The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-26, Page 56 tor nlintSDAYr„ilANVOli TUB C K14.0 $11 SS ir , ,ClOthing Wirigh New Up -Ta- ate IVIenisand Boys' Store .1.41IGEST STOc I/st ,THIS • WE? TERN° ONTARIO *cibtnin-g, Furnishings, ,.shoess. ,4„.i,,pubber roptwear, - We Blair: ttim. caok . 011811.' "One. Price,' „With ',every, I.: thing markeVat•Cut Mite_ •' • Prices.' iiiEN'S OVERCOAT, " , ,CLEARANCEI,' - nust have, romp :„-for Stiring Clothing tock ,4All Overcoats Worth• . $15.80. to ,$22;$0, Your: choice,: $7.35: •OM: $12.95: $15.96. , • Men's DreSS'' Shirts. Broad- cloths." nlaifi and strines. 69c: • 69c: $1.'29' to, $1,69. Men's 'Zioner •Sweat 'Shirts., For $1•19 Boy's Zipper Sweat Shirts.- '98c , Men's Work Pants': Big range • $1.19; .41.39, •1;49: 1.6.9. • 1.79 • 11.95 ,to $2.48 , • lien's areas .Caus, any high grade, cue „in store worth Lim to $1.50: for • Men's Dress Cape, 49e. 69c. 79c Largest . Overall •• Stock • Western 0,ntaricki,Snagroof Overalls and. Smock. $1.45 ea. • Headlight •Best Overalls and. '•Smocks tl. 89•ea. Carhartt's Overall and :Sinocks $1.49.• $169, ea.; Picket's , & Lighthouse- Over- • alls 11:,E grriocks..88c' Itub Ribbed Wed Shirts & 'Drawers • Ribbed wool•COmb,inatiph „ . -4•Fleeee•rdined--CeiribinationO480,- JuitTho ,Knit For • Youth's and Boy's High , Cut., • Scent • Shoes '1 :..$2.49 .$2.69 Manta High Cid: Leather Shoes $4.69, $4,89, • i Men's, Oxforda.•;•. 1.1,1'.98,:.',•:--$229:„..:'---$2;39;:' • ;$2692"' 10,81-.7;3;87:7 ta".hea't 3fee*.tKork',;:goots,;;Si,r,79.`2.:249.,,, Greb"ii and ,,Yalentines., For , 19 te. tWe COmnete• against, 'town ..and..eity1catilegues4 . :.14ALCOCIC • .liei3t,anr-, , . . . • The rn. eeMmOn erret:. garci to hoit9os tie lpet4 that Lr.td• breath .cUreCa onlTy from 89* rf#14tY, ,PQnd'itio4 .of the Mouth,and. that; 'In all caaelh. it:eart e"nveTconle. by having a Clean ,rnoUth. The offensive bre*th n1ay je dne. - to ' the' conditionof the. mouth: If the teeth are not ..thOrol,1011Y an4-regu''' 10,ily,..eleatled• :1904 parOales 'are left ,arouncl..:t41teeih; these iarticles de- cay and. give rise .to an ',unpleasant breath. , , • •1 Dental' plates or 1:0ridges may riot, Locals Noed COimtY TOlviera, Win 5 TV4 Verdict In ExIubitlofl,Fiztare-brgy Of oring' I!1•' „Stalk*. .-Har.vey Parnm's Bruce- League aggregation from yValkerton, toOk zthe locals into earOP here on FrWai night . in an. exhibition fixture by.tbe; time of '5 to 4. A fairly ,good crOvvd: Witnessel. the fray•which Proviaed , be ,properly, fitted ;• the, result probabit4he 'fastest g,ante , of the that they .ciumet be 'cleaned with §PaSon to date, .• - the. toothbrush. ,ThiS!'causes , Walkerton opened 'the' scoring ' in "collect, and' the .difi4greeable. Rdour, the 'first .period to, have the localatie, • "• . . TboinPson,114: nenderSon• 4efert-;*Bill Brick. •" • :port '-Chottet, • Exhibition garnes seem to be' poiSpni for: 'the', IOW squad, who , have .won heir only leagite 'gatO ..date; but sho 'bailie dropped foui- tilts.. +II, • - , The ,a0t:egation , frequently- find, the; • third- Period a White elephnt- The" games:are 1st as .1 rule, in,this ,Stanza.. Whats the reasOn'l bremedied. - " to arise the'. count Shortly .after ,when The .