The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-06-22, Page 3-t • • PY11,41kM.M9RGAN: 'WOM.4..0.*, P44.) 1. !n, •Haln-nP'. , Try Fl.alsio4 ..For PlRVOP,- • 'And 1:41S.104. fAtinite • ftS, • a'. menus. l9ward.7,0,911o1113." ai •ya_ . rieiy•yetally-preuds TbeY tn-.1480-:-).Vecatnia tit' ,treAnire 'ti9.,preltmittery, SOahinq'.0..s.( ..•:inOst;-of tive ptltet.dried. fttllt§i •,":1 eNCellqut seUree. of natural mtgs. the SWeetneSs Or ruiSins deereases.11 •' ',amount 'of •satink: usually: 011114d for,' rip, ways, iticreMilng the, Palatsibilit • , P •• dishes. a.40, ,fai;.a!shia . • iroa hig.k eg.i.e,e: Theiv calori , " , lm...ting almost 100 catofies: 'per ' onn'ee, is ri$ mJoranL .0aeotirti; • OP. ef raisins' •oupeeS• and, •supPlies caioriP . of -4) -re and.:88 of CarbolikkateS, ••• ". ..Most, Of pa Use . , and, cake mixtures,' but Op; 7y04, knOw. ; • that h5 boiled beetagain'.interest :and provide' extra nciurisilment. if Served Witlt a sauCeto which 1.4f.sine . haye iee SAded? • Tbe Small seediess,rais- ins are (lelicloti's in. either aienion4or .an. orangesance. • ; • , .• • flamor . ..•irainhurg 'Steak', is:. •greatly imprOVed by the. additien of a. few ,rarsins. Chop raisins IlnelY and eat:, AlfirOngh the , protein c'otitent..Of raisins ..ts vastly , • ,lo,wer than that,ofliecf, their..iron,con,• ' tent compares faverahlY and they are • inexensiie atti highly nutHC1o,u.• Other Meats :beside 'beet are made mare apietiziag if eernbined-*Itlijais:;- 'ine.•••• Raisin sauce with- barn. is, trri,4 'ditonal, but...See/N(1,0r seedless•raieins, • .can be 'sprinkled oVer.:the ba.ni while •, .baking, with 'excellent • effect. 1 -tot boiled teligue'vvith raisin: sau•ce, baked' _stuffed' heart • with': •,r,al'ain ',sauce, and . braised 'beef liver With • raisiir.:Sauc.e: 6,re"iiiexPensive and • v,;or.th-whlie Meat, ' dis,hes,„1,liat-oWe-rnitch"-ortheir it to 'the sth. »• • •". Tad -dings ' • become the.gteaps okadding iron to • . tlie diet when ralsinsare .included In f',•their ecinipoSitiOn.• ' , • ..•• The• nexttime you serire'.riee .place Of potatoes:, try :the, 1,61161i -big sauce:. • ' • • •' •• • Raisin • • • • • , c,up „1/2 'cup, seeded' -and- steanied • , Wash raisitrs.and steam. until plural). • • :Add cheese .t.o hot white. sauce:and, • when niel•ted ,add raisins hot 'Water .if net ,served.at Ofle :• • , • • •, • Ham •Aslitual• . .O. god;" old favorite and. Ate, . nicely into the Menu at ,this tine of • year.: Eiiit'dori't b content with fried ' .•,•'.!liam 'and'. hoped ha, , Tif•o1h9r,sav: dishes :With tl.tis, as' •the..maiti In- gredierit., ''IticidentallY,Y.Yon'Wlil• "be ,..•,siti•Prbled at:the result 'when .adith of ' "8810148 addeil.to.'acteritt,tate the .,:fluVer, of thiS flayprout food,. • • • • •.• ' • Hari'', Molitte; ::: • • 4 •Ivo% tomPtiitofe .aottenetl., • oreenv,with butterl Itemoye •tho, eru.§t frOM a SMall loat. of fresh bread and cut breed into k.41,4lices. Wrap tight.: • ly k 119,flipetio, clotb to moisten,. . Let stand 'for an111 hOur ,4 Spreml.. each' Allee 8Wlth..Cieoined cheese and. butter ihig- 'tnre.44d,roli 4p, Pasteu each; rP11 With' ,Qoyer with a dampeipth aci let stand in.d cold plaee imtil the, butter hatbardened sp'that the bread will not tinyfill w1iei toothpjkla. re: •e „1oyed,j1efore Seriing, .' • r • • ' SaveilEiaeert Fat Iiere'areOny little ways of 'get ling, Allthe ltiab1e parts. •of.