The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-09, Page 2.--
all others in Delicacy and Fragrance
Send us a post card for a free sample, stating the
rice you now sS
pay andteif you use Slack, Green or
Tea. Address alada, Toronto. B717
and there is a good grass waehbeM'c1 !-
and wr.:nger. Another thing that
would surprise you is the number of
women who expect you to do a good
day's work without any of these three
things. Instead of a clothesline, Mrs.
X. has_ a reel that slips into a socket
in the back yard, and you can stand
in one spot and hang out the clothes.
And there is 'a little flag walk down
to a tiny platform tinder the reel, so
I do not have to wade around in the
mud on 'rainy days. The clothespins
hang in an apron bag in the laundry,
and' in anther bag :s a ball of • line
that can be put up in the cellar on
rainy days.
• On the stroke •of 12 Mrs. X. comer
- Bili Breen's Bones
The dingiest obiese in Hyde's
warehouse was the � messenger
janitor, old Bill Breen.
It was nearly. five. In the (Ilk
Sheba ! Iht , bt;l1 Il1J j .
Tut Origins! Rubber Putty- Iten:tlr s
!f,.11l. .ilii 1 •ul t 4 +: 1'uuclures. lil.•> ole.
xut.i. Tip
1,, sat1-i y.. • Gia cents 1... tp .l 1. 11“11
•1111 ,•I .!rl'
E. Bcbutield, 24 Dalhnucie Bt., Toronto.
t ret•n put his bonus carefully
his purse.
, ...end Breen, 1 told you this e
ini,• that I wanted u fit ratan."
dingy: But with et slant t'lit' deur had e st':l I1vdt•' l'a•l�i out his hand. "Well, 1 have
arid, behind the messenger. . •i found hiiil!''
s, ing "frim the theatre, hilted ,on th
Icurb en the lank out fur a flirt tiff 1 r••--
denly he gave it low .whistle, it.thielt- • The tooth of ;t fus�si!iz;�,t'tit'llls:t. 4
there was much rustling of paper
• land slamming of desks -as, the c
Made. ready for departure.
Breen, with his broom, was di
ing the dust, when Mr.. Hyde's
rears. three times.
Hedley, the. cashier, .hastene
answer the summons. • In a #yew
rte• he returned, smiting, and th
rang trice.
Love; the junior, hurried into
private of fie e, looking rather b
Soon he call)~ . out with •a bear
countenance. He flourished an
velope.. • . -•
'`Never soak in the glass at n
Mise "Carr!" he advised blithely.
guv'ner's giving money away.'
going to give you tome!
The bell rang once, 'and the
typist d.dn't delay.
"Look, Bill!" said Lowe. "A p
lighter. S-sh!"
Bill Breen leaned on his broom
stared at the banknotes.. I -Le Ven
ed what it felt like' to have a lo
money=•say• twenty-five dollars.
scratched his chin.
"Been saving up, Mr.. Lowe?"
"No, old son,"• said Lowe. "0
bees and bachelors sate. Mr, Hyd
giving us all ^a bonus. Our tog
will cost us more, . and all that
The old' retriever will call you
'`'Lie, sir?" Breen • turned •
hint: so„ Sir?"
"Well," said Lowe, uncemforta
`if, she gets it,. you . hould.
"Dcn'�t be an .asel" v•hittiered
ey angrily.. • •
The cashier looked curiously.'
Breen. Meek, seedy, eeif-effacing,
"enitor struck him as rather a\
hetic figure. He had been ages w
"All well et home, B,'l1 ?'' Heel
sked .kindly: •
ne mustn't grumble, s:r," rep-
reen, with a sigh.
"`Boy bad again, eh?" asked ifedl
• . "Yes, sir."
The cashier whistled. •
nd : "And I :don't "suppose you've hacl
al rise for donkeys years ?" he said.
ur thought not. • You'Il never exceed t
be' speed .limit, BiII. _,Ybu couldn't cat
n_ a • train. of thought, old man. T
t guv'nor can't eat you he's got in
pe gestion." - •
Breen 'was much embarrassed.'
"'Mr. Hyde looks so--te• fierce,' s.:
e explrainetl.., " `� hen I try to spec
sort o' choke., And by the time I
ady, he -he's • gone!"
