The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-16, Page 8• CANS. SLICED TINEAPP 2 CANS CRUSHED P.INEAPPLE 3'1411S MACCARONI 10, BARS PEARLE SOAP' LBS DATES e. • '25e- 3','LES PIGS • 25e Los,JEEDLEss..,oit Plif_PSWDED, RATS; :25e 'entons .29c dot. Oranges 25o -doz.' • ,Grage fruit for 25c FRESH CELERY,e,„CECERY HEAro AND; 'LEAP LETTUCH A.WAYS ON HAND. ,:Tiry.Our.-29c Tea • LUCKNOW 41 . OR, OUR. PIONEERS enlbracing parts of Kinloss, Ashfield. • and 'Wawanosh. The Present 'school !Tient*. Were '...inede„ which makes it one 'of "-the finest sehhole, in thie Part of the eountrir. ' . The fitst Church; Presbyterian, Wit • loga in' 1856e'-abotit 'half a - of .Kinloss on the, eeit side of. the road. There -was no flier, gild the seats were roupd.logs. It was. called Murdock' :IikeKenZie'e., :Church, on. ac - n eiection. He, 'also was' the Means of Preventing the building of. Walked .to,,Saugeen; near 'Setztharnp, . ten, ahout-fiity: miles. each wnY 'end' Government in the nnme thePres= the: ,e011eetion,..taken...:.duririg.4.-the 'that the attendance eiverige about a 'thousand. The' first :Methodist church was ,opened ,in .1802 in..the building•'Which it now' Perker'S Garage, and it steed firet .PresbYtekian church,' right, in was up2where. ,Emith's: house St. AndreW's, 'the itene-ehurch was lit to the Roman Catholies The first At one time, there were Seven Wagon or Carriage shOpa in the vil- lage; eeven hotels, two liquor stores and two blind 'pigs. The Old Town Hall which' is now MeKenzie's: Garage,. wet erected. in '1:88'5; ind* was replaced by the Carne The firat 'Sentinel Was' printed: in Of the' Village' lodges * representing the .follOwing . Fraternal, Societies 'were nistiteted:. Odd Fellews,..Masons Wei; .formed. Caledenian Gnmet the Second Wednesday, in September, - than. any .other,:eeleheaticin Hur-the or Bince. Athletes came from ,,,far and . neat. Those Who peepered the and. zetil in -securing nelsr:attra4rnni: ell -round 'athlete frOm.Dundee Scot, 4 • land was here..In 882 Donald Me, the' chernpien wrestler and heavy ••Weight. athlete, of 'McLennan; Chaniplon Piper and:. den- ier and' jeseph Hendry if ,the 18th -Ilighlaed regiment; the 'toned pf bringing relief When hppe had.'almosi the 48th Highlanders' , Pipe' 'tend from TOronto. teliyened the dee With. their ...Pringle. The first" Year of 'the gameti: *300:00 Was given in prizes and each year as greeter', ereWds et, tended; the, ainiunts offered in reed, 'creased' until in 1881 •and 1882., 'the -of —0300:00' • d• iat'flAiteet aniong the competitors in the Variitis ''c'eVents, In titoe.-Years 'the 'attendant -6! ''tohnhered about twelve' thousand, The flint 'real set back dente in 1885 when the; 'gzini-ea there were no. gate reeeipts. The next:year the iitines were held in Dominion'Day, 'but the change preyed unfortunate and, the" C:tOwd ''was only a freetion of, that of Other Years, Althoegh the' games have been. dis- continued, the society still existe. The ;pioneer doctors . were pr Dr; Tennaet and Dr. 'McCrinnion., this district of whom there is anY by- the. GoVernMent in 1847. to stir - L, wee in charge; on reitehiiii Giderieh,',tried, to get n''man to act. the infarmation :obtainable trent the settlers' in' -Waiveneek. lint this was :.net= mikes- none of them 'had 'ever been bak- that' far. Dri h' th 'and. reblaze, the line :to teke''HurOn • ere new:.the first concession, of lein, loss and .Hnron St-ii-Wnshipe:,This. was the _first 'snrvey of farm lande:in the County of ,Bruce, Vzhich did riot heVe ite birthday:antii ;tannery 1st, The, countY and townships. were named In :honor if Lord Elgin:then 'GeV... General pf fain- ily name" was Bruce anti Baron' Bruce of, Kinloss,.- ene of his titles. The • The Y, p. s, ,stmOd: ee enjoyable night in the hell. SeVeral Irish songs were rendered end Severe] contests engaged in ta the: amusement if ,all, Grohp games were else,particiPated in;;,after'-ivideli.lufich,,was served.' 