-gutna May': be InfOted, ,pu ThenipsOn; scOrecl, n ,neati con - may be present, and, if, Se,: an un-. pined effort, when Henderson Passed pleasant odour is grsien:tg,the, beath 0,;CAnsran, who SliPPP4 the disc'. in Any of the •, SeVeral, -inflammatory tnrn,th, Andy; - conditiOns, whieh may -occur in the the Second, period went scoreless, soft tissues 1 Of the ntoeuth. may. With ,Walkeiton gong on A ir4,111liag: rOP4Sible4, score ' four goals 'on what was a - However, halitosis,: May..,be,dne to temporarily badly -disorganised ideal conditions "outaide'ef the .inontli.- In.. squad, whocame, to life .befere the fected head sinuses Which diani into 'period: ended and -'With".; a four -men the nese may be reanontiiblei..ns MaY attack, :added': three ,f,nore counters, also be some .chronfe disturbance of Which left them one short of tying the digestive organs, or faaltY, dine! the ;vire. • " .ination,„ • . .• .1"--) • Oberle 'brOlce- into .. the ,coririg A clean, sound. Mouth is desirable: when on a solo effort he stick hand, The mouth is the gateway of the led his way down the right hoards, body. Clean food should notbe skirted' the defense and tallied WeS• lowedto be contaminated, by dirty. Huston and. Archie 1VIe1ena1d netted: teeth or . infected glans' before it the other two connters:- entere the storaach. Clean .teeth, free The line' tip;: front, decaY,- are eslential to health. Lucknow-;--GOal, 0 Finlays0;.. de - III: addition, A dean and healthY, fense, ()beide, C. Thompson, Centre, „ . . , • niouth is essential to a sweet breath. Ai. McDonald; wings, Auston . and formerly, ;Ross HardWire,. .,,atamL "ROMOddled.'Irbnt.„,1.' * •WINGHAM If ,ilie breath is :•unpleitaarit, the c' -lark,..•; atirriatee; Not :for Many seasons haVe „there, :been se • Many. ayailable 1yiefe ',nit leek of SOnte extent .is, due ,t0,-.1aCkbf favor-, 'able 'weather to allow Practice,. pre- vents' the teain froiri' becoming • as ;tong as frorn- their hrutividiinl bii- •ty ••.as players, one would expect: Walkerton 'provided' ,just• a little „he beat exhibition., of, heckeY seen ,riere this year.. • Howard Agnew hait..been out of the, last tWO.,gaines, ,4ue to the rav- ages.. Of 'the 'flu.. meuth• is not „necessarily at ,fault. If Cinneron B. 'Hendersim and Me- lt comes from ,Outside the mouth; .it CartneY. „ • l'eannat be overcome, by any anibant Walkerton -GOO); ;K: Littner, de of attention ' that is limited . th the fense Smith and.Wallace; centre'. mouth. ' Brudder;. Wings, Becker. and ,Randal; Hahtosis-'is-'nOt a disease It'is a- alternatei ' Schnurr, -,Burnsi*-Lobairig- skinptem---0.f,---spMe- abnormal ,,condi- 1 • tienand, attention mist he ,given Referee, --Rife, Walgerten. .