The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-16, Page 41 tl 11540304labd la MSS CAPITAL AND RESERVE 59.000,0 00 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK The Molsons Bank/ Assists Farmers Almost every farmer finds his money tied up in stock or • crops at certain sea sons. If he needs assistance he _should consult our Local Manager. Savings Departments at all Br anchest. T. S. REID, MANAGER, 'LUCKNOW BRANCH 1. 11. C. Tractors & Engines Dr,ERING Drills, Cultivators & Harrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence_& Nog Wire New Willi4ms Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale b/ iyik W. G. ANDREW, LUCKNOW. CREAM WA 1T E D - 411r— r. Sea%rth Creamery Co We eotIdt *our patronage s.d guarantee you entire sat- isfaction. Our atisfactioa- Our prices are always the highest. thin Testing done accurate - by expert& Our service and payments tyre prompt. Write a card to -day for cans. Prices were never as high as at present and still soar - tag higher. A card will bring you cans ep the next train from us. lbe Seaforth Creamery Co_ Seaforth. Out. ROSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS P01114 BL?NLKLAND & SUNS- Ltd-. tiuelph. tit,.. P. arsos. 1r. and 31arine. I.O.O.F. Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. Officers: Noble Grand, John McQuaig; Vice Grand, Robt. Johnston; Rec. Sec., A. H. Boyd; Fin Sect, Dr. Paterson; Treasurer, Alex Ross. 7 - LT* Lurkitnui tptitinrl Published every Thursday morning. at Lucknow, Ontario. A. D. MACKENZIE, Proriet.or and Editor. THURSDAY, SEPT. 16th., 1920. THE NEW HIGHWAY ROBBERS Story books contain tails of high- way robbers who flourished in Eng- land in the days of the stage coach; in Australia in the days of the Bole: :diggings; and -.'hi the United' tate, when they horse and prairie schoonei were the best means of .10 ig-distance• travel. Wits: the, passing of the pioneer conditions` and the march of inven- tion, these gave way to the train rob- bers, typizied- by the f:.:roua- lisso'uri 1 outlays, . the. James *and Youngs: Eros. These belong to a by -gone. gr.zera- tion, but .peopie Kill travel. the great highways still are victims 'o: the heirs-at-law di the : daring and rota - antic gun -Hien who held up the stage coach or the express train. But new conditi'•ns have 'obliged the highway men to adopt new and hidden meth- ods. It is not now a case of "stand and delver' or "hands uo," but -"another increase in railway rates—freight and passenger rates advance." • On Monday of this week freight rates in Eastern Canada were advanc- ed forty per cent, and passenger rates went up twenty per cent. The reason given for the increase by the :railway managers who asked for it, and by the Railway Board which •sanetiutied and Permitted the increase, is that the wage bill to railway operatives' had gone up, and that charges for railway seri ce must go up to meet increased expenses. • Members of railway brotherhoods hive longi, been well-paid. men, as pay to men of their measure of skill goes: } and whatevenssuzln _said of other railway •connpanies, • the t'.P.R.. which controls about half the traffic of Can- adla has been" a good money maker But that doe4 not matter. The 'rail- . n:a^,a;;ernent is so dependent uFp- : :he ern :r,.t:r .. cottluctors. `iren:e r. s .st, hnren ain't machinists that tri.- - can.. exact almost any demand th- chore•=e to make. And the public i.= so depe'nnlent upon the railways that .l it most fray almost any passenger or fre:t►ht rate which ✓the railway man - i awes -hoose to exact. After all, it is pretty troch a matter of 'Stan'! 'an,! . •. ••r' a- in the days of the eta_e coil tra el:o r.' The employees "ht+le: up' he eon:pan:e•, •an't. the Corpanit s in t':rr. "hoit1 up" the public. The ewe' t'l.e.:t:icr•,cr'�n=titutp :l'nat w.e'have +•a:' .ri . she. r.s..V' 1 ''?h:xay r.}b r4. [ •. • tsos ho z :ne • d for to 'ntr at; :en • ' i -n't that what .we a:: ,? • ;-:,•,.•:-., We;-:• a* ar. rate• t '' • are tar; r:•� �r :t •nils ' 'T a, ->=`y .r* Y• i stszs j.: .r.yz.i• glen ts•.rorir •'f t!:v :ratter. The puh:ir• mij:t :.,,.k relief it :r,mn• .,thew wd'. The r.,t►h.