The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-18, Page 2F 4, The Empire anct The 'Worldat Large_ ' cistiA,pA 01P;),• l' -9,4K *ad.:11.41000T • • A. 1 tep , at railway „ere:soilage „ • . Coats. nething. 'e,ash and 'little in injery or fatality., Torelito, TOO. (gram. . • • BetnanCe • and, the.:*utetrethile. , • .9 hate all.motor.:eers„t late Plant " alnui4t they . were ani - nate , beings,* l'he•°,:internal. eenthatf., engine, • has '..spOilt ;England. le reinance la travel , ,Thus '1.44y. Eleanor analth , •daugb- jei Ofthe late' ..1.4Prd „..Biskenheed,. herself a ',Writer ot ho 1.44all • Merit. It. IS ,irtie„ that. the; thitemb. annihilate&,. 'distance, :, hut. saalt not. ale& breught.•. the: . grasp of themnItittitle, n.whole World Of • travel '4rom 'whc.9ie had...,fort; ▪ ineily 'been...banned' stet.nd.r.-bas it • killed renianee.? :Is ihern no 'beauty . , _ , . , eft in the. English 1410 • District,. in Meuntainti,, the. "fel:1610re dales?. .1$1Ong, liCeuty reineina in the wdrid, re: 'inance naPapt • die, 'And' 'beatity...,will 41ve.: as , Man doge, not ,delib: 144.1.ir destroy it by trying to improve npOn ,.Natiire'n•.'haildi*e,r1t., It. IS . not • *.matter of niiteinobilesof aerether , orlas of . transportation; but .. •vbrtit ,....,119,S.In..:the'pon4,ot the beholder and •what �ie my feed upen.'• If the Mitt), .pioblW belpS hips' to -.apPreCiate .010 *beautied of_the:Omainian of the joie.: • „liness of Shakespeare's • lank tlieri 4h0.. automobile la and Tt:ot .a *matt, LadY.,.' Eleanor. • ..haS spoken cut' of : titria.-TMcintreal, • taily , Star, - • ' - .., r ..:6*1441 74,;kihtirOtSrlig1 t Rfl: 10q Itself tnay .101.4e'rett' lutpilttait . • , • ...-.:Selentifie ..biscevery. This would •moat assuredly 'be a . •blealc and. 'Uninteresting world With: • 'nut the abientiats.": One. of '!eni. ,haS •"ditiebvered, „ painistaking. •S,earehes, that. a frog, isnot tiokliah. _ander .the ann.—Bonder •CitieS- Star. - :Thanks 'to" ImPerial. Coefereace:." The,' leascuLat Ottawa. G611,f-er, , eice rnost,:11;e7ralletrosrt,,s.:1,?.0e;entolltiacro,nutnirbil4ystthhlt prittbd -States For some 'mouths • neighbors, have been ..gratinallt bratight to the realizatimi that they *re on the point Of loalug • their•, . to bi)4i elienth—Brititin and Can. da.*...:And this • realization,. whialt • made 'thorn, foresee an 'irreparable. '413aSter,1.1..ittd.reade:tbern•-ifyln9athetic. t� ti .eaof eitiingintoatreaty n :the basis Of .fifty:fiffy, -Iniporopor- •lien to their real readlnei3e. to depart trot, their habitintly selfialy point : of •41,6r, • the eonversationi..at Washing- ton,will•, have: fridtful, atrie/ ."Heaciletin Driver's. . The :instance, Of a •legless. , Seal* carotins iaau, driving a Car after, he-. • 1ng denied a license recalla it* mini: tar In; headlests Persons. Whodo. the hme Courter,Ex. press. .Eloresight. The Man who *built: a two car gtV, rage Ih 1923, was foresighted 'after all:-- He keeps. the. ear" in.: one side •Oind liVes in the 'other.