The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-09, Page 511111,1ISDAY, MAR11 9t 1933, olor re ie rices-atelcivirtr- Bettt Come and See 'a Ranke of 400 Patterns To BE .mAoR To •JY,ouR INDIVIDUAL M E A S V It E." BY ,YELL KNOWN " •TAILORS WHOicitTARANTEp Ty[14ifi .; FIT WI5RlimANsHiP.. PRICES ARE: RIGHT. .WITH QUALITY • Upvvardg 0,AVE: OUR SPECIALIST .MEASURE, YO1 &BE 'SATISFIED SIMN,ACITy, PATTRRN' S • IN: STOCK 'ONLY 15.0: BILTMORE HATS: TO , •YO.V.R, FACE Kiri LOUGH' • :"'"'"'•—• tion is impioved. ..;-;.Miss Nellie .• 111 lcolm returned . borne after `,spending a few Weeks with relatives in. Toronto.,' 7, . •• and: MrWs Bovle Edna::' The 'Wemen's, Day :of Prayerineet trig ferr.t.hrs:7community was held in the 'Anglican Chirch. Mrs. Jas. Iledgins; 'president of the, W. A. pre- :sidtd, others '• taking-lart Were Mrs.: •kaleolinfand„ . . riee;. ,Were SundayVisitors' at 'Mr. 1.YI.S.Y,. v .Tos. Wall's, 14th con.',,ThP .:Its, 'regular inepting on WednesdaY f'eVening*.litit; . Alias, Grace, Halderiby Of ;erton ;spent the 'Weelt-en4 at hcr immediately.: after the .Lenton • ,1 'V1Ce, ,with ' the• Prest.duitLfietothi. Thbhe' Chair. -*After''ili Mrs. Graliani •' ipent a e v • roakiing,„ef:Initatea.,..eini_Rolt call; Abe days - with her sister, 'Bed • . „ . . 71'"Fei- • Mi. Verne-liodgirlryffituig..with Contest given .' by ,•t 'Sobel, Celvvelli' friends liere '• , • : ....readinglitelyin„......MPI.ennari*.......:sOlo,. Mr.. Maurice 'Simpaon. .of, Fred '..Jackadn; ,:jOurnal,.".:Leyj Etken- , . Saturday at AV. Boyle':. swil.ler.;. :contest' given. Evelyn . . „ • . . Mr. and Mrs.,-pscar Hodgins en, •drawing game in „charge • of • . . : tertainect :Sortie. of :their friends to a Mrs.; Hall. Lunch was SerVed and the Once at „their.hinne-nen Friday even- me -tint': 'closed with prayer'.ing ., . , . Every.; Wednesday' .dnring, ,Lent, „.111iss • Anne ' Colwell .,0edompatioo ,U,Tm. 1 -tail will •give a series ., her aunt;. • Miss ''.Annetta • Moore df talks ori...the HistorY", Nature and. tree ipley to LondonrecentlY,-.Where •MiSs ef Api)stles' .Creeci, at P.M. in Meoro. underwent a, serious, OPerOtion thefba§enient of. the, church. ; A Cordial. lAr.e.,..are' pleased ,to report her condi- invitation,ia extended to :all: * For,30.0ents you can telepheact abotit. . 40.0 miles„ . by 'making an any- one" call (station— See; list 01? rates 1'44 front 6f. diri-Ctery..,.., l',•• •-• "I'd give an eye-tooth to, goiuto thc. city' and See. •thak,IiOckey' game morrow, night,Fidti "bin never ,set Seats." ' -"Why t not ger Bill on Long ;ent?"4,•1-ii.k14 "Pohatii„,„,' he coyid get' you a eear today. • • . ; • "By George, ro #4y, it," Fred agfeed. : ;T'civo' minutes later he on • • only .could but would and, ;whit:* innie,, he: had a ' seat for int): • : ' Oltai'eald • , . • 4 ig ar.tervorsis, :certainly oo,iigeo • t� ,13141H.atid glad, we have ''..tefeplione.. • ' • . IPK:NOW ;s $1,f.E.11 + • 1311!11(ei 14()kEr1.1() phonated On ReeeiVing, '4. A To Defeat BY .Teeawater ,Con Friday 1144, • Finis ''''w"144. Written to :,',0r,gatilAed v,ya.er. , • : hockey in LueknOvv. fore this. Season on 'Friday night, when, TeesWAte.r On, . their: owitice handed, t},� ,100als *- a S!,E0 , 'qOth, 4nwn 1ractued. The, Attie eight,14F1514:da-Tfghte of Mr, and Mrs. Pg. Campbell, whil visiting at ,the hoine of MI'S, PUMP brother, Mr.. Frank Rising 0 his emnaunity,:bad ..the • misfortun .O. break ' ,both h0r.', PAYS i«hile ,s1Otg riding down the ga/104V.".111*1, hand Sleigh 'struek At sleigh 'tongue) causing. the: accident- All , her teeth tad to Ie taken 'Qat. Mr. and; 1Vrs, CarllPhe4.liv� in-the.,Aricinit$T,' Of Tees . Mr, .and' Vfra... Robert • PeYelli. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Madeline And 2 ,t0:, 0, defeat ,and Eleanor . anent -Sunday final ,i4axuffleit, Bruce., League hen_ with Mr: and Mrs. George :Ore. 1)Y a • score,' of tor..6 ,the round .,,,t,.:Nfwc;;wnnadnos.117.0;.:p•egi;rashtilooliti''' 7.ro, y,.:,•Thpit4h9n.1:4or li..-4yipe "played to "A.,5-5 draw -in the first game' Luocijo*.„'the,,iiriAotz,t3. 'lnd Mrs. J. jahnaOa. • Tuesday: • • , • ' k'tr • t The NihirecionLci The- local • squad- didn't appear to meeting this taketheseBine? *League fixtures Very' .t.'-ridaY -afternoon in, the 'hall in the seriously,and didn't .1 resemble -in' "-'• • garnes,'• the same hard,hecking • The .Liiiigside 'United . W. M S held aggregation,.., ...r)oinlersten ••waS. ':heir meeting., last Wednesday. after - lucky to :nese out of the, Northern. Leagii%.the Week "previoui by td 2." ore in a sudden death'. game in . • . Winghal* • " The. garne-on the whole, ivaa 4' fair exhibition of ht1414Y (to. a. degree as small 'Ice' Surfaces', permit) -without the Second period 'a hit' listless. Tees-, water; determined :to Win the. fixture- pressed.lhard from the drop of the Puck . andchedked persistently,. Orli , PJ , . out the vim?. Play was anent evenly. divided and .•the ' 1st' :period ' ended: seereleSs;2•2'. goalies' 'having few shots to stepi•ns,.itshea• bi3ott:' teams for the Most part ended up at the defense Or in. the earner: last week .with Mr. H. Pettypiece, • treksWater!S ' first *counter, a disk .aseiating, with •farm --work.: • l'Oted one, Paulo' After. five Minutes TM Whitechurch Wornen,s firti. Of 'OW in 'the, ..21d; :Period. ' Ireland trate LS holding :an • Irish; concert fr.* left wall and Therten, be- ,/cwe'ci'.., ,a,;,,dance, On 'March, 17t,li:' hind the net raised hishand,:The, Everyone--is-cordially invited---to--af- puck, waslaying outside the, tend• '• • • pet; ' a't* the back '..,corner; and. according • ' ' to Clark Finlaysoh;', he ',caught the disc which bounded Op on hi § iirrn and.O.OpPeiiiAadk;over'' the net ,..Onto tfiteSupporteren,f7.hoth7teams7•Veri; fied this, while, to,. others it .ap- ireared...,',a,•-goaL-Ltlie•24goal•-,undp,„-.wir noon, at the home of .Miss Margaret [ miss! H. MacDonald who . has been • i'nursing Mrs. li. Stewart was . able' to leave last.. Saturday, 'asMrs. Stewart is continuing to ...improve in health.' Mrs., Hardy Simpson., and three lit - tie daughters are visiting Mrs. Harold Johnson of .Lueknow.• , • Mrs. J:-.-Johnson----nr under- the -doc- tor's care. - • Mrs. Benson Watt visited this week with her parents, "Mt.and Mrs. J. B. Morrison. ,Mr. Elmer Tiffin 'spent a few days •Word ' was, redeiVed here on Monday Mr. • Torn- Morrison "ion :of •Mr.. and. *re:. Morrisen. -is in ..St. Michael' Mr, and Mrs. R. Tiffin 'Spent • Mon- , , day.-With---Mr:';and 'Ritchie of • , Thange'd, :hilt the ...counter regiatered,. 