The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-02, Page 40- • ' o0•., AO% ..!,t".•••• _ Government' Approved.Barred Rock B Chicks and Eggs for HatChing, fro Blood -Tested Stock ... t have ,been breeding for fifteen years for'Size, large eggs, tteavy prodacties and vigor. All egg/ a . are extras and 'specials WY. . • --e\ „RAClUcK PRICES '. • ' - ' ' * • .` MARCH," 12 "centa-eadf; '". . .. ':AFRIL; 11, tents' each. 'MAY, 10 cents each' ,- • . JIJNE, 9 cents- each: . . , 'AVEHUNDRED OR OVER, VENT A CHICK LESS. Five ._ . . . , , , „..„.U.ntiitlated "tee -Initialed clucks free, with every hcindr,bd ordered. 'Ten per --e-elt• deposit book's'. TO-nr Oder:0%1714: -very- iivainitte0. 1 •'' i Thr ' ' EGOS FOR HATCHING, Hundred - $5.0 . , ee hundred tisr Over • at fear cents in egg.- Order chicks now :and get "deli er when \. *. you want :-,t„hem., inspection invited:, ' Write or . '131lion,e,, KENNEDY- 1.1?4#1.;TRY fAR.N4, " . ‘ Whitechurch -• .' ' , ' . '' • Ontario 'ANOTHER ' Tp.ip SCOT,CII{. ? • -Pointing out in. an 'editorial, that ,• the ,barter • systein is • nothing new, McDonald, veteran edi. • tor of the Chesley Enterprise, weaves an amusing story into the article7as ' he recalls if .being told by a pioneer ' sttArekeciltr f Wiartrin:-Of-einfirt-e-if• . • . ',.•it ancither :one On the Scotch: " • 'An old Sept canieintonly stere and said: -"Muller; what, ere: yen charging for darning.'needles today?" I replied • "They are s cent a .:"What, • are- eggs ' going . at 'tciday.?" t told lint - :they were 12' cents: a dozen. "Then," ;said the shrewd :old Scot, •"I'll just haYe, a darnin' 'needle Sid:here's . your• : pay'. and suiting the action' .to the word 'he pulled an .egg out of his • coat pocket Mr. -Muller putthe. egg on the Counter behind As:ime- • -iiouisly, stated. whiskey was 'set& in grocery stores in thosedayi and Mr. • Miller's cuttonier' liked a -Wee &apple • and be :Miff to the itorekeeper"; ter do ,ye: no! treat yer. euttomere?" Miller . thought,it wat:a small deal On which to stand the treats but he wouldn't 'be _bluffed and ppured': out a -ribetitTeriettited7ftill:TThe--cut-;t tinner lookedat the whiskey :and. re- marked: „ea:Mutter, „used - to .a 'bit, •Of -egg 'in :.iny-Whilticiyi" -er chant.,quickly deeided to gothe .lerigth of generosity, reaehed• his hand behind'Anim; •tOolc the egg, . the enttOmier'.:,liad.. brought- in to swap, •-.'fOr the needle," and cracked it over the edge , the glass.. .The 'canni. :Scot lOoked down-at.the •eggnog"and • Ind*: "Muller, yon • egg's got twa' yokes,. Ye oWe another darnin' „ • needle." • Pete was ..e cob:red gentlernan and 'very much in love. But, greatly as he desired Mtgs. Johnson for his wife; he • was ao bashful that he dared not ask cher In person, so he hadtoSeek re. •course to the telephone to make knOWn his love. He. raag herup, at the house, Of her employer,- end „in- •,quired: dat yen, Miss Johnson "Yaas;" was the replY. "Well,. Miss Johnson; ,:'se•::got a mos' 'iniportant • quettioir-to, ask you." "Yes?" "Will • you . Marry: me, Miss 'Johnson?" And the answer came • quiekly: '`Yaas, yeas; Who •it; it speaking?" KOLYROOD- . •Igt.. Graham_ Pinkney spent. Sunday at Mr. Win;•Eadie's... • Mr, and Mrs. Robert MacDonald -were ,recent .vititorg 'at Mr. Harvey Ackert'l:, • ' ' •.. , • Miss Alma Carruthers Was a recent sit�rat. Mr ._,O.:..Pollock.".4 _12111:_eon. Mr, arid, Mrs,, Clifford Barron-. 