The Wingham Times, 1909-04-29, Page 6Tait; WiNottAM TOMS, APRIL 29, 19O9 The best Canadian wheat, the most modern mills, and the most skilled millers, all combine to give •R@yiliousehld flour those baking qualities which make it the choice of discriminating housewives everywhere. Give Royal Household a fair trial and you will never go back to other brands. Your grocer will get it for you if you insist. �szld�e F or mills Co., Welted, Montreal. 14 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our ]Exchanges. A sound sleeper is one who snakes so mnoh sound that the others can't sleep. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will aI. ways cure my coughs and colds." About 75,000 fox skins are sold out of Maine every year. Very few of the sly animals ere shot. How Croup IS Dreaded. If there is any warning use Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tnrpen• tine and prevent the terrible struggle of the little one for breath. If you know nothing of it till the struggle comes °acme the child to vomit and then use Dr. Chas 'e Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine frequently in small doses to prevent repeated attache. The great medicine is wonderfully effective in curing croup and bronchitis. The Brotherhood of Locomotive En- gineers will ereot a $1,000,000 building in Cleveland, Ohio. A man in e5 always be present when he is being shaved. This is one rule that has no exception. The ofd fashioned way of dosing a weak Stoma° e, cr stimulating the Heart or Kidneys ie sit wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescription—Dr. Shoop's Restorative— is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments the weak inside or eontroling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, if one goes at it oor• raotly. Eaoh inside organ has its con- trolIing or Inside nerve. When theee nerves fail, ion those organs const sure- ly falter. Tl•cae vital truths are leading druggists ev...ywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few dye, and see! Improve- ment will promptly and surely follow. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. "Trust men and they'll be true to you," says Emerson; but yotz can't make your grocer believe it. Although vanity is supposed to be a feminine trait, one doesn't have to scratch very deep to find it in a man. SAMPSON'S STRENGTH Will Not Resist the Pulling Down In - finance of a Kidney Aching Back The strongest man or woman wits a back constantly aching find daily exist- ence a struggle. It's the dame way with urinary troubles, Booth's Kidney Pills cure these aiF,s,ente, Wingham people prove this seot.ment. It. Knox, of. Cooke St., Wingham, Ont., says: "I would frequently sailer with a dell, b-a'ing down pain acmes the) small of my hack and estoindime stet ad my sieee. Tine was partionlariy noticeable whoa I would find °woollen to stoop or sit in one position foe n time. There was aianguidness and tired fooling and although I knew this to arise from inactivity on the part of the i; e ie, ani I had tried several remedies, yet I could not find the desired reenite until I procured Beoth's Kidney Pills at Mr. McKibbon's and commenced their nae. The dull pain and Weakness soon depart- ed, however, and has not since retuned. I feel better wad stronger generally and although Thema not been accustomed to baring my name used I feel that Booth's Kidney Pills are reliable and worthy of rerorninendation." Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cants, The Ii. T, Booth tlo;, Ltd., Fort Erie, 'Cent., Sole Canadian Agents. 41111. If yon want to be interesting, don't talk much about yourself. The total postage savings in Japan have reached the large sum of $52,150,- 930. Repeat It:—"Shiloh's Cure wiII al- ways cure my coughs and colds." Oooasionally you encounter a man who is a failure beoause it requires less effort to fail than it does to win success. Used by Sir Henry Irving in his impersonations of Dr. Primrose and Robespierre, a Malacca cane presented to the famous actor by John Hollings - head, was sold for £30 at Sotheby's, London, Eng. Phosphonol—The Electric Restorer for Lost bfanhood Restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sex• naI weakness averted at once. Phos. phenol will make you a new man. Price $3.00 a box, or two for $5.00. Mailed to any address ou receipt of price. The Soobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Walley's Drug Store. Seven of President Taft's cabinet are lawyers, and the President himself will make the eighth at the cabinet board, When the crisis is nigh, let every muscle be tense and every nerve alert; and when it has passed, relaxation has been well earned. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signtnre of A white kitchen floor is obtained only by the use of cold water and soap. Hot water tends to make the boards yellow. The Italian girl of Providence, who was shat by her sweetheart in a fit of jealousy, has now married him and so saved him from prison. Tat LAD1LIS' tAvolttTi4, Lara -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Heaeach°, Bil]iousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or siokening. A swarm of bees have been inhabit- ing the Chatham city clook slime it was put up a year ago, and have amassed a tarp° quantity of honey therein. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They anre backaches, weak back, rhenm- atiam, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Edgar Brown, formerly of Port Rope, after being tossed about in the open lake in a small punt for two nights and Oro days, in a heavy rain and wind, was deposited In an entaolated condition on the shore near Grafton, and was found by Thos, Iidorgan, is farmer, who attended to bid aufferings, Au agent of the (Burlington Railroad M Burlington, Oro., received $8.28 es o0n0oi0nee money front, a man who, 49 years before, had cheated in his fare to that amount. Prevention—those Candy Cold Cure `tablets --wilt safely and gninkly check all golds and the Grip Try them once and s»e! 48 25e. Sold at Walley'e Drug Store. Mr Fielding in his budget speech, on, flounced a surplus of a million and a batt, and no tariff ohanges. The eonces cions enjoyed by the sugar refiners will be extended for a term, The Hex Tasteless Liquor, Drug and Tobaeoo cure. We have yet to hear of one failure to mire where et fair trial has been given. Oan be given witbout the person know- ing it, is harmless and absolutely with- out taste. Mother, sister, or wife, you wonld•be doing a great work by giving this remedy to some member of your family. We will mail a full mouth's treatment for five dollars. The Soobell Drug Co , St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Walley at Drug Store. Mr, William Bowman, of London, Ont., says he signed the transfer cf the Stanley property over to the city forty years ago. The deed has not been registered, and is missing. Oonghs that are tight, or distressing Mottling coughs, get oertain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. The ten- der leaves of a harmless lung healing mountainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe, and heal tbe most sensitive bronchial membrane. Test it once yourself, and Bee! Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Garry R, Barrett, a convict in the Ed- monton penitentiary, attacked Deputy Warden Stedman with an axe, striking him on the back of the head and killing him almost instantly. • T100 REWARD,$l0o. The readers of this paper will be pleas- ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Oatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to medi- cal fraternity, Catarrh being a consti- tutional disease, requires a constitution- al treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, noting directly upon the blood and muocua surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con- stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have Bo much faith in its curative powere that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for ]let of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. A young Scotohm n, while attempt- ing to walk from White River to Port Arthur, lost his way in the bush. He was found three days Iater with his hands and feet badly frozen. A fast express ran into a herd of cows belonging to John A. Seal at the bridge crossing at Gananoque River. Ten of the animals were killed, and one knock- ed into the river, A fence had blown down and the cattle got upon the track. Rheumatism. More than nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold' or damp weather or chronic rheumatism. In such cases no internal treatment is re- quired. The free application of Cham. berlain's Liniment is all that is needed, and it is certain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain and soreness. Prioe, 25 cents; large size, 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. Peanuts, or ground nets as they are looally called, form 0110 of the largest crops over a Iarge part of the northern provinces of (thina, and are one of the artioles of native export entering heav- ily into both the China coast and for- eign trade. era. iSTQ]la.Ioat. . Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bang ' $ignatare -‘44; of Mr. and Mrs. Killingbeok, of Ottawa, while walking along the street, were seized by four masked men, driven sev- eral miles into the country, where they were severely beaten and covered with tar. The guilty parties have not yet been found. "Ott dub Touch Of Nature Wakes the whole worm whi, ' When a rooster finds a big fat worm he calla all the hens in the farm yard to come and share it. .A similar trait of human nature is to be observed when a man discovers something exceptionally good—he wants all his trieuds and neighbors to share the benefits of his discovery. This is the touch of nature that makes the whole world kin. This explains why people who have been cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy write letters to the manufacturers for publication, that °tiers similarly ailing may also ode it and obtain relief. 13e - hind every one of these letters is a Warm hearted wish of the writer 10 be of nee to some one else. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. When a talkiest) bank happens to fail all the clerks and mangers have their heads struck off and thrown into a heap together with the books of the firm. For the last 650 years nota single, bank in China has stopped payment. I3ow To Tell Catarrh An Exporieneeci Physician Says the Following Symptoms Are Sure Signs : You eau always toll catarrh by the following well known signs:— Eyes red and watery? Diflloulty in hreatbiug? Are the nostrils stuffy? Do you suet act frequently? Ie your throat hoarse? Do you spit phlegm? Oppression in tae chest? A ridging in the ears? If you have any of these indications of Oatarrh pure the trouble now—stop it before it .gets into the lungs or bron ohial tubes—then it may be too late. The remedy is "Oatarrhozone," a direct breathable core that places antiseptio balsams and healing medication on every spoc that's tainted by catarrhal germs. There can be no failure with Catarrh, ozone—for years it has successfully oar- ed cases that resisted other remedies, "No one eau know better than I the enormous benefit oue gets from the very flret dav's use of Oatarrhozone." writes T. T. Hopkins, of Westvele, P. Q. "I had for years a stubborn case of Bron- chial Catarrh, ear noises, headache, Bore eves, stopped -up nose and throat. It affeoted my appetite and made my breath Tank. Oatarrhozone cured quickly." Get Oatarrhozone, nee it and you are roue of cure—beware of imitations and substitutes. Large size Oatarrhozone with hard rubber inhaler lasts two months and is guaranteed. Smaller sizes 25o. and 50o. By mail. The ninth aunnal meeting and conven- tion of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forme of tuberculosis is to be held in Hamilton on Wedneeday and Thurs. day,May 19th and 20th next. Beare the The Kind You Nye Always Bought &$natnra of Charles Oampbell, a pioneer of Huron, died at his home in Ripley on Friday; April 16th, at the age of 72 years. The deoeased was a man highly esteemed and known as one of our most conscien- tious and generous citizens. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways mire my coughs and colds." Wednesday of last week, Mr. Benja- min Rielly and Mies Selena Glazier. both of Hallett township, were united matrimony, Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Clin- ton, performed the ceremony at the manse in town. May their joys be many. The easential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. Fergus has a record for widows and spinsters, bat there is one house there in which at present there is residing all in good health, three widows, three grand- mothers, two great grandmothers, one grandfather, and one great grandfather. Oan any town in Amorioa beat this? The Heart A Great Worker. What a wonder is the heart. Day and night it works away pumping tons of blood through the body and never tires or wears out so long as it is sup- plied with rich, red blood suoh as is formed by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. While sending supplies of nutrition to other parts of the body the heart renews and rebuilds its own wasted Dells and so retains health and strength. A pretty weddin g took plane at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dar- ling, Yorkville Ave., Toronto, on Wed- nesday evening, April 7th, when their daughter Rose was united in marriage to Mr. Orville Skilling, formerly of Teeswater, by Rev. R. L. Armstrong, 13. A., of St. Paul's Methodist °huroh. Rheumatic poisons are quickly and sore- ly drives out of the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy—liquid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's booklet on Rheumatism plainly and interestingly tells just how this is done. Tell some sufferer of this book, or better still, write Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wis., for the book and free test samples. Send no money. Just join with Dr. Shoop and give some sufferer a pleasant surprise, SoId at Walley's Drug Store. A man named Stone and one named Wood met on the, street recently, and they stopped for a moment to exohange a few oheerfnl views, when a woman in a partioularly noticeable sheath gown passed. Simultaneously, Wood turned to Stone; Stone turned to Wood; then both turned to rubber. " 1 Repeat it.