"`Beastly shame!" sa!d;,Hedley, wh
e messenger was out ,qf heari
Old Breen's jest a resuscitated mu
n, my to us. 'But he's a live hero to h
son. In their shack somewhere you
s_ . Breen i3 dying. Young Bteen.'has
ways been dying, and old Breen h
e always been paying to• 'keep hi
e' a►ive.''
s,' Miss, Carr returned radiant. It soo
_. ' became evident, however, that M
yde had no 'intention of calling
11 Breen to receive a bonus,
As the clerks were passing au
een was putting his brush into
pboard. Ile wase trembling, Hed words had struck hint like•heav
Mr. Hyde was in a bad •temper. I
• to the cellar .stairs and calls to ine
that myadinner is ready. In the kit-
- ; chen window is a little .folding table
! with a little blue Japanese cloth and
napkin, and I have my • dinner on
thet, and' such a nice dinner it always
. :s, a Little chine, pot cf piping hot tea,
pretty dishes and always a little .indi-
vidual dest he
spe.ially fosertr me aha ;•helsie shehas madem lthe
' f dessert the day before for the family;
. I dinner, • a -mold of -cornstarch•, a turns .
Iover,' or a small cottage pudding.
Sometimes in the •summer "there is a
ittle 'vase of flowers in the middle of
he table that I ' can . take home with
me when I go. 'And 1 smooth up my'
fair and take off my ,apron and feel:
ike a real lady wh:le I eat. I am:.
ready to go to ironing now, and I em
'n a much better mood than -I would
be if.she had slammed 'sone food onto
he corner of the kitchen table for me.
The ironing board is always smooth
nd • clean, and th re is a sleeve rack'
nd a nice . big .Ruck for the folded
lothes.� And there is an electric iron.`
And yet I know . Mrs. X.'s friends .
re •always wondering how 'it is that
he is able to get so much out of her
washerwoman in a day, and why, she .
*,..ays with her •so lona.-. Th:s is why.'
' Ve ng Honey in Cakes.. f
The..flavor of honey cornb:r s•espe-' I
iall•y well with spices, and for that
ason it may be used with very eat -
factory .results • in cake making..The t
se of honey also makes the cake
cep fresh and soft for a longer per-
• . • Rarely is honey `more 'economical a
an sugar, nor is it often much more
pensive. It is the •ex'ellence of the B
aver imparted. that comrle'nds it for
e in cakes. • •
D .liars From Gi and Beans. , the ..time they used to demand, and I I
A, few years ago a ,young .girl found can use that €xtra energy that I . t
it necessary to ears. sine money if spent trott•.rg from pantry to kitchen 1
she -was to 'continue to live at home, and bet: again in sortie other way --
as she wished to do. -The family resi- .doing some of the elany things that 1
deifce is cn a much -traveled highway, we fanners'' wives hart . to do but i
over which great numbers of motor never Ertl,- the time. 1
cars pass. every day and along :which And thirdly, a landscape window in'
crowds of children go- to and, from the kit.1 en, with • a window ledge wide: t'
school. It occurred” to the, girl that enough for a plant box or individual ' `
the site offered a goo:! chance to sell pot for flowers. Why shouldn't Moth- a
er get all the Iight and view possible a
She spent fen cents for seeds. of while preparing .tl:e food that is to . c
common garden bush bean: which l keep Father and Johnnie well and
g , she
planted in an unused refiner spor i:t
make them efficient? She can't do a
her father's garden. When she ha,: in a dark, gicci:iy. kitchen.. s
.hery ested the crop, she • bought five It's a pretty geed investment •to'.
yard, of strong, bright -colored ging- ':ee.p Mcther. healthy in a light kitchen, s
ham and made it into bean bags. Some ith• a window in it vede enough for
she made square, some 'round, 'some it her to see the, blue sky and trees—.
