The Wingham Times, 1909-04-15, Page 3TRI] WIN4$1111 TIMES, 4 1IL 15, 190 DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,976,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT-Interes allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TiMiis. Our largo circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if tyou do not get a customer. Weoan'tguarantee hat you will Roll because you may askmore for the article or stock than it Is worth. Send your advertisement to the TxMlse and try this elan of disposing of your stook and other articles. STEADY EIVIIPLOYMENT for a reliable Local Salesman repro - smiting "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" in Wingham and adjoining country. You will find there is a good demand for nursery Stock on amount of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this season. Our saleamen'are turning in big busi- nese to us this year. Be one of them and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Fouthill Nurseries (850). CANADA. TORONTO, .60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE IVIARKB DESIGNS ' COPYRIGHTS &C Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly aticertnin bur opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communlea• tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK onPatente pent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the SCitnti1ie )$mevkkan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, $3.15 a year. postage prepaid. Bold by all nerrsdealers. MUNN & Co.' New York ,:9 Branch (0e; 026 F St..'washinetoa. D..O,,' ' There Is Money in Farming If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET` r REPORTS S which appear in THE WEEKLY SUM?, The Sun Is the Varmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINGHAM TIMES, ONLY $1.80 SUBSCRIBE NOW Sneers of a Cynic. The office hunter observes no game laws. Many a man Tooke for his best friend in the mirror. Only a feel oan make a mistake without learning something. The fellow who is out for the dough should know whioh eide bis bread is buttered on. When a fellow is always making uew friends it may be merely a sign that his old friends are on to him. Oocaeionally a man finds it as hard to live up to his reputation as a worsen does to live up to her photograph's. - New York Times. LIVER COMPLAINT The chief office of the liver is the seer. - tion of bile, which is the natural regulator of the bowels. Whenever the liver becomes deranged, and the pilo ducts clogged, liver complaint is produced, and is manifested by the l.ro- sonce of oonstipation, pain under the right shoulder, sallow complexion, yellow eyes, slimy -coated tongue and heaelaohe, heart - bore, jaundice, sour stomach, water brash, catarrh of the stomach, etc. Liver Complaint may be eared by avoiding the above mentioned causes, Ieeep- ing the bowels free, and arousing the sing. gish livor with that grand liver regulator, LIVER COMPLAINT. Mr. Geo. Fawcett, Hamilton, Ont.,wrrM : "Having suffered with liver complaint for years and tried all sorts of remedies, I trail advised to try Milbura'e L.xa-Liner Pick I must say, that after taking two sista of them, I feel quite a new clan, and oan strongly recommend them to anyone." Price h,i cents per vial or 5 Thor SIAO, •4 all dealers or mailed direct Ly the Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE) IN 'THE TIMES. SOLIJTE ,. The sohootma'arn ie the guiding star of the country. She taker the little bantling fresh from the home nest, full of his polite, his pets and his peosiona, rnnKgvernable in many naeer, a rampant, E U nn our untie wretch, whose awn mother a often admits rhe sends him to rohoo] pnrpo,ely to get rid of him. The ""i'rso" eoboolma'am takes a whole carload of Genuine these anarchists, half of whole singly and alone cannot be handled by their own mothers, and she puts them in the way of becoming useful citizens, Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Blear Signature of See Pac-Simite Wrapper Below. Terry outwit videos easy la:Wm ss-ssgv GARTERS IVER PIKS. FOR HUDACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR,TORP14 LIVER, POR,CONSTIPATION FOR $ALLOW,SKUN1 FORTHE COMPLEX" ��„bI O�XII2i.� MUST XAVt MATLE ` IPrirely gegetibleiei��ieM�w CURE SICK HEADACHE. A SONNET OF SPRING MICROBES [Punch 1 What art thou, Spring, that poets oft have sung Thy praises, and the beanti l thou dost wear, To sonnet, madrigal and lyric fair? Not so do I, but rather tends my tongue To speak of those small microbes, fresh- ly sprung From winter sleep, that till the waking air, And mumps and measles through the couatry bear, Thy sign to mortals that the year is young The jaded city man, with heartfelt sigh, Returning in the evening from bis work With that affliction Kipling calls the hump, Although he longs a bunch of flowers to buy, Must now refrain -who knows but there may lurk In each frail bloom a measle or a mnmp? PIG PILLS For Kidney and Liver Trouble Constipation and Rheumatism. Mr. Abe Freeman, 193 Dowling av- enue, Toronto, Ont., says: -I have been a great sufferer for a number of years with dyspepsia and constipation. I have taken dollar's worth of medicine, but I never got relief. I had decided that there was nothing that would cure me. One day a friend advised me to try Fig Pills. I bonght a box, and before I had taken half of the box I felt better. I have taken four boxes and today I am a new man. Fig Pills have oertsiniy done wonders for me. Fig Pills are a positive core for all kiduey, liver and stomach trouble, sour stomach, heart - barn, bilious headache and dyspepsia. 