The Wingham Times, 1909-11-04, Page 44 THE: WINGU I TIM E, NOV1i f4B +.R 4, 1909 TO AOVF, TISERS will notice that Winghem again lea0s TONIC TREATMENT Clinton in revenue. The list: 1 1 t! Moe Of ab. nges roust be Luft at thio oleos not; later than Ieatnralay noon. The copy for changes must be left Mot lasso than Monday evening. Orwua1 wives. deem me areepted np to moon Wcinesday of each week, lry` .A.DI.Lete ED 18f \VINfIllAN TIMES. B. ELLIOTT. ?mammals aatutAnoraarroo TaT Rw DA.I'. NOV EMBE it 4. 1900. NOTES AND COMMENTS Dorman O. Rise h ss been nominated by they Liberate for West Middlesex and W. J ;sieKee, by the Liberals for North Eesex ,The hen elections will take plane on Nova.nber 10th. F Pear?ee, if P for W•st Lamb ton, hag in ea appointed chief Liberal whip in sue:les-don to W. S. Calvert. This appoin-ment has been anticipated for soma time While the other whips are eleoted by the party in canons, the office or ohisf whip is hi the gift of the premier The leamitr,.tien into Canada for September was 15 343, an inorease of 52 per cent over. September, 1008. The total immigration for first six months of the present fiscal 'y& r was 120,933, as compared wish 100,477 for the same period of last year, an increase of twenty per cent. The immigration for the six months from the United States was 56 486, as compared with 34 259 fpr the same period of last year, au inorease of 65 per cent. The immigration via ocean ports was 64 447, as compared with 66,218 for the same period last year, a decrease of three per Dent. Auburn $@597 83 $ 254 ap FOR INDIGESTION Amhcrley 159 86 78 CO i;3yfiald .,.. 80816 32800 Belgrave . ... ,.... 617 00 3113 00 13enmlller 164 93 4aS 64 Remedies That Digest the Food Blnevale .... 3ri7 74 212 40 Will Not Cure the Trouble-- lslath .. . , 1770 33: 179 ll0 Brno:.field.... ...... 511 252 0 0 Brussels ...., 2782 04 lose 00 The Stomach Must be Belfast Blake ..,,. 228 80 114 44 108 80 78 00 Fitted to do Nature's Brewster 84 95 36 00 Centralia ......... . 380 93 190 00 Clendeboye 222 75 114 001 Clinton 6258 70 2136 00 I The tonic treatment for indigestion, Crediton 814 65 382 00 dyspepsia, catarrh of the stomach and Carlow 113 76 66 50 Chiselhnrst89 45 38 00 Constance 147 63 84 00 Our bat 130 00 53 00 Oreditou, But. 163 50 68 00 Crewe ........ -. 69 00 35 00 Oranbrook ......-223 76 100 00 Dashwood • 581 12 244 00 Dungannon ..-862 32 387 00 Drysdale 120 70 58 00 Dunlop ......... . .... 85 00 47 00 Ethel 498 17 252 00 Work. Exeter Egmendville Fordwioh Fordyce Gienannan , Glenfarrow ..... Grand Bend Greenway .- Gaderioh The oastoma collections for October show another gain of nearly $$1,000,000, as compared with the corresponding month of last year. The total customs reoeipte for the month just ended were $5.235.737, an inorease cf $920,263. For the seven months of the fiscal year the total customs revenue has been $34,017,- 806, an increase of $6 838,614, or nearly $1,000,000 a month as compared with the corresponding period of last year. The rising tide of imports consequent upon the recovery from the trade de- pression of last year shows no sign of ebbing and indications point to an increase of about $12,000,000 in onetoms revenue alone for the present fisoal year. 3248 53 1130 00 425 25 188 00 853 30 457 00 87 37 35 00 73 00 85 00 40 00 35 00 340 87 172 00 263 10 96 00 9631 09 3124 00 Gerrie ..-........, 920 63 502 00 Hensall Harlook Harpley Holmesville Henfryn Flautingfield ., Hnronoale 27 25 Jamestown 11313 Kippen 314 43 Ktntail 180 12 Londesboro .... 458 82 Lanes 65 00 Laurier . 50 34 Leadbary 109 00 Loohalsh ,. 