the shape of animals, and on then ^Ray' a window four feet .wide by ttvo'
she embroidered eyes, mouths'• an.. -eet high. ; 'And hew her plants :rill c
• noses in colcred worsted. grow on, ivir taw .ledge! , re
These bags, she displayed for sale i is
on a large .square of • canvas that shet4 The'Wesherwoman Speaks. �`
stretched on the roadside fence. The; The' k
other night I came across a sen Rod
whole supply sold:almost at once. I tence in a book whie`hread:'"No man
The gingham had cost seventy-five can he a, hero 'la. his valet," and 1 th
cents and the beans ten cents. The ' coaildn't help thinking that this was ex
hundred bags that she made sold at alineet as true about a woman and her fl
ten cents apiece, so that she had a washerwoman. jus
prTheofnine dollars and fifteen cents." .Of course every day is Monday to a! c
next year she: made six hue ` Roman who washes for her living, a
dred bags.; and by making them a l and the person, whey' called` Vendee?, \v
Tittle more elaborate sold them fel*, blue certainly knew what he was talk- an
twenty-five cents apiece. • Her profits ing about. But I would just like to ret
-that year were a hundred and forty-' say that it can actually be made a rosy
five dollars. Bydegrees gi'ees she added day, as yob will see from the de=_trip rz1
ogler things to her stock, such as pine- : tion I am going to give of my day
needle pillows, the msterialc for which +'t, r.t__ v
el Late that night. Mr. Hyde, retur
t. Minard's' Llnlment For Burns, Etc.
vett-led upon him that he had left hl:. recently found in• I''ret: s• we ghed•
bell`' office that evening without lock:ii tilt, seeeutu.n 'pcunits, It i ti,.�.t;;ht ;hat
! his roll-top desk. Not mitt- til't's .11 unrii• ret eee., felt' the L:eed for
d to tered•pat ticulat b .- But ' tht re wa• :I ' '
min- t, ! tsut�'rat k�'rs.
loac}Eti ret_alvcr in , rt c �' the , �• twtr<.
e be l i• F{arly next i :erttine ;i ch:tr�wt:ntalt
would be pottering alp:;tat the eflise. ; T 3 GREATEST HIT pi Yl•:ARS
the . A chertvoman ne.ght, in curiasit;v, r
:ark.' open an unlocked desk: If •that wt - n.�:i. ilei,! e<, t►„• tester Far•::rr�
in \ '�
`y man sae', a•
n to, play' a itli a"rt��•.olve! -
en M.r, Ilyd heilrhil the first taxi flier
�fillt, appeared, and spec- lio4newaril for Lis.'
`Ile keys.- Ali' hoer later • lie hva bt in},•
He's Lorne swiftly to the' d�.sc'i•ted. i�,:seeee,
qur!i•t'er where leis wurrliause stuu;t.
lady r It, didn't take Mr.. IIy.Ie long to
each the t*roomy. w,i: ehvu rami he
was ,00n ,irr his oeal efti: e.'• Without
toue'hin'p the elcctree 'switch, he' 'went
and !.straight to his•desk e..n.}-tenteel on his
der- • flashlight. • •
t r- ! Ye+ , "the desk .was unlocked: Iie was
about to Lock it, wheii, more from
He habit than anything else; he raised
he theeslr.d.rg lid and p•ulk i open a steal'.
He "stared in amazement. The drew -
my er was empty. -
e is
deco ._ A 'search showed that nothing else M
rota had 'been taken. But the . revOiver
was go r, e!
Thera suddenly he -•turned oft' his
red. 'ten tense pre, • n'1 stood ;ii,tening', i:h •
bl• Q'uick:y s:ipr!.m.- off his. overcn.:t,
y' he •push€j it .under the desk. ' Thsn
• He • he •quietly squeezed himself between:
a big press and. the well and waited.'
et The sal=h was qu etly ra%sec! from
the outside. Then a mein • \ti•e:,ril
tlTe t, a
pa mask dropped with -a toff' pad .,eta
ith jthe room. • •
The man had no lantrn. Iie laid
, • a srfiel•i bungle of tools 'on a table,
and drew, a revolver frdrm his p,�c'ket.
Red He looked eeound,• .
He• chuckled softly, as. he stde7se i
over hits tools to, unpack them. But
�y' his, .glee diet- in a gurgle when he
four:- ..himself suddenly • pinned in e.