• food --y-1ten" it, , being cookecl.',careful at- tention. t•o• 'which will intime cut grip• , eery, and Meat bills. . Bacon fat, ir properly cooked, Is 'good: to •use " for browning 'fodds; for. :seasoning and for •adding' flaVor,tti. soups end stews... Nithen ebohing bacon, .Pour off the at as soon: as it melts,' With , every pound of bacon you 'will • find nearly!a .enp or rat,: , • ; , ' The Best of a Stranible.; • • FeW,PeOP10 imake the .beit of scram, bled, :eggs,- and that dialrean be, very delicious indeed; al1,0. broken :eggs can used tip tliis'.way: . , .Scranibled eggs are made more notir••• , ishing and more savoury still by the adclitiOn of some grated cheese. Or a _skinned....and...thinlyaliced-t.ernatOLtnar be. scrahibled With tbthh, or..some Wor- • caster. ortomato sauce :added . Other. -3ust before serving. or while the eggs' .are•behigicrambled. A little:pardley is also an improveMent:• • , • _ • Eggs .prtnierly scrambled should •be lay $ciiogi e..S$011 • , .g3; i:!!•clen Te.4,t1rIP 4toly .4efsen' os.tina4101)1.;,.., : stroilfe ,and ileett 'COUrage; f9r 4abovah-- tbY.: GPO, I 41`,•101, thee •,whithereoever fieeetp4t4PS.h. 1.9: 71 • 1. J0SH'Uk'S CO IXQI; Joh. ThP'liQbk°,oriros1,444. Wc.„1?eg1,n wit leSSou,••that. tgke4 411.,-en,tire-"goo. gt: t he the: sixthi opmpleti4 what le, ..44.11ed the 110c4..te40et Si )oOtcs, 'It ee'll),PrOe4. the•b#y. • heroic jr(.). 4141/4 .W•lio Wa§:'cr4,14C,W't take up,' tbo: rwilork Of 'the EgreAet.. the* 014 Te..$tatient legtlersieigO5ost.:4O ,**Titi; 1arge.4 n'199W .o sticceSs. " ''Now it g 4113e to pass after th kileatlr, of lgases"-' the sekvant,- off J lioy,ahe'• The. great the, `11.4fi die th the :.10c.r4'of was ottt ,,..T.O.or4.11.,, so. thitt'..n,) On • knew-hia grave. The ISilrelites Melon ed.,,for. hint throagb-thirty.days, 419401441.sP9117Fgato. Jos...M*111e son Nun* Moses .min„ister."- Not the ser vant ,of Mises: in a :pier4o1 sense, hp thc deikuty•Hef MOS4i la Prime 'min iSter, 2,,1'.11/1eSea. Servat is, 'dead.; PoW thereftire'ariSe/ ...The .f al , a ,gie.A. a surinnOnS.' le4tierShip; Elisha must fellow Ellj.oht Tinfofhy ansci•,Luke and iSla,rie 'tt.nd. a Multitude ef ethers. • to . carry on Ii Work. (Joth; 24:: 29). :"Clo•over,this.jordall, then,- and •eli. this peoplc,... Tinte 'the. Oento - 'the: •ebiltitoo of 'Isr'ael," Tha',..'Wat the hopeand tonfidence bidden , in the 1191:1L :The land to the ..wett,fo.f .the. Joi:dan was ,God's 'gift. to the Israel - therefore God Wapld?ingke'4 way for them:to , The whole land of ,•Cartairrstwas;;Tarael'a7by•'deed of gift But thetigh (this Was, so,: each. SqUare Ripe et, it: had :to be claimed from :the hand: Of. the peoples that_lpeSSeesed.ii.' . The citids were theirs: Lipt they ipt/St entef-,• then% the houses Which 'they 1140 not built *ere theirs, :bat they miiit inhabit thein;,, the seettifieldls . in •crea,MY and net„tOo dry, Rertuive them.. th,e rich .vales, and . the :vineyards, on froth the heat before any.tiitpicioa of the •terracedHelotjas ,i,vet* theirs,' but drY-nesi-cieenis. ,4,•-little-li-triterfabbed they Must. ,poSses.t.,,them. •• • •• ‘•• round. the :saiicepan ..'beferegand,•'..as "Every place that. the sole your -well•-•arthepiece-addetrtor,;ceolciliT foot -shall -tread upon, youThaste. purptseg will .1i1,9vent the egg 'froin given Here i a. 