The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-09, Page 677F::,`F�7­r7 r t . .. . . .. .... ..... 4, .07 T! 11! 471 they. were ift semi7-da S IV 1, 0 AF ,w :from �a� buge; ipot-�, N nt ea light n A rA colorful An * , irkj hil 0 ATt, ain'ber, I .­ , , Gi' 'et. Add 4 Aade the, dpnte� V 99, ... me14496 of mqvi r h* met, e - Something qbOqt t, q� newco mifided,M'St ouched oma$ lie L e rit �'6�et the he ijr Ob4ging), see.?) Tieabq' jii4i6ated. 10 her past, th, e ta�jx& st immediately the� Slfq� di(F not re4ily,ex 'it to sho'had been qMng: Jilm A,q WAS, an She could iouSi total' ptranger§,,,�ver since it;, y;ir Marr Ubtritneps picits jo. inslia c6rtallil t e The w h o, in he h el� -T is- sh6 'bell,eyes, t ot h ;r rar tr-(f a7jj� mqtder of old -79 6 Fi—e fy— no "doubt, Was, ji.I4 'Aiioth�r optical rother :Rdlip with' . Ne s.. Juplt the, SfFe jin er.� and, later� �illed' him;:-- S he, ali'the� time'ofi Is' aided. by Boty an's on, weiri � I eq of The ptar., Mary's dance, Dirk �uytbr, b6lieyes gooie�-Is, the.,b6at comIn.g, up.,, e� was only,a: Then suadenl� she �va 0 iullty,,4s �do the police. F ie arden and,. be,, was ga-gg li.ir. into' his eyes' 'IF BrueO,, J upitir- in his, fither'4 -,,bad kdabo 61 r She rectly or a, lofig mq- rraces., VoWs to roiii Mary, whom he be� didn!t claim to :be -a countess'. the'n lent�,iheyr. say nq'one lseilhe "&4hE� a gold-aigger. ilipiter has made am4 late wari, his' heir, Djik6 .,orders Mary rftaybe. that c St �that�, lofig��Pltirge,-pf tbqni to' to en the'. body Is bi "Shots er Th o eye Ig Ied � h '�fid the head rma as,.as a I'stitc kbancloa: the ltiypstl�atkon, but* she..goe one t 'er was a em t 'b to' Mianil �*pt ver the Jupiter 3�acht, heitring fraciis in, her statc*rodrn_.'S;creAms a that The Fly will 'b laleall, zi�d f4l Op dii .1101'Dla office Iiiii jSh9.;PrkeLts Cciunt.De, Lorna;.� an didac- a lot of thup 14.. 64 4: 4 it's, latest qrPrIse t, w' Ethel, gap' jlo 3� ma i's liste'k OA :the..owner, was gettingbe t�]� up., -16use, 'co 1.48 m�s,,and: burn There d olitaigs 1,48 if Cgun.tess Shell --Mex, I 700 el rriend. A Steward horse. Mr. Jupiter b . and e '-man she. believed A I Ill, Ehigiah (IL 'be es. Df, The 'Here was uys I' t* it on' n at tte� p &I10 rA d -nia ' ice it ng '�L ', , - 6 . 1 .1 6, to be in �ji . . 'that used Dy. the. murderer, -and.11ndp, e Loma bar, .UP ., , and c� to 95,- L pecon -h*3,nd'�car of: the same, s th South t sitt ete",stupidi ely: nod- 16� . in 't C ti Viai The oo piiple' ail tEddie!.%, 1.0x, for smooq i And bei W. ifli her clothes. half off,- the dcd.r: 6j rcii-* at them""9-80, AfrcO, 0 Broiie. anti Louis. r e. LAU �L :5 ;?Ace �ta ned,. Th cahnot,e)9CORLIn wh t 1la e 41 fiiusbd upt.: She��l�retended, hiie; :angry, Stun ere are a lit moo jui.y.qljf6k ed. , ­­, � 6 � I I . -s - Bri adg tl IV ngeTeat7ei s &6 h11 iis -raEe. Thil -iist for =ove,_ d PebPle w o live- U-ntil their.. hun-L -acelet to: it as a frar h r rucie malies, h D irk's face change aS, I a m. gx,y,,. w :olen from, ile-up. ask'ha average. annual consumption is, Oveilty -ho discove ju -the hotel '%p s -i h- Slipped Over ft-.