The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-12-09, Page 1to rtitto a0 r.1111.r.4dat.Qlir $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE. • LLUCKNOW, !. ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1920. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS. I NOT MUCH TO LOOK AT LUCKNOW Flour Mills i FARMERS Come And Get Your Participa- tion Certificates. articipa-tion'Certificates. W. E. TRELEAVEN. , I)IliIVKWALTER & COUSINS FURNACES SUPPLIED AND INSI•ALLED--PLUMBING ANI) 'ELECTRIC WIRING. • AGENTS FOR THE HECLA VICELESS FURNACE. c► -u -o -o ' o f t' i:1t Y,1i'OD Y a MUsti t': Y 10 LOA'...; un mortgages and lit.)...ca t 1•e:.asolia.11e tales. rile 111Sa1t a11ce, butts Stuck. and Mutual 1. Ulali1:t11.1:::. - i,onveyalieing dont N.1tt1 11.;40,11t.'6s uttel' despatch. .-- Geo. 41. Suluall, _Lruker, Lucicuow. Lk. 1'AU:iL'!t, OSTEOPATH, at Cain • douse, Lue:l:tluw, every Wednes- day' afternoon. All chronic uis• tar t s sucr.essiully treated. Os- 1,,.opatitY' removes the physical causes of 'disease. Adjustment oI tile spine is more quickly secured lts.11 .stat fewer treatttaents i►y Os- teopathy ttian by any utl►cl• niethuu 1111SS BUTCHER, Teesw ater,-De- signe► of 'hair Goods, transformations,switches, tette.. Your order solicited. • 31-12-p. 1'OU LTRY WANTED. - Come where you get a fair deal and Tor- onto prices. Also beef and horse hide,•s and sheep •skins.-=.lLike Libel •Highest •cash prices' paid for hides, s`ttepsRina and tallow at the Tannery, Lucknow.-SAM ROBERTSON. 30-12-p. 1,.11)1' TEACHER WANTED --for Luc't.nttw Public School, with exper- ience ' in ;,rd. class work. Duties to commence January :tt•d, 1921. • A competent applicant and a good dis- ciplinarian will receive, a salary of $850 per annum. Apply to 'D. R. Mc- INTOSII. 16x12. FOR S-1 LE ---Two farms, 100 acres each, good Im ldiogs-_at++ first class soli. Will be sold at a bargain. Ap- ley to Geo. A. Saddail. 11-11-c FOR; SALE --40 bushels of carrots Will be sold; in quantities to suit pur- chasers. LEW WEATI' ERHEAD, It. 2. Lucknow. !'1.1N° FOR SALE -In first class repair -will be colt{ at a bargain. MRS. A. FINLAYSON, North of G.T. K. Station. 16-12-p. 1.0 -3T -near the station, i.ueknow, on Monday, Dec. lith, a black leather han'P n�. Finder please leave at The Sentinel Office or with Miss Lillie .;1IcLcan. . LOST --On the street, Lucknow, a child's gold -hand bracelet. Finder please leave with Ernie Aitchison. F.tRM FOR S:1i.E,---100 acres first clasa•`ciil, g:rod holdings, .four miles west of Lucknow; 2 acres fall plow- ing done. Terms easy.. For 'sortie - Wars al'hly to George. A. Siddall.' -- n1-li►-trc. FOR SALE. -international 10-20 h p. Then, kerosene Tractor. 1918 moiler. Fully guaranteed. Also No. fi, 1:? -in, • flizzard ensilage blower. Special .'olTer . to anyone purchasing tractor before .tan. lst,I911. WM. F, tT t.Tli,::x:13\. R ;R• 11, llolyrood 9-12-125.