The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-16, Page 6• • Year after year, more` and^`n.ore. ' Christie's. Arrowroot: Biscuits are sold ,`because .their Purity and high: alit. have always b'eenri idl .maintained. • ti "'MEL'ODY, MILL"::., • :-ts.8roadcsut'' • Every Thnndsy , el 7.30 p.m. hon •• Rsdto•Stollens at , Surrentde ' CHGs Sydney, C;CB• H�ilfix CHNS. Salm John Moacton,CNRA Montiail..CFCF , "Oaaw CNRO„ Toronto cXGWa(KHC cnnd CJGC Winnipeg • OCY R.rjinr ; CKCK *CiI,sty :CFCs Edmonton CJC,A, Vancouver. CNRV • '7,00 p.m, Who'd ever ' think that 'a'. trifle like a Split, cent could +nr; akin `•assn a success n „ b,, n bixt tactuall' ; that's all perfect •results need: cost:; ',anybody. You- see, :..you Use more flour than. anything'. else ' Y when you bake; so it :has jtist 'that ranch; more.. ` effect on your results. A cup.or'two'of Five Hour May,,cost a aP1i't centmore than inferior flour but it make's•al�the doffer nce in -the'. wok t' �•Hhere bakin; success8concerned Women ho hae`coi i ared Five Roses with ot<hex • • limns `'sapythatFive Ro.ses goes . farth er+ o o dl. eo'a•sSsets' • it •actuallpays to:.:use :�el��dab1e Fe.ve Flour ndin tat extravagant,;to .sa, th to. risk waatmg eggs,•msugar. 'and. shortening' for, the sake ,of saving. just a,• split cent. • . ,Fiv .Roses' is tested before, ou get it -and is 'al:a .a a Y .y uniform that's.. wh' ::you ''can :°be "confident oi'::" , Y Y succesS 'with, its iilse atavo you' a copy.' ' Of the . new Five Rose's' Cook • B; k?It's a real helpon bake da 'and ti valuable �p Y aid lin keeping house. ' Fitt in,ibe i stn pon below • for your Copy. • %iYE Cotner', Tobi,tir! TAKE OF THE ;WOODS MiL11►fG: 'COMPANY, LIMITED Dept.35A, P.0. box,1.419,Moht'eal' 'i Pkc e. sendnee; postpaid, a -coy of n :. the new Five Roses Cook Boole, "A r' guide to Coon Cooking,''''for which 1 j enclose 40c. (money order),--„5Oe. out• i aide, of Canada and :Areufottrtdlarni, • •t, i 5,00 da RiVe edtanited Ps• Cook` Bby Me eta', ;.ls , t. „ •I, : 15,000`Canculra►a lVonien helped to us ;Canerdiart : dix'ritiai jean Brodie.' •, ' ' 'lextbls Rock Fotrric ', lr North Ca',;olina 13 te,fgil, fv t'. _ A s trip' 4f roti', that tcthally..lieri,d5, has i" -`en •, placed to the:North CarolinaSlate Mn:sejinr t 3'.t1r ry115� nit"",r..' the' interi'tiag 'things."l''ound.-Tii the C Initvilic' Nlountililfs*of ' this t.ftey' . a • • lip • the 1 oek> knotvii "°technical ly•ax ' "ttiicfiilirrlite,'" :a vanish" ot! illi lite;. has'AO ' commercial' valii »ice. of eat;$, !bit.h4H, been • mail`s" In Writ - !figs' 'healing with "`•eurlot nb pctii:; llh!p . ltnf c� zlrit'rt'cj' l7ecir: •By HAZEL Ij'QSS; FfA1LEY..., • _ a► rr r,'a r ,1►1, w SXNQPSIS , •• Mary darkness plats to .ensnare The whom she beleVes ''framed" -her brother Eddie with the murder of old Mrs. Jupiter and'. later killed. him. She is. aided by Bowen a "reporter of The Stas,:'. Mary's: fiance,,. Dirk, B.uyther, be Heves ;' Eddie: guilty. • Bruce J:uftiter, : inhis' , father's bad graces, yews!: to§rout Mary; whoht be believes is a; gold digger -, .Jupiter .has made Mary his heir:;. Mary .goes to ami',an the Jupiter .;yacht,: bearing. the• ply will be et Hialeah to seehis horse run. .mere she Hack i• Count De Lona, old acquaintance'. of Bruce's • friend, Coutltess ,Louise. De Lorne, ;l$ ,listed as the owner of, The Ply's .horse.,' Jupiter buys a