The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-23, Page 67T� 77-77- -IT '7 Ik ftish'Wel Tb� va Br 1EQ JU4 CPC; Crjl$,�Jfirp C4naqiq,n, g WP11 Empird 6nd hq,WOfd',�t bir' 94" ap, organiz Aft, i e 'in t eoti TH , i4. th,& pro CARADA IZ EM,PI,R,4 Re-cords',Ecli" sed p Nov;i Sc , Ja; px, pritalilPs Stand. zZles eh!�w "0 at the _81i*'PUZZle � buttef andi i�h tot4�04tRO 'Pe Cquut 1� �f 'Tust �rlty J'g s''Bli6uld be ry part!cIp9 trfe.4 Indds trade' -j3RLY. WOW ia, Pot 1 -at 4h;� -anatlta' I qlar: arti,,ppegeut. is. �0 pr9te apoilimiS4 F Uq 9, ltvq_een -Ili: existence for yearis total AngIo-SaxqIX,.wqrjd, 4,na,'ha.ve There ;,Ij . g broad lute rinediate &Tound� rpqo ilue, of tht rds,,erq,11pped. irom,a YjawpO00: 58�" , , t the used b�.the thougi 11 -to businie�531 �63 $�i4, In 190 A owthat we 4ta0d7now ApO m-Qa vlunlo, of buslu4s, transi�tad, . and 2 -Thj� they Were 4ta.n4iug,.-�7Lond6,n. p4ily �Tqje-, Werp prqgpeetive b4ptneRs - in sight. aph Wag tIq gist by 4ucing',6,968,1500* Of butter, invalids, until a le 11.' ptaN7 ot of foal"' rm00 er .,a t fbW in on'tha X.- HQ4� t In Is thja� t6linify more parenlk �Weiejev an& in. in O�,Cmam VVju41 Trade, wasteful: than tit, it$ 694'.of 'Coal. Much of this btisin Dp g an ess was approXiffia -lit, su Vill' detail the imporeaut' ty. 6t p6opja� iudj s�try,,, ell,, and iugqnu ty h;L 0 needI* The m4j4r.11 I; to Q;ixfadlau'iiidistry,as� rqs,ult. 6tthiI V',750 00 - 0-­ haV� Cons 6n. t) ayS tek(rqvo 0-to:the 4uest.of econ�ml;-� Vr�eric�on N R d d.rable-thAer'll- 7par.P` Aakeif -by'theLZDOmillioit vhck 'm�ay s seems likely th4t.th�e pal rocesses, forl the: scientific tiliza, great "' h' ox, ibJt'OnjllSt.o4ed.. 'tiou,of cbaL A variety has'been 4is-' ions -a$, a grommeg f riz U, - m4 't .a jlg�O&W­ ItO I3rltishr Ipdi.,1strIes­Fair wa -tit conditib w, d -e It' T W& 6mpe And soin6of'them'llalv�e.,bepu q 111UP !q Some r Can" ,�,,:London h 'o and, 4tt e 49114, scale., , But'th k ;f tk� 'N' runw�ick So While jilet applie limited, ere sidpigble t h e may nc�t maltitah- period 'd Dair v one thipi; to Canwdian section' f the f jr As quineialike. It is' kTbe 0 a Agri. fd�. more t a few, months, there ton, Mr. E. M.'T4 �Ior i:-sifecosaful. exper ment, I a bora- W-111 -b",bo inul ng_daMj!jd_f or�i 4,,C n -7�#fi�d­ . It". _WhieLat-��',W- another, to float fir p�rdcss'aq an, re be 'oha'0jAjl6r at vigho which w u namp generally cofist JiVred ap! ment :and 'Add' to the, h#pp, 6,ive, ie Tho pounds to the bush�l. abp4t, siimplj #tqres, is toi tlta'ao the inat. most, noteworthy re-gult of thh year's 1 t6rriat al,r W ig ad Indsi. Of iudup , A: and' coplmere I A.Ucce... Catt a fair's in