The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-23, Page 49 • 1 • • w • Incorporated in 1855 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,0 00 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK We invite a call (room farmers seeking .a goodeB;hnking ,connection giving courteous and efficient service. Sav- ings Department at all Branches. T S. REIQ, MANAGE[; LUCKNOW BRANCH gi\ 11 1. H. C. Tractors & Engines DE,ERING Drills, Cultivators 81 Harrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence & Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale W: (i. ANDREW, - .LUCKNOW. CREAM WANT D nit seatortiy reamer Co. We solicit your patroaage and guarantee you entire sat- isfaction. Our prices are always the %rlgikst. Our Testing done accurate- yy by experts. Our serviceand payments ate ptwiipt. Write a card to -day for rsss. Prices were sever as high an at present and still soar eR higher. A card will bring you cans • the nett train from u& :be Seaforth creamery Co. Seaforth, Oat NOISINESS ANO sscsnY CARDS , JOHN St'THKKKL.&N1► & SONS. Ltd-. Guelph. mat. immrsoas. Fire sad Marine. DENTIST Dr. W. D. McLeod, office McTavish block. Ripley. Office hours. 9 to ti' p.m. Phone for appointments. I,O.O.F. Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their Ball, Campbell street. ,All brethren cordially invited. Officers: Noble Grand. John McQuaig; Vice Grand, 'Rohr,. Johnston; Rec. Ser., A. 'R'.' Boyd; Fin Sec., Dr. Paterson; Treasurer, Alex Ross. A.F. G.A.C. Old Light Lode meexa es'ery- Thursday night on or befor=e the Havelock moon, in the Mas- onic 11a 1, H1avelo k SI•i., L-:. V4,a M... 31. MCGeire; S. W., James • Boyle; ,J. K•'., N. G. Mackenzie: Sec'y ., W. A. Wilson. GET THE BEST., -When you take out life ins::rance get a policy in the Sun Life of Canada,. the. t:ggest in the Dominion, and a eon:pany whose record Canadians are proud of. See Geo. H: Smith, local agent, fur particulars. Pr .Eucknnw Wntjiu,j Published every Thursd1ly morning • at Lucknow. Ontario. A. D. MACK 10;7.1E. Pro. ietot and. fdicor. - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1920. •t t iCTORY BON DS' bought and sold. Also farm lands and ♦ illege prespertti : Money to loan on l st anti 2nd recirt- gages at current rates of interest. In- surance, tone eyanc ing, • etc: Jo.eph Agnew, ;Notary Public, Allis Block.' Locknowt Out;. „,•- --.. _, fI OYER -EATING i• the rat el nearly *1 diisesti se evils. II • peer diseseea is weak DV est .d iitsr, letter eat less mid woe 1iI•MOIDS Ilse Ws .id to bettor dries. Mamas to tirke-.lfeetie. Let IG.lwu Lip stawiskara out ymnr remiss. MAS It 1A n a mamma IMAM IMP 8881111 THE BOMB IN WALL STREET THE JUMP IN FREIGHT RATES It is impossible for the averar^e citizen to say whether or not the in- crease in railway rates was justifi- able. All that the business *man knows. is- that wi;ereas his burdens were heavy before, they are now i heavier. Of course he will pass•the:u` on to the consumer as soon • as he can, - for on the consumer all a.litions 1,, .the cost of