'spent lett" week with her peteete,. and Mye, Will. Gardner. •Clne's social . evening; on: Friday, night.;Tke koye'frini Zion, taking the Reiolved ;that; .an 9;4.C. "education Tat: Webster, hotindaySe and, Mrt. 'G. Reed, WaWaticitle,,IsPent .Teesday: east Twitir it cenvalescent,eafter., her recent ill - The regular meeting of, the ler. M. §: was held 'at. ,the home of-:, Mrs, :rain, enjoYehle'featere:was the vith. tome. 138 names; to Mrs. Rev. 'reveller, Who ,though ;telten hy. sur - Prise, Preyed. qhite e te the ac- on of this gift of rethembrance Mr/ Chester Ritchie of Detroit visitedi friends . this Vicinity on rnatic- Club' are Presenting 'their the, Zion Orange Hall, on Wednes- laY evening, ,MarCh 22nd. Admission J,Adulte: 2c;:: Children 15c. Filly' Will ,-(Intended -foe Lett -Week. Her 'many' friendi ;will 'be happy to ..earn .that Mrs. ..,Tas. Cook has so !ter ;reenvered ,es to he' able JO leaVe Aringharri Hospital and returned. to eittlY,'Once again; MrS, 'peek; 'due ,,..,9;..her.,:ifidemitaiile spirit, his made CHURCII NOTES Unitede,Church Y. P.' S, The MisSionery' Com. wat...in, charge very interesting meeting -it proVedte. he. After 'opening' exteeleet. girls s e:PleeSingehorus., Mildred Tucker, A. mixed 'qUartette compesed Armstrong;:gaire two very eniqyahle• life' and; Work it Hudsen EaY iune- time Sask.,'" Where,•:•Rey. end-, 'Mrs, Nichelson, ere stationed.' Eva " Greer read. this' meesege .en Home Mission work Miss Kerry,: short 'edd.ree. speke on the' Work 'iroxi Canadian eXplokers end Missioneriet. „'After the 'diming hYmn and prayer, ,Abrt. Peered 'o'f ieereation .was enjoyed. • Peeslieterian Gelid: wee held en Moncley evening, the 'pregrein'.being 'eliarge of the' Leoketit...:Cefit. 'The pieSident 'occupied son, After ,the next :liyinn he topic for the. evening' weto Much "enjOyed, , eeleetiini Xt. jeck Hendee - closed. the (Meeting' hetiOlit.:' tit :Seen' that :boy. beferefi • • .Word ..Was "received:11ns eweek by .ner 'resident of dna. 'locality, Pare- ;:ieulare relative to, the nature 6i her decease* are ot at hend' et ihe time af Writing, hut it .is eurMised tinit ),everel Years age rend' while making'. eomperaties, iecovery; it 'is' lino*. :"ieelth menthe; 'Bern- in 1877.; _deceased Wan'. the eldest of tit faniilY' "Of the. late Mr: and Mrs., Jas. ,f1; . Gardner, ,and spent her •e,Ely •et.this neighborhood; FolloWing her' ,inarriake in -1;86.8 to :My. Jaek ,Where 'hoe hueband engeged 'in' teaVing'. the :farm, they' MoVed to ,'Ialekee*, 'where Jack 'entered the there until the tinie ..of her. eleceeee.; 'is' eUrViVed.hy,her heehand and nirieg and Mts. C';'Kellein Mrs. !lick McKenzie 'end ,Mrs. Renaid Timinine all of' Detroit. Thote bereavedheire the; sympathY if our coniintintty.ci ," lenTaftui0„0 hi' the .'Mitses 'Margaret Melionagi. Of. London,' sPent' Sunday leihic. Andre* tetutned home after,',epeetliiiiWa Week .With her Soh: Alfred; 'Walkerton. OSDAY, MARCH iGthF, 1933 11C 'more. than ,ever l'on-givIng customers' dollars -- RE BUYING SDP N New Sprieg Etylet and Colors. The' _Another essortment',of pleasing . le . Master Hap of Cenada. Genuine FureeDeeigns. for Men. . iive ' Patterns, "Four-inehaltde 'Just .. pocke.o. size 4_10 year's. SWISS CURTAINS , FLORAL PATTERN .NEI" Appilque Designs, '',.wiss Ctirtains. A-, Tailored Edge ,filet. ..A.,well woven' • • Kleenex Cieenting Tisshe. Regular Sew on Hose Supeertere. RaYon. and A,'cliiiet" wedding tOok place in the ting l:When Jean Isabel '',.yeungest daughter :.1V1r, and: Mrs:, ,. Seth lieCaine-ithee-bfide of john, Jiffies. Armstrong,. see et "Mr, and Mre. held at .the hanie Of the : grPoM'O' .ezitze„'whe the; :groom's inother • asei?ted 'the' bride .eind .cei.V.ing.