The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-12-30, Page 64.
Morality in Ploughing Is drudgery. and so . are
road making and SEUdyi!lg Latin verbs. At fli Abbey Door.
A recent speaker dwelt with e9Pe- The earlier stag" of most intellectuai
tial emphasis upon one phase of the, work the appruaches to scietice, the
buvbw%s life of to -day that is receiv- begi�nings of all things worth learn- I bear one knock -L-; none has •knqwhcd Im-fore:
L -A ing the serious attention 'of subler- ing and worth doing, are in the nature Ho! there without -who knocLs?
vxizfolk who are old-fashioned'
of drudgery. The man, who cannot Or -011 the
enough to cherish the belief that drudge steps short at the gates cf'
A I would abide lwre.`
mora!ity is still the basis of perm&- knowledge. S:t%, by wha�;e decf-i
nent success, That phase hs$_to dol That the difficulties of life enhance
with the gradual weakening of pub- the zest of life is a great and con- What warrant h�L-� 1hou7 AH'Who dwell with ate
lie faith hft what is known as the solatory truth. Wbl=n all roads are Came hither rub all,..
sanctity of contracts," a- term that made smooth to our feet it i: little Then shatflds't thou. inds.ed,.
A -New Domino Game. t shou!d min her concert, "Do you hs quite as often abused as it is used we will care to travel them. When .1 Make haste 'to open. Should -it thou warrant need
When y6u get tired , piy�ng'think you can find Uncle Jim if I Put in its proper meaning. When busi-• few years or a few 'months of hard Will this not 'serve thee -that a people stands
Port will suffice for a,lifetime th,�r
dor.dnoes &-,e qjd way. ry YOU on the elevator"" she said to Ted nese men imagine that they can with: v
tt office building.. ill PlInity break a contract or agree- will be no joy in a holiday. Bareheaded while I hmwk - thitt. busy hands
r.&W game. Prete the dominues on he. when they reached day. '-%Ia-,i And hurrying feet are stayed con half the globe.
I was sure that meat whenever the -f e'rniis of his nature a con ,
table. face dqwn, it} the ordinary ye: Ted t he could- Inc y find it to their by the t- :�os, And that a kipg, doffing his"Crown Anck robe,
interest to do so, they strike at the or. The earth, the --ir and t
and fare of the pia ars star: get off at the ninth floor, interest a are
V, inter- the Pelds of his conquests, which be
Attends nits, and Would ;16t prcsume, to claim
game by U'rawing a dog= and plac-'Aunt Kate directed, "and run down* very root of all commercial
ng it ir, the centre of te'table. face the corridor and take the first turn course and destroy that basis of con-'gan when Adam r a 4.-,: e; d his fir-st crop, Fitness to be my spotisor.
up. He tnert draws agiiin and d he to the left Then youM see -Undo fidence and mutual respect without . and the bread won by the sweat crl _Name7 Thy name?
c play - which the whole commercial and eco- his brow tasted sweeter than the lesto Men know me not by risme, but I am he
an y upon the one in the centre Jilrr's name on a door- Go right in. , commero
he does so. He contirti 'Ted had'just time to nod before the' n-Omic structure would speedily fall fruits of Eden. No labs by drudgery For whom this 4ouse was built. The wise. the great.
es to dm%v ase ; to piec"_ than by adventure have earth, air and
''.ting as h* can play on either end of elevator -
.evator started- Up and up It wV1ftt. The brave, with 1hon6re 1 IT hrou�Lrht here in tate,
the tine. 1%'hen he can play no to stopping TIOW and then to let people How many men in business have sea been subdued to marl's masterful Did but unwittingly prepare, my way.
TAIger, I given any serious thought - the dis- will -
the r.e--.L player draws d pias as get off or to take them on. Them were. 4.0 1 Their soul; prophetic or some fftr-off dav
9 . 4�r_ A, great many people, and Ted was: asgrous effect of the recent manifes- - Justtee that shall right wrongs. Of trial when each of all his dreari., inig"lit
ion ashecar. The last domzwt�,crswded back to the wall. HejF*tch_iA&tiOrL of this spirit of indifference Peace that 'hall heal hatred, sanita-
a p:ayer draws, the one that he a P e That last fulfilment now beheld ill 111e.
can-' contexts that has tion that 5411 lessen illnez--s-those
n._)t DL%y, he keeps ur.til his turn comes' ed the numbers of the door carefully.: to the sanetity of contr. of the future.
