The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-01-26, Page 2're,and. The WOTId at Lar , 'Lion lar lois.&i1, 1.8 Pt and All allthOrItYer-hlan' ches r. Guardian. : , • The' Royal Bank at .Canada •Theemtident. and the general men - ager • ef..the BOyal' Bank .196kforwattl" to the: Yeet ahead" with itontethinglike ePthntftPS, Iteth "Wlth j'allay4 t.6.. their' OWn. 14044010A and the Poulin:too.. 45- • Sir Herbert Heft. pus'. ite• "Prk*Lieopr :94tii.luo,.to.. be dangerous.. .feeling le that 'preseei, lndieetietta. point to,..tho. initiation fa. pultatential• receverYin 4033, if, tt.' teashniblo de - gee. of international .',•.corairten• sense, 'and co-operation ce7n be .essitted" ""'.• •identreal"Pelly. .Star.,' • •• Living "Citits.. Have `Shrunk A..iiroCe47..ti`tin'., in. Mitten: Ont. his .contrested..the'•h*Ying...•poWer,' Of ..the ' dollar in a . meet s' effective:, way. la a Window displayk:. The comparison 1i. made .between ,the ,price :of to -day tiid.those,off.a feW,.Yeli.ns age., • :A beg '''of ,stigar. Costing ;$17.75 In 4,10 „ was.'tistd..as a basis • of the,d1s.• -416,ngSide tiiin'! hag . Was ,nianod A th:11:-,gtoo0 which the kora was, .pre - ..•pared to seI Or $17.75. •.° :.'the Saul°. bag of .sugar;:"Fltaciteges • ..of: shredded ,wheOli 2:of :corp. flakee„ pound of teit;. 2 .pounds.. Of coffee, d: • cans 'or salinen-,1; jer Of Pickles,1. .• jar . .• ..• of olives 3 cans' of tomatoes 2 cans •of. corn,, 1 ..package meal,41": package ..Cake flour, 100, • pounds ficatt,,, 2 pack- • id baraof temp,. '3; cansef, •alier,, 1.. can: ofbaking pOWder, 1 lot Macaroni, k "cans. ot 4.:battlei ketchup; 3 peek.. .of „Corn. • etarch,, • .2- .poutichi of, oieise; 2 packages of oatmeal, ,Z cans. hetti.!' ' • • •• " rnly. the...04 ,of. lying has- sbrunk erkehly.--•atiii1t"Ste::Matie:.07*-7E7 !elk' BrIght."SPeta. • . 7 . t einnot trillihfitilibe said' that .1932 as a goof:V4er for :Canada' but the Poniiniett 'did:remarkably Well deapite. ' the: s.World-iirido- Iew tictafrOia which MAY be 0444,4, •-ed.:i-litteraUnteminte,""cif-CinnfOrt;•TAtet ..year • „ Canada:. •:rettiinedi• Werid.leader.,- shiP In the.'..e.iPort, of Wheat; printing. , • . • p•aper,. asbestos ; was Second In •gOlt• ,platinum, and Cohalti' was 'third. hi': .fourth inautontobilei and ada' cencluded.the yeai'With.te'faiot- ' able, trade -balance • of"..$50,600,000 cOn-. ;treated' WithaTlinfayetehie'belalidif4f 14000;094 in".1931Hitohener' DIiy xteC6i4.'-•••. • y• " Publisher/ Feel Stress • . .The ' .0/hawit, bailY"•..•TiMej, : 'changed ooni•dOly. PfibliCatOn. to three; tithes n. week rtnd be„lastied' 'days, Thini(days,,. and Bettirditys; ,and ;one: does not need";tolreed the„puhlish- 'Or'a.annoulicemeutto realise .that the change', has ,pothe. abeot 11,4pr '03.*Ory 'other 'Poisible,ratatia of, retrefichnient lias.keen. tried. -.It is pointed 'otit,.that the,' Tiniee started, 'publication.as. a •• dailyin'.3025-dirCitriiirtrineeince that t4h:;.,hfiv.11) -a0y ''dividends been taken out of tlie businese „' • • .•: •It hat been a problem for Many' pub1Ishorto continue putting -Out a • prO,duct of kigk calibre, witk.dimktish.