second-hand? car of ' the same make: as that used by the murderer, •and• finds; Eddies' I.O.U. for $15,000 in, Bruce and Louise quarrel •over•a•dia- mond bracelet., Mary discovers i�t was _Stolen from Mrs. 3.upiter and lockSUt in the: hotel safe taking out•. the ' Jupffer rubies\ to ' wear -at a hotel . fete.., ' Dirk ,arrives w it'h the party o> Cornelia, Tabor, Mary's rival;' ° • 'CHAPTER. XXXIX. Some time during:the remainders of the first dar►cer whieh .had become a horrible• nightmare to•Mary..She fella severe bump -and: looked around to see •Bates, perspiring. and apologetic, Piloting a strang wog :an: awkwardly •nearby r`• . 'De . Loma`s, start and `:quick leap aside startled her more than the •:colli-' Sion, between the two couples. Though Bates bemoaned his. clumsiness :and, begged , thousand pardons, De- Lome's 'pot would have: slain him if it could: :. It was;not, untilshe,and Bates, were left alone together a`t the table while". De Loma, to ;whom there'was to dance :but' the :tango,' went .to speak.' to the. ',orchestra leader,' that she learned the little incident 'had 'been intentional: • ' ".He's got gun," Bates„ whispered to. Mary. "He carries it on the right side. .Did .I stele ";$o'ne,"' Mary 'confessed, 'wriggling a bruised =,fee, "nt--atwthing,.foi`the cause. ' I The press of so 'many extra guests had made'.service slaw' , Mary noticed that their .dinner • as •still' in 'its' early stages.° Unless ha, chose. to :walk out and leave=his-foad=trnea%en; irk -was cc iimitted to remain where he was for sdine tzrr.;r;;.il;t lea te,Aelt, she, would make, that,time'' memorable, for him; she'resolved fiercely x ;, 11lr: Jttpiterr who had ben•Teaming restlessly; :along the; low wall '.that edged the. roof, ostensibly • looking at the Ambassador,'.s fampus "',!leve,'": now came back ,and teensd down to speak to :h r "Mary,•I,'m gOing'dowri to the Gyp sy. I •can't• 'sit here and see that fel- low gyrating around out there like a' -like aamned •top. 'H'e' ought to be dancing-on.the end of a rope. I'll put him there. tool lit makes me 'Sick to• watch tum "' He did look as if he were.under a" severe strain . Mary said she Would follow soon;;'' and added in. a's under;., 'One to• 'Bates, "Hadn't you better=go. with `hint? Bates' appeared worried._ The old. man looked far., from; .well, bUt tfiere.ivas the necklace i;o t1> nk of ".`I'll put him 1n`a cab, anyhow," he •finally decided, . "and be ,right'•. back, 4,4';17 want` to stop,' and see holy. the boys are coming with the searching of •h~e •Loma's ;room. •. "'r'm i.otafra;d,but hurry back!",. „ 1 t .You ;better •h L e g,emet at. Bates leanedIfo w 'th. r s'►rd .•, W1 thatgun' The `Fly's liable to ��hink he can stand. 'em', all off and try;something deeper» "But I can't give it to you here!" M3iy whispered .tmpatiently. "Pull your' wrap,. •up 'w'hile ,you un- fasten ft.,' Drop;; it in. your Pa."' kin and.,lay the' napkin; -on ,the table, an I'll piek_it' up I'll;wat h,' 'lla did"'.`he's i rY assea d Mr. Jupiter vias tramping." around the room to -the exit Mary;,'suddenly saw De Loma and the:orchgstrt:: leader end their confab, • and D6 • Loma turn and walk swiftly toward :their, tale ","He's coming!'", Bates n, sse hur tiredly as site spoke, grabbing the nap- kin and; stuffing it in his inside pocket r1,1'tgad sty that 'muse -ootid vislto'r,s can, lily' "pull'f'i1g tan%`it'on ro( titri»pU:. strnte to their k:ttis.fectlird;'Rile plexi' bility of this trick, a "yrs ' . quickly. '„ He cut straight ttcress th'e room and'' caughtup with Mr.,Jupiter at the door-. De Loma dropped' into , the chair' beside herr. • , . these. A;inerican. orchestras!'