'great promise with, a',Sharp :,'Evety'plaCe etiebing to the sauc.epan and make the yoursut .•evoy ,prape: opiy, as ..y00 Cleaning of it afterWarda ' ni ler Matter,. . ' • ',tread _Upon occapy,,tuhd4!e., ses . ' • •••• '• • - •• . • • . • House old Hants • : 4. irli.Pron the 2%;!..ritd4.:nesa,” The des- -Milk not •burn ' If the Saucepan ert Of' Arabia,- in' which the .were 'encamped lying te,the'sonth: Of' is rinsed in, cold 'water before ' Mountain. region 'to the north,,-,IO'be:Sebilfrouri•-all Parts of Palestine, .unto .the' great .river, the river `"Eupliiiites.''' So • great that it was Called. !",the.,Itiver,•."...• the land of .the -Tha Hit- tite .erripireAtty 'to the .nor.th Of Sria,, but ,Gatition: ,was Subetclitiate• to it. •"And :' unto the,: great sea 'ti':)ard.' the, .goirig :.doWn • ef... the The Medi, terrantan on, the , "Shall . ;Ib'141)74:4;;;uA..-'s..sill•El'14/• c.44. . • • riernise..-Joshua. hatt a. Vast lie was.hed: out With' a telution of •ti?a,..,iso9;:ecl04,veghiVienrirliaistritabidys''..Grooidd;.:01iiitiitt., and: viangli- " . that". 'Work.: 'iThe first aid :that . God • 0 •tlittolored bone handieS will. gave Joshna. was a magnifieent preni,1: uickly regain their uatural:•Whitenets.,Ise. • • , " cloth', dipped in a .6. :''There Shall not.an.Y man be'able. • ,.• •4. PV;de-reading .shotild practi havera seek results. oFpp t Oleo, 844 -toke, thy w4y Pre,SPereeS.. ffg.4"tZ%.T WILL14114 . • the • 44 then. thett; 0.4M. }Ave .g0,911:- ,geAs,!" The'. WOrd.."4 Pceess''' oceprs. only • ' Ohcain the King Jamet verSion'"of Rible,,'"and t1;ien it it qualified' ,h,,y 41.ieetiVe •.'igo'cicl:'; . , , 4 - 9. 413n-Tstronraff• ....cr,WWW. c011-Ol4.9.; .bo-zot affrighted,. peith4 be thou, ,dis-• Ma3r9d.'!' ,"1,9t 119t thy heart be,trenht, ed' christ convogf;Ase 'n4; • . . .• • Ijf,, .1'0afiljea. X.,1c9'.§, JOsh, . . • . 24.•::. .03 . • • • . , :The Obarg'e "0- the 'Peop.e, bgh, I: 1.948.„ rt:As pet7p,,04gli for ..fos111414:1 'receive. .the divine commands, accent- •Pa.l1i9d..11y: tha divine 'epeohregetnent:' ...HO unist paSa.both along:to, the people, .1•1?',1-d.,,•tilia ba' 'did' by Sending:, .0,fficers *o'ion&,,: thein to. proelaim:God's'wOrds,, , ,.' The. Hell),•••:9f. Haliab; jOsh. 2'.. The ."etropghold'..of. Canaan riearept to'..Where 'the 4Sraelites: MUSt cross the .Thrdaia wgs the impottotit;wpfle4 -City of Per, icbo, and.two y•oong men were choSen ta:•‘•sWini, the.:river,. swollen' aridswift with 4119 sPrIng, freshets,. -.arid ' recon, note r 'Jericho. .,They brott.ght--,baCit a:: ,rep'014t Which .greatiYileaOuraged' 4.0.