-4tielph Mer- , , • , Flocesevelt"s, Mame. . • Preside:tit, ROPs'eveltis.. the • that 'resident who 'has.' „bean, to • make the „rest .pf .the, wcirld, sLt.....upr • and take .netice, With no. other:, influr .. bate' than hitt -own'Perathiat. Weight, •and. his ,CountrYmen:Will reatiect :MTh • .3,0CertlinglY, whatever „their ,peliltles. • • IV is astonishing the -difference. a , nian !naked in'. any situation. His-• , tory; will agree tht in the'yeilment !jonotuFe. Atany rate, Nir. Roosevelt issothe • 460. the•Sape :"Says• liatnItton •"that incithei., of .1$ ,d,aughters. Pro. bably • gets 'so. weary ,listeningte- the daUy argument ,about *hese turn it! to do the idishes 'that • she ?deed • thent, herttolf,'.half.tho thee."' Site is,. • therefore,"'.We :take, 1t,l the sane Position as the mother Orofie;•thi.46... • .sphtinewlevipw. • • Market. ' Canadian' •eattle • dtriperted itY :United .Eitigdein In the:flt;',.- two '..thonths ot 1923 it red 3635; as ..:1411-)111_11.t.11,..ilit..1.1i0...-•sarne _Parted. :111..0.. jar. • Of these. 3,209':"Ti'ere-7i:eititTietf 716. in :jancy„. The' two-montha', 'tie •'Irish .,Vr6e Stitt:A.:Was' .‘ 76,766,-; itsd- jth 123,2O6 in saipe "Defied. AAA •.;Cbarlottetalkir ' '•;.WaPit.,•A'ftermeth, ; ;it • leek Etiglaati 'thirty:dye' vers o reetiVer. Ifroth the:, rtNiatieleonie - Th e,* po po le O ThIttY * a it tiiira , •ogevio144, Patience :ttithr. *.a ,Ctattlelyttn • :Stich. as • the:. Oreat.'",. AV.tt,r, aspeciallY Stare ; atae falielfed bY an , 611.1Y. Of . rtstotiraVsganee and left a hollage of • deti.ts simh, as' the „Iworldhtta %never • klietYta.:.Virforitt Pally . • io" 'Ortcei, • • • ;:kfter' 'What they baVst tyxpertepcod ' daring :the:Past fetV, Aiars;,•:,it hi• vTell under t ood why- 'the gralt,gro,,wrii:te • ititinild beiittyilenS.' Of the' fuinfe..4jut effect en the :World markets.. etaa 'Star. •° ' • THE "Take „off your clothes, lie down a hot bath and what:do:you hear" Italt3" a 'doctor. • ". The telephone bell starting to ring in a bet bath, and what &you hear' • ' : • • .t .B.haw's Bad ...141.<c4. . ; The An.44,ricane. Are angry 'with Mr. Bernard Shayi,,-Who -hes 'deiced •in: On thein during' his World 'loin% They think' fits, At'Atea ; are In had taste. It is obvious ,titat they neith, Undetatand, nor .. appreciate our national playboy, ./All hp best "jokee like been in _bad pendei •DAV .`Expressi... Britain's ( ExportTrade, • . The 'trade Of the whale •world ,Itaa shrivelled; and iYet acilliA it there is a -singleeonntry,. •great •or Smell, Which Can shOw the "moderate" ex-. pansien of exports disclosed in ' these Board, of •Trade figuies, for March: that in itself is' it, •inatter for :real .encouragement.- • 'Till •recently, our best , bot, has been that: we, were suffering lesik-thanccithers.-; Now it, is ..posaihle to,. flatter. Ourseivett, that our •export 'trade • la actually the niend..-:-Lmidon Daily Telegraph. • • . • . - • • British Teturriehl. . Fresh,' laurels are added to: •'the tante:Of British 'cars., , and 'facing :di -era by the., 1.000 -mile road .raee" round Italy, in which Captain G. E. T. Eyston and .1:o* TI-lowe won the ' • 'Brat:Iwo prizes -„J-4, their Piave: , :This was the first time • a spec -18,11Y' pie- va:red British team, had ,lieren. enter- ed. • it *Was.tilmoSt . an impudent 'challenge. ',Three small British 'cars ivere..pitted..againit. 