The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-11-11, Page 6i,
In 1892
,d..r — • '-.---
We first offered the public our
Millions now use it to their utmost satisfaction
The Combatants
fighting. i ' (in bout h things were going here' add four tablespoonfuls of ground
if 3'ou tourlard to
90 you understand, I haven t g a ow quarts o{ vinegar and
iven up anything in order to tonne and wondering
"He loved it. He loved the soil a and boil for fifteen minutes, or until ORCHESTR•
A acknowledged
at hm.' the j love lt." Pere Martel groaned. "Ail the cauliflower is tender enough to be to be the t►r-t lea canadx. Auy number
of musicians desire:1. Write, wire or
phone Al. Manley, 8!3 Ozark Cr....Toronto, for open dates.
through with everything." cool,; get { het until it -bails. Add the vegetables'
Pere Martel looked
"Then, you have nothing to the soil—it mustn't suffer. There would pierced with a fork. Place in Jars
world?" be nothing more then. Everything
An indefinite expression passer over
the soldier's face. He answered a would be finished. That cannot be. and ,tore in a cool, dry place.
That cannot be. The sue, you see the i
somewhat different from the „
• question
soil• Did You?
one which the old man had tasked. He repeated the word again and' Did you ever eat a school lunch that i•Pines in the Rahn.
"I have my own akin to defenthe main, as if to bring home to hints -elf was cold •
said simply."And then that which tve� And lay on your stomach like a !iii, hour that I have loved s►> w.+s
I ' at it meant to him and draw froin�( silver and Kr1•d'lt and brown
all defend—that which belongs .to . , load of lead
every one, even to those who have no- ` It the fore with which combat his listening -hoer 111 the pine woods
thing." 'despair. Did you ever try to study- after that when 1 ul8r learned an So much
The clock on the wing' 1� eltruck theDid
!Soft through't Ot tutted branches the
There was another silence. - + 1 And find there's nothing working ink
"All that I have done—all that I i hour. : cion head?
"I mutt go." diol rale sifted down,
have hone,'' mumbled %at old man.' The Solder gut up. Did you ever watch your father heat Tipping with rad Ic+t=rt jewels thr� low
"All that—it longero't ere it will lost.) ''I • shall come backto see you— the food plumes I could touch.
Since he is r here, for lye: still alive. But now e s and COWS, and chickens) '
afterward if I am Th pigs, ,
for the others—it will be every- I must hurryoff. It's near my train had to eat' • 1 wish 1 could icc:cke a poem that wag
body. It must be of use. Things must :
t I am sorry to leave you, but I Did "� ever stop to aril the reason tall and K
must v that there is, "W h
But cy hard. is ld'.er looked a um - - .
lie's it," he cat suddenly, i you better than mine
to sob. Prise. 7t I wire ashone+ and siu ;►,�: and
•`You kl:uw very well to tl,e iront.� 'night have ec
"You must keep busy," sato do. This I ant going back to fight." A need cf sorrethrng warm, like; quiet ani u t__o-____.
"You must have scmet�tir_g to i ..I, too!'' pigs and cows?
is the time for autumn seeding � old man gut to his feet. g-" � The Women's Vote in Hungary:
• You didn't? Well, we soap °Lets
ed d "Not like you, my have,you bet. In Hung v►um du no: �.�:�
and to harvest the vegetables. But that. But I'm going And we can tell you grownupsI until they thea onl. it they
how do you know about seeding time?" : ing what the others m t eat." just how
he asked, surprised at the other's sug- And as the soldier returned to the 1 can rend
d help to learn and
gestion !war the old (TheEnd.)
to his fields. To keep um well and
The soldier had stopped in the vii- Ile straightened up and grasped the _ Mlnard • g
go on There is need of that We } time. - ! i } • i , t rat ht US a pine;
•• why? 1 wish l ► mild nils to sumo one what
h t have
boys We mu_t re-areyou going?" asked Pere . they alto ! the pino trays gay to rayl
must so in order to ha. a courage. e Did he answer, "Boy, K
it h d It hard.I can't be- Martel.heat!"
The so 1 d I' ins1r ' have some 1 1 think th�.;r way of talking would hs
and began Did ever get to thinking 1.118 no
"That's true. And then it is time: The g
.buy. I cant do women
to watch the soils that ase raining, in to keep on grog* - •t all
aro 24.
and write.