­��Wit at look. of stq7i� ordn-,this, per liead. Frang.g. Oter.' Mary locks itl;jn edfiye'a*r6 are'neer-D ind take:9tit the rub Y�,ci6eklade done �very cla, Wheill and � Qermany 0iffy eig Tli'ti It expert, pounds of er., UP"Tne d Photographs -are: tak�n at Che rate siidden�j begA-0 tearing'off her clothes (To be �,6ntlnue.d per head: 'second', bA a new APTER. XXX II an& slamming, things around, and: Toy ra way'.,q aillpost as. old tnVente, by.twoAmeri.caii-pi-ofessoi,s: m Stelitiell', seq that, frp Life$� 'Scj;�' - . , .., , . *real 't) .1 fie'r' the4� making big hoi4.� lie e bo6k d ly-would' riot h liut 'be -,wasn't. CQWS,1A4;BritaIn are yielclng more TlId F drunk Lib y millc For the yeae, 6nded.-la'st June" )i,6it.li trucks and tonigit. w,w a s e w kne t' h nand h WaysWcOuld brinelic �ill right. made, 'In, Ulfgh Jr- I I NN"Ithout wisdolu "is, '-the average-� a�Q�v _ . . . t L h was 539,:��i t �o to,. dethe,:1 e, za, qp h the. -meeting-place ushed up. ent, as. a presej h ptoac The boy's ions. I . . rAOUS be he'l to., keep! `tE6 "Liber Y"Is, III he'rikh't-of one-�'b Paiby.�-,some with degree Of corIfidenm ot t, 't He, t n sOven y parts -p i the'il6e�s& a�ve, finiii; iieedoin I H ­; I I . ­ , ; . t, 6 . ell S. glad.7 to let ft er . ; — - . . .11 be fixom00 out. I ivaS would, there,. and.she vv.6ulid of London' ]I' 'I t q c ergyman's.lilpome, s .A. M tcheil-Fle ges, brinks �tbe; 0lem,,js of I . ib less br little om, the,rubies or noth.* itioh turileA -bur lnfcI Any language Mike a little sr 'Who ba§ dikovered a Itift -.world.: hours,.,, is 4he i cla in. a., :99 1, :. - , . more a 566 a; year, exce ill joi 'ab6iat her, over ezty."�Xary ak6i,lEddy', '' ` I.... r0ac a or pot B 0�.ly onig-fortioth�lqf an M eq a"Rqason and virtfie in haps'..', Sb told �j L - fican Ual. iiie% Wayas, I cerjt!' 146yidlir the',6th�r""a' ers,,.per usti�e 11 : . . , system.'(ic'vis'ed by; i I '-me as;. a,ione "caii. Ve� inch; iv-spidet..,nati,ve: to ll SliaAs a -d- _y "'Hip' -n asked A,,, a SRI ,:only 300:*itirds, re r -r 'of 'So St e r7 ameV Ut Shi b wasift. As d iearnt, stu en, s: intis:write eac t1LI1V 4LJJ� I emeiI it'?.!' remark�d. ]a y, �oq lgilince is th6 :of -c ass encoun r ,I% iss-Brown s o d'. Not do rat -one-ofASNe AL. tiye ve ime8i, VL.%, I t o" k her hea those -doll-rags'.on!" rtj. A, Curran, is: -b I d ertainly X�fied,'� 7dTea.d of -the'. li4 ptl?l '.her-, S�*�-61i_jqk�rqall: llb�r' ana' ittNive to —:-turned- ty;-, pronounce aqi; si� Y n.'the, lo. e's -Of ld aSL: there )v Louise, Delor glea' ing- iedl . under ja , " I " , , a n,ci, rjsl� -she�'eould 4&nly., have. ki*en, it,,Up tha �ve are 61i.slay fil b -co F7; h�ad m �r the: pf. crooks, . p 'A. ng. ofil their 'Departinentl of J' h4p zavek s gave'xs blot a an& gOD& AO Th�, joyful t a lig ts, e Alfred'de Alga tires fr =$on 6A e.