'and babe Of •Tara„, have moved.. into the house, t fornierly, becupied by Mr.:, Chas. Burt,,-1Vr. Harken is assisting at Mr. -Ernest Ackert's.„. Mr..' and .Mrs, Rebert MacDonald,' Mr,‘: and Mrs.' Howard, Harris and. Mr. *Earl Harris 'were repent '''‘rifitors at Mt; Richard 'Baker's.:i •Mr. 'and. Mrs -Andrew -Hamilton Were recent' vifitOrs at Robert MacDOnald's:-' • • • Misses Vera • and Mary . Johnston • spent Sunday at kr..: Andre*, Hainil- ton's. ' WHiliCIJURCH . , Miss Beryl, Mundy et Wingham, spent the week:end with Mist Leila Leggett. Miss Lila Emersen. of Toronto is .11,Ir. and• Mrs.' Lorne Durnin -of St..' SelenS;--spent Sunday...With .fier'..par; :Mrs.:-Dayici'Kennedy: , • , .. Jas. .EinerScon ,Einerspn 'spent .Sunday withthe lat. ter's son, Mk: and Mrs.' Vieter'Emer; soh of Langside: ' . • .. • The World's' Day of ' Prayer . being observed in 'the Presbyterian church,, Friday -at • 2.30All „the ladies -of the United' Church are 'cor- • 0 dially invited to attend. Mr Jack Aitchison has purchased a' horse from Mr. Tom 'Mdere. .. • Mr. Duncan .! Kennedy' has over nineteen hnpdreds chickens • out. ,Mrs ch41., Cooke and ' Mrs,. W. Hamilton - visited a ,day last 4e1. - with Mrs. p.Gillies Mr. Gordon McTavish of Lucknew spent Sunday with his uncle,- Mr. and MTS. Gordon Elliott: A sage Says: A 'banquet' it an af- fair where you eat a..lot of 'food you don't want .,before talking about soinething4.6.1i. dont nnJerstand to a crowd of people who don't Want . to -.• mali rin . . ' esults .YOIT' SEE THEM' EACH WEEK' IN: THE cLAssipAgD :COLUMN OF .THE SENTINEL • . ver investa few " cents in one of 'them,? Prhaps you have one ofa. • " / ` hundred things you may want to'buy or sell? ' THEN PITON E • U NO ' TELL US Al3OUT . IT AND ,,SEE. ' WHAT PROFitABLir, AND QUICK ; RESULTS 'ONE OF OUR 'ANT ADS WILL BRING. „ 10. 110 iSEL • Mr, and* Mrs. Henry -MatheY4 Mite visited- With friends- 'in • this . community on Friday. Mr. and- Mrs. George Philips 'of Fordyce -.visited recently with the latter's parenig, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbelli: , T . • 11C1 OFS. -Spence Irwin „spent Sunday with friend. a Auburn • • Mr _Mel Hackett,' of the Benk Pf Commerce; _Innerkip, spending his. vaeation -with his, parents- here: • • "Mra-lAife, of .46,:‘Tnce,h, is visiting. -with, her:Ail:flier, -Mr. "Gilbert •Vint, and, Mr., Vint; - • t: ' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff ',Hackett: i.risited recently' With friends at Nile; ' , • ' Mrs . Sid" Ferguson and 'son Donald , 2f . London, ,nre,yisiting, with Mr.,‘ and Mrs,. Thos.' Peril:son. ' • • Mrs. -Ida • Hackett . of „ Lucknow, spent a- few days last week with her denghters. ASHFIELD 44.0TS 1V1r;.Ja's.,Ritchie spent Mr. Gordon Ritchie. . - :Miss,. Della,. 