• The man who needs underwear, sox. shirts or overalls should go to C nnell's during the two weeks sale. Specials in rain coats at $13.50, and in overalls at $2.25 per pair. For the past week a badly battered relic of the battlefields of Europe has decoratethe lawn at Carnegie Hall. It is that type of gun known as a trench mortar ---one of the in- struments forged by Germany to im- pose kulture upon the world. It is an insignificant looking machine as compared with the two old-fashioned guns which did service at the siege• of Sebastopol in 1854-55 and which were mounted in front of the Hall some years ago. Yet the modern weapon was in all likelihood the more effective for destruction. It has all the appearance of having seen much hard usage. 'There are ma parts broken or missing. As arty remarked, "As a park - or - ht, if is little better than a n one name wheelbarrow." We understand that the Council did not ask ,for a gun. So the likeli- hood is that the government is over- stocked with German war material of one kind and another ac vast numbers of mortars and machine guns were captured at 'the close of the war. There likely is one or more for every town . in the country. We notice that Kincardine received a trench mor- tar and a -machine gun. --o-0-0--- CHURCH .NWS The Presbytery of Maitland will meet. in St. Andrew's Church, Wing - ham, on Tuesday, Dec. 14th, at 3.30 p.m. The call to Rev. Dr. Currie, of Beaverton, from St. Helens and E. Ashfield, will be considered. Messrs. Smith and Purdon, from St. Helens, and Mr. Fairish, from Lanes, will.alp pearwin support of the call: ' • The Presbyterian congregation of Kincardine . held anniversary services the last Sunday of November, and had the pleasure of hearing Dr. John- ston, of Montreal -a Kincardine old. boy." . The services were very suc- cessful in every respect. The man- aging board had asked few a contrib- ution of $900.00 and collections a- mounted to $830.00. There was one contribution of $150, one of $40, one of $30 and several of. $25. The Blake's Sunday School are having a Christmas Tree and enter- tainment on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 21st. A special program has been arranged and all are welcome. -----o-o-- Don't go to the mail order concerns for your watches and jewelry. Yoti probably will 4ave to wait for your order. If you buy from us you leave the store with the jewelry *rapped up in -your pocket. We never over- charge, and we stand back of every purchase made. Who could' ask for. more? Buy your Jewelry at Arm- strong's Jewelry Store. ,EIGHTH CON., KINLOSS -Tuesday, Dec. 7. Miss Margaret Baker is • visiting Palmerston friends. Rev. J. H. McLeod. of London, is spending a couple of weeks with friends in this community. MO Wilda Pollock spent a couple of days last week with her friend Mrs. Earl Culbert. Miss Myrtle Congram is Visiting friends at Crewe. The evangelistic services which are being held at Holyrood are meeting with such success that it was decided to continue them throughout this week. - Mrs. .1. S. Culbert spent Tuesday at Mrs. R. Culbert's, 10th Con. o -o -o -- Citizens of Lucknow are reminded that Dec. 14th. is the last date on which taxes will be accepted without extra charge. Aftea that date 5 per cnt additional will he collected. ---o-o-o-- ST. AUGUSTINE -Tuesday, Dec. 7. -' We are pleased to know that Frank 'Devereaux is recovering from a very severe colts. A number of our folk =pent au era jay able time at Thomas Robinson's and a still larger number attended the ball at Auburn the same