The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-03-02, Page 3' '1:0,..69.9.4000-B4O.X•"§'Oat•Ite-t: . TbO•i'Oth 1,itlh1a,r,1,01444ry .gap or 1.49r4 l'Q..00-1.?,Qw0.1... 9t..,04fOly, lfglikr ...ok the i Ii9),. OCouts," and •the ,fact' tb4 irlEr, tnnY,Oinpitt :this. 'Year aehle,Y.0.0 its 251,11, birthday, attract* new atteg -ion .44 tkie phenotneitat growth of ,Coti fog, .. . . ,:. ,. , , ' twiWn•h.tOlf.e of AA pQ411.qe,i. ',,elkOrtg. 'airgeopted.At' th.e..febott..44yttrat'.iiteetr 14g".••14-•"401).SI,PO,.',,.011,0W: ' an, •••00rOlin eat of , 2...0.50Ma.: Stoats': and Jeatlere, .'in.•• lees than 9.4:16mIntries :and. Parts.oflite ,.iw.. - S.ritish'Etispire,,, , ,. '''' ' . '. ...- .' • . ..„ Knee 'the, linairinratiOn of the Move - Meet 'in 1.90$:net less 0410,,terf: ibilliOn , . , . , . . - ... .i0YO.,:hitAte-'profitcl. by -its. olieteg for : go64 eitigenShip,Tocthis‘nutriber'mai . . . be added„prcibahly Italf.that,uurnher,Of: •: girl. Guides and. g14 ,Spi? 4t0 411,97Tr 64.: -stilling..siSter: ineYei4444,71.0-!--01t';a.4.14.,' , T5,00.0;990„ roitpg !•po'Ne, iii4ensieldite-.. 4.. ..,..,,f,lzi,.. their best in $4,1iYic.0,4 heiilt1.1. and: 1' •kriendiineSs., . '''' , • . . Not -the least contrthulidn., has been ., ,• ... . „ . • .. . ,..........„-____....... , ...that to :youth world -understanding by . this • i'junierk ',League Of, •Natiens,". • 'Three world githerings Of Boy Scmits . • , and one of:Rover "-(older) • •Scouts have . :•.'brotight ',together 'litany -: thousands Of •••'heys .0f, ,all.':tiatio,MC In cortinletely -, friendlyinterconiSe: TheiScontT,SaM, beree' or, 1•92a called to England over. B4O00 . , . , . . .. , . . .. .. .,.5.3;990 boy*, ImeeY •..from. enemy • c,oun-, ..- tries -of ,the.:-Clre-at 1470; for two weeks of the friendliest fraternizing,. A .simi,' 1 ay gath*ing •t: itisTatearwolb-rme-o-Oier. . : . • . , . T .. ., . . ' .. thektsAnds :tOge,ther,.0, offer,: !!acluit, na.. tione. !;antl. their dianinata another ,ex-; . , .gmwe or .thonsands.,:dflioys 'of' Many countries' living and idayln.g Tokethei. .• in: complete ' nktitnei;:re,Speet, and cor- dial good -will for two 'stilly avteks,' . Trilly.„ A Wonderful livirigmenntrient.• '• ' VI, Iffing 4.0'0 er; " and (:.tae,, for • •Whotti. -litany: 0.Ore, years-. of insPired, -leader- .•''ship•:)tilt be itiaated,.at',..a,-Keetically ;nnbrciiten • World, s'.eh'ailit 'Off " § c,tint ',gad •• .• Guide patiquels;,celeltrating.?his'-aiatal '---°'dity7t-artfiltiliat'111 s o • .• .•,6 rbaifYI13 ad en 7, ., tiolycil., 'World .Cliief'; Chide,' efi"Ii7eln",:" .,tiary-22inf: •••• ,' . •'• . ''''..., '"' ' '•''. • : -, '.- • .' •, , ..:,:• .. , . • , • , .., , . . .. . . ..• silver .VVolf.''For-'',1 • W Macho t Before. a 'distinguished 'gathering, at • '„ .„,a.: luncheoil .at, the •Roval_yol,o,• ta 'T.oreate„: given. by 'Mr. t,.•.it,,.Woodi the -, • ::-II-en.OrarY., StiVer.',"Welf,• zWak.,prteente et :t4r.:.:.11.1..,.:,,.kkeetioncb;',„.;•the--.:-',Earl..,4•Ttif, • .e-eaberoaTih:.,'AS,'- Chief ,:',$.c,Oat -,:f.Or,':.0.if:i?:•• ada,;to M?.. J':•W, 'Mitehell,,,- p,.:•€,§ttleut. ., or . the Pro Vinci at ' Co tined oi'llie • BOY'. Scottie .,.AseoCiation.