25o. box. X08 iH°oNECoa° The greatest Lung Heaiing Medicine known 25c. a bottle at Walley's Drug Store. PUT TO PROOF. An agent of a patent churn called on the good woman of the farm and said he had a churn that would get more butter out of cream than any other churn and do it in less time. He only wanted a chance to demonstrate the churn and he was sere she would buy it. "Oall around to -morrow morning and you can show me your churn," The next morning the agent was on hand and soon was working his churn. Ile churned and churned, sweat and ohnrned. The woman went calmly about her morning work and let him churn. After he had churned for an hour and a half he acrid there must be somethiog wrong with that churning, for be couldn't get any butter. "OX osnrse not," she replied, "I churned early this morning and gave you the buttermilk to get the extra butter out with your new -(angled machine. Yon said your churn would get more butter out than any other so I let you try." He quickly took his departure. MAKE A CHANGE. A New Back for an OId One. How It Is Done In Wingham. The back moires at times with a dull feeling making yon worry and restless, sharp pains. shoot moose the region of the kidneys, it is agony to bend, stoop or lift. The rubbing of liniments or ap- plication of plastery does no good in these oaeea, they do not reaoh the pause To get rid of these symptoms and ex- bhange the bad baok for a new and stronger one follow the example of this Wzngham citizen. A. S. Murray, of Victoria St., Wing - ham, Ont„ says: -"My bank had been sore and tender for years and stooping or lifting anything would cause me maob suffering and it would take me many seconds to atraighteu myself up again. My rest would be broken sever- al times each night with the frequent and irregular secretions of the kidnaps and the urine was of a high color and filled with briok dust sediment. Taking cold would usually cause this and I would often awake as tired as on going to bed. I tried numerous remedies without any apparent results, Booth's Kidney Pills were advertised and pro- curing a box at Mo$ibbon's Pharmaoy I oommenoed treatment. My back soon strengthened and the pain has not re- turned. The eeoretions were brought to normal and the urine cleared. I believe Booth's Kidney Pills the best and most reliable of an remedies and will greatly recommend them." Sold by Dealers. Price dO cents. The R, T. Boeth Co„ Ltd., Fort Ede, Ont,, Sole Canadian Agents. Clothes don't make the man. Many a fellow with a coat of arms wears baggy trousers. Some one has decreed with or with- out authority, tbat the straw hat comes in officially with the opening of the baseball season. AN OPEN LETTER. Results so Surprising That They Seem Marvelous are Common to Mi•o-na the One Dependable Stomach Remedy Mrs, J. A. Pillow of North Street, Gananoque, Ont„ says: "Mi.o na is worth its weight in gold for quickly and permanently curing dyspepsia. I became so bad that I was unable to leave my bed, There was a constant burning in my stomaoh, I would belch up gas every few minutes and could eat but very little, as the food would quickly ferment and make gas that caused a serious depression of the heart. Perspiration would break out ril over my body, I would become so weak that I could not stir and would often fail on the floor in a helplest state. The pains in my stomach were terrible. I could find no position in which to sit or lie without suffering, and I was to nervous that the least noise affsoeed me. Headaches were constant. I would be- come dizzy and spots would appear be- fore my eyes. I had no ambition to get around and everything seemed to bre me. The first box of Mi-o-na gave me more relief than anything I had pre- viously tried. The second box of Mi•o•na cured me. 1 am well and strong and I have not had an hour's suffering sine°. I will always feel grateful to Mi-o-na for the ours given me and glad to recommend." In the face of such evidence it is easy to understand why Walton MoKib- bon feels assured in saying to you, money back if Mi-o-na fails to relieve either trivial or serious stomach trouble. The death 000arred at Olintou on Saturday, April 3rd, of Mr. John Rid - out at the age of 67 years. He had bash poorly and ailing all winter and had been