pi" duction and distrait'- . Con utust ultimately fall. It will be difficult to. convince •the • public ,that a AO per •cent incrc sse M freight rates , and _it) her cent tease in passenger rates were 'neceSS• ark, The public look -upon the rail= 1 • *ay coillp:tuies' as big wealthy eon- cerni which may • well share at reduc- tion of net profits along with the rest of the people. This is true so -far as the Canadian Pa•:itic Railway is Con- cerned, but it may be very ditTerenj in the case .of other road,. • ,As we tniiutcd out last week the railway companies and their employ- ees are becoming a source of danger to the country. The employees h:old up the companies and the companies in. turn 'hold up the public. But there' appears no getting away from the, sit- uation. For the greater• part of the •year there is a measure of relief 'in truck aztd automobile traffic:. but dur- ing the winter months we must bbo\t to the 'railways, or rather those %Oat manage and operate •thelu.i •W}1e3- haVe• a monopoly of the long haul, and can: exact all the traffic will stand. HOW WE GOT THE 1MACKS AND OTHER . SCOTCH,. NAMES It has been said that the .explosion of the bomb in Wall Street, \etiv York,. like- the first' .shot at c'ort Sumpter which opened the 'American Civil War. was "heard around t:h. world." 'What teas meant regarding .that first, shot of the Civil War was that it challenged the possibility of a, re-, publican form of government •on a targe' scale, The bomb exploded ir. .Wall -Street has been taken as a ciial- lcnge to civilization, as we have it. That is the fret which sent,a shud- der ::round the World.. The exploding of the.bomb in Wall Street, doubtless, was the work • of one of those organizations of nadnlea: who believe that they can establish the• n.:gn of justice upon the earth by toeing themselves most savagely un- just -by murder and destruction. In some way not easily explained, these • wild beasts of the human. race are produced and science has put within their reach instruments of tl'e- nrendous powers -instruments. . whi h : can i,e .used secretly. Before the 4111Y - .of ' high explosives . these maturer could do little, and they were earns disposed of. But now they• can d:s, guise their inferihal`machines so ,,. t•• look like a box or .bag of ordinary comu1cr4e, and- these can be timed r explode at any suitable time., giv int the criminal an:ple time. to gt't a',vat- frrom the scene. • ,�_S?_-ih-o ghtfyl ,per'(tn A:li_.CtaA;4•i.•�- :hat o',:r Sx:a] and politica] arrabtc- ments _ are ideally rood. Those who benefit- by the injusti-e may he satis- fied with it, but those who suffer t,•i:: always • rht:e•avor to bring about changes.. e. The h•:t•n who planned :.• a rp!ode .'he t•eer.l.e tr. Wall Street t',(,k • sh -,rtest and most v:eler.: \t ay te o•:' the destruct.on f I t ro :s. 1lshu wits jeiteoesy and the wta:t..y. , i'.it'1' ,1,:a` nen : erne • s r•a::, r.n 1,:•t:v at the :,f :, . centre Of the wan ctf the How had was hc.:r .;udg:r.c'-.: •]. ,• •.,tr-i 1, ;:c. (...;;I,ic:enesG of :.:,,..