-. .ing.reKel2aAal, but It may fairly be Said /latAbeAlialitY of .the avrage news , .papo still. le • unimpaired "'!andthat whea everything Is 61teePer'.0p•AVer hefere; there still ls nothing •so cheap or necessary aa your daily ,newsPaper. .•'.7141ttgara. •F'alfit Revl�w..".' ' • •ihtIn • —777". • ' • 4,4 Enough ..1 • •*e Itond.er why many ,people . . .peli.aoxIou,t, to. soono the Winters in 'Florida. The: Garden' Of Cafiadar.ii surely enough for anyone, and . • . .. . , les:Only ten,weeka.• to the. Oat 434' "°f• s1716g715t.': Catharines . Stand- ard, • • • • Emplre .:M Iiligration."scheMea place , , unemployed in unpoPidatedarea's' la‘ different ;Tali of Wii•tatpirel throngh giAte aht,,wave been. tried :Out,' but On ' 'the whole Vielt,histery.-liasnot;"-beei; one o otiMtanding succesa. &nyr • seheine at the .kind would dePend.0 • ,on the full CooperatiOn. .4, the po, minions..end.Colonies With the Moth- ' ,erland; and at present the -temper in ;Canada, at least,. is •againet further, lat, migration- *:b0catitii,,, of the exiating widetpread,' :unernplOYinent..7-- Calgary eraId '1 i'ard.:EmrititE . . Prices of -Farm .Produce • . • , , , • . • • ,ThOre,' can be no ,ege,ative' ries ..in 'until there te an-oxpansionffl • the purchasing pow.er 'ot 010.1)66010 Of'. thiS country; The 'cuit in *ages 'nutat be" restated. ....The MieMpl,OYed: muat 1e ptt t� work. , whp '11,s •'near indUstriai•tdistriet.i •need:: little thM the"intibility of people. buy '.agrienitiirel prOdUce: le cans 0,1f,ecf...•their own .dillicultiee; pseta stare ,theiii In the, face 'ev,arY • dare•'-.. • LOndon 111;a.113,- Herald. '• Japan and 'the ;tapeii detlet the nlitkority" ofthe 'Leagile. She thteateni to Withdraw ' tom' ••Meirkber'Ship. •No. One , desire. that, yet ' Worse 'thitigs m.Ight 'ha.Otrett. TTh'we niUst: ehcrese :between, tiondening. hdr o lie•tektglie of' Nations ; tha •Olielca la ahs'olutely..clear, JaPitliene. . ‘kii8 (sense 'in 'whfoli expet ced „it • poT$3.7,111:: • • . World. COnferinee's'Op'pertunIty . believe• the road- back to f . , „... reer • . trade -lie/. .latgely thrOugh quell .(re- glqt141).....4,NOtl1qn.ts.: 14 e.s.' 1.4 the re, cent. .P6hVentittit between. '3Belgium; .!H011and, and 'Littceitibottit,,•., they.. far *elver ne increase against any coun. try, -Secure Subitantiel end progreS7 give rtiptacsi •reduction and are oneu; , oth:er countries. :For the'rrest Mist Useful; action the npproaching NrorldEponotilic . 'down principles in ,t4o,. 1401 f whch eAch pOuntry, woujd undettalteto re. .0canittie 'its, own tariff system:: • l'40. most irnOort4p1,0-.thoso wu1d fki 'cleat *planation And explicit' • Cittl-, deninatiOn of the ."corapeasat'OrV,4!•;4.- , • miscalled . "set enti principle, of making * tariff, equal to. the ',difference tif costs:at "hoine and abreed. Trade is based 'upon .ertiectijr. the difference, and the 'COnipeneation. ,for the difference by tari • is destructiveOf the very :tothidtjon upon which trade Sir Arth gaiter In The Yale,,Ileviev.t • .. , uOtt. te sick ..Rotti,u1.; . • .o. , • If We. could. Only 'see it, for the '064.. time •.in. ;watery' the asteundine,..ad;,' 'vance• of ittodactiVe tnadlihtetY. aal. troniport Mike •it,....poseible for evetYeneto be rich beyond the bog!) d s 'of Utopian •Imagination. •., Hen are nat. . Worse, or ^much better then: they. Used , to be; but 'Mei o.re Atte treetutes of habit, and. tradition, and fO' .althgethet to 'enlarge' -their :loyttiires :to „At a laiger WOrld, • Whoa we .cennt last. bo- . • , ,TICh...h3!".