• , . . • • • , • A !4EAL1'14.sgaviet •OF .' CANADIAN 1.411•EQIICAL ASSOCIATIO!.4 .M40 ctrefe•-• • .INSURANClit.,,cqmpApoES•'. HALITOSIS '1 Advertisers 'have- made the pnblic bietith,conscious':, py.:weid- 'and • by • picture; the' poiseasor Of an: nnpleas- ^ • I •annoYance.sOnturargompsoisr . the cause as that is the only way to ; • • , • • Ri1ey and Failll liat3 DreSPect Bef(1 Sto1en-7, , ,CarAnd: Buggy Cra01.1,;110rfse• 00031 Away.. C; j. T; Meeting- TheT. .held -their • meeting .Januar ir the ' Of MrS.. Reb,erf, • Mon, . with the presi- L4tr Et * Laile ch4rge, retary;, • Margaret, Ohaplin,, read, the. ninutes Of' the '•:;;Preiii01s nting • stick 'were, ad'optetrAn. Indian, legend: , " ti,trisetves 'and, .0thers'',,hy Were MrS'..41i0AM't - - • *re"John Jantieson was receit visitor with, 104 ter, „Mrs, ,Ffoward Earris., 'The Tle*.t. 1,1aetine of the be,:heJ4 at the. , hOOte ;id • Mrs, Ernest :A,eyert..., Directors; Niro. Earl Hodgins And:1Miis Annie 1-ticeters; , Tepie-TunetualitY lIts• Value' TO )1 Mt., McKay -at Fort Vrilliam was read by Francis iviontgemerY; 'A•#er- he usual -business, a• Work ..rneeting. was held' under the d'ireeii011 of the eader, Miss- "Jean IMOritgOinerY, and asstant-leader, liti; 'Robert •Miloo, vvlien,,'OeWirig was , done 'for '4,,1341e be sent North " ' • Has :Beef Sti:hen.• , Mr. ,RoY. Geddes. Who killed a"beef •Dne day last weelc,.huns ,thq 'sections' Of meat out in his orchard to freeZe,. • L.JpOn investigating iVin the Morning ;le found a. large portion*, of, it had been taken :during. the -night.. As yet the not beea-.,;,dik?yered• Rife,' the 0.11. A:- referee from vxerton,:. who: ;accompanied that, (eam here•on. Friday andhandled.the game pointd, out ,that the locals were all wet' m their interpretation tndexeCution-Of • the .thrWard 1A2.4: • --WITH-t1SELL-EVxLiig-JuNionA, dressed to the Canadian Medical AS.•• - •'• Signi. O. .. .•••• , Jicalbr• , 11.'4•Feafti . Will be afiwered,:".,persoinillir7bY ' ter., sedation,- 184 •College ,Street, Toronto • • • , , • • ' •'. • CrIEW1 ' • ' .Mr. And :Mrs;.Wilfred Drennan and family spent Sunday with -.Mr: And Mrs.Herb Stothers: , ' Mr. •Ceeil' Chamney: spent Sater-. day with his .sister, ,Mrs. Raymond, Finnigan. ..,..-Miss_Eileenffreleaven. 'assieting- ant breath is depicted as one who is cut off from , society and shunned as if he or .she were a ,leper. Robert Thompson Thompsbn,a student at the 'Ontario School : for posk and third baseman -on the local ball team...while' spending his Suniiner vacation at his 'borne here; has :signed, up with, theBellevflle Junior , ,.0.*11„ A.- team Thi grOup,,. inciudes, BellevilIe, Madee; C,aniphelOrd and', Trenton... In a •let!..., ter' hoinelrie states that .the„fitianager "Stew" Pender'S-heme was in, Wing antiand•that.•.,,he ..had, played hockey 1 hgaig . Mr. 'and Krs, JosePh 'Hackett' fel' ns• LucknOw, nukinmentionof f;months'. • The pick or the ptick•carrier.-Must pe, the first•over .the..,first blue line; ae .stateS. This appears • be a more 'sensible ratng ,ancl,Prevelits a Player rom loafing around 01.c -centre, iee overcome:the_•. , W. NI: §4. Meeting The ,W,M.