The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-05-04, Page 1M1 } • E; $2.50 OTH.� ISE: $2.00 PER YEAR': DI ADVANCE; EW �, • LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY,. MAY 4th, 1933... 'it ° SINGLE COPIES '6 CENTS :.i DENTIST• r• Dr. 'Rt.. L. 'Treleaven,, LUCKNO W .r Hours. 9-12 A. M. 1'.30-15 P:1VI.' 1,'HONE 53 X-RAY r' -E.: Stewart :C rahal►ri BA RRISTER, . SOLICITOR:;• •ETC.:;,.. OF ICE that, of, the late R. J. Stewart, next door . to Royuah,,Bank.' 'Phone ` 135 KINCARI;iINE 'FOUND -Amit. Owner .may have same by callingat this• office.:•: , > FOUND -A Watch in Lucknow.;' Apply at Sentinel Office. ' Bargain for::quick sale Nord Truck. 1926 , engine in good shape.—Apply to W.' S.•.Reid: FOR SALE -1928 Chevrolet coach paint, tires and upholstering '• all good;, and in good ir{echantcal con:'. dition,, "Apply:'Cecil• J; Ph'illipson,. R; 3, Lucknow. CALVES FO .. R � SA'LE-=Good • beef type calves; ranging' froin '100. to 200 Rounds.,For particulars ,apply to, Harvey Ackert -.Rhone'29w,, Lucknow, FOR SALE :'Chevrolet Coach '1928 ''model': -in erf t'' .runnin co p � g `ndition. Apply to.,. ;Wesley McPher•sot i,- _•_ R. ,R. 3, Hoi rood 11_,5_1 r BULL FOR SALE - Purebre.d' Shorthorn dual' purpose ., • Off :the Weldwood strain., Age ,,18 :' months. f ries ' $50.00 ; Jack • Melntosh.. R. R. 3, ,Lucknow.. 'Phone!•':62-11 $ Du annon. - n.• .FOR ALE'- S 1.Washing m i • • ach ne•. 1 extension table;• :2" ,small tables; ,1 iron`bed and • springs, also house and• lot to sell or. rent. Apply Sentinel . Office. (•11--5 p.) FOR SALE Seed•' Oats,- O. C::72', 'busSeed:. hal ':and• 13,arley; , Q1.: 21:-50c'a'` bushel•'and • Yellow: • 'Blossom'_'Sweet Clover,'.gr•ade kg: a.: Roil McDougall,.: R: No. 5,- Luckndw,'• 'Phone' 26 28, ,;Ripley.; FOR SALE --Oat ` Roller, -Circular Sawing Outfit and Raby Grand Motor, for operating. same Will be sold •as a unit ' or in iv d Ydgally.:. George,'Grahafn, R. 1, Holyrood. 'Phone Lucknow .100-r21. TILE FOR SALE Clay.tile,'•froin' 3 to 10:inches.' Credit': can' be ar- ranged: We ' deliver.. Also ;quantity' of ;Cedar, posts.: Apply' to John Melton` P Y 'Phone' 'Ri 1e. 76-25• ': , Hol ` o o d >-It:,R•.2: Yr 5=1i AUCTION SALE cif carload • cif! heavy -draft , her e a 4 to.d years old,' weighing . • 1400. ':to 1600 pounds. In , this • consignment is -=several-well-matched teams . and '•a number of quiet' work' horses....Satur '•. day '`May 6; .at; 2 P 1VI:; T rms. Cash. .4.MENT SALE STABLES,.. • BRUSSELS ,. WOOD FOR,' SALE'' eW have: a good:grade of Milted wood ` now ready for sale, •" 16'` npd 12". We will have a- good stock on hand throughout the 'year.. Special prices to those who; will. . call ..ter for their 'wood. The Lucknow (Table Co:, ' Limited. • .(9=3=tf.) God.. in ' Events First 'Insertion, 50c. 'Subsequent Insertions,, 25c. The JuniorVerniers' Organization is' holding a dance in the g Town -Hall, 1. u o eFriday, n„w, n Fr day, May 5th.. Music by the Whitechurch .'Bushwhackers”. orchestra:. Gents, 25c:,Lagies °10c: D. ANCE:,:AT-LO.CII•ALSII There will. be ,dance.in Lochalshochalsh ' Ma, all. this'- Friday, , May-..I5thi under. auspices of Girls Softball Team and: Bays' Baseball Team. 