The Wingham Times, 1909-04-15, Page 1THS WIN(iHAM TIMES.
VOL XXX t II LL -NO. 1940.
our famous Cod Liver and Pep-
tonate of Iron tonic, because it
contains the very elements needed
to rebuild wasting tissues and
replace weakness with strength,
and to cure chronic coughs and
colds, and prevent pneumonia.
We are positive It will benefit every old
person who will give it a trial. If it does
net. we will refund their money on demand,
Walton McKibbon
Maodonald Block,
Any Time
has been tested in the crucible of ex-
perience, with the fire of public opinion,
and bas not been found wanting. The
success of our graduates has not been
excelled. Not the largest, but the high-
est grade modern Business School in
Western Ontario.
Individual instruction. No vacation.
Mail courses. Enter any day.
Write for particulars.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Highest prioe paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fella' butcher shop.
Wall Paper from 5 cents per roll up,
at Xerox's.
We're looking
To a hamper montb. We can't
afford to go to sleep and you can
keep us awake turning over the
It will pay us
It will pay you
Come and hunt thro' the corners
of our Chinaware stock, and if
you want a bargain you'll get one.
White and Gold Special
We've several dozen White and
Gold Cups and Saucers we want
rid of. They' are'nt poor stook,
but what we sell regularly for
$1.00 per dozen. They're yours for
Spot Cash per dozen 65e
Plates to match at similar re-
Isn't This Value.
If it isn't—nothing is. There's
a lot of Plates, Platters, Bowls,
Fruit Nappies, etc., green deoora-
tion—only taking np counter room
Platters, each from 10e
Nappies 30e per dozen
Plates, 40c, 60e, 60e per doz.
Think About Groceries
Why I We're continually think-
ing about them,
TEHNIfING about what you
THINKING about where to buy
the beet
THINKING about the pride --
Yes and
THINKING how we ban improve
on our past
What About
1. Heary Christie
For all occasions — Parties,
Weddings, Funera .
Wingham Greenhouses
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
• Auction
Messrs. Elliott ee
out their stook of bo
this week. The et,
block will be open e
and auction sales w
day afternoon and
be the °Iaet oppo
Walley will clear
ks, stationery, eto.
re in the Morton
very day this week
1 be held on Satur-
evening. This will
unity of securing
Newest and latest designs in wall
papers, at KNox'S.
New Bank
Mr. Dalton Davie
late of Halifax, N
the position as in
branch of the Cana
memo. Mr. A.
been manager eine
wits opened, is save
with the bank.
, of Brantford, and
S., this week takes
nager of the looal
Ian Bank of Com -
Smith, who has
the looal branch
ing his connection
TRUNKS and VALISES.—Big stook at
lowest prices. W, J. GREER.
A Cor
Two weeks ago u
of Mies Agnes V. C
this young lady ha
fall and that lung t
facts in the ease ar
was taken down
weeks prior to he
plioatlona setting
We are very sorr
and take the
making the oorr
reporting the death
neon we stated that
typhoid fever last
ouble developed. The
that Miss Wilson
ith fever some seven
death and other Dom•
n was cause of death.
the error was made
Best opportunity of
Seed Corn For S
White Cap Dent
$1.25 per bushel; al
41be. 25o. at
-day Learning,
atop Set Onions
Former Wmgha
The following from
of April 7th, refers
known resident of Wi
ing the regular see
naval and military
last evening in I
South End, 'Sorg
Williams was pros
loving cap in reo
atonal servioes.
made by col. Joh
were made by Ro
charitable soolety
the British chart
Vice Consul John
L. Williamson of
olub. The evens
olose with supper
ite Honored.
the Boston Globe
to a former well-
gham : —"Follow-
ing of the British
terans' association
eal hall building,
Maj. Charles E.
ted with a beautiful
nition of his profes-
be presentation was
R. Smith. Speeches
rt Pirie of the Soots'
John F. Masters of
able society, British
B. Maasou and James
he Boston Caledonian
g was brought to a
Low Rate for ethers
To certain poi. t:lin Saskatchewan
and Alberta ease i . esday during April,
Full informatio nd tickets from any
Grand Trunk Ag
Stafrand Stn
The teaohers
Wingham High
to the ex -stud
High School Bo
needay evening 1
able evening
Taylor presided,
once through an
In his opening re
gnests and emph
of developing the
life by such gat
The programme
solo by Mies G.