'taken the form of,canceilation of re q! Hence is it that, not as they carne of vore,
again.. and when number eight flashed by he' i I or- e Oitmate hopes
After one turn round, the circle of began to push toward the'front- But: ders? Even their own self-interest sure in the place of work and come as to mine own house,
players, each will have one domino before he could get there the elevator i would dictate a different pokicy, ask�el in the place of effort open Fling wide the door!
etre 'from the moral aspects of the delib.- u an endless vista of boredom It is
in front of him- At his second turn had reached number ten. Then it 'This is whont we await . . . . U. C tness! born
the player p!ays the &mirw, in front, shot up to the tvieffth floor., then to, erate repudiation of orders doing the things we do not want to
because:When none had thoughts of greatne-ss: wh with scorn
i the fifteenth- In the long run no one member ,of do that makes the other things we are
of him. if h -e can; if not, he armors: the social and business structure can - enabled to do' pleasant. Mr. Wells For all self-seeking dared to pay the price,
one. If he can play the one drawn, I "Never mind," Ted thought. "Ill Loving that well which thou didLst sacrifice!
i , t may be pessa�le for him then to get off on the way down." I hope to escape from the consequences: promises that in the years to come 0 perfectness of pity, honor, truth!` -
But the elevator went down so fast of -the widespreid adoption of so drudgery will not -degrade- the whole
play the one he 'had before him. He � life of anyone- It should not be per- Who gav'st to England thine eternal --outh,
then. draws again and draws as long taat at first he lost his breath- just' vicious a practice. By destroying,
,& Mitted to degrade an hour of anyone's Revealing once for all what she could be -
as he car play thee ire he draws or I he got it again he saw the ninth confidence in the stabil ity of trade re-!
Tatiana trade iftelf will be destroyed_life to -day. The slave's work,'no,mat- Enter this house of reverence built for thee!
any that. he may have in front of,him- Boor flash. by -
After several rounds a player may The second time the elevator start-; This is so obvious that it hardly is ter what its nature, must always be -From The Wcstniins-ter G'azettl_l.
matter for argument, yet "Mncenj_f degrading- The free man's work,
have several jo ed up Ted took his stand as near the, n
Minoes in front hires Lis" is prevalent to a perilous degrq*1 matter what Ita nature. Is not, an
and when his turn cortje3 aga�n �.e!door as he could get- But he was so 'and is an economic disease that needs i never can be e a degradation. P" SheD Wrecks Are Re-' Produce' 'Prcduve' Were it
may get rid'oif a number -of them by small and the e!ephant was so large, I -
i and ther'e were so -many people, that to be eradicated if economic health fs paire& but the won( pitiful iftfiMtesimpl
car-t--fullY Playing them lir, the proper;
ta:ned. Fire Protmfion for Farm With the exception of an oc,-asi-jnjl'
order, for he can play 'as long as he again he fated. to be main fraetton of a product -.lire duce. It
Once mc re he found himself at the There ought to -be no confusion of semi -wrecked apartment builiEng fn in God's narno! 'TH th.. utmn:st
can place a domino on ei,,her end. tc)p of the build, ng- And on the tray; tho-ught in this matter of the sanctity Homm the Par -is suix7rbs there is little - left thou ha.,at.-in thee. . ' Out with it.
Since the score, is -niade by counti Farm homes should be provided There are, of course, 'to remind visitors there!Whazzoever &cod ihy han,1
the fires or mu l idown the passengers pushed and Of contracts. protection, In rfte :arm of that the Frereh
Itiples of five, at the. certain form contracts e Ath fire
flndi- 01 V) do. do it w;*,h thy
ends of tho; shoved so that he did not even seep tettered capital sLffered.niore than 3.000 such - , -lig I-" whi . I , r.