- slitza; and the Israelites "". '"They +Al . - . . . • . . ., :been in,- great ' •, but • 1 ad' been $.41,74(1 :by the fitieli ty of 'Rahab, a wo, ,Man.: -..q jeriche,,,`te,-4•vllose-hon.Se2A*ixt had •gone,lppayIng• her y the protn, 4 is e Of 'protetiOn to, herself aiiii hen ,i• 'faroilY when the city Should be -taken. - •• !ThePassage 'of , the Jordan, J,ciSli,`_34 . Withent :a. miraple,...g Was alAol'utery impossihd.e. to talcer the great. host ef. t• the Israelites over the deep, rushing Jordan into the promised land; but the miracle .:•v7.,!As„,,,grantedLithern„...:the ; ; down,fioWing waters heing held bad, • martness •I!!!!•tr!,,, • • • the` /111fatrat9d Thig.9840acitifi kewn •" 2:a8ked •4:14.0,tta_Oe'rt. Uri • TWelveSton�s - •childreri should set up nionorials . God's Mercies. ;,Thus JOshua ha setaarrts,,:o-onnetteor-eiavoehi..tbreibdervvinhae • the prietts had stood while the water 'ivere.staYed; '. • .,• . The- Fall of Jericho, :Josh. 6.. Go •cOnducted •Joshua Across the „Jorda at the point where thastrongest fort 'fisationjn4the_countrY_Stoo.d -directl in his way; the Point. where the sol 'alternatiVes before hIna. Were victor that.•seemed impo,sSible or. defeat tba 1,vould-be ' In conquering irefich the -Israelites virtually 'subdued .7tE promised land..., , • . • ' • The,'Conquest • of Ganaan,,JoSh. '7 22: The conqiiest of Ai gave Joihu a 'foothold •froni Which:he Made hiM _self inaSter of.‘,-.4entra1Canann,, thii ct.tting,the forces of; his.•eneinies in ft__JaeranLsoixtherriLlcanaamo f�r- midabie 'alliance of . Ave • klitga was ,ferrned'okaiii§t ,11411, pat JOshuti' fell. upon them uneXpecthdly by. a night mar-ch.:from Gilgal,' defeated them„ and then had all Of southern Canaan •itt his hands:., Next;in northern Canaan, the, atilile.district; another ,powerful ion Of native tribes,,wat. formed, head - Oil by jabin king' of IllaiOr.':',0eahtia thieteirmafa-pMIroz tailed conquest of their towns. ' ' Joalitia's -Final Charge, josh. 23,24. Josh. 1. -"And it came •to pass :af ter,' many: days!' The:time Occupied. josinia'S ,COnquesttf it, variouily reckoned at five to seven. yeer;s-f`When JelioVah ,had given. rest Untie • Israel from all their' enemies round 'about. And Joshua wat-old, and: well striel* in years!' He was 110 years old When he died,:, so that this • nal' charge took place long afterlhe conquest of •Can- . • :?; Joshua call for all Israel. For their. elders and -for their' heads, for their juges and for their fficers."'' 'Thes'e 'terms:are the most part. synonymous, :thigh eiders ' were the lends of the_Various, fatnilies•nr• and the judges had judicial•rather than:, administrative functions, "Arid said ante them, I am .4Id ',and, well stricken in ,Years. JO; sling was wise, enough tolmovv .when his po'w,krsiwere failing; and •When• it m,•Ets: best for him 7 to hand., over his authority to yeunger. and Strenger ,-Atinnall-pieceof-bulter:added-to-the :Water 'in . ven•etables are' to .be ciioltect Will • prevent them Iliatn boiling • hot. cletli, Wiopped, round a jellY Mould will' enable the Cantents to be turned .Out whole, • • • Glass apPear. atice'ir' it IS Washed in cold *ater In preference to • Corks'may, be. rendered 'Watertight and,,, airtight -if' they are peaked in oil few' minutes befOre tieing; ' The, tnaide of yaeuutn. flask, should.. . 