The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-06-08, Page 3w7 77 P 7, t prAge, Vajuah!e.playe plalits q.T ite . 7" I lot to be aljve� sry r i S- od 'a our fellow, ote d - n h, qg, 7ofej LO love 6f Qqq Imj ON -G, T4,e fprqge� Plants, entr4 'taw4., ot 4'We.,have. �,turdlipred_ the simple-tpro, Is, 4,evotiqg, considerable att4li�ion, tp qff a S� Qrr d negdtiatio of silly psp wco,untry-"!,nqt-7IIy W Q, 114 w ISin, tim6s Prosperity �but by, f�uojl 'plan t4� W U14 E� of whFaf it 1�, inhard.tim. 'an great valtio p Ripe J IT artj bf,EastQrij'.(, V of lau-, 4a lid nliahrpj�L pi, a tb Q Milrltimle Sta4dard olet n 'h 110, Ii 41444 lo op, r Idsts o34944figi, PrpVjnc:0s 'jvllore, 9,loy,&r .-a d I wotth-4 to, .51. jgl*z Wl WIIA,�' cannot, be sPePessfully, e jvjj4ual. heou., timing, rr ;s4v n Opt of smoklhg qrIt plants hate f t e igeljt PM04, Ing, 5, of, a gOntly and:- thes o, #tor g 1;'W U'S Ilinjor reVO_ thrffy r P t att th P, -forage' a aIw4. m. -to, have d leaders veVdI BrWh, Exp�rj­ cc-, 'As 94 so Lady bf the i inot-tl mentaj tv '0 -ts, Q.41 y Spor --tin, 'ban hope to, �9'et bf these 4, agoous zu' r Y" in -.,P ­f' back oil to t1olfb is ai' oa­l- stral e.Ara 6iii Ir Walt� H '6�ds ultza. the I e� kind of crop v 11 n6p thoud San t4o_ $out w4erri Ul ited- he su'ch -4 bponf� to to atc W to, i 9 �Qn a dild irij tati out ezi, oi igliiat. .2,09 A P on are 0 empUbii.s.1 )vhi'ch. ser n -�pijrp plant, found,* gowiag, nvp OS RQme,_-6f all the, ports,that ave arbin,, Man klifia, - b of y fficials Russejl. won ince ted S—tates-­ partment U um e, lIQ' out fascism-' rendred -�ph FjCUIjUre; y$ om. iQin� we, obtalned e; wllildL h- N wIN aified A-&�' er isin Qe6iffQ Ber 6 ion fasbiohable,, none exc�c,ds 'I cr'' R tat* ar" seee -I PQPpl I iii, 60 pi, ng of 1932,'- 111, our, football, (s occer).'H�un tfial's last" bar it, 'Was not setplIe'4�,iiiie* A S LE. Y.. y, limited experience, it e dreds,of t �xperi en hous4nds. of persons each; -til abou Jun -6 'I I andAt. producpd a. found he eloant�y' - hich. .1 should- not NQtft;) S , weeks: wat�bb­ the ch4nip! ng.hip abunda of ripe,.sed ic'' ;I c e 57,9'64,',0C 'bloo to, John Erskine...' io acr� I-, . . ' ' ' ''. L re; e S. prns, 'blo -at, the principal �ities, - while !b6forIo,, frost. The. plant;, ll� Can*aolai, -it, is appirentthat ed oc Tlj@ society of,tho future io­b.6 in 4�rop, in oc S Free �C c r. e -.Chi even at".small country centres. large were very small, not morp_than,- oig4l., la -6 place. fr loaferg.!`.— 4ni�,3Ay,, Mac�. the mo�st e. cie'lit, "ry,� aaen, nches I;igy,, Its chleg value,uu . dQubt- at ie Clitl6kA1.1Q�Iii .',WethqA'A Of'.Ikrod, crods gather' on holiday�.' to cheer -I Ilction should be—learned, and 'adopt - Billy )i,i]1 be -in, the '1117p ha.V6*Lgo� 'lle4goo S,.%i d. .t, is a.ill va ELrj4 .'FA P. ER, BOXES V R �:�AQ]�CT6L jonents from. neighl5ilriL� es.� Dastureg'- and' I e cup. presented[ o I in for .,e t Js hoped that. once on Of vrithem.'