•41terinWhy...elioule14e,per.-- ,*na.te. the: greedy haett.s:' we letint . when, ., there wits rtirt.' enough • to go round '—New Satesman• and Netiiiii.,; ., . • , . • ., ,••• Watch •Germany• .• :. . ' • Theta isnelongorankthing to:dread .frem 'BriisSiti'll ttairal Yerde,• :not. her sarmement.'„firms.' ' The ...chitli'elige 'now - is... oin - ; her factory --aW inod ', •N •l'.indattrial•equipMent;•and-eler pateti,latihiancial •poSitiori,•;: The Ger; alazia.:NOwedl'. When-, thoy Icit. ',the wet that thet woitid:*in the', pettoe:: - There are etgaiflOaift signs the the .to-st'. will. -he-',-kepttr'olidoic.--DillYT,Hiefiree:S.T. - 7. UNiTED • Trends • The,r,..repopt of; President Hoover's .Ceniuilttee on Sopief TromICAtiggests 'strongly that:the illa'Of the dation are tO the' laid, at thedoar• of the. /oCiel 'theorietS 'rather: than of the business • `nata. TOe•builikettinw has . _ . . his Pretty.'Wpii: ThoSe.WhO like to call theinserves . . . .politiciana and, .th,0';'. woritert.,, ainang • feilen• • -down.: America' bac. .1aclied. net mechanics:I but social.. invention, 7 .the comrnittee Aide. Our iiidUstriea-gun.h.. ahead ba tatk .our , .social,..ineohataisinserp..1aggardr andlOtairb r077wlit i eh nre attemt ed aftei.,proya.Oven 4es*.seriiceable ;than the ';inetitutions they ,'-repla.Ced. 'tat thsPeCialist..S Who' hoyo failed their. "telf-roPpOintei:l' tasAA dictating' to .the. very mien" Who have auceeeded.: in: 'theirs, ;Ctileago. • • „ . . . . 5400 -Japanese ' ' gei.or,General , Yuji Takanami, one Of the .Ja.pa nese, nillitary' leaders •-in 'northern China; ,surveys Shanhaikiran just befqe the Japanese begin their latest ' drive which would .indicate that .:1P,1,.4. Still " , rules, the eas'ent 'front. ---• 4, Well' Prized Scholarship Wo Gi 1 , ,Surr.ey r 20 -Year -Old Croydon Surrey, Eng- land, gid has .re'on-i)riorsre :nuist *plight' After award the' Craven achOhqehip.' . , ''• The. :ext....Milli.; %Barbara. 'Floptei7, datigit ter •of.Dt. Robin. Flower, thapoet deputy -keeper tMariuscripte•at •the:British Museum, is .the first ot. her eek, ' . •Latio and, ..Greelc, or tv c e .Crateit• scholership .is ,awarded,, 'Ette not puss Fh*er'ileul•linguist!.. 6.c"* -coraPliehnaant. • She .speake.,,French a,nd 'Gentian And Ian .Celtie:echOlet.:' Two previous holders of the triven. Scholar/hip, . were :Lord, 4senith. 'and his .sen • •"1 Mergeret. Hill," She sitid, "whore he Latin OPtionaL In the 'examination „have -a, piece of Engllah..poetry to translate and it te Ment'diflleilltoat' times but airtyp.' Of .intoioo0, D. Fleiver said his: daupter:Went. to ;croydeti , High ,Sohoiti iand '*On • :a; scholarship to coffniii.'Inst.liver aiyear ••• • • ' 't• • .ago r -7"7:711I-erilti • cliblers147. Ve•ortit' .*40.1a,betit 81505:ayearicir,two yeara. eam., .Course of Distant Storms -; Adelaide 4earrli*e4 when Passing through this. city' on his *ay to Cambridge tiiiversityi having, won't,. a -Hifitlah. EniPp7a .Cataaki6., Fel lowship, Prof, Percy -W. Burbidge; Pre-' fetter of Physieg. in the 'Inekiend TJnI VentitY,,irelated,. witi4reat interest te nattirel, Scientist* 'how in Hew zaa- landineteeralOgiSti Were now able t� detect cyclonic distiirbences,i000 miles away without the aid : of other. . . , . • Stock. invade, Hollywood.