191.62 Lachlan 37 50 Loyal 108 33 Lumley 46 10 Mafeking 15 00 Marnook 35 00 POSTAL STATISTICS., s:astrltie is having remarkable hueoess is curing obstinate oases and deserves attentiou from every sufferer. Its principal is that remedies for indi- gestion that digest the food for the ,tomeoh give relief for only a short time. Ultimately they unfit the atom nett to do its own proper work, because they make its already weak powers still weaker by disuse, while the remedy that strengthens the stomach makes it cap• able of digesting the food for itself, and this benefit is lasting. A remedy that is not only a tonic for the stomaeh, but for the blood and nerves as well, invigorates the entire system and makes reoovery trom the painful, weakening effects of indigestion rapid and thorough. Every sufferer from indigestion will find is Dr. 'Wiliam' Pink Pills just the tonio needed, as they enrich the blood, tone the stomach and thus enable it to do the work nature intended it should do. This has been proved in thousands of cases, and it is worth the while of e sufferer from stomach trouble t Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a f Mr. Edward Chatterton, C N. B., says:—"I have been ferer from indigestion trouble and although I from several doota, onre until I began 1694 71 730 00 46 90 85 00 61 00 35 00 177 35 89 00 95.00 36 00 36 00 35 00 35 00 52 00 168 00 106 00 237 00 35 00 35 00 51 50 104 00 36 00 47 00 85 00 35 00 35 00 The annual report of the postmaster- general shows much growth in the post - a1 business of Canada. The main points of increase are as follows: Ia the number, posto#fices, an inorease of 656; postal note offices, inorease 680; money order offices, increase 196; sav- ings bank offices, inorease 18. There has been an inorease of 2,034 miles in the extent of the system over which mails are parried by railways. The number of miles which mails have been carried by railway and water routes, and ordinary land routes is greater by 1,312,073 miles than it was for the year before. The estimated inorease in the number of letters and postcards sent during the year is 19,805,000, which is over 4 per cent more than the figures of 1908. The large growth in the output of the one cent stamp (51,326,200) was caned by the reduction in August of the city drop -letter rate. Although affecting the demand for two cent stamps, in which there was a comparattve decrease of 6,887,100 stamps, this reduction in post- age rate was practicaIIy offset in the total value of the year's issue by the ex- traordinary inorease in respect of the one -cent stamp. The revenue and salary of postmasters in Enron are given below. Onr readers Monoreif 82 25 60 00 Newbridge 120 06 97 00 Port Albert 168 50 67 00 Prosperity 2100 35 00 Redgrave 55 75 35 00 Seatorth 5867 75 2082 00 St. Augustine 107 45 35 00 Summerhill 31 05 85 00 Sunshine 4 00 35 00 Varna 442 87 228 00 Walton 506 74 259 00 Wingham . 6378 76 2276 00 Wroxeter . 1129 42 503 00 Westfield 99 00 40 00 Winchelsea 126 05 56 00 Winthrop 144 50 60 00 For the purpose of comparison we give a number other planes outside of Huron County:— Live Rods Mediae. Toronto, Nov, 2,--Oiky Cattle Market. —A. good run, ahofoe oattla scared, com- mon plentiful, trade active, and prices steady at this market today. Good butcher oattla,steers, hatters, and good, oowe, very much in demand, and for anything decent iu any of these classes, prides were steady to firm. Medium and oommon stuff, trade a little bit slower, but everything selling, and prices steady. A epeeist seleot bntoher heifer, the only one of its plass in the market, sold at $5,40, this prioe of course being an exception to the general run, Good feeding steers are still in some demand, though several buyers are said to be pretty nearly filled up for the sea• son. Good steers sell firm at $4 25 to $4,40, and very choice little higher. Limbs this week are easier at $5,50 to $5 75. Sheep steady, Hogs steady, the market unchanged at $5 60 f.o.b. and $5.75 fed and watered . The total run to -day was 100 oars, with 1,905 head of cattle, 2,000 ghee p and lambs, 600 hogs, and 172 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 50 $5 75 Medium 5 00 5 25 Bulls 4 50 5 00 Light 3 75 4 00 Cows 4 25 4 50 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and u 8 wards 00 3 50 Stockers choice 3 00 4 00 " bulls1 50 2 00 Butchers'— 4 80 bib Picked 3 75 4 25 Medium.. . Cows........ Bulls 3 26 0 4 00 3 25 • Hogs— B7 75 Lightss e 0 00 7 50 Sheep— Export ewes Backs.... (Julie Listowel Mitchell Palmerston Harriston Mount Forest Walkerton Kincardine Ohesley NURSING MOTHERS show the beneficial ef- fects £fects of Scott's Emulsion in a very short time. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother's milk and properly nour- ishes the child. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food - tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their children. 6213 83 2023 00 4050 18 1370 00 4032 00 1312 00 4166 86 1466 00 4873 43 1685 00 6390 80 2191 00 4522 80 1672 00 4471 03 1657 00 Luoknow 3129 96 1190 00 Teeswater 1909 52 764 00 Whitechnroh ..... 306 34 165 00 The salaries given above are based on the revenue of the year ending March 31s1, 1908. and the revenue is for the year ending March 31s1, 1909. y. give r trial, pbellton, great suf- nd stomach ad treatment did not find a ug Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I can • ardly describe how much I suffered at times, Every meal brought with it more or lose agony, and I seemed to have a complete distaste tor food, I had almost begun to think my case incurable when I Dame aoroas a pamphlet advertising Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I deoided to give them a trial. I am very thankful that I did so, for I had not been taking the Pills long 1'011 SAL1' BY ALL Dnuo JISls Send Ih`., a.^.mo 6.11 tanto and this n1. 1i.r out ha,ott.inl 8a*i:xrse Drink and ('hitd's t,kcstch:it tk. il;,eh hank cuntaitb a Good Luck Prnay. 8t'OT•r .tc EOWN eat Wetnestoa Street, Went Toronto, Ont. WESTFIELD. before I found them helping me, and in MX weeks every symptom of the trouble had vanished. I oan now eat heartily almost any kind of food, and no longer experience pain and discomfort after eating." It is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, rich blood that they pure saoh troubles as indigestion, rheuma- tism, neuralgia, headaches and back. aches, St. Vitus dance and other forms of nerve troubles. They cure the ir- regularities of girlhood and womanhood, and bring ease, comfort and health to Lard sufferers, Sold by all medicine dealers Live Hogs, per owt or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 60 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. 8 75 2 60 2 60 Spring Lambs eaph.. 5 00 00 Calves. eaoh 3 00 3 GO 8 00 5 75 650 1 WINQHAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Nov. 2nd, 1909. Flor r per 100lbs.......... 2 75 to 5 to 3 25 03 Fall Wheat ..1 Oats, 0 36 to 0 36 Barley .... 0 50 10 0 50 Peas .........0861o086 Butter dairy .,........ 0 23 to 0 24 Eggs per dos 0 23 to 0 25 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton 10 00 to 12 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 30 to 0 35 0 18 to 0 18 775 to 776 The Thanksgiving Season—a time of gladness and thankfulness —seemed a very appropriate time for the Anniver- sary Services, which were held in the Westfield Methodist Church on Ootober 24 and 25. Favorable weather, careful preparation and excellent talent, coin - blued to make the anniversary a splen- did enemas. Rev. J. E. J. Millyard, of Hensall, conducted three services on Sunday, and at eaoh gave an eloquent address. At the morning service he chose for his text, "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die it bringeth forth mnoh fruit." After a few intro• ijnctory remarks, the speaker took the corn of wheat as a symbol of Christ and brought out and explained the pointe of comparison as follows: Christ as a Dorn of wheat; Ohrist as a corn of