•r= are n:er•ile -. • ' A.F. & A; V., G.R.C. ' Old Light Lodge meets every Thursday night on or before the full moon, in the Mas- ' unic Hall, Havelock St, Lucknow. W. M, M. McGuire; S.W.. James Boyle; J. fit',, N. G. Mackenzie:i Sec'y., W. A. Wilson. GET THE BEST.—When you. take .out life. insurance get a_polic_y in the Sun Life' of Cara►?a. the • biggest in the Dominion, and a company whose record Canadians are proud of. See Glo. H. Smith, local agent, for particulars. • VICTORY BONDS bou;ht and sold. Also farm sands and .a:la:;-e property:. Morey to loan un 1st and .2nd mom-. gages at current rates of interest. In- surance, conveyancing, etc. Joseph Agnew, Notary Public. Allin Block Lacknow. OM. ;The Better Wal Never disobey Nature's Warn- • ing, It's far better to forestall • weakness with nourishment that -protects ScoWsScotn-Emilsion • after meals for child or adult. is awonderful helpin forestalling weakness. Asfor Scott's. Scott a P.,wne. Toronto. Ont �'- 1 v.`'••jng woman who is .ho'r,:• ing e►,.�►�:. 44411n 11 ,.1►CtrN toy tit; f iut that the tumor truck manufacturers have not been able to supply • the demand this sunnier, and that, for travel up 'to a hundred miles or even more the automobile is making big inroads up- on railway traffic. '• 'Unfortunately. in this northern country there always will be a seri- ous handicap 'to motor traffic. • There is no way of overcoming the snow blockade of winter. - . But perhaps some ' day having learned a lesson from the freedom of the, country highways and the city streets, •we may make the railways also free—that is the government may keep them in condition and regul- ate the traffic while anyone who wish- es may: run his car or his train upon them. This solution of the railway problem • has been suggested before. but the ' •regulation of 'traffic, even with a two- or four -track road presents a difficulty. • T "r' is it ore wri:.ap4 }L•w+il high-Vays f. r 't:h. motor fru• k ard t! n a:.z',nrn•.f,iie. The roue,- :►•. t' • ;R, an‘'. ft,:.. to. a:1. and e. -en a piece of land near Ben,{. (r••. ,1 'r.. k be s ee-t:a! -h.•4 iso- gon, has been, forbidden to enter, the • m.:tnc•,,re who feels -that h•' . town while wearing riding trousers, h•':'- ah'.:4ed hy such tray' Fut on a the garment& wkiek alts habittiltfy 1 i'n*chine or machines _ of. his own. p.r, gt lana, _ That this ,is Reims done ,upon swim- - --o-o-o-- WHii PAPER IS DEAR The price of paper of alznost every description keeps going up and up, until it seems that the impetus 'giv- en to it during the war period had not yet spent its force. Paper is dear because the demand for it is beyond the supply, a circum- stance, which gives' the manufacturers the whip hand. It is said that the de- mand for the white paper for news- papers i•i Canada sad the Jnited States is about 64)0 tons per day in excess. of the production in both suuntries Production has not slackened with- sa recent years, but is now Lase* greater` than ever before. , But in spite of the, fact that hundreds of newspapers have given up public j.ioz cattier- by cessation or atizalgamauuil with others, the circulation of exist- ing. papers keeps increasing, and the papers are getting bigger. The gron tn.of papers in size is due to :Tac ever-increasing demands of advertis- ers, who more and more come to re- gard the newspaper as an indispens- :ble' medium through which to (iis-. pose -of -their produce. What has happened to paper prices ►vithin the past few years istsuagest- ed by the following figures. In lult :ewsprint. was selling as low as $:; per ton, ..while at the present time :cost contracts are for 51.20 per ton. . fhis• is for, regular shipments of a stated amount. When thereMis an,. un- as::al demand on the part of a news- paper. because of an extra edition oz an unusual amount of advertising. :he extra supply will have to be ob- tained from dealers, and to these has 'ten paid as high as 5360 per ton. Chat is ten tines the price that paper was in 1916. Paper manufacturers are without ioubt making immense protits at pre- vail ing prices. Investigation has shown that newsprint such as is sell- ing to the users for from $ 120. to 5360 per ton can be produced for $50 per ton The prospects of relief from the present conditions are net good. The bid profits of paper manufacturers are inviting • others into the business, but it takes a lot of capita; • and a eonsiderable time to gest a big paper mill -in operation. ••o -o -o— • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of I'et.