The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-09, Page 2W"M-.5 _TPW 7 V. . .... ...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - C. . t 0 -bib. ir 7- 7- 1 7 7, 'Ini o ago w, qther the PAN4PA. 1 t h C pra the Riish' -$' - - - -�- P St4rted i.pPAsArA,fqut6nt.t* �On,tjnpe� retlli ent, type� -,o lgarette�s Were for silbjor'yeai� ing h e 'PPOS 0, .. out �,te Artic the" man4iaoturlirs - 'started -fluitely o liether'thej, n iliell will, gro�, 4, b�fqie v tllrxl� t have v as .r� I,a country q -cal- to',Plft n a le! season -a n wsphppr adve %dIcallj'.d*r In - tb ej n* eat 49 �Xow they're being- sold,-� Q_ did w p4 ari, c ep , Vall, a�. an P84 us the Qilie'likingi. oil the spendinj millions.f �he ep ji�en h band6ned the h d Ca b W . W& S, d" familiar' Plarpine,,,.,recipro6atilng: �eap:� I ter B abs,'thal Will tlmonth n t e; year.. In Stiliflowhr all, other man ac jitly lu'place, of Peren, elig tie for the turblnd� and revolution- 'tiwAt i,,e� qxcell'Q a' Continuous Supply .2 6, marin * I , b �Se or "OL, d' tantic F��eii ih, the, c Mpdern rldqe� ilt�aerf4g� hereby.7 a utreal Dally'S wQ� 4ve, - ; " ' �rom 'his xeget y z d' hi h, on I gaine of #4je pat�llf ITow dif w er, is, 9, goo t ng to fri d y fer,ent, fsL the tidse %�herc the Vle d4rin g thw-1, th 'T IRE, lie. ci�: hitye, hist fe� vea-rs, wliil6 the. e� ii't�� Of anild'als car "D plants H Npjiet's Play 6iii j rG his gerap., ..of conver atioh Which 5t r1ing and, old, M :�7 Avoid f(yl'ln' th is e*i- it became_i,�Vf , 19 V.P1711 Ali the , middle -of bbcaUjs,6,,qjAI rab It I' ",We ran aq 'r ddy h mawds. �by ros3 � he.b ,August. There- is not ung, mu i� ex wok caff �WnA16 tiai h d Anite'atfempt (alince Of -,AA.',uftfor ation. tuliateL 'SjtU pire adnor af- with al�y'��haifce of, a er Ijd-Sbp- -of r v ren - me whelf f6lk� 'sit doW -,ij�*Ards, epplionit, qbp�ii4tloli, that n, to a c,�c tembei%;- card 'table �1!6r �a littl9bit' plaxation' j er orlater their r oon cu.. Pot 4o�§ ;ind,, �o slla )�tf main borders, 'ii�ith Id. �serlous blipingss.. cles Wo -With': st6rlflig., now�days' it'- uld be linked ti�ro v it,**�-N�-phy�!,,tol!,?*,wiiiier oii61v9rjc)ty an a -matter I It not a of p aying',the, T rV. that thi&`4 the process use. �.tuff �enerallv'infront 'is thesi 'that, ybu. g Q: You, through which. t e(aild trusting lAil, ar. we Rre no fayogrea ;And most to coming,ou "',Itft iheL 'if e�ti ve Ildnoll -ion m 0 -'shiltv''the 7 -score In�, thes q. lif0s you este, t thof tbei ae �bltshment s erllng�, pli, use a. or llaiire have coinliep44(ton, Ili hotter lly Lh:O ellngi Ila ng v �.,have to think� about informatie bids monetary �oirc!4. In Ahe orld, -the Wilibling 414no lowr' hotflis, ok: daylight, senif �llngil�j tfiing�,jike, �to ,re 'The"day" Is', coming when gold. yqll, play nlemb�fi whether yu -v. I :whic h pormic tis, To grow many, thinjd, Rose, D6tofimaft's Pjpt� ana�i % arr able, oi� noti to give serious, conal era.. n th�,kreater part.,as a medium of trade' that Britain, for, -,in, c tance, . ruus�C. im- California, C�dars Jos to the'approach forcel*system'.,aud. ndbit ,41L ni iterling, ivill ft.