— h re will Shilo a da ell 1, ways cure my coughs and colds." a IL Dr. Chases Oint mentis a certain an d guaranteed curofereach and every form of itching, bleeding an d protruding piles. See totimoniala in the press and ask your neighbors back if note satYou isfied. usen itataallll aaCCGIlcra,s:. Enn ANS°N, BATES &Co., Toronto. R. CHASE'S OINTMENT* If those who leave their fields from three to eight years in meadow, and then erop from two to three years in grain, were to change their praotioe complete- Iy, breaking the sod after one, or at most two years in clover, following this with porn, roots, potatoes and peas, and then taking off one crop of cereals, seed- ing down with this oonrse to clover and timothy, greater quantities of both hay and grain would be reaped, with the hoed prop and peas -10 boot. Short rota, tion is the ideal. 0 Hall Rutledge and Gordon Woods of Goderioh tp. noticed a fox crossing a field, and tracing it to its lair they nom• mended to dig it out with the result that they came ou a nest of nine cubs, and with a little effort succeeded in lasooipg the mother. The capture was one of some valne for it properly raised the pelts will be worth several dollars each. CtAt. iHl'xf•=, Mt.Xmat. . Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A horseman says that for horses fag- ged out after a tiring journey, there is no eater or better tonin than a "white drink" made by stirring a pint of oatmeal in a buoket of water off which the ohill has been taken. White drinks of this kind are not only good thirst quenchers, but they also seem to act as a restorative and are found to be very effective in enabling animals to regain strength lost through illness or severe exertion. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and cod's." Ia a statement recently made by Superintendent MacNeil, of the Fruit Division at Ottawa, it was announced that apples grown in the Eaetern por- tions of Ontario, exceeded in point of keeping qualities, those of Western Ontario. This had been demonstrated as the results of experiments followed out. in the handling and shipping of apples. Samples grown in the Niagara district were best kept in cold storage. A Healing Salve for Burns, Chapped Rands and Sore Nipples. As a heating salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Oham• berialn's Salve is most excellent. It al- lays the pain of a burn almost instantly, and unless the injnry is very severe, heals the parts without leaving a .soar. Price, 25 cents. For sale by all drug- gists. Boys with slingshots and catapults should be careful. It is against the law to iso such dangerous playthings. There is no telling what damage may be done by a shot sent from one of these wea- pons. A few days ago a young lady in Pioton narrowly escaped being killed by a flying stone apparently sent with a catapult. A. shot came through the window and whizzed by Y er head and Iodged in the room. It out a Olean round hole in the glass. Dr. de Van's french Female Pills—the Wife's Friend. A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly power- ful in regulating the generative portion of the female system, they are strictly safe to nee. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at $5.00 a box, or three boxes for $10.00, Mailed to any address. Tho Soobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at MoKib- bon's Drug Store. A weddiug in which Goderich people are interested took place Wednesday at Blyth, the bride, Miss Jennie Halls, be- ing a former resident of Goderioh. The ceremony was performed at noon by the Rev. J. L. Small, in the presence of only immediate friends, The event took place at the residence of .the bride's sister, Mrs. P. Gardiner. The happy man in this case is James Matheson, of Reneelaer, Indiana, ytho for some time has been residing at London. Read the pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion, blood pressure some- where. Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see 20 for 25o. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. W. S. Ellis had a nine little run of luck on Saturday morning. Five years ago Mr, Ellis purchaaed a particularly choice lot of wheat and had it elevated into a large hopper in his elevator, When he shipped it out he was astonish- ed to find that he was over 100 bushels short and the lass remained a complete mystery until Saturday, when with the help of a long auger, Mr. Ellis tapped the resting plane of the long lost wheat between the bopper and the walls of the bin. Over $100 worth of choice grain responded to the auger. It was like finding money.