The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-26, Page 4V TTFIRN ............ b TH R N., V 4T r*01 "OW 7111 V IN$T TUTE , Q E S. LEtTER FROM 14 AN #A, (Continued from, VAg,6J.. LuCKNOW NT11NEL (TOO late'for ress b� th( T 6 Women's� it the: �M' tV hq Institute met, otry 'm , ", 17, ker, .6" ` -Thursday A. C. Agnew; 'with the St.. 4,peq m�rnlnt, hQ'40 of '" lis. 111 ab�o Sociali: Ar (�O�4WPO­ li�d e�ery. esidihit. Mrs. V., J.': DougI itten'� Tliq, mpetin W I argo I W a,nce, of' mem ers 4 h There at' 10. t�49 nowi - Ontario. t e Was a t I t �de'nt :atti e d knil several Via' - MCA', t4de'in.' Wes s vidse T,hd'toll call, was" 411.. �enziO';r-,Propriet r'. r nt. vik4n, that the, . ol -jri& by. A New Year's,Rps con olutiow. SWX psow,-, Publisher, -of . a,;, ufilpss th0y,-chaxi gpi hqy@ 40 _.mv p9i be!', 'Thom A , n.q. correpi)9ndence: Included notes.� O-Im those aUvreciatiod 1i who- had . ec��om` or pr 933, bpen,' refiiember�d, at'.,Christmai,:�bi T Vild ta.turdi% J h so f ep AY, ey, wei - , , -a � ill. - otheri ,bpt� crit, 6a),' though' while,' 'ked the Inititute versonall.y.' t 6t e tq',any 'propos�is' for s t regs.,-- Mrs. Clarke, The, 11 see v.' -t than Q.-HURCH: No 9 TES k lution. 7 edthe members, for t4e, gift 'of' 4 q AMES DUNN* W t f eived ;n, rer, I h #!]post; n pri �g 411 or LT 'ted', Church Y. Pf 9,�' : , :, .. ", Eut BRENDEL 0 S lainn Which slid had x4�e 'co' f services of, the. .Dast faring prod d- Amition, 'o -and POOT& MALLORY uce.- op.. rnq;;gagoq "ve.�, d -'night' eight years., Thp.tc6mmittees,app Is Wh program on: Mon ii n ce ing to, a, ;qre, at' reboit' n, 'a cheer' 'Mr. d t6,*ext.erid,Chri ma Lite c9m. Le Wa�, in charge., of. tixia e;4ry andy� �7 0 sf,epon- 'and toys., And. a clbth.-- A h Coldwell,, over, $25 'pei-� ­acrei, ld bAvin,ir benti-boxes, of fruif..c After singin& the o�e4lfig. ��mn V, large' bale of. country is. in, .,about the w 0111 Y:" C This,,, ed in �,praym_ The ink, t. Home!", 'i-� -w.as Zent, t6` Chippewa "Hill., t C 66 that was 'po A Rovialitic, bmic 'con itjoh s� was'- decided- to' ha4 -in, 4dA as' reao,, 1) Pm nearly''busted by,�' $cripture opsoal own Ha to Xnake: - , - , � w 11 on Feb. 10th. Ap. Y Ism: :wide in 1he i a `bf 6P.1asi.. 6elebratP,, qviniver�4,;Yk (I, spit�,�, of. �a 1, es. cnou,�h.­- th T. t the." 25ih p .3pre �, - L npw� -ASO 'b �,orgsnizsrior, X -adopted.,Tsie, - the, h ng were - regiff And of . t e:, ,lead rs lieVq -that i -t er 1. C45gimittees 'were 'ii. of "the!.: fting,was,% tTan'saAe&, branch of thc'W. RIPUTS� + comiii be if h qq .1.1 gerieral Arranze- 'B d�prqssIo4,, lasts Aong ..,.9-pou to me Y�t', apn6inteA *to* make OR NOT TEVE IT d' m'ents for this. It, was also %cided the roll was called.'Xrs.