2 :cunt, boiled put throng! meat s 'grinder, 1 teaspoon //liked mustard, q tWaSpoon sugar, 118 teasPoori Paprika; 1 tahlfS1)(59n gelatin, 2 lablespciOns told water,' 12, cupliet water, 36,•ctip w • heavy cream, whipped:. ...Add season - Inks to finely "chopped ham. Stir in • gelatin whickliaa beep, soaked in to a • water and- dissolved in hot. Combine 11 mixture lightly, with whimied oreanw." c Turn' in•to a Mold that has been dipped w 'Chid water. Leave on ice Plan Well. • set.: Serve on lettuce. . • . : , , ohitioo or peroxide ' • ... • • • . ' to 'stand' before •thee ' all the ds' of. Woollens will not 'sitrifilt it tyo. tea- 'AY life." .W.114 'a -..iii.oiniP was that, Poonftilg of glycerine Are 4ibiett to the •for - a' geneyal who was to lead an un-; ashing water=Provided, •of timite 'tried_host- against mtay fribes_otse.a7,_ hat the .ordinary rules- for ' washing: 11,1eses; so .1 will be With thee.!' • Thl's is • - watriors; : As i wat With oollies:, are not flagrantly disregard- the second mighty help ,that :Cod gave' d ' •• . - .! - ' ' ' • • ' Joshua: in the prOrnite of his all - 'Bath ' • waterlines itay be , cleansed' povverf 0 presence. . .. . way !V.I.:014g., WW1 a cloth Soaked' • :6 . -"Ile strong and of good :cc:MI-age. 1 paraffin: and then dipped into a -tin On stiefrn ,faith at Joshua's'naturally ontainiilgT'salt. , ItinSe the bath wen • folieWs the 'next. quality • In joshua'S ith chld .6tot. heti' water afterwardscharacter-:--.the' quality , of courage: , , titil.no trate of oil remalita.' •• ."' , Christ • tints: the. connection betWeen. L.,. ' . ' •• Hani.!-oaf St cooked CI • ., , chopped.htie..1 cup 1 table- spoOti tableapeon hittter, 1,teti..,' -- ..spoo'n• Worcestershire ..s.atice, tea.. ••fe • . 911aou sligar„. 1 teasPoon 'nfiXed inns. po ' tard, salt and .peppet. Make a• white: in 'Sallee -of tlie flour; bittter and -Milk, Add. seasoning's. Ai' ane- a. layer.of • N thi) 'sliced; hard boiled eggs in the bot• Kitchen windows 1,,h11 not becOlae. these two. things:with, gre,at ciearnest eaniedilf,''r.r-phheCO;v:errA:nside-.Wit,..a dAtle'faith-V,' 'Paith is al a s the best ' ' - ---'!'Whk are „ye...*.so, l'earrati.-..0- ••S'e'•9f- Otit.aprinItled With. glycerine., • • , gMind..1,°f;:e°1i.,#'.. inherit . thou shalt "PorW.11 halt' An excellent brightener 'for pewter 'cense this , people •to ,,: tho for Xhosa who, Prefer o sliatkling..ef- ,"wliich.,:1e lare untoi rattier's to ct,-71s inude•..be dissolving., a:little 0_1%,991 11,1 Here is the. 'Unselfieh tan, iit ht water s04,k the 4,0•wter .. ground or true' strength and :coittrage, ,: gnd there. is no sema: g 0 n• Joshua : ibis and then' ink'. it :With. a sett , .. A'ras: net 'to. figh fa!' lanrd9f9d;,hilaself; otir 'slightly meitte.ned with oliye oil:, liot. for •.his peoPle.......,4 . • ow rub' lightly with a leather, land .. t'dl the '‘ehilie'eli:Peen . . ' • 4' Veil: courageous, to observe ,to: do ac.- God'a Law. :7... "Only. be ,strong And ... - - , •• _ • -------4:•.