confined to his home for a few weeks prior to his death, but his death was quite unexpeoted and canto as n shook to the ocmmnnity. Born in Tor onto in 1842, be Dame to Olinton, at the ago of 20 years, in 1862 he entered the law oflioe of Mr. Hays and took tip study there. Some years later he euler- ed business and recently had been In partnership with Ittr. O. Hale Up to the time of hit death. He was the youngest brother of four in the family; there being four in the family to mourn his toss, a brother Charles and a sister. .Ile was in religion a devoted member of the P1ymonth Brethren, When you see a man sneering at the local paper because it is not big, cheap and newsy as the city papers, you can safely bet he does not squander any of his wealth to make it better and that generally the paper has done more for him than he has for it. The man who cannot see benefits arising from a local newepaper is about as much value to a town as a delinquent taxpayer. STOMACH DERANGEMENT Her Limbs Ached Worn Out -Tired Headache, Dizziness Vital Cured Her. ZS YOUR STOMACH WRONCa x LITTLE DIGESTERS will put it right quickly and surely. MoPey back ii ter do not cure. At all Dregtists. tin aliysst freer THE Gou vu MEDICINE CO., TORONTO ro 40444+4440•4444404444*4004 34444w444444.4440•444444041I COAL COAL COAL, f We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTONCOAL, whiob haat no equal Also the beet grades of Smithing, clanneI and • Domestio Coal, and We d of all kinds, always on hand, • Wllestoearopryof a LUMBER. SHINGLES, LATH fu (Dressed or undressed) • Cedar Posts,, Barrels, Etc. Or Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs, '"I ,+o • JA,McLean. • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No, 44. f• • 4044444444440444444•444•4 44444444'444440•0444004444 •sssssssssssssssssssessss* bssssssssss•ssssssssssas$s • CLUBBING • • • RATES • i FOR 1908 09. • The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below •� for any of the following publications : For yeas I have been a gteat sufferer. Life to me was a burden, my limbs aohe- ed, 1 always felt tired and worn out, I had no ambition. People could not sympathize with me. In feet at times they thought it was put on, or a matter of fancy with me, but one Who suffers the same as I did knowt exeotly what it meant. I wonld Work when I should be in bed. I Was weak, teemed to be void of strength; life seemed to him left me to a certain extent. I have often felt as if 1 would give the world if I could feel buoyant and oheerful, realty so. I often had to feroe what little oheerful- nese I did have. I was Urged to try Vital, and, my what a change; to -day I ani the woman I used to try and picture. I am happy, cheerful and strong; it abates at if I had new nerves, in foot new life. Mrs. R. Simms, 'Newcastle, Ont. You may be strong and healthy, ,and buoyant if you will take Vital. Price 50o. a box or six for $2,50 at Me- Kibbon'a Drug Stora. • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4. Times and Daily Globe 450 Times and Daily Mail and Empire .. 4.50 Times and Daily World...... 3.35 Times and Toronto Daily News„ 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.60 Times and Weekly Globe . 1.60 Times and Weekly Mall and Empire 1.60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums ...,., 2.10 Times and Weekly Witness 1.85 Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80 Times and World Wide 2.20 Times and Northern Messenger. 1.35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... Times and Youths' Companion - - .........., .. • Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer - . , Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Country Gentleman Times and Delineator • ... Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine . - Times and American IIlustrated Magazine........ Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's Magazine Times and Cosmopolitan . Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman . Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazine Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto ,• Times and Designer - - - Times and Everybody's Times and Western Henle Monthly, Winnipeg.,..., Times and Canadian Pietorial 1,75 2,25 2,25 3.25 2.40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1.85 2.15 2.25 2,60 2.95 1.95 1.55 2.30 1.70 2.30 1.90 1.90 2,15 2.15 2,75 2.75 2.25 2,40 2.40 2,50 1.00 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.40 1.75 2.80 1.25 1.60 • • s • • a • • • • 0 0 4 4 144 1 + 4. 'f` The above prices include pottage on American publications to any address in Canada. It the TntRs is to be sent to an American address, add O 50 cents for pottage, and where American publications are to be Rent to i American addressee a reduction will be made in price, • 'We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine yon want is not In the list, call at thin office, or drop is card and we will give you prices on the : paper you want. We olnb with all the leading newspapers and magazines. 