The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-09, Page 840441, • t r Every boy wants a Jersey. It's a real boy's garment—easy to slip on, will stand any amount of hard wear, and stops all fuss- ; lug about "saving your clothes." %Mothers like the Ballantyne Boys' Jerseys, too—they • keep the- boy always looking neat; they cannot pull out of shape, and they are the most economi- cal garments made for boys. We are showing the Ballantyne Boys' Jerseys, pullover and fasten -on -shoulder styles, in a xariety of colors. School Days See the splendid range of Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc., we are now showing. Special--'- Boys' Jerseys, $1,75 to $4.00 CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO. ih Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Ssll,lor Cash—we Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores FIRST QUALITY GOODS AT LOW PRICES WE GOT A GENUINE SURPRISE LAST WEEK WHEN A SHIPMENT OF COILED. WIRE ARRIVED FOR US. THIS WiRE WAS Pt'RCH.1•SED LAST NOVEMBER, BUT ON ACCOUNT .OF ADVANCED c'OSTS ANI) SCARCITY OF M1ATERIAI. WE HAD GiV.EN• t'P HOPE OF EVER RECEIVING iT. HOWEVER, IT IS HERE. THE BEST gU.%Ln'S CLEVELAND WIRE, AND IT WILL BE SOLD AT $E..i0 PER CWT,—CASH. PRONE YOUR ORDER AND WE WILL HOLD IT FttR YOU. WE H AVEVISEV ERAL... SHADES. OF SHERWIN r - W ILLiAMS PAINT. WHICH WE/ARE CLEARING. AT BARGAIN PRICES. THE COLORS. ARE GOOD—THE I'_t1NT THE REST QUARTS Pt.2f: PiNTS TheLucknow Hardware & Coal Co. TIIE S1ORg THAT NEVER DISH PPo!NTS Western '+niverst Lo'ndonn, Ontario emi is and Sciences, cWetlicine Fall Term (_)per.-Oct(:;bcr .4.11 FOR is l 0�`.;.�TI�;:: '.::� �.\�__.'.�.ti^ •R RI. P. R. LVILL:: t Regiri4r r , CLARK'S POINT Monday, Sept. 6th Before leaving that popular, Sum- mer resort, Clark's Point, a number of the lapies who ere there prese i:,r•. ed Mrs. Ray, of theight House, with' a fruit dish. Following is the addxeAs wh:ch was read to Mrs.'Raj, and we publish naso a reply which Mrs. Ray. has writtento the ladies: , To. Mrs. George Reay. . ' r, your friends of the. 1920 camp Point Clark, are delighted With filly' oppurtun•ity which this, ,'oqr tira hirthdaz- affords its to offer slight tangible token of our regard. In asking. .you to -accept this s•^_:r1: gift we do so hoping that volt treat it a•: being the expression of car a:iection, and we assure you that it . carries with it our sincere; wishees that the year4,tVh,:cla are to come v.111 I.rin;,r y ou t nothin but !# l,tiness ai:d that t•oua R�1 t ICng be a,i%Z,'.•rl It► ttti�- t4:ue to ninth"•r. oir 'ictkc :•iter ger colony.—Llora E. Reid, M., P. rm- stl-onc., Mary Murdie, J. C. .S.cwirt, L. Arn,stront-, a: J. 8,,s -.i. ;• .• .�i::'� s4 ►n; F. Spon.. -e, C u:u m :,'u 1!. 4. St. -wart. a! r :. cid;,u•t..n, Deily Rada ..