=4.hei:-g-uests:4---tilhe—bride wits; charming, a Perfect grai.:eneemble Armttreng were hiack lace, .with small.,bleek hat while Mrs..' Spanner ehose ;gray 'georgette and lace: The greom graduated from. Toron- to Celiege Of Dentistry in, 1931 with Termite,. where he it now .8stablislied Mr. tied Mrs. 'Ainistrolig arene* : De. Armstrong ir nepbeW' of 'Mr. .and Mrs..',Neleon.Buthel Of the village vhoni. he has Previonsly visited. • Ripley on Satueclay, f yard, :When' sen. ef and. teacher. of TOWitt. end's sehOOL became: the. bride ;Youngest See, :of Mr., and, :Her- eerenioni 'Was -,performed tit Ake ef glass, blue' crepe; was' ettended by her sister, ,Mies Olive -Thompson, In 'the eeening' a. rec,ePtien Wet held at the' hire e of 'the' par-. spent. They •Will: take up eSideeee on REBEKAH' SO IAL The Rellekah, SOcial held- In the tteeded and.'much enjoyed by 'those resent. Mits"tachel' McDonald -and Mr: ,,Cherlee'Cooke•were the prize ieners at miChre, While Mr. Wal - ace TwaMley -was . awarded.' . the' 'Lucky Lupch. wet eived and,a few .hours spent anent, 'with Mr.°W, J, paripon at master of cerenlOnies!' With: MuSic.., revided he' I, etisted by:. inembeys of the school. hit. ticeaelon4 'Which acid,ed much to' 'Raiding ;the blacksmith'. Stop of George, Clisliel.c,•e•, village iebeecillor zealed heriel partly filled with ,hard . as -Well es a sypliening tulip; against Mr. ,Caslick of havihg liquor in other than•his prjeate -residence. Walkerthis week, Or at shchlizzie as • ,City girl (in the.eountry att pasttare), "Oh, what pretty cow', a TOWN. ''OP sou,THAyipTO$ The tOwn of SOutliaziptoi6int' sue: Friday from e judgelnent award, • ergement of the tdwn 'that the trial :udge treed 'in holding, that the: side- WallS,WaS' .out or repeir and' that the !Local Don't forget ;yeur '. Continuation jschoel gret„, MuSe; be. held next ;istue. en erall sprig of. Sham - reports, we re, over until • our Hamilton, is' a Nititor.at 'the Wine. of, Counter ',attraction's Make it nee - The .,filieeart. Charchehere.-Sonie.efifty -members,- of sada!, . and .after enjoying eOUPle nieterists to convey them'. here, and vititort Stratford lift week; ;with the 'forreerls daughter,. .Mrs: ,,Ernie Oz. balls sat medium; lafioNE, 75. ley, talent tinder '6uspiees.of the: roll • day. night ...lest,xwat, pettponed tine height. 'on Thursdey; and' threatened lived, When Feiday brenghtemodereee, titan a,ild.-e-Pflni night...The Week -end' health. , per will be administeted at Zien.. on THE '431,0* BASS*90DT TREE On epeeession,,8 end 9; Ahfield; near. the .echoelhause in SehoOl. Section NO.; 9, stands a basSivierV tree 'that , wee grewing there ,teventi' ears ego when ..the firsi, sOool "lionse,'Ss bnilt' and has, AlWayi ::been:a: ' leickley and others Who'.have allowed the 'dear oia tree to stand. , Fond. meinoriet 'turn :back. te, this dearest old •tree,', D . epi. krdohoi et. 4an it ; ,t;;eat igdi ci ir enet dw, 5.1.:, ii wtts hi w ,•te::.i n1.0a, (. p4tAi :aii:g.i , :.hWRci: s i . i :oil :I efhi . a.st, ttie. i. hil, . :,R:H:::: t, ssi• ceo: i.heioval i. 41:6:: ?, . . 3, p., . : Ty, h do na. . ; ss . , .,. . , F. i . I I I e5i. , W i I l i a m ' The'i Old' Basswocid Tree that ,eve hived,' , ' . ' :: ' ' ,, The Old. Eastwood. Tree, yee, the:Old BassWood Tree; le: spilnitime her :. hranches ,Sh.c yielded ",to las, And :chatted and' coiirted in. ease, , . . , , '•.: .' kor dear, tO 'Our ;hearts were. the bright little 'girls' - It Wes ;there that We played put. innocent garnes . , And• elmee our* best, .paytners, With 'heartiest Zest e . . 'long for. 'the .Oees" Who.. so .tlear *to out Hearts Whose •faces We :tie et hope to :see. . • ' "Who 'Played retied the .011,.. BeSeweod Tree, bur deer friend; the' Old ,liattiv od 'Tree ' little • 'keep heck the salt' teak,. NfianYt,,..:fw4d.°.1;;61ltr°titstitel:thmetri.Ys'orn6et.?i'M •