9tr"1:1, qellts*. * • . Before the Peired., ended '1Cnitket.'int.Mr. and Mrs. J Tiffin. Of. White - covered On left 'wall., drilled: a shot .,hurch; spent -fait week with Mr.. which 'beat •Finlayson and' put the, Ars, Georae Tiin. •• , Tepseretwo. op. The Ltickno*.sq4d.„4 Mr. and • Mrs: :John lAlcIttnel;-*George, passed up .several: oriportunities tr and John, -Spent': Sunday with Mr. Score and on the two occasions' Wher they did net the rubber, play both .thiies was celled off -side • by, Rife. Throughoutthe battle they ' -were do- ing erratic sheeting, 'Missing the, net. from all angles. , Team; .play: was de cidedlY ladking. on 'their:Part:In both sE6•10 -c KtNiAi8:* • , . • • gAn'es ' and, this .,.failure . to click was ' • ; _. • , .t•'• • prehably', the ::"Ohief. • cause of •their „ Gretta Hudson is spending downfall; as :Doran and Kunkel pair- ed up well on the defence and On the narrow:, ice apace Individual tuslios were doomed to eact, there.- ' ind Mrs.- R. .McInaes of Culross,.. f Mrs. Johnsen Conn spent Connie • 4.'days last Week with Mrs: Murray. of. Whitechurch, ,who waa }ie.week With her. sister, Mrs: 'J. who has been visiting. tt Jas. irwin's;:haa.'retiirited t� Luck- . • •the LUCktiovir supporters Were. : • : looking locals' to pull thi•-far A number of young people atten- , . mit of the fire in "the' third period. ly;F:. jed ' :party : at 'Angus" ''Graham's on a 'Sensational 'attack, as •featured the ;he `4th; ,last Friday evening, and PahnerSiiiii 'game • they were (Hain. pointed. he -arranged :forward ' lines . who was Sick. Were litit •,on • the. ice •;in this ''stanza.. by fel'. a '.few,, days last „week, better Liicknow,, which ,didn't 4 prove . tut's, more effeetive,, in. fact appeared' te• Mrs. Jacob Miller; of liticknew, disorganize the , squad More' than week -end at, the home of ever: The: :final . gong saw A 'scoreless 'ler,' Frank . • period end, the grime With...Teeswiter The n People's • Society lield the Victors.. s. . • their. meeting at the .manse last Wed-. TiesdaY evening With,a, large atteh, ,The prograin, WIndh :was in theiform' of n' contest, Ati6 'much 'en- ' joyed, and. was : won by LUCICNOW7-:doal, ;PinlaYsan. De". Inc .34'cinn-°13'9 fense, Oherlo and . Agnew; centre; Thus entered in two., leagues the kcDonald;, Whigs, Clarke and Huston' ',Ocala play six ...games all told—and • c A Th'T "t Alternates, ameron • omp- aye o them were wi • peswa son, C. ''rhamOsen; ,.Henderson. arid. out of,the 'ate gamed Teeswater• • Referee—Rife. ' • won., but One., • 14.1,(4 -NOW ..frEArit , the N. :won in , : • ,, _eesNvaterl.- 5 t to. 4.., -The return game TEESAVATER,Gotili McBurnev, Defense, • Doran and:, Kunkel; ' Centre; IIahkirk;:Witiga„AylePunald,.ani,1 .151rne; ;Alternates, ', Blair; Hughes t and • , 6 , The local ,cOntliMatioti school tet;ni v‘IIS' a 3 3 araW' *jit)1 no 6veili1P: engaged the RipleY'' students •it .libc15ey 'on ,sloppy tee: On Tues- day night, • taking .the • visitors into C'amP by hie t'tine Of 6 't 0., • 0 local ,,line-up- was:' Fin- layson;, defenset-Ilarold Greet and ° Aeit, 'li/c1Centje; forwards, Leonard • McDonald, 'Doug "Clarke and • Stuart. Cameron; .'.alterriates;. 