� Jo 'in line wit OX our� h fo'rce sQffie 'n 'riges: in A0 '' Peded. cha eer wbatevert'Ai�: to fall E*S' in. the, district prese' in the ftit re made nt: socia. sys e ure rangpmen s Aj. rendered. look an Dr.. Trq,ea,vpn 16ri the, snec nice inz. r It s rea pessim- I' t, s b igl�t. Studen ial summer kq�rtdtte.jhe tO WEEK-' ays "TiIe"tife and �vhi�i,,..,�illl,:b.e.iddrcss�d by a sPeaker' sin is, 6xpi� Aen.' Some, one eni An i devartin - pterr -6" Works,'. -'Biabmiall' �was -abli'taken jja -from the predicts', ARE .1 1. . I I _ - * L Z that d" estini feature Of the meetin was a Ski CEA TRACY 'goo Ime "a of the' by.,-.11iIdredL..TKe eaven., e th' World 19 round,#e ornergo. In'spite ebate !'Itesolved that S. Mrs,� Jbifit and, JOAN PENNET 'student he: e ttinx �'Bettei e,U� in t 6 singing of'several Scotch e since� the 19th_Cen, The� affirmet' pas 'ably'uv- fact rdly h : ­ , . that WeateTrk ive m a� Lillian Horne� conauqed he� turY. ere -money f neXt, -4ong! heh b�,ter and. Mi" n Gal, or 'the I b�v Miss Haz6I We! e h . �h , . gro p, games, and t e* &g of the, MyAle'Lee.,and the negitfve%bVMrs. -�oe Gd(fin and his. �vtfi -had dobts, meal, is, coming from they u -Hiiiton afid M s, National '.Antliom,. broug t �thie.� meet- Wes1cm, h R 1. r6� t e, . el�._ , leaven., Man'.9' h d skating -pa#7 Was 4 bout le, -w�, .., .', ' iplendid voin a tting� tho,'childreq 'go ope, Ing:. scl�pol. t very 1en* 'to. A,� 0, he6ugh o give,,.p -time, for mak.7 se., A e6ple out-'bv 'both ides. but d- ed b large��number of in' Irol", t d a, .,an surd" ing :'nec6sspTSr 'a justinents- in u �ftl`y y 1� bv 'the ju gei poi,hti,d bz�tid d" _4hd Mrs. -Mrs PARAMOUNT. McInnis SoeOn,, Wedpimda:� Geddes,, -favor of, enough, about two o' Ock; it sociaVoiga'niz C.� H. hich MacDc d 'was, in Ada xer re ealimbrits gas, the n Arehi Camerh .9, �'Oft:tlie. train eerybod �ignt last f eg#tive 6ien terribip'Storm. y Is talking, M, Mi. 'and "Mrs. 0 ro -by �p. )Xjqxe sery M reconstruction tb�" sFh6 I duot was contributed Mrs. C sdci -at' Twol,'iien liss Madeline M vWte lid. Mrs'. ier4iy �v4ried and so 1[6ndiick, - and' c- Ripley. w. ith r. a. ai in posit6 me are, heat6dly­*c6m�l' ttv dance by, Muriel 'Moiran. an a I I 'd Guild Pre d' froixi� a he th6ught of il t PY69byi(trian, Patterson. C6 Artho Cook,,during the. w ' ee 9111 'WaS . -his wife. 'T ab th rninunit4 singine, 'was o&' miliat they �say. 1q., e, 1aqt 'the men n b r in, Loch& sh, 4, n the Piesb�ierii The _'Guil .4�.McXendriclr -at t Mr., and Mrs,., Ll6kd. the, tel6phone.- Be, talldd Jim Stokis c1l.loved with.Mrs in, Diian�' X vote of thanks- Was e) rs during. 032. 