thqusi4ds.:-��bonidqn, vornix at; the Chicago n Th e. h. tair was t e, volum ei of' cdfitinefitIij only two h tar to the test, and ion 't 81 it . op poundi mor-6,'he ei'plained, btisines's d n 'by thilig must be sec,4re&r Abdv� all: it k second prize *as Ile that' which too] -'Radio�.Aind' the Wws ':together it hrms;I 11 ..satisfactory in - 6 that, maltreatment 'shall be re4Ar& �0� in: -,better than lli Many PPOPI c r 'at ad uoti� a, sep indiqstry,but ii, y a. fra aAr to' thilt'i''th. arate as I pe ingdom business.. Alte� radio' -has ney4;, of. Its own. It, part of, mining,';tUd Itsenefits sliared ."At. the London;' a-letton 'Canadian 'an With' th( 'cilining nrms, were, hnnounteeinent -by, tho, �baslnt. All, tye news A,fiat'.radio b hhv*�, borne ad.' M�ntrval Tou qwa� v , ars 'ity. so, long,and i . S�t ajjd,� Cofi�eAitjo4j ji, lire , aU 1p&iin has:beeu,*gat , h6rod 'S Casts; by* i n itantl a heavy -.papers,,. s ia.� newppape�,-ofllces, or don ID I InAux , f 'd Herald. u3y: I -usifierSS loan of Montreal aro.conm a; 6w accounts I the eita nQ:by thbie -firms,, Cofi� "IR9 newsp befo tha b apers. r -.the radio brbAO. ve,,eeA bpe cmts it. Ili most' cases, -it is',news -Ool4'Pric6s.and2,Stbriing,,,., dderabler trade I t I nterpq. - was axogso exhibition gioiinds iA 6r near the city, Ut eii-to the radid' by t1le newspapers,14 South Africa's departure. -fr in 'titip by.0ailadlaii, On: tl�air lines Of the Tor6p e0nedpeuches,.. and as - to Exhibiflo* gold standard seem Para 6mPet 'Ca Ifor_ to, fo�rldu a "shop� wiixl6W, Of E slikely toi h4vefar 9114 In c nian article-`- W r qonae4g6n `es� th�a'the'mere.. % We' Wiate benefits to th no in is. count d Bit -Pede'stOta yy,r an t4mato 'tiire,� �ag culture A, I t or come. may, yet be the deciding factor; 1 In, a ill �oniparatiVeiy little knowii,. It sources ar* tiE4 A th r4di' t tlimber up leg'LnIUSCI a expeq n�o th' ,ou re..verg ng* on at net tlelorAhe ed I . I 'q, I I . ? I I ­ . a. app '%A, `_ ­ $ I I. ' -S6x h6f-foot, it arfiu&tho,�;- - ent program; wbich bus,b r eak. Great peof �fie­PhjcagQ'_r S.61IL-ill 6onsIdqr,. dove opin a, car�au old' ...... down��go �oitafid'buy ­­ ., 9 e, S6ptem-, 4An&.;ad:theIqPasadeha tralill g� qu rt e purposiD-of,contifitzi that'llAs.lbeenr going It sine tl, , r . _ : A a- -'while� good orders'. ariiy, for th' Utwe�aa 'the iAr will do,�--4ad'you be cured!' 't bar, wei6 r6beiykf�r. L' r 11 * , DIn the jrowt� Of &� t6jjA ng q�e his -commodity Ir it b siness. a �7 'tile bringing of- more- and, I ir r It I I J, p nd 6 ran iilo',ia. Irtend downtown the �a 4.