Miss P. Duncan
reading by Mis
whioh a number
showing/ the an
ladies' hats of la
publio gatherin
Mime :Orr an
exednted farce
School boys; an
gide. Refreahm
washes, cake, t
daintily sewed;
thoroughly enjoy
furnishing excell
ents "At Home."
and students of the
ohool were "at home"
nts, inembere of the
d, and others, on Wed-
st, when a very enjoy-
njoyas spent. Principal
and piloted the andi-
nterestine programme.
arks he welcomed the
sized the advantages
sooial side of student
rings as the present,
consisted of a piano
hite; vocal Bolos by
nd Mr. Joseph Stalker;
Brook; a dialogue in
1 students took part,
oyanoo oansed by the
o dimensions, worn at
5; a piano duet by
Kennedy; a cleverly-
y two of the High
a chorus by third forth
to eonsieting of mad -
:and coffee were
the promenade Wali
d, the Citizens' Band
ut music for the odors.
Colonist Excues
Deify until A
coud{olass coloni
by the Grand T
the following p
Vancoriver, B,
Spokane, Weah,,
Angeles, Cal„
Mexico Olty, eto,
tion and tickets
Trunk Agent,
ns to Pacific Coast
801h, one-way se.
tiaketa Will be leaned
Railway System to
at' very love rates
Seattle, Wash.,
Portland, Ore., .Los
an Prariolsoce Oen,
Por further. inform*.
17 to MI Grand
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8 -
Customs Receip Picking Up.
A sign of improveoommereial con-
ditions is to be see • in the increased
customs reoeipte. c/ oderich and its out,
ports collected dur • g March of this year
$7,634 28. Of Mar h, 1908, the total re-
ceipts were $5,427..7; the indrease this
year is therefore 1,206 61, or over forty
per cent.
For window ahadee and wall paper,
try KNox's, Wingham
Change of
This week ohan
the conductors w
passenger trains
branch of the G
or Connell is
noon train fro
by Conduotor M
Havers takes th
Mr, Donnell.
es have been m de in
lio have charge of the
on the L , H, & B.
and Trunk. Ooaduot-
w on the run on the
London, recently bold
Callum and Conductor
run recently held by
Rooms to rent in
suitable for dwelling
M donald block,
r offioea. Apply
Drug Store 1
Mr. J. Walton fr
a number of impr
terior of 'hie drug
being enlarged by
of the back part o
wood work will
walls re -papered.
Mee will be pa
will give Mr. Me
drug stores in this
Siblian is making
emente to the in -
tore. The More is
eking out a portion
the window. The
e re -painted and the
New silent salesmen
in. These changes
bbon one of the beet
LOST,—Yellow ed. Good
singer. Forder will Al]ll rewarded by
leaving at Brunswio ote1.
Rural T ephones,
All through Hur and the neighbor-
ing counties there le great activity in
the rural telephone business, and many
new companies e being organized.
The stook in the North Huron Tele-
phone Co„ which 111 have hcadgnartera
in Wingham, h been Bolling quite
readily. This oo pany will be put in'
working order as soon as it is possible
to do so and co neotion will be made
with the Bell Tel phone Co, Thie wilI
give subsoribers ho go in with the
North Huron Co a oontiun4ns service.
The telephone 11 be found a great
convenience in o many ways that it
would be hard o enumerate and the
farmers of this striot will not likely be
slow in installs instruments as soon
as the company ready for bnsinets.
You can have your buttons made to
order from any kind of material. at R.
MAXWELL'S tailor shop.
Anothe Bad Fire.
Shortly after t •- :lve o'olook last Wed-
nesday night the j wellery store of Mr.
