The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-25, Page 8Cala, soap i' Large ' O cydo1 5. Bari 8i1 �? $OAP, FLAKES, 3 LfiS 25c LU 'K FLAKES, 2: Pkgs, ...23c ' .10 OZ, ;RASP. and --STRAW.: JAM,: • .,,...,+,..:.,., ,..;.,,.29'c' cI,ARK'S. SOUP, 3 for ..25c ,CLARKS . RK S P & BEA:NS, '4 ,',25c." FANCY PINK SALMON, 2. ;FOR:.... VALENCIA OR:- SEEDLESS'RAISINS, 2 FOR.:.,... .:25c' , 1. PKGS. GARDEN SEEDS:. ,r,: :�.... ..... :.. 25c.'' >c<RESH STOCK OF:. GARDEN PEAS & 'CORN. ' All • Varieties.• . • SPECIAL BROOMS ».. : • -.f5c _' 35c to. 85c. 'PHONE.82' L.ucJNOW � ing's Week -End sol darTime =j IS HERE AGAIN AND NEW CLOTHES . Will -Be NEEDED'. Come .to ,.Kings': and.. let them: outfit you with Quality Gar-;'. ?efts of the Lateat'-StY1ees and at a` 'Gast rac i ll • , • - .p t ca y_ as low. as:'`tli - o�•,o ; � rife;;ioi� T'ra esT` b d '-GOO D CLOTHES- ARE � MOST':. REASt NABL'Y''•PRICE ' .. Dom;. 'TO- A- - lD Y W e �'in n s :, lldisses . .. and ,Juniors OAT G, S', PRESSES •' O.V • �� GL.. ES, MIILLIN'E LINGERIE •Men's :' Yonn • B, Men's, 'Youths; SUITS.• •'TOP COATS, : HATS, . And -a complete. `'. -stock" of Stylish Fmsiishings 441. - eci 1 �p a 'lis'•<, ' `PURE' WOOL NEW SLEEVE- LESS FULL V ESPineapple' S ` O It Stitch': All `:sizles.. 1 � •HO `. USEFURNISHING" ... TIME Ful tic 1 k. •. ,.._. a of Curtains, Draperies, Hangings and Floor--Coverin s. f; Yard Wide a d e Liof n eum ' $2.98. AFEKING' h "Ashfield: Circuit` GardeePa rt y. will her held on. ' .Thursday.; evening_:. June 15th -on Zion Church lawn Note': le tinge •' of date. The Dungannon •Yo ung Peo Ha • ill present the , popu-•.. lar play,"Marrying Anna?". and Mr;:, D' C. 'MeMorriin of ::Lucknow .•wilI. furnish, instrumental Music: ``: •- .•goodly dly- ntinxber 'from, this • a ' p- 'point ent. " attended the ,8t anniversary •...;;vices at Zion on Sunday. The 1. rmi•e- a g. , preaching service' •was>; •. drawn here E Tarso' 'iialstead =Who has been engaged with Mr. Richard Johnston- • for several weeks, returned' to .• his home , hi Stratford, Saturday.'' ' Mr.: Finlay . and Miss Alice :-Shack-!- leton "s.nt Sunday with .friends in on Lind ` Mr. Isaac ' Cranston's 'family, who h'flu, ave all' been quite sick With are able to be out again. , • The.;, W. M: et Th ur ' ' sda; after= noon "Y ° at :the homey of. Mrs, Will Ir-. Win's, : with a':` fair •attendance. 'Mrs, H. -Ho rn residedto r . Mrs. . R,.Johnston diacusse d the fourth .chapter; of .the stu , ` d . Y book , ,and' interesting readings,, were': given byseveral, . � I of the ladies. The circuit ; W. M. S. `w' ill entertains' the,. Dungannon ;and Crewe societies in�.Hacketi'schureli_ ' __. off the -afternoon - of Tuesday,' May'30th- .a .• HELENS Wn are`orry to report e• Haus illness* of Rev. Wilkinson's ,- mother, who took a stroke at her home at Blyth+ last 'week: Mr.Chas. Reid" of Brucefield was. a recent .visitor with. his- sister . Mrs. R.J; Woods. Mrs. Brum ton of St.'Thomas •i . P is a. S h ,her .Sit * ' s ei ., v . , 'kMrs` Harper. The Messrs:' MacKenzie had a, very, successful sale of farm stock and implements' on: Thursday. 