tizie, after each play, the" into i extinguishers or water Pails- When y whole ,it. Wor"
when he in dissregard of puhlic rights and wrecks as.a result c -f attacks b it
person who is quick to see the pus- numLer nine passed it. again mer cannot called'to-day: for the rf,-%t roni-
6 afire breaks out the far ot
sibilitie-s has a decj(!,�41 advantage_ Up and -down Ted rode in the big against the public' interests which call in the ��rvice-; of an organized I enemy avlatars. shells from Rjg�
le-,islaeures and" courts have rightly' I eth wherein'no-man U14 wor.L-
Berthas and explosions due, aerie! n a pacer elevator. The elephant began to feel I fire department. and the water supply - a . I
The 7,ame erds w�ie has. set aside. A contract which perpetu-, I, bon-ibs. According to the efeer of
VaY'iM all Elis ddemino*�,_-. but of course very heavy, and he put him on the usually scanty; neighbor,y assist- L
flaor- He wondered if the animal ales a grass wrong, or which fastens' I the Seine the 'work of r tora ion'Q
that c3r.-not happen r"� 1.,)ac, as there' ante can, therefore. oniy be concen- 7t t
are any left in the riding. Ted himself practically enjore-4 so much r in Perpetuity an iniustice upon a elicallv has been, compi�ted. - At have studicl and's7,t*-:fac',-,;.V
vard." for . whole communit I trated, on enndearoring to save the
was growing somewhat dizzy. y. or wh'ch binds only 1e39t * 50-OOO.W francs has been ex- settle! tthe Pr,-fOC-t"x,&. which ii
when he play!% the -asr one he has contents of hni'iiings.
One Party to the compact, is,without - French in making re- 'still fer� t e , F �n.-h Rep..,ra-
J= then !Iie e1evatinr' man said, , I pended by the a ?�
left. in front of him E must draw N -nth Boor"' Ted saw an opening' sar.-t'ty" and ought to be broken. Fire extinguisEers af many, Osigns, 1. h
L t pairs during the last year. The dam- tions' C,)r-)6�*-,:,,n to in-ficnte
Offmc. When therr, are several play and qualities a* -e available. The soda-,
Y_ But these are different matters from
i n the crowd and darted forwarI He . ge which still remains unrepaired is when- AM wll,i�* the -f--:i 1 17 u
ars the,',exelternent -an be prolongtothe form of contract -breaking acid tope, however. is recommenaed. 1 a s - 6 Z.; •h r- i I
was atmost Lhmu-h the dtx>r when- he. reaking that I due orjy. it is said, -to lack of bu,'Id- are to be r1 -pa* 1,hy Ole &rn er en,;m,.,;
by usizz- several sets sof dcaninoe-3. This niusi be kept from ire'ezing
but i
remembered the elephant- When he now troubles the business world. it L6 the most satisfactory and ser -1 tng material oe teMnacal labor. State�,.
These are inklivirlual refusals to ful-q lo
dashed back to get h'm, clang! The National Fire Protee-1 The Prefecture's compiled records,
The Fle-er That Flew. went fill an obkgation to p.-ky for ordered,.
-T the d�>or; the elevator wa.:z !Xojrg upoclatirm circular Ga this sub- of a.11 -attack-, shcw.,IAat shells from GO to 1!11� rabbit
% roods. the dishonestA
Che elephant on Sect Itays: - B'. Berthas caused -'_7.`),6 deaths 'And. Why -Ncot Let Morn Bring It tri'
eities.7 Ted rern3rked as he again, with Ted and h ifti n of the''
finishe-i his first breakfast in town. risks and burdens, of market unser- -T
the inside- an 'i�iew of the fact that several -wounded 620 more,, Boche aviators' It was.washug �,t.j �:A nicrkher tal.