'roceeds'•to be .used for, tbaseball 'supplies. Admission . •-Gents 25c. Lunch „>I.00th. �VIAY" �ANtxL There • w>t+ll: be :a Social j end • Dance. field in Lucknow • Orange Hall. on; ;Thursday evening, May 11th, Music, path plied : by Heine Valent.. " Dance'' stnrta ' tit 9 *leek, "The coinrxiitte,e request that all 'ladies please bring fun h. Silver Gollectioo. Everybody Masonic.° Social Enjoyabler Event Interesting', Prograni.Conctuded With A . Humorous 'Skit...-. Dance, Followed The third annual Masonicsocial' evening under, the..auspices , of. Old Light Lodge, A. F. it A. M., was held • in the Town, Hall : on Th rsday ev- ening. A' large. attendance,, which comfortably `filled the auditorium, enjoyed ani` interesting; program, in- terspersed with orchestra music,. fol lowed by lunch, and concluded with a dance. • Prior to, commencing the 'program, the 'Presbyterian Church orchestra entertained the gathering audiencct with'several: splendid aeleetions. 1l�Ir. A. -W. Hamilton, Worshipful "Master of Old Light Lodge, welcomed- the mean_ hers of the order, the', ladies and the-Putof-town •guests, He briefly traced the' origin _ of the , Masonic 'order andit's purpose, before; calling for. the first :number on the' program; which was; as' follows: ' solo, Miss. Myra MacDonald; Scotch- dance, Mary McKim.; Readings:, Miss Mar- :garet : McCalluhi „and Mise Lorna Campbell•;duet, •Mrs; J. W. Joynf and' -Miss Belle Robertson;;' solo; •Mr. Orah . Crawford;,. -Ripley, " A comie.,:skit, "Ohs Olson at the: Ear 'Clinic," ' was a laughable . farce: presented -by Dry ;Johnston, W. B.. Anderso n, and. W. • L. 1VIacKenzie: as! Drs et Mee ' ik,e ., Carve 'e . em,- Soam' and m Rev. J. ,'Geoghegan as Nurse Sgeeze'etn.' and • Andrew Thom `son as' the patient.' The. farce '.was'composed. by those who pres:ented;';it, andthe ear and ,brain .operations,. in order to get the six ;hundred dohars the 'pa tient possessed, 'were very realistic; 'and : kept 'the. aud nce'; laughing hing :. N. throughout. � i• a.. A., delicious - lunch followed .."the program after which old and nevi- time, eve time:dances. were enjoyed by a large' crowd... • aq RENDER' PLEASING MUSIC . 'The, Pr sbyterian ':Church Orches ;tra, s which :furnished several well rendered selections:. • at the, Masonic social,;last : week •„,consisted ';:of :' • the following' 'players.'John --Hayworth conductor; ' Edith. Smith, pianist; Jack Cal: Don Marfn lCameron' 'Mg l, . � iia d, . MeDonald and :Jack'' Henderson,: violinists, Will Lockhart,' cornet; Andy '; Orr, 'saxapbone• Mel:. Orr, trombone; •'Norman., Wilson;;, bass and' Andy Thompson, `traps • ', HEAVY RAINFALLS RELAY., SEEDING, Electrical'.: stories, 'accompanied' by downpours of rain' on Sunday and Monday night, as. well as'kon ' Tues - „'fay,^ have • in many cges • :flooded fields. • and ;enerall ut- a step to :generally P 1?. .,• . Seeding operations : this'' week. 'Rains, iS both nights were unusually.' heavy and as well as "delayinkspring.wark will: necessitate extra labor in , again preparing 'fields for seeding. :Rivera and creeks, rose to spring floedpropor ions and many cellaars were' flooded and at :the',time of. writ g on. Tuesday' in ' °'afternoon, threaten- ding :skies indicate tlat.'there is •pore rain, to follow.:' Roads -at .some points ' f ooded ' and ninor 'washout re' n ,.j portewered Card .of Thanks The Little Family -wish to ..express ,Itearffelt thanks to friends and , neighbors for • •.the. many acts of kindness..' and, expressions: of sy,'m; pathy. at the time of their recent bereavement: • OTI � •�• G „' Notice is hereby':given that 'pu�-' i scant to the By -Laws of the V • illage b£ .Luckriow''no Poultry' it permit ted to 'run' ;at large The peru It:• named ,n , this By -Law is' $10.00. t.'Peter's .: .Y.P.A willpressnt ' *T'HE.