'Mr.' and' Mrs,. Doherty; and little daughter of; Guelph, Were week -end visitors"' '.ith Mrs. R. J. w r Woods.. , Mr. -Joe;Murray of Lan side was' ..a,, Lang aide visitor with: his : CousinM 's' o r. J hn .The June, meeting- of'. the • Women's institute: ;will• be held on Thursday - afternoon,; June ist, atthe home of. Mrs. Wallace: Miller; All.ladies please -come: re are --- p p - d to., answer the: -;roll call with a joke or 'fanny `tory. It is exPec ed t ot Mrs Gordon Bisset of Goderich,'who is the district press-'. dent ';willTbe resent to"' 'address the: meeting. e g• The 'su•bje'et` of the Youngole J.Aep " meeting on Sunda' ` avenin was "The ' g Sunday:evening e • Two Generations.'!., Mr. Earl Durnin. read the -Serip tore •'lesson: ,and Mr. wilson Woodsthe ' co ' Xriments. "The topic was in. cliarge of . Mrs. W. I. ,Milher,_:.wlio 'gay :a.'eplendid paper Mrs.>Mclntyre led in a very -interest- ing discussion, Miss Mae Wightn9an ' f Whitechi. rch, Who' is • con ever of Th Christian _FellowshipGroup in. this district,. was present' and gave a helpful talk on Young -People's work. Mr:.. and • Mrs. Roy.• Crinkle and Helen and' Mr.., and Mrs. Kruger and Loisof Detroit;;.:,were visitors' . on Saturday withl d y 'their uncle, ,Mr.',E. J. and 'Mrs., Thom,.• SPRING SECRETS I "knew a -•woods where the' .thrushes singe , 1: And .: d wind i n d pine through g'h the' moans; • , Where e the.Buttercup • nods: its . yellow head ''.: And Trilliupis, are flaunting in ;white and red And t he water ovslipser ver the stones. I know where the Woodcock ' '':h` E ,. is id ing her nest, In a' hole in an old dead 'tree. . But .I romised the se ' . p e cref never . to'. tell' ' Where 'slid e andher�fo ur •little 'babies` • dwell, And I'mardi. u' g n it`,:faithfullY • g If You '• smile in scorn at:in ' simple 'Y joys, • little the •i.1 -natters'. to e : `'. love the • woods..where thee. Thrushes And the Scarlet Tanager flashes on wing, -To -the-top-of- . h the em3ock tree: • E R..`•B , St:; Helens. ..SPORT SHt3FcTHE SEASON 'IS_-•IIERE • ion Lti= .,..t SHOES: WE CARRY A COMPLETE 'STOCK AT THE RIGHT ' PRICES. `I • WE...# INVITE YOUR INSP1dCrION y( ' t' i OUTING SHOES` , ' SPECIAL. To it the whole x family in • .Men's' Black :Side • Oxfor popular colors. F. 'Real 'Shoe. , $1.98. 60c 'up WOMEN'S SPORT 'OXFORDS In Black and White, ,Crean;' and `-'Brown and Beige:, and. ;Brown, color combination.` ' ; $2.95 • `WEEK4Nto• SPECIAL" - Women's 'Pumps, tea' , • and Strap Slippers in Kid & .Patent $'1.49` 5.: HOSIERY; IIee1 if ig,ger hosiery, in Chit fon and Service ,Weight. Latest colors: MEN'S ' SPORT OXFORDS Men's Blaeltand White. Sport Oxfords.„:" 3.95 w: IQ Anniversary^serviees Were Oinduet-. ed in b • ion Church ,on Sunday, Mai 2L 'lie ,guest. speaker, Rev., J: Fealey Herbert, of Iiolinesville,• ' delivering most, impressive and inspirational sermons, afternoon and.' :evening. Choosing us his text the-afternoonin- MJo-.8ah.