•r McIntosh. late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce. Yeoman, deceased, NOTICE is. hereby given that all !iersott:= , hacing-any,rlaiens-- or --des nands against the late Peter Mein - t',_ h, who died on or about thef eight- ee,nth day' of July. A.D., ,ltr20, at the i ownship' of Kinit►ss, in the. Province .f Ontario, are required to send ,by post prepai't or deliver to the under- -i• -nett, Atlministratrix of the estate ►f the said Peter 3l.:intosh, • their names and addresses and furl particu- lars in 'writing. of their claims and statnnaentsiof their accounts and tete nature of the securities. if any, held • hy them dilly sterid •tl by affidavit. And take notice t:zat after the Six-, te,cntn ,day at October, A.D., 1.'20, the' said A•imini tratrix will proceed to • ditrihtite the assets of the said de- rtrase:d among the persons entitled thereto. having retard only to the :alms of which she shall then, have batt nos, e, and.that the said Adniinis- tratrix_ will n liahte 'far the said a --et• ..r ; lir thereof to any per - f �. • :he shall not then I I • .e y . •.'•n pursuant to the ''.lee th:z' • :►lf. • Dated at 1; ; •w this Fc►urteeenti1 •Llai ''f S,epte'. 1.D., 020.* IMnalcla Mellrttt,reh. Ft I: I. :•:n,':v, Ont. —o -o -o -- •Bakers in Spain have been arrest -et: in large numbers in the government! before admitting Slim t.) this/. pr. mis- Will Morning Never Come DQE$ this - illustration pia Lure your experience ? What is more distressing than being unable to sleep? Sleeplessness ' is one of the first and most certain symp- toms of exhausted nerves. This is the warning that you need the assistance of Dr. Chaae's Nerve Food to restore vigor to the nerve cells and thereby avoid the develop. meat of serious nervous trouble. By Improving the Quality of the • blood and building "-up the nervous system thLs food cure brings new energy and strength to the whole body. 60 cents a trx, .6 for 12.:5, all dealers, se Zdmaneon, Bates k Co., Ltd., Toronto. a WOMEN LIVE LONGER One of the most .interesting 'things about the longevity- tables published oy the -Census. Bureat is the clearrzesa .with which they shoW that women tuve ionger than men.. Very likely there are hard-working, women who may be inclined to question the .fart: and to say, as the man .did r. about , married people, "!'hey don't, it only 'scents ,onger." But the figures are 'there to ;peak for themselves. At birth a girl baby's expe:tation of life/is 33.2 years; -a boy's 49 .9. At ten she can still expect to live .5'2.b years. v.hereas a boy of ten can look %o e• wa rd `tS'-an1y 50.2 . years. • .k-1-ittle of . the ditf'erence. may be un in't such boyish habits • as trying to see whether - the ice is thick e:wugh to `►car; but that aceouilts fur otel;j a small .part of the discrepancy. Physicians have long known twat women -bear •pain much 'bttti• t:ea:z 1:►en, and hy "better they ita•arz !.ce. uerely with greater courag-e bt:it wit% !'ss injurious atter effects.' The s •:hot - ars who prepared the Ion' g••czt; f;..rtir- es • think that worsen also ;ha%e : trorger constitutions: that - u • ',tr.. . zyatu rally • less since pti:.:t• t•► •glia•: a'te. and mote resistent to it when' :'nee contracted. it is not even to' that. however, that they attribute wn:zsan's longer life. bat to the fact that a :rrcat majority of the men sk.My poison themselves to death by over- eating, and by using a etiltol uzi,.i to- t :aeeo. . - • . As .at mile, women are niui•tz li ;lati . '•aters than nzen, as any man may liseover by going to a r,staurat:; that :'aters chiefly to women, and trying to get a ''square" nleaL tut it is elv=' ielent.frim the figure:c that it is Cie woman who is the wiser. Doubtless she eats all she needs. •t►vereatin, • Nath ino>a i a' -relative. matter. What • r•asnnab:e when they :ve• .. y ':in,' and had plenty of exert•ise is t•►i► niu; h 'then are has cat the exercise in half. With women that. condition does not hnl.1 gnod, for' there is no great flits femme 'between the azimount of e•:t•i - cike they get in youth and the am .sot they get in 'middle life. in. tact.' many a woman does more har.! :•• -,rk ,aft •r she is twenty-tive, thaz> !., +re• than ti'me.. With her 'the anzourzt of food to .which she has become accust- omed. i= still a reasonab'e -ai::.