tadnties, a pract�ce* that should I
His Ur-cle Jim laughed. "We have it 'was clear that something �Wto vot be; I so-calie.d tire extinguiAer's. con'sisting: irere respen4iMe depths a'nd' t jolln * -,Me fr-.M -'%1)o1 to b)vk
some things here that you dant have be done- To X�Ouw tolerated among honorable inim # ken, . At
decided ghat he generally of sheet metal tubes ftl,,ed. for woun" of 663. The slumbers of after the baby. She sez.t the children
in'the country," he said. "Would you try another4elevatw. He got off eal with a mixture of bicarbonate of soda Pariiians- were disstutbed by 74#3 pro- into the garden to rldr.y. but it W
. the wround jectiles dro a 4
Ike to go to the Z* this afternoon?" floor and stevwxI - inW an' Drud and materials in powdered form, aviatqm-wb' .1-e- but not - lona before c r -*r,; th_ i urikel he r -
awy pped by'
,*Oh!- was all Teti tou:d say to thaf,' ellevator across the ban. Bat that one , At the close'.4 the Outline of His- have been widely advertised. as suit-� 183 shells startled pedestrians during "John, what is. the matter with baby,
able for use for fire extinguishing pur.! *the forty-fwur days the capital served. nowr she juquired frum the wa&htt;b
but it was a very large and satisfying, was worse than the other, for it went tory that Mr. K G. -WO11i has recently i '
(At. tqp, without stoppng at all until it Pos�s_. this has to report at a target for the Germans. I
Published there Ls a' chapter devoted, -I dcn't know what to do witb'hl:tl#
He went to the window and looked reached the tenth floor, ar.1 gn'rlg to a prophetic vision 'that, in its op; More than 30.000 separate *� mother." rep"eft Joiju. "he's dug a
out. of "new. . . inion all forms of dry, . 1.
It seemed hard to believe ieve that down it did not stop below the tenth- world" that will be enjoyed by -)ur re_ powder fire ext i rftguis hers are inferior for indemnity have been presented -hole in the driveway 3zid now he sai.?
for general use, that attempto to ex- since the armistice. All f these to bring it Into the hcusC
there were as many peop:e in the Ted grew so t:.-e,l of watching the r4ote descemlwts. a world purged of
P t
r!4d as he saw down ort the r:nth Boor whiz ra,4t that at length� all 'that now affronts and' distresses
em may cause,;
whole v. ingui�;h ft -es with them
st,-�,et. And tl-e trolley cars m-ide he sat lown quite suddenly with the us, and deprived of all that now X"ds delay in the use of water and other
A tight In his arms. approved exdngulshlug agents, More notse than the thre--hing machino e*e-phant he'
j us Int,-) cOmPetition. It ir. a picturp, en-va and 1
fly r therefore their introduct,!in hou;rl.
at home. R-f,-jee Uncle Jim ler; it had "What's the matter, son!" a man R rawn so !Ull
0 hol(EY and brigh' not be encottraged." Of &e -
been areae -ed that Aunt Kate and said kindly. of light_ so empty of shadows, that we I
T -d should Mee. him at his offir-e I A few pails, kept for fire purposes At that moment the elevator began -narvel we, do not more keenly c.nv.y .1 Another Omble put he forth unto a Perfectly holy body. b �,.-rjess belr!z
that afternoon. Then Aunt Kate' to slow down for the ninth floor. the futvr-�- xl�npratjons who are to in- Oaly. and always filled with vrater.,
could go to her cc them saying, The kingdom of h-aven essential to its very'ex;� ecce anti
nceM AM Uncle Jumping to his feet and clutching his herit !hat tern -trial paradise. %hould be on hand. It is generally is likened unto a man which sowed all who are bad must 1 e c&3: ol:t
Jim and Ted would go to the Zoo. btmien, Ted inade another dash. And No prfsnn!!. no madhc.!is-_s r 1 CIA&_ VdInitted that more fire6 are extin�
"May I take MY el '"• that time he suteceef!ed. tom house official -4. and Shed by pails of; water than by all good seed in his field- But while men Their misLnke. as pointe:i out by 0-v
aske& plenty of 9u, s'ept. his -nemv came and" sowed great Auru�xtine. was that they cor-
"But suVW:;e, I'm too late,- he teachers evoury-wherva. A wor:Livride ► other 'means combined. To overrome tares among .he wheat, and went his fused ee ct-wrd and r7�'4e Aureli
The elephant. which Ttd had found thought. "Suppose Urv--!e Jim has sanitation that will reduce the number freezing of the wat-r where tho pai!s way. --St. 31att- 13: 24. 25. with thirvisihle church.
waiting for him. was Made of irlm core and I've missed the Zoo!" of hospitals. doctors and nurses. (1; People may
A are kept in stables or outbuil ngs.
