The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-09, Page 5i; 14 411. sonn n me Gn▪ i o ▪ in IMO INN MIN NMI III▪ IM 111111 IMO 1111111 Inn IMO O HM inn r...i QuittheArmyof Washday Dradgeryf• -join the ranks or more than 150,000 happy, satisfied women, who never fear wash -day, because they use the washer that runs easier • loaded Man othersdo empty. The MIIIIM. MOTOR WASHER with the spiral cut gears and four -winged dolly—it runs- so easy wooden lousy 'v a child can operate it. ely won't injury even. the, most deli- cate. pieces. Ball-beari ngs; an. automatic cover -lift; metal faucet; highly fin- ished tub. Guaranteed fot►5 years; your money refunded in 30 days if not 1 satisfied. resseribsida mulching • AL ✓ NISMIN811111111111111111111111NMIERRNISNOMMIN1111▪ 1.NIS McLeod & Joynt min 0111111111111111111111111111111111b0 E MI Preparing For , FALL::TRADE OUR STOCK ISHED IN THE FIELDS LEADS, • MAKES. AT LOW OF THOSE WHO IN MEDIUM IFN THE PENM. REST OF UNDERWEAR IS BEING REPLEN- BEST MAKES. IN MENS : STAN - BUT WE HAVE SOME IN OTHER ER PRICES TO MEET THE WANTS WISH :t GARMENT @ $1.SETO $3Is. «EIGHT FOR LA DIESOR GENTLE_ tN •IN NATURAL WOOL IS THE IN i..t DIES' FALL AND WINTER COATS OCR PRICES .t N D STYLES WILL BE FOUND REASON- ABLE. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT WILL BE OPEN FOR EARLY CUSTOMERS ON SATURDAY; SEPT. 4TH. MiSS ROBERTSON HAS JUST RETURNED FROM ViS- ITiN(: THE OPENINGS LX TORONTO, AND STARTS • THE SEASON WITH THE BEST STYLES TO BE FOUND i` THE MARKET, W. CONNELL rMailairliglimiN— 1 There is not a single ream)! Ithe benefits of rich, nourishing Scoll's Emolsioo • iF'ar better than alcoholic. Itonic or medicines, every drop of Scott's contributes tto strength and better health, ri6=7-e-rn-nria-to-( *-14 Ct'LRO`S ('ENTRE • Threshing is the order of the -day. Our schools reopened on, Wednes- day .,f last week, Mr. Haldenhv re- smiiing duties in the rth Con. school, and M:ss Gregg. of Wiarton presid- ing in the t;th Con. school. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ross attenJI- ed the Patterson—Taylor wedding • near iangside .on, • Sept.',•1. • Mr. and Mrs: Eskrirk and Mr.' and Mrs. Guest, of kingarf, `pent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Rig hareison. Mrs. John Dick visited friends in Blyth last week. BORN. --(n. Aug. l', 1920,: to Mr. and Mrd. Duncan Keith, a daughter.• Mr. and 'Mrs. John Mackenzie. of Brantford, called on friends. h. re last . week. • Mr. %rtabar had his house (' uippeet with lightning rods on •.Saturday of last w-ek. ' Toe are sot et re,riment.' fag Rlt.n Ton 17.• for. Chvor' (lint - meat for Et ;Pm* and sit.o, l errita. ti.r,.. it r,'•.ese•* at .+roe and gT*do. u.. I .e.os the ski... sda..{ .e box Dr. Chase* ointment free if you nnentica this, and send ac. swop tersloe. s twtrs tea sa.r..�p°i • GRAND TRIINK5'5 (M HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $1;S:00 TO WINNIPEG Plus ! t cent per mile beyond AUGUST. 9TH and . 16111 from all stations in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, Pembroke, Golden Lake, Toronto and east.. At GUST 11TH .and 18IH, from stations in Ontario, •tParr3 Sound, Scotia Junction and • south to and in - eluding Toronto; 'Meaford, Penetang, Midland and Depot Harbor Branches included. For further particulars apply to- any Grand Trunk Ticket Arent or C. F. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. - F. Phillip G.T.R. Agent Lucknow, Ont. Phone 2. Greet a. n. _._... Q' IsipisN **art. mysterious W erca's . archives Is the moist wonderful genealogical roe- orri in the world—a roil of parchments snout 50 feet hitt an font -lett wWe— eni which each ruling emir of Mee.a has written with his elan hand hi* name. Every one is e1e!sr,'nr';fnt of the Prophet MohSmmest': the tliirtr-sigh in direct link of de,oeent, and- therefiar the (-hitt of the tribe •+f Ke+reish And Keeper of • the 11.ar• I'la..