•S. of :St. AndreW's United Church held their .JanuarY meeting in the church on Thursday, with Mrs.. Wm: Mair, 1st; 'viee=pres, in -charge Miss Sarah Buckingham . read the Scripture lesson and •Mrs. Dan Si McDonald 'offered prayer. An; account , of the (it Dr.. Oliver,7--vvas given by , Mrs. Tom SteWart, and', a ,talk an.-.!`Ternperance,"'" by, Wil- kinson: :The' Meeting :closed- With OuYer: 14y .Mrs. George Meciney., Car and Buggy 'Crash • On ...Sunday :evening. ;.'ear . . •, • • driven .bY-•:°Jarnes1 ' ,.:owry crashed :into .a.'hOrSse rind buggy driven, hy Ani- brOse7:_Garable en., the 15th sideroad a shoif] diStance' sinashitig one ,and causing ,the , , horse to run -a asi. When' turning the .• , • • , eOrrier at Queen, and, Huron streets, the librae" ' crashed • iiitO••:the js pciiriP'-at'thec-Commereial'.1:1Otch•-eauS,- .-ing.curisiderable damage te it. Neith- er-..of.',..the,,j3oys were :Injured: Presbyterian 'Y., P. S. 1. • , • It has always 1-heeirt, quite clear ,that a pass, could not be made . from •the 'defending .0) the neutral zone, ff. opinion that'theY could leaf, about atlYWherelit-41.1e,11.t..r,4 zone and re- euve a pass, Once it was carried.'Over he lst, blue: line. .tbe nanies of McCoy: and Johnstone ;Mrs. Tait ;is visiting hei ' sister, - :A newspaper 'Clipping': has ;the 'fol. Uri.. H...1. Blake. • wing to 'say 'about Bob: 1• :.' Mr. find. Mrs: .John Kilpatrick prid -Manager .`4Stew" Perder, of the Keith spent Sunday with •friends at B.elleville-,-juniors announced-. this Donnybrpoh. . . . 2, ' morning that he had -signed • "'Bob' I Owing to, the: illiiegi .of the Pastor, _Thompson, iloskY dsfFacemall . •.froW the 0.S.D. to team with "MaSe" Rig Rev D.. McMillan, Mr.:: Walter Tre- hY at Trenton , tonight. The 'accluisi-. leaven bf, Lackno* took the . servige at Crewe ;Sunday afterneon.. We hope tion of .TkonaPsart ' :gives ' the -. dubs' Mr. McMiilhin 011 be soon able , to be three' hefty 'defence 'players tri'RigbY, Hogan, who is at. present' laid up around among us' again. :e• ,, Eadie. DernOnstr,ationiHow,0: make artifi.cial" HOvvard „ROIL Call, i„Dont"0,„. for : the Slick Robin,I4unch COM.; .Mrs : Harvey.' Ackert,Mrs Abner Ackert, ,Albett„ ThOirriPSem ..The ,COmniunity Club bed tbeir l4terary. Friday, January.„. gout.,,% the'. nieeting:Opened, with „the Maple', Leaf., Irograin; as folleWsi'violin solo ' Mr.; Elliett" Johnston; ;recitation :by' Mr. 'Harry,. Jewitt; Oahe duet, Mis- ,Edna BoYle''' and Margaret Mal - Debate, "Reaolved. .that hdi- vidualisni is more Beneficial. to' the development - of Civilizatipn,.... than ,SOCIAJLISM,. affirm., . Donald Sinith' and: 'Mr.. John.:•Shields; p**., Yir.'jaMes,mtntgornery and 'Mr..Win. MacKay;. The negative sid,e ,Viron the . decision of the rjudges,..•Mis.• Miner A.cicert, 'MessrS Ernest Ackert and ." •"^......7.4", • WM:1Statters; solo, Mr, Wmtre0-1n, fourna,l, Mr. Richard Baker; "pifirr.e; clubt,;1Viisses Edna Boyle and Mai v;aret. Malcplin; harmonica SO1O; Mi. . , , Wm ,Brewer," Meeting „closed ",with •God-4Saye1the King: • Program Com, , for. the next .:.three- weeks, . •Miss. Blanche Hamilton and 'Mr. Frank Thompson.; " • Mics.. Miner -,Ackert and lack, Mr. iy,Irs. RPbert MacDonaldi, Mr.', -1111-rs:-Vin..71:LEadiei;-.