and Pa-;Zted 9MY- If You put a coin It was a dreadful thought- He rush- worrd-wide system of economic justi.-e calcium chloride, in the proportion of Our - Lord's illustration was qn-l'tel be in the church and ret not of the
on the Up of the animal's trunk and'. ed down tie corridor. As he turned 'hat will do away with cheats, gazub- Sve'pour,4s to Me gall(m of water will well understood by those to whom He. church- The Lord knows-th them
push# -1 his tai! down jard at the same tit corner to the left, he ran full speed lr-n and speculator.. And above sad dePress the freezing point to 40 de- sPOk#-b. Seed -sawing was a common that are His 411. Tim.. 2: 19�. &M i-
tirre. he would lift his trunk and drqp* i0to a n=. beyond all else a cfNmplete freedom gftvs Fahrenheit below zero. experience, and probably while Christ is not for us to judge or to condemn.
the money into a slot in his baciLl "Well. well," said tate man, laugh -'from drudirory. '*.Natural power, bar- When fire protection is required it was speaking they could rte some, God only can judge. 'for He alone the hearts of mer
Is needed badly. A little precaution man near them on the hillside with a we most.
Ted felt that such an a,'7cnmmorfat1n;jbC. -what made you so !ate"" nesied in machines. will be th#4 gen-
imal deserved a trip to the Zoo,1 Ted picked up the elephant, which oral drudge. What drudgery Is in -1 A"Iftst Sri! may save the farmer and bag of !waif carried on his arm. from indeed. stand firmly for riThteousness
%nd Aurt Kate agropd wLith him. had fallen to the floor in the head-on evitabl" wifl be done as a service 1 his family being turned out of his which he tonk handfulls aq he walked and when there is manife-t sin we
I home some intensely cold night this over the prepared ground and seat-, must rebuke it and seek to save the
way d,)w-ntown Ted was so collision. and duty for a few Years or mon:hs i
he couTd not sit still The floor woutidn't Stop, Uncle Out of each lifo. it will not conaumc 1 winter. terra the seed. And bow,wor
�deeullyi.siuner. But it is not for us to cleanse
n the cars were blocked for fit- f Jim," he expkLined- "Tite elephant or degrade the whole life of an"n&-; appropriate the illustration he?,omes I the kingdom which. Chrat
I as we study it! Words spoken are; like a net full of fishes says, is
t minutes he was almost ready to. and I hx-ve been riding forever and U -Y should that crowning bonefit: An Imitatiam I R of every kints.
h out of the window. ever. He's very brave; let's harry' oppress our souls with doubt? I � heaH by the h9tener. The messalre some bad- R4)me good; it is onir then
I Drud- � Visitor (to little sister of v. -w haoy); lake seed. If it is r"r ved and tui -1 the net i landed that the 'Master
delay made Aunt Kate few she and show him to the other animals." gery Is a har3h'wor(l. The dictf'onary: "The baby Is the very -milge of )ou, is '. l r%
ca.4lially defines It acl welrisom-3 rad I Kitty." lowed the word wi!l grow and bear gathers the good into vessels and casts
tinoble toil. fruit in the life- If it is re*jed or; the bad away.
But a more genert)us' Kitty (jeahms of the new arrival): I
I��_AJOC has allached itself tCLA I carelessly nerfected it will die, and:
- - ----- _1irm'That's very - -1 'js pp Wt Must brTP the bad be
--&fe•R" Water _rvd.
that embodtm to Many kinds of must care for the w,.ak-,
"b" God'!k rust or His King" - in the evvbhi
effort ccopi,-d it from me!" man's 9 heart wil' not be e3&2 13
bl * bod. the wise for the foolish
That tho) V-srioa rf Pr.oPd%r Vmtsar- t ant water problom for a minute. 7" Christ Himself gives the�wlp ;n- for the ignoraw. hop the learned
tlim of mrai wat-r supply Is of ex-' in moist parts of the country imprdwe-terpretation (St. Matthew 1-1: 18-23), help toward God thoseI rw 'a save and
tf'^In* tMpnrtAzre is catada w shown meat gno sing •Slow -'ani it makes us pause and think. lot* ,inn se - who d,i not
_-s on wttb surprt Love's In 0 hOOt, serve 111m as they ShO1111
by reh-ont ItatistIce #;rAnplled by th Wbal. a lot of •eeed-sowing there i.4L in -
i2ptnes.i- This Is due, no doubt, to the Life is a Suvggle.