"He told me," Dufour explained. _ - Our work at school w•itb vim and
• "He thought oi11y of that—of farm+'ng ; Liniment For urns. Eta strength and punch.
lege and asked his tvay. They pointed soldier's arm with his gnarled fingers., and of the soil. He *as always worry 1
out to him the little farm They
the "I had only him, you understand)
crossroads, 500 metres further on. All the others died off. But I had him,
He started off again With his swing- and that was enough. I haven't him
ing step, both hand3 in his pockets any longer. When I go we shall all bet
and a small black package under one gone."
arm. -But as he drew pear his destine- Feverishly he took a few' steps and
tion his pace slackened ar.d his face then came back.
was clouded with embarrassment, "You don't believe that I have been
Reaching the form, he halted, hada working and economizing these twenty
last spasm of hesitation and swore be- years for my own benefit? It was for
tureen his teeth. him. And I didn't regret it when he
"There's nothing else to do. I must grew upand I saw what he was. The
go through with it." - acres wich I added to the other acres, s oe used.
Tossing away the stump of his sig- to whom were they to descend except Seeing and Hearing.
farm , he pushed open the door of the ,c: four -inch pot is large enough, the size
Love has no sure to -memos.
arettte. he P Pto him?? And the house which I had :liodern efficiency eh;nrks are to ling increasing with the number of burs. It only has' to day.
The }'aro was ' ig and well kept. At rebuilt just before t e vtnr=rC was for us that ire use only :en per cent. of Tare a piece of broken pot'
him. And when without -come- _ In potting, p 9srifter than sun and shade. dears.
the far end was the house—that of a thingwhich I want or needed,it was our brains. If we 'per but exercise' or some coarse ashes over the hole Move the asst wings of pain:
yell-to-dc•,peasant. To the left were, for im. When.I broke my back work- the dorniant ninety per cent., there is� in the bot:otict to secure drairib►ge. Fill The chance we have to -Gay. dears.
a shed anda :well. To the light were ing from morning to evening, it was no height too high for us to scale, nP the pots half full cz- soil, set the bulb.;
May never come again.
the pigsty and the chicken that the tops are at least one inch Joy is a tickle rover.
An old man stood for -him. ' When I sowed, it was for depth too dee, for us to plumb, ae-
on a1 ladder, him.When I reaped, it was for him.' cording to men who go about making
mending the straw roof of the chicken� below the rim, cover them with` son! Hd' bay►uketh not delay.
house. He turned aroundo and saw the Now all is over. I m left here alone. a living telling the rest of us how to' a„d press it firmly around the bulbs, lAve hie ke sure to -morrow.
soldier. All I have done—of ghat use is it? ! succeed. V� a have eyes to see, but leaving at Iesst one-half inch space at it only has to day.
„ What use am I to myself ? Will you we see not ears to hear but we hear
"What do you want?” he called. tell me that • I have 'nothing to do the top for water.
"Is that you, M. Martel?" the sol- s not, is the crushing indictment h:,rleti After all have been potted and Mtnard's �Inlrnant Relieves Colds.Eto.
but to die. There is nothing else!"labeled they 'should be well watered
dier asked politely-. He spoke with ai at us, and therein lies our failure to _
slight Parisian accent.. He let himself sink into his seat. forge ahead.
-Yes," answered the old man. "You mustn't say that." murmured. and placed in a cool, dark cellar for a The Proverb Exemplified.
+•• the soldier._ "There are things to ebd Everyone .vbo has ever taught few weeks- Young Wife "How du you like my
"What do you,want with me . " • school or any experience with Tl2e secret of �u cess in bulb f ore- ,
"I have something to tell you." done- cutking. dear' Don't you think- 1 have
The old peasant climbed down. He After a long silence the old man' humanity in t mass, knows that the :rg is "pet of root development. begun well'
1 in his shirt sleeves and stopped
raised his head. last etatemert is true. Announce a -I erefure, be sure that the pots .are. ;lilt, ;turning over viands) ---Er-"
the foot of the ladder to put on "Tell me how it happened." 1 lesson to a class, and five minutes f>>'.1 of roots before putting them into yrs Well begun 1!wit done. yui i
turn. to their seats •n
Give us ei stole, some dishes, grocer-
ies, too, -
And let us have at noon a • hot
school lunch,
To -day.
Be swift to :owe your own. dears.
Your own who need yon so;
Say to the speeding hours, dears,
' 1 will nut let thea go.