W. G. Patterson •' as discovered to be
on fire. The fire t,, en were quickly on
the scene and th fire was confined to
the one building. The stock of jewel•
erg, olocke, eto. was very much
damaged. The bo sehold effects down-
stairs were dam.'_ ed by smoke and
water, and the s,•.ke did considerable
damage np-etaira. The fire started from
the chimney. Mr Patterson did not
have ranch insure. •e and his loan will be
about $2,000. Heb. s been very unfortun-
ate as he had onl got things in good
shape since the fir on the let of March.
Mayor Gregory h e also been unfor-
tunate as this is t e second fire in his
property within . x weeks. Messrs.
Edward Towe, of London and J. L.
Grant, of Listovs , were In town en
Monday adjusting the loss for the in-
snranoe companies Mr. Paterson will
be opened for burin ss again id a few
BUTTER and E008.—Bring along your
Produce. Highest price paid in ex-
ohange for Boots and Shoes,
Grand Tru
The Grand Trim
have ordered from
Company, Sanit St
of eighty pound
section of the An
Engineers, Thee
the Prairie i eotl
soffiolent to lay
are to be delive
the opening of
In addition to
ordered from t•:
Iron Company,
eighty pound at::
miles of teat*.
pound roil outdo
ireok Intended 1•
are foe delivery a
to bo tined on th,
ray easterly fro
Is Sour Wader 00.
menti will be ta
around Gape ll.•
Fringe Rupert.
k Pacific.
Peoifio Railway
the Algoma Steel
. Marie, 22,000 tcfne
steel rail, standard
loan Society 61 Civil
rails aro intended for
n of the line and are
6 miles of traok and
• at Fort Williain on
vlgation this apring.
is the company have
Dominion Steel and
Sydney, 13,000 tons,
1 rail anfflolens for 104
d 2,000 tone of sixty
nt to lay 21 miles of
sidings. Those veils
Peinoe Rupert, R. 0.
fifat 100 miles of rein
that point and which
anotion. Thie ship-
ved entirely by boat
trent Sydney to
Death of Mr . Sillick.
There passed Away at her home in
Lower Wingham, on :unday afternoon
last, Alice Thynne, • ife of Mr. John
Silliok, aged 64 yea • and 8 months.
Deoeased had been i • poor health since
the first of the year She had been a
resident of this aeoti.n for many yeara
and had a large nu •,ber of friends, In
the early days her father was school
teacher in Binevale Mrs. Billets had
been three times married ; her first
hn'.bsnd bring the 1 e Thos. Prioe, who
was in the early • • ye engaged in the
Sour milling basin .ss, She was later
married to the late Mr. Stroud and a
few years ago to r, Stiliok. Mrs,
Siliick was a sister o Rev, R. Thynne
and Miss Thynne, Palmerston. The
funeral took place o• Tuesday afternoon
to the Wingham tie .• :tory.
1c.Im's More, by
N. Gnnrrig.
Rooms to let, over
the let of May. Appi
Death of Jose.: S. King.
Death came midden ; on Sunday Iast
to Josph S King, son .1 Mr, and Mrs
Luke King, at hie home in Lower
Wingham on Sund y last. Deceased
had been in poor heth for the most of
the winter, but his dden death came
as a shook to the community. This
young man was of .' cheery disposition
and of upright ohs oter and was highly
thought df by the •ople of this district.
Mr. and Mrs Kin: and the brothers and
sisters will have t • e sympathy of a large
circle of friends i • their time of bereave-
ment. Service as held in Sacred
Heart Church on Wednesday morning,
concluded by =v. Fr. Laurendean,
after whioh the nneral proceeded to
the R. 0. eemeter at St. Augustine.
Drs. A. J. Irwin and W. J, Price will
olose their dental offices every Wednes-
day afternoon from the 1st of May to
the let of October.
Lucknow Pi
Mr. Thos. Lawns
est merchant and on
respected and wideI
the community, die
ing, April 2nd, in
ceased was born in
hamahire, England,
and oame to Canada
age and shortly afte
ploy of the firm of J
the well-known stove
London, Ont. For m
fed by wagon for t
ern Ontario and a
hearty welcome in
from London to Go
and Owen Sound.