�tlie co� It iii S a, gq Con 8th�i Aay who, looked so radiantly wall. Id basti.. eans, hat the 'Pow-in.Manitoba ea m 90 -Oer w6 immediiitbl��- a�manilbd, ion W 6t",thij- bulk gShljo T and. anQ orohto, of the eW "t got va, plafifs, 01 I' i - r I �. r " _ n I's now Ae. , , r -No atergrand,Alid. produb6r .,Ndrffiweste 'n ofit, jus aek froih a erditp�r6n�aji� worldig go The Dofnini6 -at". )an4t orOttaWd., mes, U mandin g ',a higher, ce. for Its product. Pow"d ._4: pribe th, and umau ;a St BL ttawla. 'To'beakit park, �including- 0'' sVe� Te plie.�' B 192r totalkd 2DG acco ayen mpre',ih ping a Digby, 6., ed.1'r bi, other% the Dept- of t :L'yarmouth A , , , I - ' �be -Urthertha, Port, Ci but Tvq comimodity� =1 u "s he Interir.'re p6itions P( �ts. -th t. S X Y, Ni "Ye 'Book t,whioh Ail ?por 9. iirs -Ar ra i�,� , I lett6r, ln'my run:-off,in weviter"n' utherfL, . , - , r", ,. . I i r. , � , , r . . I ;. I P , . . r 9c, �,.Ix 'words,4our-gold "ff . . Urne Audr� Q' WIS"go On so __UA_ le n- 7jnT ean,, %_onjL--. has-' been j ar ago, 0 "tinu d' "'d-ifti-tur: from try, t6 q t It ."TWO; me th' "JOW CapE K 119 A; n qE apkrt,� by ease by the n qn. s. p r f new, in istria ounce ons me,dur. h6l b h. -p and' a er, _Vernni 4,1_ Was JIN't about'a ne r ry 5, 4�c of rovincj�d ki� the gold, air, r.d, rom A AL� Mar, of. Ca' bk existing� coi and alf Heading, g�q:I6. - sanctodry jw"jhere--kLU,, huijtjt lhk t e "Y"r". orv�tions 06uldn'f imw sell th Ir *prodi . I r . . h ., I " b., : I , fiad.­,;*Ana yzece y'dountry ct -to tbe*� South shl[;�iirig, and re siric I�, in, � a I. telt' just, about, like, one-hlf the Jaii it u! mean P7 hwprice, out� bbldly on' aftl6an ft�serja 13ankat a fixed t* - 1 1. 1 trapplog, III:, orld ih�t't ' 6fts d' ti, river in ifidust :lk 6irbidden.L­ thoso ads'for patent medl6llis. ect. a a e 'Is Is one: of, 'the ;iof- the 206 one came rem:� the - -Unil ered 't a ir( vinbd, *as- o.njy' h'ab n(W of a-perl doctofj'and 'that theti -gold too 0 qi]tt ears; a n aft. 've fro So Fred hau.t�d� me to Ah frein dreaj Y y �e,& "Was to ted. thittthe M, 8 form y expec t chgaply,'and th. me t MppyiVI er minister ro so. As rec I a re ,bth6r oun h a car nd le Ili. north- lrdly, ftni� f T, a :,-4 the oct*r'� advice' diat. el y W 6r buy MU t I .40d. I. . S�, a 4 U U4 I V Kin Ne groun 13 and- a:.;fo, -abouv-pon- in 2!9-.,Aff- _we L .,nt va r y - g 01 -..da, get 6d Red. roup -pay, 19�400 for rd'tri qlpe n [)a -or oux, n '-des Ita'.his notm-nonly wixorlin 1, waiii Ima, v�4the4nban 6nu - OF -6 :,ce bri�d �t the,. in ort ern 1cefleIds, but. i -ty sgrvice, w ete self 9r.,goin0liftij 'of that' ViCt r ThroUg1k tit' �'6e'_ -area'. U ler consi'd- MU or, ev4 n the wh6td i tere' tig-nu, t' ' f 'h, nes appears to consider aweqt� 0ne 0OIX ThiL Fred -ought bit preciproa ion was a eve. -the iriaula Of the', -for the, %er1jag 1 o�'i - �brie mand the-voteraxi-adaler Terra`i� tf:': , .11 . I 1 1; 1 - - r . ova, Bbifd of', iade ii �n, here fam. average salw w hich, 1 11 1 'clus on and ­t6 be' �'knkfng'bii 'the -old Ac6oidlfig ha ()Ile -,of the a tA, owing. to rest ! di . 