The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-11, Page 1• • • N"-' • • — • ^ • • 4*. J.„ i'ER YEAR IN ADVANCE.; t2.00 orrunnwisni „ LOeliffolAr• 0141.1%. THURSDAY, MAY llth,19030, , DENTIST, Dr. R L Treleaven' Limocow Hours: 9L=' -.12 A. M. -,- L30-5 PHONE, ,oa XRAY • E. Stewart graham.: BARRISTER; SOLICITOR; ETC,' of ,•.4lie late' R. J. Stewart, next door to Royal Bank ' ICINCATtifINE- . - FOUND—A Watch in ‘,.1.41Eaknow. Apply at Sentinel Office. , FOR ,RENT -97 -Acre Farm; Lot 29, bon. 6, •Kinloss., Good ' grass land. Apply to • Joseph '.-R.R1., HolvroorE. Active Church', Worker :Passes G.: H. ' Douglas Succumbs Long IllnesikL-Funeral: TO day There, passed away:at her home. on CoMpbell St., on ,Senday. evening, May 7th; Isabel Carrick, beleired•Wife' Of "George H. Douglas. % Mrs. Douglas• who was ,the daughter :of the late .Robert A. and Mrs. CarriCIC :WaS 110r1T-'griCiiitOIT-A.T3liffeliFTW-P-ZW :41ine ;15, 1898 was married. at. Kintail to Mr. Geo. H. Douglas'. She had been in failing health' for over a year due to. a heart ',condition, and for the • past two :- Months ,auffered intensely.' Mrs. Douglas will be -grea.tly niiss- Ted by ' a Wide circle of friends. .She „ was. Interested in everything ,„that , . FOR SALE -,A quantity .of Seed 'concerned the --well-being of the coin - 'pees, Canadian Beeniy..:7 aunnity, but her deepest interest al - Wm. MaCKenzie, R. R...5 Lueknow.' •ways, centred in the %yin* of tile church.'. She 'was.a meinber,-:.of the Lucknow .freabyteeian Church ',from her .girlhood and • had give k faithful eerViee in the. Sabbath.. School, 'ir congregational wOrk and in 'the' Wo- lnen'e.. Missionary Society, Appl'ecinT. tion of hervalued services ;as a mem- bee of the Executive of the hind Presbyterial was .-veleerat the meeting of the Society in Melville 'Church, 'Brussels • on ,Tuesday. Douglas is survived' by her husband and four ehildrent:Dorothy C. Of 'the th( Presbyterian IVIissiot at Taineui, Fe,rniose,...Japan;.: R. 'Carrick of ,•New York. George L., in charge :'-ef.. Field „ at. 'Stonewall; Mani - tuba. 'and Mary Of the, staff of the. 'Margaret. Ave. ',School, Kitchener. Fonr sisters and - one ,brother else Mrs. A. Shannon.,Pf,:_St..: Penis, , Minn., :Mrs.. Nina • .Boy(t, ancl Johnson of Virginia Minn and -miss 'Christina Carrick "of' Luelcriees• and (rant .Carriek of Ore gore . E. G. Johnson has beer with her sister- for the past :thee' weeks. ...', • . • The funeral* , will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 3. P.M. frei- her late residence. Campbell St. (In- , • terment ,in South Kinloss cemetery. The eerVice will be conducted her minister, Rev. C. H. 'MacDonald eyinpathi of ,the cern- iiinriity goes Out to those , . .rhourn the • less of a beloved Wife and mother, • „ „ 'Phone, '5-46, Lucknow- - ' FOR SALE -,--•-1928 Chevrolet. 'coach point, tires ..,and ;upholstering all, ..".geod;••' and in good nwchanieal eon. Apply Cecil Phillipson, I „ . R. R. 3, Lucknow. : CALVES FOR SALE—Good beef' type calves, ranging from 100 to 200 pounds. For particularapply to- IlerveY Ackert. 'Phone 29w; •Lucknow „ (I1=5 ---c)' • R.'SALE—Cheviolet Coach 11)28 .model in perfect running ". Condition. Apply to Wesley. McPherson; R. R. .3, Ilolyrocid, (11-5-L,P.) , .AUCTION' SALE—Or first dais houehold furniture, diabeei- .purp'ps, ,.'n_tc,,,•..at th� Walkez Store buildingon Saturday, May 20th.: ' • • , R. j.Moore. FOR . 'SALE -,L„• Two Registered, Shorthorn Bulls..Xerd fully. accred-. R.' Middleton, R. R. 6, •`Lucknow. 