The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-23, Page 27 71 zi, W iT 7�: 7 t t'�- 1, b'040ced st little' 'A U,-- D' P infiil tl P# 0 e 44W e to' lady. W ewe%7 $he r t t there had-,joee-A the be At sU-44 tt all this 4AP- cried; Im- a dinner ed n4a Pay Vatiep -3 UP -4, Party", tfjro� Did 4 t _0 his. weight, under ing tv% pm�. iVhtj.y, S�rue jc.� jimp, sligiltaerc, -It's .,,Wbo o ed -t. T44� Old Jupiter pai fir a A Mar� . Halricness Up V., Pots Ti I "e Of hiA. 'i3raniN 14PFLF� TQPAY-. chestra. kjazz nuvi,�erf- eX11i oib(ir, -,That's L rose in f1lO she Dglieves, f Mn"'d 7of ifisjjyr? jhe, tall, MA4 Fly, 'Wliq left, .,surfOCO Q. with tQ T ed "he, 330%yeo 0; ne,, 11th, r, and , lAtOIL'Kii1f 4 AlarW PAIlavi house de�ecti N6v ;jj�t:-had IiO , IN re, in. lRoyther--tIellevvi 5, It ahOV b. hy nce-VICK the hotel,, W Mde. iO � - �.,; uCeq,4UPIter., in; his of CorneU4 and* Ethel. -to, rout Nari,, who"be, com I -on is h. n hap, Qf 'Xnches er, the instInct any. fart Or A nel ry oii the.-,' Yp". G "" ; "V1, t t)eiteveq is, a: u th lid is with'MY P4� e by; ester, bav, heir 9des to; M" wns"0­4 on), He rden -in Ba4eil 'of MOCII -mary -�Xr .+ .- .. nIng, abo, e Y, party U. (l be I � Ater split,, nearinii. The Y t 66, j on Ahe,, Jul ves. ,,,sy a ght for, i6nyers'on poise doctor, 'Yery g Lt Iaie�h'to see. iss ,pro, yed helPS16l bj,, i glitt.'ejiAig owa-9017i,), d'The captain Fly Will pe't �4 'LN..,P4 y by runDe[ t h �-,rself to, If, ye can Iut ther nd 'to,..Yeg f or the 'Puny tss� takOn ir�, tow, us i . As. h­for� any' us,, big; bon .�-n WI hat was n� w no is, claimed t.0 bO,.an effi- f room' un� V, w y the stibleman. Fly's sethat�they, friolit-fu-1.1 7w, rrove a a he owngr).br hik 10W fFPe lIf , lited. etil ani h air VIDA -emp rass, his family reco x, t tal be� co buys % pep er, and to. .4ry. recogi substitute f6i� �4pylpe i * ­ 11 . . me'- 'le. 0,000 -in ;i- t; 11 �Adew � , other, su 5 'Such firt WM hiliace M' g iv p4r!n V1 b t .)JCUP butt" CUPS paptrr.. Our fi i C d EdWe"S commune.. by �06, :jpa.Lluiser quarrel,',over, a. Q I- -th Vers It t 'ry th' h. ae shoulders ce h ovel portal that whjc rtook V 41 %!np $uga �lt or ter cad Go gto en �-Iro jes tA Mrs. d 'and 16CUS it t 14Anyt ng You trembliiIli Old her in the,botel, 8k i this h' woman :ty',of CorZl% no dc6ubtL t j4ted-Fiei)c ith, the Pal Wd- Dirk arrIviis wil . ;ildng got o - Citmet making ", aqval: Vvearijig Ahi� I 0M- of m ,,�nven - . ri r, nces with H"ven-selit, opportaTA ' �t klace, Mary d0t The'. womiar, jehe engineer; tbO PLjQdUC r X X�p oug jup -with the �ight Set. �bp* 'i, oalt I I I a, . r I . .1 _iter nee] f heiielf fb� excuse 0, protecting her defiat ctl0l', nCM;&L Wttef �UW_' a' the Pl. Under, De Loma, wbq,Y ckacdid Pt kiloW, -W n-04' but by ber. �.aited for I ji�iefidded solely ova puts the now' Ipell li�dqttjng welL Add Y t for'lier, be 'he ki.aseff -her; jk�j 'by e high-te They dqnee'L.Spil h Ell for at ume" cket,' the' Toor jes,tje�qjy, nee r YI sod vanilla W4 Sift ftour, ad cut WjSL'that':t,e­ Xp - beat,, itble �o La� zqd behind atirg.1114 rl� ta bpkiao.powd.