioes; Neirt• draw; jUnc-F-3(lth, , , • , . . . P.RESENTEDl4:61 'Herothy,,of ,01ifford and s- ; 0. rw41.01011,1,. suncta•IvOinady, .jf : , L • :, " „. • usiness ucation . With Op 'revival of .business . there abiltosp.:rOi;Ae:onliigic,,ileitynraintcd ftoordawyeloirra,pinalLd- ss Colle,,e (ariadf:• Wc o'i:13:ii.e4snili:e, tl,• u:C1n0,1 on persOnally. co4rae§, St.. Tore:Ito or Georg, Spot- 1 • ' ' vjthMr. an • Mrs.'W. 0 ' 1 et re On 4Davi4 Living- • • • • • o 'V iv;a1c-erzie .iits, .1.t3Arriloa 5mtopnrees,, attvexpleoreur :: ond 'Nissiehary.,), - „.C.Onn_,t9;%attractions and a warm .c. ' ' - •• . . • • ' - , - •;,• -•• ••''eXtent resp:onsible •for the-oonavdahat P :her on. SteWant;.;who 'had heel* 'ill. • As a reault Ihe,......-., congrogaticoris- ha.s: iniell • at,tendance at , the 'play "lVIY blegaed witli• 11 inig, ty spiri ua up- 4alt.' oa•FridaY Mght .'hY a Walker- - r_..........-........ • - •• .. - • „:. • 1 ft these three. services. • • heine:.from •a four; 'week's ,"yitii Liberal offeringa were ,putde et eaeli 'eveA•41g.' #Ar•A 110 ..ssi:•nneek.-: PH0NE-7 tpronte, where she has been with service. f _ • ' ' "Carit„Of Thank ' • . • • , Mrs. Ni•Vinsfand. family wish Ilx-prea's .,• 'sincere ',appreciation of the.'hindnesihand-syMpathy extended them by ..friends and. neikhbors ; at • the tiine their recent bereavemeat ' dTabio tar the many Barn' t.ria,13ntnn•• " " • . :''• ;4' of • , 1•Mr.;':Fisilik' ROARS: and. sister and iir:0,Aera. of late: Mrs.-JameS'Boyle :to 'enciiTeas their' sioloere;=.'appre- ciatiOn: of the kindness and •iyinpathy. neighbors during• the iHnes and: at •*1.1e.'111116' , ,/o n • to thQse :21Ya V:17 as their ir, Tiles 1 • trAton ; •ail •-:of appredated. •.• • CONCLUbES PASTORATE '• • ' • • •• • 1 • • - - • Th' ontin -atio' 07- 4chs's..1.,,tsrin is hee-' n-w'on-d-e-rt-s --en-couraged----- and, -1-1;th Prr-6, serlied.---qn----ihe'-'7", '''''.1)1t0-VESSIONA-BASEBALi ' , • ' ep or ose w o•ar "wri - • . • ton est. under t • he auspideS of St. Goderich having a' baseball • • ' h • • • . • • . • ' • • , . , •' • ing: examinations this. week 'An& next'. I 1.n ' ' Patrick's church Holyrood.' • teahleal:;astet5 as:p uerhsie.eio',D;;0710: Two' SisterS Di.e• ;Poli6TiiaradaY :"• , • 'The 1:aCtWOnl.'i•.••'''▪ '."-;•.,'''' • . , • . . • .• , 111111. • tation was 'well received with the Within .8 .Weeks the Black Sox; colored champions of Dr. Kenneth Thom. p's04.fi of c' hicaeo •• T " • •'• :acting of 'Mies. Delia T• • the '011ie •StetLeague,- and -Easter :••• ' Mrs. udlum, .of winnipeg visi.fea , • - :who as spent. the p year. Ri Mother Is Bereaved BY Death ,terne in ,the;.--`Clilcago.,.-9.!teOPan'.°,7"--WKI-Chifi,16170,rightln,oliir> , last wee . with . , Ot a der -of -the cas as, p d- -profession I---tearns in • ew- , ' T ' D hi rs=•;-Double hospital, Is a visitor here hia -1"- •Na d i L'd n 't r—roefmAllnbert ; 'Giesler, Frank •DatiOalnie ,state, Tkose ganies be handled • leading,:lady;:being outstanding. The Brands.