Except thou give a blosaing;"
For tulips and narcissus. a Force It to btde-and Stay.
at "It happened the waythingslike
his sabots which L had left titers. A'PP after the children re, a higher temperature. By bringing:
cloth can was poi: low over his gray that happen at the front. It was a nine out of ten hands will. be wi!.11):
in a few pots at intervals of from'
head. Stiff white hairs stood out from shell. There were six of us in a;
`ing and Johnny and Mary wi.1 be e ght to ten days, and placing in a
the many wrinkles of his furrowed group. Martel and one other were' asking what to-rncr ;ew'e lesson will
to sunny window «i•h ar temperature
face. But his little eyes sparkled Threeh
h' mouthfirmand energetic. urounded. I heap t a scratch. It that you t•dn't give ou•• ant
Fora moment the two•gaz at each_hal
f •h�
•+ Make s statement before the whole
t He • used and ,siren again: `
room full of children. to -day• art to -
and killed outright. others gas • be. Probably half of the a?ass will
was from 60• to 65 deg..F. a. `ucceseion of
just before we
were gc'ng to be re insist t di h floa"era may be a cion. _.
lieved." other.d
"Well. what is it?. the older man. Pa.
1 d. '•R a were comrades. Martel and I. morrow not more than. one can give a Tested Recipes.
ase said. :
correct version of what you appie sauce .s ea.i y m;:.:e t}•'1s The Fenians are the outgrowth of
began— -from the fiort, where' your about you and about farming and the Half tray be able to give a more or; F111 a store crock with pared yid
soil He loved the soil. And he made less garbled account and the other ar. Irish military organization found -ed.
l quartered apples. Pour over them a t ditton says. abut 400 B.C.
**Pierre Mal:e:—be s your gTanLsor.. h.- effects when Grownups are no better. Who can a very moderate
+•� ac::deni )~.appeased only some says oo closely and set
nen R he?"
the old man exclaimed far and I knew that I was going to g. t a tell.on Monday r.iore .hat: '... occasion- oven over n:set or for several hours.
the recon I time. His voice was hoars- furlough. I'came myself instead of al remark the ptescher. r.• _,.e or Sun- Fried; potatoes with eggs Rieke a
er now ars his neck twitched consul- • writ:r g• I thought that perhaps you day? Ever. the announcements are hearty and economical vital di'h, Slice
areiy. had already heard. Here are his ef- mixed: Wast social to 1.e on 'hies- cold, boated potatoes, fry in -hot drip -
"I see that you don't krow. Some- fens. the soldier added, putt=ng the day or on Thursday right? You don't pings until well browny';, season with
thing has happened to him-•' i Biters ick package on the table. . know because you didn't hear. Ami r Beat two or three
He isn't ---- He isn't.---?" i Pere Martel laid his band on the sat. and peppy
you didn't hear—not because you are eggsslightly,peadd sea, and pour over.
The old man utas panting. The sol-' Package, but didn't open it
diet wanted to protest and to soften "I :hank you, in spite o! the sutler- deaf -=but becaae only one tiny brain. the potatoes. Cook anti; the eggs are
pp g you have caused me " he said slow- cell was concerned with listening gnu' set. and sone .Ery 'riot.
the taws. But he res.; in the others ir. Jiock olives can be made u. emali
eyes that that was useless. So, he ly. -He knew hour to choose his friends the rest. absorbed in something
merely ,Dined bis head. —my boy did. I 'hank you with ail We dr.n'-t concentrate chi the ng green tomatc►es. Pa is :tt a big crock
There was a silence, broken only 17,y. my heart.' ' in hand. That is the real reason for or jar one -halt peck of the tomatoes -
a deep roan. The old farmer's face -You don't need to. 1 promised him most failures. Ir.atead of doing :the Sprirk:e through :item a pound of
was hosted into a helpless grimace. and a promise like that must be kept. thin. of the moment and doing it
He recoiled a couple cf steps. seemed The old man struggled. to eohtrol
gsalt and two oliixee of whole .then
right, we let our attention wander to • spices• pt;. a aces t on them• then
about to collapse, and then, a'1 of a r, the next job to be done or to the next cover with.cold water. The tomatoes
sudden. rushed into the house. ; "Arid your Noire . ' be said. "WLl pleasure to be enjoyed.
d d found h' have time to go there now that P will be to use :n t:. weeks or •cis!
tcruw. .
___i~ -------
' Cheap Sugar Some Day.