�.dmlt, and rtrkc Who a feN niiyiutes before h wn + gboL r ator y, ijow "u not -in Moir', I 'and In the last War board woik, -Au ai, z Valli . ketL O'new sitinmitoy, wi 'ilead, knbckst,, 4:9wn.. 'C �jjng met, her 4d V�ab e W$6 .,nWk. to first 'the. Tli"Tkt� -thq- years ...Y. th MWWC. Mary 'TO] b6 the oori, inj Xiakt nd of the last�' peror. duf 014 $,ilitilRy b"iCi1eiV*lAtC# OW, do 0 WIT chum Would ran: -dwiltly , i 46�&OL t I engineeri,ni -the, I S00*6 imp cskeuns� or in paper baking elia 4nd her to tb selee rice, I Pot�Lwfttla - two years cerns in'the * V I' neake& L A.Viay' froln' t I jilt* 'the the rez joddir*ti ovm, it 375* F:aboutL�t the spaci Pf Xary-ItinIe' hcd�Wd cry, ou ll'aA pidshed, 4ild the 010M the oven. tefto, ized. d Were, , Ir ifie �.gs#ing , t;eria with. pj*4aed sug "doalil not -,�,,attae, 'and' b,. es een �e jjt�'Emp;@�mr ti of th,�,ms to b a3y� street, �o'nized t lhjt�boen 0 new6P&PerSL got st6p him I hPany 1 d, D 1 ik about f 6fi tOP&I'Von. will Ba In �that r I Cox "d yZed i*fely entren�l ed be i,ttop that man I b, r, �being� It She U 'tV16-y',WOU-10 'be, is Wa& MR iniperl ' she, rd at ehiojo 'd the, materi d, "What. T6 the koia6kers- n insulation' -7- be& . Vy of fo6wOps v y copeed I )nm him hsat. h her eyes -her., hi A. e., -.in liiB, tb d Dirk could 10A III T ri 'It, was 9 git t110 opie h_be&� nje is or Work. oubled 1APk ex- Imperl h tilted it' 'al horse-had'tears in its eye Dirk lay a tvrng. 'h' 41CI , — 'd Will. b6' She Twart Y, -iriey. The barric�s, r- substance', t to him in tintrO'"t. Loma JOV h ultj ii, nC� K -the, h`Q . .. . ..... . -�il it6 t6d t pan h S con T turnded �'a dull green- S of agR,- HIS . f ault.j. mineral :cP1n*Lj,�t,, ac rom-Mritis 1466kci'd his _bL Said-, It. A Veds of t' bus RTM. Ff , he , e , , keP� r in elee ril �.o'ught e, er- 1� g4ve "I an iMplyL Oer. ad handbag I MLar.Y__kn*.­AT�d _aith6iigh hundj t e t� in De:aa �d lar re whert' cir` big f, _d 'CortiL s She I ­ 0 bfoken so 'ur ding,an4 0 I've 'k d an unro-' etee, a er, h a,. the.. plow. 'to _,nterO.S id' b 'n, Vn& 'of wl , i;I *hjg, ghiplkjil -he tt6d A Atb1c own -,partl.n' Ithem' an'Opon-mg It14- police courtB 'ma& *�t .,: L' Oj doctor,. q 'Magid: jjt�l�edqoip h' Red' U Y n Cries. Uddl in went s! ued t de !waitcOr A 1hbo, Fotrugm Migichitz..' t119. B, 'th- Dirk 'jM011111g, eir dity S��j" me MO d 'thO 0 boiin&d f6rwarC- �Dlrk, *.as; hers,'! f0t rid in th" gTowdet, re, In' &Tong. W1 Hilsin .. '#I a. n. -Now' r of the A;eu t, W�hc eintg she, blence. b lelbA whirled. about.' T e -healed', - 'd h�iged Wi o lid g.va ned" the. sl e7' says 'back to. Coruerl�?' 'But: W en 1 Mfgsc ip pbeX �eve�hig- unt'l� the' fQQ h Th,61: case 11981"st Vaulein esir* ors, nla #�; I h, je 9 men i: if hOl 4- set 'Sight of' t a cito g d :�­him ;ald, h 4�� to� lot hjjM e Vn)j were t, of. 1161$Irg in 'She, ;missed.An viOw:, Of' -then dre". W -tqw I � ol . 