'Gilmore ' hit ,retiirneff alter, tpending t▪ he past two "nontlis in Lordoii. • We are glad 105 report . that Mr. •Chas, McLean, Jr., who has been'la Up with pneunionia, is slowly mprov- ing under -the nursing of Miss Mar- garet Thom..: Mrs. -Less. Ritchie, Who his been in Goderich for the past two weeks • returned. home: , -Mrs. Peter -Cooke has - returned 0 • home, after spending the past two months with her daughter-.- ;: Mr. Bob Reid was the' guest pf his !sister, Mrs. ;Jim. McDonald.: on SundttY. pARAMCIp,N,T --THE LeCKNOW, SENTINEL Published every l'hurtday morning at I,ncknow, Ontario. •. 4 Mrs. A. D., MacKenZie -.Proprietor •PamPbell- "Ihompscin-Publisher THURSDAY; MARCH 214- 1933, " PARAMOUNT U. P.•• W. 0.. „. • )1"0"P107,"HR1 ,G.3,tAlt-:IVIRHIDTO.,. Venidderable•IRPSineasHefOre Welting , ,Program -*Preaented. Miss Mari COok, Wingharn, visited at her heMe :rec.ChtlY. Mrs. Mary MacAUley,,„▪ RipleST, spent a few days .last :week at. :her ,home . of .the Paramount V. P.W.O. spent -I4st,-. Friday afternoori tt,the:horneofMs. Jack Henderson The afternoon Was spent in sewing •FelOthes'for*hoi-Whielf:Were'Sont.' to a needy family in the . dittrict..- ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. -Mae -Donald !Pent he week -end in Toronte. T • _ 'Mrs. !toward 'Robinson andiSlirley • liOlyraod, 'spent a few days. last week With !Iqr. parents, gr,,ancylVIrt: Dexter.. - , • Mitt -Beth Alton,--‘ LucknoW, visited With Miss. Lyle': Richards during the Week., MTS. MaeNeil entertained 3.07:11p friends to a Musieal treat , last Fri- lay evening,which was enjoyed by --.11 'Who attended. • ;Mr: and Mrs.. Wm. •Kempton en- tr.tained number of: their friends •a social evening last Mondtre.: A ensant time Was , enjOied by all s Miss ':Lyla Bleb a rd has -returned 'to her work in Lucknow after having .months holiday 'at herhome here. ; The next dance in the ',paramount Halt ;will be held On 'Friday; 1.!4arCh 3rd. Everybody welcOnie. IMPRESS !PHA FACT tf, .peo•Ple... *Quid._ get_ intit.; 'their . heads, the iaca, goyernm6nt ex- pencliturc, -no matter. how �r by what authority it .is made is eventually • included in the tax bill they pay, -they • I • would give -less support. .to ;spending Ideas,' says the °riffle News -Letter. The man . Who never write? a cheque for inconie ta.x to the Dominion, gOv- eminent, who does -not own an auto - Mobile or go to the theatre, and Who his no city real estate, pays,...every daV of the year, hit share of- thetax,es The portion that he Abet' not pay •directly, if' absorbed in the cost of the -geods and services that he buys and in leSsened opportunity ‘ fOr pro- fitable employment. ' CREW • ; Mr. 2Stan1eY Ilore Who has been 'Working at Mr. 0.8ain StierWood's tar t.he past year is :now working for Mr. Win.'Itebinton of Belgrave. . Mr. and ;Mrs,. Drennan :Anent Friday :at the - home of .their son Wilfred' and. Mrs. -Drennan. • Quite a numbets froffihire attended the :"Mother and 'Di(ugliter", banquet. linngannen,'• Friday eYeiling and. all 'report a*geed, time.. • :Mr., Harry ,Middleton who has heen engaged-. with Mr. • John, Kilpatrick for•the past few ear isnow work- ing for Mr. jim Sherwood. ' Mr.: and Mrs. '3iVilired Brennan and spent Thursday with the latter's' parents:::„Mz;;44-44, 1.