- ,,.t:. Misbelle A::,n. 1. To dear'frien,is and kind neighbors. Ironic! i just simply ask you, each " wee tots aha come ' Cot!nte and go to i t:i.s toady tt:ri CS^ip ng gr&iunds—tn nt- li,•t; in un - sincere thanks for this moat = p;ctSnnt su=1�::=: ; .far truly i did taint: ihen 1 . hat•: ran the task of un- • paking ti:at waste paper iasket•that it was. jut a just'; .but. on I. kept till 1 dug so deep i f.•un:i the pi;r. go;d, and 1 as ate; t,k.hte,l just to kpttw that ., even «i :i:ie .s.::ail point 1' nave so •' .•7,r f r :ed:d:. i;'i ine tela .....a in as the years to come 1 tr.)ct Int a.l.y th•s ;bra•M•• 1 tut .glass fruit .'wi:1 alv-ays be t;rirn full,of ail e fru.:s that the dear Father )a= •p:a c- .n this world and pra- ' airs' it kot.ti f r,r u, all. You may :••pared 111 'utmo to'iock' a:- •tz•r the f,:iine and try to Scatter the SAL°a' every • l IId`•. '.• :!iii cotr,cs •]r,t•k Hees; +•r; :eery tat k.c anis t.. :his hirthday— , yes.' w;th the .kreatest plea=Ur•-% at -.•i 1 shall .aa:. _ !'u];ow the dear :boys ai~ `'iris a t t a t S'r4w. to malt- ,- „_ •1 a".ti fattt •. ' rt• , Pr. .i ',(e iyur Oak* them'., wlt:h a s:len; prayer that their �i.. yeast• a,tva;'s be kept .. - sunny ...h• • f life :ar.tl :ru ....a: r' r one niai !heir "eft:.. 4 • ; . ,,•s abr►.lr. , w '' a= :'a• • :s .:tort We a^,1 ?i 1: - r• t�t:•h.-r ti• ar it .i: ie Too.enviert :a:. - T•.frt.:n .S:ra:f,:- .. ar-: a;t suras it':, a: '1: K:T .:-.t :.� •S...:... :n o•: , :�-. I t . -we d4 all Sade as 4, h. tbe :eaf.,but we are going to "`bitter •hr. a:"d Mr . HaF:emand st;-;. W-- ccJntr$ when* pleasures will. lover in 0:c r.panr w ;h Mr. Fred Wr. t. 1, >ti 1 Tl.M the, rtertaitts of t i b )Hirt. 'T►.e .Nese F•lisou is re - r< •li.t. it hat ta+:e•>a tepS;gneri iisroe'spei- •f rtna;see• trod is RF- • CR£.417_\ti it uluwe. , 1 itt's. t,Ci) s. iras tt r'r' f'" pilorvyr atpa, Vf siya f 1 rletVe'l au,:ai; :r ,it. nut!' 1+.:ng 1 illtel itr•t' ' e .h e."h and .4Ilittlttl Signor t rexc.t. et,reu:$ .•r.10 the slayr tiled !daps. ."udtl.ttly is ,!. �1.,.• t.1. t'e „�r;• 41;$ .0 I/I�.�JaVMe ti,rJVrotttht•t t't •I.1tl.nmm. You can hear i in our store --the phonograph that is. f ea - tared in Vaudeville's strangest act Perhaps. you've seen it—Si ,;nor Friscoe's. Manic_Xylophone It's the hit of vaudeville's "Big -Time. Signor Friscoe's s mai; is is all Official Laboratory Model of the New Edison. %Ve have one exactly like it. Signor Friscoe's instrument is an exact duplicate of .the origi- nal Official Laboratory Model, whieh cost Mr. Ellison three million dollars to '►c'rfect. Our instrument is also all eruct duplicate of this famous three Trillion dollar original. We "guarantee it to be able to ijve Ole same Marvelous R 1: - CRi atIOSs of music, which Signor Friscoe's Oiiit•ial-Labor- atory Model gives in Vaudeville. Colne in and test • the astonish- ing realism of this instru?vent for yourself—in Mr. • Edison's Realism Test. "The Phoncyraph with a Soul" 1 ou'vc reit' .how t!t.