• . . . . . .., . , . • .• . Speaking.. of . toetage,• . a rearl. oLd-fas= aliened 'stook .0oinlialiy has crept 41n.t.o Hollywood: . ...Something ot lt, rott,, * :view or ' tiie. :fait.: that .„.'not a-ningia, other' legitineate.Prodnotionfgre.Cia,the 7, 40*iltOW117.th-Oittre..i. ' . It Is a :kehUiho relic frOM littriiiSt,. 'even to the. 'ail ter';' •Ailitilin heroine with the ,tural. tiec'etit Who 'Iwo,Vea tO . bean oPera.. el.4,ter: la 'disgruhro. .,Ev,‘•en. t.O.. the ,oettipany Man-, ' ager ' Who -steps: Ont 'after 'the, second :Ctiutain to :annotutee •srietit Week's. at.: tritetiOn;-7:-owi:Fratictsee At:go:neut. ' - • ""•':T',--!-.--.2.-.......-: '' Woilatetatatiiic..Patiey". . , , . , . . ... :', To Held. This Spring , . . Be,- , . _ • -:!Qttawa.-- 'The -Itroild . Hconoralc Conferett`co: 11./01y,..will be' 'held. next. D'r ... ot . aar , in ' the Stininier ' „in I.,onderi,• it ••. wee...learned,: on' 'geed. ' .thority 'hare; .14,2rt • , ' Week., No "de , ite („beprflin .decieien; though; ' litt.C.....,pos .... itiadik The Matter II Oil° • 'f,Cr, , nrrenged Shettlir bir .t.he „cantle:it of lite' tokigue Of Nations,: ..• , •:•" : ' ..' • ' •1:- ' ....I'tintb.:-.Itlintsteid It. B. Bennett. pie. hikts.'..itilf„:'•heful,' We 'PAiindiati. 'dela, Ratio*. : .1shitniiig 'af; the. p_e'reennek .4 •'the' .2.1°./Orriliatin•7...-dedigates,' • lieWeVer, Woult, be ;Bente 'What'. • .p'reinature• :it the . MOittelit,...; '.. - . • .'.'. '• ' ".: . '. . '.• The' getiotiii •tariii noliCY-eii. Which an ',0Conoralc ,ipoinisilitto is . Working .ineltides.' atonontica.; • quatita :and drO.' hilbitiOns.. ' The IMO:notary .iinkPOrn, •ntittee hi' .tioNrOtink , . itit preparatory *ark ,to'monetety,"atid.: ittoithrale,ttolit vies, Involving- price leyels„:.'etrport 'reetriCtiOns and .;,tiloveraant 'Of • •e4t, tat. trent 'One; Catinity' to niethaF. .•• Feminine Canada Spent $6 946-2.92' On' Cosmetics', ottawa.--=StadienT and,. the young ladies dld.,not this:team ;in .1981 where ''prePaintions Were ooncerped. ,,the of Canada's :toilet PreParations, in that ibar ,.fnas,de' a. litritt inereene,Lt,he- factor'', value. 1'0417 ..140;107, .$40(0;03 * incidentally 'the" ttlitiadiart tOtiwattondea: a 'cli"l'ease in OA '17,t.tottiO#.s. 'from 1,267.00. In, 1,420 to' 31.112'i' "itt in 11,av6 $ A 3 Thie-TaValt-• e-ihrOugh atnieepherie,s ,Catkamit, bY „light flitibee, Originating ,in •,_. 1,.., the ,iitorme,, meet of. vihich pe.se •over' 44_.KA,e . . Your •:Iiiitant1,.. tlie 'Tatman seti.• This isof great1ne- mo•Aa: a: i',Onort 'to Ycon of. he ' he• v• 91?Olifla..1klalima7" ' • •-• .... '' •• ' . ' ,-.;,, ' • Daughter—'Yds, but he 'eenioris -• ; Ifitaritge MOrtidity • . • dQcor°eraellseec..er.De47441.6.tretit m.ortaliti. rates ..in the viico of idttehei'lles'!1;14on,- 'reel:A.0a sin�o '.1926,.' *lien the Prothrial• Heal: th, PePartinent; conimenced keep- ing statistics, and health un*ts war:.• firstentablished in the Province, for "wtereei ' :the We:Utile 'tuartality •:tetein •i925,.