'Pholie„ 'Ripley 26,9: BULL FOR SALE — Purebred Shorthorn , dual pnrpose. Off the Weldwood sttain. Age 18 months Price $0.00: Jack McIntosh, ' R. R. •3;', Lucknow. ''Phone 62-11; , Dungannon. FOR SALE -4-1 Washing machine? 1 extensiOn.. ,table; .2. smell, tables;„ 1 iron ,bect and 'springs'. also house' 'MOTHERS' pAt... FLOWERS and, let to sell or' rent.. ApPlY Sentinel Office. Call arid see our new shipment of (11.-75•-•) ' ' .• flowers for ', Mother's Day. Hydren, •,•-p. ‘• eas, Cafeeelatias, Roses Lilies .'Pel- irgoniunis and so forth;also a 'goAd assort:he/it of :cut flowers, Roses Carnations, Tulips and °Sweet Peas Phone orders "deliveeed., 'Phone' 88. - MRS. SOLOMON FOR. SALE -Oat Roller, CirCular Sawing Outfit and, Baby Grand Motor; for operating smile., Will be Sold as ')e !mit .or individually. ' • George Graham, . R. 1, Helyrood, 'Phone Lnekno* 100-r24. TILE r OR SALE -'-Clair tile from ENO; , COLLEGE PROFESSOR 3 th 10 inches. Credit can be er- :•.••• --,. WILL CONDUCT sgitviCE riii6d: We deliver. Also CitiantitY ef Cedar • postai Apply to •John, Melton 'Phone, , Ripley 76-25, ,, • ....1161yrood; n. R. AUCTION SALE—Of farm : stock .. and implements - on Thursday, May 18tii,,juat north of St,' Helens, coin- , mencing. at "1.30. ;Absolutely no re serve See bills for teems. , , • • . MacKenzie Bros. Prop,• Welt Henderson, Aue WOOD FOR SALE , • • - • Wei Jhaie ta good grade ,of :mixed • wood now ready far sale, 1.6' and 12". • We will have a. good stock on hand throughout the year Special prices a those Who -•will call for WARNING: ' k Complaints have been' teceiVed about the --shooting of .groundhogs, etc.,- from those who fear for, the safety of stock now in the fields: Warning is hereby given of the Clan', gees of shooting in fields where stock. is pastured., • R. J. Moore. Anniversary Services in. the Luck -- noel Presbyterian Chtirch," will be held on Sunday, My -14th, when Rev. Thoinas Eakin, Ph fl, D. professor of Old •Testathent litera- ture and exegesis in Knox College,' will conduct the nrkorning and even- ing services. • . of the first prize' ticket in a refile NON ELEcTlye IRON , Mrs. J. W. Joynt was the holder conducted by the Ladies' Aiiiiiiary of Westrininister L 0. L. Her prize was an electric in*. weed,: " the Lucknow Table- `Co., Limited. (9-3—tt) TENDERS' WANTED By Township of Kinloss .Sealed tenders will he .ri3ceiVed' by the .thrideesigned up to 3 P m.", moo-, .,, day the 29th • day of May, 1983, for • the Crushing' Of 3000 , yards, of. Gravel (apprex1). and also trucking . • , the same. ' • I Cimehing to bedone at two' diff- erent pits r' : • •Tenders tOtate • price per yar, for crushing; lincl peice pet yard per niile hahlfor trucking. ••7 „„ The ;lowest Or Any tender ,net hec-. esiarily" accepted,„, 3. R. ;JANE, Clerk, • • Welton's New Spring Undergar. ,Bloomers, Vests and „Cornhin- , efforts; MeV, low price; THE iqA1t4 gpli, 008E, RELIEF .EXPENDITURES, ARE CUT DOWN. Local , and Transient Relief 'Bills • Amount .' To 434.78 • _ to a Relief= which was 'continued - , • , certain degree daring the month Of , . , April zinteunted to little more than one third. of- the 'expenditure ' for this imelibee during the'. Previous Month. Transient 'costa .ainotEnte4to -$19.)0--dueing-April,. Whereas ';-`,in March it• .totalled apprOzirnafelyi.