±4 Buffalo one 04 the4:11! ; • • • • : : • • • Death ,eriteririg :the family clic Of Mrs. Thonnia MeR.rien, reO/dent-•:-eitRipley-'---tvv/ce---:nr"':th-re weeka, 'took from this elderly wide her tWo,...,claughteys and :her, onl Children; 41:' double . _ _ hi, 'Ripley On. Saturday fronuMrs.'Mc Brien'a ,residence 'with interment b0 jg ,Inade • in 'Ripley ceriskt,trys7,_Rey C. N. 'Mckenzie \ , noted the ser vices attended, by a la ge o o e•n on on • ospi a ' by professional urri ires Fir t L U. Carmicha 1 • Jer MU 1 ,. 4, • ... , n an , aug ter • There will be..no service. in-Chal-k. *;• L. e ' 7_,:: eA'. proPrani of 'athletic events. Admission • , 1_ . !C , . . a; iv if t• ....SLt I, ti a : t it h.. rm0 Yi, s. _,... spent .,' si l'. i et. i . ,.• *4 ei le, . 4 , ; en _,I' i4 d. , , 'withee , . i ' Presbyteriand'Otae'y.r,a,o',..x,;ng.t,p_theLari!nbivheuireht, 3,,,.7ncil ,r' vSinent; AIT4.4.1::e..._,'n'A_!....' i!:.7ZI.:':•i%I.t.i... MissK_ilipLa,t11:m.311ris;erlt0,eo•nlic:;•,11x_ilthie:re,.24v5eiji..t:„.7zv_itr44,_coricret;,.:7..__. LT...., : .., ..,. . 7.. e-, ticeeniiiiiii:iVon tiiiii7retur 7bir..M'rET in. Larlkside at '11 A.M. and.7.3.01,5.,M.;, '17tti'''' r;r, Miss Helen Vv..11e'' •Miss 'oi''! the S.91•14re'4'''.. ; • ' • -' ' : ' • '. ''.' •••;•:•'-', li W.. Todd.;.....whii ill : spend to ' weeks11 ' the R Wzi liatterS6 I Pauline :Sehnuir.' ' .ivi rf .1; ::• 'ti - • ' ' - • - - . -: . ..., . , . ,. „ . . : :,.. ..1,1 .,,spa .9 . n• when : e ,ev.... , 1., n .., o ,, „ , , , 4.r .,'St . tli ' y.' ., . ! ' .0." .,,'„, . .., ....--',".. • ' . ,Slueya.le-;,will ,,,,,preagh. ' - :-:••-':•• ".:„. . ' MullenWithAtt;-..•:" Nrr'''.-13lYtle. ceAtT-17 fUNCONs0T0H , 12 DAYS d'• ::whe', .Ffee .":1-."r:es's:' an:illo'he',:"cinn .o-I-rs..' Jelin; Le'T.,,,i:easttld.a..y,D.....iiroe*:-1.._,.' t ,..7,7-t31:6-6.•j:k.ii'.„-isii_."1.,' i'll):T.I.014_.t• ts'ede‘it'a.,0:ii..0.r.i::::vsa‘fo'boerte7vheeeiiiti.:0.,b,:t.,:f.'i' wtil-a,;:ii;g:,..-_i):'t,--,•,1•,.4':::.ti„,' . ' .7 -• :.. ."..,::•-- -r. A- FOR' R70.1'4411'.'"' liVated' by . truell.•in iftO .., inar,:; sad newo .0n, 1, e .Lan '4'btrii,ek. • BY, Truck' Waa - ,. . . . , • A nee • oll wed the P ar."-- it •.• •-. ; • , . • ' , en ing ten. daYs ego,,Ate, being:do.• kr. 'Wesley 'Leggett received the• ed 15 1.5 -. abaur -97913-Kines• ' nd••tbas -. "he"-ifehtli ef .his rnot er„ ...i. . Stillriineona-cinena•Tnenday -.. , .number•• • corieltisiiin . to • the.. entertaniment• : - • • ingitsL Ia.': Johnston, • three:yeareld •• sot: : • ''''',. - : ' "•-- ' ..,'" •;• a;;:. "---;--.-,• =,„ ', - ,. ., trienda. and relatives, • • , • • : , :-:•,00,thanY,.land','RiVersdale,„,:c ,„,‘„e ; Ali!, •"1•Rifili Tailor nf, the- ' 4,aienr, •:,:;igis. (1)r.). : meKnigh t.--;-,gks,..'iyie- • meicina!s• ,Drag. Stere :and 'rsidence • ••'-• _•:: ' : ' , ' . taken a , heart. attack early.•:TimsdaY .. ', • ' ' . ..- „,,.' . N' -.k T•E' '114,..k , ', ' ,.. ,. • '. . . ,,,,',' „___,•!-'• .,........,2„.,....,, , . Of .Mr ',and' Mrs. Edivarda Johnston • . ..