►.int. LOOK OUT OE T F'OR TIi 1 : r An exchange hall the fol ' •• -: 11'e are infornzed'that certain setts, s lata beery, nzakink a practS. a of • tot: tt of houses and representi♦zg 'lea: ti; •-• telonhone inspci t ►r•c. • u- irtn• tZ' 'pretext for makin•r ;ling s t.e'►iii ► with -the inter ;.•-• t.:. •.t+t-.--.4-.--- tir•'nzi7ses.• Whzle _-.►i►•:,•ttzta't Chthe . house they 'pit•k upaz''• ++< c:z'�i.. f c►pix,rtunity tiff•'►•:. .,r r• z n zr.''t•fi- n,:.tion that may tw ,,sefut f,,: a !,.••;;- lar;• at a lat(•r dons Iles It r; are warned to he or. to. • ss". • r. visit•►r4..c►f, ch'� l .,e.- X0'•,1 t *r.; ' .• -'.zit. that ar'y' ' .i• •-',i + autho,izrti rt• 'r .:z':r,i ' c )nzpany he profess.= to he at.... • 5 .r ► fight againstprofiteering in. bread. !s. • Canada Can —Reduce Her "!'axes ' —Pay Her War Debts —Keep Workers Busy —Make Farmers Prosp2rcus By Selling. Her Surplus Grain, Fruits, Dairy Pro eLe, Manufactures Tu the Nati: )'is of The [3l'itish Empire The . Key to the market is Ships— Canadia n Ships The Navy League of ,Canada Preparin For FALL TRADE OUR STOCK OF UNDERWEAR IS BEING REPLEN- ISH -ED IN THE LEST MAKES. IN MENS : STAN - FIELDS LEADS_RE'T WE HAVE SOME IN OTHER MAKES' :1T BOWER PRICES TO MEET THE WANTS OF THOSE WHO WISH A GARMENT $1.5J TO $3.00. IN MEUIt•_M WEU.IIT FOR LA DIES oft GENTLE- MEN THE PENMAN IN N.1 i't"::.:i. wool. IS TIIE 'BEST. - IN LADIES' FALL AND WINTER COATS OUR PRi4 ES AND STYLES WILL BE FOUND REASON- ABLE. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT WIL• L BE OPF.N FOR E 1RLY•l'USTOMEI:S (zN SATE•itD.1Y, SEPT. MISS ROBERTSON 11.15 JUST RETURNED FROM S'IS- iTING TIIE OPENINGS IN TORONTO. .1ND) STARTS THE `SEASON WITH THE REST STYLES TO BE FOUND iN THE MARKET. W.CONNELL ME •', OFFtC. H. MILTC•N r -- Irl. •uu :ih ulutely certain OA when . % oar. 'children grits u:, ou o ill hare the necessary money to Mart them in life as you would like to...4‘•-• them start? , You can make sore of their future 'to !dame extent by opening trust accounts in their names in The Bank of Hamilton and making tie•po:its to heir credit • as circnm-tanc•es enable ou to do so. BANK HAMILTON OF, Luc.iiOW BRANCH J. A. C1,nn-c, Mtnag_r SEPTEMBER ROi) AND. GUN The n:any readers of Rot and (;tut in i':inatta• who aro• int: rem'• •1 Ir• t'1 tirt'on section' of the maaaz i,•• v• it he 1 ' pl.•ase.1 to note tibic f. t;•e•: t the %eII known s h +rt .:t..t•�. c•z+t+�.• �h:zsj written an ailsnre►irg r e:ratz♦.n , : t•se d. 1 n the tt:le.l v :eters ('f Rejoicing. This ;' :Tiz I. a .otl ,'r t.,riys anti ,:u'tl. '.•i +a��•t i i with tarty r'arftytr?r'•-ti.lt f11P'lt� t�:ar,e•.� tip, the Se•lr,enthe'r i, i'ni. •ri►i Canada,". r, :zteot i►ortst►:a't': f•uhlie:at :►n. 1 L .3 ••► 1 't• '011ie, . -•t;." i1.,y) with ' 1 ' In ' toz. li'!• .t r Fr. •tr..t- •i•'• ! r.p.i•. Ltt..n 1' ,'►tr'•,l Dr, c'haser's Otntnw•nt t. t •. ;♦t UI►'•P and afford bent r•t. e;'>••. i► hot • a'b dealers. or RdmanoNtt, Meares & Ct+., Limited, Toronto, tiasaple Dos Ree it you mention thea 'pow SM tiseloM tr. stamp to $, postage t SE-NSiIiNE M:%KERS ret. wsrlcl owes a big debt to hi opi.• who enjoy thins's as they arc. Thr are -very few slays which bring,. ns • t''tzi't!y what e.e 'want, few with -.t tit 'er'zne- little► annoyance• to► tetra .t front our satssfat'tion. The jx•opl..' «hn ►i!;• l'if'e as it c•ts1•et and enjoy it. seii:tt, :n spite" e.I tltr S'ole1 snap..tha,' •.t ..`..ANS •ti the•- -Stmot C in the flows?. zart't•n or the unsaese►nable heat e'z., h !►rine,- di-trnnzfort, who In spite t.f ''ta,•Ie•. a,' di,appoiintmentq fin,l zhrz•'ty to late h ahnut and tel rejoie. ''ser. are humanity's sunshine makers. everybody er,uhi be happy if he had ,the opR►r,rtiinity to make' the r•,1 over aresni'J,n: to his own ilea' Mit the pr. Tple who enjoy- life as it comes, sunshine and shadow together aro the on's who make lite glad tot others. �wr