• $45.00. The snit of $10,90 included 38, meals at 30e;, 20, beds at 40c and two dinners at • Local . relief bills ,arnounted to $14.82; part of this ' amount being for provision . provided in March AS -well as • April. Relief bills, passed at the March 'Meeting the ..nionth pre-.; vious •anionnted to More than twice; the above anneunt,while- medical' fees .arni other incidentals!, .raleed the fetal to nearly $50.00.', The supplies amounting to $14.8P,. were received by font • families.. • MARRIED AT TORONTO :.Thempcoerkorit ..A.Auitt wadding was selemnize4 Toronto on :Saturday • afternoon at *four o'clock, it the chome, Of •Mr. and Mei. Price J. ,Naylor, 15 'Hubbard Boulevard, :when; Margaret K. Thom,, Reg. N., eldest 'daughter of ,Mr, .and: Mrs.' E. J.: Them Of St. Helen's, wee' united in marriage. to. L. :Campbell Thompson, eldest son . of Mr. and Mrs:: R. H. Thompsori, , of • Lucknow. ,Reir.' Dr. J. A Cranston of Kevi Beach -United Church .officiated.' The •:ereinony was performed before .the -fiter•--pleee;:---attitetiVelr Rieeeratied-: with sPrin.g...0nWerS, .in :the presence only' iihmediate relatives.. • The 'nide; who was unattended, was prettily ,gowned in it dress of beige 'with 'Matching accessories. Follow - ng the ceremony, a dainty buffet luncheon was served. After a •brief Any in 'Toronto, the young couple 7eturned to ,Lucknow, Where they Will make their 'home. Remodelling Fur -Cots • We give estimates- on repiodelling , ind relining your .fur coats.... ' • ' Percy Torgov, Teesweter. .Cold Storage: Call 93,, TeesWater. ELECTRIC. WATER HEATERS CONSIDERED TOO COSTLY • Local System, Is Not Promoting In- Stallation of Electric Water Heater; : The lead building calupeigti, as a loins of selling surplus power re- ••!.ently hirgurated by the Hydro- _ Electric , ower Conunistion is, not being promoted here by the hical commission owing to the high: cost „of hydro •power for such a service. plan ef. the H. E. Ps C. where - .by they installed, without' eharge, ,ialectric heaters, looked geed to many 'Whenthe costof hydro for water heating purposes becameknown however, these' interested :viewed the project', iinfavorabl3rz .• • •A sehedule Suggested by the H E.; P. C. .sets the net monthly. bills for such • flat rate heaters at from .$2.9 to $10.76,, according to, the watts.; 'ill. .wa's considered -locally that a' sett*. factory iteater„;Week!be one of, loOti watts capacity, which " w quid mean a net ' monthly „hill' of $1.21. And in the face of such • prohibi- tive .Costs the %eel commission re- ceived a • coriunimicatiori from the E.P. C. stating their surprise, that this. municipality Was not willing to assist•thE.,r, c. in building tiP e IquirATE Pitorgwit, , HAS BEEN 'USED AS DUMPING - GROUND ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Theengagement is announced of Sgns.Are Being Posted.).-Prehibiting Geraldine Frederica Longwell, A. T,. • Continuance Of This Praiffse. C. M.; daughter of. Mrs. -Nettie Long- - wofl and the late Donald Longwell, ,This- "itiring garbage and refuse , Of Foxboro,- to,..„Lieutehent_:-.Graham have- been •Aumpect7in the south east- MeNny, 13.A., or Ottawa:, son of Mr. ern section of the•Village On Private Elnd Mrs. Peter MacNey 02 Lucknow, tirCPertY, owned -by Mr. limes Lyons Ont. The marriage to take place in Signe_ are posted iireshlibitIng this, . • , • .' • •• by order of the, council. WON$2100, P1114,K. A, auitable loCatied fee, a' village Piligniferint le„'::befing--aeught; but, -Stewart „LaVrs, R. g, ttiektlew; as yet' 'nothing ',definite :has been, Was the • holder Of . the fourth: prize achieved. A • three-ecre lot,north of ticket which *on for him S2.00 dur- the Imperial, Oil tanks at ilte depot trig :Fwin Dollar Days, sponsored by is viewed as a satisfactory location merchants recently. ' but Word is *wilted from ;the C.W. , ticket, wee' given with 'every tiolhir L bitarti It wilt be :how f Otis site. upent,r Mty bli: prottireci, • SINGLE COPIES 5 ENTS• r P Light Shed'', On, Orient Conditions J'aPaneee Adminiafrativii, -Shorn ,Of Militarism Might Prevent ' Manch- uria From BeCOMing--iAll'Orientai • Blaine, Says Rev 'Hugh McMillan . • ." ' Teihoku, ".Taiwen, • ... • ' .