• . The. •debbratiOn •*a4•Iis• recognition ett•tWelifeyear's bf , . ../.., Ogsuoloisi:,seryie:...7,,,ourbrgr....mritl--,. ebelya, PreaIdency the, Scou L 14000,-, .04 ixkOntarjO, Itaa,grAWA: Ontn. to 2i,876. ' • '."" President Backs sConta 'ct.ntiS!''V'".4-TrTatt'itr 1+1,%5r- York''.President-9lOt • .F.1W.11(114, D. .Roosevelt ailnonace4'hia readiness to serve_ 'AS P17044,10A1 the. Of 4nteriea, and. declared tlie. §cOnts. Otild.'-ial*,a)",ii.10e.1 • they.'1140 114“.01!detit: :friend...* the -)7.11.hiteliOtnio,:.. Forestry „ Mnlster'5.,Tyibute tor„ Tribute1„„• .;`. ,,,,• •.P.gaatlYeaeas.:'0.,0A0 eiti4eneh1p. 1...raintakAn. gt,e.t.a).-and: to, t.he value of Setin ,COrenetat lea in vari- 0u8 department.•.". activities, wa '14410- by „ROO, Win. Finlayson, tarto- it.the•annual meeting: dinner'of the‘'BrOvingial. Sceat.4.seegia,tion's,paa,, Mentieg Wak.utade of lielp .111 , 'getting tree.planting publicity. -to farrn- ers, ; and: :the janntitti" wfirlv.';'dette...hy Scouts on .the:roforostatiati:•prOject at ' • • • N Lt. -Gov. ,1:?;!•estintki • •••Thisare:tora*011.BedSa,*,thefottrth" awarded',.:a. Canadian. Scout, . Was: pro,' ,•sebte'a„.• • by Liett*GOYeraer Fei;c14P441 ijohnsott.,to. Scout afyttiletea Maelten- life before large, gathering :• at the Legislative- •Buildings • Victoria,'", 11:C. Tbeoceas10:Was marked, b ,s'eticii; Of. 1'1Rn: represent - 1 ng the1;reVincial.,•Goverartieut, •• and Mayor :David Leeming., , ;The badge is ..,awardeit.forexcentional character and :fertitiude.'sliii'Vrt.tinring., an. et:tended of suffering;' and high , standing in Scouting. Sconting.;• • " .• •. , • ' • „ :Kyery.b.oy. between the .A.ges 'ef• 12 and 18 years of age should:the aSeoutt .e.,•BaY'• SCoat: Overiaent- hassolue7 thiano':intereat boys ofTell. :types,. and. •it cater. ,to buv in all Classes of life. •and.. it is, else'• ',InterttlenOMinational,... Scouting ',suiapltmeiits Yotir gi'Ca:,Y;oti a iiroaclei• but-.• helps • you to have ,cfean mind in a itealthy'bedy,'•"Mid teaches' you liow to fit yourseif 16-..b6 a -tigefill -Seout.',Department is es -cOi11i•t.0-46Y-i•-•and these'••,a‘Ar9gre-bei kb tete: .s • regularly ,erganiZed , Why; mit,, Write , today: finin: l'OrniA•tiOn' ithont it ditsa• :The lley ,sConts :Association, Lona Scont .Oepartirrent,..:?,30..1lay'; Street :Toronto.— If There Were•No .r Books (,1•`rolp :Lead° n •CorreiponderttOf New Yerk Tiines " • itlt: is 0. mistake to,"„aSattnie.;;that • •Oeeks"lieVe..,Corric torbay: ' The • huitan race (11(1 without them for thousands • • Years ..arid• May deekle".4,',9,•do.,witlf=. oat them again." °This •staitling'pre• -T, diction' eotneS,not"frotn. any Philistine • • 16Wbrow; from 'One, ..ef',Otti: MoSe. itecattinlislied17IterarY"'SiiistS, • .• • rorater.,,..116..