'giant' tompeti- 'tors -driVen- iinest..--1(aceso"--pf- the Continent .1n: trk-4eirille ;teat for nen. and engines; 'Cant. „Eystoti„ was thstirst7-'hathe;'71MV.Ingraompletect. the- ardnoas ood.r0.0,. at A. speed...„ Of 596, mflesan bow.; , inc1tdLng stopS, and Lord Hovis. was .only le*:thingtes behind hini.--LOadon Dant Mail ' DisgiltPeZ- For...biting: Senator Hattie Carattrat and biting at premier.: pen. , nett, Major, .ROoaeVelt's Police dog,*, will. he .mitztlett.:, „Bean:ter way's. arin Wita • hreised-;:gr,Rennett's ire:users snagged. April COnStruction Brisk, , In. the 'Dominion • Toronte—Cortstruction activity fpr -Allril-..3i.qta.almost•-eoAl-•....te the-opni- bitted tittals:o.f.Jaiinary,"Pebruary and March,' according to figures _Compiled -1.5Y-:•-1Y1 acten fr713 ai 1 diii-Reports- Iiiiitit.; ed. •'Contracts., awarded throughout ,Canatia . for April -totalled ' $8,00,7,00 - as. compered with, $3,191;60 in Actreh• . and smmar ainounts for Junuary and National. Character. . : F.4bruAry. __„,,,..._ .c,„ - .. • Quebec leol all ,Other proVinces . in *publ( c consience is the s len as The Vision 365,000: Ontafio followed .`tvitli $2,... .A.. ie .. " tun of contract's awarded with n total of 43,- witnenCwn'tc-n• ,, the peOpIe: pariah is 045100, while the t4tni.; for Western sti: Perapinit, ---TIsion,;-• ' .. The ti Christian, .'-' canadavwaa-42,91.1);300.4ant:2-1.0-f:fir gospel of giiedwillto, which ;the Maritime Provir.ces;:„.$2.87,700.' • Slircild‘ is s,..0) liateii-1s , an indi- - ..Engineering,werk atrioUnted to 3, vidual, message. ,'Thou shalt ItyVe 849,200; ilbsiness butdings; $2,473, : - thy ,nelehbar". Is repro than ..a gen 000; industrial, 4O5,50O, an ,, resi-. eral lujundtien. It is for each, of us, ,4eatial, $1,881,600.. aaaid4Consly, hatefully; to seek- that . ,Figures for centemplated, .or : prb-, which will :give light in darkness, posed work indicate even greater; ae.... and 'guide our feet into the. waY of .tivity in the innnediate,futu,re, . .. I..gi to..t, ,:al.i.:4 .4. i.', f.Ct.....to:Treri;00 a: litiWqn,vir.d'ea:90,1,.t..161:11_nartligini, iOor-',‘Itti-41-7 • ..:, NeW .York.t.-1're the. teettoriataf':eede, WQ14. Ada- to MOtorists . . fer','.1'..ain.gorripo_sitePin for ,GladYS'.4r Tetaharct„ ,Assiatairt kro- • fesSer of ....AhArepelOgy . at Banard• .College, w.O01."lcht another. ' "777 • '' A 'king, toot ,On othe horii; ,a ;short feet . and `it %long toot.' like beep -be - beep; lor a. hey is atealing a rule On • the haelc‘ef Your car." • . '• She peinted' eut that.'18 ;-childrmi Were killed in New • York • stealing rities_last. year,. and 51:9 injured; and Iannounced that she was starting :.a ,Carapaigit. for 'a ,univepal'ActivIticiit of . the :warning, signal from one .''snotPriat• , h.:, another. • -.-'°.•. . • • ':EWitg' In The • Htbbert.Joui!nai (L6ndoti)..', '.AdVeftleing, .Ancient and. Mede,r.a.1, A:iiieI:-. rtis.ng inunet; a fancy deve ; oranent, of., Modern tithes:. It has al Way ,,eXisted.from the. 'earliest: days ot ..bnYing and ' Eelliiig.