�TIiRE)a THREE -ACT PLAY The -Road 'rack, . in they Town .., all rids � . May,i.2t1 •� i 8.15 :• AD ISSIO :-= 5c DESCRIBES; . .PACIFIC. TRIP ,A letter, dated : March 29.th,,, has reached: us from ..Rev. Hugh .,MeMil- Ian, accompanied. by two interesting articles. The _)one, which appears ,this week,' gives a vivid picture of their' ocean voyage :and the stay in Bono- lulu, ;while en ,route: to the, mission: field in_'Formosa,,: after &'".period on furlough; •which was: spent in Toron to • and this ,immediate, vicinity:, ` Little. Girl. Meets' Death B yDrowning. rowning: Niece Of Mre, Russell Robertson Is Drowned In Trent Canal, Death:b : d'rownin war' in. effect e the sadword to°reach'. here;` of the fate that befell' Betty Johnston, 10- year=old. daughter• of: Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Johnston, on'` Thursday. A, brief press' despatch states that little' tot, •while : taking a short'. cut , . beipe, a, feIL f from •the lift bridge, into the Trent Canal. .1IettY,. Was accompanied by_her sister Molly and two small. boys;., all of whom , were too young to 'think of' calling for help, , but rushed home to -tell- their parents:. The body was. recovered three hours later. , Mr. ':Johnston, ` formerly of Luck:, •low,. has for a 'number; of years. been etnplStyed.. in a ;Toronto; .Ba k_•.an iu'st, reCeiltbe.. rec v d ' a ino v e Ito: ;Perth,' and Mrs.. Johnston '•; and, the , children at the' time of the accident ,were visiting With her later in pb• raniellford ' Mrs.;' Russell', .Rdbertseri :of ° town, ,with.. whom Betty.; frequently visited,. is'a ,Sister -Of M. Johnston She'" left to tie -with' -.:}iii, u on-` hearin'. •. of the p•. , g andon' Wednesday t -tragedy, , e . day.=had •no returned. ; so.that: further , details . c, the drowning are not available: Mra. -Logan, Teeswater ' Mrs. Haigh, Sea- , forth; Mrs. 'Robertson Lucknow; `tobert Johnston, Goderich and Will Tohnston; Toronto; • . are sisters. and' `irothers ;'of the bereaved father. • BRI. DE TO -B OWERED • 'urprase'Party 'And Novel Presents= tion In;: Honor' Of • Miss Margaret Thom 0 Hax., Hoaxed tie thehome of Mrs. Chas. -•steward, .en • •Tuesday•'evening, Miss Viargaret, Thom, , was' pleasa gyj°°sur-. "it -lied, when to he_strai soi"•mu sic' She was - greeted .y b a number' of iends;"whe had" athere ',to'shower. .� g d. `he' bride 'elect. 'Card playing was :njoyed °'for a-'tim'e, which -,was ed y fol. 'Owed b: a .dainty lunch . Miss'. ,Stella.. S tswardhen 'read an't. address . ':verse 'form andlittleBoycep . made the novel •.,presentation.:' which was an: attractive bouquet of .spring fit/Were., from which was sus ended by . white •:streamers, '. dainty envel-< )pes, each one contairig the gift£ and; bearing.: the names of 'two persons: With the ostess, the Honored guest: hook her placeat the door and' thank- ed the many, friends, At departed Honu:lulu They I ub: 0f.The ` Pacifi c „ Rev. HughMcMilfan