•observes• that; the. radio andeiriema are' tnitning us' front read-, trs into listeners: end lookers, .and he : wonders • 'whither this' tendency ivill • lead:: Mr: PeiSter re.g,aids - pet .of . haokless, wer,14.,0 a dcpkr- able one, for books, be says,: have an edtteatiMmt, 'value which nOthing, yet invented wit supply:, No. one's win-. • • '•• '' • • •• ' cat,ed • who cannot' concentrate and it is. .• 'tc; learn concentration,..• • • „ „ uproar , rude, . • tbropgii•4 book : than' throngh aLtalk or ' Or „ fed . tdo •• With • • a filth for an obvious ..reaser,i,7' 1• yoti. , • •,..,,attentitin wander's, ,YOU can Sack . Sit :hear' , ...ea7ertra to the ten Of the page and start again, • :,reenth, 'and rbitOed.: whereas in A talk , you are ..trntiV.'ire-Itart4-...asi • carried, On. ,•••. So he ,,corifeises.. thaChe • ;•quirlin • • •haS little,faith, in the educatienal fti, ' ture-„ia,•...lbroadcasting-unalloyedi•-and. ,„ , !„ " . . •' ° -he miatAtAie oid both.' bs. 9=igo,fuitIon. „ _ , 'helpful -as long, as .theaktare, su s . "'Contains 2,0.00 ....rages Sonnet :on the Sea • . . , . • It..,keeps• eternal WhiSperiaga• arntind Desolate •• - and: ; . • 611.fta•'•!twisee•Jen .ihe.4Sak•I'.'eavernS, the • 's •Of ,flecate ,leavesc- 'theni•• .° their.: old -,••• isliadoity .• pftee ' sucb tenver. rouUt! •' • • That 'scarcely • will .1be 'very small- •----------______________ • .tet shell'.•• 7 , , '7 • ' ' *, .ignoring „tho;,,,disciples, continued ferilaya", wlien'ee. it gotne• 'look; for, the orie had- caught his . .• . 31- Lestion r ^ MarOh; 0.• • • '‘PSSOn. 044 cifo. Health—Mark 21"-,44t .1§43. Golden• Text 'The,..7'Aferd • hath -107, -145i: • 1. Mark 5: ay: e ,a1T1i.qX. • . g44.14 : 111. WHEN GUI) CO.MES IN, Mark ..30r'; ' •• , -I. rt,P034, "•.0010$1' -; -.1 When Je.5,0 4hti, his men arrWed liaek at. Caperitatun, the pews of the preirieue nikht's. happenings 'had al- ready • reached the, The -P.4)4= lace crowded deirk., t -harbor to Ntteleorrie him haek- • ,ItanY, Were the motives, 10411. brought . tber4 there, ,Cariteity,; gratitude,. hope,: desperate. 'need.. jnirne'.(Y; 20).WaS in4OSPerate Death was hovering over .his, 'horpe; '4;23, Seine one hurrying peat cried out,.",There Conies Jeg:ne,r! ,ing attd ....Perhaps pre- judice, the „artiaiterat':raii 4htt-fiong- ,hixiiKlf; in Oriental' 1 4.shion, at'Seaue feet, Imploring 'him to .cotne to- beat the child. "' . • ' • ', • -• , • , 7, • •Mares' extremity `Was GOir's, Opprie. When--trouble..e6ines 'Many things which•separate Men sud- denly 7IOse their • importance., '• The February 26. Lesson-IX—Jesus Shows retugh,'•plonghshare', 'Of sorrow had broken the evrfade of this •man's life, Ankinade hint capable ° Of. reeeiV7. Crod's • , II: wliEtst• 'FarrkT •Is Mark 5:. tt47e8"c41...O'Wd:' 'Was ‘tt.''snoth'er figUreIn -, , . . . also 'draWn•there by her•treuble.-Suf.- fering. front, recurring rhemorrhageS •forniany years,'Shehas, ufteredtputli '&0; .as MarkAuairitly •at• the ands. Of, the 'tioctors,---rnany :doctor. All .her • •money had gene 'in :docters' hills, and she. was::: iincyr5a''.iristead of better, v. Luke-;.