'big P�ofiti have, be' iomrw with _m And M' Nu h. on ­Mon 0., 0 t e.tw d.' si t the hostesi and to All who jive's ju'pt 'down the roid fi6ni h basic, an c y: evening. 4as h t r made .6 0 00 W e school in -mk par d ed."him to watch- e, T ine rAnt, Ma th:' necess ies' 'of lift- ­bread. and, milk, t in t e 13rogri ten. y hem. was. closed bv, sms uAr s.-�Wm. Martin -and, EtheY'atten. 30' 5h tit dr A 0 01. r pr d -bfiL 9gram,was prepared b A whr fo;:_ he ch,i w 800,900'. peop, e in. na a, were 'Psalms, 3., Leaf," rVollo*ing the singing. of' can A s6�iiLl nen visit''Y . hour spen I.. f. f .1 i . . M meeting at. Mrs. on -re )i rere served. -The nex ! 6 '.'eddeation, 're res xPen s,� be h Od on jp, ure, rea I Febhiair�, rs. Mi' tis I ding, .,the e If process f 'dea,, the U.F,.W.O. sid ater "Jim Lind 89,- -the k§ez' I T�u day. nrneetiiib�. will R43 ast., home ii" tl�ese 'go on, 'pqoP at '-w Wil. by e, POPV 3rd.9'ihs&ad of ihe,100�- the �ack. "416 had the childreii in, his, a dirt situation., And, Miss Anhe McDonald As,'baek ouh e'' under4a JOY'n in g4n. �any­: ki chet -s d -w tis cer- B4 a, t of Mrs,., t af ar w. as read , by,� W� Stuar �.,Rob an after, with the' .�eing laia'-uli one"', 'can th nkful wo now., intelligently 'Was e The Lord's' prayer� re... hete unison and'hkiiins- a got a 9 ieli�: �r wsu : tuonj, ter, &30 ertso wheft.',re�6onstruc onYh resent, %at 546 And Out - I�Bob'ie 0 "M sung� The. t A In' jj,Was a,,vi3itor Wi han. ast in fr6ni of dir&tory. lonjL: for funera. o n giyen, 1) rs. Msoi�d the rru 2 Vj , rhnoe YL h hi's wite reel' 1ber''of: indications 0 a reneweid::6' 36r s'l 'We ' a �wel few days�, r d ite topic, W!tL Satur. With' the nd SMI wan vi sited, noni., kre� �4 er tereA Poop e axing., -played garter fid rs. eo quPs ions, MI, an- e Sweet W "be -Afton" I&I-Ne riT&_rymeetiiilj_-6f 't it M rgg t onestr h i rward -answetg�.% &.1.generad skra glitfo, -which was.,'Written by,43urns A vin 'men' ill -be 'held -at Mr6.. it - Inatitute:1w st �t)I6 Oxf4d' intere in 'c�up e., o ac� osment', t oug Vj 6idia `toldi.. Ii 411d Roll -:7.Articlis ni4de 'fron -Mr.- and Maitin, Via, e( keVed dd a t d 'a'nj TS�L ide r6. for.,dn 119nest-, an U 'r oj� �'Sub d'rin with' r. own6n. fiank�.facirkg� o 0 Was;, . `CAnst . da's ProgrP_5Sj, Maitim Sac ;Week' M 1 X playe& a,'dips6riptive Flout f 4th" c the, religious coin, R. 1 p sition, whi 0 -in -of life. On' Sunde�' wer g aboard' the: at Miss,'Msirv' �Codk. nurse Mis� W.- 1. Miller -Mrs. Jas.