---'-----' . -1. .. ' „ terirdingl,11141a.w.F.r7 Law-obse,ry• "Whq-good ltteh or 'all of us .that -ance requires' .streneh and'S eourage; 9.'Gre,ationlOOlt. Place ia. the:crude No flabby Weakling, Stzictness inat- 1;1, i)Oto ,e'oibee. vvere any cootie. Iherink'• to the precePts of. God's WOrd • ,tein Of •it baking, nen:: ?Our., on a little. of -the 'sante: "Add's.. layer ...cluflifln-Wo7 • ' sail -eV, Continue, alternat- .th ' layerW tintWall It Used. Cover top old with well buttered bread criarbS. peke ' moderafe-,pirea. cot • BreAd, and gluttrr Rolle •, •tot . • ' Dior somethRtg. '.it: hit...different lb.' ..4., • eve. At . hridge: pardet "these' broad •• • . . and butter' rollS. are iinitaintirininik:' wh • . . .. , . „ .. ,... .,.,....,.„, '.' ..A11 ;you, .'llopd1.- IS l'ee.iiiiiiii,t1.": Package. '''''', , • .• 'Cream c.libeSe; ;4', run: liiitter;rf 'iniiiilt 4,e` leaf fresh brehd, 'Allow 'cheese. to Stand, the sts, •Cliartntakers, faetitler9..,... or is' Qften'et'nfletrried ei. ridientelt.'nS' de- istitittionak; lawyers.'--43ruee',•?.13ai." °f 1;'' !' '", .., .: 3, "This book of th.' lAW.811411.'not: depart out of thy robiltb." . ;The le.'w : • ' r..---7.---'7-77,*:-.--'-77-i, •waklheretore' etribodied•ih a Written '1.knOW of no' kingdoni .:110.r. einpite •d6Ciiiiient When ''..t he '1364' .i.f.. JOshha ere:"the W.oi•Shiptiing ,Ortitles; blue , at., written.: • : "But . thou • Shalt Metli,t .6d, attil,„ gitiriflid .iincpStiii•S •E'yO 4gte, thOre011;iftlY Arid ilight.?'..Too toodi II 04 --,t.4"ItmlOipl,0, it,, el)jfjys. in• of 'our ,Hibletradiiig'. is,' ii 4s.,14....1 P, That 11.0ited"States."-Grand Puke Al'ex• thett moot. observe :to 'der aecorairig .' • ' l'T:LAND JEFF— andel'. • 4 • r • • • • By BUD FISHEA 'GOMM: SI" ae?!... • PO'kek 'GAM E AT ',36E 'Skt:EO:S. :AO HE'S AS CROoKeb As ,r A, PizeTzti..., Hes Awt.— fut. ektigivre.r. 4.And behold; thii day I am going'. the. way of, all the earth..!' is, ap.,,• pointed unto .men once to. die"' .( .",A•rid ye know in all: your hearts i and. in,,all your Sotils:" Joshua 'eatild appear' confidently to. each one of "That. net one thing hath failed .0'0,11. -the ''''veid" Whielf Jehovah your God :snake 'concerning yeu..lf:. That -is, the .PromiSes made to Joehua in the opening chaplersef this llook, "All are e bine to pass 'unto, you; not one. thing' ha•th failed thereof." . • lob, -.Sta •Se ste by et•I fei• 'ha of' 'Lobsters in Demand • More '4119.b..1.,.d0D000 riounds cif Iiv eters were. shinned' to the.'United te.einAl'tet 1-1Akiltgtn-N , otia..fiShernimi by rnettrig•tif the, l • eVi r trairsportAtion, serl:lco 'ttriiInged thelioinipion Deport/0k ot es.: ,Trade tie froinidif- eirt infrte of the Maritime' Provinces. s' become, 'of. •Iran:easing nortahee • late years; ., id to all that is,wtitten therdb*. "..' Puy • ' 1, am easonthilty, 'a hothe man: • Ofit,' C public dinners, ihave ii'of dined, iy from thy home in fifteen yea" buries lq.,Seliwaji.. • ., WHAT ARE tut GotWA 1Pt:A4i).Joe, ,c5R •STub P6k'e:R? • OMNI\ VoA PL Avi blZAtkl POKe.R,IG(Fr . , a--- o. .p°g,•qt14,41 ,$.nn.!bathing..,'ehepitt .Olvir he, 40pAr. 1ti-gyeat. Cautica..ia the ass or. Petti..: ple with -114117.PrIliefti-freeXle'RP#4Y,•-. • The. best PatleatS .4); SUrgigal worit are :the...,lower-class*:OhibeSe, WM? ;• qt. §0.4„ O.. be! les4 .1i4b1P.' S/1,0eK t1,1411 '7other r4oes... • • • • • • "• 4 ii of -.0hrfspIrgs'•.pti.04.4 sn from, qt. pritO,A.:Ao .En0411 • irler4 in pa rl$,s, sublect /to dlitT u. der'4even .apart Ii A:PiOckt::will'04 1144been;S•tand,14 rfor;stne aniineeeitOled house, • 4 .N.eW l'Orkler.40.440.