•hirriself 'physt- Clan, thought this ...lith,tr hard on. the, medical:profession. lie left etit partef-Iark'-acoiint,I,uke-S :43. -Even :; today in theast; it is conimoi in the caset•Of serious illness: to 'empleY tratttitilicity•,of deters. •. Their, diag- L'05 PreScriptions conflict. When one'reflects that 'they aireseribed such remedies. as" ashes, of,. burnt ,:msrolyes!. 7--.kt-Illsil,fibigl.,:liVers,:tyte• of, craWaild: .Snat reasyle.irnagine *a' Wornarrs...cendition:.aftel•twelve years' " ' - Instead,Of 'oddre'Stink herself to the Master, 4fie trent up fbehindliM'and ,touched.hia 'Clothes: Her disettae:' prOb-. ably' 'Made her cerernenially„ 'unclean. .$.(te -tiVottld, thereto,-, avoid -publicity. She also shaTed :the belief) coreinon.in :her.. time, that 'a kind•Of!superitatural. ;Virtite,'-ikat'r'fOrth .froin the 'and -might Cevelv.be spraed „through cOlitact' .,$ee- Acts 12. • . ' • The 'extraordinary sells]. en s of Jesus dietinguighed -.that particular !,teueli from thepressUreof the croWil. •Ile tainted .anci asked,1``Who touched ittep :Ma:ttheay." 'evidentlY: shocked at the. disciples' •tcO bold • earreetion,.. omits% it in his accourit,2' S hocked' 18150 a..miKaele of which Jesus vas not he inalces,;,•the."healipg .fol-, IOW ;Test& W.orcle, Matt:. 9 :20.• Sous; V It11,411 e //tasfiafed ' Pr 4r. 10,44 Vag Idee8:61k Am. '440e-4:Wit& 044,Itt . „4:tine.„ fel"; „ • • , ,gerfient. The poor Woman,: tremb,ling clast,Pie, _winds` of. '11'ea,ve. n wnr, with:enibarrassmenV and fear Of the • •'"' Unho 'd • •• ••• ssi le consequeni:es. of her, deed • • - arid • t • Imo*ni Aff'eqti6n4t illy address,. FeaSt; 'them: niion.the wideness ;of 'g her as "daughter;" Jesus roassUr-• in whe.'have YoOr .kto gnaoiwnieldlne9,6tsina*dieth, cilui!rstehll 114 tea, • • •• pb ye!. Ntialose ears are Mita d with • was :not the touch of his garment, ' • had cured her. ,. • , , cloying :A timid faith' it was. ju4 ,enabling her to; stretch Out 0. stealthy' hand,, too. feeble 67 bring heir epenilY' to Sesus', yet a real faith,•richly reward - cd. '•Tho Canadian soldier, dying: on 'the field., pressing to his lip-s-ife'iraide cross hurriedly improvised bY the Pro. Aestant Padre witb two bits of stick, ,may. have shown a sornewhe. super- stitious "faith. •But'it belted the boy to' sethis• Savieur and die' him* The ainazing ,lovo. and -nieatY , net cluenck.the , ;molting flax o,f our feeble 'et her' Her faith supeirstitious as it • • . • (liar" onlv. and,:,are. combined ,with Tokyo,.—After 16 -years' of work, bookS ,±efei" • us '..t4-) book.e. 1:1],qKeaji •Shitadeage, of .the War ,Oft ;can .indicate, 'cannet' ,rub ' • •• flee has' conipleted a kOngollan-japf a'nythintg 111 11 i in.twenty,fpur hetirs ,anes.4 • Ars.t.of,kt.1,.:.ki.nd; .sI heY ,leave •.:wltieh will be publiehedshottlY by the. army. 'It is°g•130bii'of:2000,!pagee. welive in a: land of the <Vett '•.'l "1 a • . ;Opataki 6r,s,' Hoge,. ;••, ,loatsicin%*, ,eIPorted fro*:flratlsi ,:tudl. h:year Wel,i6ed . 