• . The' town. Mier *Making announeemente at " the Street -corner, ' the ,' li*",awker '9hantfrig loudly to ,attriet.ittentiOn• In an eitat. haztiar,,"-ali." are •advertisers: •Ttie • difference betyieee',.anCient and advertising correspenda to .•the changes in ,inetheds. • sit production • end. distribution,- Betweenthe pre., diber and -the ' '.distributor tOday. stands the :advertitter,.....PerfOrthing .0 ftinetiOn which' • bee:ernes more • and inert, ..itnne.rtent,in lirOlidrtien as .dustr:conducted: .on., • saale, and . Potential .t'onsuniers are more • ,Widely. seattered.--Spectft,;, tor:-.'01endon.j - . . •• • gT,NE UNITED ET4TEE. Source of 'Power., •, -At the 'mouth of the Severn,. Eng- land ,- the waters 'rise an fall 47 'feet at., the equinoxes: 'yven''the .spring tIdes have a range of .49 feet and the aealt Of 22: %%My not huild .a dant to hold ,back the 'water and" .pay, ,It out guadually through • turbines •which .would bneocipled with dynamos' to ,:generifte•Obletrie, energY? Moon and "Sun would tuft 'the, ;Wheels -of Brit- ish factortes:-"New Times. • "Nat.ionai. Tree; An :organization' of ita.ture, lovers itt aSiting ifongres niek. 'a , tiatlett al :free NVIthatif Jjoththin, we (1. say, ffiand that the. , pink' '.a.pneuis rnos stroitgly titot,t of the,- • chosen fP.thiesee tat.. 'tiVes tite.:-neopla.,--,libstott Not ariMant, slender', and PrettY took...a taxicab • the *other: ,.dtty and 'said, . in lear, ittu1.„.10vel7 tonna, • that She wished , go eortter .:tft Vifty'-tirst street , anti li.venue„! Whet] next. she looked „no; she heholill. I,c,riu,it 'being, driven Past ;11'10y -first, well,.....te,Wartl• . Y:s otO (1.; spoke. to the driver shai.ply,,. 10WIty: are . you • goittg tt.3, Vifty.seaorid $?" site dateandetl,said. iPiftk-ill'.,1G`' He; slirtfggetl, a'ed ";then•tlhaiilty xpi a i tied. linty it wa "frosi Rite .(A. 7 . 41,igtal<6$ t,i)e.inade: nit '1 •W.E(4 130, ..l.wittildn't Ito driVing tiffs ettlt,"4 he ,Bluenose". Carries Woman 'Old 'Tradi' tion. Defied. Bowlingalong before fresh winds in the.ehill of an Atlantic dawn, tho fined :.Bluenoie; champion ofthe7Atlantie fishiisgfleet, was off, Canso, • • .`, Emir passengers were on board, the craft,' including :Miss Marion Halifax. ,• Her Presence rwits proof that heartY.'Cap'n Walters confidence in at least, one super-' atitien of, the 7sea-faring 'folk. For 'that tradition' haloi , itthat disaster awaits with sea-fitring4raft cariting, 'a woman passenger, ' •" - • ' • • 24 Killed,,,138, Hurt - •In Rail Accidents Ottawa.—Twer.tydcair persons were killed and 138initired in railway and ,rallway-eressing aceidenta, .during February, according to a statement, isaued by the Board a Railivv,tit rnisaioners was e were s( ief pg7or, 41;a: deie,!S'etu. Ire° Tet PlisC,:rleers; 102 employees . and, .26 "others" were injured. . Wjth regard; tO"aecidents -at hi•gli: Way Crossings; two 'ocentretl'hi Que- hee...and 12 .in 'Ontario • Fiis Majesty the King 23.Year's: on 'Throne .,.Londefi.