�—, grown �tinujjLUSlk Year- after :y6ar dr 'voted *aI a The, an's. havo jt.qqqirq .established,'., this early despedo2a_ , layer jil-the, is land,. or' sh r& and Monlzqmery LihijtA% e National uld. th b 0 erable proAione during'.1932. 0, in this nd. will, SeS�d Itself don f r �"Tfie gend�a*i pilblic. today grown in' roi ttou' high Got andards any cons oration' 'be jIVen--t0`- L he: gainevA ye eina4ds uliable"roiiiio iftould now are con'sWred the finest, playOrg egr,. ia ld t in- continezitq. TA : IIII.opq, aving e- Durintlie- pyeqbnt .fr6ni icreen."��Wjll y -)Djvl of. Forage, Pit conduefT t Ll e Most. dan "The man th it nts, is b-,ada�tjjtjoli different, seagQ CE epus rivals, HE HA D'' R.EDU Iio enjoys.marching n 4eren sois Or should -they be' grown I in e ar . )d ... III e ]KING JAZi3dS V;c33SI46N) Czecliosfovakia. Jug' eitehs'lve tests 'Actual pas - .'Austria., an the of, h d to DiNtribut6d. In' AraiUo' InartfaIl Wrillobtive. f t e- soil type? I A, With ia Lid' of 'PhUsut Theref bie - 'W s with - the &eafe6t iiiie conditions and, the seedL the Best y colit'emp, t.':-tAI- 'I Easj�st ."Way Proved Iocgit expetl W kn iqij),a i0i yet, they,6As. ,bert EI,Tistei on approp 4,-'h6t unmixed ncrdfag;4 As. men al, work P_. V lunta�,3r. cantilbuti i&ted.. ha'information, on. 5P �,Prjce,,.-,. $1,!D_ei!.VO _wit cqn p IGS: _;mU(jhL'.US0 sidera le trepi ation; "$21 completei L .111 Italy, A�-,ma iilw'hid haf.-been aAvI sed - bLy: bLIS,, �Th i 5 n qt go much to those probloms.' Q 6 A :hlich 331S ;iZia i30C=VY, Inc... or doctoi."to reduce, wFi C ops: I�aa 9, be -0 , b L, k;i(yw- what.. ou 11 t ll� POffiftlow Agr st619'.9;I teg*thus:� g t to -bo -done a'SL to or I.t:.ha4 heen- 7.qO.North, Verindnt:-Ave.i Moji Angeloso ad pu on' of disebyerod; pr4du, c6 decidedly htigli� weight Or th'o ext6iit 'scr6w stat� 'ship ii I 1�o with., Italk's P aye at , me, f 11; ­ I PAD �a OWN rst". lbs. This Wa, ejj6g, --etcbssie as t : '7 :*rnationaijeam. pitted fo"-the fi orepoly fb­40' L o'yo flolds.­.when grown; n I to ation .-Or �me against. the b4A that --Fng14nd' .T 04t SCM Iptureg. I t am 'on Y 5-� -fits. a �A]Ioight, My e6ig f tfi O:A. when �grown unde'r."a,.sYp, ern.* in,�,Iher S re .'..T.i e to r6i the'r, cropsi atlig an, mAs A't*enty.-,four­­yoar T.�pndon` n0i efillig f or' di Wed bo, t b sa 0, 1 _. pro essionalsl'�an',r�ust�r rao " dqce and I ha�iihiess -when. on"e" 1.0 4octO'r advised pa 'Acco)r ini'. tt'� n' 'g, tbacco. and'.PiDt� Willianisi s'alp, contilin, a. to in WWII:, er1i..qOrArAun ties, ej, in . 0, It el�iied -en ho*Over w too.fatiguh1g—an4-I\ L WL row -: U4 tatfs� all Was PL4yed An.' Floi Miss" Nra erie Clarebqut, who A,Vry uiy in t _an, im, fiag 'b" S I DI=L ___U�. yste ;"Ages,. oll1', h6n "ga d een s , ln­a� cenlop;t',' a.,bqi;t K 6,11�1 9 nuous ly tigh e individuals.,,! '9 ili,� q s onto 'that inodern.