� ntl 'numbers rete nui-4, 1'P TWENTY-FIFTH 4tK CQN'il� iuuqb�- appreei' Pilo, also- �.an,- ',encore e v site Pie ANj1S SS ar, WI ain charg 'of Miss Mary Murray Host. Empress:b _ja Id, at;%ber, ho Van and:� a ai :ag e *isbinj to -sen -.an& Mrs. Grant urnIW I wl Mr. the, Orient..,ItAi -WEI) I 0 XG: ANNIVERSARY'.','.' D' thOS ell, received as follows, Martin- of Par a�_ Done da T in pson 131 0 e . osp.k a. p. ease. ring and:,Douel a si nx. an, m.,i 'the- wid6r%vie that he h ns, to% this ineeting..' mount,. sited.. last' week it' Mr.' R; and rocking S ir M' I" 'I, b las� it, Canada irs-Aftnes jik� the but t 111g W '4nd ndrey . ..... . to 'b6d Henders6h..,'afid. by Mi. their .130fore, 1: Went 4oh o 'Mr. nd Mrs. D IiWiai�As H 'be 01 Mrs-., �:6eorge 'M a. e- therL funeral of'..Mrs. MieXefizie- 'at. �C how long.; it was. mariin's.., , , - -e - Y'r r and , rs ounting.9 uPL 0 and, togbtber if ison; " Oung were We s r1afid, I Iii ion is to., con puej we eel' :we 'd F M6PdAV y urne row k",. -visit I Since: 44*. iind.-T :_Mf Martha'.Suthe s spend[ ti piano. duetL b' orene d wee , it, W at t th RiDlev I ddi it.' hN vears., ijig' a' few­.,dayl, W ess, true,to Canadian': ideals And "I firi& Fe' an&. twPntv 1P 9 r.�) -aiel not 1 9 Mc�illipz And' Blii�ch� friends, in Wi Dick Creech. V, e: -R. th, Wm.: h i 0 'd 9' niefe `.'jie:.,was, t e sits a�& John viF. wi �h 'tIv heece ,!And 'I Ilse --ttia' -'r n �Of unianitY., Mcb6"Id And Jack,, McCall, a& �viol ja . , 41414 ana: a, icanno The Ja'nuar'V:ir�ietiiii of tbe-Par4t. fieq,div her broukiii'ine herself Aldne. To,Ar.# Aq.zo The main the*,' progrom.,M�Ijnt Uy.W was! fortune- to, fall a held -it,thoh6me k 'h nd - iier'wrist.. �to -is 0 d b Edith Snuth* alsO".a tidi how we tolled.t6:,ma e a orre. "Mpanie. bfAhe Weekly ing­of, t Yol V' 99 -of, ai meet, ang. of esP V' Tbi"' eeV Pf an ' ; illustrated foll6weA tj !op e"s. Society llh.,,The rneetiftg,_�'606ed And worked,,fioin'm4rii, Miss� Ch rtsOnj gel'e�tion bv T, We 'took our _bq orning' we. :a, he, orchestra, . . . . . . . . . . pley re' d �fiofne,'after' spend1ii- is - In w6kehed. and load:`t6kether. 'Id tdrine, Th e y ;p v sing, V ie d rayer. b� the Ode. Th t f d h'itil our I 'Africa.; the, W�eather ke b' Anid vulled'wit In ght. e milit] e Iiii the. singing' four.t 'out"oj .see no -a ew ays on 4,the C,�the itiifi� to, t r ho Ot The 'children. '0 adorted The'se eta", ­L 13-11 many ut' those e *eye read',and cr �arne' si' tb b Aiiiii: hoar4r6st. on,,prah4 pr sent tle MCQUillifiL is pending CjjrIAt it :L� 1 L . r � ' '' 19 - Meg: n An noi e t yeso we 'jraWd -our little `family,- a f W',dey'S w rg..Wes' ncej­ con es e "Twigs were c; ;h 'all 66i fii d e ,mush-room4;k were amp y%kopald Pekili'letters of Miss. -Myr and 554.A�'the atten ir q eat e ith L s,, n d� 1,0-r sent Mrs. Hackett, - MA inj.