-141,42The word- ,;t came unto .Tonah the son of. Amat saying;":,the speaker clearly' outli he `futility 'of�' Jonah's attempt.. pea ie:' his res onsibi it Pn" p l Y and mission to, Ninevites. He also emp 4 THuRS 144 HOLY1R000 Mrs Laura Rose" Steghen,: Mrs. Almer Ackert ard. Jack spent'Satur- clay `evening- at :Mr , Thos Maleohn's. ,{ Mr, and; Mrs,. Richard:' Elliott and,.l family spent Sunday at Mr. Wm., Robb's, :Lucknow; , Mi Jessi MacKenzie: �f Luck ow_ h� Ford° 2p. tb st of Mr%Mn r 4119 r, tai, ?n Suniiay . ped Mr. Balis, Public' School l i a for to visited the school this week. his Mr, d Mrs. Rolit. Elliott o Tees, ha=, f a.ter:wereanthe visitor's. at Mr, Rich• of frd�; Elliott's' on ,Saturday f Mr: and. Mrs., Howard • 7:Iarris, Mrs Tiros. Harris. and Earl -spent Sunday 29, rith 'friende',at :Kincardine ora Mrs. Ellen McPherson spent; the ee ' eelo-end at Mr, R °mer Barris'; ' Mr, anda Mrs.. Robt, MaeDonald ere ' recent visitors,' 'at Mr,'. Ben,; sized .the necessity' and, wisdom listening to,and obeying the voice, God, when He. `speaks.,• • Speaking from. Matthew 14-28, 'Teter answered ,him and '.said, •'I; if it: be •Thou, bid: me'conie' unto Th 'M the water.', And' he said, `Come Rev. Herbert preached a most force- tial - sermon. •Appropriate ,m`usic, qv n Bred by.:Zion ,choir; assisted::`by Mr Thos.` Mac Donald!;spent:;Sunday !Miss Myra McDonald: of . Lucknow � ' *venmg,'at Mr, Thos Harris: .: who with Mss• Margaret McDonald Mrs. ` Chas. Congram, `= and Mrs. of Lucknov;r, •ps aee_oinpanist,._contri- Nell ngten Henderson m tired to. re d buted solos, , most acceptably, .Both afternoon and evening. The financial response was quite encouraging. Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Topp •and Child- ren of Toronto`, -accompanied .by Mrs. Jas.' Cooke;' Who has spent ; the past month in Toronto,', motored up` Saturday s endin�. the__ _ ea - en d with.- Mr. and Mrs: O. EA'IcDonagh. The Ashfield; Ladies Aid!' Lawn Social'will be held on the ZionZion. h'C .arch lawn on Thursday, June 15th, instead df June t' a 16th,; as at :first•'dver - • ised. • •Andrew McKa • gue, Jr,, Mrs; A. • , Mcita _gie -. Sr., . . . and Jeann�..:.of Teeswater, visited with Mrs. - Will G ardner �; On'Sunday afternoon A:rural Softball: lea u ` g a comnrisin teams from Dungannon, St.': }Ielens' •Belfast.' and Zion,• i,as been. formed and a 'Schedule' `'of, lionie •; and home: •games with!,_fina_la o iI, arran ed' Tefirst round is as;''follows?;, • May 29-4Zion `Zion'at -St.: He el ns May— 31 Dungannon 'at•Belfast June: ase]e.; " ?sat >Dun gannon, June. -5-Belfast at : Zion "' "` Amo n .tli''- , g ose, removed_ from the Ashfiel d Circuit, -attending . A '- the nni' versary .on Sunda were•-:' Y Mr. and. -Mrs. Joseph Hackett Mr and Mrs. E..- .- . Taylor and- family,. Mr: and, Mrs. W. • G. Andrew; Mr.: and • Mrs:: James Ritchie,''Jr: ;.Mr. and- Mrs Wallace '1?wamley' iii .family; Mr:` and -Mrs. Mark Gardner:' and Ffamily; :Mr. Dan : ' Gree or -„Mr' . ''II r Thos. Harris'. Mrs.:: Duncan Munn of M c g , Gaifield • McDonal ' .: ' --•� Ripley' will ;address •the meeting'. op all of .