-godeer, is wpur Iell noun Bri pareAlu, gl :tJv' Aldo" r=y pro jrd�d the' I f rt and.:c6mmeftced tb4k� g game n'',its orWiri&' 4fithee bought,'ii'bott ej. dombaining,that be always. r,to hasCers and: 98ulptur6s'ai'Burlin�gioii e atre u0cons�idusj:yl S nkj�g In L ing.. theni right*a' o"maintain-ed, been"' irri'liogs'ible o 'gauge a&uia, way. T4st - Saturday the cd�iopefati �ejy. on I'Vilrnis Ing day'-�--the day'for ex- 4'a r vorse than the peas, have a-, very. iL;;_tau�t',,V qp:rIetq w clover'. and a iNh-t' -pr6kresis t e ta ian h hitors on Y;'Ifor she' $bne -e fl - I' h I I t the., ex! 'I weighed, myself, and o 'to Ag gat: d one. cla, leff 60t 'llot on y -in 1n­creag-. at III6� table, at' 8 a;iA..- '.gfid dfe' A i�y. have had bibitor's Qglielmo': Ferrero. d d - ad reduced my w6ight an bligh 'h n G' t f I,have' h' tj f Jng-the�a�mb.utk of pro In, In.;,thb food or, less�ztead unti 8." ty d all Ifig themse ves .41 Orom. 206. lbs. tQ-.199.,.IbSL, ..My� h 'c Ioot-� years g . enerally is- etter, I. Isloej> Wo1j,,. an. nd, d I ) n creat Ing Condit IE a pound �I.Witfi7a,!Bii IS e T this: '' 'Royal Ac4:d­ cont 'faivo"r1a,ble for H 11dofi with whatevoi -is *at ksiib�Q'qu- 33 kf . R,.' ome. uxi er any a oppor uni: jimasui I" no L bron'26 bu a� ma�, hicif Ions, ..whai, b� hid h t am,.assd'id f - obr�itipll, foi' V d hhn be -o 4prea tlIV a 1, bal1iii. Engl�nd being; purely profes-7 only has: more' heartily" g*.en1.ug.I'—Mrs.. -t-rankiln D. n,. accepf6d It wis,the hoose�-. OU oo nys, to 0, e.fit crops. than, s. po."Ible. ggs, 'Pota oes, r, bowls on- t 'C.o havii first time she. had. sent anyAling to fr ends wh 'g' d " ' i i ' n Witb e ve egulnes, of - PS ign, In three oranges,-,, V �puttifig O, weigh e' cli coffit4e In t4tu� This m "'A -a a �ur o Is A 1 ed.'Ahat d mi IfAd6 L . . . . . . . . . Oro,, L talian's will be p, ayi SS, e_o -.5 n e a ea , Unto Inividualf e e Inge Pes S. co n h: TWO. tj S whith, hia r �requ -pound, omatO," sallid he water 9 t V. r she P. e 19ast, ,hojp� one s 44�iezit` case'j 'iL different Eufopc 7e L 101111d'in- t S L Of thdgo� fit ire In :each e Ar6stmont; ps of, coffee,.,,,fo6r bottl'�m "Of al jh't fro this be to� the- European- Spas 40�d ql b. preg I AS 1AfGH 'HOPE L, gO64 st�r L in6xientateim ei t A'rotatl6n -."may- 0. oefil, t L f t I t d I bt '.Leon y. r 'may- Pt water, Cone Of a :peop, 0 , o, re III g Whdn:�.direci c. P ur es. ,T ' Fotk techic to� atton contro I.Ing he, p br, eni;.'.'certain Ciij- qU years ur wqr�t 'ene jer On 4her o0asibris. tKrudclIon o tand boa' be required. o Vbd .not., men, jua�f - [. - If Din-lier: Five pork d' Com- gaw modelling nerveg, treatment I May two Frai k eom�atisibn,beb*een Briti'sb, an lay- oamil :C[lare- 9 Y but'the false, notjoh's% and ds Ioffic oAt1,-.:cbntt-6' 'Is tO -be socured.L '00 e s giiengt1i and' ptej�dices by .:c, s6ment;"' Mis. roper y—you. gai t i footWl. has, been o`n' an' d r'.e'taxin, e4y of.coffeie' Oil ener w den possl ' &'-.-feel, Yeats' yi*ngor-�Iook bet-, 6wen D. -Young and Th6 Yields din' be obtained u S; t a,,d 9ttendhig-M es. the ly whe thiill Of 'pro- cream� and dish f J�Ijy.. tbri best 'liietbbas �VejLgbt, 'ah'd u otio' III I liams. wei t e ;prdstigo 91 w.drk:bftbr.