�,-Iintern slides.,,Froln i� Sadie -Cameron 'Miss' A -lice d n6w-fall6n S. L St cture heiltl4v� gifts �aniI oys. umps 1 cappe wi, )X b I TueS Mr L.' -John McDona Vvisite(t ahead., ell." we gAihered.:: th a�L, the; 'natives of Mrs�. dainDb' 14aeKendfVJ,.'- in, the snow -bound' R6ckies, buti. he gArkwell. -Mrs. Jae'k,. thiiifit', ejnL� L C amoftils -in the rougho, Millef.:Mr out on dim'. ines'Of fit trees,a d or a ,*en a. 19331 and Mks. :kPid. rne.'4j6H tajl'Waq. but ",diamdndi,suid'.en6ugh.11' A mem. We"di Conimai&: day,vi h ..Mr. utheildrid. q1h t t And't6.1love.11ii, blessed namei to -ens rbuded:r�$priftg­ nsW It ;was decided, all thrr.o6ghout 'their 6�rship'drive h' d eked bv Jok6s. inr,t e mi , mist Oh, Upon in the. ext,few Weeks. have, sed of, in'the ar the r val ey :'nouhtL Hall anuary, 27th..: Lu oWill be. niovidid.­X full revort 1,_The''..January. m6eti�g of like atnibspbe c.'of 'the n Be' For*ardeff Ap 0 More. has een adopted'. An Attendance Of b' Those lessons maV remain.' W.O. wits held at the horne of Mr We'' find urse ves � onq, 1war plieatioh " Contains, ' M Any Illus-, me at'lea' t ers- for ft Y was 0, , e� aci e F!actS.L c6n�entl6n;1feld at Toront6� Middleton e t'h 'P W Oriental sid rki. ion's'' An rmatlie thd: Info memb n. I.. the: Id Ot drink. but h6n kee,fit, W 'Ofide we:came. to bitter h an att ndance Not jmmediate'�obje6tivp, to -9thel ''Marti of twenty er� pre7. .. 1) ' ' * L' * r,,, , ae eiVen .:bv w, Feb4 th Chart tt 'Ater. ' Statistics 'be. C a anquet and scenerk. make The Domint darr ibis'�.Aide..- Th similarity �of, climate- bir thi_dejeiate. ur,n Wells of W �u e d aOne ':thin at on Mrs.' qcO �S RTd,RL Solo. bV §cOre and, t sided'' And the %meetifig" oPene, vublieAtion of tte nPalms.' three e ruary; The, proc da of the",.' anqt vote of tba . k8 M ee b iet IN was given . rs. c- alFthe Pacific sjut big b- the ��Openlng,Sohg" Lind ke_� a r pon fte 'Intosh the:� use 6frher h6m dangwith,�'Oreseht, c rc age ymnarie ea with rain, i os6d by gink, G,6d''SaNc I 96cie Pa. recent'' pporess. in thi for the. ty.� 'The,. Ki Wift a dav' is dark,' right '' 1 1, 1 \ I ' ' '' L, 1�- . �'Ljovel ' y mount ' a .1933 edifibn' of the�,', official. afibua nd a, . . ' , 9 1., A I alw v� found -it - t At- wpm. 'th tgv. �e'tised �p fine h1,649'. 'prayer in junison. 'wi iris, 'and ha "Ofi_acdounf� of he a s6fice o d on nd The mor w,5 all, th& � b b' f the' on b6th sid ro er. D leg out a�e 'a at'. in,., secre the 'minute 9'L of ']a' reetinrg Wit shin I b:'g oTh M 'I 'H' H'H'S 9 tev6n 9 s:':In I'ft Hugji;,: ae I lari month.; d.L bv the . -on. '11.,have'La Party WeM Vesi, 'we ing w ,ovq It eye,..e neiahborsr. r6and. Introjue'tion of eight 'Pages outlines, And in�R6� the After thd bi t f otb-Th n u ran a �tono ew;qn: o iimate and,. co, on 'tOL e coriv Millar L zravhy' and el -the egq d %the'.LSehiinel. hia And. goybrrimth And we'll -,ior,get,the-itial� nn been omitted time t time'. in this e I -ion, in oT W&V Toronto,,& gave �a,.