.', he 'scbffed, • "They khow,,nothing 'but the :jazz. . :Would you believe''he has not• &,'single tango on the program for tonight? I told Play: me the• tango, and yoµ, .velli. see something!:' He will(:play it; i but he , thinks -not many 'in, this crowd can dance ,it -r - they �:re older folk,. inest1y. For: them he plays ;the Waltz!" He shook his head ip., atnazement. !What 'good is; riches if':.you can • only since the waltz?" , He was; deadly in ,earnest about it and in her: relief:. at. having the neck- lace' out of her ;',rossession and safely ,fucked away in; Bates' pocket, Mary : , :r ad'er For Foy ears:: I! r, Frgsh .from tl drdefl$" : vv , 601 she left it lying thele, or•'cerried' it With her. ,,And there.Was the_ehance Bates would come `b'si< in a moment andd"take charge of it.: • " Besidesi".' she added, "there's no thing in it." He did'` not believe her, she knew. '3Let's"not .dance,''; she: said sdfiddenly ', "Not dance? But Tanis• is the tango they' are; playing ,expressly• for ,you ',and me. Here;'= -he reached out -and stiffed the handbag, into iris pocket. "I •will, take care of that for your Comet" Where, oh where; had Batea gone, and why didn't he come back? Wildly her thoughts flew, devising; ways, to almost laughed. She: as seeing a new, get the purse away from• h''m, trying alind strange side of, the man. ' • to:guess what he mea:it tocie. ' Then lie, noticed that ,the other TQcoverher' fright she flirted with' p� ees at their table were empty., .? De. Loma`. with. a spit of 'feverish 'vi They hae ":gone 'arid 1pftf ?s,:•eh. vacity. She. knew ie was a,hideous- The old one?. And I .,t'es, too,, Ah, ly bad actress.' She teas the crafty, but the 'night is' young!" jHe turned exultant gleam in De Lomafs eyes for toward her, switching on his passion what it w1•as—a, sure' belief th'ai he had ate manner as •if it had beenan else-; than,Titpiter':necklaee'in' his:pgcket at tile.light.: He •?, • •-•1;i••;'-'• hand, buil Mary' ysivmoved. away, convul He 'plaited. 'up to her in So ton g:: as he did, not try to ging, down at her with. veiled !eyes sas., m_.love to ilei,-she_.eouhL:.endure. _ . him,—bitakenot that, a mocmrlat d .tmph m it and.;enlkingo''smehe,t' thof'herhaterrorriuDirkt "Now she became aware'. of some- It carne! to her as a ,faint,g gam. of. hope .<. 'if he could be made to help. They' ;passed', and repassed the table, ;but .Dlr'k never one' looked her .way: She dared tot ask,Pe..Loiii ,.for, the lag, for fear of revealing its,eon encs , him with 'certainty ., he `woulgi •not' give it ups now wit',hout, showing fight, she felt_sure. iII'� Never in her life had Mary behaved Other than • decorot,sly in public,. but she • was not behaving, like a . lady to- night She let .:the•' rhythm of the music' 'take her anddo with her, as: thing under the napkin:.ort which her right hand • • rested -41'1e, • •necklace! pates' hadn't taken• it after' all! In His ht}rry he'hadseiied an empty one and•: stuffed•it.'in• hes 'pocket without: looking -and the Jupiter. necklace wasp' stilt here', u1}derrieath her hand. :,,Sha night liave picked