• Ne,• Edl:so:i has- •cro ed its perfect re:disin. -1 our•thiiu-:;ntl te-st< have been gi'.:t. in which more than .ill ti;fk ent, artists ttitnpared, their ':::rt with its Rr Cat: AT:t.V by the \ .' Etl;•on. 14,1mAing ne'• a►:r pers concecleti that tI t re, Was no • di f- ferent•e-betwt•tt1 the two. Uas am one suggested to- you that • t-ht••e comparison tea` are •• fat:ed •' — th.it .lire artist. imitates the Neu 1=.di•o'i Signor Friscoe's performance tn:rkr ,u.•lt a:1 assertion. positively, ridiculous. 1-.•ert ut-:k. • 20.000 l.eople see 11is It:minter ripple o'tr the xylophone ke: :'t;tidenly Thein aloft -dill.• , 'viae rippliu nru . t tet:tiniies. Slowly, the go.r_eitt,'. cur!ainti of tut' hack - drop •paTf.Thr ai:ti:•-i,re ,.; : }�.. '� 'he New Edison t;ta:Kis ret l a c ti: It has taken -ttp Siznor Friaa-tye' pray fonti.in e, rind is now • R}-CltkaTiNc. it alone. :Ile:effect 'tbf this extraordinary maLic canv`e`t upon artily ode fact: No one can dittii;frulsh'ani: difference lxt •t-een Sig`:orFri err' ' performa!'rt' sial its R-:-Cat..ai'lox ht- the New'Irlison. ::or • Friscoe could not postibly imitate the New iali:c 1. hrt:uiir icvh. 1113;11e. ti) imitate a't• tt:ile: to ileveive i'ts hearers: 'Sit nor Friscoe's act not aur } , i . 'sou t•:u ; t•r- }tri-e. He hes' ciniply: !>e<.n r:e. t•r . rtatl;_ is to use the New Edison f:,r stair it i. worth. •'tV.If don'tyou.= '. 'i4' 1:a3; !i .t lk tnlu r•�t- 'li.e price of the Sew' 114-t.:i i'::,;'t,i• !+i ire • liaS .iitcrt•a'etl lr.: i1:'.33 l :' 1914, 'l.'ais incl ,ties• the 1,1'::r Tax. di'in i hay state . t�f;' prat• i'Ad ancet by i crsi nAllr al;.u; viii; tne3t- than hail of the it:c l'c a t.t1 CA, t of ti.at:C';tt .' u r e. 4 llet':iu:e of .the t}t+;tljty t.f •illateria:s Qui ut.r.%I l ,�,`i, theft:u't:ell lir the Edison I.*lit.r.stura ttite- iinuttt .earciiv of tvrth. it Jim-, tpt riet't•,>,trc tt) a:l'ance Itrk-t liltre-t to.gtre I dist tb+• •.•' it no. -ik . urT riw;re� ;til LAIic►tt__. forced to it ' Our Lr-tzL;e: flit: t3,t- ti _ .. d- i7q—sial heap you buy now. Let us tell you about it.. • J. GIRNET ARMSTRONG Lucknow, Ont. y ;'row o!d nor never ever 3t will .i:SZ:� �w• t1A;'. r:aridcn; mr h(ar vntoiu t•+ tai veli of that .:,:.,;. A , will z. ••. er gr'6rs o]d. A:•r:-1 our •.:rpc•ere ir•rr- Mr. anti -Mr- 1. 'ti 1::„ e• • `+•tree. • r1 T. • ri:..:!••: et Mr-. - • ,�. .. ' a. : :• .2-; 11:11' 1 1.11 r. 1.• ��. a • , • i .r ti -4, _;:•: • •* �'-- - f ::•t - ,• •.•• U is :he .•. z ;,; r =et • : r ► e' an -- r n --r. art = are •• •t':aria. • :arid : l.ave ti.t'::'.:y in , 'sta' :. sty. t- it'tFw•is a co, amoy gate or :1a0 1t _ S t V:�1 ret s Be a, •.. Q st!�re h gbw'gs, .. nlee ' .:� r � ' .