• Tee, pt -c , •;e they killed, u r: t c,f tho Neorl:ng cii.ss Jr \•chose c <}' ;,n•te-n(i to art. nut ?lac: '(•nn so.:: Wall Strc•c•: an, (ri J.. f'. Mortar+ ani a-s,,c.att•s, t.c,t!,hng \wC,t31d have 1e, '-. 'f . ne It change the cund:tiim NO.. r cnr:rhes one se c•f the, peu;Ilr at • re- f t,? I)1r smiler. , • Tri- 'Waft, SIri', UJtrs►�, w... ••1**',",ulrcrr. tth< t►rt•c.rit!:,. f :•• The iicn1V(ra:h(' Pari;. (rhe .:ed '': heir r: ••r1' ::;. ,(.C6 a:•('nl<•n:.. of. the •h n' J •i• (X2...'.',.(,r, <f 'b*t tees(•.. :-.; tea::y 111fa`. k• .i :.f" •.,,fY f; . -•:r . ai -----'wet--•"-- st ;ten •e7 t i there seem Cit, r,,arr.a sin the city of Detroit, wh'.:e the d'ivortt courts a:lowtd the 'opera- ' tion of 88 couples. A writer in•a recent i'ssue of the Aberdeen (Scotland) Free Press gives some information about the or-' gin of Scotch names which will prose of great interest• to our readers *hose parents carie from the land of the heather -clad hills. After referring to a' previous art- icle in which he dealt with :the names in Lowland Scotland, he' -says: The other way of deriving' sur- naines in Scotland was . the Gae:ic Way, in use in the Iiighlands and Is - :ands. '.Among the Gaels, as the sys- - em of living was tribal and fanuly, der:•vation -•of .surnalues followed • aa.d'family lines. In particular, the patronymic -name derived .frons the father -was . practically universal. The clan meant the, chief and his children i "eland," children,'O.t; it ti. "eland" 1. The •relationship Was in- dicated chiefly , by the. use of -son," derircd •from the Irish, ' Eke the Gaelic' speech in general, and in use in various forms in the Oghams and in other tongues_ • Thus "toiseach" was a caipta:n of chief, and `"Mac-an-toisich" mean; the son of the chief. Every. follower Zva> "Mac-an-Toisich," a son of the chief. 'hence Macintosh, the clan and family name. The . chief's name m ig: sit be Kenneth Ghelic, Coinneai h t.. • In :ha: chse the f _tllower was Ma: (':•i:.n:c �: son of K.enreth, and tl.en ars,-e th, clan naves- and stirrian'e Mackenzie. nzie-. The .Gaelk - fornh of Alexander -as formerly es-rlainedr--e A}a,r?a,.r. he.:r'•• 1I8C :�,la`olair: set: of A:exar.r:rr- Macalister. ' as a 'sur'name. .3Tir; s;, on through most of the familit►r clan i -names of the High:ands. .The derivation of the• •Gayle sur- name is. rl,itt always ' a h9::c r ' Simple as thefore'�,•hng, l►.: , e.:.s 011111111111111111111111111.111.11111111111111111111111.111.11111111.1111.11111111.1.11111111111111111 Three Million p. NewCustomers, For Canada's Grain Produce --=Manufactures Secured by the West India Trade •kw . Agreement and Canadian Ships. By willingness and ability to pro- vide ships, s, Canada this year has drawn the West Indies closer to herself and to the Empire. She can make preferential trade ag+-ez ents with other peoples under .m. the British Flag, without - arousing international complications. "My Baek; Is So Bad P AIMS in the small of the back, lumbago, rheuma- tism, pains in the limbs all tell of defective