33;g00,000 "laments: .7 • - • . , ,odor bad .; tha.t arisea'-,froiti:,-good?ieis„ :tainted: • 111,, Milan,' it, IS div earri o •illatoroati. ° t ' , "I think that there is a ,great" les - on here: It, is not that it• does:not inatter.'whethor',.or not "WO in- telligent and ,enlightened' evangelical views. .We . should :be thankful that . ;the ,arnty 200,g 'has given 'close at jail dliV0edlargely•from religions :.,tention,, to 'the. study of fOrolgnilanga- •.•anperstitiOni We do not 1.3elieiziai egos andhas tphOsii things:as fet,i0r5thl.t,11.11°1 -Shitiontiga 1.16* SPecializ ad P.riental kral. ill south .ianknageti, 'ineinding Mongolian; ',11111iilelti.4 • 811°' P a .es.. • 'Ito. had- tO". • inectal tYPellO. gine ' Olti tain holy 17e10144t. l'taUbTip. 1 tOrk..gal; ,Proditee; the' • intricate' Mon01 chat , and at otirselyea, 'With our trtte, in Its langiiagy •exPerls nearlY tongiin tea, Major But can you imagiLord loking over gt LnSoiriiii3tr.tooaf .atyhe? Nv ere mitny peOple are Chinese dialects, Mancbu and Tibetan. grostiy„ gliperAit_foilvtea.miii,g„ jeer. act era tipPearing in his. .iiictionary.„. ,, • • „,• • By BUD FIS-1.ft Urr. .Ook: , LLAt- A.?r:* ' charminklY'yontlifill,Medel for It reflects the: yietOrian'rage'' with its deep, round' •? yoked 'bedice with sleeves that widen and puff atiove•the •,• •,• ' • •• .'Thekirt, lines are Clever saug. deep :.p,airtted secbion jt the 'front' that Will -give elegant height. to your ;hkure. • ' ; • . . .:POr it You may choose- dis„creetlY 'pat-kr:fled srepe silk .:(suel,as made the. original) 'In your favorite ran i„xt.-_ra and rus€ toibi. are delightfully•7eliie. • • Style.,/sTo. 3333 is .designed for: oie8. :inch reeriieeo% yards of 19. -inch material with %.• • yard :'.(4 'coatraSting, and 'yard' ;,of .35,ineli,lining.; • • , ii0"CTO eaKDER 'PATTEIMS.';. Write' yeiii,..naineland a:chit:etas Plain. ittimber ,'•of sne.h. patterns.as You Want, Enclose 15c an stanips or Coin', (coin preferred; Wrap 'it iearefUlly), for each nalnber, and addr.es,s..your ?'der • to Wilson.Pattern SerVic.4 "3West Adelaide St., TorontO: • • • .enlightened, intelligeht faith;:and per- haps finding in some" Poer soul there a., deeper,deeirt for, him, ..a •greater readiness •te'. be, , aianged.', by him,;•th on in some of •uS, •' with all Or correct. views."—P. "Carnegie' Simpson. • • • • COD . etiM,s .1.11, Mark 5..•35- ' ',While this; Was taking place MesSenger. carie •with the ntws that 'the , *. had • alreat$ paSSed, away:, The • distranglit: 'father evidently :re- ftised:te aacept the 'Message as •fiaal. 7-...•centiritieti to, itnplere „Testis; "Why are you .still..worrying the Teacher?" urged the .setyaitt;),,y., Jesus also evidently 1-efttsed.to accept Another's °Pinion, . With a word of eheduraket merit to the father .(v. 36) betook his ;three • most ' intimate ddiSeiples' .and went AO. 'the house. • • ..- When he saw the girl. 11.• -•declar•ed her not •really dead" but asleep 4*. uno-9•0(.4•44,•-•a•I upon • mitered' he to 'her....Parelits"; Bible students , shopld'r compare the' account- in Matthew ' 9:, ' 'Where the, 'girl is "already dead, and the .fathertdefinitely 'aske,Sessia-to restare, her to,..life, jostle! WiHtioi ((not deed, 'but sleepiag,)! puist, then, be ,talten inetaPhorically. ' Death; bo1a Chriatian, • Tie11, .11S. is , Address ' All Letters, to _Farm:Editor, c141cle St; ,estt Toronto. .. Ans 111 Appear tkiis.. Column.. 