-7FlaM. flying thre?glIctit tbeit'onntrY, lengthy ealbgies in. the *119*.81)644ns and a.: 21.7*gna salute at all military pests Was 'the, only.' eon:m*1n- oration on May 6. of. tke. 23rd alit. .versary of His Majesty King Georges; accession to the throne..b He will be 68 years -• . •stream -1 'of ,congratulatOry . mes- sages poured into BLzekinghant PIPIPoe• Phe • was,. n� remind :Celebration .at :the Bakke where the King and :Qiieen spent the day quietly.. together;: but every floral servant drank to the health a the Rtileri•ht eliathpagne. ,and ,pOrt .supplied. by the 4ing.:, ,. • • - .Railway Reports, Cut Iii Operation Costa, • Montreal.—Gros,•reVenues of the ill -inclusive *system of the Canadian • 'National Railways • dering Marolt were 411,399,215,„ a deerease. of $2- 8564D0 is compared with he .reyen. 'ilea for ;March,.19$2. Operating mi..; penses;totalling $11,654,4.2 in 1VIiirelf,* 1933, . showed a -.decline ,-Of $2,104,083 in the seine comitarison, leaving a, net revenue .deficit of 255,8O7,v.14 against :$496,900, a 'decline of $752,297: " : For, the three nionoths ainee the firat ,Of the calendar year; groSsrevensied •declined $9,07,7,277: : Operating; eitn sod were ,$6,383,585 1 . • • ;0110 peutie lunlnt,tlitathti front r. cOliteht "amAtigats • , •1 4 • or,tro:IVioxi VU* 14 Thf tvo)ittry, 11011411, Ittr, *WOO hth Wb.i9k1 '4.13,NA! -1114r Iti)01441 tat;e4WtiAtOPtiv.0"00.100.4 the baiditi,:f4 the lltualter nt Weston .$4)41,04Y, ) t bora PIO.simplo th,o l• irokionto t, ion; Alwyo Lte • 1.09, battoa. ' 1,tn4i.aghAi noom, that z1.11:11411uttiithl,:,:ti,iii.a:t..dileet.::::iott:ttithat11e!e:, ttrotteurge4 back :health. te,..4e0ree.,..4•.•canadiatt etutaidert,hle length • :l!rint101-es..11e;-ieture • .1)11itill°1114.91d7A:111!,1.11% "a betfor .ever tit:5 little:patients at' Vie .Qeeen 411iry 'Ile:Taal saw this •,-oipppd it .and hod it framod.• . , When Me, Bxcelleticy tha Earl of 'llesaborough, ..gaVerior:General . of Cane'da,reeeatlY visited:thehospital, the', framed ,*c.nnie to at- tention. When the stork reached the .Qtzeoen's7ears„ she gfaciOnsly #.1704., 4,0a the original, initeh to:the surprise. afici'delight :of the little patients,Thia :..has no replaced thehacled hut- care- ft„lly p,reserved • elIpPing and bang -4 . 'where ,all -the youngsters, in.„the hos- pitai.may 'see, it. .Now Guard , p. Canada's Game Birds • • 49ntreal, EMPowered to... an." force the . •Birds: "Contrail: doh ACt' the.. Royal Canadian ,lount: ed have Stalled out :to patrol ,Canada's hunting land In '20011 to, enitb the •unwarranted' ,Sleughter Plans lieve been cornpleted by the fer', !fi.e .Patrol •xoyerage .the Province Of :QUeliee: 71:06.ring, the • ptiat'.few • ears Slaughter, of game .birds, including. „duCkit.' and 'geese theli.WaV to. and ...frontilibli. .nerthern,•neating- gritunds.„ .44 .beeti 'so greaL;ds. to . Seriously threaten', ...certai*-Verieties4`o,f7eittiinctfonr---Pro* ..vhiciati:',federel;, •"private."game "wadens, hampered, bY,.• lack .of. 'man, .power, bete. battled ..ineilielentlY•,fOr Yearti, against the ; deaPoiling..or Oinr ada s bird ,preserves A 'Check Will be raide*":to.det�rmixie " " • . , , 9 the extent of:, out.sofseaatin, .slioating and..deapOiling•ef..