- aples. ghoyks 'I'th-sendi -6i" h Mary: -a --br itth- stI c,u t expectation' of s�eing': o nj the,_piAu.res,,to 'the that -,oil all in- 1. 1 .. . l I - T. e, o .,%t ni s lifted taRia G d' te�d 'impression faster� in cut, in u#ice,!.,Bowen g,pi6twe 11' d 866'ibaiI77 spints,. liblert ritauf . trav,p. �N,,,rrtp d6pp�d, from, y, at, the Stockings: tit! sodis whi on eyaT, year e black' �elv'e d J' ch have A ectil breezei 1r6m the ay,­sti k in a, Short ;Wh im,- sa in-sn a, b u- 4e sl� t. , , Jeffer on. tb� th ioOth shodders,, the s runic; until, ey�­dre,.tbo, tight.all bel�voen xings Cross 'Uei jo,6kdd i d r 6 -ti Is r face,�� it­� they a blood;-r�e'd, 'of the ju'plitier 'rub"' 1* �s4ia to,do-,more hrm t' h me "out ltlie k' I� Edinburgh, includlig. tbree,stops, Wal- sh oes'. -into ob eve ear 9 �your rehiembea�e st th.e',er.&amy - Happinei�- in W-6rk elevator the, informe" . I ria uc es g bw �I�sbrt,of j f feet th; y e y -five uiinut4;,,jas, 31i"e.. world's record 1n I, ns�tc-rni 'ffoirh the dinin 41�ace bY 9 It is 1ruethat Tit b�' Set tiff il dar' Vas'-p1ro a y a Iat.. .6 commi;1 . ha r. bl th :t -tall P'Otted, palms.', Hovering, in, a . cor- :Mary saxd,� -�6i:& Ucinfilan 'A' th6', p6il-stop, SCO y, *4ht ck tt o' rge tegSII!, M� a a u B" e the..- coundation, Ora ow in ce e ra4 o .n. a ut =don. Univers t:�.,."deliVered' y �the bar tass' m sig -o fioyne6ne iain fell f ulit eol b, I e§.. ought'billy ',added' A be- -the Of tlle�'166.th -shd harriea rsaylof f to.the qufid- a toward , the`t�ehjs�d 'c*'hlng' pa cheeks, and a tiori of Birkbeii d d hey t i Sh 1 ye I, -L was. on deeper ra iancy to,' the'gray. eyes. formed ed in 64d6iiiii,twelity,four-ho, Pea'ce' re wer a m4ny� - ere tonight. who' e ith-us!",,She begged him, 4 It w'i !rhii of' t e :to (he. bil s I pi n ge s As: no. use,,,�:eaqng, he. IV North; 9'ton. e jimn "st'a,-; thi of- -1 - , ", � 'The that:06rw w' t read,-,- their. kari d A' atke fell,: kensin x a papers, P Lace, was cr 0� d ded.. for. and re� ileartfj.'Opt cause t�hLe . bobI rout h'o htirt 04 su bd as �ere ra er an, r�quix eif I e e rieor R, I 'Poll of' the eb fl, "ran its- row Y --t t_�c, th "th, SS. di . �a of the girl who �N�ds h oi., t e Ost'jilI Plait hall fol h "Not, t, r merl-t in 06 6060 U �d is in A-ht,76F3 onstep, - my r P0q,000i:'and India .,9 o f sumu cona 1000.1 ILI en, -f ell; ones' mufMUked hes�i -��r.ag rou vas' icense ary,s last.' yqar�oumber'ed Z 239i567- Notor-� �Olrri aLltl ILL e gh-p s 0. vuld7 SULVe y ounig lane. a 01, What he� eing ins.6R.,triiiii to d. d U� o runnii increase :,:b1LK 2"OY(L 'wid til IdgIff 'ate aspire. e rs'sboived a bi eqloUf t h, 'en he fullest' UtL h t�o,.'squeeie. th ji�ac' in �Id wi had Speiit Ho*elti iwe&4. on' thei h oy an or.