—Alliston Herald. CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA As is well known, this troublesome Isom. plaint crises from over -eating, the use of too mndh rich food, neglected constipation, lack of exordia), bad air, etc. The food should be thoroughly chewed, and never bolted or swallowed in haste, stimulants meet bo avoided and axerdiea taken if possible. A remedy whioh /MI rarely failed to give prompt relief and effect permanent eaves, even in the moat obetinato canes, ie BLOOD Bir TIERS 11 stela by regulating and toning the di. gestivo organs, removing coetideness grid Increasing the appetite and restoring lewdth awl rigor to the v stem. Ili. Aiwa Semler, Gold Rimer, X.S., writes:—"I was greatly trou',led with dyspepsia, and after trying sevrtal dootorr to no afoot I oanlmeneed taking Burdock Blood Bitters *ad I think it is the best medicine time is for that complaint." . lac 8sle M an DUO* ta and Dealer's TENTY ita Local History of the early AOI Items frolic the "'rimes tyles, (From the Slims of Apr, 26, 1889.) L0QM, NEWS. Mr. T, 1341 has begun work on the enlargement of his furniture factory. Mr. Boomer, 0 P, R. agent, Is greatly improving the premises by adding a flower garden, Mr, F. H. Roderus and wife celebrated their china wedding on Wednesday evening of this week, M. John Oleghorn attended the funeral of his Lather, Thomas Oleghorn, at Alma this ween, Building operations have) began in many quarters of the town. General cleaning up, fence building, repainting, gardening are now the order of the day. The plane of Mr. A. M, Allan, reliev- ing operator at the G. T. R , has been taken by Mr. W. B. Button, of the Junction, and his plane by Robert Laurier, of Harriston. Mr. 0 E. Williams has refloored hie drug store and is now thoroughly reno- vating, repapering and fitting it `yup generally, Dr. Maokidd and wife, of Seaforth, were the guests of her brother, Mr. H, W. C. Meyer this week. Saint's watering cart was on the street several days in the beginning of the week. Mr. A. Roe of the Queens has been making extensive repairs, which largely increase his accommodation and add to the attraotiveness and value of his pre. mimes. A very Iarge dining hall has been added, a new kitchen erected and several new s, ample rooms added. The whole building has been treated to a new coat of paint. Mr. Thomas Tipling left for Cleveland, Ohio, a few days ago, where, we under- stood, he has Bemired employment. One year ago Robt. Cornyn was one of the most robust and apparently well oonstitutioned men to be seen in Wing - ham. About that time diaeaee em- braced him within its fire and fatal grasp. Amid the hopes and fears of his friends he Sradnally sank notwithstand• ing the treatment of the most expert medical men, 1111 Friday last when he succumbed, the Last physioal manifesta- tion being of a dropsical oharaoter. Born in Packenham township, Lanark Co. the family removed to Mornington, Perth Go„ where they resided nine years and in March, 1857 removed to the present site of Wingham. His father, John Oornyn, with his three sons, Robert, Thomas and William erected the first residence on the present site of the Queen's hotel, TURNBERRY. Terribly sudden and unexpected was the approach of the stern and silent naher —death—in the ease of Mr Thomas Fortune, of lot 4, con. 9, clerk of the township of Tnrnberry. "How full of dread, how full of hope loometh up inevitable death." On Monday week the deceased attended the council meet- ing at Bluevale. Oa Wednesday he was ploughing and on Monday he was in the silent halls of death. A native of Here wiokshire, Sootland, the family emigrate ed in 1854 and settled near Dundas. Ia February, 1855 they removed to Turn - berry, the deceased settling on the lot occupied till bis death. When Tnrnberg was separated from West Wawanosit municipally, in 1857 Thomas Fortune was chosen first olerk and held the position for many years. He was re- appointed some six or seven years ago and conscientiously and efficiently dis- charged the duties till his death. BIRTHS Agar.—In Morris, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. David Agar; a son. DEATHS. Oornyn. —At Wiugham, on the 19th inst., Robert Oornyn, aged 46 years. Fortune.—Ia Turnberry, on tbe 23rd inst., Thomas Fortune, Townehip clerk, aged 64 years. For Constipation. Mr, L. H. Farnham, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says; "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing on the market for constipation." Give these tablets a trial. Yon are certain to find them agreeable and pleasant in effect. Prioe, 25 Dents. Samples free. For sale by all drussists. Saturday aftern000u, April 17th, Miss Christina Scott, of Huliett, who has been an invalid for the past 12;yeers and bothered considerably for the 8 years prior with rheumatism, died at the home of Moses Holtzhaner, a rel- ative, aged 61 years. She was born in Dumfries township, Waterloo Co., and lived in Hallett for 50 years. She lived with her brother, Adam Scott, until a year ago. Four brothers, Adam and Robert of this township, and Wm. and James of British Columbia; and two sisters, Mrs. Denton and Mrs. Shettler, of Vancouver, B. 0., survive. Got New Vitality Increased App etite True Strength. Vigor and Buoyant Health Quietly Followed. 