•c, Is Urns. seln. rtcn king of the .tr:ehs, i ho o. Mae insured the downfall i f .the Torun. Thr thirty-seventh .m rl14. ii"t .1 thy+ who akar the pro}.;re �'s treen'tnant!4 is Feis;il, tAa th:r:,r•1R.•-�e;1 r.:lei •a,� r+f Hossein. who is now rii:er tt ';myon gorerntnent. with hi: s city of L►.rTM ur �� lie:a:t jeteSent in }off a ' w . For RAKING. For pond, tea and age cakes. cake cases, angel cake, layer cakes, fruit cakes, cocoanut cakes, pork cakes, nut akes. short cakes, macaroons and biscuits, ciuners, roils, bens,—ALL cakes—hankie as quicker with the butter because it's FINE. BEV£RAGi For 'tea, coffee, cocoa, 2ernonscde , root be, orangeade, lenJon and fruit punch—in fact kr -11 hn ne- nide ,4.e LANTTC There will thea be no wasted spoonful left at the bottom of the tip or gIaI•—because it's FINE. In INE granulation —fuvir t::ln all . e eners in actual use finest in re. ! of-.tajn , cc • e . has many meanings to snowy glistening crystalscf puce u� .•. . sugar and nothing else=- Lantic in Y Y trate sweetening- • . �. And becaussi each y 1 is fir and even, Lantic a ssolves at once -- it ins .. }t1y delivers its great sweetening power without. h .sit :d`n. Ofcourse it • goes farther. Of course 1 ss,.. Gf cour;;A you will like it. fine - In rr^SEfVING'lute fruits_ such z'e�:;s 'ars, �i: .: sr.d sane.^.es, ' . the, danger cf ever -cool; _. _ u rlim:4 :^�, wl•:zcaz robs of its natural �hapr, and some of its flavor. color a::d In BAi:ING, Lantic crcains quickly with the but-Ttr -v>•.icl—rha::es the cake light and.dainty. Creaming raced r.,t be t_dict:;.. In Most CANDY -MAKING f granula: ion gives ca .d�r'�0 ,, ve`vety qua: ty. highestgrade chocolates A:1d Erre cies.are made with Lantic. The exquisite "N.-eicurs" of thebest chocolate c rarzs comes frcsra Lantic fineness In TEA or COFFEE, in fact in s:i bet-erattrs t e'er to: 11 tar dias�lvcs at once, :e]c:in readily �;� ,� d�: c ��+er-: I -antic cmc y' g . eadil - the 141. t z tc::�ir. ; o: the ] • :rest cant., . Fc.r CANDY- .:fs /CIA1G. )lam ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES,' LIMITED t.nd wsla3; sod' fudge; tsf burtcpsontch. carai. MONTREAL Poor ?p£S£R r'I2VG. For Peaches. pears, . plums .-and grzl es-- if you Lar Lantic you • can r'srrale at the c. -}d caution "Let it scrim until all the sugar is diss32ved." While yet the fruit retains its beaz>t'h1u1 color and 'attractive form, the preserving is d:•neo—b;,:se it's FINE. • F''pPr' Its. ; zt.t brittle, per. ccandied fruits. and o4' esoierse a1 icizsgs, Lamle has the dl with the best entad- makers because it's FINE. OBITUARY There passed away in London on , August 2t, David Henderson, an old and highly respected resident of Hur- on Township. The deceased was in hi; 63rd yea: and death was due to a stroke of } aral sis. The lane M- . Henderson was the youngest son of j the late Hugh Henderson and was: born in Huron Township where h: spent practically all his life. He was a man who in his day was a k.rJ neighbor and, ittdirlgcnt father. l r 1ss:• he was married to Annie Potter who predeceased him fire years ago. The tollowing family survive: WiUian% of Huron Trq Fred, of Huron -Tp; Mrs. D. C. Mackenzie, of Lochalsh; • Mrs. J. IL Johnston. Kincardine, Miss Idella, of Detroit; Miss Bertha, of Fergus; Robert„of Csoderkh, and Miss 1. Mabel. Mr. John Henderson. of Hur- on on Township, is a brother of the de • - ceased. The funeral which was held on Sunday from the old home ,r, liur- on-Township Micas latgels attended and the remains 'were -laid in the fasaay t pl•t is the i eche 'oefaetttrt. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 7 -he applications for New Assurances received b the Company during 1919 reached a total of over Y $ 1 00,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- suranee previously written in one ,•.. of the British Empire, year by any Company (ieo. H.Smith,het a Pbtiy in 194'0, Agent, Lucknow. •