• nest's:. Hunters!: egniptneat .will bd to, inSpee- tien in ,. seartaiir:-.whether 4.he forbidden' ',:alitoinatie zhotgun • of anY •firearni was not th.3•741iiihters! ecinipment;., Beisideti..protedang edlble :tarlotiOS of such' • as, :graiiee,. .:dueka,-.and ''tiitotleoeks,, the: :mounted" ,Pellee „Wit* .dee. that. 'there Is the need:' ;less "1.: birds liko Agibollnks, WOodpeelters, •Wrelitti and , perching birds. Penalties' for infringement of the .MigratOrY: Bird Act ate, unnsualli, severe .forl ..fine ot ' $301 a`rul -cesta, •or :the' alternattire six monthsjn: jail,' •.:the 'Offending: hunter ; stands -- to. lose alt his equIp matt, through ..eonflicatiot. • .41.11.001111•44611•140.101011ft. •ar perunent n t or prfect-Aorshq?, rtIIi Aj,471c1) Poubf. Co .i.per'ci4FOr Wag". ValPe 4.1 ' - 'PteliPrit P'9;lffliale Platt 11 •• Londelt---After the ss of tlie tit): NaYY: ,10138 of: die 1,3r1), r, Wo t! t: lure )1gMef-tha.n-Lifr craft' aid • 'these 1:111O• 401114. laye . beaa •lag eatioq.,• • in Englaac) apt Sed. d en bars appear ,• more- • •091,1,ftrined ever '14 their opiniens„ E.ij14 It co. tp. spy that there-, tsre:•xliany *4°34 fdith: le -tile, feture of the gas- boreFyiteb.Pli..A4Pnt' If ont..(lostrorod: • •• . ' • • Asooasing'. „the two, -poomple ,,ese! for the tootioo• posilhle ..future . 4- '1)0044' 0$1)Orta:' tepee *irtleniar . •.:0ninierpial, 1ighter-0134141r transport, 20o: .10r, onlY.:9Ae. Tilirl.g1P14.. :the grit e;.-:114ie11111111.,11i Onlotre rouct(rtnr4oenk.47,14411e4f..4.. • many to South America thiy a, cent...". • '' parativelY° few • . 'passengers, • can.** carvied,-.and-theY art+ allowed a mint mare of luggage_ .A...ereali, amount. c4, . malI l also carried.. The 'fare, pm, ; . .Flna,IaJ Result.. • .".Thore',ie as yet. no record of tht. • full :financial... fesUlt4, •Of ,this cent ine ieti:d-CCf:1,,a1-7-ailvr4eh-I,PelrY.Plirleelii'llite';71144.0"th, P.6i11608.ainsits.kb' too kii • fire had 23011, t� be reckoned. with, • su,PPIles. 'of the aoalafianithabiti • .. , heltittai gal. ire -as 'fir-as:hi known- ,le.eated • eialy.,' In the. United. State; • and Canada in authelent quautity W-• be ' of use. filiing the: greet , gas. begs.. , •••Dr,'' ItugeEekeiter, tire Ger, men. dirlgIble..,,designer„._,andskipper-.-. looks:ferwa,rd. • to .hatring:. the new 'Which.:4;liiiiilding at Fried richShafeil„::bortre.o..en. . What df the., ,ligliter..tlianir craft ; • :for .i.varli4 .porPeses? • British earn- .nientatera'..reveal that .In the World 7.War,0ortnany,..-Was-the-sole-peasesisur..,.. , ,et large afrships ijt 61 idppehrti •.• assigned to the Oermailleet017 *die -71-ost1tyLetteinna-ctiOn7281traceidat1ts; and '6 tvere. abandened istidelesda total Of 51 out of0..- 'Except in alto It , dotibtfitl It the's:list:0p has :been , In in range, speed' and ability those itinm• hIrplone;,' .and: ,fiY at great ,altlitudeS .has been haproved out •Of:all..feeegnitien; Tho:, 1rlii-60,0-4-47,--dillelen,e' • Of the :elf- :Plarto*.ouid Surely SO even snore.proh ,1e9ni1..4a_tislcal than, het Ween 1 , . , . ' Dr. Eckener Undeterred Edketter.,talking...With, the Bet.: lin corresponden,t of :The 'Christian Science *miter, Said, that he'and 'hii „ -oileaonee wonid, ,deterred ,by: the, Akron disaster ,fttraal.aentintiitit. their lans He hoped, too that Tub- lic "Wotild:. Centinue. .to Support t'hezn. . , .