• 'aeSt 'Welk'stecite , 'putt, • ;• ' :$911§,1P.119. '‘a9d •••4:' liettC6. knowledge' Or feeding, are two or the. • • princiPal •-reasons,3e.r lower 4.2144tb!,'• ate among tiie aplinals: At. the London Sugar:from SaWdlitt'aed .the trans-, rerniatiOu of Ordinary •Ash into pe' .. fumed tofiet •aoapa. are tWolpessEbill.li ties ,engaoing.. the nttention.' Of scion. tits. . • out er the,. 30,006 diverced pertogs, , in gngland twenty-tve. • rwo out of every tI}ree famIiles in London, Eniau iay only -part o a'. h�us� to live n LO 000 only one r�om, whie 01:09,0i ifeasipii4iXe: . • have. two reoins..,;• • • ' • • • • • •• • •So•Iiigh' is the standard set for giri onerators hi the tdontion-(ng.) • tihone. SerViee that 'out Of eiterY .hun-, area,' COndidates•ler posts' anti, • /am:teen are'•,flrially. aceeited., ' • ,. ...Taxpayers:, who ,• do not •• ''•up in, Ttirkei .re to. have ••?. bad time, 11 a novel sug,gestion,:wherebY idrum niers 4111 performi Outside their, hOtixieii for onebour a.dity,-beeeniea'laW.' • Air tz•avel it beeeniiiig• More *Porm.7. 1a. Travellers betweeti,l,;Oadoli •otid • Paris for.'the firs(three'manths . of thlo.,. ...-'0,1„.1-6•Wecl Incretrse.of sixty per period iast year ..ro,atl's. is '0,60,300,, of,,' whieb.•••1,225,'i(h) • r:-:• • are, in Europe:, Gt. Britain:ratites ' anieng.Enropean :conntriesin this re- spect,• •The"figttres are; France, 392;...; ' 5l0 mle' German3 217 935 and Great - •and -estitnated.,thaf ihe.nuinher. of.feltildren et five, and. . oyer • Scheel, •• during the,.next•,,,fifteen 'yea'ra de./ 'crease by O,Ver.one • Out, of 311;847 marriagei ,registered in Angland•and Wales in "a recent year; .twenty-two bridegrobms and 719 'bridea.• were ,sixteen.years. of age, • re three/. eases both bfide•a•44:.brftiegrooni". were'. sizte4n ' , .•; . Losses .due to .fires during the. :Mit Quarter 'Of ,this"y,ear decrease. In the first three montfis of' • ‘, 1929%.,damage•-.IVorih 6-61.:60U. dpae;' iir the sante' period thiS•year.,thd• ' figure. bad. dropped '..£.2•03200''' .The: pethiliar .,. heavy. leather. hats , • •. ,• worn, .,43r, the' ...fish,portere . gate Market,.. London, betWeen 'five. and six.pounde eacb, and cost 30s, 'It takes fourteen, hours' work to n'talq„' • a hat; as , each .01e co.ntaind 'hundredt• • • • .' Bir of WOod•Sholwii. o.t.AeOris :AO aftiny frag:.: . . ent: .wood • found the hillS' nem ; eiPing, .a.:Pfeiare, of,' Amer.lea•••.telid. f• 'Of years agO'.'43.:9,0,eetetfy„,...,;,. :d.raWir2by--Dr.','Italiili W. clianek • ad Of tho. d'epartment Of paleoa logy; ',011iVei,sity.'.of -California; '• • pi!: Malley„ 'br.:a,..stateinent ..inadtt „ . before lett:, here for •Crip.:(it months in • nartbei? 