'Me-• Doriald, Jack Fisher,: -13111 'ite‘Witt . and .Detig, • :riockey in this ' district was rather a dianpPointment this. season ,due to dor groupings. • Kincardine and-Itip- • , ley' did • not play organized hoekey, Winglietw declined to otty, left tichnow Tee*iiter .,reuiled in the ,NorthprnLeagne-• 'Zh'P iacals put •Tees*ater out „Itaridily," -i,1li a :third . game, and. were ,tlien dated -hem. the rtitintag' by Ptilhiet.,' • stoe in the playdovin, - 1, . • fir theliiiiee "Vre, .!teetwatet Won their groun thle ieegtte thd. Were hiatelied with the seini,Iitialsi[ lielnntnt roMidt ' This game' was • replayed 'on hard ice and the Teesers received 1.0 to 3 drubbing.-, , Tucknow had a 3 -goal lend .-nt one :Mine in the, first, genii,' to have.. the vdinie,' Town ,boys tie. the score 'lt S 5: befere. • it . ended, ;The ,retiirn. canie .,in •iteestvliter saii.:-Tepswater ;win' by'e 2 to., b. score' andeliminate tueishow. .. ' , *1* :". „-•••• Peas and players den iu,Vv; Sit bach ind,watch :and about Ahe. plaYt .eff§; Which- they. are Interested ,In. Milverton 'handed Walkerton to t defeat on Tuesday right and ina0, local tnha' are :planing :gotng, In Walkerton •dri rt.taa.y. t4,s60.11ift "re, , play;Off:.• ' A. rfv, tfelcijn, OberIt, 'Fierteep4; , fr'.'reiV-.,„ :Sildge..4.-B,,,,Allin-and-,-Chaa." ChM,- *14ere among those 00 OW the 'f'ste*.t ,liarket Stratford.zienlete battle it the ISti genie. 'et'tlie .finals in ttratford. on -ITuesday tlOto wheri *9't '1* 4: 1. lo.604 • niSl!ed by: the :Ontario Department " of Agricaltnre), NPar. Cagle Regulations By Order in..CoUncg an iMliortan alteration HAS ben made in th rjuarantinQ regulations of Cattle jjtt canada.:Tthas now b'e.eii• decreed tha cattle re -acting: to the 'tuberculin tes ' , or.; alloyving, clinical . simPtonlAt. ° tuberculosis shall. ••,.be p'ermanent/Y marked in the right: ear , With the letter .,1,7 aid shall he slaughtered forthwith,• without COmpensatioi), .Or returned: to the country of origin. • • „ , .• „ Best 0'. According ' Ai:" Benson' of the • , • • products: „carelesfipiss in, the ekes of t stock that country,. !must e result in the destruction of a moat a 'valuable outlet • •-:- • ' t- • • t Deeper LaY114 . Pens • Favoured f • A poultry house 20 feet is ' ,regarcled is about the correct size for one 'hundred ',14Ying„ hens., A house of this Size used at the Experimental Station, Harrow, • Oat., '' is PrOiring;', satisfactory, Birds in A sinaller, house ' 16 . by 16 feet appeared 'tObe more uncomfortable . • during -the 1 Winter months. •This, condition, as stated by'. the, Superintendent, Was borne out y the behaviour of the birds, in the • •*- pFederalreect.:7)%7IunitIti174t thatnhI'''. • „aOL •Stignati°it poultryaad -eggs Wt11 prove the 'hest • . ..-doph 'towards' a:dropping 'off in egr, caoh' crop.,•'• , • ' ''Onseasonable' weather- done, ,prieee„ not; only because of increased ,i.'duction ; .12tit fneilitating.,trans- portation.,". ;. • Egg, prices, *luri4ver,.'haYe ..beceints slightly ..firrner4 recently' and • given normal March Weather, the Outlook' for .steady fair prices .is 'encouraging., . . A Serious Menace , • Tlie apple- -maggot is noW-recog-' nized as- a serious threat to Ontario'i expert; apple trade. Prof.'" L. Caesar:, .addreadTiOlitted•*on , thatmost grow- ers are ,'familiar with; the . 