evening. Mr. King, of Detroit, recently paid avisit to his brother, Mr. Hugh King. The recent fine weather . enabled most of the farmers to get their apples and roots put away for the winter. We are pleased to report that Mr. Greaves is all right again after be- ing laid up for some time. LUCKNOW SCHOOL REPORTS .'Hoorn 1. C Class. Excellent -C: McIntosh, A. Watson, E. Nixon. Good -4. Dui.; nin, A. Andrew, P. Menary, .h. Brab- son*, M. Button. Fair= -H. Johnston A. Murdoch, S. Steward, J. Stewart* G. Anderson,,,A. Smith, C. Greer*, I. Whitby, S. Mullin. -- B Class. Ex. -I. McMillan, A. Wilson, (M. Robinson, M. McIntosh) ties. Good -R. Armstrong, F. Thomp- son.' Fair -H. McLeod, D. Ilender- "son, R. Finlayson, M. Merriam. A Class. Ex. -F. Steward, G. Mc- Donald, Wilson Armstrong, L. Brab- son, L. Naylor, K. Brown, Winifred Armstrong, B. Drinkwalter, L. Web- ster. Good -(M. McDonald*, . M. Cousins) ties; W. Robinson, R. Mul- lin, K. Ferris, L. Irwin, A. McKenzie* _ T. Anderson (E. Agar, E. Baker, T. McDonald*) ties. Fair -T. • McKen- zie*,. E. Whitby; J. C.. Durnin, C. .Johnston, W. Bradley, J. Merriam, E. McLeod, W. Merriam, C. Finlay - ion, G. Purvis. * absent several days through ill- ness. Number ton roll 57. Average attendance 52. I- Murdie, --0-0-0---- Teacher. WHITECHURCH ---Tuesday,. Dec. 7. Miss Jean Eagleson visited' friends n Lt*cknow last week. • Mrs. Smith, of Langside, is visit- ing with Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore, of Tor- ',nto, visited at the home of Mr. Ar- thur Moore for a few days. Miss Jean Gervitt, of Winghgnh, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Eagle- son. Airs. McCluskey and •Mr. Sandy• Kennedy, of Guelph, attended the Funeral of their brother,, the late Wm. Kennedy. Mrs. Harry Gregg, of Langford, Ont., is visiting with her sister,'Mrs. Jno. Craig, Sr. Mr. Harold Spading, who has been living at Georgetown, has returned lame. • Mr. Alex Kennedy of Sault Ste: Marie, was called home to the bed- side of his father,. Mr. Wm. Ket,nedy, who has since passed away. AlLLx intends remai ling home for the winter. Master Allen Buschlen, of Arthur, is visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr. K. Paterson. - The PresLyterianr S. S. intend hold- ing their, annual Xmas entertainment on Tuesday, Dec: 21. There will be a HYDRO NOTES ,,A popular .question these days is "When do you think' we will have Hydro?'' We don't know, but , it looks promising for this side of Christmas. The work in Lucknow will be com'pleted this Week, but there may be points -along. the line • which ill hold up the current for some time. We understand that there has been some delay in completing . the sub -station at Holyrood owing to dif- ficulty in getting certain tnaterial.., • Of late there. has been .- zood deal of activity in the wiring of >houses and places of business, so that ' a large number will be ready for the -.urrent when it coon- Anybody having 'to walk home in town these super -dark nights• will agree that it can't come too soon. 0 -o -o --- THE HALL' WAS PACKED The entertainment, given, in Car- • negie. Hall Tuesday evening by the 'A.Y.P.A. drew a•:.f uli house and • the affair wasjan all-round success. The 'program was good though • the order at times. was very far from what it should be. IThe home..ta1ent _was --ally,• assisted by the Rev. • 1I. Snell, • of W inghani; Mrs.. (Rev.) Campbell 'and Mrs. -(Rev.) Douglas, of Dungannon; the two foriner giving readings, while Mrs. Douglas contributed vocal selec- tions. Rev. Mr. Ec,elc•stone•was chair -1 , 1•,_ ii1,--1'tobena,. 