it zpsand .put it ori -again afterward zt occur ed• to }ier'that` tliht:had been'the seri- sible thing to do. ,But` -at the moment` she was. too panicky • Almost`:as if' he rewd her thoughts,' De Loma, suddenly noticed th a}isence -it-would-.De-omna;.eatehingg-fire-fro n o. the rubigs, her invented. ,ste s • rediscovered, old "You have—lost you', necklace?"' he, ' P '' :ones They danced as bne and zt was -asked in a .chaking voiee4ointJng o-_a..'seg'tit;'10'- stir-th'e• Blood,":' -her throat „ ;• •••. The floor began to. ;clear,' the entire Oh,,,no,, She.'.nnariaged• to.' laugh.• room' to grow' still,L.Watc■iung thesn- "I was . s i warm, Haag; .the stones • are " with, breathless attention: • •. Brayo l so' heady;. I just tool .lt off" • someone cried an someone. else, un rHis - sinister cerrelaXed.:She 11:W ; > able • to i esist:' tris rhythm;:'began . to his eyes •'ereepiug • Oyer .her; the table, snap ' hiS fingers ' her handbags searching' t cut..: 1hrk_was watching. now Mary, sate' But. you had';.m frightened' for: a 'his eyes on ,her Iik slits throu h' the ;: mute•!;' he chided her, "Sueh,•a vain- •fog:of•cigaret-smoke..Cornelia watch- able string•couli. easily, bec'onze=Iost, ed, too'.. Mary felt_ a wici:ed thrill in a ;crowd like .this r 'I asked Mr :Bayes to:'loch i. up for o joy. ,; �• De ',lona,;appaientlyy wishing to i;m- me, she ,-Said. deliberatelyansweiinrg ` essl,'the ' ripen mon'thed Ethel, •.novu his unspoken quest on. 'H,ts-face hard a w eeled about. `and:.:aimed.thei •` steps shed;'seemed to lock together as'if. he 'deliberately at 1l i k's' table'. The hov- - ere 'shutting : in his, feeler 's'!With a •. titanic effort At tl_at zno Hent the ening : igp face i {fitsnpl led the e ahng, �, a wa'tni4k, face rn its wh'ite,, revealing orchestra began to play°• Two:Tears?,glow.,••Mary'sac Dirk'sr.hands trembl-, Unsmiling, • he.: tapped • oilt . his cig=, in violentjy. are n '' i "It tad sea d, . rs the tango._ :Will.% ,•' ` ..: , . ,, he felt herself •whirled •�abo'ut; her. ,you, dance (it with.•Yne? , bed bent back Above her'Pc Lomas. ,i „ y. W 11: ou ick: u• rr y love •le'ase? y i? p': ,Y 8 t I? i''I grinning, gloats g•face•like something Mary asked, on' sudden .inspiration,• : ;:;ink I dropped it over there:': Sur •in' a'dream_ the n.she..felt • his lips on prised,le bent.ovet .and. made an effort. her -mouthy':. t.•.. _ ;In the next iristant:Dirk, whitefacel;a locate ,the glove, which lay; where .iris, eyes: blazing with murderous. fury, she 'had` thrown': it—'under lh'4 table, `had sent De, Loma rtlin bacicward. ::here' was,.nothin for: him to do bat g° g' ,. w th ore aid. low: ::From fl or i h b the . o get down'on' his•knees ;and pitk.'it ug:- y,here•she sand,when De Loma's 'arm.: In that ,moment Mary unclasped: her ' aeieased its 'grip • nboizi her; she saw F• urse .en. ,the table, skipped: the neck- 3. .