1, . ir I the pisto at Upe, .;%Td W , 6e useleps—VW-D jj�,tajbutted. to. -ts %�omden­street ecidr �f h' ',�gqd-40-myr Ile' *as, pevY e- ep yt�l �be st' aink ere. ne USL Im b h- hi -t -1 7h"---jk " d,&t�ojs. f 1w, of ,paniO, t1jey at. and t th' t k Vlg� a] ity if �he- had,, unning 'h 'hi!6i1g.oUtIthe t di 4P, t T h Y, b., 'a y� Q,ire tha i0fi 'Jot, �a� cab W'SS es 'Mo. inO i6Y ir olault!" hiking 'goes an L 'In tte�-�;ahead of, reqt iO-c6livp 644nat's right. d6g-tro 'to th b wai ing. Ol of, tho-ni PeIaSE­ iured �bizn- v or., flib .'UVO' d �fi&d fol ,sea ---n, Xes cle�Ang the� VaY I "M U� -- a- "-- isi Ty *d ot YbUt' d -on r�ve IONIA_ ou ouher b,� young, Man th He,h �th e- &6011 thell er and, 'b ho Ik 00 tl - , 11 7 g=a- -�Vo 0� A ON -SU- h L"did Mar 116 rowcer is used an( t -a7lfootL The Chite by -to loping. Titl puizledl6k, &TU dt, her th. A-4 loyed�r - C, agric nle!�ts li�d-e SeC)N ORA no Yo s The, It 7. V I no Iif lie thought s s of n� quali, List e do, ripa requircivicalt. T V 4: hi� our, �W ae, L I 11.111� emergen tests 2, igIr V. jt;� that, th)3y' 911, Y '-.out, tba il"y; eI ow go ed it, It nis about thA 'tit Or, wl th-e -in be have hah bm'"11` 'WE 4, He �:PP threw b "-jut e y,purO,,unA �M Ano *,he-'h'D eth not see a so. her.- t jIqt be -e 'o the 4i of th f, or 'To ­ ell YORL. BE' ad �qiic YL 9"' �1 e he ral4e 'bY joenda I a. e.. bese we. do, b P T 'or d of dietiti4ns�'and- 4ev,!, qr hi to 40 *ii4 -it- any e majori iA 111r, hth e due Itt n ' no e n k Mks. COVOTed 'that tell' be Were you -teachers' of d,�Vhere ;e iiii4o. creafo at 914ey, bud iA� , merso 'their recip-e-9 fqi -b k a,"Y led )h you!re d&6Tj`j kil-D Uj�n be&uS6 h hutry"" plan tb� 7hen sp*ke,,to hint out j511iIoL 11Ke a c UC Ond6, of . what, �9 rt jh�y, use� co neiir froilis iiiii eldevatort, Of IPPW It lA to a"To to a W, ju ng� Se -L be, het. d oo Way. h b�i lifted ou wait itcdicaled Dir at� ­ L ' ' "'. ed her' I lo. . k im they lves co' ' 'fin& a, cAb this Ma aii This. mal niouth;t as h k 8 "cleiww audi d to glin, must. be tAhen ittly, bettcr itesu ts. siste 'k IsAy hdA r jid.S'out,of 4 CaiiiMiA h"bu f Op awayi`. Dirk was. ked at t e. but of . eve, t h d0VAi f th ElOW erg. as hei oriieo aL0 at it? Th, jj�', eqT d -Di to h 1�kt :-. , L diiytecti 17 ------------ otlfe� b4kifig frorij him�, sto6ll. somehit mn'o gilt - an . I 7M- hi Otec POW. er$ d and �;'sa if - §�-' -�ryL ;ij IgNow;-, al the hou A CY. 'WIT, I e the,P.Ff6rt. -Ao�.fb. qUt ajjht;� he try, Or 'I -at - t t, Sl Her he'might reddened, as,*,, 8, A e 1p IT 'et as good. Do: as th not be Bak n n4i - �'6 be' &4 t�: of. they idto ey, h6art th'' do ) ke heT han. ictkd �ruelly d inL the 'd eva 'b . I -Wh6n you �"Ae w,6,u1d`rA let,- Im, go b" va �jt Ree Cq0k Bo ok� 9he St�pLp� i:01 dt, if s her fL "at hdM4Cj the ii'ej� �Magic� C6ok':R6bk. 