'sprays necessary to exterminate .the :inaggol and all coMinercial men knoW, that the .maggot can be controlled: Warn moist suminers and. mild Open Winter haire, hecn responsible :for its spread :hut effecfive. •spraying • would:- •hrirr • It under centWITin a :le* tirIelithd7 provided :',apple t07371.1t the AM.:, :Mediate' •i.c.inity ;were, also: sprayed; Odd trees in the next. 'field and al the ',haWthern :In the -adjacent woOda- conSfitrite=a;..-Metiacer-Frok,gesaiir-de---: claret. 1 "‘ . • _ yDuring the itrediSeTir•iiiolii0t3ht 0.0f 1932, fewer `Cattle ,were marketed 'aenublid srock- Yards 'by approximately 76,090: head,... as ',coin/rated ,with theVirevions Year" •Th e curtailment move - Merit ,te, Market, should not 'however, be 'considered as: an indication of ,relative in production. Prices were •a ruling "„infinence ' and :Were Conaistentts: resPorisible for a ',*eint-. Mendable caution in ,respect to i;:load-' trigs: It. Wa's ' pointed . otit, -most f quently duririg,the year that the•eon.:. con- dition of the Market was ,such that even 'a natmat, WOuld, develop,: alnieSt:: unsaleable carryevers.; Sine Demonstration' Care, . ' Gr6tert.*.itli • Enthusiasm . . • • The experience of those in . charge • • f -:the ,"Swine ,DernOnstration. 'Pars* °tiring the Province under the sPon- eishiP Of the', etterit' and Provincial smaller . house for ' they would seek: shelter, from, the draughts and ad4ied: jr4,9!uopeicnoenrfi.s.r..41Aen4 0411,8.7:0a:0, colds no trouble, of this. nature Was MOM:A ' ienced in the larger house, A careful record of:. the variation ' in temperature, of • the two houses showed .comparatively 'little difference: „This uncomfortable • eondltion" • was •• believed to be ne, to .draughts 'created try the ;narrower,. house. . • ,- Markcting of (:)ontar.thia-L•e tOttneit7taCommenting —hat Ontario onion.. situation' encourag- ing, - A. -Carroll, head Of -;.the Crops and Markets, Branch,. gild :*:-"Market.- • ' ing . of Ontario . onions has now as- sumed a :much. ',brighter tone. 'Feb-. , ruary Sales have been distinctly bet- ter than, those, either December -or January, and indications' . are • that present' selling will continue. "Sales of red :ortions,.• in particular. -were-sloWAa-Decentber-and-::-January-'- a• only, recently have shown signs, normal inoyenient. , ,,fa as this . variety is 'concerned en. the Montreal market, :,supplies , are auffiCient. _ta.lact„..allout_ten_days,only„.:After qtiantity on . hand .exhausta, tarTO...=.will:.$eo for.supplies'......L.: -,Int,:-.tegarci to supplies:,,on_haii4,Lin:' Ontario producing istri ts, r. Car- roll said4hat-the-ameuntad:--de„"-Feb-,z•••1,-; 15 , was some 175 .earlciads..,, Shrinkage 'however, would probably reducethis supply by some ,10 to15 per cent. , , • , "This. quantity," he jeiebedi:“ebeeld be sufficient to ' supply all ta§ter. Canada requireinenti" to ,May, . precluding the neceisitY, Of importing onions until after that date,' ' , • ' . glij..m8**alilt7see:tedliae,7, pe judicious purchasing-e'T iosnr: i ef ' n accordance with quality, there will ' • he atifficient'heme-groWn seeds . with the; ' exception of .timothy to , meet •' normal .'demands. States 'Arthtir Martin, Assistant Director, ;Crops' and Markets :Branch... • ' Good' Alfalfa seed will he ,. some- what seance and • likely to slight-: y higher in price. As there was .40. xPOrt rade for Red ,Clover t this,. Year "there will he ample supplies Of , lover seed and the extrentely reit- ' enable priCes