—Lo t _v, por ,,and. if,we take full advatfage.of -a host 9f Other thfts.. I a no lollg�er ally, Expressi: egetabtes ' We ela.*atioh" it's a'strenuus .-hiental, th 0 long, list grow; our: calendar might be',etended 0 C 'Dozeri E* exer'cise,.—Sault .$tar.' "Bank. Balahees, and Business D ct or, Get Two -almd.st, the-,%1yeir,rodii 991". an (I.. ln.'the,wlhte�, -en oyq j . 0 Tho and liqui f b F i'Aisiging at ISAbyi Birth be�ldea Another. o,n, the Seot deposit% as displayed Ili 'the' balance ig par a o a . r exice of ample -t ;t 7e� ,' tu nfi�s and, similarlifiarl1k clear evId ore I �an, 0116:baby Thore'Is a,� story. kolng"the, r6unds, a e ., 9 . ff, , , - things ftom.�tlle e,ellar, Nve-,may ha've ia gone 46 r nce"a trade 'r�vt4al - bdt on6erning it, Scot who desired to.mend t1i, i o 4�. po* to fina fresh dill d in-ushroonis growij�g �.tandarq all "i'lia bilslnes,% of, giVing d It 'resta� itli � forces,, beyond t e coamm �bolit' �u`utomo- h ielegritm t( ju the saiho,plhce,,� birth to,, i ' reft bi -Air 10 'go ba It chibile acellion't. -.Tli *hIcU trol of, the"banks 6'produ'ce the7cou- e manner, Iii WiD p0sess'pa,- ho*i'bed br,bi� .'of a '011 a' 1)4rt er,, a. he seleciid lls W ditions.which 'will" lead to a'irade. . b -sis. Th-ts. develop QntL lice, rreiss in: tt _e -een ouse-we may, lave lett In gi h 1611i 6CQ0Tl1ic4 of Tol�do'S. bir affo"rd,.ferecta PiOre_Pm� 7 -tl'16 analys Is llurt.too, '106 0 'd' vide, amli.le and' ptofiialilii employment W . ought forcibly tti ead6!1 I � I I As �r.one physicilin, wh� orus Oardk.us.. ...rhubarb, Oerew: to th ailitug Tesources� London �Vf,olam e attention.0 W&I -onl0ns aio -61 doz�i d', ng., ]�o 9 rep.eived 0 we The giant, 11" of U et Ahron, a nearly read7. I eglKs in ling. t es6, h n will be, held, Naval ;9 a -the fj rst,tl ' Ili- ihe 6rin" r ..nd ass, s, n Are� followed,,by ldttuce..TadIsh,, of��betlier thli peirsou- wlio w Its officials, plan, 'to �'glve th te t fliglit..it spin etvied he -.*Ire could redd' it, but. a week rec T�frfldad.and Britain je uach ana s,mil4r 1biligs, �vhlch are w Th 4, -'ph jan'o� 6xpeiijK the, bxplanatloh. and thib Th hen -it' in- ttiakt .,follows: of Tenezu man full wording ore wAs a time was_loatV� 'ready "for use from three in is, � ()f � , e I . pi . t I '' :1 . Y .. others after planifng,- Fifty ays 'after ela,4nother When sow-, recorded.`.by: pr6fess-lona Btu 6e is.-kille( ha Ited by Caribs, anotiler,whiaii It beo Raises u ties, re re b 1,'16 raced a Vo4w a men erA . e'w'Yofk Farmer Has Mass ing,: Qie earliest -peas d Pr6v-6 he' er,,aud-Alioa is hurt 0,. onged to ft p, another, W .4.t ir. ady an e. last to. W Iiald- V9 Diit* on in, 1, t�e cus� by ilsinir an early', medium, and -lat iu'ttaa-� She's deaV' —'Scoft io ly belouged",-' 'Egg:.Pr. me mai�i�pb�sicians'� . - 1 6. �� 0 odvicti�o_gcite tual ran0e, and 1 peo, or success ongl'p and to, rj� eiit; tfentist& el -o more PlifteRL' �cn nue,uAlng, in or. we The, �.Olv . t . Un tli� rdef. 'fficli ties 'of fdlii 6d. living to rst. thinning of eets,m9ke,,ixbdjje 'J' ewm gg'. Americanii 3 Ago.. ide. iffilibrit Aq d B 'when it Buffttlo.