- sfa Ulz- numbers of;taxl&bs','afid,'nidt 000 r Pi V - 4 .. All; res, ­ Cd Sqddenl' � I . I ., ... 4e c to'-fiftSr y f bi 14f* aIng jjs v ce an- a' 'jo 10 SUCC99S 1wtabl.6,. Wedlbc .1 rat and thnnr 11�an� S,of; the' Arnavin ui �i!i is -full 'was. fore often byjall� 'ad 'to get� It.; and then h ,,wounds., 'The insept�. IS in AIR jjl�u sai tler,6i. And, `therO, Were;'oiherb tlt&h m9pt blihded;'hei� �and e a h , , 6e eitz e Y'.,s e::Was: -envc he mah w� o 'him' -n'ts bu ist'.0U.'blud'-white only wife... 'Jupiter, *as-'v� .1, Ut I W� ficithin o with lit- bitI the,.! Sides 4 'wqufida�� nest from "which 101m t said - 41W lat - t bj- her e'� d Out �O� �ight, everything but -the. Iniall, gage- ..Re, ad never. unde stood the. �bl en as ju t been anno, 4 n�t;d. to worx as. -the circle' Qfm, bla�­ -h she �d ri ed mah.s prline af Mary P sted t' hi rote Ing..Ig In ad; b een., es.c. ' b gj�'th ' " ' '' h tio�ea stod. A.ripp e er!' r A0 'Still 6the,rg es latu4 Y rn 0n# a bread was, e wa! �tOM th*e­ erawil', steadied her; :-in re uttAl'Ahat yb and, aWth het. alise Tr6m hint -the: pfctur%6 wa's %for, P1 yegd-rded as a hardship.. WoikjWas the. the'. society and,, told 1 hei, that tyther. was conspicuou-sly�., absetil. dv zheid y great t"' 'A humi.n:�hqb e,djdn't;7so�m..to, Inind' But Al -you* es source. a,'- s uht, ge. and, IN 'etinit' -of' d Who could- the hg� mah URG E e news Iss,. town ine, - aek'W it 1hb oming, par WIS. e.ing'-' c. B hig hek­,be,'4nyhow? J�ift-a,herring til 1-d ;f'*tb bjeeted 6 wor 0 e intb lect' there ou & ty w -standing * ise, aboi4t 'it; I reflector never, a, a Shortage, of 'a M �1 cow-painion,' - nillant Illumination- by. ' : ." bi 04, she'kii,6ws h i H to, tthe tfail, he6 1 iles..,` And haVirij�exhausted- the W ork. i �Vill' you Id.;e: of" e, work.lie ever so, bard, ciiiWd bee sub' iney' tuill-ed thei i att�ntiOtt the nja�tg. entrance j)k YY "y oIn, uroduic no*1ed Miss' Brown �Sniiled. �. 1i I kne ith their- food-' W: as "Ma.ry fdll6vied".'ihe'�,lkck,6ning,,ariTL ,Nothingpromoted 06 ue 4 _09A as saw the proofs thatJL�d Service was slow,�but the Soup, ar- tj h -r belore,11� she,s Seen onint edaywa-workasawell-ordered- he 01' tne head-waitet to their' table - aid'. "It was-'whe!I* nng 'IS T-0 f Sign oil a s. apj y'the iiek�eft_ r e c ency., d ig, some publi iiiek aid Still th i)iogrii#: and notbing,promoted:g-r city' f�dk a; B te e were already t , &,e, flI De L6rfia� If'Lh wever steamship line�' Thre, was fi`PreheA tf a,;bad miis- an e etress p ublicitY. - he must'lle, amraie-�d their; e t�t. ThWall pthet -hat is *hat, r cill s�r , �had a " ' ' -1� bellef4h xi�llent'servant, b ow board at,,16ast, sh after sd & T -he' U He s— OOKS to Ke i, gs to I16,� but. 