- • • 'InOrning-Tand--wes0iiii::ai.ek4a few.- .‘,.. " •••*"..;14141:11""Wli/r1-1-f. :'...1.6•Yrn-'617eti4eliltrir4ftlA6Ii°w;''tvs ;art a'sldat-daught 14 di-d7rn Cad;-., received a • oat • of._• -p, nt-illia.,...,,we h ure7.7 e unetal.was held Thlits : ' ,f$•._4._.1__._ " still unconscious • in • the , ,,;: • -:-.''''• •AtkuiLliiinn Hth„:.,United...-Cluirch-•-•at. froni,,. ate , ma ady.,,:.4 r ,...r.,A.,..n -..?„.„..,,,va„L 14., and Mrs.. ' "%yea ,. A ' uniqaa'• Teeerd.• in local .soCial. London;', • ' . ..- ••,., . . : „, ..,.., ' - ''' -v".•'' ”" Tiitaies''•Rosid 'ileatiTExeier, Rev: '•;A:: McKnight, -,bcit,h.'fcirmer,'• reap:lents of. durmg ; the rodent . fire,. !n .,J,,,ohnston's. coll'unui•lity.:"rM ' '..",,,;,',2,11rillien.;.-OtTohermOrY "wall,;succeed• ,Ripley; have '. lived ... in. 1Vlichigan .; for, barher ahop.' -, ., : : , . . • . .. .. lit taatttt: NIVirr:"aGnodrdm.7a. Ah,.. .c ;and ,:minn; f,e114::: !Vents W, as"estahlislied.,on,,..the.,Ofceas-.. ...• Larry we,Struelcdown bya ,truejd '•.• .•.'„, •••'''-','• 110. '.,-TilYlor'; ': 'tad,. '..-Will • ,be„..indneted: -.; sOtre twenty yearg. .. , , , .f, ,the .20th ., anniversary otbe: nr... London, two weeks E,wo, . today„an . '•Eridar'''e-Yeaii4g*, '';•-'• '' if.' - ' . '• f '•• It wan „Ldni.ine • Krn.. At.*91;riii'.ghlt.;;:', . A7r.''.14:;D•,.''''.M.aCKenzie. is on ii'' IWO; Mr; Hector McKay. and Mr. John Gil.' •marriage - of Ur. ' and ' Mrs. Elliott :After .serviirt for, 'a lehgthy period ii , - . : . , ,..., "readsubscribers an :li morn- Leggett of Drayton, ancf,.a .,.f-ornr. on, vvhich proVided: an 'enjoyable ••• • „ ' • '• • , • ' • . • : • ' oihad.sTeTtidd _h. _1,,,.ii,:htt:L•k•.:•oth•• .14, 0. e who ” i;•••• 1 D. •ff-,-diseolgred by-- stnoke an „ • attended. irdin • tii*ia: . h • Anniversary,• .• ni. 41 ,weeles . visit 'in. ,Chipago, where be plans On,'ettencling, .the World's 'Fair.: Leaving here the 'first of the week for lAtroit., ;from there 411e.-iliade the trip to Chicago by,,airoplane. • •the Cana i Ottawa ra cis daring die llness, that her mother. and sister ,w•wiatrh. the 38th innofbaliiiticiyed Battalion, •• 9f hMeiis3, aEndliztabtertell silifse'tne:_r cienyhtpilteociii. e dv isi , which' ' was padre", • R,malignant ai1meht, tireorm6iwder and Pis- devoted 15 r si • •tegred.for missiOTTA-9 t Chinii away, service abroad, "7- - ffe n -and' from which attendo- d • they were sent • to 4 g h icians knew she could n an t of- his health it' P Ya mains ,n,f mit, •-Mc, --8eritnia 'im1)4"men r to Can, recoVer. made necessary their n The . re r; • •• Knight. were placed in , and - Then:, sorne. three' weeks"lafer the _tenth .of the •younger sister occurred cth bodies were then. brought. to ip1eyfOr,...butial. taiing ..ihe."• 'pa' St year as7lecietar , .01 ;the • Brute .Presbytery-,,, Rev. 