kidneys. .Poisons are being left in the blood which cause pains and aches. The kidneys, liver and bowels must be aroused to action by such treatment as Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. There Is no time for delay whoa the kidneys> go wrong, for such de- velopments as hardening of the ar- ter:es and Bright's disease are the natural result. • Oae 'pill a dose, Z cents a bon. all dealers, or Edmanaon, Bates & 6), Ltd., Toronto. ' Dr.Ghase's Kidne *lhen Pitis brown coMplex:on is -dons" brown- . hence the naive Duncan origirally, and Puna as a surname. But we also had Dun and Dunn as a surname in- An.g:o=Saxon ,timeie as, far cxanhp e, in the Anglo-S.xor, chronicle of the eighth century, whet: Dunn w'as con- secrated Bishop of Rochester.' Then a dark person Was •'dubh" in Gat tic. 'that. is -black," but although a per- 1 son of sifniiar complexion got the sur- stylus Black in English. tit Gaels rr- taped their own expression in deriv- ing a stirnarihe frc,nh -dubh, and hence are derived' the sihrnan:es Dox, Duff, Macduff. and so en. • A person with. red :lair 4 R, -era - Reade, -, d,Reade, ar. d Reid among the Ere -::-hl. became among the Gae.:c r'F' iy.e R .e.% frc:n.-raadh," mil, as also that is, Gille-Ruaidh. server.; c r c:.- ciple of Roy. or From this also i= •ieri:,•f' :"e 5.:ra::7:. MacInroy-tha; .is. -Mat--lar.-R. . the son of Re'd Je,'rr:. - in a tall' person was "n: •,r," ' g. the s::17a1r. es Mere, e . s.". person. Wa= "?:r•a_." ��-.. li t:e. 'her,,cc :teesurra-he Bez7. . To a1 very XOp.0 der:'. - C�r7an•,e:. fT, a: �+ <- E! '.. •.. i 1: '.l a.- -w lit' a Iiia.:,'.- i!:ic- ..i•.•, 1 •!' • ¢ hrsd ft w ria: Fjt t'r1IE. (,n • r.,• . ,:. • • ar rcu1(i no; nays •a :r'.h:r•, ( for :':e' Get . W( r+• a.. .... t".+• eTi1:r(• r. a:T:,.•. ". n•. • s' r.:fig a1T,cF. IL they.: . • same <re -i 'shier ,t -to a < e ; sir: ` :'fl 'h l if? • La (,( or tat) (`.t *• 'l r•:ng_ Canada possesses men with brains who will .make these preferential trade agreements. But to make good these trade agreement, we crust have Capadian Ships. I it .. The Navy League of Canada. „h .i•, :' • . a Grielic ptl'.t :1:i, name 11e in. l' -o- . : .. ? T'.t•re .'u•fre•it s..•1 :r, triitfarl;h /,c ••mi,liTl:t -4-) ret -To o \>r h. 1..11'44-':-. t'= i'•, ' • i er- r: .c• .-0411'''''''".'' a very hcrt':t,Taha: descent. t: 11..: .".:i.,.., ";; h.,:.. a. :: . . Donn( ha:rh r.ot r,nl ga•,'t- S -r.r T;r(.rio'.;.:.. < ..t:. gL.L .k...' : r,. • -A, it" I .• , Duncan ' C1a i I)(.n:lach:e 1. 1,'J: f i•:a\'t''f :f•' 'f:` c 'a • a r.+-: •- .l , t.':... --.r..- - - rise a'.* -y.. • r <• :r,rif'ac'ncrtrit..i7,-:a:1.t .t!. .:. ..t Stet :a ' :c -. . Mart. c r,r.achie, uh:ch arso mean. 'irr;a: Ga•:.s • `a:,.:4 .`•' ,. .' yI)uncan's ?..t,1'... '1;,.::n ;*r' 4•'y: :hci �t r :\( '.i:t a.' ..a. .-lar $life: • ha,i .;...•.r r.:1i:yrs • _ ,,%.,.. LI a.. i. + :he t 1ri.('f . 11•I ,; a. : i. Gae..C. l4•. •,,h.'! r..a...• :+'. dr. •: , s,o .. •,:a• ♦ • '•. 4,.. .11-..-e. the r.i n t- • ` Mac:.n',n7....;... '...... t•.ca' ..' r. . 1.:►. . 1 '.1.