§plendid kreeiink from dit' derrto make, sento", the The sorrows and the And coufit'�hd:manv�blessings.- fbp t w itv. ,whos6 d. treatment of bich :wb 146 of this' cL0ffiiftu�1 is veii :intere d n orMon, an ret t '& e ar. 'n, o convey 'Material dealing with 'A' d the '�ublishr, i�,'Miihed, tho-'virbrid! situation in��ach6r the d ders 'no , dou t.� � wit Mis�s' Eth b li'Rev.. Mc 'if he, I d' thiolikh adLa4*' nstituti' th wishes for- continued. subcess� in 'That the condmit Conference. ivhicb att6nded �S'L throUL-b" lif,e� th nHelens. g,�tvd a -Mission Field. e W1 M i,.' and Mrs. Pears �hsrChanter 1. Detitili i theiipe� dqm''pbell Ininerial,E E. �'R. B.. St. d 'treat7: VZab n e ents of vh9§es of. er reading I eth ROM'-, :MOMillaii9 9 the :'and Miss iiati'ona-IL -en olo_.. iL J.Moie-W.1th wedding nni�vers.ar- a' " ' ' , j99419 �. soh favored the with deaVour includifig laii6h. Wealth ies oui e nuffi of IiZ6 and' Pr iss, yra Bi 6 s, vinner.,.. try; Water Powers. `60ve �00 seenis'atilte mine it erous'dt thisli he 6'k ioh. Airicultu orei_ isfie em aree -trip to Torojjto"ga.vel�ap..,excel home OA ies Fur kctuiesi' Trans. n'dt ret&ne Ade- Manuft Ion.,,e air, Miss o C Libouk.,- er,'. - , t.L h -Wite, W114her ok not . f, count" --of at in Sundhy,,� t It Eduent, contributor I g the': an hor. aliqudift a, week wit. U give. . a hC U n' The bpok"Jis designed 'to A b'rn .'frientIs 'Well4oundoid--victure; of edOn 0 urrent ev-' Ay, owing. �o the illne f ion. to , i Cahj�141 . -a rOa Candian sit BELFASTr eft S, and Miss Atina. Carruthers rpa4L ua nday-Tu s Rev� 1, Tvien the church, d d. 'and.. to sd a 6me , an . . I I ,, st, some corres e ef . basis pondence wthi�b was -re-: ti , ' , ' I , i . , I service wag", darried' re pq6f� :of'� inf6rmX- rov tt W '�re glad to know thi4' Mrs 9TAN ELI) on e ary. RED-� EL cei,�ed LUE LAB by'' the secret Mrsi. Dan, ti t e -disduisioh of Can and the. auspices', of`ihe 'Yo6n e6r DRAWERS"OR. Co6k,'wbo was llaSt'we& r c a Mkt.; 2: and COMBINATION$ IWO �bf t sid nt, r k� RTS and;'DULA Moved to.� W n m 'nd t M W It orlift with the� business MEN!9 ERS e- g . �k e bnl)v T, A in Particular in. �4th, 6n.r) L 0 le Y. Tber oo i�g In a t 'to, bar..' t e '0 Ver. y singing, al, ord6r dflow"ed' "a I o P'g t h 6' ."usti r ile and brin e ,in, on $1-.0 suit. lan ifts rij Profuse1v �,illus- -All Sizek, CLEARING 7i` E is A6 c pye" I Middle.ibn,,:' gAve' Htintipf,w a in the,'chai.r. The, 'gervice bI It, 'is AT t After com t e' eet- f e MEN LgATHER', '.0 AT9, Ing ht to a,'alosie. �by: sing- the 'Y� 'P. S., p Mir.. , Sidnd in with th6�- Affist' 6 9HEtP`LINEf),:COAT& AT Mr. ari&Mrs 9 was broug with Clift rogram. $6.97 Throughout the hhdbOA`tbe lat r,ien s. rell i n gr the National.'LAh�'henjr, L in. h.:LEATHER' WiNDBREAKK uric ilabl&, informa ion is included ERS AT— 4.