'L... Which may,be 'p'rxqei1`eni. advice 'price. pf.I84maan4und6l6r��gold' never �ni finest,. tivq, ga Ot 'b I rougliCin 947,719 t6al§ ur 119 Ontriew. t ..f appear.- al Some.'of the AIId efA gi an �ejbjt,j Sunday n. A'' a:st. r�� u fUtUrre' pros. re tn ob 60s. soun j u a off. rpei. ,'*ere is., ot d'a ong.4n '_aetii�e ca� :trDUt t' put that The ineo ff,13 odtfl6w fro p little liard pe4qstriiin0.7TotOutG d, shing i -another. sipper ""In. the'�,�fieei. yiith: as years S i4 �he_ W�ods�, dUring. anq- b ito'ca#y, and,. :peritto for. hi Dranon Boartd.', orthy. Of ng jaml, Roa VI sea i I it seal of T Was,* slightly, greater' thdit-in' Ing k$per� come" withjn't6, pairk,III4 be obtained. radd lilw, O -b ng lakp�.rosa liew And some c a t he, 'tAki i four organizati t e. ord ra 'C nI4410 9086UG 'itailVaj ,6anspqT in Mal�aya as ab�lit�t"', ..in the iionth ri Provi th&-ap... ;B ndon'T6tlrist' Plic'inti Are, accompanied- by licen t&.�at li6nib and fil.6th' r Iready-Ao W 004.11&16 Thepi,6kfi -reglilate� C g -a TjjjS ion,'the- Brau&h l3rauch.of,thq Great butAow,fi6i Lac, It oiL., the 16' i4id to be :For Instah1ce aptains, Keah Bo Sed �h edition'. of: the' a f the Induri. e Vay ten c nts oil the d6llAi, In 06d "Wblf? rat er V�" �thi,siime 4.&,, �,urink -Dcem- ve]oPm a ave brought, n' . sea a in anit6bf loudly',thaii other',tran 'd sixt . I the '*.a SP f th 14 stern' ni .,of the wai- debt t4 the United, more b6r .1 a:nd the' pe.d- sheet jwt p Was S 0 has e'vj6fitl hairkeiiiA 'Ums.'.'There as n, "'h inches, durihig he. '947 --ten 'B W -P lni�: arb.Qur, the.Topo. h consequence, about eig geu,. �iurv6yj De gr own . u ; p "fee ing-A.s wee! .1463, & mmunitioi sex in an 'be't daptallis Bart' p oar g- of Trade. 4n o t 'A' erle' U railway anil in anatRain.-the-vicialtir fwk: the Retail 'Mercha _ ] r ­­­­ - h W eong: -Anc., ransp :eac s,61i " Can pare a roadj­ - O�t:.tlfa`t river o. area. Brother,, Y:.o!A S T ;Cut 'the four ther's tl�roat iii cateringtor ay Night., �E -Satufd the hydro�e riel, ph Wa. CaPt4ins.131adford Alta' The. distinebim 803,1050; fd�i - cap A xedulrerfients, The, ft 0 S of, -e) of 6p rating,the I C alrg� er, than in Dedernber a' insor 6.470 tl�e 26, for. ke �that the ro*ad ser,�Ices tains iee aptaftria. - , �?t Indi�ans p,�6 0, 89- :'.' 