•was ' 142.0, • it" clropped 94.6 for- the .r.4t-.,3.0..montbs, of i.p32. • w4ito •68,,48.0 ihroptik: 'deaths !. been ' regiatereti since Seritiery .14; 1926, 'the ,nutnbers. have &edit:atty.:decreased With':.etic# year, The 1028 teteof ,4ed*aad- 16,730:the f °Heil:ring ;.yearil,and. l03.2 • • in 1928, ;The next year.Saiv,aireater drop .9,810,.: but '1930 ',reeorded' slight'.inereaSe; 10,045 being recorded :while : the loWesC, rate Wie,',ShOwn, in total was 9,44a..' Ier-th-e-7,fitst ten .irionths.of 1.932. the nurnber witti only 6,445, or a little, oVer.:5,0pet re- it of the 1926:figura:for the. same Periitd:j.'. • • 'The' rate,: haWa• „tikat 129.3„. for for, ,1929,.:10:,5, for 1930 120.1,:ler•193141.124,iind for the firstien Month/ of.1.93iI•94.6;• this being: the first timethet the, Tete ever opped 1*Oir the•100: triark,, • . •.... • • • zt"..0219dg,isealeoilraltiorthf'il.11.1Etened°7017"Ittbst%linee: °Ill a.t6totrdePa:infil7". .. to a -1.812t 17 wea thereiitei The, instrument • Used, saki Protes- t:39.r_ liArhldge;, consist's of two. ' aerials ivhiqh intordopi, the storm sig - 'hale,' and transfer them to e shecial Instrument Where, they are made to focus a beim of light on.' a screen. The diredion of the beem's Movement Indicates the course, and intensity of the Static distiirbanceS. Can'tSell Eggs.; ., . Befote. 7 a.in in Berlin 1... Berlin.—He .who 6.30 tells and UIk for breakfast; But 1(he :Watith -eggs, he minst wait:until 7. •&clock. , : ;regulation,,. *Rich rIgidiY.' • eontroli , the hours for idle' or oak retalikoods,-,hs' recently been changed, ,ta...betoiti.••the ,sale, Of., Milk onia414.1-heiii"tliefore•H'the---regitlar opening lime-, Baked.':iooda• had Previonalt. teen ..iieitaitteci to beHold 61-.41.30 Otelocit.' ,Dit0,.produCts..!anch .lintier.lind !eggs .ca.nnot; hoWeir4 sold .7, o'cloCie;:'"" • ' , • • :To'aPessinst 11 cendititins. were as hopeless as the pessimists :Sometimes paint them, We ghtaild • still'have I out honor; ;Mid that ecoulit riot be taken'Irefrclue.If ,it Were tine ,'that .thelbattliiii. 104; 4.4...atiOnad:havott,he igreat conaelation , of dying ..With',Ptces 'thWitid the foe, and with scorn Of: fear: .The peasIM- iimin which, a,. great deal of ;Modern art is iteeped..it thrk.e•aisiivg og,thohe who cannot look fate in:the:face. •The Olt Of the last...* "decades hasbeen filled with Jha'.1 elm§ , pankH' Stricken, the defeated,: the:dishearten- ed., ,�ld Soureen:.:of hope- at: -.0 lest;!! theY, tell .' Us; 'Old- leaders are shownto, have aiietakelii. old` faithi grern. lieis the old are ao._*,,idefeated.auid- •the tante ie lost.", 'WO, if there: are those. who ..believe all . this; let i them go, to the .rear .in 'silence; , and -give ter places to inen who have ,courage, eVen itthey, buye.rest Canadians Ate Les8 Apples in '32 P9rnOiOgsts See Challenge .in ..14038,•of of. Frnit: 2 • ,.'.,..