The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-11-25, Page 1• aie ....ao..aouoosoiowdmo.stzs.1rr.41ralltWeWrik..=' • • 240111.11111111.411M oit; $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; *2.50 OTHERWISE. LUCKNOW Flour Mills •••••••••-••••• FAR/VIERS Come And Get Your Participa- tion Certificates. - W. E. TRELEAVErtL', DRINKWALTER & COUSINS FURNACES SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED -PLUMBING ANI) LLEt..-IRIC WIRING. • AGENTS FOR THE• HECLA PIPELEnS FURNACE. o Ey LIZIBODY'S '• 0. LOAN on nlortgages ana i.Iruasoo....•e •sioeS. k irk zn1Mutu&. 101 ityikt.:Lers uU tietiptItch. - Lae... A. 1414.11110W. VALK ER, USTIO?A1H,at. Cain • 'iiezow, eery Wennes•- uay aitertioun. Al!Achronic &s- e:Lies, suctesstui4 treatetL Os- te.0.4thy • reuiti• the physics., caiuses OL dist:Lie.AikjUflijieflt 01 tire seine es inure quicitis SeCtliet3 asidtvai•ul fewer treAttmec.ts on Os- tcooathy than korply tardier method 111S S BUTCHER, Teeswater,-De- signer of Iluir Goods, transformations, awitehea, etc. Your order solicited. 31-12-p. • FOR SALg-CoMfoitalde he in Lucknow. Apo:;),- to Robt. Jobaston. POULTRY WANTED. -Come where you get a fair deal and Tur- onto pnces: . Also keel and horse hides anti sheep. skins.--Jai.e LibeI FOR LE -Two fonts,. 100. acres earn. •good build:rigs and first class sell. • Wiff-be sold at a bargain. • Ap- ply t' Gee. A. Sidda11. FARM FOR SALE -100 acres first rla;.e • good buildings, four mite st of Leeknow; 25 acres fall pow - in e dente Terms easy. For' apoly to George. A. niddalL 22-10-tfc, FOR SALE -Choice Purebred, Mien moth Bronze Turkeys. liens $6. .t•72.,1•_T !TF. R. I, Lucknow. Phore 33-615 North Huron. • 1.0T -between Lucknow and Ash- fip141 church on Thursday night. Nov. :1 Chevrolet car crank. Finder please leave with W. K. MeNAY or at THE SENTINEL OFFICE. HEIFER ASTRAY -Came to the peeseieee of the undernigned. lot 23. e -Z Wt Wawanosh. on or about Jerre. 1st 1.120. a heifer. Owner may ' have same on. proving property and payinc expensee. JAMES CRAIG. Phone 1 r Coderich Rural. STFFR ASTR ‘V -Carne to the nromises 'of the under-ngned. Ash5e141 Township, a steer apparently 2 years (OA. Owner mar have same on prov- ir'-, nr,nertv and nayinl expenses. W1LFRFD R. FARRISP. R. 17, Lurk - nave • 14-12-100 STEER .t.STRAT--Strayed , from the premises of the undersigned on or lTt Nnv. 10. 1:1.:.?0. a rrd steer ris- ;' -sr'. . Ane- person havinz forrent;osi resirarding the Same. kindly isommenicate with ALEN GOI.LAN. • R. 1. Lucknow. A liberal reward is . offered, 23-1Itf. BATTEW1 STORAGE 11111=•=1•1•1==b Fc • -xiter storage .and all kinds efei-re.•'-ey leave your bat- tery eith T. W. Smith, Cntral Gar- age, Leirksow. 4-11-tf. P tittinet. . [LUCKNOW, !ONT., THURSDAY. NOV. 25, 1920. to LOCAL AND GE.NERAL r• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It has been a very wet Indian Summer. Rich.° McQuillin returned to his term in Wawan.osh.. Jas. T. Lyons will be buying live poultry every Wednesday. Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph Agnew were in Toronto for the week -end. Mr. Emmerson Irwin was home from London for the week -end. Dressed poultry taken any day at McMillan's store, McClure Bldg. (ome to the Town Hall on Dec. 7th and see the Bachelor and his many lovers. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stewart have moved from Stratford and will live in town. Miss Winnie Gordon is home after spending a month with Toronto. friends. The Reveries of a Bachelor will be given in the Town Hail on Dec. 7th. Admission 25c and 3-5c. Mr. Treleaven is installing a sixty - %horsepower electric motor in his flour mill With a view to'avoiding the high price of coal. Don't forget the entertainment. un- der the auspices- of the A.Y.P.A. t� be•held in the Town Hall on the ev- ening of Dec. 7th. WE ARE •LATE THIS WEEK • The Sentinel goes to subscribers a couple of days late this week. As most of our readers will guess, this is due to the fact of the printing plant being moved into new quarters., In, moving we were hampered some- what by weather eondit4ons, and in some ways the job proved a bigger contract than we calculated on. Print- ing machines are big and 'heavy, and there has to be a good deal of tak- •ing apart* before .they will pass .through ordinary doors. So we got behind schedule about a couple of days, • and at one time thought we would not be able to get out a peper this week, but there were a lot of important notices and adve-tisements which should be before the public and we 'decided to make a strenuous effort to get it out. In another week we.shall be com- fortably settled in our new location and The • Sentinel should go en smoothly for some time. we hopesoon to have installed electric power and 'iehti-ng and to have the whsle equip- ment a good_ deal better than it ever vas before. 000 • MAFEKING -Tuesday, Nov. 23. lir. and Mrs. S. B. Stothers, of Clinton, spent the week -end with the fonner's mother, Mrs. Wm. Stothers. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kilpatrick ris- ited Ripley friends Tuesday. Miss Sarah Mallough, of Dungan- non, spent the past week with relat- ives herr. • Arrangements are made fora Sun- day School entertainment and Christ- --aras -tree -to- he--tteht in Blake's- Church - Dec. 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Treleaven and little daughter, of Dungannon, spent Monday at S. J. Kilpatrick's. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mc- Quillin, of near St. Helens, moved on to the farm recently purchased from Mr. -John Lazenby. Mr. Lazenby moved the same day to the farm un- til lately occupied by Mr. Robert Henry. •""•••-04100---. OCT IN VANCOUVER, A Vancouver, B.C., paper to hand this week gives a lengthy account of a political meeting held, in that city recently in the interests of the Liber- al party candidates for the Provincial Legislature -Messrs. Ian Mackeneie, J. P. Dougherty and Mr. )1 'A. Mac- Donald. Among the speakers was Mrs. R. J. Bryan who will be re- membered in Lucknow. The paper makes many favorable referencee to Mrs. Bryan's address. Mr. MacDer- led. one of the candidates, we under- stand, is also a former resident of this part. Their Lucknow frends will be Riad to know that Mr. Mac- Donald and Mrs. Bryan are winning favorable recognition on the cast. CAR OWNERS, ATTENTION! Batteries stored and cared for at The Ford Garage, Lucknow. First crass iservki, 1.5'11•11' • ••• X 4. Itemiriet. .................•....„..... .ripat , MOVING ! MOVING ! CHESLEY MAN -SLAYER FOUND INSANE The two closing months of the year 1920 will see more inswing aboue by thev business men • of Lucknow • than a like time has seen in many 'years. We would say there is a reg- ular moving craze on only we • hap- pen to be mixed up in it ourselves. • To begin with, The Sentinel Office has been moved front Mr. Allin's building, corner of Campbell and Ing- lis streets, to the room in the Joynt Block until recently occopied by Sil- verwoods, and just opposite J. G. Armstrong's drug store. Silverwoods business, now in charge of Mr. Ernie Aitchison,, is now in the old W. J. Taylor store, recently vacated by Drinkwalter & Cousins, who will pow he found in the old Sentinel stand. Mr. W. J. MacMillan, who was • in charge of Silverwoods business, has bought out McClure's grocery an lunch parlor, and in association wits his brother -in -1a*, Mr. L. R. Taylor, will carry on that line of business, besides handling 'cream and produce. They have an advertisement else- where in this paper. Next conies the change of the Post Office. As stated elsewhere, after Dec. 1st., the P.O will be in the ,Graharn. Block. one block east of the Cain House: About the beginning of the year there will be three other movings: The Lucknow Hardware Co. will move to the store now occupied by Johnsrton. Bros., furniture dealers, who will more into the Anderson Block recently purchased by, them. They will occupy the room where Mr. N. D. Mackenzie is now conducting a grocery, and Mr. Mackenzie, we understand, will move to the corner store in the Murray Block, just weet of the Cain House.•About the same time, or a little later, T. W. Smith will move his automobile repairs to his new garage, corner of Carnphell and Inglis streets. Thia, so far as we know, will com- plete the present moving program. Joslin Green,- of Chesley, who, on July 28 „last, shot and killei Bert! , Cavell of the sameetown; was up on trial for murder at the'recent Assize Court in'Walkertoe. The trial, how- ever, did not go on as Green appeared • be of unsound mind and had been ..‘ . , • exa ed as th his condition. Dr. H. • • Goods' that- are na Mtionally advertised and . E. B.. MacKay, proVincial inspecter of' • • . asylume; Dr. Clair, mediCal striper- known to be thebest of their kind is a safe guide in buying.' est. eV L j e.--_-__een.-_,.!.‘"ek '-o--- --"----t,- -....:-............ GIFTS THAT LAST 25 SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS. visor of asylums and prisOns, end Dr. Sinclair, of Walkerton, who condni t- ed the examination.'• gave evidence that they heel found -Green to he in- . sane, he being subject to halueina- dons. It appears that Greenwas un- • der the ditusion that Le was tho tim of some .-ort of orreanieel perse- sel7er. Ju4icn Meredith, who was eondect- inr the court, said that under the ci:.- *cumstances there was no use in' pro•-• ceeding further, and he asked the fury to retire and bring in a verdiCt. The jury were out for only a few minute§ when they returned, and the foreman reported that they found • Green unfit to be tried. Justice Meredith then 'stated that the prisoner should he cernmit+ed t t the inane and that if he ever recovered his sanity • be worild then he tried.on tioecharge of hesiel- er. ASHFIELD Bradley -Hackett The marriage of Miss Mary Hack- ett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Hat-., A•=hfield. and, Mr. Jehn A. rend1ey seas soen,rijzed atth, AslitieLl Methodist parsonage. Wed- _ nesday. Nov. 10th. at 4 p.m.. • liy. R. C. Copeland officiatine. The bride wore a smartly taiored suit 'of c avy tricotine with hat to match hudson' seal care. and the gift of the croon a handsome lavalliere. A bouquet of .111..Emme...0•111).m.mmow pink asters and maiden hair fern • completed the attractiVe e•-stuiee. WEDDING BELLS The ceremony was witnessed by Miss. Ida Haekett: •sister of the hr!de. and • Mr. Sam Bradley. Toronto. •brother Iof the groom. Following the eel -O- ne home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel rncuiy the +tidal party motored to Sherwood. Ashfield. was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday Nov. 24th, when their daughter, Eno -- ma Lavina. became the bride of Mr. Elliott Miller, of St. Helens. . The bride, gowned in white crepe de. chene and wearing a bridal veil and orange blossoms, entered tie .room to Milkr-.5berwo,od the home of the bride's parents where a reception was held in honor of the young couple. only the immediate relative.: of the bride and groom be- j ing present. Many rood wishes ac-.' emnpany them to their home. OUR