'Rug): *Taylor, .in his .contacts with '. hers- al* the , competent manner' ii „ which ho. discharged' the- •duties • tit . • the, office, gave: mos(aCcentable -ser- vice. and he be pinch. niiased : plonk clerieli, and .: " Very- 'freimentlY -Rev. and Mrs • Taylor were. heard. in. Missionary ad- dresses:. the latter. .before, gather,inge :of "the W. X.O. TheY leaTie 'the Pres-. ••, hYtery With sincere • best wishes. "CA110•• CoL,LIDE . • Cars driven ',by' Rev. P. X Colgu- ..,hpiin and D. S; Etrington, collided at the 'Gough St intersection , on Havelock St; on Saturday afteineon. -Neither Cats suffered 'ektensiVe dam- ages and passengers escaped an - Jury. ponstable • Moore infiestigated • ..the accidenVand advised beth parties •• to, iepair tbeir .own damages. • ' • ' ' .4, Awe. • ••••1' ' , - ingts Store News CONCERNING SMART • iorg4k4.4ss • ..... ". FOR WOME14- • • „. . • ' •, • hrings-' na44 ".""aliffinferits ortfig"Tatestiii•- ';',tion'fipm ,the'large ;Fashion , , • centres. IiiiLzES-•,-lieautifid'. and ' COOI Sheer Lingerie--"-NeW Gloves,. --,Sunartier •Drefiii KaYs0 t.:riape•-+ .Stockings. 'The Coolest klOundation Garnients and. ainch 44hela. Sumiiter, Merchandioe. , • ., • OtYlea stre aiithotative' the Beet ' Plaices, Values." Considered -,:arg ,fhyorab)y' moderate FRIDAY: DRESS;SALE--a • ' For -114y 1.:3Cante early a • • group 'af short, Celanese and, SIJk Dressek for t40, half Size figure or Misses ; •Sine,'Ote0 WIgite; IVIattire and etc,. Otit • they; go,. teat 4$1.A9 , 14:41.1ir.•/4 Miss •Emma Knight Kincardine vent the Tweek-end with "hr cousin, Nits. Robert Munn. • 'sMie, Gertrude Hreekenbridge,tR.N. is very ill at ,tlig-home,of her Mother, vrraT„, T7Ohn ..Breckenbriclge, the village. •• 1' 'T., • JOh'n Dick *and Mrs. Poniton, London, -.are visiting Ripleyfrierids -Clark's'United; Chureh held • their. itunial; 'Garden Party on, the 'eveninf. Tiiesday,. June 27th. "A good pro- - was presented With Rev; G.. Waldron, pester, acting as chairman. 'A large. Crowd : was. in :attendance • from Pipe ,Kincardine, Bervie .Kinhiss. • ' . . I • ' ' • :McLay McLeod , . On Wednesday;Morning,' June 21st lt , Rnex :Presbyterian nianae, fi• n Tuesday, 'aft & twelve 'day, still. •,' lespie Sr. The •community extend SanoY, 12th •con. of Ashficld, when remained 'Unconscious; with Con- • ' • , • , • .their sYmpathie;to the bereaVed rela- 150 ;invited. guests assembled' in the dition 'unchanged; although hopes are • •• , •Tiall at Paraniount, on•tlie• evening of hel/1 :for. his'. reCovery, • : .FrAncii NVile6n AViiighain June. 23rd. The hall VFas , beautifully - and IJ and ili-i: :Scott ' Of 13y 'Cit3i., AeCOTAtesi ''R4',i4i" ildnaers for the'.'0.-. ' :'::ASRPIEL-D.IRUlT:•,, • mr., 'and Mio. Ritchie • of Acton ' Mich, and •Miee'llihna ' ' h W1son,' cesion ancin was indulged in om ; : z s . , spent . r,.') g., fr . ,. The ;Zion Sunday 'School picnic Will '. ' • were Viieek.•;end: visitors At the. home,' the week -end with their brother, Mr., 9.30 to. 1:2 o'clock, when Nr,' and Mrs he held at Devil's Elbow on Siiturda• : •- of Mrs: James • and : Mrs. ,Charles and illre.