•Lucknow; Mr:and Mrs I%. her trip to the West Indies i • tratford on Monday.' : s Mr. and'Mrs. Will' Garton ,of -Lemli ngton, Mr. and Mit: -Joseph Gamble' vi VWinghaiii-.were the "guests at. Mr; George White's, on S, nidaY.' Mr, and 1VIrs. James Baker spent. Sunday: with -Mr., Richard Baker. .,.., . ,MacIntosh . 'stent ! Sunday.at Mr. F. P� Elliott's; • Cdark's..' Mrs. Lura, Rose St_e Phen of'. Ottavita summer:speaker for the 4arious In-. stitutes, • addressed the :'Institutes', of this' district 'on` Friday May1;ith at Friday, Holyrood Township; Hall. Her address was ° on "How to keep our ;Institute above •par"' ::ad "What'`we • learn- of Institutes `'in other lands,!'_ :also "Helpful Hints for Busy Housewives" The address wag both interesting and instructive.` Mr. ,Stephen has been to England three times- -and=-w 'le -there: visitad France Germany, Belgium), Switz i an and Ilolland.With 'Le address on;Helpfu1-Iints-,, she gav - demonst ations, and showad severs- samP les `' of aP e rons- and 'their trim-- Hing; Miss. Margaret Malcolm and Miss Edna: Boyle favored', the meeting w','tth a piano duet and Mrs, Alines' e,rt .with' a 'solo.:. After the :meet int;, ,lunch •was•' served' and a .social half hour 'spent: Don'.t forget the:..next:.,:meeting4-0 the institute, will be held at Mrs: A Phillips, , Goderich;• Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman, Leeburn; Miss Ruth Evans, Clinton Mr. and" Mrs: Jno.: Blake and Bernice,- ,.Miss,' Aileen Maize, •Mr. Graham- o Wing. , ani• Mr. and Mrs:, e ,P tern Watson,.. Mr. and :Mrs.' Harvey.:'' Webb, St Helens: Mr Joe F. Helm, Miss' Alma Hunter,- Tiverton. M rs.w. T. .Gardner " i s spending this week with her h • er aunt; 1Vfiss:Lizzie Webster' . of Liieknow. ti - . and E r s. d. Arens o .- T:oro 0 .:: ,f,- ., fit calledo n Zionfriends F f a dson` 'Friday lust. Mr, and Mrs.: R ich:-Ga rdner visited inDun annon-on: Monday , of ;this;. Danes! ' ! Ora e Hall; 'Friday, i aY > :May 20tli. Auspices s u p -es .of Zion Softball` team. Lunch.- Admission: Gents, 25c.`' Ladies' with sandwiches, • free; • ASHFIELD NOTES of`the A number of the Masons front 'this' communityattended •the' Old . Light Lodge in Lucknow' on Thursday night. The _District' DePY ut � 'made his official visit. ,. The • :baseball • season:; -opened . Sat_. vrday evening, the juniors' playing against Inst •th'e .seniors: The 'juniors won the ''game. The W. -,M S. met at the • home lof Mr's.`' D. A. • MacDonald, with thirty ladies -present Mrs. IIacG llivary sits which liii Yi` t tht g p : ro ra gn. to IN. 4th �O Kd LOSS; :. The meeting t .F:W.O. • • May : n e n of ite-'U Y S was held at the ho meo f Miss Cather- ine r- ine Cam bell, and 'despite '' the busy Campbell, time .'there • was, a splendid 'attendance Mrs.' •. Carruthers • resided anti-,. the presided,- meeting ' ol? Y pened b .' Singing the by:: Opening 'song, after nhich he tord'.s prayer': was ,repeated, ingiinison. Mrs, V. McKinnon read the minutes :: of last . meeting, along with • several letters of appreciation, 'The'roll ';call 4 was responded to hy an'exchange of Bulbs or Seeds. , ;After comnipnity singing the business 'was..dealrwith. Miss Jessie