The Bayfield Post, 1981-10-22, Page 1The Bayfield Post "THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE" Editor's Corner By Bob Burton "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die This was the philosophy of the Epicureans of ancient memory. It also seems to have been the philosophy of the federal government over the last 30 to 40 years. During that time politicians who love to play Santa Claus with other people's money have been spending that same money like it's going out of style. The result has been wopping federal deficits with the accompanying federal debts that are growing like there is no tomorrow. The government has to print more money to pay the interest on these debts. The money supply increases but the value of the money decreases because everyone knows the money created is not backed up by the real wealth of the coun- try but by the artificial need created by irresponsible government spending. Every family knows that it costs a lot more to live on credit because of high interest rates. The federal politicians have been running the government on credit for years and now we are over our head in debt. Now what the federal government has caused, it is asking the private sector to cure. Those who caused 95% of the problem are asking those who caused 5% of the problem to Ygake sacrifices and tighten their belts as if the 50 (the private sector) have the key to the solution. As if the private sector has been the major reason why inflation has been the problem it has become. Now the very politicians who led the country into this financial wastelandare now assum- ing the role of Moses and they want us to believe they alone can lead us out of this economic desert. I would like to think that there are a lot of sincere federal politicians. If the Liberals are honest however, they know that the finan- cial mess the country is now in is because they have been playing Santa Clause for years. Give what the people want regardless of the cost. Give them what they want and you'll be re-elected. Re-election, isn't that what it's all about? The question is now, whose interests were being served? ISSUE A-5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1981 ,free Copp THE CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL To date the Clinton Public Hospital has raised 1385,000 of its goal of '3353,000. This hospital is truly a credit to the com- munity. It strives after excell9nce in every area. Its stlff is competent an fr. i.enx'ly. Next week we will feature.;) wr i.te-ur 9brnIt the hospital based on an interview your editor had with the administrator, Mr. Douglas Coventry. UPCOMING EVENTS GIRL GUIDES The Bayfield Guide -Movement Open House (Pathfinders, Guides & Brownies) is Thursday evening, October 22, 6:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall. All friends and family are welcome. APPLE DAY Scouts' Apple Day will be Saturday, October 24 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. All Scouts and Cubs are.to report at the Municipal Building by 9 a.m. Proceeds are used for local Scout work which includes Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Bayfield Euchre Club Next meeting Wed., October 28 at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Bldg. HONORARY SUBSCRIPTIONS to The Bayfield Post are $10.00. If you are able, back up your support for The Post with an Honorary Subscription. You may WANT us, but we NEED you. BAYFIELD POST - MAIN ST. (across from the Albion) EDITOR - BOB BURTON MANAGING EDITOR - Fran Burton THE BAYFIELD POST P.O. BOX 125 BAYFIELD, ONT. NOM 1G.0 PHONE 565-2438