•. : ( the e r. -at :eI : a.arue Ac'e:U . I i. f •t. -.e. iia' ,,f .. '. - rree, .. , f ,'r., .t.aci•e.a:,i.. ie,. < , • i ':..-. .ria\' ?'.:.'.;e ber-:. '. i.a(fl:an. Jr ...:e 'nail.... f• -..:-.Sean 'ina..a, w.ri case e•• -t 1y .8;ont•-'Y• '. a -as a. ilia''.:. r of I.au: •r::a•; •. ! ' • • • • c:• „N: ae La.: r ,,' ar. n..:.r, , .. .k7 '; •=r .*shout the c•(urte,;e, .' :i - . tio. n "14Ihh<• •" a`; hart I. a .• 1 •'.i.:1 4,t (4.;-.4...."..i.,:, ''.:4( re' f't'e r v►- , than'. as a (:an rase. • A fr-trm r•. 1��" Thctn'.a4 . ir Coto ' •• . 't ••:Y.b, Lr 1 i.•'r.%f' h' 4.!, • 1t. ri :1. J .,,• Tr,t \rr'.ar .h .:rT fer.l.- . i1• ..;;4*. •.•A. tr.•.c.• M:.', To'. •' , Ta».r',as t. the ..:. r 3+7'. •- I; h. •c,' r .T"' :'.• r,Jsf • •. •,' f i' .. th+ ;3(4 .•. •:. !.% ' . • ; • '1 i f• a;.;; a :,.' .t .'i'.. ; . .r , .r. .. a t., ' a . . - r :t', v1 ( •:_-' `A , A . r .. • ... tri' D..: a • n enough tarrs:ne rowadats. *T.4 it singular a arisias both Gae..t at. t 1 Es�1i11h. to Gael* a prrsoa of dsrr.'t. t.r , • 1-: • g: • A' • y J: • f a • dst fi•:atr:t.e� at.+' groin ail fa! Some Fall Bargains R E HAVE STILL SOME DARK IND LIGHT PRINTS, GOOD QUALITY, (,i ;,:c, l'Elt YD. iN I)_ARK BLUE- PATTERN`, 36 IN. HEAVY PERCALES C tic PER YD. IN PRICES OF FLANNELETTE WE ARE BELOW THE MARKET. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO STOCK U1' FOR THE. WINTER. 1t BLACK AND NAVY SERGE Fi)R LADIES' SUITS OR DRESSES WE' HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT IN AL1. 'WOOL- FROM •$2.50 UP. TABLE LINEN iN GOOD QUALITY n $2.00 PER 11). THIS HAS A PURE LINEN R�F FT1Kr _yt THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT IIAS A 11'1.1. ST04 lti t1-- THE BEST STYLES IN IiATS AND TRIMMINGS .� 'OMET11ING TO SI IT Et ENl-I:ODI- IN UP-T(1,1/%TE FASHIONS. '.Er OUR LADIES' FALL. AND WINTER CO.1TS. W. CONNELL ESTABLISHED 1672 "Of rt: MILTON W11.1T kind s.f a start did haat in life' • If you had a road ane, 7.4011 were fortunate. if not t r1u know stow ninth it *wild ha% •• meant to Sow to have had •orneth'.nt to Mart ow. Yoe ma., h. opening trw04 act -tient-. for 'our children in' The lank of Hamilton, pr.et klc for their future. BANK OF HAMILTON. LUCK NOW BRAPICH J. A. G1cn»,44', lNNwaR-r • s + •w INM►l i,b (.\ 1111_ ill• N1,1.R k • t. 1 ,1,114,14 '„'•' 1N 1 4,11,4- I 7 k If I .:,, t• of I1'44.1 •i.-a-oial'1 :ir•1: he A muni. "Ito that's )itt.t a hawse:•ie : • (ase." • s.ar•1 llcntx s ev, y. . Fes 101 i s. r epi ii -J I1•soks- •'Nf•,•" 'ail Hennessey, -it ,s nm a 1 1 • :., .:• tit all . tort 112 it c1.•ldn't ;'e -.'.j, , (,, ..tl.,,,, a. ti a. • :. • Right Choice Ne`ari i'•\ rr . •I*c am1'es at a . .. • ,. • 1'"1 \. 1lt re them' 1$ Ya -1 lief • to,. 1, ' , ;. a 11451C -restorative. Scott'sEsuulsmn. , :the rb'*'r of tells of th \u- i 1 • T, .• s1111ds t ».11_a- 1t gives tone ' + ; • a�► .. ' , to t hr 1104- c)$tetti and .4; .• • , , ♦ ' , a .> . ,..• •.; • , ' • at' . •: fM'iht tit'ta,A(f1, OW : n • • v tt.e .! so t:: aaa) . w, A l I.. MRtt TWIN CHOICE ! te.a. 1 t.a\3 el. v'I,.d,srsdr• aim 11110 I ast 0