McKay gave an account of the. -clothing sent up North.:'Miss Mary and Catherine ' Campbell sang a pleasing duet, which was : followed by a debate;' `"Resolved that the; De pression was: a benefit to Humanity.' The :affirmative was'' upheld by Misr Catherine McInnis and • Miss Mary 1VIcLcod : while Miss • Myra Brooks, • and Mrs: A Ackert supported; the nega-, ti:ve:.Roth sides did exceptionally well. The judges, Mrs, Chesnut; Mrs Martin' and :Miss Bessie''Cariiochan decided•. in °favor, 'of ; the affirmative. Miss`Elizabeth' Robinson sang a solo which was much• appreciated. Mrs. R.' Martingave,p;,,paper on: Citizen-' • occupied the °chair. Mre. Tom. Mac,. Donald read •• the scripture , lesson. Mrs.: MacGillivary led ,in, prayer. ' The program consisted ' of 'reports given by Mrs. -Simpson andMr. J;' ;MacRae. of the meeting held in Brussels. The chapter of the Study book Was divid- ed in two parts, Mrs. N. J. 1iacKen- zie �taking''`'t11e "first pari: and':Mrs`" MacRae the second part. Mrs.: 3,1, C., A'IacICenzie'•' closed.. the meeting with prayer. - (From another' Correspondent)' -Anniversary services Were conduct- Miss. Kathleen~ Ferris of'Lucknow: has' been staying: with her •grand- mother, Mrs.' Mam ckle, who has •been` ill for`. several wea?ks. A new; harness shop linin been',open- ed by 11r. George Milian, nett drior" to his Barber shop.' He •has�se'cured, Mr 'Robert . Swalwell, 'a : ; veteran hairless snake; of this district .to Manage' the business'.' for. him. . • :1/1„, rand Mrs, ',Kenneth 'McLeod 'of Con.•10,, Huron, visited at: Cecil Robb,'s Mid Angus' McIntoshe's, • con. 4, on Sunday last.. " '' 'Father -And, Son' services 'were held a close'. -The June meeting; WhiekiF. to be held,".ort the.„ 20th ef June' at Served : and a social time: Silent. • The ladies of St. Andrew!s United Church are haying a Japanese Blos- • nibs:A.:10'mi, arid MiSs Alma, Waiter of With ,the Mr. Mks. Reg.' Topp and fernilY, Of Toronto, accompanied bY Mrs. Jai.: Cooke, motereil, from the citY day evening te -Spent Sunday. with the krueAt of 'Mrs. A. Helm over. the lielens visited.; at 'Losa. Ritchie s. 64, :InS. 'and Prank "Prennaa and ,MattheW: 'Johnston: Spent. Sunday ,their Helm., 1' 250; 19341 Um ter. PUFF• SLEEVE SWEATERS ' ndewar♦ f n)•,. 'Just thee'- u.! • vakie in .Puff .Sleeve S>Yeaters- (Kayo S _.. .er or separate shirts • or Suits , Whitt and ' ' . Color . SPECK m n/ �• • • NEW VOILES , Tub fast,' Latest designs • Guaranteed; f st colors., e' 36 *ide, PRR YARD 25c, 16c �.. MEN'S S BROADCLOTH 1 SHORTS, Maker Forsyth: the • cotik is extra good. The. 'full'- cut and general fit 'and finish :will find favor With the par.=' ocular min or. youth. Size 33- 38. r', 49e• MEN' S - RAYON : SHIRTS • With good full armhole, round neck , : •,,. ;. cCluskey, .Man.a, t1CKS : tine • bred .from: line' bred. ft O P and Registered high' production hens. We guarantee 'oar . chicks free from disease and that they; will reach you right t. ,in everyway: Leghgrns, '.