't 'UP t6 her t�dl Stop and wrong. ed,. iIs'4 r�606 fdr ili� leave me,! h th;--�' follow h wilt givety0u, oze b tke at, + th'it, nelia _Lthojight ,I'd Clous t6 Siand'ara ino up hAo�: bods. as. d*f rgclt you nie get.41im, t6:11, r :Frage awaa�� of whtt *as ICon sweet,.1 ee d WWII - 'a undesir- di r bcame ras nothing dD 0 1, 4 s Litiihedi' iri,6% h I :. There -m d but' hand Ca Tqr6nt�, P 6 ' to tiberty Str^�6,% ni in the hotel Whie jdL grim Y! h Lonia' facefalnlly fri d eDirk' not(Yri47 Ae Ahe �t!il gar� opened. manager... wowse tip thi- ­waitir tabi �d 40alousy, V R F, A, ,m e on the ear., b�.ON an ed 'she o: -'WeTe moppi d 06me the­WlboY WMI. Cli 46V. rLd oatting on, ttle, CUr. �, the h, b' IbrOW's aj ov just wrebCLW,.11;L. V011. L, 1�e Vlub), cry 0 ot, Dirk safety,, n �'off-Ahat way -ur- rug 1) Vaii haIt he -and aegkehd' *:kj. Ret h man. h d Tth$L', syjau dupted 6ff IS r'dro l 160 wap not there! ed! th( judden�,+, out, nee I I I . t thO ;on inu6d 'bo hail' - bequ tTo be raid" The pdt, j - '. -.7— - 4 - .1. ' . 0 4th gontie:,.but a, UT CRT's �itnon 'Mar, �A ng Dir 'o JaS ii 06 1po alu Upr TOTA ? this - stateinent on is I L , - -h fiTi&ig7�1i 0 d6*edtYL tin is 0Ur guat. vAi *Y? W hero v'e" h, 6, f ricands - g(;no ekin MRAIC ia La Aniw fro 01 JW* d� ni lid"t the 'to --There js� trouble, hsBigA* ertalft, V 6tOtmrn Ion'. imppe 're. . a es e t 4amond saw'& to - t Wg k 11 ta e4ear cut !hto. 0 ot f 'Mary: rem,67 V6r -tho firm 'h Inc, beilig't a( d gerng ltbis 2 nanricei ! . .1, 1 1 '', , r P, gerIg,6r'r' Vantago v�ifo' TAxi us. I Iwith, rl t all dia- Mug 'a 9 T h diam6nids of, h e so quicItly rwind t he man&r c bad color 6T. im I Ak 'hie. fr1gbtev.6d. IV -0u. P Ing, un-, I sit tear-fi9,Od'eY68-', in S�s to'IGUT )0i show k S ed hijiti that Dit WA Toughly, t ree ��inarf I -Aust, be -gotten dojq ant to Ady, , , , , -h 09 d at'l d6 ­mo -s ut yo for, each `4 aw to ithe 'AipEirg 'e6k. Th6- s eo th �y, �Vfth You ed to tk�ir' tables - but- lie maSturs Id yOA If the b could gio' arcat not ifest 0 illy, rni6lig tiie: big, id, w0h )�h 0; ooq toe danMrig 11 V,�V -rag AiigT follow, ed ; L hiflu ha -6,1 W thil' Men liew uavo. syd e, W rc w S , fi, WoIrk U. d t itj of Q u ab e 0, ro 1.6ck in 84'1 - , ' " . , d , f J". L, iil noj. ra sb&jI hi n, I uNt 80, You g a -�hero' And saw the rag. rul or: !)e Ai ne c part 'of the an tak -A Ighe&- She WAS �86 On on doctors h. t6, byj v �tho Wuq tqtAi This 'Act! 4 �W. is d de� phidiv t qed, to g("t plea, Nith. gu'eh' ou ll 'to el;p I &n res jktr)1f;�e " ' L 1 ' , I eAlliiig t� ac me 1* b6tikht fleW hehe t ire, ii� Wh 411 �1 W pt sUO Ill effects, .1 bitd ayO piliil� Vq V0 dt Wifi, of toll kc 0 my Ok fit thd nd, L�'' , d'i'() t 0 1. f6d. - 11. 1 .�*. 'i" . , -, nA t4ko it he , Who'N, tt\ jA �r<j, to sta V%C. .,0k6V% i rijy� ot of t g w en,anyone y take t WtO 0114 0 or �oahetd 'Eng a. d *C-Ilve( nohalf 0,64, w i4o 10 010. PRA, be in t1i ftVbrj�� 6f '46 Beet O�Ilm V1fiV k, :arife?" T40 :06W rcduc6d he Nita n y Aohd La". m6st1sr, (it tfft 'eve -experiM Oil In thil 0 5 ttoM 7 bil think a Abadeg Ow tie Polors. VY VA OY V t4n ;W Nftoii-i oh jjo jjj'nd thil) asdid' h onil, J)Y� A jj ti(j bTotheki Y" toadji'Ag t