1f plans fur irrigating about 1a0 000
acres of the Yaque river valley of the
Dominican republic are corsumated It
promises to become one of the best
sugar producing regions In the world.
You can not lift up the
whom yeu look d•ovw ti.
"I come from the front," the soldier We talked together. He spoke to me
!grandson ls. a ra
-Well?" eai,i the farmer, hit ex- me promise to tell you it anything half will swear they recec hear; any -
mixture of roger dissolved :n sweet
happened to hint. And to bring you
pression charging. t tiring about it.
cider, equal par •
ts. ('user the jar
h I could. So as •' ase
The saidict follo*te, and oun• :rn you , . s ^ " step In<lCii. E�y :� rel': antler the
in the big k c's:er., sea`s~! '�es 3e a roti have put yourself out .to colas R:.t.ost a doubt, a nce..ira.irg or 'l, '
table. motionless, h:' eyes fitaie�i on L Four own parttrslar job brim rod 'o kis •
: gra ••
- =•1 have no bonne. one soldier shrug- success. i sing tour eyes to the et -
Sotlfie r::rutes Friss'.. .5 (rock on ged his shpuldeTs. i I have no one. I .
To ear, •.apple sauce, which can be
tient of their pewter, seeing..toce wi:a: :,acne of v,ilsea-b. apples that would
the sail ::ked n��nr. •ails. alas an orphan a�clun bon. makes your re:Rhoor 'forge rhea'! c-ty. .;se stn t{, vtra•te• core ;he ap-
F.r...::y :'e eeldier ve'.::Leel .o pia ed me Dufour. from the street in which white .YOU ,s••aj i-: a r t, this :! rine bei; s
r'- h:: -i •.r. P..erre Ma -•en's ,a•-•u:der. 1 was f,,uss&. My home—it is :the first ':e and cut in ,lcarters. Re'e.'t ail
W. =tat he -...o.-,s=.,t," he et$ . ;►Cris R I cxTe settee. 1n Pars I work factor in success. 'Sou can use your ,..:nterfert parts. Steam the apples
• _ ears; too, to ulster, to everything lint : stet. !her r:') through a solar.
r.•-t't_ "tea «•.i• 'ti! t,!7rre.'•. Ifo F'a.�tiiATi� rill An,nin! at a CaT-
. I i ,.1 ♦ • • y •j ,,'^." is -:•ere -.1 "t o.•'� pe' ler. . MS comrades Pre as scatter- l eters on your job. Listen• to surges- �;er ani Eelsa"a:e t :e ' u�p !corn tl e
r- Y - l erg• here arid• these. ,Hensler 'here •is •„ions and to eriti�•istrs, whether t}er s1Grr l ia.'e :h•e pulp• in Ia savicephr
_ . _ are made in kindness or not. Ore bisf . return: +.,, the •i -e awl heat thorouic t'.y
help to fai:are is to •brat tear ears 'o Peck w ;le hot :.; steriiiu�l ;ars. seal
_ criticism. :Core d us redly ef;oy 4 e a•.t rf• 44..14 44 :en minutes :n a
'- • hiring O'J. !grain point s, mt..bite: if. \ ,'o.r, 'a.s,►or ilei... �aeet•• t a •rice
we really wart to grout. there .a cr...•1!^„ efsci- . to lar. s ir1-- g `;war to
os the :•.s' a:a ii.00 t:- cru;' •r' • k ••e, :•r.•i hea- :-t• a sugar it .iii.-
:urtfoos. of eouree. .' EOrrepr e',, frit 1r••-+ .e„i• • F e.e.,.- a'a,4'E 'c.v..
.i.e. °': ri-r-;,,e• t•, prof.' ... '' ,P 7i...erl .-aL nJer :F n.`JC1i liked.
Lister.:ni :4 a !fa'..: w"a';; .7. he. mak.'. •-ah cs.:..}!owers• and
•:-.;,old try t.: :r:cul••ate in hri 2."► .1i.,,•e awes' ►'�poQeTs f!O!n �C!11Cr.
Seryd f.-• the Le -otic Library
-.3 of: 's n'&'^+r " :fie -•aa►
. �� ?"eq'+• i sit - ae,ti4
teas - • :.. c.e pfiLL • a
PIS •t •.z..•sss ,.: •.
• - '� an s r taw. '
ILl`' ' "e
tr. r/ -_,,.ars :1. '. •ilii••- iw-!