—L A.'L Bazar, ti, .-:, , , . -bt or 'much ''ter in,history, Iff ftl�de* sur.y trat 1-ari by, ai red -Trea y 'b did "a I an, p nee, a squw ;But, they ftn( eii*. they, oil uf, , -­ u n w N haj)�Iiy�'Ai'ls'',beco; mi b Br. have: fou�l hill- d !six g id. grebias. ifid'-Are taken��O'ii& 7 ee -a - the, CaA.j. ps. a if t uard '�a'�d Ipmext, are evell. o' 4nept repbrta. that' he: babk it o* t' he" I a hl every,day.r;�T an., �Ottay�a quent y' gets wo eggs. -a. ay froin:a and inepence a sq ter s0wIn'g:., Bari am is- 'hicheve' tQda3 .1 " ' *b L " ­ ' b 20 per cent. r than, .,meeting fth t'* d 'Pr iand';. that ie as rodu�ed! ille r ad valorem.�. w I r T:ea d osperity� of, -to3-he'bfid`6f` 932 us time,' factory, r644- ts.,�'Up� -is, on m BY'..Malcing se' -at' tl,us�lljg atthia,*--grleatex gchin.q�niado rugs . I , v -,e!. , sowi,ngsian succesafull Ultimittel'y' ;ve, thifik, It 0 co o opera. ing. is �p ntp to .a out . early� we ' -;�w` y late;, ty. a, pe noclissa, In; t e inter6gti,'Of the 8 'd 'I thod h cen s,a,. oze a me; 1.f.d niats., �yl a a Sa:sk tche-: 1. : spre* d! ifili�.su�pi 11 M to j -Ut'y 0 Y or fresh, Yliketables' wani,; a ch it4elf1:n, a, kaxpence arize the p ion 66if-in-6, e4i: 60mmol bj­a p r eg r a rkuei' of is LtL i,6hilliiljs�aiii� �vi lit I will—be- bevied-on -O_eif ect-ft:)t6jtF ad Alberta. agei White. �corti -lon -'of'a-tablet'Which, econoi r a ppars, p I eac e&- -'relilai ebb-, T e, I'd e ('I - Id eei,6 atf�r i��j M 0 ml h' ieti,as, pro f6i�'i�v6 i t. it dks6lve'd`f,' K wt I produce a per., ­ so ra , � L ll *' ' ' : t t -a ts; 90 'of, -the a es . w. t er, qrem d umbe -gre e -cc 1111 __. #k _ _�Stxlldt :a T-hey-f6rgef t fee d . .. ... av never .-releasw pe so now- �V omat9es -will qolit 7ors,... iepiadiii n tho, coil sumor'niusA 'I the energ. w . i0ch" t, ent. ad iloi6�n.�:dutj 6 _9 gAso Ane, is' clilm: d n"' '2 ­Vln�§., tr "pu ld-�,. a� Rus-slan le ue or ro tfor ine'I'lide i li " " if od� -,2. _iyon-.and aY ire sthe I liper a l�es,,,so, t at even I, li uUg up, in it] e ce ar BY, 'handling darloff, formerly., j f , " , � 4er'� d T li e hi ei ii k'e'p t f i" 6'ni pek"cent,. ad valorem -wii ver f it e pro need t e -Well-.known:*'N,e�&etab�les-.1a�*t.h'f�,'fas- College of'S eitei,'on�, iron, Ste;el,,ivire and'niiils.;. si, Ptr6krad. �,othlng i.t does othat 'anvp 1'.*jre. list, -adually 91fening. otir prof�as�l, J( o new fat I tting. -an 3i. -X per cen a v' tried so. tledi h xagona f, that thl X9 a, t6n,on 'galvariii" b 'i FiOst� Ine;- W. ar:, Firstfil. Pado'' aglous dI- sons ww' f ne, eo I would psh foi .6as�� foyd -�ntif Ut t P,� and' froinjhe oibvious iei .w things' fl� Canada 1i t r if e -keaX:L 1�� deal, 46out L4 &bilimbo T1,rfi0s,.O 3 1 t d al�; ta�i co, duarrols com' to en yards and men U1O OX t th n't..Qrfored "in -the re f matter, CO§ti Is- p'�rmfttld, fie; fowl orem-on, or n hid ed. seed,, Y. 1,,Q Vegeta Ce Ion 'is' 'a . Ig . o' deve,lopi '6ur:� v'eget4bl6 nei gaid e��'tii 1r6i toilgh-6us. -it even opera , le out' to er can '��Slqhlillule �will" -w F' b less -than -2�co td Am I a, The;.,new. 