`• March 29th 1933., rhe Lucknow C Sentinel Dear :Editon. • Your letter of March 3rd, has just -!orte, end with it,under separate ..)(iver, a copy of the Sentinel. In 6114t ISSUO, there isprinted' a 'copy ,of niy letter -Written between Edmonton and .Vineouver., on our way : out to Orient. ,• . • • . ' it is interestingindeed_ to: think of the Sentinel .as a medium thru •Whh:iii.One cat •communidate • With old theknow:friends.' Can I achieve the _ , kind of program suggested in that first letter. is , the miestien 'Certain- ly there are any number, of interest - Mg thinks -here to write about. 'But shall -there' tithe' and energy, in this briak life to put anything on ,Dapee: .At any rte, one pan not but 'admit that the discipline of a little effort2loward :that end 'should • do no harm'. Such an effort,. Moreover; if Made from timeto time, should !lot go amiss in. this • onr. needy, rhOdeen werld. Never was there greater urgency for ,speeding np real:•inter..• national understanding than to -!day. And it is my flier belief' that if this is not, clone through •personal contacts the understanding' :will not be gen- : .,. urtherofore, we owe itto the herne folks to *turn Out throughts occasionally intheir direction.. And doing so 'should net-. 'make ue . less loyal to ' our . Japanese and Chine a•ierids here; rather more -so. try • to describelife, as we find it here •ahould, be in • the interests of good- - • • • . will everywhere.; In-Liveiting.to - our -,old--!communi tY- we -are' only •ZalleWing What is' be comieg , quite . an.aecipted quetore among :Canadians abroad. • Posting mcasional ,pizinted, letters .. to • circle of ..friends • at 'home is • beemining' a recognited . method of keeping • in touch with the Mete side. We Scotch 'Cro-11•: Lucknow use a " modern, scien- tific, ' ecanemical. methed-,-webeim& mist' froth.' station. "SN'I'Nl.."Z . ' • ' • . My last letter was datecP4Vanceti- •ver: JanUihry-12th.. After. thet • fifteen days on .the Empress Of Japan vie. Henedulu..,' breught''.. us to Yokohama. Three memories of that trip ',shall I 'Ulu's, remain _with nie fey aeree time. One isof overhearing e . new - coiner' tothe: ship :at licinoluln ;ask: a fesioW-passenger if there were any. of "these mircireziariee" „eboard. iis got tee ' ready and plea. -ed reply Isle,*- we ate remarkably ',free '' from , chem.." Merneries ; of our 'first' voyage across the, Pacific. made One not un- appreCiative, of the ..passengers -' zit- titude ; toward "those , missionaries.' On that ‘that first trip a group aboard, took advantage of the unusual op - )or affordedthein of preaching to ' an „audience that couldn't verv well • escape. I,.. well ' ternember hor unpornils„r', they ade ,.. theinselves. 'resriarkaltly free"that' n grou.P. .o, c,,,. paiticularly with group of . young Chinese :returning' from Arnericar, celloges • This year's voyage was se , • - _ , . Chinese students theniselves • .get ..to: gel her I. every . evening • and had :' • E..• sin, sprig in the third class loung( which everyone enjoyed': . ,. Another inemoey is of the way. mil childten, overran the whele shin; quite' innocent Of the clearly. matkee Class' distinctions'. On the Empress. "Mummie. • see the "nice . simile' I got in. Bobbie's cabin up!: on First," told a story' Of exploration and discovery. . ' . (Continued • on -Page 4) _ . Men's and • Women's and Children's Outing Shoes'. New Shoes, new prices 70c end up, at W. J. LITTLE'S SHOE' .STORE, " .