-• ett of LtieltneW::. • • •The. Lueknow • Conti-mindensehod pupils all spent_the week.end under their .respeetiYe. Pare:164. reefs.. ;. Mr: atid, Mrs, -Hort Finnigan spent 'day, ..reeentlY With the ' letter's Sifter, •Mr. ;jim Cu1li9tt , ,s1,.,,HELENS On :Friday pvepipg: the: pt; goons: Young pe901! :po'ciety, :401d clot ..IN!.ampen.t qf the church in recogaitien.pf.theprogrestivetpirit. exhibited by theYoung4people.. Over Jriilihundred.people,Were presetictO ,• ; elliok. 'the- excellent . Inell'••*.hiOiCtke ladies had prOvided...The! tables "laden with.good things- tp eat aiding gals. 14.4i9•5". of a9ring•*-.0-iVe-r7: an Manycrepe. :paper, proved that there was•-n`O.:,;"clepressien" in, or near ..St, YielenS., The .decoratingof. the ' tablea' inliK been in charge of MrsWtlichicson Great • credit Is. dpeto MiASOS Greta Webb.and '• Helen Miller or ',their' ogoitif in. Orel/Wing. the; splendid sup- per, the ',Chief,. attraction -Of. the eyeri.. Wilson woods loaned, his radin''and... splendid: music was •'heard driripg • the!..t,upp.er hour:, ' Rey. Mr: Wilkinton, the IceY note' of 'the.: banquet' in a humorous address -on•Ineiden 'per. to„the 'preparitiont.„„for the. banquet. Following the4fteatt..tOthe • the..Nitional • Anthem' was sung: - Mr, Lorne Woods ,then proposed. the toast. t� "Our :Country"... He empha-. Sited. the nith ideals t� be found in all phots.Of Canadian life;He show- ed that freedom, -pf . thought and action: was ne' Of the .chief 'chance: teristict' of. this greet; Part of the Hi•itiSh Empire; In .his reply; ;Mr.. G. S. :McIntire Preyed himself an'adept story -tellen--Then. he gave an interr- epsrtoisns.gi'otn, cl.,deospetroimm.insitipitta.,lakg irtth: ofd . „ "business' cycle with 'good • • times bound • to .imne mtheir. turn.' : duet "Flow ,Gently, Sweet' Afton" rendered' by Mrs; and WiisS :Greta; Webb, •Was a: -pleating, variation • in :the - Pic:grain. Mr. Staril ley Tod4 was then. called upon. to propose a 0:esti° theyoungpeoples SOciety: After a'.. humorous- introduc- tion, •••he enumerated some • of . :the •contributions made Sy; the, Society.: the'. ,churchH4a piano, a half "share With. Whitecharch ;in :a • projection. !limn -books, ite Well, .as ‘ mitions._to . themanaging board te: , , • help ',defray. expenses In ip -reply, Mr. WellaCethert ',history , . of -.the"- SoCiety.-•:-It-'watc---establithed- about 1890,' -when Rev. Mr..Anderson wasthe. pastor.. In ..18-94i. Re..!.. • Whaley Was • president, -iMr. fl. • D. Woods, •• Viee-president. -Mr: Richard, .A. Miller,treasurer; and Mr: .-James Rainige, ,secretary. There • Were - One. hundred :and • .fifty-six on the, *with -an' average attendance ;Of eighty Collections ' :amounted' to only. • fifteen , dollars, but, this .was • Mainly in coppers : • Mr: . AMP' Mueller . lighted ' the -.audience'. With :some Ger- e'en' cenntry songs. ' Mr. Wilson Woods hid' the. difficult task • of .'proposing a toast to the "Ladies" He told us that we 'did , net need the 'permission of our Icing Or our Country to. hold a banquet, 'tint -that without, the Ladies', thero,-,-.WoUld,' be no bOnquet.'Mrii.