Qudtber. Provincial. War-1 of Hearth. multiple activities of the state boards' our live�L! First -there is our con-' It night seem as if life were a Lard
While 51 per ft -W.- of thft peVu!at:rn of, health and to the fact that tho... "Come unto rhe. all ye that labor and are heavy laden. and I science, through �kkh God speaks to 4traWle when the 1AUA says:
Of that preWnce 14 served by water: Vnblirt look.i to t6e= to decrease dist Will give yots rest." ns. Then tbory are the wov s of -the
worka. tho, ro!tnalnUig 41 por cent. rl_w-. ON.1.9e. aaff ThSa matter of improving, C*r>ffw unto r6e, ye who are held back by ill health, by bc)d* Bibie and the mes!tarlm_ in chureh of - bo`�h grow *09*tber anti, the har-
watojr zap hymns and prayers and sermon. Again, - vest" Are we. always to. �a've ev.1
eit4er m"n!paI or Weariness, by physical handicap�;, fr;om dk)ing whjLt you long
the experiehees of 1'fe speak to us; us in the vrorld? Are bad. mer
the iame PtQPnrt1Qd rural, is mo!r,,!Iy a rofrrirfo�nt step in to do. nd I will show you hove be well. how to be strong. to continue to work thc-r badress a:,
thrnngfrw. 17�inada wnxid I -,a4 to M* the wart. Th!i is zrA. alwayt tbe' J03r. lbxrow. wtrurjr7e. pain.
Ou friend-
>' unto me. all ye who are unhappy and I will .make y through the years*. V
no-irly rz,�-half of wir felt of the q�'tarp bolrll�4 of h shins. all bave a n-r'-%r-ae* ane sow ay. are my own
weaknesses to abide with me -and try
glad. No matter what darken' your horizon or, troubtes our csle�i W��rh. if we care for it and rul-
VIU3:1V it 1.4 tin"! *'I a;latlij., on.;
life. Mme to me, and I.will help you -solve Four problerns. I will :iv me all my days on earth! So we cry.
Prrv,�r inzp*ction .I 'r.,uvAaaI farm the Part of the pi4b'ir an -1 a lack ec a!e it. trill rankle us know God*s.
V,418 N not •r)*t!_",O 1-11" 1 - - give YOU pea�re and harmony. alfrOft iR despair' But this life on-
-vb,)rerat;#)n on the part nf and 6-hrist's And how
'Pi wdrklng toward thp�.xarn*'. e that are dejected. despordent, wander- --wcderf,�,T it -S That ourAear Father st r e of rest And C.A,;C.
VrvAP4r.f.foti**r)f the --r hi _-Wf an& othar f,,,rr r7ome unto me all y' i earth f. tot a life
I ih put a now spirit. in you-, a new lamp --PA--qt ua t�,vl Him_-!e!f And
Chr.-zt r:v" pes:'P ;o but
his family.. but Is alij') A V.,%L41 ntor#At ana. ing in dar�-nvsws. and I wi
it S 3L Vf'1CP of. :he sn;hl'ira knowing
to mrtan pnVulatt4n. k P-,j:;a!-,A well Th oa mrr,�at otie; just what, in your'pith. I will flntwf. your souL-; with lig'ht-that n-ver.wws make us -*Flfi 1-�Yal ci'., i
lzrs pf
on a farm. ovon Ti ,,- 2o) yi.1 !mm If -m, no! '4
Dani "t sneh a calnpw4n ahoal,l an land or iea. TLA 'heareftiy kirg�!� ml If trj. rwa-�-r of t !, ip
Owward ex-nore , _
the�:i4. or town. may lb -t the (I i rort CM111d lrce cr vih..rt%%,er
-�n trake ►'U*fer rea! and C.IrMest .4.1 1
Come me all ye th�it ro)rry ind fear anit I will give
�7&a" i P 11 n 1.4 ou "i, e- %X � r t t. there i:5 tlt,�e 111uA: lbe
n rv-r WO)fIld be thia trnth of God*s,
rw,!'1V•:,,n r yl) u a - pre'. 4-riptinn- which will heal y,,lj. 'it will Allow YOU that
�!ftr �wr -va. Thow 4p, ,f : o �, - :r %C,nrwh�:e. it U'r 1,iqt
10 1%fit "I"o,4, tgm.r%rwP or yet I : k 'r'
water f, 7 'Aanirig it k !Ur Ityckod-up rwlix that makes Yin a It
!--:ng ar.!