• steel grip from behind. The revolter
,j fell from his hand. •
The burglar, however, ties not to 'lie
he caught so .easily:.- As the finite:•s of
dch Mr. Hyde fastened upon him, the
ip man's head and feet rthot out. A
Sharp hack kick • on the shin;_and a.
j sudden back butt in the face, aid Mr,
r.,. de, sick rend dizzy, fell .against, the
e"` wall..
Tacn•.the burglar made for, the. w,hn-
m t dow. But „it was only a feint, for!
• when Mr. Hyde was almost upon.hini,'
en the man turned quickly and dived'
m• right beneath the merchant's legs i •
Honey Pourci Cake.—A' good you
ke can be made by us:ng equ
eights of honey, eggs, sugar, flo
d butter. A little soda should
added on .account of using 'honey i
end of sugar, and flay Pring used tha
give the desired taste. The. red
ay be varied by using some sugar,
stead of all 'honey. The mixture h
uld be beaten for ten minutes, and I
ked in a deep pan in a slow oven re
r -an hour.
Honey • Drop Cake—Take three- th
rths cup of honey. one-fourth c:
butter, half a teaspoon of cinr.amo
fourth of a teasnoonful of . clove
e egg, two cups of ,flour, half tea
oon soda, two chopspoens•water, or.
p of rain:ns chopped fine. Heat th
ney and butter till the butter .melt
d while it is warm put in the spice..
hen it is coed, add part of the flour,' II
beaten egg, the. soda ,t'ssolved'in Bi
ter and the raisins. Add more
r to. make a' dough that. will hold Br
she collected while the beans were If women only knew how very°
short-, coo
growing. Now the profits from her, sighted they were in the way they fa
little business keep her in spending treat their washerwoman, they would •
money the year round.. certainly turn over a new leaf.' And ` fou
because I trink that I may help them
Three Kitchen Iielps. to see this, I want to'*rite this little of
I wish every woman had these three article for some paper. a
things in her kitchen: I�ow much time do -you supposeon
• A kitchen Stools—made the right j is, rep
g lost in this country every washday just cu
h&ght r her to iron, wash ' dishes at 'in waiting while . Johnny scoots down
her sink, and beat cakes at her. cab- to th t ho
ince I'never 'have been, able to stand e store
to get a cake of soap or an
a box of starch, or for the water to
on my feet long without getting a bad get hot, .or for the woman of the' t
backache, and had begun to feel• that house to go „scurrying around pickingthe
I never could be an efficient farmer's : up her- dirty clothes all the forenoonwa
wife. But my farmer-husband—bless � It would lie very interest' 'I th" k flo
if one of those fellow bo tog
mysteriously h tt himself p who works in
- afternoon in his workshop. He this out,
ed -after an hour or so with a kitchetill When I get to Mrs. X.'s, as soon as
tool, and it is almost sts dear to.nee •
I take cup
.-..mac et d-
-' bringing him heavily` to the floor. •
n18 ' The other was 'upon. him at once,1
ag and ked` together, each try ing tot
as get ` h other's throat., the men roll-,
ed over. The revolver was kicked ri•:de
'm of the strugglers. •
I Despite the ferocity with',which the l
n men fought there was Little noise. I
r. The tiring of the clock hamrnered out
in,..a silence broken by gasps and muffled
blows. And' as. the men squirmed ;
t' about, • each tried to grip the • revolver.
a' So, battered and
_ " tyt•u�t. eel, they edged'.
and twisted 'about the bit of gleaming
Y f steel. But Mr. Hyde was the stronger!
n !.of the two. Slowly but surely he i
his heart!—eolved my difficulties ley, s you reada • about
s u ing rinse u one figures would take time' ter
emerg- to work ti-' ore
ether. • Drop by spoonful.; in a but- eu
ed pan and lmke in a moderate bly
n. I
Honey Cookies.—Use a fourth of a ju
-of---water two- , half it
up of lard, ane cup of honey, two be
yrolks; teaspoonful of st;da, six
s of flour, a teasncortful of cinna
on 'arsd half •a teaspconlnl of group
ger. Heat the water, sugar, lard
honey until all is melted. When
1 add the. yolks of ti'e ergs and
✓ sifted with the spices and s ,da
1 out on a floured board and cu
des=ired shapes. hake it: a mod=
e even: .
ard's Liniment Relieves Colds, Etc.