'r - ljl ana a goes. to'. E mon... 6 Hous'ewifels'.Th rill tei� 2 a. a III$ '.0 thd rec n! am t re�,uqp oa#Ant c bertA A :om0etItq,.'ra- who - If flle�. wa. I must be a dandy thrill for 446", 6a: ­ j" t. , P, . Al tinot be dlijlaced.,"mus a all events, - It., . utUral report' Of the "I wn-thatiIi.19U-ji:� mee pir. it man, elb deep I' h' IR.0 �ter bies ow tr" pos die d; the-ye4' 1931-32-'pto--ft ps, Wag nAln;;rl five conim . erdial,l jobn I Cats . wer to answer tho'" tnian'a -knock pqrt.,6peratok, would -probably like to u 6 family *ash '116'handicap I ' - irs lied w1jiM he'road ans� SLEEP A J� A d' th a 'and! tecelv.4r a Valentine 'fromler. thus-: -select, the. creant: Of 41 a t'raill �Vlthout re, 11 fle'a but sleep.. Where' is repotted e. The is centyin,'Ha4w 3 Is'. t disath`,6 ra. tO lia, �ij 6Ved him a -he P irie.Pi-o- A"he ieeqices issu twn;ed in'�_-]filisbandiy o.n'� th rii6niberoi *hick: :**A oneA band! and thew a ity. It.13 'ill bal. Im -to 't6. hbldr t, :A p :,baenbut of f dlsti6verl that:whle A resilction�' rid. rea�6-nslbil in6hen Junior has or'tfi s Su sleeii, s III Ou cau vincies of Ca -1 iW har club vtrnmelit a bliring" tO,'simi a' du�jng:,tlle'.'�eai, two. lis rait�kablle VOca T � ' ��h ' ' , fiscal Powers. o: :year ere,:wiero 2,426 farming'. In- -A. total of 80A, flying !�,our. �ujadj' it my, star Inv a as. Is death.!� d king t e.year by. have rnro­­ inilto. SpaC� Slugapore-V �do pt��ag'. ..!O�ho had, urAej imitivaion, 1,14,- u h1len -out' �f lils -high.:, Chair and tfie� aned 6�urltab�ly "between' ifite' not ji bui d.—fta 'into y 6oiyter,' Tokyo' 1;6ok p by figm, �ians lipil& at t E aoable t6 mA gk 135� fmouton .:aocres of land .7.3 UNITED STAJES e'ov6r:,tbirt. not cfu� 1, lj. V. �acojjd . - . ' # . UCTes' i ere ii�n ricrop,;, t Udad 5 ngharn Th V &64'. News s rong 'Wn'criedf. D : And 4'. �, . ; . . 1. . Of ilcOti` fii&tuibers�aud` a oAwake fot..'Ll.. aFnj I tion� o a n. Pspi�lii . gard , ­ f� 1 �,�471 ht e1113'r 0 Mt.- R elec e -dr Judg6 Old ini aeve g by Sp-eakel OOS and-%aftet%'evory nig, ler u as, of, ai f li�ieiition ally- ja acre stuminer- g. Rotert W., lisher a SiAte of­N�W Yoik�gieateio sums Epkh%64 nd sin 'a PInguRpli pq 1) f116 r �3 year. ihati' t :!L.4ic t, 'Cl e` Louisville "C6itlier-46ur. ei I jr l.'Xo Nms. s ould i 4,�, ac sit, .. . . I ' r 11&r 414 Ule, al LA editor ot� th he law a Veju jees'against the a new Amb�issa&� to BrI., T.Lq 'red proi6s'�Oi� to beeth u red" vne' ted their p d n. WA VeUL,his'porgonal, a wbrld--xised t t I exemption Trom ',stinj,'anJ1'thin'k of t -olifit hi� og ir'Busine4.3.,� A a, and iho Vn6ie, Sam's, shl-it-gleaveg diplomacy,!,, paxes,onapar OfbiSr'Irne�in tood, a .