;;c) far vs' worrifr. row.-ird. ora w�,akling;
9030M =1 0-,' mfo-ri•h d -wh-) coMe to rne %ire Mu- kc, -p .,-;r hearts ;rrOw1r1r, wfvtk' t�nnr--It
thn,%gh 1.ory 2ro4u,,• have nothing to fear or WO "Y .1N)W. fi..-e,i �,v Satav or ty
-the c, WA
i me 'h r
con on
a are
tn the
h at
to way -Pf `h-.ltindllv• !,al car- V.,nie unto me all V4 wlao �ire tjijz:,ptp�-�inteff in life, lx.h oz, e tnl- 71ve.:Lrolri for the seed --that TfAI dear friend. can :ell the
rtov- wlao b-,) wam mure bititons have bp* -n th,% f4l. wh,)zze id. As have 1*come lylurred. ry of Je=sus tout. UO (-.-n he`p tht
1W by rh is q1 -mit Iliq well an,! �;tO
Dr. F i.- 11:irTuor'.-i fkul,;7 tnfi' whnse vls;ors have fR(11 t. ailif i I will re-.jvq theM -. ► Ning tfiem i old vrorbl to, know Ifirn and ob*y Wrn.
--jaArs, a ta! *a !!1 .1 bw%arl, C' h bi We ean AA1, •; r: 24-1 -,vrgng '.'i Vit, I—.-
•b-nek 0 1 f r Tm i in ir i ohq -.. f wiTf- I %urch friftdr-4
worthy %am-� A or •*,wof t-;, n,t-
h �.e a,t#. -x1,,4Ach are ftry�nir zo hlo,,k
ctifin (4 t show Y &Ae
-Y,,u h,',w to ii.,e di. in#, r Ftv#%r --ztp "r.a:, T ' T "t "a; Vv�v ;::1.41 a te.111",
r,r 3..
make gco)(T.
?'r,, -wh' htaf.- i -A by the 11w
advarc,,f of M# klngv�!,-M
We bring •-he -rent
111se"SO ;X;Opears !U h.- nofictN
.(74)m+- ifnLt) we all ye Who h.,LVIl, Yi0d •-11 •tip for% 1.% 1 It
4�n t ZrOu"- but
an •Z day of
iuqJ vlav,:!or. pr4lat-i tiwtrils th4
have fr-ad-.- jrrievcsw� aptl been P':rni.-4h#,-j --rx-jetv fe.1-
L"W'lleS ar'l
victt,ry a i c, -.y we -ate
PIT. It :q %a ro�cv-4.-4.iry to i3ff�gn;';-d
th'I lstv,tly rural wti-lr
your Arknv-dtiing, w;i I will and re n 0, -.v
.va'. and t: -ue
ers .%' , tno �:hLir�h ig a Veil?
li�p:y ;I.i the.
-va-'r fnPi;:Y 6f.*hs�
yrour ioul!,. I will p-0 a new h"art
-4tr�ngth to
r - i% o -d eed a hd
in the W;,rld "A!r,�,ajy Tron are l&rr-
,;W4. Anrthor h,�tjc-f still! -D wi-6
nmko a rew start -in tho, ri).�ht m -td.•
ing that C%ristian:-.'• ii 'the only,
Corr:v nnt�p aw.311 •�t, �i h i - ro i
))n,, in the
j J% wt,.% are not rrl
;P-�P L;i:'r-4 :e* in !io ti oine we
r,,iw*-r • to ',rir',A pe3re
it, 44) nn,iors and'
to 1* d; N
.�-idua's. is Kirng, whethe Z
-o v'vcr n -ed, for I am
And thii Jeclara-
il,n ' --x 4 " n r �!,) t. and It we toil.
n -i c o-,, j r. Y 4- ki-Pt La
the %puree .,t' A! iev er. le -L)
f 4 all riches. ---I am
- 1-e g _,o-1 -news they will e,)
divine bi'V&
11!e- I �)njr ago a wy ef rner, C3 il(41 L
i ti I I f
Him and find gladzeft
Rey. F. W. Tomifte.