'AI, ciared; ':".T1i.79,fraginent.:• et ly„, t only tieinhtistrated the . that ea'.iliest 'ankh • .; • - • tit Rf the,:neeLot fire, the--nattire.,0:" f•At „I -0011s ,o.the.r,..poiilter in • , 'tern 401 !.efontsiit o -Mast interesting 4,,s tosSil of, the. theiTera 1,644 ed. of -•californitt... relation/ ' • pot tht.: forestS' NOttli. 4 Ato traae.t1by .study (if st;,. foils, 'and', since 'aninialt •'11;141:17CA't1:1:7:1:Iiitti:0161,11. • d, we' may: doll ellide „that '• • these • iiL,eiiiinals 'and, then have also.4!,• • •SOphisticated and' youth,fiiII • ' . . „ „ The, yoked bodice With sleeves' that Widen 'arid' puff' ,abave tlie' elbow cre- ates a .charining effect: •. !The skirt' lines :are 'clever with snug hips raid i'deep pointed at, the: legtint2-height to yourfigure. -.For it you may 'choose a discreetly • Patterned crinkly crepe.S4 • (,stich as Mai, the Original) in. your .favorite ,scheine..Medinin blue, , carivt=red and green 'tones are delightfidly,Chie. • crepe„in Many sumMer shades you 114 like, equally. Well; ' Style No. p33,..is designed, for Sizes ,r,iche.q: 13,0St. . • , , , •• •,,„•• • *Size 1.0 „require,s 3%' yards of 39 - .inch matei•ial, with 36 yard of 39 -inch Contratting'.and -.% yard. Of 35, -,inch• Aciw t(); OBBEB:PATTERNS.. . *rite your 'nal* and addresaplai•n;, giVing'•nuinber ',and'. site • of , Such (patterns. as- yOu' Enzioae :15e in • startiPs,• or •coin pA'eferred; *red?' it: 'carefully)for each:',Xittrriber, and ddrest,YoUr order, to Wilson/Pattern .S.ervice• .73 *eat Adelaide St TOronto. Caifornia Business Women TO DemandEqual• . ;Sim' Jose, ,Calif. --Equal rights, for' .flien,and,.women.°•in all: --walks of 'life: was strongly 'advocated by the 'Cali- fornia Federation of , 'OnSiaase and Professional ,Wemen's Clubs at it 'state conVention recenttsr the Scottish 'Rite Temple: • • • ••':•ResOlUtions indorsing the Ci:ip,elanci-.. Diskstein, and the ,eqUai •• rights.: ainendnient noW-befOre. Congress, were passed. • The Werld. Curt, Was alsO. indorsed, providing that its cede Of la'W' contains no in P ecivalittes ,based Weede 0 - Claret!. that:the .rninlinninwags•lawsi :to 'v,-ere!not being Observed,' Anti • that men and werncti. to should be 'sUbject•to the Same laW in industry. as in all human relation.S.:;,,," ••• *omen, are in •husitiess,:to?staY; de, se ciattd lVf.rs... Eudora' Baic,isay 'Richard,' de son .field-rePreSeritative, the.‘.1sia.•• no tioaal Vederatien, of • Hitainest and di Professional Womeii's Clubs, WhO' q2. dregsed•• a gathering: ot'. oyer;750 wo , tirl--7Sherp-eintedi,out Of a. diserintinatoiVsetiree in national; state andlOcalafFairs, andurgedtheir elimination; • .• • • •'The teal JA0t.to,gay sq .trictch ilia:ability, 'to trdde and ereatt :Iat the ' "From the. :bog -1110 or time to the present. ,day , there has never been 'a great weinan syniphonic coinpOSer; tier n'-, groat • TO'lls$01iiii • • •' •, • ta' ni cO , - ea • ,red slit an 'the v,•a too v t ANb 1OVJL.A.TzGe.. A st'Ack (1•411"J" 14s. duY :.I3UYit.id To sTeAtz-c. " e".3 "Not Mentioning, Any Nagnes-L-Butt me.rai BlUcks, JGFF: (VOW ..)ust iSMC-., (41604: '1141t4iG'.. (Ott' GlOf t .tA'rce;1 'M .'Got41.1,:t A, Kf4I'Oci< Out HIS TtE.1714 SAV,iY?' 4 ••• 4, 44, • • • / 14 ' •-fi; fr • , 4 • , T r , •