1fl'ersOnhl Re. 1, is ,eslred. Enclose *Statniiied and Adilre se 4e6,tletla arid AnaWera ••••- Ter; little :conditions -,,Can" I 'send and get fife:14414 tes„t-.thei,isoit...00tseAt' , hate I to Mend the Soil 'eaMPle' te-- ,... • • ri 04,it„.],71 ;• ••" ' the, licoild•• ,fOr'testin0,. tho inlelcaSe Of waked!'pa..0.er.i'sfin,w,litc4,013 'Bernie ,placed and Itbe, chart carr? -ting tlioconiparatvn Mars 01'00'640, as to hQw:innehr'•11Me41k,IlieeiOarYc ,order to Produce' a •neutral c�ndltlozi , of Are eapplied'froui thet meet. of ChentiAt.f.y!'at (200, Or they May be .fitid. at the'ftl various Kep.resentatives Mr the , eare tr1.41.,, .Each contains full instructions and the test can b Made by , the firiner, •hrins el t or by 'the• Agricultural Kepreseatatiyir or 'yen. May send sairiplos to the I "bo ' tOryt Dept. *of Chemistry, where , tests • .4111 he Made • fr'ee, sot :•• If 'samples' .,are selic:45117e- ahont ,opeafalf,Pint Jo. a. closely. w0Ven. cotton' bag. r Tie. a- fig •On. to the toPcif the when closing It and address -aarise`to,'the DePartmont • of Chemistry. Place your Mune, and ad- dress. on the other Side of Clio tag.' It •iabesi"fOr you to drop tie a line tinder Separate Over' at.the'lame coUrse,It W111.,heneeessary for 'yea' to nay postage On .•thia', parcel hut the andvenly,,are4ree. of charge; _ •W., 1.1.--41have been tOld to 34it, . my, Wood,: Sallee en my. potateei: next. spring When I ph*. Would OAS e.:a good; thing tO, de '•.and Weald. put the.ashea?., on the set ae.:yeti.:. plant them?' They: ivi4 he plowed in. Woald, • • , • . .a. handful da each set -or would 11 be- tod 'naUcli.? orn,Platttink' ;5: aqfi F, :SA_ Alms_ sonie,... and . fertilizer:•'en sotne,'And. of. co.b7rse -will use -Manure .bn theta , AIL W.haa .15 the 'hest ',fer-:•• 'illiZe,r potato? • The. soil' is : a. sandy learn and, up ' Ans7er wen' d ' not WiSe aShes potatnte Aria Ihes!:,c•arry• from ,01.6 'Wash "•:Alsor,2-C.arry..nt.larke,: percent. Of linte;•: 'freetientlY 40 Thie; •diatinellY a1Iaiiiiece t fon s: in ,the 'Soil, 'which conditioaS are the besta4Ssible for "ie• ,gr,owth ef...the , sue:tate.: patateea, contain .the..sports seat) the -treatinoit yon.:irientiois . suit in ▪ very. acaltby, crop. • It is A, use Weed ashes. on land that yea, ars: preparing- td .needto al- falfa other le,ituites ' • take. large quantities': or DotEisil -out .of pa soil' and .beneflt. greatly by' the' 'pet.Sitt applied la:. the ashes ' arid. the 'inse.,. which" it carries also, sincelegainies• thrtve: hest on alkaline • . If the inabtire• is well rotted; -.you 'win be dolat a :good'ahing•to •give 'a f a i lay generous .dt.esa i lig to your • note fq gronad; since "the lighCioll that Yen: • • • • • • • • • • •deserilie..Avill: peed considerable' str, '-ga'n.ip• 'Met ter' ,Or ntant. ,fibre.fer. it ;to :held Sufficitat-'intilitifre grow. • • in • otato"CroP. '" • ,,• ' Our ..tests• on.:•potatoes-'Whieft.' Oyer ' a• Period ,cif,sfeur years oho* an aver- age ..in ores se' •f,ronr fertilizer ior.. the. four 'years , 514 buhe1s Per. Sere. ..'WheiT. six. different fertilizers 'Were cOmPared: on 15 representative p.etato fart diqing:tbe bait year, the largest ,Yield• *asobtained from • 750 lbs per adre'ef,4-8-10',••;'•ThisrgaVe an laerease 'Oft YYT4'.....'lf-Aelk°,-Per--a-ere7--,..4-€:"i3r1-64 charged; for ; this typo 'of fertilizer 18 .1:9-3.2; this :.rePreSeutS an JaVestatent Of • $7..82,•Pee--,a'cre;;;-iir.-7th-eoiko.tiiiin, .er;_eaSedihiislieli,ef,:pOtatess. wOuldik'w 4-34l2:c-Per btiShel,i. potatoes are sell - Ing at §Ac,b: huShei yen 'Can reactifY See 'that this would represetit•a itirte'lirbat is btita Sleep:" fro.., whiel • ,Sesa'a ,Can fuveitnien.e.• ;•••,,1 :•• , •, :1? *Alien Or." • •, d • • • ". ' • • ' • next '11,igheSt iiiCreitae. 197 4-8-10 ("iticitase Of la inislfeisless per acre -Jesus to A,VOid tho excited and and' clamer- -The, c,onnitati ,k6ep the •reetoring ,Wits .which!,fntatie a secret vies: given 'possibly.:te 'enable • ••• • • • • ••• . . , „. d , fm,...heal at cost-, of, ,$6,a4 .fet the Aaplicat on or otts •iroWds. yrIses04 , eman . „. , 1gs 50 interfered •"-anth hie teaChing ,18.3.c. per ,hoshel,.. (f.r. potatee4... • ,:, iStry. He • niebtioned to a too' It vcsu, Plan io use fertiliser be•Sure happy father father that his little 'girl' Wrealci • not putto'. t.b t at'oes,"dilio etly' top ,the better ,of • sonietiting. to eat of- • 1110 fertilizer Or ,./tlte • !ertitlzem d Onte* again our„tbrd..&Arionstritticki ‘i,ectly n, top..of „till be tato.Ple cos. S. nal '':that the -vitalizing aii.. enrichingof a:: aptlicatibil would:teat' tO draw the, man's whole 'life,physioal.aa.'wn .whethe'. pefato.p..:Thees and spritual, is part ef ha k fovea tee :get free. . Nsrbet1 we N.,,gein lightlY w▪ itli 'soil, `1,%et`oit droning to live wisely and kindly° inanY PITS- tatees. ' 'ent-daY 'Alin -tents will disappear! • • 13,7. ' II tit' is the rettsott itir tur- ps taking rot before mator/tY Pk. Is 01.0 .94(11.tton '440. to 'laelci Of ''*1.4!".' • •th.eriagl4' ;Oft,P1,,l';:n.!Qtryeoepod rne.z)tiritt4, soii, and ;•40,-..li„eteIrft;Ltlet•Ut.e0r971).- illtoal::.1;;;11 'the DO -Pa' • 'ineht Of B00105190, 'thikrelis .• dQt„;•112.Aottx4, ,4)°,170,91/174a, In-tur- ilip terialr• y dc -s - tractive rot and no treatinent poll ner .8praYilig,', ea far • '.didepVeredo, , .4arp-,eflate,, bootno; Cioonttrhoelf;s4inz•te,heodiia%ealq134'1,,, family.as tarroPS, therefore it is, qaite, TIP.t.nrai to expect ;that • potato crop felitowing rape Oren may he infected' " WitV tbe same, disease? ',IiiiaCeotlie,,re'' nutmeat O'f the ripe crop would Carry ' the turnip 'disease, over.• , • •To 11,861;"bbie:ett aidsittio,e7c:ivualtneg.T. ttlef,efi:eir: • foi 7fobiltorw.tWirapits2rth'btal'i•rii4ipal rneana do not the disease -starting rev, tn• rnipa: next year null:no the 'diatasettPlantit.