�8 8 ton h' t was 8 ith; ic �scripiure. , idna e -Zin remaining, or iad, t iss 'ALL . rIft,mativ EATER 2 .1 9 itchlo' �qrit�AbiYted a 'ALL, SIZES & C6LORg� inr te� se nd .,a social tIM6, r Pontj iach'iecti �061,:,46sso SW jW� xteridinO to the end 'of, 1932,� ILADIES, 1 RSty dasbs.' 40 E DRESSES.. APPlicatiob's for copies 0 'tA e Community was saddened,.. very 'intere§tjrig� �And-'he pful a,ddniss f the�,Iian& t the"Do- DIESI 'CEI.,EN,ESE SILK' DkESS9S. Winlkr': and'Mrs. Wallace Twanaldy of, thijjs�jr�­ death r4 as given a OOL �JER MESS PkICE �Y, Mrs"' ti venet, isbdu]8 be 'Address� ay- ".. - c S 2 to .6 98 w, �n 13tli. S Elt. DRt§§t 'of Wjllj;imL earnbebari,' on on oil, Mr.- atid Mrs. Hetb� Eibev. Lq&now',, spent S stilti 'bau, of statistics Alt eSize,_Plain Whitt Mr. and rs, S., Carn6chn'ri, 'after �13erftice I re recent �o�: �Cheekod is 0 off o LAWE LONG,` DRAW9 RS A rff&� am p T 25c'. 49t. SIT., g an rsi �TW Fred AA- de r', .61) r. �Pef6 of suffering. He,.Wag of A� ona, k r' . C ''b en Naylor of Wa�w,�n- qui't 18p6S1tjL6ng' v�ag liked' 'by 'me -libine' usetrsim. oil to, Egl)­COATS� to. 36 Size'., and! 1, and REAVir'- WOOL,' SOX,. ' . ddfton. , n Or EXTRA ­*AL rou Ved 'It ' 6 , it' d' i ' Speftt"r Sill- ------- 'd erCleAnin rai, Jo �ind­Wgs a atteh ed I, e d; `ahadei,,'tsj spen va,� ay aSt: 4Wde aft dy you I U A With 1hk peknow an In 4� ten� Bery Gardner' 'Ve�stekd r , eg 95c --of rined �'-Albert SAsk., he d on situtiddy"to Kihi b' ' :. .* : ", _' - I 1 9 1, & S -and, I ain T UE. for, 'A �,v au et' tit; d I Helm, ve t e 'L L , 7 �9 I _' N �t 't t t 'E P ulatint, tMri, ',W -mi WebA r Iod 0*,, he -Churt getv-ice a k6ttA� An(r ne Th we're 12,'r TO,' n LIRUWR UGS. f x vt 9 on tUnd "4 church q Goro6o' M Metnnig,,*�L16ytT'-�.'.Tbd�!tl6fi,, Conimun ty are ihvitedr.t6 ther verii-atinovede . ............................... conducted .1 k iicI)6u9a)l-,' b0n, Mdlvdr*,- kptert, " -nd a 'social, evening I zion, hW', t6 PjA with, yout tiii , sbldieii on 'ii 'she sAK tb6ujht.�.,r`toId vou no b -,v . e d"ThaVs. on, T e paiSt6t tt,� h0# r 6 tjbfi­ jb sp r e aur �P sk aa§�.'Abs�nt �wing. s 4 are 04'4 oft itiday; VArdary Le revlie� �b bbv,.� pices I f kv, I t t heni- the SAIVit-' Y 'he Am ti�b­ ne 1ttdies 04ge..Ir nt �,14 '.0 all, - out agaltf. t or ovo pami 8jo -7 ,7