Desri es .cea n Voyage And Honoluii IA! Realistic Manner—Socialk Life Mifg=Reye • rented By 'Recent Court Case. Edmonton was the;most northerly point touched in • our Toronto=Van-. couver trip. From there we turned. Southward. Nor were •' we `disc lipoin= ted. Sparkling' zero .skies have their ir charm,' buteven the Edmonton' en= thusiast- for a .snappy ' *inter is gladdened at signs of an.early 'Chin ook:'We didn't wait for the Chinook; we. met it; half way, on our Tourney' to the land where Spring breezes are alwaysat home—the British Coluin- bia coast. 'Being' mid• Jan ar'y 'Vancouver folks -and, Victorians -_,_wore their winter coats. Winter ?`';' With laws green and• summer -birds about: with sunshino and Spring-like showers`? Who from Canada's frozen lakes end plains would 'call;. that winter ? -Many go coatless in much colder 'Weather.. What 'Would they do in 'Honolulu? Just Yw fat:_ we id :p reattme, swel . ter; -at. first, iriren loll,, thea enjoy ~= Southward bound on' the Empress of Japan -brought ,us ,day by day in every way• into hotter and (hotter weather. •f'u`rs ''fled before' the: snore. :domesticated, woolens; , coatswere packed Where Cotten lay eru&had, Hannels pcs. handerehiet (Continued : on Page ' 4 Lodges Attend, Divine • Worship Members Of I.Q. 0. F: and Rebekah Lodges March To Presbyterian Clyurch • r „Holding their annual churchparade on w :Sunday` "morning, inembers of T,ucknow Lodge, No. 112,2 I.O..0.,F F. of Jewel Rebekah Lodge, as well as.'visiting, members: from` Kincardine and Wingham, totalling in all some eighty ; : members,.. attended divine' warship in the Presbyterian Church. • 'My. Father Worketh Hitherto,. and I Will," was the text of : a fitting sermon by the ' ' pastor, 'Rev. C. MacDonald. Yon are • inlher-tors of great traditions, he said,: in addres' sing the Members, o • the lodges,' whose Porpese : is' . that of . living others and:not merely social societies The speaker vividly portrayed ,the life of ,'Jesus in his home and in the carpenter shop„ '' where his: , early years .on earth': were not wasted, but rather his' _word& spoken in his Tninistry were those learned' while in the carpenter shop. In• ' every . life . , there isa Divine purpose., ,We are fellow -workers ,with ',904"0., : matter, how` commonplace,•°and he ,does i not den'and�auccess and 'brilliance, blit rather ;•faithfulness:•, and the, ;quiet:. performance of oar duties, "Civiliz &tion." --he. added,:•;"is-0tottering-tai-a fall because • men,` work andce • `o . � w r . ase t pray. As co-workers with God .our' labors are not iin vain in the .Lord,' were' his elosing;•remarks.' A :duet bit' 'Mr: and Mrs.. Horace Aitchison and: a ehoir anthem' .were l. rendered • durin the • , ° `c -' y d g sex�vi e. `Following: the service"the` members returned to the lodge 'room, where an '• .s embl held,: s .. Y, Was he d,. ,with ,'several local and visiting;:members ' speaking' OLE RIPED 1N ROOF BY ...LIGHrPNING Fire • was narrowly averted,, 'pro - biddy ;due to :the. .deluge: of; rain ,at the time, when lightning ; struck he roof 'At the .:Post ..office building, on' Monday. evening. Mr. and Mrs Jack 'Garniss ':and `family.