*044_iaal..;4T.h.e 'Per 'caPi.ta consti*p titttt, of applen! Canada bus decreased 1.0.per cent; inting' the:Pear fiva yearaf :the'averagat.' being 29,7 potindit:. per .Srson,.,por ,atteunt aa compared with 34'Pennds.whicli". wee., t4i.r,p0.. capita CenetimPtiO'n.' in the five years.. front. • I33i45; hot the. ,';9easumOtten, of 'Orange*" hitiona*:and.rother frulta hu COnsidatebilt:itiereased; and tide wel. i.c.g•oilocirby..:apple•-groWers. as. a c40. lenge to theta .41;# increase: thp. Indigo dethaM for their .f.fnit, J. L. ,VVetbeter.Ot • Viaed.Onald, CollrePorted Meetingef,tha P.otn;ologics.1.:poto-fr.'Or iib her, flare.' • ' •• ' , '• • Br: J,. B. ''Lettittier.; professor of cultural .e.Conomica:lit Map:lona:1d „cal- lege,.,deelared that.,taking. the. `ceihitri generally:. the '. &Fewer', :•OCcupied. -one-spoti, In Canadlan-ag rioniture. '00 .titit.'• grow- ersthemarket they 'had neg1oted for: the. past. ten years ' ", W.. B.! •ot.,the'Fritit Branch .OttaWa,. fOiloweil.'with ettelitiii:o• :the litritigh; market Mid .ruling.Pricei.• • githuilu's intere2sp:,hn. the,. itritioh_uppi •Merket....wass.hetWeen '0,enteMber and 1...4.Pri1 and d.tirilig imPorted: an av, ecage of. 3,523;017 :barrel/ apples; of ‘Whiah•the .T,Iiiited St 'eta.," sipplied: '6535 per cent. OP; ta.lest 4ear Wth the new trade agreement it i entielpated. this figure ,Would be. cut Inhalf : • • '; ettteePraircriiriii. • Somo 'tea' ni'PrOblents.. • 'tha have'to lye staVed, apple growers o the:.prevince.in.,Order, te bring thei fruit attractiVe An111On:fished Condition. WOct: discussed hyoV 260ii:4.4pt4iele.1..tro67.rtieornai.4,4ti'st.lieoust eVdtt*Ine,it "that. Of P011itiation-i-the ,:selection of •tlie:preper varieties:Of trees, necessary ,to .enittre propet.p'011ittatiOns and 966. :.rieotient.: fruit, production.• th: ico4ttal Hicperiniettie.t Farni r.Cptie..We Caine Hill; et the •-Department of Agrictilture,. who,*ohti,intO an analysis tho. p011eiiizin'g.ttiliies of Old- .ttiid lie* 'Varieties of apples that have produced .in the.expetiinental:.:pletti; • . . , • , Canal . Traffic' ',Gains ,through .canahi in 1932 increaited..1.0..:. per. 'cen oyer , the '.prev1ois . the rlDeeihr ion ..thtreati. of ,gtatiatiee.;,renerte.'„T.4 total n ipts.',100 ,ittereits en the Welland 5/hip aa1, say the and . traffic IneteaSed. itoniC..747.3.48t tons 1631•.te,•8•,535,441' totiS; neW high •:record for Ithe eanE.t1;::,thell pre, vioua ritearct V17',ietuf for 1928, .. 1.. • • • Golden Gate to. )3e, Spanned. 411. • -Stott* hilhvela 1�r the ,$22,tVi7,006..:b-thige whieh moat the Prianctse'c.. 014 jqb..wiit take at least fony. ieors, 6 „,_ ••,• GOIden 'Gate rt Sail , ,:•.: e 7. ark, r" ciede jolt ;lie! eleetrieal. IndluitrY, bae lauuched' a eitavaign for lietter high - yak' Campaigns"; are not 'no': usual in these dayaof business depres- sion: • But kr this (barticular instance the -journal In question idvinces facts atitt-figu'res 'which are well ort1iyPl public attentied. In presenting:an kav 'PoSingi array of (Octet stetistica, it argueq ,thAt ortigilwiq 41grildilq .13 A "ehlet Ouse of ragtai ,alceidenta and. autoinohile killings-, . • "Tb o main outstanding :concluloi4' edys. the Paper, that; aftluiutil, t. smaller, :percentage ot • automobiles travel at night,. more than 44 per 'ent• af acIdeala'opoor then.: Forst1104we." yearperiod endlug Agogust„.1932.4,,hers °IF**. ot, Y.L.04 .140044 trio.!C,I,frthat ntiMber . • .•.1,27.2 dusk 095 ;at Were.fata447:.,'.;pow oaf. which t).•onirod after dark , tbl;euppite4 by.„the.',Ontettat llartmowingnt 4, r: 6,°:44f, ti rf(>17. 