• retnove them from ,the.lieldNknd abee, lutelY destroK•them;_ aIse.plow\tincle; all refaso. On, the field after the crop ia -harvested, gads as are confronted with a. cannot understand In the matter of 'Cliarning 'Cream and ., not tible:to 'obtain hatter. Theoream being the rightletineraturearid iftefl .elinrning a 'short tinie• it conimInced --,to foam: and.,,non.14 net dOltnythint, withit: • The next let of Cream•churn °. ed.' all right: Then • a',.third t,Oolc ,,Place And •the, result. was: thr , e , .1greand• , :Ifs a..1161Stein in eaixf eim,dithsn and 'her feed 'consists timothy and ,, ' grOund alfalfa a sa mash. The tom.. is with/Calf will cense In next May 'She is giving a lot of milk at present • We had nb 4ouble with flie ere* ;Instil about 'a inonth ago. • Perhaps .yor ,coatdrtetilighterirts7birtbis .matter ,titq • gil:re some reason;fer, it for whiCh' will he lad to hear fromyee. - "•: bOattnient,.o1-401-' ing. gives the ,f011-OwingatisWer'te,yetw • • • '" . order to' get Creaml' to ',Churn, in reaSonable ;length, of • time it ':10. ne.nea , eery- that: the .dreatnAies'of: eaffieieni richness, 'that the churn be net.flhle over •one-third. full, and that 'the,. &iv .,. .,,feepetensperature range for ,chinenifir be adonttsi •• IT these :tentiitione'' art' obserired rl'hionghout the year thi • churning time tirae should not .0Xceed;30 '• 4Vinfnutes. Iv:inter cream,. of'•cOin•se. tends' te,' 41*y ..atfi" pared' with ''sitiutner cream; :•oWing', it ,entaller 'fat globules; ;milk fat of herd, • • the . naturally iacrea,ae,&.,viecesity ol ,:•: whitey •milk and. cream,' *Vertheleaa: if the richnesti Of cream And •fulinesa . Of Churn, 'a•re: tatidardized teinneratu're. adkiatinent,•itsing ather• : • mometer, • -is' all that is. necessary Is 15-tder, to ..regulate Abe chaining:tittle, • Vani•Of-.1,116- opinion „that titin c.iubined iithtoojow einirnifig tera• Pera 'are. is the. cease OfVoni•Churn;.! lug difficulties, and yOuld; therefore,' advise having the richness,sof .ereatn'' inereased to 25 to 30%, and the ' 'dt:jeog4.. to,6c4114xreV4kk,..,t4uPeTa't"74 't:o 64: • • •'•V• *A, Acid Ejnishes„ElectricAlti The inside of eleetric lanio..13ulbs beitissetched lit' Fiance by a Machias „ whichcrinjeets-hYdrofittoriaaaeldvante- _the bulb. through a nozzle.- iBeettin,se these' no2zIett, had to 'be, replaced Ire, quently due to the acids ,cortesive action, they are1)01 tig made o/. . ; a nichel,copper-ohromium :east, iron. • Bea vers . • Arai,. .equipped ' with tit daeli, side Of the body at with toesnai.I...CombS'enilieit.hind,deet:- .•• ,•atiti they 'are 'COnst,atttly preening and , Priniping 'Wheu pot' sliePing; eating. , • It,' Is a 8w ot nature that .fztint - ,.;hea-rted ineu, should be”. ' the\ frith, 'et , .1: luxurious- (ItTITtt 'tor: 711 fix- • that ,othc.'sat10s0"0 •pmdaces 'tigicat;ier and 11 or oos.-•-•-ilereda t us, • '(6Ut6u roge Ori ‘4 -AY: &Weft' t*i,Neht.0., vveLL, tkuE ,I4.evatt. %) • • • eLse kitiPf LIKe.'YoU: ta4.4R.;11604,," ,Piet-oret•:. ow 'It's AI Clear AJ ODDtOjC4bNCE, 4 • Sof 77? • r•• V A 3 , „ • --..-Iii•••*:#.1..eir••••••4•0•-44••••04‘y • , . •