-Why�pos pone a sure, �'gteady �dturn to. ilbrmal d th worlds masterLat,tbii'garno. Dko rs ago, -have the b6ft rate when V Tepa ; , ' -and'dates -be began illg8t' mon'�,r mils-hed a 'bu.St heal t ?---�-Sta ',Kruschen' own. f4 D y un 'qrtuji.atel� wt r r a erward -f n 63 ma.lf, an ig.rei d EiigIind'*6Ti'%1ith eltseove'r' 0 Vigorous [h h 1Sp-,uifi;. Las wowwi AIy'. daring, n rt "t - 1 - 14 of se6ding the bleat sultlable.'.manur.e b4einbor' As Acadeinywfor this trbatmen today! �6a"r�s ek- ertl izer :1 vel; cQrded.,, more'di&,ulty ag�aingt.,Austria,, by '4 y tifter inihzemtit all . . .... hibitift. To m The Italians 'to e as -proper, :gdals' to''3. e - line o - '-that tho'.:',Continental pl3pl -have it, wat,wece 1pwu 7113's 'Ciar�b6u&s..-w lViany-Ame cans Vislunritain - q'rvestfngva lous­crops ched-' of tber In rea th ..,'.�12,Q00%works . as one among. -sea a' 't li�4tndjit' rem Ing on, It' .',L�nd' — 9. the' lidarnes's, o . L ;, Despi Iiiforni''tion.,pin 'th is subject Gn- year"" The,' Italian 19ant. t is unt'� fi , 'I . I , ong't e 1, 00, t e ce . to, Eng and more Americans. - ;ts� -m� - - ­jn.'�a now" t N ddubtedly the" best� Eurbp.e,� is b e, .ep th enchmeh:arei. viisiting unglafid" a , r Cr6p t -e -w. s ey j s, Rdtationg and So"ii H63 to be suffieiently, stroYig to I ' . , :* - �Ilie firsi "ing lent N -ed hr -bon rersa lon t I" spritig." In Varch. 6;118 trive!6�s' '1, genient . 1�1 ka:s1t * ern Caipd4" triumph, O.�6r � kilgl6fid. ''Un paper, the Italian � ohanc�g � are' e3icollent.' ' L_ h' Is tru'ib� tlieL'ljejj'.&6Od­gojlse,'the t itill Ki d' 4 '" . i:.'6. the Unite lig om" 94 fro ac�6§i, .�ilie Atlintl6s w1feli has been prep.laiIed by. the kil�ld. . Huj3bandry'. Di-visi 'on of,'.- be 'Celltkal" E goo burnour, and. h w r e mpletI' fro aef 6ig:.the "chanxiel.,' Expeflin6lIt 1p* ill al j aT ',6tt.tiaw4. �&tt�d Aiistria'-wh" h" 616 �ea as IV_ �11 be -obtained' fte"e,'lik writing to* -Oidl� 6fe Czechoslovakii �aly, in aLtod urn, cqnanqing�y b6at Czel hos 6_1 11w) t ili"As.1he r bf-.worrylng�,abou ktio a to,,, p ecta'bl e.. Orin lev I I rop, =�.'�6.`drink to olls,LBranch, IDepartmofft 'of AgribI]i1tilre,j, wa: S. HO likinsi V;Ai� -at '�16renc'e 14 . ­ "' I . L .. I V 9q E�ppinega��-,r-,�:ith.�a'c.i,�itAI Ij _1� ye- 106k Ellis." get ar I al !$count, D6,li*InIOyk-.,- Hugliandman, 0_ conte'st-'iii -the % rstory� of en. ta-wa Snow hi Ah rnel Ah' rhe s0onl- have to leave - these , pt"& s in �-A hof rthcominig, A. ji jo, k, .t ant,quir -sport On inodern.Italian has, caused iie'ar- h WrI! t 0 t o for parts unkno%Wni A itit Egy0tian I onguc �n, J. 'S -Cbrfe,, 100, .11 Ili 1, octift: anies,j hith,' nicient. '.In r 9 to nAi6nal footb' Ii6d a wa e M dha 'day; to Epgand I st -W.eqk- B heri Egyptian- el to, ;ha,V� nevcr�l been watched nft, Arbor,; ith: nigbt� 0ione of. hoe, husatd's ongue',, likfti4 ef0re. the', day t e Cunitrd Iiii ctatftsf whi. e i er,Alaunia Ills of - z ythan �5,0,00: SPe b or, 'for, t IS -tickets creN G -`tW S.S. 'Ba.1t.c, j. 