'y "ord r li:p�s t an d' M. uYli: 011014 on; 44 Wa er:,jilto, 28. Vh'�� Te�i �k exem4ti',f�o i sCl 11611 L Still', provideK fe'll ur . . . a peaett The. Manch,uriah, Muddl.. ld','h6s -the Wes'f6rn, riati oins Pot t., 'etigtom$ .,duty' chargeable uiid,&r. th ountry I ot G .1 'm6at,,fdr When 1 no onger ep enera, cal �64rb*p�,411t� �,He claigis. the ne appear to be t li'gh r 'uih '-.else f F ip"p'r achbd�� the. ens ve' stud�r of wea*,of,th4,w., w x-ei he,, g4.SbLIln 014les 'and -their. posib 'b le as a; eggs-., e -our-,, J�usjlles a. T.hey',do i, I im. D.utt6a h -ar'chltecturai 7s ill and Our'packpt flitlos gi Y not uh,daratand. the' problem of Man- e. It Un b oks'to the'utm6q,�,a jjouse,.*`Ii6P rofossbi. Jdarloff live$,.' I' countr it ut Jw 0 'Coal �r�_4 P roomvMjojljj� ille d,safety -a d " g*'e n' di r n war. A and- aris.—UO&I pr�o tiQn, in pe, a 6 Y- ]a a p OM40Y 9 iings aout it h It 06m. . b' 61S. a th, vemenk, as L aX—' n deve oping, iAAP, on P 4 f I I itibfiaF,Far :Eastern d orat r* of Fills G66i.kia� Fa P rhihdiises �Iete.,. Spmt�iii d EUPUM' of Taris utilization and in n has beau,aw'ukened "t at. dr -fro 51' to, gotieri lere.'a �nlot6i of hikaraft in,,§ o Is' fd . ei . Y. 4arsh lines. and 'to tie t hle wh 0, b�th Of', "i" . 3' 060,792 rne g x1g.1of what, they P6Ople -to: tric vi tons 'the' -pre air down -to NIO ll'er� a�th,. To. do aft �iillcita Or 0 fif ��nol ire there ge a anfrO Europe and se k e en lq�,vanswer is. - all il b ng t as his ;o Of th6'L;.Unij�'d K'jnj�6j� fn� ut.,thaf wli'' 'tli 257,575 0t lepton, eller uses 4 varie y. of �Xpe;r b um;b.M' 'that': not A,.habf a Is 'farin-' thia� j&6. galv� ouse'lii the, area Ju .. �Plo -r,, o a , Si' ill like'vit Duel "' fllgejiuit�,' Otta- t sti nch. Aca f 8 fit flit k the nalp e material, gra iwer be.ds,, d6my 6 c e slir Ali Z I �y building d aI's to ClIna and Jaroari vitlUsbals U0 ghialters . a ami Y. t y. diropilb f -I !lio, r of W is, th"O'. same- n all_caa�es d 66irre* lidihgly Aheliiiy7 Pa up ari te DifficUlt. Tienob �1 or Aallways I f r6p..� or even Oemil,, %i 193.1,_fo, 254,533 Much sat s, actory, o, them§eIves' tha selves un it Ila 32. The 'pro uctiop per Y, a -our, own we wl f, the pro-. fritke, ap1TfbnilY,­:-a I - . n 'any� d the re in the fdoding,thom t, blit nd t, I Leads- thing,wIt'lo" ti�e Wes 9 u,go p�rjha�i� 71 a, of eking out, is re- St 6v6i. :Pxeuch lines CaL *66 lik'*' TY' Air re ont thin 1 n The'conen he..dff6.r gs: li ama':t report eficits during fr_4,6�15 181' t�6na to, t6o ipt: -PO.Ilf�d �On't is -of e`waY'0 creepar�: and the but if A,e, SIX,, Britaiii ?is.:Fifth -past te Y tbn��_ mm sslon numero.lis, iistancO.5. urope,-an n Yeats. Thomas Times' E d gl)Ven rise 10 tl�e 16 a that move 491 to' ant'an ng to find. ou, owne or 1 q ueIL-t es. iear 11119 0,11.—The AJilited Stat I d, into vacan. Xpect,to., Move ili-Alle Journat duct-' - the Far Eaaj,taus' -it e�edi ta,oubli t:.wIj6 ve' may dePe d d b. was. 6�4,42 future n upon Ctlinuals ran od�.a CC' they,'set'abo-wi k mi itar wn muddle, wi a her" r y goo k t own: way,i 9, -a at I axid,,,fiiia e f'' t gest itsol out of 3 IA t oi4ardd .'to - job a,r,. Uren :that Buy ca�� aiii witil..tite,"lan thb? Year bl�f 6�e.'