43 r: 'Li t. Total Hour of Qccurrence .12 to • 531 • , 6, . . •"; `.6 ° 13 1 to a.m. 20 15• *. to • 0, a. , 482. ,38- • a.m. ' . . 0 to' 11 .727, . 34. 11 to 12 a.m.: 12 -in ,1 pm. ' 850 729 ' 42 " • ito ;28. " '810826:: ; to 3. p.m,' : 1;254 . 64. 36 992.... 4.4 - '3'. to 5:to. .p.m. ' to ec,,P4n; .87 .109 1,37 • 86 • 1,217 •.• 84 -• , to,•1.0.• • • -097 • . '.57 Not ototod. in to 11'.P.m..; 11 to 12 ' •Tottla. • • 1750, 99.1 'Order • te• 'understand t rut • :signjfiCatice. of: the.'.i.boVe.,.ecirapilatior. .it .wo4ht ,ho :ne.e,aaark, to have.. 'fig tire's showing density Of: ;traffic et".„theite ore"' ...:tedieeted.. But the reletiiniship ef rn adennaterliklitliik' to dents -is;./elfaffileitt." :•."'"' LT , :‘11i004t411Y,,jt /1(26,1pte.reS.4*,•• :tonor to what' an .eittent the ing drhpr Js respousthlefor the ac i. dents after rniitght. ,dawki.;,ad• -of-aect4Onts-Hieett.,..mi .•.dearti.1.9..Aent,4•64.'On?6'691ei'.e'ill1414 - tion than . instifficierit electric• • •In any,eveit, tiie Electile"er Ne,‘‘'t bas rendered •a. teal,SerViee 111 resent, • . ing the. resu ts of this, research:to, tile. , , OhsOlete. Ships •Sciapped.• derinen. shp %ceneerna:06'.'tlilniiiai'out, their' •fiopta yeknelsupward of 12yari 'old; a totet, tonnage of roughl,;•••,.:;,..Q4;-: poo,.tO:tlia...sCrapping 'yard* ' • " r-tF1r6'146! at - ismek,01, Were Well .knowni 4te'r, Nrth anSOattf Atlantic ni • `ht, ,Eastern .PaiiSenger trade 'ioutes., Hatoliiirg7Anibilein 1 inc .serapplitg!'about 0,00O ions,inc ua irfg the 10,000 ' ,gralioc • : • :' ' The: North German ...Lloyd is "'die eird1ogi..14.bettems,• ...2000000..ten • ieitztela Berflirger. 'Sqy d1161 and ..tutlb* • The••HainhUrg-Sudamerika . Line • '• • ,breaking up 'the Argentina; ...ViUa.; , and ....,San,4• ;Tetepa..: The :IItinse Line i§ serair, ping everal ef its.. old :., 50404oz. freigittpre,• • ' ,„. Gr6.-0m.'lt0*,ed41.0'.'Weddli4 ,Foliewing an old ed4toth:; Q V N- 11.a*ay, wearing tlie ufliform et the ,Atholl Highlanders, Otte4owed acrges; the tidalweteis of 'Leah Etise iroin ••. .ichnaciolch!,td :Argyithirei; Sea:vied, . • •'• to ,tneet';hta brl�e Miss Maryol Camp' bell -Preston. ' The -kieddthe was then 0'0u:raised In the „Iiisterla Archattat :priory .'et., Arehatten; before etas • chiefs and guests reptentatiVe many Highland ' The Wed •' ,ding reception Win' hold , in .the old. priory refectory, where, the!. Britne,' •71'.01d the, . hitt ••• 'Scott*. • : Cieaniery-,on . .4 , Victoria. -. NortiiA ot..the 53rd' ; nrallel OPportonity: 06013. ;J•kiik hate to knOCIt, it -I sooght., \\*Ord reeeived. here aaya iiinoial 'Inter: H. este. are„inetelling creamery., mead* ety, in it 'plant. With a capacity ; . •200:;600 .;pOuhda.thoperate...DO o basis,. ,Parniera of the, Ares. :Will take the Milk and ereini ao.,:wiorpo.' Paid .in • cash 'lot .,• . it; • '4', floor,: Mill yeuo. 1.0.,the Port .str:t ‘tehu afgtriet oa a4 toteperativa beets to ; handler The &titters' •:grei•it • ii,,vithOtit haid tint eijeth* rnlIs mid-, the •returri. j6Orney to the' area; Where tbe ,itaar • ts. *used. .." BittishTrade Figures , oll .Arf, Deectiiheri ..:Tot el • •,.030,0.06; :'oeporta- nt'pritisli bromide., . • 2„446,990; re=c?oOrfn-}. „e4,1:20,DC.iti:; • total oxi)otts,,f. eixPO.P:s O•o• linPorts,• 4241050064 • , ,