'b' [jwhoile'sonie, That �yasthe clilly ad 'exp ana ion. t e he p�jid:jbem noj­ n e r,.q o :2ind eicOhOinical': abl en to�,b.6 priso ..S �Th lie' Maily heard 'his theWs h � � - ' - '. : �i:, � �rjrup. Children; ove epbes .Y aow, and jumped."She fla or. n, ga Bri ere he'came' from .'kn6y wh" he found hii� hrdge. Be without 'rug 911NADA STARct ib umrrm ocS 'if he aljoations... _2nTRP4L attracting In the�. la* Of. -have a tht: iprung,'Irbill, the'gkotind' , liej bri g. feet in! it bursf'61'�Snitike' I a Beelze , ' 4 �' " ­Qw t e. moot. popty 'k rigin 6 III at is, 'b But the. ar of'cdrd gatmhe imales" 'Were' not -b- '7V�de7r'the',name ppored, h with"thd Spotlight. !"n' ih.e in th� dooe.:1nd- by -s�vekleg,d gradpa ly the yer-S�.`senAle piociss' of 10 itdew gr L ch. edthe too Table I:, in, just, under, the, parar wher6* t.! mi It,ous ed, its-, parent blets �A he',bad arrived, by what seenied e W. sptrinl,� 0, 0- .` liNt tietual -first: miracii]6618 nicans:at'ihe Jupiter table - game Nrid yeff, at,r, eN h ' i' a Sbo looked tl`P i�. to Seems to. hd��e beenj 6e the a yous -smi e' freezq pn Coronia'' the' Trppe� pop his fa6e a,.s he sii Ubi-64 -fa' Lim th �j t"Adei* 'IL5 'dark tlap.', r g, i, - a. genlman o umarma)�, 0 theL gm `tbk "eye in was one'o th'' pliyqvs� oil thl 'jerked awa I y as lllstb�.ie ocagion. %Ntiae o 00 int, aV, b� i r.l. t wa� a7 Sur l.ves; e. saw hei tS�WE h t ie, ffiftst,betraying move �sh Of 'led hii, the lav/s of tfie,g e'had ever. 4a Yos't"C.keoi But -it was'Altiough becin,�,41teree aL good eal Plnoe��.t'iio th ffilst normal (.6de ftau -11 I�ne `V d' d -anci-�ooi 7=du h coming, ace-, 9 mi6thbd) ;t e n4eckl 's a ar diab Ace,; h ad, -in th6 ev6b I y in the t6yM Yeiist Ckke in 14. c. ourt -he d 0 ,�V It Waer., .561, , el g aice, 2 C"tritik, add 2 tbq� b- �of t ed utter slow thi rn 81142r, turbulk. IFO 12itallra ry, diri�w I tip Aii,ight, toil lei and i up. 60t, 1161ItIn ihle Houit, Rbile or dny 'other'' on ih6. e Rhtipe_L*trf6c till light'. B�ke'; our. outA S rn, es pongo Dd4ilh� Let 25 �iln­ln'rnoderitt' eyes turned ;r So 4qyQr oTen,: r6ad t Of t6ngu ie mo( t6, at l arw c( h TA t d, morning creani o- ee, me 0A e er win er. 6.ng. Otl era, sugari I tsp nant] d' it ji�n �Lf' ��Sl On" len'joy" t6- began'to tlirob-otlt�& *Alto, 'Ph &pie 8Yinptomii'ot a ebld g6t further. It a c6ld"fiA's Ah'p mo!64 Va ght, YOU IM&WAre, k -Aspirin iififil,tjid y U With a *.'f cold 119 ean"t Ila In yea) eev r andaid of quail '-116)inisrent o� that heiti-C, 0 y6ur throA 1.4 a0 'd )f ty WhO 6f�'ar�'yeast' If i ht -r Is tisid or hd*o 4a ary get ifistaik re kifigi Qt er A slit tod;A�, aIII -ti ght -waxed paotim, eyAV froh t1fe' fof f 110 pi re fior4rtol , iths. , Keep A mi)wrl *4night 1ivo- to, dmt4A,t l A And be sure to ge h 1w fiaiildy:ln �our kitchen, *6y %A the tilngI 4 W usel Ny ien. y( tfr b6okiet e es v d k t u't W (Y. Out, P a I 1, P N :4