‘-.Jat. hamige.,replted. 'for.; the ,Ladies. ' In keeping With the.. humorous speeches of the . eveningshe -outlined her Idea of Canada's Womanhood,. and the., im.7- pertance of :attempting to understand the ''modern generation It was :- left to .Mr: John Miller to bring the. even- ing to e cliniax by one :ofhis funniest jokes/After munifty.Singing, Rev , „ Wilkinson , a, few. minutes of com- , :tghste:.:b lese:tr: mrswoo27,s; „ Wednesday -.for a' - Week's visit • With her daughters at Fergus. G,uelPii and,. All the, ,Wernen :of: 'the cc:inn:unity are invited te. join with these', of the United ,Church in the Observance �f the World's Day .Of Prayer' on .Fridai. March. 3rd. The. meeting Will. be ' held'' at Mrs.Gordon's, at .2.30: • Re*: T::•C: and Mrs. Wilkinson, and Mitg-Greta. 'Webb, visited •Witli Ircla- Hves at Blyth on Monday. ' :Mr.' Rege Levis. Spent• :last. week at tbe' heine.of.,:hit-,sistetti- Mrs: Sandy , Jas. Meraileno- of ,Bluevale , a .visiter with. hit. daughter; Mrs. Gordon "EMthePelh.'elizteobileitsdn of- L!icknow was the guest of Mrs. j. B: Rather-- ford..last .• • • • r . The February Meeting Para- mount "0,F.W.O....Wat :-.11elarrilt-, the h�rne; of Mrs. Alen: 'MProiar:Midi.s•With thepresident in the chair : In "the ab... sence Of -the secretary, Lila 'Richards acted: The Meeting 'Opened by ring ing• the -9de followed , by, the Lord's prayer- in unison. The .r611 'Call was respeuded' to by .4 eproverb.' The minutes of', the last ;meeting : Were reed and ' adOpted."',.Cards . of thanks; for good -cheer • boxes were ' read, a social. evening' Was decided -on for March' 100.... It Was moved by- MrN, J. T. Webster • and seconded by Mrs. gemptori, , thatthey buy and, make the lynch and charge.. the :gents 25c and it -was definitely :understood that the 'Public. set:04 children were, to be, admitted' free. Moved' by Mrs. Jamie- son and parried... tinammously • that JeCk.' Henderson and Grant MeDizar.' midbe door -keepers., Mrs: James J. Webster, 'Mrs. Jet T. Webster and Mrs. • Grant • McDiarmid volunteered to , make.: five loaves , •of- bread each into sandwiches and the buying of . . • . • , the fiuing' to be -decided '• later: . Mrs., G. MeDiatnaid it to. ,tuf•Ply the :cream Mrs. Jack Henderson brought up fore the meeting that Mrt,-Hernell- would :donate' top and•,bOttom..,.for. quilt, if they: 'knew of any-prie ing:.the same.. It *at deeided'i-i they make: the : quilt ;for -a needy . fatuity, InTAshfield: and.also give -the blank-.- ets' Which'' are on hand, also .danate, any :clothing: that could ''be.gathered, omongs..i.•the- :Mrs: Webster to :!.-.1orik. after -the, pyr. meet -at the: hOnie 'of Mrs. Jack HO'nri derson for quilting and sewing # Friday: afternoon. . '0. • An invitation Wat• reeeived. fromthe 't.ucknew joint''U F 0 ti:.,aftend• a seeial,iii.the .Orcinge Hall Feb 280 Ladies- naked to bring' lunch. An. invitation was accepted, to meet atthe home of Mrs: Jas. McDonald, for next :meeting, the roll esil to be answered by Irih.. jokes: The ,pre; grim" ,c0innitttee,,, Mrs. Herb Ensign. Mrs: jebri jaiiiieson•; 'Papers hy -Mrs. Art Cook, and ',Mrs.