• WINS $25AT 13ifizE Miss Evelyn.- 'McDeugell, is the winner of. $25.00, es first "prize award in a guessing eontest: ' The contest was to guess the weight of a Clydeadelehorse and kiss Mc- Dougall had ;the exact weight, Of 1.999 pounds. Parkie . Wiggins of, Dungannon *on a • .fourth prize .' of $2.50., • 11r. W. 'W., Hill last Week geld:, the pony and outfit which had become a femiliae, sight, in ',the village. The Purchase was made by the Ward Sales Stables, liemilton Road, Len - don, mid the pony left tonoi On. Fri- day for London vie Epp'a truck. The Bread - of Health , The -Bread-, of Health ,OUR MOTTO IS QUALITY AND sinivicz SATIJI1DAY''SPECIALS . DUNDEE . OAKES; .'•'• . ' ' CHELSEA,. BUNS, '. -SCONES •J ,• ' --,' : , -- '%'• - - • *JELLY . ROLLS, . NUT and''.FRUIT 13,REA,D • • • . - OATMEAL COOKIES' " . , . Ur Delicious BROWN BREAD is 100 Rey . .. . , . . _ • cent WHOLE WHEAT .. OLLYMAN'S QUALITY BAKERY 'Phone 36 Lucknow !Local enerall Mr. Ashley illair was .a 'visitor 'in town ,this : Week.: New IindergatM4, tnr• Men and Boy's. New le(*.•Peicei, The MARKET' 'STORE.' ' ' ' Mr.: and Mee. Percy' Webster have zneVed to the residence of the late Joeefili -Bargain kite in Mena WprIc- Shoes. 'Good Value $1.98; • W. J. LITTLE'S Shoe Store. Anniversary services . in the; Pres- byterian ,Church on Sunday will . conduCted by Rev; Thomas Kakin, " Mr. and Mrs. . Will ,Fisher and •Mauclie,'Mra. D. C. Taylor and, Mrs R. V. MacKenzie, • were Sunday visitors :in- Waterlo6;- Mr.. A,. E. McKier.../ attended .the Druggist's •...Convention : in ',Teronte thia.., week:- He.:-..was,'"accempanied' by Mr. W. A. Porteous. • .A dance will be .bald in the: Town Hall,' on, Friday, .,MaY's'ipth7. An: mit- of-town orchestra is being 'engaged Watch for dodgers.' • 4 Mrs. Freeman is visiting at pre- sent in ' Springfield and in, Ehnira, New •York, at the home :Of her son„; Mr.' Harald. Freenian. • , 'Misses Lenore' and Flora Webster were week -end- visitors with relatives in Toronto, having; aceonipahied Mr; .1.° W. Joynt to the city. - Miss' Marion' Stewart who for some time has been confined to her room taking a rest cure, is Much improved and able to be up again. Protect Your Furs Are you plan.ning to give the moths three_ square Meals a day, or will lyou protect your furs in , Our cold storage_vaidt. Percy Torgoy, Teeswater. The condition of . Mr. It. D. Cam- eron who has been ill at his hoine here forporn& time, is quite serious Ile has been visited by his sons,' Dr. Alvin Carneron of Ottawa and Ewart of Walkerton. • .,- • Some twenty members, of -Lucknow Lodge No, 112, I. O. 9. V., • attended Divine Worship with •the •-Winghain brothers ' 'in, the Anglican , Church, Sunday evening, with ' Rev, 14)1Yes condu.cting the service. The. regular meeting miof :the Wo - en's. Institute as been -postponed from Friday .until Tuesday next; May 16th. at, 2.30 -at the home of Mei: Will Douglas, This is the annual meeting and a. full attendance is requested. Mrs.. Sponningburg ofT -Guenie, , Ill.; and daughter-in-law, Mrs.: Peters Of Illoose 'Jaw, Seek., visited with the i'oriner-,4 brother, Mr. Samuel • Leach, who has 'been' Confined to .,his eocem. during a long illness.. •: and Mrs. Robert Ross are odcuPying the stone cottage ;beleng- ing . to Mr. Alex Gollan, formerly occuiiied bY Mr. „ and Mrs. Will Gollan, wile have moved to, the for- mer' ,Jackson' property in the South east section of the village. • • TORONTO • VISITORS , • .AmOng, these from. this •corrinninity who spent the week -end in Toronto *cies', Mts. Rohb, Mrs. Jack .4-, Theriiiii a' •Arcieeeini• e .Miss Olive) Anderson, Me. Pickering, ,Miss Pickering: and lgrs:' J. W. Mur- ray, .Mrs., J. A. Geddes, Miss' Hazel 'Culbert, Mrs. . •ArenntrOng and Mr McKinnon fitid his sister_ Mary; 412, " cllANOE OF 401/R •A' teguler. Meeting , 'Of 'Lucknow Lodge. No. ,112 I. 