• . ' Wi,le° • • • . • • ' • .' • • • • • • A lunch, to ... : - Jas • • n - f'. ' ' : ..• . Sancl3r served. a bountif i- next July-' ist' , : : 4-:•' ' : .' Y -Ritchie; • Ashfield., They mere a'ecini,.•,. :lb, all . 'which '• Mr. jiihn McIntosh' Opoke,:e Services --Services 11 A.M -' Mrs• .1 lin.. Reid. f Auburn . .ample a • 'ee' after libiect next Sunday-T11E DESERT ,": • • :lianied.:•by -Mr. awl; 1V/i.s. koOdy ,a'nd Mr' 'Ana. l'.4'.s.. 41arrY'''''Ii16-hbArm ' .A!' .3. F.X.;.. Makes', .7.30 .P.M.'14;ie'lc6t.t..'s... ':-.' '' • '. Mrs. Tloonias " ;Watson W t • CAderi° and 26. : "4: Mrs* Who . visited, with friends in town. flhIi'fl' arid babY. of .St.• Relens spenf , • , Siniday with , Mr, and Mrs. !David , Mr. Landsborough Tuckersinith Kennedy few.,suitable, words end asked all to oin in singing, For they are jolly 066d:fellows. Dancing was then re 4uirned ,untir,3 whiCli -Was en- IJUt was,. a .recent viOtor •tbe: home Of Mr, ',And • Mrs. .Tames .:McIntosh loyed bY.'all. A' noteable feature•of ' • ' •Mia.- and 'Mrs. s. A., Carnoehari.: i)eirit Sande With .Mr: and Mrs. Wes the . occasion 'Wag .the large. ntibib.pr ckiriloss co' unoif met. on June i9tb ' , • • . • . • • • . • . „. • „...• • was an old seltoolmate: of Mr. G. S.; Leggatt, ; l'• •?f cootly giftS' pansisted , 44 33; ai. per: adjournment. , • .; • . : • k. . • ' . • . • •, • ,, . , I rtsort t ' • ' 4h* "d s lve • Ro • of to n and rt was he Successfu anmversary• services . ma an r. • Elliott -McDougall. That' the min - these twO boyhood „chums have had on Sunday, When. lieV. G. -M. Dunn last Friday. ' 'Court of Revision' on AOliessment • . . . 4?.*st time in niTi sv.ei•itk .ienri :that were "held in the: prea,yterinn church 1,-.7..,,_51_red....31artin_viiited--At-Ciiiitt• in -.1to-k- Of:lait-'regtilar' .ineeting and an, opportunity of. Meeting, • ' • ••• . of •,.near :Toronto; :preached Very' ip4 A 'flptilber 'from 'here attended • the Roil. he confirmed and •, signed .by 'the ' • '' I : ' -, ' ; ' ' '' - : ' . ' '. seiring sermons ' to :large. •Congrega- Tleistein.,13reeders' •Pieriic ' and Field Reeve. '. • • • RAM-j•-•,pfiodifa : tions " in attendance, in, spite of '.the pay. at ,Mr • L• P.. keia's 'e #eeli. ago • i ElliottLacKenzie. That ' we aceeni .: . •• • ., . • • • , warmth of ' the ,WeAt . The choir NI . R. H niilte was successful' ,,be petitions • of Albert Cook and , The 4ollovt.thigla. the •prOgrititi .to be . , rendgred, snecial: music 'Which was en,' winnix* a .hok- ;Of c*ara , in.: pitchin, . -afters tor 'Drainage . Work ,••on _tots 1' " joyed. by all: Rev: Dunn, met many of herseshoes. Mr.' John 'Macintosh .als0 TT .411 75-'76-17'7-78.