• Dirk hurl himself at the reeling, man laceinto, it and clasped it agar,. She •a• `•second' ti e' .:. '., saw De a Lom e was shaking out a. fresh, hker andchief to •account for that loud. •sna of: the ,.rode' back hitcoat and resell+for his' handbag's fastener •when he arose : • •.b"Leek 4'autln 'she ' screamed an ',The problem -•was far: from, solved,' h d Mary 'realized, Where. was .Bates? hhiew• her -arm before•her eyes. .She crouched wirers age`' was; . terror,-! shondered •stricken,. veal ing for'the shat she. wase; uct'ntl she los ,a Y e and dreaded.,R4:::1 a t:; xo� be con znuec�. `' c ). to .danee�with Di�,3c there; "ivatchittg. d .De' Lom'ro ei':uPon, her' "• • S ' thoughts, notoadte',s�ills.ha et.F ree Es u, ion. . Do you •l�aVe you parse therelike � • : , . that? H.ow careless you'at i"' - •Rome+—Two thousand :'orphaned ' ' "Itis safe enough ,° •;she Shrugged. children ef'railway. ernnloyee start, And' indeed; she felt, the danger -vitas, ed to;'achaol .recently at the expense about the • rani either way , •n-heth.er of •tile' 'Conimitnfeations Depaztinent. • Stamp ShQrtagp •in Ecuador Brings :Call. forPaperhange• ' Guayaguii.-'•Say;' Jiiii,•• come pep?, Xoul'were •;r 1iaperlianger. once, •Tris reniaik was •overheard- at tbl • 'stamp Whitlow ;of the i�lo5'teillee,til this; t.ity where tivo • Americans Mailing:letters; ' otters ` Th'© reason is 'ti ar: Ecuador's supply '•of` five and .ten -cent 'stamps ice ----exhausted• -and one' .n.nr two -cent stamps'have to bei used , Ec,uador:'spostage'r.. stanlps are • oveard size and the: average envelope scarce 1y • supplies space' for.. ten ,one -coni : . stamps on a letter •,' to th Uaitd: States or on• a letter to Eu; twenty arid: it :.does : al dos require open a d .�, � Paperhanger: to• stick,th,m tin, k•. is 'reported, that a,• new supply of live. and. ten -cent .Stamps has been -a'• ordered' trent •Germany, , but in "'the meantime office' walkers ,iriay develop tongues like alit -eaters fi°om•liavinS' to•liek•ieveral.squ'are yards, dfstannis for every ihailing. HOME. LIF •No--: piled.. up wealth, ,no'splendor a; materhl growth, •no . ilrilliauce ' • of artistic. development;, will permanent...'' .• iy.'avail:day. •people unless home life is ;lzealtiiy, •unless ;the average• roan• possesses honesty, ,courage,, coal • . ,t," "..' zrionsense, and... decency;:` unless he • works hard' anal is willing= at • need to ',Kati'.hard, - and ': unless. ,l.he average -wiiihan,is_.a gook! wife a •,good•,mother, able, and willing to perforin• the• Brit 'anti, greatest duty of 'womanisooll, ab'1e 'arid` willing to bear: and to bring"' up'''as they: 'should' be, brought lietilthy•chii.dreu, sound in !lady, •,Mind! and -char -anter, and: nun eratis elio_ugh ' •. •so,, that • the:lace `.sIvtil increase (and noC •-deereat,e l( '1. d. Nature's-+Ste'rn'neSS Y'_ ,Nature forgiveness,: does riot lcnov✓, Her low.:' You reap that whirdlrYou'sowt, •`F The :high the low, :the; nidi, the Poor. Her rigid ruling ,must endure, All. fare the..saine;=fire 'burns, aeat ; ,.drown • The titled Lord, .the; yillau ; elown, •• The spendthrift, :though ;deferred :his bill; A11 oblzgatious taus',. Milli Esau Inc rights, away xnay,:_cast,_, .. But.no tears can' undo the past. • 'Tis i%eil''tis son.. If she:passed'b;y> Our:;:reckle'ss deeds, We. tiv'ou1.d rrot:,ti i •• Qur'faults- to mend; 1SittSince we knoll Her strict.demands, we wiser grow i ` ''- r -e. oare .be town Aird' on •au•-�i�itys�ma s , c nil -ander ouis.Prager .• e r. L :GOOD MORNING' THISJS NIRS DREW: `Wt1AT"DO,YOU SELL TO CLEAR ACLOGGED UP:;(3RAIN:PIPE? •NOTHING I'VE n sec ANY 600D; WE ALWAYS COMMEND GILLETT'S` -PURE FLAKE! LYE • 1 T KEEPS • DRAINS•, CLEAR AND FREE, -KILLS GERMS AND'' 'ODORS -ANP WONT HAM THE PLUMB-' !NO.SHALL ISEND YOU.A.TI.N? DID 'vU,SET THE pLuMBER TO FIX THAT- DRAIN?' NpT,MUCHI ''FIXED IT MYSELF -.1NITH.GILLETT'S ':