. ths o 'drfie 'a bairg adian , I. , ! as lio iltllon,,bf 'any -,kind,- canse U.nder' this heading �we Bous ti Wherever,it- sp possible..'to Ao, lao,. AP'Propria 9n�. 010mi tee b' C u'ts possi a eviery.skirinish Mill navy, r", TAisd� to �.the statu nI d:b. 'Mixtg Nike' y'. r tllc� udvy. as.O,f ikpapa 9, a iould'glVel their profe of Ali, tO,.,jMtIOnaj.:, produdta',: , 3 of �a'� , battle,. Afte Assissiii s Attal6ki the's'b prod, every I manoetlyro,t6 a,. -d U Y','l 1932, Y"whon. pollt,64]i . 'Kong Press ucts 5 a. d � ali�* chelij�, ss� the 4'igo� quality an .3244-' �U r th -.,t,6:choose betWoen:'tw ' _L , , . I � Revision of Tariffs, o a tie bs offering,, the, sai�b � AAaiit Ali Or snme bold, Stroke of t�'-or' the aft, s�tjojlgthl,. d pick -the f6re VL ArUcle ion has b66imid e, by' of, Brita simply,. ii4cause, Groat F 61114011 1 lAird, one of the, oaiiigbaiilc� Alt, Collies FOM., W 1 eui4 C tsunder-. a. 'se�p' f :A pt4f6i ra bir era or anada. -bf'ffils. kind sh:6'suggdsts an e, ly arin� p tinaple'and',. laaf ent.:fU every, clis- -practISed,: 6auses: greaff�jur� to, nuni b"s anplane h 'I rlidiicifA per d ms "is, in )en �Ca adfau'Andustr' i -d were n Y; an �comxflercej n thu, s" ll,'e' hi th-e.m()# eftective ap- V!LlcM arel p: lie patiloll -proac 'to the",problein.; H age ein, oill v:d ha trall or, een, have' bi th6 'Paralyz'Ing "obst �on fe e in such 4 'eigency 'as prohM kestore,,Cohfiden irria 81 ifito, 04 t ve quota and em argoes, csIf it is ,n an Wa e d believed, that' tile e" 0 64 �siate$ is is'amonaboie to,�suc prepare a lagt t6 yj 06.akit4 p�opokfonal reatict;ions, As Sit Join in tho: i,,estoratlo obit9f ChlircY divided ul r .met lod rd suggli I of :of The,' o and. c6uild& y ofour have ar era,, abO ti dehling with rbein. IS -1d lla� ense 4fecj In jhe 1g. iiea6tf(Yn'8'!- n011atet. .11, Ill q jT16 . ..... . oally 6�er a sitly Stilte',"Of'Inlad, -Lift th op 6� We'L . 1 e pr qsloil. oL, 9r is, Tqoro� hal�py t�ilax uncertaltity from the. uliu&l ird- qua� ter i's more Vii, Si�A 6f, fh j),N �TE CV TES e kirld half the., ba ttlep wotlld"Vo� 1� the Ai� le Y Iniserable.17 01' inosp ong-was ithe fteill ton 1 men hreeranted to te,'icAv oM, the'stib it ew'Record il�ouds of mail wil 0 wdu to be.. And thos it'r oie. the Alp's from over. �h,60uVAiAqd to be, craill., d roll o nd �90ace 66tkbilslied not 0, li fy mar t an, t t naiii as tli�, fast. tl e, ��t o o p 811Prein06Y Of hfi 0 ien stag 4W Miy� -0fivi6rt ge -, a, Utnows plot of, fn6t6jjeq 'Coal Mi S 111to Oil the ground and, 11 FdPnO r.. 911d6vA, *ag off bytll� t ut0. owing afrpl6ilci 9.hd, coagtdd, to t)le le ;06 1, g� tip I iinlan Milan in t-bn'm1nuteq,­ Thll� elphia 16y r. "Pasoi)ably or de-d� �11W, V �w) :Rl1(j the xellanigo here, d 6 Wfth 'Its paiseng6lis ostdo 0 ent i1sed ')q an'd, mail" t4o -tilplo, �ftiv6iit,�!Wow, wblid It Sel y At oil .011i a CjjjA14tl()'jj of a oil, Utdol" 1119b., ill re §qftt* C04. cnBill c 1119 A intleh 11 I ;,eW 6rk. NO t,, b t oi�cn' oaf,'5 �niarf Mah, le, 'A 7 0114 yor who flq,W 61 �tct a "On($! hand, w diningtoritiN ih t a bn1l6t I jail- At, Pl Is: Oil l