„Richerds, which brought .• the' business • part, of : thr meeting' to a' 'close, -after Which' w were 'fevered...by a reading by 'Mrs. WilKempton,.followed by a, Selo' by Mrs. Jas. -T: .WObtter • aecompiniee by Mrs. Js: -.T. Webster With aatO harp. Mit's Catherine McKenzie gave a, very Pleasing dance. followed . by s humorous reading by' Beth 'AltOn and Mrs. •Jo:hi:Sten. • Conimunity singing and the, National': 'Anthem brought the Meeting:to 4 close. A - Voteof' thanks waS tendered .• . ,tO.Mrs • •McD.hIrtaid.-bMit,• Kempton;f6r: the us e Of :hr. home.::,A 'dainty lunch,NvOs seried by the hostess.: • . . • "IT OUGHT ,To BE FINE; • •i -LIVE HERE." '-The:above quotation is the remark of an old colored lady who was com- ,pliinented ort :her fine garden. ' The story Was told at the Horticultural Association conyention by.- a , lady who spke on beautifying Canada, and. the 'reply , Of the old darkey 1:10 Might be. taken as 'a slogan, for .anY home or municipality: .It would be- a Mighty:fine one, -toe, for it savors Of self , as well: as pride - in her turioundingt; proud that it was her own handiwork. But it implies more. It implies that the home or town'i it what you make it -that the iinPres- sion an outsider gets ofyour' twain is what you give litin personally Or by the ,appearance • of, your ' property. Let's :Make that a slogan for Luck. now. "Every good and • cominanding movement, in the annals Of, the wor14 's the triumph 'of :enthusiasm. Noth. great was ever aceOmplished without it." -Ralph Waldo Emerton, A *ehronic boridwer, like an aPpe-- • twit • - tite'always-coines_back tor. more. Scientists' , annoutte . that -hed stitro. are 'ClOSer• than. they: thought. Eireit• a e'tilr: hnS. to he 'ete•se to stay lin. thiie "-t140; LUCKNOw Ind WiNGHAM Monutnental Works Lucknow. Oat." am the largest and most "complete stock in the most: beautiful, detign.7 to' elMeee from! in1 MAR4LE, .SCOTCH,' • ,sNirPisn •• '• OD cA;ctifilAN GRANITES. W E Make a SpeCialty of. -family monuments' and invite • pririt„loanectios...0L,,,' laserlptioaa Neatly, Carefully- aml. proMptly Horie. ' , • , Ste 'before your Pile*. • tiOnsiaO tiro'. , it.411ottoo Phone `, Photo 210 • .A HEALTH SEPtVICE OF 11'N E CA NA,DIAN. sectIcAL ,ASSOCI4VTION AND LWE*' !NSUPIANCE COMPANIES. „IN CANADA , THE ENEMY AMONG US ' • He dernonstrated.' that.- fyherk their body temperitture *as, lowered,; ,Wexoprekriniofentt.t;chwhilei. 'cr:riMieein:ftekrtrt..ohno the faid fell vietinit to the gerriis oi a "disease .wl411,. ander ,ordinary- Con- ditions, they were. able:to' :ret. Thit.experiment illtistrate'the fact that the body „,is • rendered gas" . r cepOble. to -disease germs by adverse 4.. conditions, such as prolonged chilling. •• ' Many. ,illnesses are arbitrarily • dated .beck to a*.chilling of. the body.: • "Be careful ef the draught"; "Wrap' Yourself. up warmly"; are -familiar injunctions given. inevery" household.. However, exposure to a -lOwer. tem- - peratnre is net • quitethe. sole -Cause of' illnets,- for, in' cerinnunicable 'di:s- etae, the Spee .gerr.n mast be pre- sent :if :the disease is to .cleveloP.1 ' few things are'necetsarytO