� oes, aCoo(rdifiif to hilip T., 'That WIff I n a.fr4 Sp the of 0 n 0 tatiou who Cal actised tlilg 6ultiged cl write off;'�g5,0'00r Alploknacy* pr i�ieb� Club. O Moutrt-il - here- er" Who Sc an �bdlt- 3UStain - ad' Ih 'of'secur Iffel. appictea-'a *yer a It Of hor' publiill6r abust ago. Man 'ties. 46itll6r ls'nained,'but,bbth are givat frlen� biculturist%' -efte as 'fln, In ha$_a, OT -of - - ex _4 vya g- hfw T. 'men 416S.6tVa PIlbljcL -grj COUr -of -a iuinineT. When­64� c name, ias'.,traMled Widifly titude. so 61d I)eiongs to�gomo of )�6fidon's mo They icted,as ,gilprouar.1rega;rd: or 5' the Vea come.. vasp, 14.N. -the We 6 of theirjello* 4eted." th.�o '46W I A sutvilvas��th�6ugh this a' TAIL :a is ftcc6piabia At a 11 winter and,­'pfcLed4 4�6, -&ivi6 me air sacrific 11 aacrifice' 'Is ilffficult. and' When %tel Consist. OX Th6bd h,o. SerVa ig�my,o app W nds -it, more 'difl 6u t than, It was InteresUng HVIlig' m'6m ry to o tail' L . ! I' , , ing, maiii y of, idtke�-sj� Sa�thb &her b the re. 0 r, r ir, ims bMt alJl :to: th' �r&W Illat,the dr6ii Wbatibin �Iftall*ay �f Venue th�t It requires. Their bi ga r fit.-ri"Inii: HnilanlL 1�jt a crack expre's train in- may'4 0.,,ieciom' men d ad 14t6 6ther-w o Mr.' 4jr6ft eontinu 'lost It mk wethe train got can, a siml a sacrif] . ..... L to' th Only M)UUULY', STMIIL niii� &to ln,sn4�drtits,oft Its 'PA sing 'Way to IOn dependelitt. eI" 0 oil o eir oWnL Of aylug IY ou'lil OlIa the Worst wlhter,�sWrmis rooklyn whiw the, -EtigIfind llai: kno*''h for yoakt down tlieirmork is nothi 4IV60 - mof61it6t�iting,' W6 I U' h M r.. 6050V�jii _r cofnpar as R §S�angeta"Oft 6. hkwi of, W at the .00, did eea&,'other;- T got I 'to �W. -struggle for a tr'kin whek..k. finally. 07k 'the � A0DyblIc:. has dif, exiO�ehce Among the rAi lora:Lof n, on, 0 news dI*paiAs at an a ea;� Ur t a irush4d �orward,� to 'course Of t d p6d administration ag - t(j:.be the'jil�na liid�ed -diffic 'cobf*M'fulated the t ­from: the' start,witif, such. bot'gll �L. . , A ptobl&fis which 1tnglu`W for getting' ilehe 6A. 4ayiii ce D41aho Itooseielt. That 0 klss� III` fa teTWA, io'-be Atltii other Pr16 Of-�oUjSet Abra� Y brr but it t L 16 sort, oi OU5 tha h'L It, to ftIlroft'd pilgineers, oipf.e4. c6ur��,,,,c_,,it, esp a# df, those" akiil�d th r tech- thet.4" Wet* .1hat n61 1p r Ij uto' UntHed and dang0rous path�i, rx de Ibut. htit th t6rrors f6� itlt6�lr. b6 lltobab y ot( 1111,011 flett, (144par *hoL hA* 11'6t: �aii It at Ih� ait at _W0,H_ , 4 fo, thrj�,jj- hodtfle, o�. y after ii Wit 'to �IlAki (i tej (t 119 1 lot ljjjjg­ �u 0 T Phinib lion tile, a)nglndPi­tpr­t 4 Pr I �"tdk, YOrk. 4,1 0deDIftig, Datrdn6i' s' Iesti 4 tit, �A300 go oettj r g the rho 4h4tfij�d lih Oj g t 1� ",Woj I