-•79, and. the. petition , • given by the -Citizens' Banil'en. Wed-, • nesday evening, July '5th.'Those 4e-- 14d:tons marked * will be PiraYed at the waterloo Festival. ' ' March -,."Down 'th • line" - by •W. S. Sheppard: , -7, • *Opening. Min•cii-"Bonnie ' :J3rier Bush" ---arranged by, John' Slatter, • • c t , g . , „ *Testi PleCe-"Novelty Overture"-, . . . The prow am'cons ed of , ounnuni .v dans and epeciAtawo,ns are cornplet- his old friends, he haVing been a .brought a thilk pail home .. "le forwarded .t4i), the " Engineer for • • - ••••• former .; Minister: Rev.. John Pollock 4'he JOT.le Meeting of , ixamination and report „ .. • exchanged •pulpits with Rev; Dann:on and ;Paramount 'Elliott:4/6gs. That ' we insure, the •, '„ this ;occasion .• held at the home 0 , • m owns ip Roads for a year en, nig Mr. Wilfred JaCones left, las.t week .ster, AshOield4, Mrs.'.Wchstet 9Pencd '7nne 28th 1934; nrith the Cotiselida- r,or. Sudbury, where- he...received a pe- the meeting ,after w, ra., al •ed Eire anti Casualty . . iition, , ; " 11T6Kinnon (4th 'con.) took the Chair: Mcbeii all-1VIcKenzie. That Whe.64.- Tinghea, • ,, 'WILKIE 'COSTS OWEN Singifig; Catherine Odnlpbell, reading; the -Clerk 'advertise for Itenders P • P Ripley, with' tile,: Rev,. M."•liaanalf ' Concert Waltz-"Ro"se ' • SOUND $5•17,50' YEARLY chPil'a 1)3'' the 4tb lad's; weriq .or. the "construction• of .a bridge 'on' , . officiating; 'the marriage took 'place by A. Nir. • . eventg bsr Mary,. McLeod; a Solo, • by the South line, over the S. Extoki-, of McLeod,, >only daughter , of Serenaderond Heart&' -by F Lity Councul uestions Rght To yip Mrs: .A Ackert, a reading by Eliza- 3joii Drain Tenders to b • • opened t . /11r.: and the late Mrs, Donald I.eod of Ripley' to 'Allan. I&LaYi 'sfin Galop:"Helter Skelter ever 14•C`:" °' Rathbun'. 'IVIklateKeMnaziev;C,r1Virsa.' Asonldoeroby I(athlecn on 'rlei):11.ion'tit-;•eeMtinCI)g.ou''gall..‘That'' the Reeve; of Mrs., I ,Mctety of RipleY. F011o*--Stoliee-by ,F,aust. • , • • ' Melville, vtrilie• 01 Owen' Sound , ., . . ,Wil•Fi--6144---A7Mr-hildeirOOnWlitini ' Hirca-iel;=-"Ti:Old'Allaik .7,To e and• Maas's' in ' Valkeitoti • Of: the .linirder,of his ainpang. . Avote oli,filio,h7rhilostiwnags,,t,inclez:dd` int..0.88_,Ivia •••Tc' e'r. z.ie., ,th.fti•• ,•,,,v,' •,•d' 0. ,?3,.)v.o..,,- .., . .41.0„. ,.,-.14L.,'• ,•., •i„...•,' Alio h-tit9.1.1.,;. Itar.on. township. „ , ,in the *CI Ofild Ground" -by rtaYei• Wife: bet. inaalla" 'Mil Oest",the. •elt!: h46; 1.tilitig,'-linil.gsi.eisht': 'll,ational Anthem.; A adj.00rtr 'to.. fue:et 'again On. konda"yr-•-: • .• ' • •-•''''' . , • • . 4 ' , . • ' • ' . Test Piece , repeated. ' . • • . of .0wen • sonad,„'ag an inmate' a HORSE •RH.N. AWItir ''.; ' - ' l'..' ''' • i..riter'ilalliY "i•l'ar- Old' rierriiett",' " . I. ' 51;, fl, 'yeai;;,- .. ' ' , ' .." ' IC.,(5AllY't."6"dsWtAhei4:11radt.htlueee•tli.e:e:a.•lb.irjayL71.4e0111:11sn'st,'jcnsins:bile: Mw.i'le...•• a‘thelee'ohtl.e.n.ltlen' ''"1.s.s::..°;1''e'.,c6tei.iniessi.o.lirii.e. B$;',44:16.s0' cloo': ::.:, ' . . , .