off- • set, at far as -it •humanli` -PM5Sible, the- development Of. An infection:; The.; individual Should avoid chilling;',.:Se- _ecititrabe Soldel regime. The avoidence Ofeontact With , Any cornintinicable_disease is a nec- essary precaution.' •.', , The sneezing, coughing and e:cpec--: forating individnal is found iii every citnee and WOrkshop,- on' every street - Car • and train.. Seirietimet he it:an In- dividual who prides himself:en tpen- ty, 'thirty or forty years :of service without ; sick leve., , Such a simple • thing' touch -of---,11n",-;-inustinot---- interfere with a record' sa = enviable •despite the :feet •4 that his . workers and travelling companions, are the innocent victims of his over:- zealeas thouglilmisguidetidvotion.0 duty.: Real` dityisjcl an instance lies in the protection of , hig_ce-y,79iyeiv_and, othermembers , of -the cemminrity irom diseases:- Aeothrannicabte•-•dis:eate-- is' essentially 'a cOmmuniti problem ,and' is just as inuch.,A problem .as are the • hazards of fire or .other 'Preventible calamities. „ • • The individual,' •as,''a member'.0f. . • , . . k cornintinity; that ,Plays -a 'part in the preservation and ' maintenance of community health. • ShOuld- he con.; tract a- 'commies:hie disease and fail to .apply the Simple precalitiOnary Measures, ,he not only jeopardizes his own health, but becomes, however ' On. • wittingly; 'a centributory 'facter tO • -much unnecessary illness and physi- cal,Qisieusfftieorpinsk'cOneerning Hea-lth, -Sd;:4 drested to the Canadian Medical 'As- sociation, 184 College- StreetTeronto.' , will be answered personally .by „letter • SECOND CON:., KINLOSS We are gled :to -rePort that Mitt - Mary McQueen lisliinproYing, having had so.severe attack Of. the , . that her recovery Was despaired Of:. : Mks. John Irwin - spent , a "day in Winghant .L-thig week, Vititing.: her . daughter; Mrs. Campbell: : • The Stork celled ,at two home. on, this- line •last week,"-letriing a 'Son it Mr: and Mrs. ,Gilbert • Barkwell's Monday,February 20th, and a - laughter at lr. and M,rs:-; tPeter 7arter's, •the tame date. ,Congratu, • • -Mr. 'John McDonald of Teeswater'ipen, last -week. ti;coOf ,.daysi on the line:last-week. • Mr. and Mrs: Jas. • Irwin were iiSitors at Martin's on the 4th' con., last. Wednesday. •' • ' The . Young.' People's. Society o ,8outh Kinloss Church, put on a con- - -tett this. Wednesday evenini 'at the Manse. The :leaders , for each :ride 'were. Miss !Catherine - Mc/nnes • and Miss Anna Graham, with the respee- tive grOuPs, each putting on a pre - gram. The winning. side will be an- nounced :next week. • • S. S. NO.' It. Huron. V C1icsd-A11cis_1•,MacCharles 81 LJUPatiamilion• IV--esSie h- ..i.. Gordon ' MeGu•ire, 89; Raymond Ham-. dion 87:3;. Dorothy McGuire ,81.0; Donalda MecCharreg. 17,3; • Marion Hamilton 67.3, Sr. Jr: HI -•-Sandy ..McieCharrles 81.6; Mary MeGuire 72.6; Charlie, Reultiton , 66.3; gordOn Brooks. 63.6; : Eileen Gordon', 3ack ROiijston 41 6, Irwin 31. dase-EVelyn Trwin;' Arnold MeGairc; Frank 13Arinyell,;„ Mary, COOkO., • • , ASteriOC -denote absence for examinatiOn. No: on rOP 21 Ave, att. 19.8 Cfnliablft! •