'O. 0: r will be held in the ledge reeit at 7 o'clock on Friday :evening, lOte that the Meeting opens ona hour earlier -than RE-OttGANIZING MEETING A Junior Fernier and Junior In - be held 111 the -eveni MaY 1.3th at 8.30, for the reorgetic-; hig of soft_ ball teanns. A 'full atten- dance' is requested. 44k4. New Curtains linel CUrtain miter - fats, tor 'ail roots, THE MAItiCir trtoRal. ' "• •r , • ato, LUCKNOW .WOMEN- ' _ WLERS ORGANIZE 0 • • • The annual meeting of the women bowlers Was . held, with the Pretiring president, in -chair. :There was a large atten- dance and plans were made: for • the., comipg seaaon.f '26 treasurer, 'Mrs. Howard Agnew, presented. a.,,report; showing 'e balance on hand. :It Was • • ••• decided to hold a local jitney 'Tues- • day of each week,...,„ The election of offieers resnIted -as folloWs:. Honor- ary president,- Mre. Huston; president Ura. William Porteous; dent, Mrs. J. joynt;„'„:„.zeecretaryr-,---,v--- Mrs: W. Henderson; treaiiiree, Mrs. jt. E. S,mith; social, comitittee, Mrs. 'Temple' Clarke,- Mrs. W. L. MacKen- zie, Mrs. W. COnnell and Mrs.' W. Hornell; genies conimittee, , Mrs.' R. Fisher Mrs. Charles Steward Mrs. A. W.• Siurtilton; membership - Tame's .:Geddes.. A. atiiiiiiiiTtge committee,:Mrs. H. Agnew end Airs. 7 Consist - mg .of Mrs W L MacKenzie, ltrs. TemPle Clarke and Mrs. W. Hornell ' was aPpeinted to purchase a stove and other equipment. WILL ;PLANT ROSES sr. • -The. Lu,..know Fire Coinpany--in - promoting and financing the work of beautifying with flowers the lot -at the rear of the Town 44. What„ -was formerly an expanse- of'Weeds and tali grass was levelled- and seeded down last year, and to complete the , work, the company, has decided to build a trellis work, at the rear and along' the sides of the lot where climber ;and bush roses will be planted. . ON THE HONOR ROLL ' , From "The , Canadian" ....the.: paper publishedat the School' for the: Deaf, which comes to, our desk each 'Week; we take the following ,clipping, which wiir•be of general interest here. most of our readers are aware the memorial to Dr. Coughlin presen- ted to the *heel by the deaf of the Province' took the form of, a very attractive bronze Honor Roll Tablet, placetin a 'conspieiiol-fe place .-en the, east Wall of th assembly hall On this there i to he placed the name, suitably engraved in bronze of the girl and of the bo who -ranks high- est in all round proficiency, including .• Class •rooni and shop Work, conduct, •disposition, And helpful influenee on the Other pupils. For ,, the session, 1931-32 this honer , has • been Con- ferred upon Irene Stoner and Robert , ThomPeon, whose nanies now appear on the tablet, and to Whom we ex- tend • our, hearty congtetulatiens." Coming Eithots -First Insertion; 50C. ' Subsequent iruieetiorii;;. 25c. DANCE AFTER. PLAY Andy Ore's Orchestra will furnish music for a dance in the Town 'Hall, Friday evening, May 12th, following the play; "The Road .• Back" General admission to dance .'25e. • " • 0'4 St. Peter's. A.Y:P.A. will present ' THE THREE -ACT PLAY "The Road Bac , Town Hall Friday, May 12th t ADMiSisNt'.— 25t s.„