$7.00` per hundred; Barred Rocks 8.00- -:per hundred, anytime after May ,15th: Order'�`ours no ay for w, � , f r, them• when you, get 'them. : WALT _ ......Eft: ROSE, Brussels,,;' Ont..: NOTICE R. Re Greenhill CemeterrG .are'. , To those Who o �o w wn. a L t more or css in reenhi i, m r � i t G l Ce ate it no Y, s ,.sow an, never `0 een -perm. issable Cor 'such,o'ners or friends --to plant P - lowers fir°'a ' an "sort what • Shrubsf.. Y. lever • in the Cemeter And we hereby Y. ?e to"advise : all .those who• have 'taken :the _liberty to: do so, - to take. notice that all. Such plants' must be removed. The•re are; plants .that -have already'p.s read over other Lots• ' -than-'the .one' in Bich ,they were first placed, these to; must:be taken care of, Notice` has• been givenrepeatedly that • only cut or. • potted flowers 'would b allowed,yet eye in ,defiance `of' this notice there are as many as fifty. or more. 'lants," the. roots :whit} P ,.e of sn. some instances would d fill' O.: whee'' `farrow, hgre and there all over, the Cemetery. `. y. Now this, cannot 'be a1= And take notice;:- that , , ' .. ,. .,after- the. (owed :to, continue: : i eihth g day of June•"A.'D. 13133; the' i said l 1J x c. Then - e T n thereuto . �'are�. , I .:. rs Will.``. . ,.those:. who. 1► iI proceedo a-. ave t ...di 1)ur 'tribute' the` s Dried some dear:, friend,a sets ' of :. >+ ,maybe•;one the• said �:de- ceased ea ed' anion , f their" own .family t e er` ,;who are never: , g ..persons entitled nown thereto, regard:; o Ito have visited the grave, •lel v having- my"to;the p ,claims of which alone.. to :t e ': shall`: �then cut the weeds or the;•grass., h Y have Yes, .they wee'>particular to purchase had notice,, and :that r the:said Execu- a Lot.:i t.ors will not be•- liable. for: -the i n ,the ver best;', : hiee;, to :be said fon assets. or: any art thereof o •:: : u d, where the : ♦Lots _ •were, ...well ; P t an 'arson of`'. whose 'clai °• ":e t with. a fine, m ',m �,they,� hall.,,.'• l?e., arker 'and�';every not'''e • � Leri' have received notice: �.. •' h_ng• in a respectable .shape,. , ane - This; notic e is van urs ;hey leave g P uant:. to. . . vet their Dead in a Lot to .lie. �he:•Sta' tute'h atbehl an eye' sore - to. the whole Surround - !rigs. inbehalf. •' d D Dated to d at Link now Ontario, .this1' :figs. Yes,:;until, the 'sexton has ti. take a sc nth . day "of . May A . D. 1933. ythe and cut rowth ani 8 Andrew Lockhart Ja o c. b Miller, marry tit swag' ' •!and,' burn it .�� , to sav Lucknow,; Ontario. Ex • t ecutors. the; respect' of, the Cemetery;:,'. Some . ren have placed ',•a fine •'Monument. `o honor their. .father - . .r r and :maybe ;heir mother; and 'immediately • left': he'. 'place .so ne'glect'ed':that - the in-: cri•ption on the stone : is . s'carcely legible. ,One would Wonder der • if there 're; manyti_liuing today-w-lio have no a req. rd for how.' their last resting; place will be, kept. If, 'there are .such, in 'all decency 'leave '• orders " to 'be' fin ried•.;in'some . Cemeterywhere 'there . is-, no caretaking to be etre-et-6U—•:- eN-ewr , �a -i� - , natn isnifie t _:_: �' Several .of: ux-.-c o U3.