• , . . . Concert . Dreani - Waltz - I B iss Ontario Hos ital $150 a da or •• • • - - • • 6 24th day •of July. 1933. ,• FitIGIITENED. BY ' MOtOUCTC4F . .n, '....,‘R' 'I 'ton" -ki arranged ' AI, 'f 6 ii 1- ge: if ' oi 'bIe• Sel'Ye ' ' • • . • , , . • • . • . . , Ymn • irrim ng .., e,• ci y c u ci • ur , p. si . , _ . • ' address •Inolith organ, selection •••liY incl., Clerk IsSue 'ot:ders forVtirrYnient," ing a'wedding trip'the liaPPY cOuPle, : Ititertal 4adged,402Lty• ...1" -a7 -RT (11.0t9li'--"--andr;communiti' Of-allgateountra•-•p'ass-eir,"4"Figii* • •• • for Band hy. John Hayivorth, ' that the: tage be reoperied and queS-, .bum.igNo• GROts, 4 $59.00; D. Carruthers, Commis. Frightened by the.noise of a paosL. *March ..PaSt-"Canadjan' Piitriota", finn.,the Possibility, of entql'Ing an , PROPERTY SECURED Fee, S. 0. ektensiek, $12.60;•:' , • . , , • • . . . • . JOnea; 'St Monteith, Instr • B C. ext'en,- ng istorc'yele,"." a 'tiroise driven; 6it 141i4.‘ .j:Iy.', A, •W'‘,..}ItiglieS;" 4 ',. • .' ' • ,: '.:* ' 4 tippOkr iii41,11.St .916 ;.Alicofpt - i.?!', :0,6 ,•• :.- ., . • ...,...:‘,.,, , ,,.... . tr0„11'st'iti„.Aiii . ,..,14.61.6t. '61.10118, ''S,."7g .Prebi61, , godOlbsori ,. A ' Rini3Ongirl" '''.•' • GOd Sayeliie':I.Cing"' , .; jury 'tesiiiting....,in,46 *deelated, ii),tir,- „...:.„,.,„,,....„,,, 50.6040,,utt,.014 aria taiiiiit. iho, bilooy: ; .. :,.. ,. ,:, ..,,„,, „:„...,, , ,... ,d6i.e.4 •libto •cotifilida to an- iffisatio• The offer Made.; by' theV \linage. Johinitoil....• EatetgalloWanc'ea : R.,..0; . into eke' dutch, broke lei>ge end'. ton . ''. • "dizoli'-g A'1.1}•,:, ,s'---ttpti' tit,' mor •*.''`, asylnin;• The :.matio.hog..bbeii: tefi'. 0"415,41 '61' 'tile:. :•.b. N411, At dt)ettP,-.10 •T.ilxt;, $66.00; . •Xtihn *A... Paee, '1.064'1:: •• : : away. In the,aeicient.the;dtle,r4Vvis '. , ,-- ,-..,,', '.. .. ' ,..., :.." !crifei. tietaling .iiiiiiitte.s .hii this. tIti.. tii-6 '1'10,6. end ni: .FIavelock- St:/hai :In.Pretniain, ''$11.Mb.;,...1.1. 'jt'i Lane, ' • ' .." • throWn out of the buggy against the . 4 0.; 4.. k44 ' , been accepted ThiS • +TrOperti Cen- postage and 'teloPlicitie $3 00 • • a prolonged -dry. spell •-witn the cit as to Wnat ,ttezion, ix any, an he, , • I, • , • • • , •. bank aint:tila leg rii.ihred. The' bfiggY :flier. ci•tv' • gorinc,.- ...to biol. fovola is taken • . • - . '' • - ' taining... aOnie .thteeLOr.."-foilit'.acteo_liet_.-IligloveY2:-.-0,hetines:44NI:7-414Wir, 1317, --'''.• ''''-';'''' 'a;•; ''. wag, badly : datnaged: u TwO,', V.,,era,p,n1- ...' `. , .v: .-.,, • .7: ..:: ,•,.... ,,, ,,,„,...,7,•,..'' . ., r • ,', , ' ' „ ,, . ' '-,.I^ . ;.., 1. ' .. ' ' • , , tibil Ch. .•bt • 016 ' Titodii417' 011 tanka and 43; $1.45.35•4.' Ittissdl'.'Oatint" P L 4•1 '' • " '.4.6,4,if`•41iti'.:WAY ''liAii••,t' 'atA1)11..,,i'Ag':.'' ' - :with a • c`ohtinititie'd tit -anth. Weather 'On' TitOgAair, '.11.itie glithi to 'Mr... and Igk'tnitta '.• • • '.-' ' .' ..- A.',h1013thlo:T,L, 46, S2.10; 'Met Me- ' '' ' . .: .-.1.he ..tnignop'. 6.0.dlArtetton. •'-.Lue4ua.y :•.,, ' • !'• .• ; 4, ' — ' ' • • "art61116611,. iiliOtt,t,thtline 6 .partidit- . ...).s •., , ., )t: . ....• .. - • • ;.• • it.,..' '8..liii.isii21,'.°Ah'ilrelii.,, • °.a. 11:1' 11.1,.11ilitel!--• 't,i' oltiiif.:*;11:61.P1,itt'611.4till;:Aili8.!::ittili:::ot 48, $L595, "1,'1.41•18ii11246:iill.':•,1%1E: 6.64. 