• who tenant the apartment '.above ''the • office, were away at the time and were unaware. that any damage'had been. doneuntil t upon their arrival home, their dining `room .,and.: a ' bedroom were; "found to be a pool of water, 'which' ,had come in 'through: the rent, in the roof.' The" E fuse .box had.. been ;'damaged' as' well and-th'e ,house was in' ''darkness: as far as hydro. light was concerned:; Those in the .vicinity `•viewed a display of,"lea leaping 's anis '.when the P, Y, P g,l?. .. sharp flash:'. occurred, and others -were, attracted out -of -Boors fearing °some' place`. had; been:'struck,:'but .after a` few'.moments decided to the .contrary being ;unaw.are'of,':the damaged, roof. KNOX COLLEGE, PROFESSOR WILLI:CONDUCT 'SERI/ICES ,ES . Anniversary services in the., Luck - now' `Presbyterian', Church, Will he held on Sunday,. „Y Ma 14th !:' ,When ., Rev. ,Thomas Eakin . Ph: D. D..' ro ss rn n µ fe or of .Old eats e t liters; P T ture and exegesis :' in. Knox . College; will conducthe morning . '''t mo i a nd•,even- in•services. g HUSBAND AND ,WIFE SUFFER EAR TROUBLE Mrs., : Fraser Paterson,: .:;.returned home,' <on 'T'uesday, from London, wheiies "` h'e' underwent a +intiastoid" o '- t P eration,' in. St. Joseph's hospital on Thursday. Rapid recovery has • .per= mitted' Mrs. ,`Paterson to return ,• to her. time,, 'where she will he confined however, while :convalescing further. Mr. Paterson' who has `' suffered' a similar ear trouble' for' over two. weeks',, is recovering' without thea necessity of an operation. On Tues- day he was", out for the •first ti e since: the trouble,, devloped and ac-, companied Mr. W. •l Davison to ton- * son home. den ,bring •.Mrs. Pater . During• his, ,illness, Miss' Arabella; 'Cameron has been in charge at , the Drug Store. ,Paper hanging .12%e per roll Yn side' And: Outside' Painting, 35c per hour: I 'do .-'rot. make a 'house.to- , ouse 'eanva for business but `am prepared 'to give you pron;pt service. on all work in this line, at prices quoted, ' WILLIAM FERRIS' Lu'ckiloiv: The '.Bread The Bread •..of' Health of c O�II�-�'»' '' ,Heal, { th OUR ' MOTTO IS Q UALIT.Y, AND -. SERVICE SATURDAY°,SPECIALS: •DU.... E:AKE' N.,DE .... �.0S . , •, �•, ,'` CHELSEA .BUNS 'SCONES • JELLY ROLLS, NUT, and FRUIT; BREAD:.. OATMEAL COOKIES Our Delicious . BROWN :BREAD, is .100 per cent. WHOLE WHEAT Q ' 'HOLLYM NS U •� ALITYBA KERY Phone 36;a , . tucknow • • .ISS HELEN • ' . WINGHAM: will be in -LUCBNOW- OH,. YP °8. - 9 -1. givin g, n B. AT ,; P ON E AN N -r• 'WAVES. Ever . Wive Guaranteed 7 $•,. $5.00 .$3.95.� � • $3.50 for Schoolgirls . ..• . rtake a . .. o ii tments at Huston's "Barber, ilio GEORGEAHASSAG` HELD •:L U.CKY TICKET Draw •: MadeFor Afghan han A . � g: t Euchre Party he L . T . &dies Guild•• �o St: •{-Peter -• ciure, sponsored aeuchre,�� in 'the Council Chamber. ; on u T esday; evening, with.: the attendance sufii • cient for about ; fifteen tables.: Mrs. Mortis was the.winner-of the: ladies prize, while Mr. ;;C.: L.` Oberle won'the gent's , rize. feature of the ev � - Pte, +� ,., e>a in ' as , the .'draw of ''tickets. t `de-. g. 'oY . . o cide the winner of the afghan. The seventh ticket. drawn ; was the l� lucky one and was': held. by' George Hassal. ' n' RusselGar iss_ ' drew•h e. ,,e.tick ts: Lunch was then,served:, .. '.'.,tterids_ Wedding uch Interest R J, Moore',Is Present: At : Marriage Qf Itis; `;Niece .' to ".Ha.PPY" , Dw Mn ;R.