1i1tetit► ht.;, tnsn. The number which attendt'd is Mama�•_', Gasht Farrier Da. suggested' }.1• flu.. financial ret urns -.Jr. lit-- -Alex Inglis h i. which 'amounted to $137.30. T'.1. 1, the V'<tso?a X:'' 11 iS, oc:. r .t►1ca $ : to 1195 h -. weather ,Sold nights and Nvintry weather you'll be particularly glad you have a ViCtrO a. No need to go outside your own home for en- tert,h.inmcr.t-the. be'sr n'iusic and fun that any one could 1vish. • Stoll i.t any ,time and we'll- glad,_ play your favorite music for you, ar;d c.xliain our stent of case terms. F. T. ARMSTRONG JEWELLER 81 OPTICIAN. ••r $C'ILGOL S. S. No. 14, E. b: W. 1V:1 -A nno'h 1'•ur November. Sr. IV.: -Madeline O'Callaghan 6:1, 'Lenore Falconer 63: 1 0 cot -- .1. T. Lyons will. receive live poul- try on Wednesday each week, and_ dte _ed`poultry every day at MacMil- lan's Grocery, McClure Blodk, Luck - now; Kinloss• and' •Kinl'oug*h on Tues- days. 30-12. • o-o-o-- hIN LOUGH Sr. 1: ---Chrissie Inglis &u. Jr. 1. --Olive k'ai ric•r .91. I'rinler--Carnitn. Farrier, Inl;tis. � fi- Best spellers for; month-Madt•leitic O'Callaghan, Lenora 'Falconer, Mary Martin, Olive Farrier. Present every day. --Madeleine C'aiiaghan,. Lenora Falconer, .Robena Martin, glary' Martin. A. O. Clow. Teacher. :b i is ry Tommy • s. S. No. •-Tuesday, 7 Ashfield. Cutting wood is .the order, of the Sr. IV -Ruby Felee, Isabel Grant*.. day. Sr. III -7 -Doris 'Hibben', D, rant* Messrs. Ryan & Pinnell and Messrs. ('lora Hamilton.. Fckcnswiller -& Son have finished Jr. 11 --:Man Grant*, Harold Ilib- threshing for the season, . • bent", Leonard Felce.• • • A numbs f. of the yotmg people oat- • Jr., I --Margaret Mackenzie, Edna tended the Assembly . in the Orange Felee. 'hall on Friday evening.- All 'report - Prime'r-Kathleen Lttr'ti'crs. a good time. • No; on roll 11.' Average att. 10.1:•. Mrs. Coursey• and Mrs. M'urdy. of* perfect "attendance. M..Hamilton. Teacher, Lnca�p, are visiting their sister, Mrs.! •. Wesley Boyle.• George Ilaldenbv and Art Hodgins S. S. No. ;1, Ashfield. have returned from the West. ' l Sr. IV.. Total 2267--M. Webster S»r,lay School t l r:•5, E. Rit. hie 1:► 36, 1'.. Gardner The Presbyterian j will have a Xmas Ti,•t' entertaini' ent 747- . on Dec. 23rd. S'r. III. ' Total 1133-4. R: tc :ire Our. Grade my closes for its \ nuts`f 1300, E. Gardner 1161, J.:MacDona:.;h c - I ► Ander.-on Dec. vacation Charity trey as well as the Xmavacation on Dec. 22nd;wi h a luras ' 10, 1, Il. Gardner .ta ,.• tree for the children. The ladies of �•:11)3i.), G. Pepper •82S.':l. 1\'t•l�ti:_r 4,'-. s tree and entertainment. the church have held three very" sus- The hoes • were •busy sharpening i • Jr. III. Total 1 -t1-. Pep), their skates last Monday, .but t ey_, 114 i3. 'Co4. ''sl. • t'. l:itc.hae_. 0•.. L had to put- thein away atain. Tough ' 3. AndreSr n Total 1730-.