• . • Great.:' Brltaia is, at present 0111' of the market' for airalliPs., • The. IV .'106,titurlier..eiraliip,',. has .been disrnantled and oily a very small air .,fetIce personal Is ma1nta1nil to watch • current: developmente. Prob- ably the it. the ..Spectator...is-olia,racteriatie:.'y He .Coa. • •tends .that :the airship..l l9oked al • from wiog ,Atia; 44#ger,os. ,by.„.the..press,..pulollo, and even..:by tir..,, thithofities.1•..•;',. It . is, he sets; not :it., eMitnierCial.".propesItien; , it .1s. a till :eipertnient,, . and, an• incoxnplete onq,• at tlat What the- eirslilo needs 11 •... :10 - years of inzitliaturbeknithustled ,eir• roeritnent,..bk the 'oat ..of :vrhich. • . VOOtild be, knpWri whether, it was 1: PrattiCal peeps jf locomotive, • /1,44 - Many'', people, he • concluded, .bectit by*th.e,Iterthigarla.0,-theY, , She . wbUld Sink 1f,her.'enginet.C.hrbli44,-- iloWnl...* ' • •• , .• . • . , • • :Six Canadians- AiVarded• • 86,149.,,livolihs :by Irate • New Haven, Conn --Six• Canadians have been '.awarded scholarships '.bY •Yale UniVersity according te ,a recent 7 -announcement. Sterling Fellowships. • Were *on by Cecil T.: /Ana of Mont- : ;Teal ' in docielogY and William' '. J. 13'.Meara et Ottawa in philosophy.; rrhS Itenry Daggett Hooker Fellow - Ship in Betanyo went.t� Wllliam Foitga, son Of St.:14turent; One. .Feder1ck W, the ic haefeertioodfg. G: raveaturst, Nen Fellowship:in elasaicit, While UniVersity: :were awarded IVIacrarland...of Havelock, N.D., and Clarence R. Tract of Toronto. • • • . ,• fdeetirta the ,Situation • "Where's the cashier?" "Gone, to the,' raced.," , "Gonc to the races in busines,„4 bours?'' • "Yes, sir. It's his last' chanCe of making the bdoksba.lanee " ' . . 100 Die In Mississippi Tornado follOWthi„t: deatititiettilliOttiltada v1te )9**e...N),(v-afaskt/P.I. Mtate kdtlng abo4t .100„ 1 luring: ever • 1,009,,' This. 'tit the: sithilrbaft se.Ytleoll: Of Vatoo;' • '4 ' , • 4 ;N9rivay.-Sondi-Ship To C4),Ogo PLP*Iitior -Montreal and, . ultimately Chicago wheredt she. , will officially represent ,' Exposition # the : Norwegian froioini ;erhip Sorlandet•Sailed from here lbadet• with eicaniple.s of 1,IerWitiiitti iridustri. • . arieebinnielte. * . The .tripta under the direct.patrott ' ageorking Haakon f NoiAwitif,.ond •'1.?eing-,,andertaken by .ilie-Sorlanadt • she is small enough to perfitt.ilavio, tion through the:lake. /n.: addition” .0 cieW Mid CO: • cera,. 88 apprenticea to the IsTeregiakii,L, merchant marine are ore , ° :Start Work on 24/Ii1e:'Bridgi, copoihti4en. started on the longeat 'combined' rail ' • and road bridge in ,Europ...t, ,ritheing ' two milebet!..Veen the •Dinisit'islarods En1.$ter ;and .Jeetatd Tke1'W Ii estimated' at st0,09,000. • Ail Pine' TiAo Itint 'get the' coatract. , Four New .V,Varshipit *. Italian Navy Program • , - , . • oirtannt, zceretttry .tif the Navy, anneunced in the Chant- ' ber ef Deputic,s 1it8t, week that tin, „„Italiali(leygratitent, :had ,dellded .00n8truct,two-cr isr toiltt etch and • two toritede beak, Of (100 :ten, during the fiscal Year` Pg.l. , •