1865 he was married
Lindsey, of Goderio
County, who sure
with four sons an
Some forty years
went to Lucknow,
the hardware, strove
nese which he sn
till his death.
neer Dead,
s, Lncknow'a old -
of the moat highly
known citizens of
on Friday morn -
is 78th year. De -
Sturton, Notting.
Nov. 29th, 1831,
when 21 years of
entered the em-
. and 0. Mo0lary,
manufacturers of
iy years he travel -
m through West -
ways received a
very farm house
eriob, Kinoardine
November lath,
to Mies Margaret
Township, Huron
ves him together
three daughters.
go Mr. Lawrenoe
here he engaged in
nd tin -ware busi-
3safuily conducted
Death of
Many friends in
deep regret on S
the sodden death
the well-known a
Mr. Young was e
health and on
while at work i
with a fit of n0
vessel gave wa
twenty minutes
of the late Geer
in the Townehi
in his 61st year
farm with his fa
then started
Some thirty ye
Auburn and pn
He bad been a
men and was he
large circle of
prominent Liber
years President
Liberal Aasooiat
the North Hur
was formed he
and was re-eleot
anneal meetin
December, He
ber of the Iltaso
of Foresters. 13
33 yeara and
missed three mo
widow and tw
Deceased was a
Hanna and Mr.
town. The bare
sympathy of a 1
The funeral too
afternoon to the
under the step
J mes Young.
Ingham heard with
turday night last of
of Mr. Jamas Young,
w -.miller of Auburn,
joying his usual good
Saturday atternoon,
the mill, was seized
ghing, when a blood
and he expired within
Deoeased was a eon
e Young and was born
of Oolborue and was
He remained on the
er for some years and
the bailding trade.
e ago he settled in
hased the saw mill.
ry successful business
d in high esteem by a
friends. He was a
1 and was for some
of the West Huron
n. Last year when
Liberal Association
was elected Pteeident
50 the position at the
in Wingham last
as a prominent mem-
and Oanedian Order
bad been i Mason for
ring that time only
Inge of his lodge. A
daughters survive.
rother of Mrs. John
ex. Young, of this
ved will have the
go oiroie of friends.
place on Tneeday
Colborne cemetery,
s of the Memento
—Mrs. Willie
eld resident of W
away en Seturda
Particulars are
Wesley Ferrier, en
t Wewanosh passed
last, aged 84 years,
t to hand for Mit
Wiogbam District Women's Mission-
ary Society will be • eld in the Metho•
dist ohnroh, Gerrie, on Wednesday. May
The new Wa
Church at Toront
Fitch, formerly o
was dedicated on
Rev, K. J.
Whiteohuroh, ao
known here, has
London to Elamil
Mrs. Gould, a
front Formosa, w
the lecture room
byterian Church,
Ing, April 21st,
The death 000n
ing of Rev. 3. W.
cheater Presbyteri
short illness. The
on Wednesday to G
erly Road Baptist
of which Rev. E. R
Wingham, is pastor,
nudity last.
eaton, formerly of
well and favorably
en transferred from
n Conference,
returned missionary
I give an address in
St, Andrew's Pree-
n Wednesday eveu-
Saturday last wit
of one of the gran
century, and on th
renes, colors, (aates
tioipated in showe
congratulations np
the founder and hea
The Epworth Le
sermons will be prone
morning and evening
Livingstone of Mitch
deliver his popular 1
human voice," on Mon
These servioes will be
and all are invited
Howson will take
pulpit work at Mitohe
d on Tuesday morn-
rr, pastor of Dor.
n church, after a
funeral took place
derioh cemetery.
the 80th birthday
est old men of the
t day men of all
nd conditions par -
ug gratitude and
u a world-wide
William Booth,
of the Salvation
The Easter servi
Ohuroh on Sunday w
eating and helpful.
number of oommuni
lugs were very ge
was handsomely de
glory of the ooeasi
rector, Rev. 0 E
the words in I
evening took for
for the Resnrreoti
were mnoh app
meeting will be
ing at 8 o'olook.