---A. Ritchie bora. Fred Hodgkinson has nearly cont- 1 133'), M. Pepper 1:;tg, P. Cooke pleted his Karn. He will have as un= f 1.22.1. J: Ritchie 110 3, M. l.. itl strY, W. to -date. buildings as any en the t 1 • line Bunter 5:)-I eessful scwing.6ees towards the char ity tree ,and any further -donations will be glad ly received. Mrs. Dtr: Jamieson.. of Barrie. is visiting her mother. Mrs. 11. D. Hens who has been seriously ill. We are glad to be able to report that • Mrs. Henderson -is improving nicely and we hope she continues to do so. Rev. Jno. Henderson Occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday morning and preaeh- od in the interests of the Lord's Day \lliance. Mr. Henderson also tank the afternoon service at Langside and the evening service in the Bap- tist church, Wingham. We are. sorry to report the death, o:' \1 r. Wm. Kennedy which took plaet• nn Thursday, Dec: 2nd., at his home. Con. ?. Kinloss. Mr. Kennedy was in his RGtb year and has been a great sufferer for more than a .year. • Ile leaves to mourn his loss his wife. fore daughters and four sons, to wham the community extend their sincere sympathy. The funeral which was hold on Saturday to South Kin - 'ass Cemetery, was very ' largely at- tended. IN MEMORIAM Campbell -Campbell -14n fond and loving memory of Drina Campbell (nee Thain' who fell asleep Dec. 10, 1919 in her 23rd. year. Dearest loved one, we have laid thee In the peaceful grave's embrace. But thy memory will be cherished Till we see thy heavenly face. So dearly loved, so deeply mourned why all the members of the family. Our Mama Onr dearest one from us has gone. Our Marnals voice is 501.Her place. made vacant in our home'. No one on earth can ever fill. . Your little Margaret, Rella and wee baby Drina. I Jr: -TE Tot I 3.;..;x`'- --Ts. Anderson e t IMO. L. MacFonarh 1073. W. \\.'b - The lady __ _ t, _ 1st. Total KT. -B. Gardner l 20 per cent by going to Connells. The pian who wants a fur coat ran save $5.00 on the price -a $43.0'1 cont for $40.00 -during the two weeks sale. ---o-o-o--- M.1R1{lEi) Sr. Primers. Total 10901---E.• Rit- chie ► F. It:te•hie 195. C�lit' tie►•-, . Int: Primers. , Total 11f -.A. iiutt- d ter 1033 G. �\'el,=t,•r ae' 1. N. Ander- son v`,1, �► .�hin;t. r t,t,:►, Total Jr.' 1'rintcr+. �`.•.• t t r 1 .% S. Gardner 424.. z •- 3t'ebster•-Dh o ere) .--.�t . • , Cali: ar�1 :Average att. ;t. Nelson on roll :\ i t,•t.: on Nov. 8th. 19.'0, Mr, N v .. Valetta 31, Tiffin. Tt :►ch,•,•. Wel}ster' and Miss Janet 1►uhet•ty- • both of Nevis, Alta. (The griot•nt. la `, �, No, ;. hiatus., son of 3I r. and Sirs. D. Ii.iti�'cbs:cr. Sr.- 'i�--D. ('artkr 7i,, R. S:tc..7rt is well known about Lucknow.) McGuire' .-Milian-At. the hi -stile l of Mr. and Mrs. Weil. Hamilton, - Moron Township,' en • Wednesday,. Dee. $, by the Rev. R. F. Irwin, yr. -Samuel Mc- Guire and Mrs. Martfia Milian. McLeod-McLar-.:\t Knox Church ' Manse, Ripley. on Wcdnestlay. Dec- ember 1st 1920, by the Rev. Gcor':e Gilmore, • .bliss Barbara Mci.ay, daughter of C3irs.. John Mcf,ay, (' 'n. s. Iiuron. AtInitett -n t ifi,re-•ts►--- :- Roderick McLeod. 'rhe, hapiiy ct,u 1' e will reside on their farm a•:,t'ini.