•Doris.s and Lorne, Spent- Saturday 'evening- at 4rs, Rachel. 'Culbert's; 1.0th, Con': ' Mr. Reggie. Brown spent' Sunday• at his home in-Wingharn. - nee the. puck. is carried. •over this hehowever a' player.may PaSs •to, another PlaYer at any. point in 'the' 2entre ;Sone, provided he was with or behind the 'play `When it crossed the blue ,.line. • , • ,;-„ • •Last .night's exhibition gairre',. with kincardine.bia, to, :he' postponed as, seyeraLt,..clays„_,OL„'".real *weather Ilas'playedAluivde With the ice in the rinliew • - • Halitosis is. disagreeable, and it •may be,so offensive as to keep people at a &stance. it is 'shop true that the victim is usually unaware of his con- ditiOn but as to whether or not there is greafAiluctance on'the part • . .. • „.. with an injured ankle and ThompSOn ' - Mr. 'Jack Curran . Jr. gni' inrc• Bob ,is..e. „tall' rangy, kid -.weighing, Kr. and Krs• :*Herb Curran.° ' . .abPut. 175 ;pound ... and, st'iDds'ea§g Saunders spent .Sunday evening *with- -.. 5 foot 11. inclies..The lad from the .Mr. and Mrs. Shadrack Rivett have ' S.D. ,can skate well and:knOws hen purchased the farmi formerly Owned ' • to handle a 'hick: by Mrs. Canipbell, about •11/2. miles • south .,,of 'D.Ogannan, and.,,took ' Pos; ' KINCARDINE • WINS AGA Luelino* Loses : In. Lakeside Tema When Kincardine Scored Tiwce..In 'Final. retied' , ' ' ` ' • . - - with her son; 'Mi.' Wm. Eadies..- ..'„and-Mrs:.:_,Dair ',MacKinnon:7-c: The' Y. P. S.; of .Knox''•Preabyteriari . • spent , Sunday at..Mr: Allister' 1iughes Miss Marion McDiarmid spent the."' ' • • . church,' heldtheir meeting in, tife,....,,;;eek,end •with : Miss Annie l'HUghes. 'Sunday School; :roof:: 'The Devotional . • , committee had . eh ige. After the •°opening-. '.1iyinn, Rev. • R. M. Hanna offered prayer 'and Annie Bell read 'the Scripture lesson. The ininute,s of 'the previons meeting Were read ,and , adopted. Miss' Margaret . McLean had the. 'Conic, ."Seeds Light.'' 'A: solo was rendered by 'Miss Edna '.McLay. „Mrs. John. Colivell. lIplyrood; 4t.,.1. -tall'', at tbe, stere. we :will 'lad to to hand. her"a' prise; • Mrs, Colwell la' One ef • the luckv1orieS this: mOnth in a draWing :contest we',com. ,iuct for AdVertising•"nurnoses, onlv THE ..:MARKET STORE' Session about a week ago.' Their son . • , • ' of ,farnily• of friends. to inform Jack has -taken possession of- the . • . • hiin of the fat,we do not know. , home, farin: .(•• • With a ;weakened .teatiri., due' to the: absence of Agnew' Agnew. and 'Bill HenderSoil 'LuCknevi, ,snifered, n 4 to...2 defeat,:in retiiiri•';exhibition game -played, in Kine'ardirie on WedOeSdAY lastr,. At, that•tf10. 1,(Ta1 ,nahda it interesting „thr Kinearidne WhOgained'their two , , goal margin lit the,lna1 round. "Munrto cl" :openedthe r 'mar ine oppne he scoring An the first period on .!rciat'i behind' the net by Mahood but, WOCITIC!