gne anniversary
ed next Sunday
the Rev. James
He will also
otnre on "The
ay evening next.
very interesting;
Rev. W. G.
r, Livingstone's
s at St. Paul's
re specially inter.
here were a large
ants, and the offer -
roue. The church
orated, befitting the
which the service
n the morning the
Jeakina, spoke from
r. 15:20, and in the
s subject, "Evidences
n." Both discourses
elated by the large
The Easter Vestry
eld next Monday even -
Under the
county branch
ory Alliance, tis
praotioal temp
held in Huron,
Thursday nigh
Ander consider
of lannohing loo
mnnicipalities o
ioense. The
various planes
ment, and organ
ed in the follow
vote on local
Towns of Olin
leges of Bayfi
townships lof
Stephen, Tuck
Resolations we
he three-fifths
ner in wbich
was ordered to
oot, M. P. P. f
ng him for the
n regard to to
be Legislate
President of
Rev, T.D. Mo
a at the even
looted ware:
soh; and Vic
rd Viee-Pre
reasarer, J
eoretary, A.
member of
was elected
Mr, S. Benne
ention from
. Bea anan,
obd, Frank
Convenors f
re: Goderioh,
as. Hibor;
eafcrth, J. or
. Toll; Bayfield
. Carr; Brume
meter, T. H.
ev. L. Perrin
. lentherford
oderioh Tp., 3
traohen; Hay
Waltets; Hall
felby; Staple
aeob Holtz
'Brien; Tur
hank; 'Caber
rrenoeh, W.
anoah, W. )3a
ce Convention.
spices of the Hurou
the Ontario Prohibit -
oat encouraging and
noe convention ever
noluded at Blyth on
The chief business
on was the question
option in the several
iron at present under
presentatives of the
orted the looal senti-
ations will be tannish-
, whioh are likely to
tion next January:—
and Wingham; vil-
, Blyth and Exeter;
lborne, Grey, Hay,
mlth and Turnberry.
passed oondemning
apse and also the man-
iesnee inspectors and
re appointed. A letter
e sent to Mr. W. Proud -
r Centre Huron, thank-
etrong position he took
peranoe on the floor of
. Mr. Joseph Gibson,
he Ontario branch and
erroll, delivered address -
g meeting. The officers
President, F. Buchanan,
VIoe, G M. Elliott, Gode-
, T.H. McCallum, Exeter;
., John Kerr, Wingham ;
P. Brown, Goderioh;
T. Cooper, Clinton. One
e Executive Committee
rom each municipality,
being the member from
hole attending the eon-
ingham were :—Messrs.
Bennett, Wm. Well.
Hawson and Benson
other inneicipalities
nghain, S. Bennett;
3. Clolwell; Blyth, A
Ashileld. Rev, Chas.
Colborne, 3. Tiffin;
Colwell: Grey, Thomas
t, John Finglend; Mo.
, Thos. Wiley; Stephen,
an; Tuokersmith,
beery, Beeson Cerdok-
Selter; West Wil -
The Wingham
met on Tuesday
members present
Plans and spec
posed alterations
ventilating spate
aubmitted. The
be about $700. 5
Board were in fav
tug for tenders 1
ample time for th
material on the gr
might be complete
holidays. On eon
it was decided that
Board visit the a
day this week and
and improvements
meet again in a we
After authorizing
teachers' salaries, t
until next Tuesday
The Principal's
following attendano
nblio School Board
vening, with all the
xeept Trustee Moore.
Dations for the pro
Dept Boys Gi s Total Avg
1 23 3 55 52
2 19 2 46 42
3 25 2 48 44
4 30 2 60 46
6 16 2 45 40
6 24 2 47 41
7 35 2 66 41
172 17 847 305
Dr. NeIeott Tait, of 498 SpadSna ave.,
Toronto, will be at the Queen's Hotel,
Wingham, all day Tbursday, April 29th,
for consultation in diseases of Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Glasses fitted.