at • which the: seed Wiflt. elf,- men3,1 farmers will no doubt*,in- reaSe the etoier, Seedings"thia year. ' We . atilt import 60%"•'''' of • the tim-. • . thy see used in 'Ontario. he de- mand .for timothy hay is diminishing . Mt as .legume crops yield •on an aver- • • . ge ,a ton More to the acre than,' imothy it is quite possible t a much . f the, straight timothy acreage will - ventually be, seeded to one of the • „ e.f04 Lt Doartrhent Agriculture,. • defin-, e tely indicates , in increasing interest ' the markets of Great Britain, by c Ontario farmers..., • , s targe; *Ambers were In attet';clanCe t every' "stOp", of ,the,, cars. • The laiPritks attended not only: to Wit- ness the , exhibition,„ but to discuss 0 reblems relating to production and marketing: As further Proof Of interest, many a arefully selected bacon, sows, and t heice--purebred boars have been Sold- o • , e attle. •• For . Briti:sh Market •• • , 1 Must Be Parefully. Selected, 0 - Our expert of beef and, stocker t , • . attle being 'jeopardized by • the. meth- . de Of a- eettaiit namber of ,produ, I Y1 egurne crops such as clover, alfalfa ; ✓ aleilie or a mixture of , these and:. irnothy. Beware of ungraded seed- :In the •; rst pace it is ,unlawful for anyone., o offer'Seed for sale ungraded, and, • • ecendly,i.lungraded seed is Of very oubtfutilhualay and often' is a source „." • 'sev,erecont.anin, tt,6;.,AAny er yforwarding.rePreaentatiVe; srPl fhe.DoizipseedranatTo o.rota;a,mahehr ample§ graded free of, charge.: Finally, Mr: 'Martin' said; ,"(1,1ne .ominent farnier suminedup • the egurne s!tuation., very aptly ' when he. , emarked, 'as , far as rny ,own arni; ' s .concerned, intend to buy • - eed down' everything ,and slap it On „This: was ,tlie question Of t artiet, IT.' Duncan, livestock s :tor, Ontario markethN)jgard.. d Mr, !,Duncan Pointed' to 1 the fact 0 hat a • high percentage ' ot'' Canadian' b elect's, .4 arriving • in Great Britain. o .v6ibthabte withi' o :7; s t his thought , since there is s no, rnarliet for that. class. oflivestock in the Old Gountry Present; h P continuing' O•f this practice will Work I , • ..• . , • , to 6retabte irsiatal,hs ;*' the potentialities i1- producers. i r of becoming, Our groatast market; s and41-16refOre,.., is worth y 'of our hes • • • 6, TRANstENTs. PASS • . ,THE doop WORD , a • ` S011)d 'very ' interestin• g ,COnvertaz. ti;p118„ were„ overheard at Tara "sta- tien recently 4.7hen,: the •VisSeng- cr. ;train, geing : north hapPeneelto the Station' while .c.• freight 'ter ,setrth:- The', *eight Wet 'bearing Ave' lucc.vi,ber,c ot the "knights of • the more niernbor , of Se hie! ,j,itirtY :ere boarding tbe, treire iikothc beett. "bed .1., 1 fe at Tarn , Greetings were otiollauged • And notes • einnparedi. • „•.% . ' • "Hew are thinks at :Tara?"' Was apts. ed- front, the freight; '"Fine.. Bed and Meals at the:hetet° drop, in on our. way 'back; itowsrS:. things in `Owen Sound?":"Not tee bed. See the ,`kinayer..., but, avoid : the. • chierof i)oliee4, "'Alright: ,IteeP a*ast, from Stratford, Nothing ,doing there draw from this that the • sett: Coun- cil IS-peing-takeil advantage. of and• a. little leis gietierositiiatt't hand- ed,ntit to these transients seen, Tara is vine for arigitili'Y Of , drigrY uneni4 .• '19te(14‘tTAta. .14ejter' r