STOCK IS SELECTED FROM THE BEST MAKERS AND IN SELECTING ANY ARTIOLE FROM THE FOLLOW." ING XOU WILL BE ASSURED OF GErT1NG A "-GIFT THAT-) • LASTS." Community Silver Plate "Adam Des fen" Roger.i la -17 Knives and Forks. Wm. A. Rogers **Heirloom Plate" Regir.a Watches. All sizes. - Hamilton Watches Waltham Watches Elgin Watches Waterbury Clocks. Regina Clocks l'equeeant Clocks •Tartadian" • L, Orient Pearls, 18 and 22 in. long • Ever.harp Pen8ls •--Sour Gold. "Jewelry i-nd -DIAMONDS actor Victrolas • , Victor Records Crunsaick Phonographs • DO NOT .PUT OFF 5 ELECTING. TOUR GIFTS UNTIL THE LAST HOUR, BUT MAKE1 tout:. SELECTIONS. NOW. WHILE OUR $TOCK IS • COMPLETE. F. T. ARMSTRONG JEWELLER & OPTICIAN C tiZNEGIE HALL, LUCKNOW (Under Auspices of Lrass Ban• d.) WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1st. Ionic Male Quartette A aried i,r ' ..f -•• Ard and }tumorous • - I .• and Solo.. PIZICEs.4 .17 and 5:3c, this ines cludWar Tat. SETS ON SALE 'AT ARMSTRONG'S DRUG STORE the strains of Lohenerin's .Bridal. • ST. HELENS . • .--- TEESWATER LOSES OLD TIMER Chorus played by her - sister, Miss ------"r. • . Tillie Sherwood. The bride was pre- -Ttlessiay;. Nov. 23: ; zji,ne Kenneth. MacLean fIictter A meeting. of the Lucknow Brass -......_-• ..' known 44 J. K. MacLean) passed and was held on the evening of - ceded by . the groom's niece. little Miee Mary .Rutherford ie spending Helen Thorns: in a dainty frock of a couple of wreck; with friends in ' aeey at ilk. 1..,)T,I, el Tee.etrer re, Nev. Di. when reorganization was white organdy and, carrying the ring- in a basket ,•:41°. pink, Anil white rowft. . Mr. John MeGu:re. i:7 hf.u.... •fmiii , •v . L•7,-Kx1 &.I are of S-, %•re,a1.4. and n., Chicago. • . . - . . i Ne. .13. Mr. MacLean had reach., effected. -The' following officers were elettea: Bandmaster. D. C. 3Ic3(or- Rev. Mr. Copeland, of Lucknow. per;*. .theeat. • ' • . . . - . .. death nas du.... to natuial dt.,..:. ,. ran: See'yeTrease Fred E.- Eaton; formed the ceremony. After a bourt-, ,Mi. and Mrs. Rod Purvis, 'of Man- -For' many years. he wai' a ..a.:.,:iar 'Band Serg.. Harold.Allin: Band Cor- tiful luncheon the bridal couple left agan 'Centre, T. C., hare been reneir- ' t.1..-nre in the vinage of Teltswater. p^ral. Bert Ward. Committee -M. C. on the afternoon train for Torontoing old acquaintances in the vieinitY. Ile m, cathere in tie. year 11°32. end .MeMorran, F. F. Eaton, Harold Al.. Barrie, Niagara and other points, the Miss -Gertrude Wallace' of Whitby i orened a tailor shoe. He kr her! !in. Stanley Burris, Wilfred Ander- hride travelling in a nary blue sti:t Ladies' Colle,re.- and Miss Margaret ' a et-c„,ete : eseetee .. • and took np hut • ahanIf.'"`" lio.n:til,,; wth hat to 1,4, nit .iii...the Band -Solo Cornet imatchand wearing a . handsome set of fox furs -the gift of Waof Bar llace, rieattended the Mil . e that line of bei,i.,,sni,n..ee7zr-.:far;::- 1,4:7rr;..17,,), i, 11..e.•MoMorran. F. E. Eaton, Eugene the groom. His rift to the pianist ler-Sherwood wedding, There was no school in the enior ,oece 0.e tho Division Cr - Waechter: Clarinet -k A. Oris.,,ge_ L„seate- a cameo-ring:eand- toethe- flower teen for assfew &ye- -t•hie -'-e4.-'-e4.. • '' . . .tiatir wasrn n e- ReST,.. 1. Agar. 77 -Reid: Alto --Wal- ___ cri a gold bracelet. On their re- inn to the illne“ of Miss, Dougla=. ! h'• -e. S•sefard. in l's--.. ar ! se-. - e, ter Fa•oe. .1. 1,1.711raid; Saxophone tern Iire andMrs. Miller will he at I Durnin .&' McDonald finished their rta ,,cii:,, (1„•;., a r ..7:•,,- :rar -Stan!'•Y fi.:rns: •Trombone --Harold horne in ;.ucknow to their many -season's threshing on Friday. . Tie %vac nbitag an Carr''': r:,%.