01 When premiums aro given with any of above papers, aabsoribore will. secure such premiums when ordering through tie, sanio tie ordering direot from publishers. These low rates mean a consleerabia sawing to anbstribers, and axe STRICTLY CASH INADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post • •dice or express money order,�adddressing • • TIMES OFF ICE, s•e WINGItAM, ONTAIEIO, i is interest a Ba as au 2B vire Bud --r 1 00 Low 4! ' , Wilco, ., '. oan ti NSTEAD is moment's tain, Accounts ' -d43gt .Ili 0-' money on a the you this of 4 !Alt EX 6 ®8 Bergilto*, you, chartered safest need day be That That sure BANK investment sti 0f propositions in which to invest money, Weigh ; there are many. g : them up against this ` one. . . . . . of taking more or less risk of loss of your in some other investment that may be pressed why not place your moueY right on deposit in Savings Batik, and leave it there. form of investment in the world ; and there feeling of satisfaction that your money is right it -and that it is earning sure dividends in in the year. said of other investments offered you ? Namely: you get your money back at a notice. t your dividend is absolutely cer- and regular. OF HAMILTON especially invites the of those conservative men and women to whom appeals. OF HAM LTON BRANCH C. P. SMITH, Agent. 1 rm It the indescribable there when every Can THE Savings this form BANk WINGHAM DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,976,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT-Interes allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TiMiis. Our largo circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if tyou do not get a customer. Weoan'tguarantee hat you will Roll because you may askmore for the article or stock than it Is worth. Send your advertisement to the TxMlse and try this elan of disposing of your stook and other articles. STEADY EIVIIPLOYMENT for a reliable Local Salesman repro - smiting "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" in Wingham and adjoining country. You will find there is a good demand for nursery Stock on amount of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this season. Our saleamen'are turning in big busi- nese to us this year. Be one of them and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Fouthill Nurseries (850). CANADA. TORONTO, .60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE IVIARKB DESIGNS ' COPYRIGHTS &C Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly aticertnin bur opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communlea• tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK onPatente pent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the SCitnti1ie )$mevkkan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada, $3.15 a year. postage prepaid. Bold by all nerrsdealers. MUNN & Co.' New York ,:9 Branch (0e; 026 F St..'washinetoa. D..O,,' ' There Is Money in Farming If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET` r REPORTS S which appear in THE WEEKLY SUM?, The Sun Is the Varmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINGHAM TIMES, ONLY $1.80 SUBSCRIBE NOW Sneers of a Cynic. The office hunter observes no game laws. Many a man Tooke for his best friend in the mirror. Only a feel oan make a mistake without learning something. The fellow who is out for the dough should know whioh eide bis bread is buttered on. When a fellow is always making uew friends it may be merely a sign that his old friends are on to him. Oocaeionally a man finds it as hard to live up to his reputation as a worsen does to live up to her photograph's. - New York Times. LIVER COMPLAINT The chief office of the liver is the seer. - tion of bile, which is the natural regulator of the bowels. Whenever the liver becomes deranged, and the pilo ducts clogged, liver complaint is produced, and is manifested by the l.ro- sonce of oonstipation, pain under the right shoulder, sallow complexion, yellow eyes, slimy -coated tongue and heaelaohe, heart - bore, jaundice, sour stomach, water brash, catarrh of the stomach, etc. Liver Complaint may be eared by avoiding the above mentioned causes, Ieeep- ing the bowels free, and arousing the sing. gish livor with that grand liver regulator, LIVER COMPLAINT. Mr. Geo. Fawcett, Hamilton, Ont.,wrrM : "Having suffered with liver complaint for years and tried all sorts of remedies, I trail advised to try Milbura'e L.xa-Liner Pick I must say, that after taking two sista of them, I feel quite a new clan, and oan strongly recommend them to anyone." Price h,i cents per vial or 5 Thor SIAO, •4 all dealers or mailed direct Ly the Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE) IN 'THE TIMES. SOLIJTE ,. The sohootma'arn ie the guiding star of the country. She taker the little bantling fresh from the home nest, full of his polite, his pets and his peosiona, rnnKgvernable in many naeer, a rampant, E U nn our untie wretch, whose awn mother a often admits rhe sends him to rohoo] pnrpo,ely to get rid of him. The ""i'rso" eoboolma'am takes a whole carload of Genuine these anarchists, half of whole singly and alone cannot be handled by their own mothers, and she puts them in the way of becoming useful citizens, Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Blear Signature of See Pac-Simite Wrapper Below. Terry outwit videos easy la:Wm ss-ssgv GARTERS IVER PIKS. FOR HUDACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR,TORP14 LIVER, POR,CONSTIPATION FOR $ALLOW,SKUN1 FORTHE COMPLEX" ��„bI O�XII2i.