•}.. Moore of town '"•was it •Toronto„ov•er .the. •.week -end:' attend - n the 'marc a i g e . of ..his ,' •' Hiec a .Miss' Marr aret'Shaw to'Clarence•"HappyPPY" g Day ' tain'- of the' Maple Leaf Y, ca p, p. hockey : team The .. ceremony'• wag' a six o'cl performed t ock :on Satur- da, 'v nin in Victori ll e e a Presbyterian Church; with Rev. D. T. L. McKerroll, cousin of the room officiatin . This g , g marriage; one 'of the most brilliant. events of the season, has- been 'the, centre of Wide -spread .interest Hat only o in T 'onto, but throughout, the' • _. country. ..The bride,. given in � m.a rriage by , her uncle; Mr..R. J' Me in ,K Hey, was gowned in white : silk ne't over satin, the`' veil caught.';.in JuIiet'cap'of seed;, earls..' h carried white pearls. She carij ed orchids and slily -;off-' he-vaIleY..,�e :bride's—i!' were- • the twin sisters 'of . a the. groo m, Misses Norma and Audreyre t' Day. Mr. Frank ,King Clancy of to •.. e Ot wa, defense player'with "Happy"' of the •hockey .team. was groorsman. The ushers `*ere; ; other members of the Maple• ' Leaf hock y team: Mr. llarold Cotton: Mr ;Irvin "Ace” ,Bailey; Mr.- Reginald .Red Horner 'arid Mr P i.., Joe, Pr;neau., Following the ceremon ' c ;was y a r e e ptio n held at the Old Mill,. with the bride's!'. mother, Mrs. Gordon'' Shaw, theB`r oon 's mother and. the bride's' 90 -year-old grandmother receiving. ,The couple left for Montreal, whence' they sailed for a six ;Weeks" wedding trip in Euro e: Oh their return Mr and Airs ay-wil : est e -in• -Torent TENNIS MEETING A rni feting for the ptir oee ofi re organizing. the. Tennis Club' for this season,, will be held in the Bank of Montreal on Friday evening, May 5th; at, $ o'clock: All interested are requested ..to be In attendai{tt, Archie , McDonald e onald•` nowt read to.. do Y ALL:• IND lf. SOF. **r..N.��. al,N. l"� at •' NS • Garage NORTH OF: • THE SATI � TON the D'cD• . •S MONAL13. PROPERT•`it Estimates` given and All .Work 'Guaranteed ;':�' .:, A7 pe Ills f c „ or Friday and -Saturday SALE or SPECIAL RANITWARE i� WARE • PUDDING PANS WASH ;BOWLS', SAUCE .PANS- . SOUP' BOWLS`,',;;' MUGS, PIE PLATES' YOU CHOICE ' FOR •. iSpraying ' en �•' , CeMt, Lime, :Erma,:; Paristone, .. ' GYP roc: R �n • • ae dPr.' to 3. 4 ous H.• s Broth r e Dies.. I1-.. vincQuvr Was ton In Kinloss 'Brit' Left' Here • • • b Mani Years Ago Word, was , received . last 'week by Mr. ]4 Ien . Mothers,: boundary H rt' rs,;.east,' of the' -death of.his; brother, • George A. ••Mathers, which •occurred. in Van- . ' couver on ThursdayMr. =fathers had never '. fully - recovered from the: • effects 'df pleural' pneumonia, which he suffered four years 'ago. However he • was about', the • day of • his death, and awoke , that night ,after retiring early, sufferingfront ,'& heart attack, ' 'to which ,he : succumbed,' a;' few min-, utes later.' Mr. Bathers' ' wars born ` do homestead ' astof c k o e Lu kn• w, , now .• occupied by his brother. He was one Of a faintly of ten boys , and a girl, h f u for owori stilt; sur ve. H ' r. �, efro hoe ndt .lr,ed in this cbrrii,i iiutyfor the past fortyyears: Ire` g survived by his w'i'fe and a family>'of dive sons' and daughters:: Pour brothers '"also .survive, 'Henry of. Itit •ldes;' Charles' and J: B.. of Califor'n,na slid`' Wm. Johij .of, Vane .,