•113RcH Miss Fern Thom of Wipghani spent: the ieek- idwitb:,MiSs Janet Craig. Mrs:: Annie Henderson of .Powas- 'sari is viSiting, her •4'unt Miss Chris tena •LaidlaWand other7.relatives.;:•- . ,Smith and her."• daughtei from the west are „visiting with Miss Maria' Campbell: ' • Mr. ,Beth' Gaunt, ,..Spent...".the week-' 'end at Auburn, with With: bis sister, Mrs:. , Mr and MrsI'DavieForrier spent • n• -few: days ,lt 16.4 . Week With ' their. daughter, 'Mrs; John 0 ROSS-I:Of • Huron", Miss' Freda Rintefil us spending. awhile with. her ,aunt,',Mra,„.Denald McDeriald ,St. • -The W. M;$.-._Of...the 1Lesbyte1tan , church held' the , day of prayer._ last, "flinisday with ' good attendOnee present. „ . • There •Will- be a, Scotch coneert in. the Wornen's InStitute hall •Ori•F,riday, • Mr.*: ,Warner ,IFinlaystin of Detroit ttnd :Mi. ;Chester FirdaySOn; 4th4cOn,. spent Sunday 'at Mr. Homer •Harris'.• • ' Mr. and Mrs. John: Barr Doris and - Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald spent Monday :evening Mr. Thos.., 11 Harris' '_ • Mr. „arid Mrs. Eldon ,Eckenswdler • After-Alie-*elesingliy-ntrip-the+-paAter . . pronounced, the :benediction. , 111ePherio,n's.1 . •"' Rec. C.:N. IVfackenxie,':is Spending two, weeks. with friends at .Hamilton, POrt Perry and Aylmer. During his ahsencei,, Rev.Jai). Little Of Rock; . wood, is taking charge ,bf the per, -vi.ces at Ripley and,. oliVet for,' him. : Mrs. john 2SCOtt, 'Huron • south Onderwent a "'critical : opeiatien,,in Victoria 'Hospital • :London on Satir. r less than 5 cents an issue Let t be your weekly letter to those 'away from home Wes. Ithsten equalled h; ,count feW•;secorids later., on a' 'shot, from right .witig: Munro:also accounted ,for, Kincardine'acsecond vial in the sef, encl.-stanza, .An • dY hompSon 'getting the equalizer two minute's later, when . , he dtew Riggiul out Of. the `net atter, Stickhandling,: through ;the, .defenge. Norm., MacDonald put Kincardine. One uP.shortiy atter the third period op- ened, and,.. MUrray • Graham. added another:half:Way through the :stanza 1, :It'i1e?,,Oi.l.ine'-'0041,4iggin11-,4efe.as.e, ternateg •J.: M. CDOziald, MnhOod• • .. . . day. l,ateSt :'reports state she is, do- ing 'as well AS:can" be expected, ; Misses- Dorothy Geddes and Doro- • thy Irvin of Kincardine, visited Mr.' Samuel Hamilton 4:-.wer:. the Week -,end. •Mr. Floyd: Stinthdee..ol the.„Cem;. Mercial Hotel; whe Was ill, Is. able , ' • • , : ,tO •be . about, agam,, 3vening, when' a, good 'program • .)eing prepared. •Eyerybetiy welcopie. • Ebner 'Tiffin sold the Cottle 'property. last week ta*Mit'‘JOhn ,Gaurr" and.,moved back to Winghatn. , LECKNOW 'and 'WINGRAM . • R -1!te't.trei .liertM‘LtIePOnald.. . : tneknOW1,,:,'L GOal-trinlaysOn;'Di- ferise--.0lierie and Medartney; tn • \* De , , naIdngs- Isrit, lius- , ten"! Altrnates-Cttatelton A Th Pharo 4 MAFEKIDIG •. The P.S.f Blake. Church haVe arranged for a Concert to . be held in • Blake .Hall; Friday evening, Jan 27 A, play "Twe. o -f aKiev full of Ifun will be given •by some of the., local _ young folk; and an hours varied pro- gram, .conSisting • of fnstrumental Music; solos and readings contributed by: Mr. '1). 