� MUST XAVt MATLE ` IPrirely gegetibleiei��ieM�w CURE SICK HEADACHE. A SONNET OF SPRING MICROBES [Punch 1 What art thou, Spring, that poets oft have sung Thy praises, and the beanti l thou dost wear, To sonnet, madrigal and lyric fair? Not so do I, but rather tends my tongue To speak of those small microbes, fresh- ly sprung From winter sleep, that till the waking air, And mumps and measles through the couatry bear, Thy sign to mortals that the year is young The jaded city man, with heartfelt sigh, Returning in the evening from bis work With that affliction Kipling calls the hump, Although he longs a bunch of flowers to buy, Must now refrain -who knows but there may lurk In each frail bloom a measle or a mnmp? PIG PILLS For Kidney and Liver Trouble Constipation and Rheumatism. Mr. Abe Freeman, 193 Dowling av- enue, Toronto, Ont., says: -I have been a great sufferer for a number of years with dyspepsia and constipation. I have taken dollar's worth of medicine, but I never got relief. I had decided that there was nothing that would cure me. One day a friend advised me to try Fig Pills. I bonght a box, and before I had taken half of the box I felt better. I have taken four boxes and today I am a new man. Fig Pills have oertsiniy done wonders for me. Fig Pills are a positive core for all kiduey, liver and stomach trouble, sour stomach, heart - barn, bilious headache and dyspepsia. 25o. box. X08 iH°oNECoa° The greatest Lung Heaiing Medicine known 25c. a bottle at Walley's Drug Store. PUT TO PROOF. An agent of a patent churn called on the good woman of the farm and said he had a churn that would get more butter out of cream than any other churn and do it in less time. He only wanted a chance to demonstrate the churn and he was sere she would buy it. "Oall around to -morrow morning and you can show me your churn," The next morning the agent was on hand and soon was working his churn. Ile churned and churned, sweat and ohnrned. The woman went calmly about her morning work and let him churn. After he had churned for an hour and a half he acrid there must be somethiog wrong with that churning, for be couldn't get any butter. "OX osnrse not," she replied, "I churned early this morning and gave you the buttermilk to get the extra butter out with your new -(angled machine. Yon said your churn would get more butter out than any other so I let you try." He quickly took his departure. MAKE A CHANGE. A New Back for an OId One. How It Is Done In Wingham. The back moires at times with a dull feeling making yon worry and restless, sharp pains. shoot moose the region of the kidneys, it is agony to bend, stoop or lift. The rubbing of liniments or ap- plication of plastery does no good in these oaeea, they do not reaoh the pause To get rid of these symptoms and ex- bhange the bad baok for a new and stronger one follow the example of this Wzngham citizen. A. S. Murray, of Victoria St., Wing - ham, Ont„ says: -"My bank had been sore and tender for years and stooping or lifting anything would cause me maob suffering and it would take me many seconds to atraighteu myself up again. My rest would be broken sever- al times each night with the frequent and irregular secretions of the kidnaps and the urine was of a high color and filled with briok dust sediment. Taking cold would usually cause this and I would often awake as tired as on going to bed. I tried numerous remedies without any apparent results, Booth's Kidney Pills were advertised and pro- curing a box at Mo$ibbon's Pharmaoy I oommenoed treatment. My back soon strengthened and the pain has not re- turned. The eeoretions were brought to normal and the urine cleared. I believe Booth's Kidney Pills the best and most reliable of an remedies and will greatly recommend them." Sold by Dealers. Price dO cents. The R, T. Boeth Co„ Ltd., Fort Ede, Ont,, Sole Canadian Agents. Clothes don't make the man. Many a fellow with a coat of arms wears baggy trousers. Some one has decreed with or with- out authority, tbat the straw hat comes in officially with the opening of the baseball season. AN OPEN LETTER. Results so Surprising That They Seem Marvelous are Common to Mi•o-na the One Dependable Stomach Remedy Mrs, J. A. Pillow of North Street, Gananoque, Ont„ says: "Mi.o na is worth its weight in gold for quickly and permanently curing dyspepsia. I became so bad that I was unable to leave my bed, There was a constant burning in my stomaoh, I would belch up gas every few minutes and could eat but very little, as the food would quickly ferment and make gas that caused a serious depression of the heart. Perspiration would break out ril over my body, I would become so weak that I could not stir and would often fail on the floor in a helplest state. The pains in my stomach were terrible. I could find no position in which to sit or lie without suffering, and I was to nervous that the least noise affsoeed me. Headaches were constant. I would be- come dizzy and spots would appear be- fore my eyes. I had no ambition to get around and everything seemed to bre me. The first box of Mi-o-na gave me more relief than anything I had pre- viously tried. The second box of Mi•o•na cured me. 1 am well and strong and I have not had an hour's suffering sine°. I will always feel grateful to Mi-o-na for the ours given me and glad to recommend." In the face of such evidence it is easy to understand why Walton MoKib- bon feels assured in saying to you, money back if Mi-o-na fails to relieve either trivial or serious stomach trouble. The death 000arred at Olintou on Saturday, April 3rd, of Mr. John Rid - out at the age of 67 years. He had bash poorly and ailing all winter and had been confined to his home for a few weeks prior to his death, but his death was quite unexpeoted and canto as n shook to the ocmmnnity. Born in Tor onto in 1842, be Dame to Olinton, at the ago of 20 years, in 1862 he entered the law oflioe of Mr. Hays and took tip study there. Some years later he euler- ed business and recently had been In partnership with Ittr. O. Hale Up to the time of hit death. He was the youngest brother of four in the family; there being four in the family to mourn his toss, a brother Charles and a sister. .Ile was in religion a devoted member of the P1ymonth Brethren, When you see a man sneering at the local paper because it is not big, cheap and newsy as the city papers, you can safely bet he does not squander any of his wealth to make it better and that generally the paper has done more for him than he has for it. The man who cannot see benefits arising from a local newepaper is about as much value to a town as a delinquent taxpayer. STOMACH DERANGEMENT Her Limbs Ached Worn Out -Tired Headache, Dizziness Vital Cured Her. ZS YOUR STOMACH WRONCa x LITTLE DIGESTERS will put it right quickly and surely. MoPey back ii ter do not cure. At all Dregtists. tin aliysst freer THE Gou vu MEDICINE CO., TORONTO ro 40444+4440•4444404444*4004 34444w444444.4440•444444041I COAL COAL COAL, f We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTONCOAL, whiob haat no equal Also the beet grades of Smithing, clanneI and • Domestio Coal, and We d of all kinds, always on hand, • Wllestoearopryof a LUMBER. SHINGLES, LATH fu (Dressed or undressed) • Cedar Posts,, Barrels, Etc. Or Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs, '"I ,+o • JA,McLean. • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No, 44. f• • 4044444444440444444•444•4 44444444'444440•0444004444 •sssssssssssssssssssessss* bssssssssss•ssssssssssas$s • CLUBBING • • • RATES • i FOR 1908 09. • The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below •� for any of the following publications : For yeas I have been a gteat sufferer. Life to me was a burden, my limbs aohe- ed, 1 always felt tired and worn out, I had no ambition. People could not sympathize with me. In feet at times they thought it was put on, or a matter of fancy with me, but one Who suffers the same as I did knowt exeotly what it meant. I wonld Work when I should be in bed. I Was weak, teemed to be void of strength; life seemed to him left me to a certain extent. I have often felt as if 1 would give the world if I could feel buoyant and oheerful, realty so. I often had to feroe what little oheerful- nese I did have. I was Urged to try Vital, and, my what a change; to -day I ani the woman I used to try and picture. I am happy, cheerful and strong; it abates at if I had new nerves, in foot new life. Mrs. R. Simms, 'Newcastle, Ont. You may be strong and healthy, ,and buoyant if you will take Vital. Price 50o. a box or six for $2,50 at Me- Kibbon'a Drug Stora. • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4. 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We olnb with all the leading newspapers and magazines. 01 When premiums aro given with any of above papers, aabsoribore will. secure such premiums when ordering through tie, sanio tie ordering direot from publishers. These low rates mean a consleerabia sawing to anbstribers, and axe STRICTLY CASH INADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post • •dice or express money order,�adddressing • • TIMES OFF ICE, s•e WINGItAM, ONTAIEIO,