wheat abiding alone; Christ as a corn of wheat failing into the ground; Christ as dying, and lastly, Christ as bringing forth much fruit. The address closed with an application to every life, showing that unless we die onto ourselves we cannot live for Christ. In the afternoon the church was orowded to its utmost ca. pacity, and Mr. Millyard addressed the large audience from the words, "And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field." This text seemed peculiarly suitable to the thanksgiving season. Mr. Millyard first showed what the command meant to the people to whom it was primarily given, and then what in general it meant to us in the care of the poor. Be then took it as figurative language and took the harvest to represent the harvest of character and deeds. Re said there aro some corners of our fields that we do not want to reap; those are the consequences of our wrong doing. There are some corners where we cannot reap; those are the deeds and characters which result from our influence on others. And there are some corners we ought not to reap, be• cantle to God is due a part of our time, our money and our talents. At the morning and afternoon terVice9 the church choir, emitted by Mr, Cook of Goderich, who sang a suitable 8010 at each service, furnished appropriate tango. Again at the evening service as large a crowd as the church could well aceommodate gathered ter worship. The evening address was based on the text, "To be carnally minded si death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace;" and the subject was ably discussed by the speaker. A specially attractive feature of this ser- vice was the male choir of twenty voices, who in their excellent music showed unusual talent and careful train- ing. On Monday evening a fowl supper was served in the basement of the church. In spite of the rather unfavor- able weather a large crowd gathered to enjoy the supper and the excellent pro• gram which followed. The program consisted of musical selections by the male ohoir and other home talent, assist- ed by Mr. Cook; recitations by Rev. Mr. Small of Blyth, and Miss Edna Straiton of Goderioh, and a very instructive ad• dress by Rev. Mr. Sawyer, of Luoknow, Altogether the anniversary was a splen- did success. The proceeds amounted to $110.00. Wanted ! WOMEN AND GIRIS Wanted as machine operators and for other factory work. Good wages and steady employment. Write us. THE Clinton Knitting Co. TURNL'ERRY. The following is the report for S. S. No. 11, Turnberry, for the month of I Do Ootober. The subjects examined were Arithmetic, Composition, Geography and Grammar. Those absent from one or 'more exams. marked *. Jr. IV.—Minnie Saunders 439, Jessie Carrie 223*, Alvin Groves 147*. Sr. Ill —Susie Bherriff 404, Myrtle Lookridge 328*, Vernon Allenby 309*. Jr. III --Mindred Mercer 384, Milton Groves 127*. Rose Forsyth 122*, Frances Lockeringe 51*, Jr. II. —Willie Austin 141, Winnie Ransom 107*, Ernest Johnston 94*, Mary Austin 86*, Roy Forsyth 84* Ray- mond °router 40*. Pt. IL.—Olive Groves 70, Grace Cal- houn 30. Sr. 1st—Gertie Groves 80, Howard Finley 80. Earl Hart 40, Eddie Shrigley 40, Frank King, Roy Finley, Willie Finley. Jr, lst.—Margaret Linklater, Donald Cleghorn, Tommie Lookridge, Thomas (lathers. M. Waists teacher. Limited. CLINTON, ONT. MINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,980,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,291,000 Total Assets, over 50,000,000 atammommaissigni•musgazummirsormaginmisompagamommih ,'he People's Popular Store - Wingham, Ont. . Agents Ladies' Roane Journal k'atterne, KERR., a BIRD Agents I wits$' Durno Journal. Newest and Most Up -To , Date Goods Arriving daily at this Big Store. Quality guaranteed. Prices right. Come and see the "Strictly New Creations" in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, etc. " MOTOR SCARF " Fleecy, fine pure all -wool Scarf, white, 75 only " MUFFLERS and CLOUDS " White and colors, pure all -wool. Price each .25 to See the new Muffler, knit double, nearly 21 yards long, The new Fancy Knit Neck Muffler, with dome fastener ; all the newest shades. Price each ALL -WOOL SWEATERS Pure all -wool Sweaters for Men sizes, and the best colors. Sweater Coats for Men, and our with every coat ; they are and Boys. All guarantee goes pure wool. .50 NEW MANTLE GOODS 'See our new Mantle Goods in navy and brown, 56 -in, wide; pure wool; can't be beat. $1,50 per yard. PROTECT THE HANDS Fine, pure all•wool Mitts for Ladies and Misses, in black, brown, navy, cardinal and white .25 to Ladies' Gloves in pure wool Ringwood. and Lined. Cashmere .25 to Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves and Mitts for Men and Women. Good goods. Lowest Prices. KNIT CAPS for BOYS and GIRLS See the new Knit Caps for Boys and Girls. The best yet. Warm and ser- viceable. Pure all wool. White and colors. Each •50 ROCKWOOD YARN is the best Yarn made in Canada ; we are agents for the Rockwood Yarn. No short wool used in the manufacture of this yarn ; nothing but the best long wool is used. All .35 colors, 2 and 3 ply. .50 A BARGAIN IN PICKLES Bottled Pickles that usually sell at 15e a bottle we are now offering at 10e. Mixed Piekes, Chow Chow, White Onion, Walnuts and Gherkins — we bought them at a reduced price and you get the benefit. SOMETHING NEW IN WINGHAM 50 " Cream of the West Flour " — the BEST BREAD noun on the market ; made from Mani- toba wheat. If yon are not satisfied with the flour you have been using, try the " Cream of the West," TOQUES Pure all wool ; white and colors ; all sizes .25 to .50 HEAVY SCOTCH TAMS ' For winter wear. Each $1.00 NEW FRUIT New Figs, New Raisins, New Currants, Now Peels. FARMERS ! We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Onions, Dried Apples, Hard Wood, Oats, Winter Apples, Poultry, ete. Dried Apples mast be good color and well dried, Poultry must be . fat and dry picked to get the best price. itNlIIIIIMIll !:♦•**********!!ON®**•♦044.1**# •e r@*eis0®:Z*♦♦A*♦.** *Or♦4**O*S,I*Af+03E*A***♦`*A; • • .0_, • • 1 �n • • • +i~k3••T•4 •i•33•d•33.4.3r33�!b3•i' 33.33•F♦3• • CLEARING SAL T WINCHAM BRANCH. Fatmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT--Interes allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards W. R. GEIKIE, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor, BANK 0 A The Sense of Security against to-inorroW Should be ample incert- five to Save to "Your Savings Account Solicited. WINGHAM BRANCH 0, P. SMITH . AGENT. • Z •• • • Biggest Bargains Ever Heard . of • • • . Men's Furnishings. • 1 . t� The Sale has been going good, but we had a big stock and have a lot of Exceptional i • Bargains for you yet in all lines. If you have been in, you know what values we • STILL CONTINUES. 4.4efeteleteit iete++;144 I" I••A'i ++ I^b•1'+•13' • • • were giving. If you have not been in, it will certainly pay you to come along, • if you are needing anything ; even if you are not just in need at present• • you will make 3o, 4o & 5o per cent. on money invested by buying now. •• • • See our Men's and Boys' Shirts, regular 75c, now.... .39 20e. Collars for •121 • 15c. Collars for .09 Rubber Collars, regular 25e, for 18 • • • MUFFLERS COLLARS =. • • • SWEATERS GLOVES SOCKS LOUNGING •• • • • • • ROBES UNDERWEAR TIES FANCY VESTS SMOKING JACKETS HATS SCARFS , FUR CAPS BELTS CAPS JEWELRY, Etc AT AWAY BELOW THE LOWEST PRICES. Our Tailoring Department is full of the newest in Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouser- ings, Fancy Vestings. The patterns and materials are the nicest we have ever had, and at the lowest possible prices consistent with good goods and workmanship. HAVE A LOOK! ROBT. MAXWELL • • • A. •i • • • • TAILOR AND MIEN'S FURNISHER. • 's