Bad Fire
One of the bouses
Mr. William Elliot
Belraore, was totally
early Friday mornin
Adams and Thomas
families, were °coup
The fire had gained son
fore being noticed that
ing was saved. Mescir
Baker will be at a heavy
carried no insurance, an
that they will have to st
tom again. The house
Mr. Elliott.
the vicinity of
s brickyard, near
stroyed by fire
Mears. Wm.
ker, with their
ng the house.
headway be-
. Adams and
loss, ae they
it will mean
at the bot -
as owned by
Dr. Ovens, Ootzlist, London, Surgeon
Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at
MoKibbon'e drug store, Wedneaday,
Glasses properly fitted.
The Sydenham
laceburg was burn
$150 and costs on
liquor to Indians.
London's tax ra
will be 24 mille th
half in advance o
William G. Mo
ronto for a nu
fouod dead in a
It is announce
Pistilli° Railway
over the Great
partnership Arran
Premier Whit
that an order in
1,000,000 gores in
triot as a forest
been nestled.
The' piecing o
across the Niaga
of raising and
levels is to be
report of the i
a month,
If we naust ha
and ouch distant
table, tbis is th
have them, T
ought tO be ha
season of the yes
to the oomfort of
The first crop re
1909 issued by t
Railway shows the
West are busily p
the grain for this
It is anticipated
agents that a vete,
this year will be
fingtse are available
ed however, in ono
cent. more will be
The recent Med
Toronto was a fin
Church Twine. leo
Ian boundary Mee
fergotten, All see
common eptrit
poses prisotloitl
Matter oo tench a
lass factory at Wal-
telkeeper was fined
o ohargea of selling
at the very lowest
att, who lived in To.
ber of years, was
otel reading -room at
that the Northern
will enter Winnipeg
rthern lines, under a
y denies the report
Council setting rieide
the Rainy River dis.
nd game preserve has
a dam for Luke Erie
River with the Wee
maintaining the lake
emit with in a special
will appear in about
8tZike• ih coal mines,
s appear to be inevi-
right time of year to
business of mining
all swing again by the
when fuel is neoetsery
the priblio.—Victorie
ort for the gamine of
the farmers in the
paring foe seeding
the company's
nail larger aoreage
sown, thotigh
et. It is ineetion-
(me that 100 per
nary Congrees in
object 1055011 in
the time the Enter -
peeler te have been
ed to be iespired by
to eel -operate for a
e time comes that
eaible for the ptir-
hiestianity velli not
ut the difference's in
Etc., etc.,
is the theme which we bring to
your notice at this time.
Some wise man has said, " My
son, get wisdom, and with all thy
getting get understanding,"
The wise man to -day says, "Get
a new suit or overcoat, and when
you are getting, get it made to
your order in your own town,
where you know what you are
getting, and that it is genuine
tailor - made." That would be
wisdom ; that would be under-
Our New Spring Goods have
arrived, and it is not exaggerat-
ing to say they are the nicest line
we have bad for some time, and
at prices corresponding with the
qualities shown.
Space will not allow us to go
into detail, but
and can make them any style
desired. We are dealing in
strong statements, but will back
it up, that we have yet to find the
style of garment we caunat dupli-
cate. And although plain, neat
styles are more in line with
strictly high - class tailoring this
season, it is for you to name your
Our Furnishing Department is
filled with the newest and best
for Spring aand Summer in all
lines, Irv'We have also added a
first class line of Jewelry.
Tailor and Furnisher
For Men Who Care.
The Leading Shoe Store.
It may cost you a iitt16 m ire to
get really good shoes—INVIOTOS
Shoes—but it will pay you in the
Because you'll get a better fit,
newer styles and very moch better
and longer wear,
In INITIOTUS Shoes you'll get
genuine oak tanned Sole leather—e
leather that is used only in high
grade ernes,
The vamps end tops of these iihoeki
are made of the lineet seleoted
leather money and experience oan
Every hide that goes into the
INVICTIJS Shoo neactery has to
pass the inspection of an expert jedge
of leather.
No trotible or expense la oared to
Make INVIOTOS Shoe* the beet it's