'f�'��'th la ito h coming. ganie He ing WV' the :soqrots;.bf.. �yea.lzl� Ts giv 'Disa.p pointed ve a rea y 't familiar.: to,,. Tuta f ang ire, so nurn rob t atr gpee w1i 0 1 ;'he' NI al, Urne :ov r e to likTiaiiiert,, IIOY r*e- K -P olli"g the few -remaining V O;eS atra through'Irdsea taro Bow s M 0 P, Viteak'' t ep-n6dy n o '-0q _ptle dc d acr'oss� ti I t fort 'to -ii P gs0 rofe, nter6A imi -e glyp� for� P tb en on f Line rough, Are, al�riing ront a to j�loljf- 421-Col(dj&.8 6, Igan, is, -1 oeo:hter at flib 1 'The Voyage, to 'Cou leg I tui Radby-Davids n ............ Ixty-tic - . i � : I - � I �; , . ­ V, Ing tLie Bill-dy. loc;� Of S' k Japan was Ad I o distributors 11.. 6,3 Ws. vIll th c4vble_s*'OffI6L,#c oi 6Ui-bdrgaln 11sto w at OilC6 f -fiiivo, been o� ti" A group of. ell t G I Photo,), ild I apyrii �yritings,' us6d motoreycipp'� rru or iitV; the' Tl o' more b ive. . cen are im or the conte,�%l V t Ian, alylo to le"s at tho %o�iiids` Of t hkVjng!,-': ER THAT A S. Uie �6 IT SIN R r L )F E r qpato tllo enco �Of: P YO S Vt li"onotfes NN, ii'l ch Turth to O- ne(l In' -y,d Co wic R' '13r6iight -ift he h' mmiad, ay orl Stud S ay VFEEL. WRE UED ai month 6nd: tbi-ot, "kind lit, m iver Bill) ybur liti011 tO sttIdY"cOs'- t1filt '6 t Ai,, A studi lie of abic s. % 1 �!! 11 ' . . -Nd'61.�met necessaky. an 1�y firtilig �Olillds -'used Aorl IWO Must a 9 our tggun a ot hqu, ode qN.V.P. I's Ofessor 1rui 0 A Into of y ­Wi4hout- -tbAt-- p lysidlif. of tile ` 13111V61,81ty t e (I �I 11 g di . . . ...... agep, in101rou eataits,poor igeation., 16% qtiozi; , ! 1'fl tl I I '101-III(L.J MCK II) L.110 la- of t114 AU 016 completow witb - Inert, b salts, oili njjjjerjjl1-*ia d for mitortpK I tet lazativo the e, Itopog t6 Poisons in tl�ie,bod,�, 0 ene'ral rei.chedness, I 110 -can Y�,uffixneet'to cleiur up asi�'uiifjatj Miiiidfinl's IN' 'b v4ic I ewing qUnIj -or roil haaV They, doii',t ap 3,0ur, lh,& t You -n 4011 to exiledlooft 'Will e its n a, As you), oRoluat sp batitut M, TrAffic Signad$ at Ash vi, cipltal 6f it, g., sm I ra -go; fat, attehlpt�d IV E S, N'EV: FO RIO JAIA y LI it[: of you Trat"Ilgir 4( Is 11Y, v, T j r 'd �Woikl ew. Z6alan y -coy, V ) (')f tho' m'e6h, nized bfoi, iflo. it) theno 'hard if tiIatitt time.. ones; who nfust b6W' Ono " of Illo the btit'dims of the jdtwl Wllcr% th6' lit the' Lolidoh -,area. Th e' 0116- Way h1s pay eplytGoe, fs, oic %lie -ty A'r 20 ye, hilshand tde&i�q Write with L o tile' b"I" milst'struggto dild vill. ta ni. DAY111 oil file 'Iddil of thifilts. 1� y t V )I ot oil flib had t., AV." If yod aro, jljj� 4 r nerV01194 trY L'Ydj 'R, ble ConiOun& Aur you need is,a tonid fig t. Mile CU the flrikt Ink fill twenty yeaV4,, !11110, tivo, t"T 611119 OAS. had "that VvIll A1#6 $04 th(k etreagth to 'L-ae4l ft MOW,* by Whsul om tho'I 110yql, DI 6u, f6t I - 0116, Vill 'k; y flees 'TH6 Oil 9, t4h, tho fit -jos 6tfiers 4 1118 red -It the are not called da J:Uy6n�16, j4orSd Shelf, 'Call. stalld ovT "I'llown, t 10 r "WIN W_ 7W-71 77,