-_: Loin who tamers boughtr` thein last'gprmb • ,. have.•:their 'orders, Already placed,' I SALVIA - weli, e ca n i,ever`su' w pply the'demand� Ha ' gin baskets and d boxes "refilled: • STEW ARTS LETTUCE• . assess .. po , a dehciaus.' juicy crispness all their own.. , s STEWART BROS., •Benmiller Nurseries 'Phone, . Carlow 35.. • ,NOTICE TO -CRE - In. the Matter`, o thes e tate f Abraham m Bu rns at o , ,. f-the=Yi 1a 1 g of Luck now in th :: County of B it Y race' aborer :dace sed. - i a Not c i" e, se here. b iven Y., g en that :all perion .having any clai ms or de- mands •. against the late' Abraham Burns, w�o` died 'on or about the; eighteenthday of''. A ril A P A. D. 1933 at the Village of Lucknow . in ::the County of Bruce, are-Jrequired to ,send '. bypost prepaid or to deliver to : the undersigned,- executors.' under the. Will: 'of : the said Abraham - Burns, their . names and addresses ' and`f all. particulars in writing of their claims. and'. statements of their accounts an •. :•r a' the nature; of the securities i - any, held.:. I by them;duly, 'verified by -affi :Mow there "is 'clife other, thing We wish:to, mention and; it is 'this, that when 'in the Cemetery; keen off the' places where it is'.newly, grade& Am.', Craves, are Sacred-tO us all, and, are -.sorry to say,in truth' that- one-emt 'trace the conise of :some women, from the 'qinie they enter the derneterY until they leave, the, rondway, 111,0 seetn iihe the soft 'nlaces to walk ThiS is the time of the year when the prniierty. should, be looked, After • grass cut every week 'until ,the end .of P,OteinbSi! To, these: who wish y, hire it dona,the price from. the, pre- sent' 'tin;e tintil• further Advice . IF given,,iS '$1.,50 for. single Lots.; nnd` $20,6 for two Lets that are :joined together'. TbeSe '0104 whii hove mtide• nn other ar- rangements: Orders may , be, sent to giv,ett to the ".Secretary :Of the Ceirin‘aily or one of the 'Direptors, New- Overalls and Work clothing for, meu and boys, l'HE ,MARKET 44 MORTGAGE SALE .• UNDER AND N BY V IRTU>rof• the he •:' .'ov, ars: of Sale contained: in, a..'cer= `. niortgae`": which i; ,. • will' be z prb;- 1u ccd at the time. of sale, 'there `will ie offered ,for sale, by GEORGE., ELLIOTT; .Auctioneer , the afterriaim, at 'the twill: •.af ' Lain Parcel or tract, of land., and, iiremises, situate, lying and', being' Ili 'the County of: Htiren, and Prey- • Mee of:Ontario, and being coniposed the'' East^ Half „of Lot • Nurnber TWenty-siX (26); in tho Eleventh Concession, and . the Seuth Half. of. . 'Lot, Iminber (26),In the Twelfth coiicession Of, the said TOwnship Of West Wawinosh, taiiiing; by adrneasuiement,:".• Two `Itundred (2054- .acres.. more or lesS, On tlie:Aald farm, 'there' . said' to be • erected h dwelling house With The lands- will b'e,,,,sold subject to.. of the purehtis'e. inoney- te, be paid down. at the time ef sale ' and the balande Within • thirty days., fito,c44.19'47.,:44,7.4%hoLiri,,,:aartihreollasnv,, Vittrit W. Page, Esq., -.East Block, • • Parliament Building% Toronto; Ont.. ' 'Solicitor to' the: Inertgagee;"' cif gay, 1933,