'VITAL. Almost instant in its won- derful results—better than any other tonic in the world. Vital invigorates, braces, builds up. Yon will feel the thrill of vitalizing blood and strong nerves at once. You may have sound, lasting health if you will take Vital. Mrs. Strong, Port Dalhousie, Ont., writes:—"At last when given up by dootors, I was advised to try Vital. Por the that time in years I enjoyed freedom from headaches. My joy, well you can't imagine it, when I could see my strength, oolor and spirits returning; day by day I improved, gained twelve pounds and have been robust ever knee." If you are thin, wrinkled and hollow oheeked, ;pale, worn out and nervous, Vital will care you. Get a box to -day. Price 50o. per box or six boxes fol $2,50 at MoKibbon's Drug Store. Feeding That Pays. What does it post to feed a cow for • year? Many farmers cannot tell. Not so with Mr. O. Faille, one of the dairymen who retail milk in the oity of Peterboro, at whose place a staff repres- entative of Farm and Dairy recently called. "Figuring the cost as Iow as ie consistent with the price that I have to pay for feed," said Mr. Fxilis, "it takes 884 worth of feed to oarry each one of my cows through a year. Of this amount $51 goes for the meal ration, $18 for hay, and $15 for straw and other rough fodder fed to the cows. These figures aro reckoned from hay at $12 a ton and the other rough foddrrs at $6, grain being put in at cost prioe as fnr- nished from farmer", to which hes been added the coat of grinding." 'This Dost of feeding a cow for a year Metaled excessive. but when we learned that these coves Were produoing from 8000 to 9000 pounds of milk a year for Which was reheived six cents a quart when re- tailed on the streets, we find that this enterprising dairyman had considerably over $100 a cow per yer, grows profit. wale BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Paris is Full of Them and Nearly A11 Use Parisian Sage. In the beauty show at the metropolis two years ago Gold Medals were award- ed to five different women, To the most beautiful women between 20 and 25; between 25 and 30; between 30 and 35; between 35 and 40 and be- tween 40 and 45. A sooiety reporter who interviewed all five women in the interest of his papers, reported that all of them had beautiful hair, and that each of the five enthneiaatioally attributed her luxuriant hair to Parisian Sage. Walton MoKibbon sells Parisian Sage for 50 cents a large bottle. He guaran- tees it to mire dandruff in two weeks; to stop failing hair and itching of the scalp, It makes any woman's hair beautiful, soft and luxuriant. Protect the Wife. A farmer should remember that his; wife is a hairless partner. She makes the butter, boards the hands, helps pre- pare things for market, is a watch dog for the premises when he is away, and sometimes assists with the poultry and garden; and when he secretly signs away money she has helped to earn, he is cheating his partner, as well as rob- bing his wife; and it is an offence the• law would not tolerate in any other 00- partnerehip, nor should it in this, There is a law that prevents a man from sell- ing his farm without his wife's sig- nature, and it sounds as if a wife was of some importance; but it is rendered non- effeotive as a preservative of her home from the fact that he can mortgage it and endorse other men's papers to any extent without her knowledge or oon- sent, and thus dispose of the family pose session.,—and the sheriff can sell. This• statute is mockery until it is supple- mented by another making a man's signature, as security, invalid when written without his wife'e approval; and still another making it illegal for him to mortgage the farm to pay debts that she has no knowledge of. CATARRH If yen want a sure care for CATARRH OF THE HEAD, here it is. . . , OIYGEJRTOR THE REASON WHY : BECAUSE OXYGENATOR HEALS The mucous membrane botag,in nn inflamed condition, causes running at the nose; but when this membrane is healed the discharge ceases. aaiyflildoa onto Catarrh, ot leads to Ctarrrh ofhe Throat, Stomach or Bladder, Consump- tion and Bright's Disease. Oxygenator" is but up in largo Sire bottles. Price. #1. $1.00 and 50o, and retail druggistsid by ell wholesale The Oxygenator Company Totonto, Canada, AMPORPIOnedl.