-t. the village of Ripi, r. o O 0--- • 'BORN MacDonald -1n Lucknow on. N,'v. 30, lif20, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- Donald, a daughter -Etta Belle. • • • 7.r. Tr -C. i nncr'tll, (atnpht,il 70. `•1•'.'- Innes Gi). B. Pinner t►:), T. l Sr. it - •1. Stewart 70, `r. 'Pinner. G:s, i'. ;.; •`,ill :. t.. u:,� Tl r ,•._ • , On Monday last an order went int, `.•• 1-- F. )in•-D,•ii all, 3`.. S t'V .1' t• . kt'eet on many branches of the 'G.T.R. Pr.----P.'3T:t,r) 1)a'•l. R. I'ir.••.ct' which cut Clic fcti};ht service in two. `.;:•, T►;•; ._:t".. t'. 3Tar'ic;r.t :This apl,i.cs t.►' all the G.T.R. lines in t , , 1'r.- l.. 31:►t�I.t Cul. l.. l'lm:''r• Urtare• tr : aril .rrtF !than nnn have tut t". t :, �tp1, l!• th.•ee trains out and in. instead of an absent foe . .,.t,. ,,f t'';t tt"t t' r.:,ihl- Ct'' l'•�' r'. it t'. This change is coati'' t:,.t I,. -aui-.• ;;fere .is• a foals;: , l tit w ih a vies to o•tI' ice l.u�.l','•:, )a it t•rv:n}; ,:i'.' The G.T,R. appears Cal w ars t ► drove had a, hand time 0 CREAM WANTED WE TEST AND PAY FOR THE TORONTO CREAMERY (U. F. 0.) ACCURATE TESTS, BEST PRICE, CANS SUPPLIED, AT MACMILLAN'S McClure Bldg. L. R. TAYLOR GOOD NEWS Ted THE PUBLIC D. R. McIntosh has; after due con- aideratiun, decided to offer to the public such prices in lines of heavy Dry . Goods .stock that will be a revel- ation to any prospective.purchaser. Startling yeductiuns in every depart - ,t: L : t, for 1'i .days., commencing on Sntttrday next, December 11th., and if you were satisfied with the treat - trent that• you received from us on last Dollar Day, Aug. 12th., better hargains now await you -and for 10 days instead of just the one day. Experience, ability, with hard work has r. n arded us 'so that our buying 'facilities from the largest houses and at the lowest prices -quality considered -are ours. Follow the Crowd and take advantage of this rare opi►ortttnity. D. R. McINTOSH. ----o-o-o---- it Note of Thanks -The A.Y.P.A.. cif St. Peters Church, wish most cord- ially to' thank all those who so will- ingly. and ably assisted with the pro- gram at the entertainment Tuesday n : r ht :==8er'y. ---'-O-O-O•-„�• (•.\it OW NERS, ATTENTION We are prepart'd to refinish your car in a satisfactory ntani1 r using the' best of materials.. we ea At overhaul your car at. same time. Prices reasonable. • • (. Durnin & Son. Phone ". '---o-a-e-•-- t. It : ou want to save money comf Conreli's sale and save a do !ar on every five. 20 per_cent_off- towellings :and tal,ie linens. Tht' same off coat- ings. s.lks lantl dress goods. • ---v-O-d-•-.. k'REICIIT SFRVICE• CUT matrons. N. .\. t: odlin, Tt':t.11er. .-o-o-oma-- �1 pr'.t•:,.: t'ti 11'.t.;s, ('..t",go',e•um Squares. Oilcloths. Feltols and' l.in,'l- eums at Connells. It will pay You to bulli during the two • wink's sale.. ITah*' b.\ 111 cn,ls inert. and this mate is with a view to reducing expenses. _r--rill-O-0-"- •• l ATTERY ST(1R.1(:E The Re;v. R. Johnston, late of Most- LOCAL MARKET......... t. �• - .,•r ,tt...... and all kinds real,. will give his lecture"Lcsrei els -. ., of l att: ry repairing,' leave your bat - of The St. Lawrence.� in Nitron ,.utter.. . •..45--.---1.;tery with T. W. Smith, Central Gar - Church, Ripley, on the e:t:'nii'(l,'i• t:f f's•ga 65 ^` Hags. , , . , , •�1'L50 age, Lucknow, 4-1141. Doc. 13t,h. c A 4'3