* - :- --V'-'e. RoY •,..rdienz:.e: .Baritone -Wil friend's. The annual Thank effering of the .• tI•e Presbyterian C!-, : r* b. ar 1 a :i.t..r- • fled Areh rser : Bass -James Nixon; W.M.S. with be held- in the Presbyter- i' at contributor t,' its f :rile lie•tc.“ .Ba,,, Drum -Kenneth Murdie: Snare „ ian Church on Sunday eeeeises at 7 i alse a faithful reee0.-er of tie' A.F Dr'.en-Farl Mcce... o'cleck. Mr. Hunh McMillan. B.A. c:-. 'A.M. in polit'•-•••, NT--. MacLean Wa - o'' Knox Cnflece. will rive- an, a, ifirf,,,s a LIT-K-•fal and fcr a :He e -as• pr -- A cordial invitation is e-etereled to eof tho R.,for,li .*-.,:(•-at, r. In a11.4 ' Fl • 1 . . . '..4 . yeetzer •:ave se ..• e an a,.t.ee part in. poitie:-.7 t :11.11-.1i:re; -• , - • - Mr. MacLer' was te :. e. 'mare lel ne i he !eaves isi n' :r 1 widew. eee see •and one dauklit• r. Th' daeiht,..-, ' Yr. Chadsviek. 1:v, Pe--te7, Se -le a...1 the -soe. .V.,e. Se! :e: -- • !'er teeny years in ter •-ee. .'• has les.e .a' horre .of Tato. e Th5. feneral ser • ee. '-e. i .n . BAND REORGANIZED ----0-0-0-- Lora 1 A N -Tuesday. Nov. 2-1. Mrs. W, C. -Johnston, of Lncknow. ;s visiting at MacLeans' for a few days. John Morrison has disposed of his hens and has gone to live in Luck - now for the winter Months.. Just what effect this will have on the erg and poultry market remains to be seen. Tice Ashfield Presbyterian Young People's Society entertained the T,neknow Presbyterian ' Guild on Thursday evening. Nov. 16. • The Locknow. Guild supplied an excellent nrr)e-ram which was very much enoy- ea 'by eviliryone. The sleet storm of the early' part -If the week, did corsiderable darnate Nir. Jas. Purdon has purl hased Mr. Ed. Donovan's farm. MARRIED MacCarrol-Mathieson the• home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mat\h- ieSOTI. Lucknow, om Nov. IT. Ith10 hy the Rev. R. MacCallum. 11r. Alex X•rs,c MacCarroll and Mrs. Doro• thy Math-, i - • Churh. • • e ,?goig at: eieson. • • NOTICE•OF REMOVAL ree•-•:,hasdie. business with 1..u.';••7.104 -v Offi.^e ,please take reetee .thlt oi and• after December 1st. 1:•2n -0-,c I 61..0 wi:1 be located in t'. Crahni; Block. corner Campbell -•! ile•ree, ene block east of th,.• . 17. .1. Lindsay. W. ! - Oa! arree irentg. Coartney-Reid-At, atartAt'. .‘1-CTION SA I.E Lucknow on Nov. 24, I'.•20. by the•!. - Rev. R. Maceallum. Mr. .ArLhibald C. •r • c‘nrytt ct-i" Courtney and Miss Chat -lofts; • Reid. ; sn 0 41 Tarn stow-. ere to fruit trees. breakine. many limb' Miller-• -Sheriseod-.3t the h off 31' 1..'; 4. rt'r' W. 11' - of them. It also demoralized the te:-t ! Teeetor. lle•-. 1 1th. , .:--,,-e^.(s.•-•.:. at ! erhone system for a time. • the 1 ••• l • . .., ' ' *.i. 4. o' o o'e'ex•k---Sharp. Y . re -zers e as -7 Siumeei •Sh-erw.1. ..94' sh;lei.d. acne!' !:;•'‘..-. ,eeil e,17/ . in -4p4 -7-.•!t lf2i). by the Rev. -Mr. Ceoela-e'. • Mr. Ellstt Milier and Miss Emilia ANNOUNCEMINNT_ '1.avina Sher‘tood. , • 1.. R. TAYLOR - . Notice i", herPhY Vi‘ en bY the lir- ' 1 110"11. , t tors of the Lie is -now A ercuitura: r Soe'ietn• that person s whe rerneve i ' %I. MARKET Having purchased the grocery and restanrant business frrim Mr. B. Mc- Clur,, we ineite a share of your patronage. Our aim and object will be "a square_ deal to overtone." Pbras 71k LIM& BORN NOT1n E CREAM WANTED 1% F. TEST AND 'PAY FOR THE TORONTO C11E111E11%. (U. F. 0.) ACCtRATE TESTS. REST PRICE,' C %NS SUPPLIED. AT • MACMILLAN'S - , av 1,f the so,-., ty.4 te, eetty frlee eni . ., , . Allin--6n Saturday. Nov. 1 llth. te , :he horse sheds or tiCkee •s!Ice wil: i le - M ..- . . .. r. and Mrs. C. B. Allin, I slaughter. be prosecuted iiccSrding to 4aw. , Bi.r...,Is. . -Marjorie Eileen. • ,1 Joni Anew, Secise I i v . 5. • • 34 •