1. "..,.,....•,.., ...,, . . a tnough it la- atiitable lhay' Weather; '' Itirly. noisy; . Itiotorcsrele visite.4,',"tho. ;„.: t1.1 r!Ity: Inxe,Attio,r; .hai- .11g11,tetied••, ,,A.g„: --: :--, • . ' , - '..`'. .; . :, . .,. -, ' '.. oottle,11.tiitt 4100014' 0:4,,stilis•- 40ilijk, ..41.61')i, :I): L-.64,4•60•0;:-.4."''''''''"-'-'1""' Vintfriei-.4,4.43.,Oliviii....-0iO4tiiiii,i4r-4 4 ' .e!".-414.-' '.'•41 -*94"1°-•°-j1.:: .-Pj21.4t1L6'4. 'CL:liMii.k4 " *.iii '.441=4.-"•.4.1iil.441.44titFiet046iii341 'liVi ..**177.1174141Vrib77151'd Ftt4 • etititin0-.--tnuli-Olideltr, or fartnera • .„ • , • „ , , -Vete' riding the Cycle, Width i410 e06=.0" daTmigo to .,cr'PlS' thelownahili* Of kinkag wilt be Peecl „as the villOge danlPing $47.80i .Eeinpton:, P,L.; 45; $17:,25 . • • -' gut ,z441 (MVP' HodgkIrie6re,e, horse viiieh ...3;,„ alaraiag threittoraitt 1,,A;triel an /Or; ,i6 Air. and Vat,e property and as well, will proVe 52? $49 2.; 0" Yeo Aq has always been it 'veil quiet be-itsi 3torol •;ga„ve prernise shoW6rg., but 0_ ,rci :track,et, 14011 ,,-.;Taniek eatlitional'aif'eg'utitd tilo the t4.,' eilith' • , 06.20;Miss S, Ptirvis; FA.4. 54, !;d.: overt, . • , . et the %conininnity. ' * ' • ' it, tat, Chester • „ --4,...-.444.,7'.....,.. — ......40......,....11.44.A.4.* .....,..... ....-.,‘,..3...........,44,.......,....4,,,,V., . Vv.....40.V.I.../.4,401...,Y.,..c..-- .v. ... „.ar -,- ... ...........“.. .4.1:V.V4VNilf,, VL.VVv401 1,....11 .4,,#,7/44,,1. ..1...44.4.,— I.t—;_,ykV,.i_kj.S,,r...,,,,....,.,IAJ..y.,a.,„....g..Lt.v .8.4.6,4,. .,,.444,.4,,4.44,4.4", v • ...3 .4.4.4 4,..-4444, `S .....vvv....V.VVvv,....!...,..-4..,..•!... ....'4,4......V., ,-vvVv,v.v.v.....0..........V.,,,,.µ......4...........v-IV,4 4,-,—A1.4-4. 44 " 1 1,14 r,r ', ':','• 7/4 ' 4', ' , .1. ' ..: '''. . ! ''' .., ' ., , V • . ..., ,,. , ., . . . . 9'4.., v '.. i , • • .... ,.. , V '' . ''' ' '' ' . '''' :* ''''' ''''''' "L'3'.. '' ''''' : '''''' 1 • :'•:. ..‘ i '.I ' ' ' ' ' '''''''''''''l V''''r — •.*• li'7"4;12,4P'",,o''''r,t'AP'Z'"qt.•4: • ' "'''"'-'44.4,'"'• 1 •,-"• -4••'.' ' 4..• ' • iH,*-* ',',*4•'4, - •••••'-,• ' .4 r- ,,,,, ,..,,, , ,. - , , ,...., -. .t ,... , ",,',5,0, !,,,i'..... ke ..,,,,*,,rx0;80.-',V41904.'.."4440;.6.,4. ...44,—T.,,,4,..,;., ...,,,- 4.4,4 -.4 444.3,4,..../..-.4,•;,,,,,„ s ... •,...., ;•,. .,,,... .....„ ., . ,, ..,, „. ... ., , . • .„.. ., . , . . . . . .. . , • , , . . , „ , , ...„„ , • , • ' '' ' ' V ' • ' T,.. • ' 1 , ' P ‘' p p , . ' AP, • .: . ' -404;legli.' a , ,.or.. : ....''. .' .,.., .. .r, ,..., ,...,..., , . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. t ,.,f,,,..„. • V. ....... . • ' ,'.2.: 'Stt: )....,.,',L . .. .,...t.tr,.:4- ir .', -.,.." . : .''',::4.1.t,t . ' ', 4 4 , -...1,..„, „. . - •,..„„...,, -, , , . v..... .,414.:••• ..„. , •.-1,,,,,?....,-.., -sii•.:,,,u1-.1,.-.. rt,,,1••••, , -. ' , .• ,.....,....,,......„.„.......,, ,-,i' . • . • • , . •...04N41,1K.44, • • I ,