'Mckorran of. Lucknow, Dungannon yoing folk; and • other, neighboring talent; :should make: ari attractive entertaininent, Admissiofl 25c •t and 1e. • --Mr ald Mrs. Jim •iittizner 'and 'Mr. The YoUng,..PeopleES%Saciety-of St. '; - and'. Mrs.. Will Fineh. of Stratford, , Andrew's United were fav- were 'guests of and Mrs.' Herb ; „ ' ' ored With an address61:1:"The' e, an'Sunday , -krniY Crusaders" by Captain Aylan Ny110' is at present supplying in the , Ripley 'and Port -Albert , Anglican .• , , Churches: • •• •• • •• onttmental Works • • Litek'llo• w',,,.9nt. ,Has the 'largest and most coniplete stock •iii.,the most beautiful designs to choeee fiomi • • MARBLE, • SCOTCII, WEDiSH AM), •.,,FCA'N'AZIATs/ ItAVIT.r S; a • SPVdaiti'•of Oamilv MonainciitS sod iliVit• e ,onelpspetion. ", .4 • ' Inscriptions' NeatIo. Carefully And '•ProliptlY Done. .ger um lefore. nlitelmr, your ordet. ° R. A. Soottot• ,Mr. and Mrs. Geodfrey 11A11 atten,- .ded '.the :funeral of the late 'Norman 1 Lockhart: of Auburn to ,BlYth ceine7:.; ; tery Wednesiltiy afternoon'. , ..Iiohh .attended Misses 'Pearl ThoniP.s9.. nand Nerhe the;f•ti.,riera:.,`, ..C.aranOchan at tuelinO* , Saturdayt.,'" • ' • Miss OlivO Collins of the, Centin-, nation school., staff, ,is lecuperat.nig :pletetheit.lbutinegs course.. We.;wisri,, Friends - fromin .: an attack thRipley and ; Vicinity ',At.: em.rs..:1).Re'leelssar.altirheir:aohyxiiii sto.en'anilid,lcia•elicsii -.- ' Cranston who have been home fer. „several weeks, practicing' typing,• re- turned to London;*Monday, te corn- , .tended 'the' flineral of -the' late Mrs. ' - Jelin -sten visited' relatives' at Anb.urn,. 'Cliarlea•Sheanenh BerVieto• n., Menday last. "• •." • Mr, Finlay Shackleton of Priceville spent the week -end at his liorne, here. • , • Miss Harris of PriceVille •wa the .,.SECOND • CONCES$ION • John ', MCDoligall•• anent .:gest-ef Miss' Alice Shackleton this eyrnine john MeLean's: week -end.: viSiter Wh Farniers. in this locality las'r,e been: Th6infis II„entst. •a tr�ubled More Or legs with •doga M Alcx nd rt Hark- vvorrying kilBng, their sheen.Mi. rStanlev. a'Robe, nets . ted reeentIV with Clarence ' , ' ": •• Geie dersueeeded shoot-; •rWA and fio,en' dIi'lrna • , • t . PStone 25$ '•ktiOW. • ' ' , • 0+.1t -MondAV, • at ItieleY, VisititiP* rirkl, Mfg, blIVI(41 . of • Whifechnrvh",.*t_IISitel a ew (1..,,tS • itt ttif; )101110-, of ,Tohn r • .1\ Frank -.rind, gbfe'r " t fternc „ ing one:. dead tin„maiming another last week: He caught theisi anong his, flock of 'slieen: a -rather &Actin feat We are glad, to Tenet+ the finproved health 'ffe'ir,' • carnooli ...taverteri W'ho''w..ta•oopOne:d•-•••to,,,4h Ekee• lionse„.•last ' ;. migs .(11,th the y r,q„: took Charge -rot -file , cer • • ,Mr. rnqS 01/, rt,,olii,‘,.`,or "4‘41,d, .".61iNif; 113ake, C:•:tavero'r'-' %Mr. nnd, MTS. Ifowtti snent r •in hr' nsnal &Av. with Mr; hba Mrs; • Prank Cole .t6P1(' Intret,4 in; ,n Dr4 dcat, lonY.. • ta , r,