.n s an
as is my $:;00 piano. g e into my a c
! apren, I sit down at the table, where
A built -}n -cupboard for dishes over' there • is a 'cup of hot• coffee, two or egg
: 'the sink. I used to have .to trot into three slices• of nice buttered toast and cup
the pantry with my dishes. and I was a dish of stewed. fruit,,• I m
trotting' most of the time. Any cup-; Laundry, 'and there are 'the cciotht st in gin
hoard except • one 'that Was .built in and
would have been awkward' in the the tubs, where they haw been put oto ,cam
a soak the evening before; the table
way in• my 'kitchen, Now my dishes cloths, napkins etc:, -in one tub, the flou
are washed and put away in about half' Rol
`` underclothes, towels, etc.,•;n'the oth r,
----_ :and. the colored •clothes in the basldet into •
.• aybee.• SCENTED RED on the .floor, A narrow shelf extends -
CEDAR CHESTS : arrest the end of the room, and on Min
Absolutely moth-t,roof and wonder- it is soap, atrimoTila. ,starch, bluing
f� haatisome pieces or fr rnitnrc. . et-erythir g I ani going to .need in 'my '
Direct from raa•n:.fa =rarer to yon. day's work, and never• ire the three
Write .for free Wrist' rated literature. years I have been washing there hae ' V. he
Eureka Refrigerator Co.. Limited anything heed missing farm" that shelf
Oct•e!a tgoastd, Ont. •
. when I got there. • The .water is hot,
.� • A
stice to :him, it must be said tha
*as tot altogether because he ha
en g:vir. twenty-five dollar bonus
He �ad "
away.area acute attack of hi
malady. .
He had 'just locked the safe; whe
ere was a knock at the door, I
ponse to 'a grunt, Breen entered th
`A`d you want to see me,.sir?" h
"No " said Mr. Hyde..
`I'd 'ike to speak to you, sir, •if=
. Mr. Hyde.whee'ed round.
"What the deuce o you want?" h
"An advance in wages, sir."
Mr. Hide turned a bleak stare upon
his messenger,
"You receive eleven dollars a week,'
heraisingly. "L'm afraid
cannot do, ny more for you."
I have wasted niy life!" burst out
en bitterly.
A•rd now you are wasting my
e!" said_Mr. Hyde, fyp
`fie a been here. twenty
Ira Hyde Hyde looked at his watch.
I don't want to hurt your feengs,
en," he said, "you are all feelings,
a jellyfish. But I don't wrap my
ning • in yards of silver paper.
en a: man �ccnit= to me and says,
in twenty years he hae made no
reelable advancement, I look upon
man as futile and incompetent.
ant only' fit -men. I am looking for
t man now,"
I'm not old!" cried Breen vehe-
t1 don't want him for your jotb,"
Mr..IIyde,•"taking his eoat from
hook. "You're safe. Of co,:r: '
of fr
. ask
O _ i
KEEN'S D. S.F. MUSTARD ' _ r .
t:.•ith the far.: cf England's -s I=t�re�y assccr�a�c3,
roast beef, having been
used with it for ever w century..
I(een's D. S. F. Mustrd
en r.)re, rem dewy dusk till
if eaten, with roast Lee/ and Cther meats,fishe
game, peultri, 'cheese, etr. causes better
IC has received the
The Harvest Moon.
n harvest moonlight filters
through the goesainer of wood-
:andYl dew, .
rd , dream -eyed folk come .back
anew to.trip their treasure rare,
Then fairies .dance on cobwebs thin, to
st'rtini of cricket's" mandolin.
t' gained nAcenrlency. .
Then he had his meet- Invorantar-
ed ily, he tore •at the mask, and again I
thereby he lost his advantage.
For, mementarily freed from one
'.heavy hand, the .man seerried to beund ;
n 'out -of his adversary's grasp with the'
n springiness. of an eel. A moment!
'3. later.the beeglar lied secured the re -1
evolver and 'levelled it 'et Mr. Hyde.
ei •• When .the merehart 'faced tbe re-
- volver at fall cock, he turned utterly
e! sick end close -d his eyes. •
. drums the,sharp creek of .a shet.
31, Followed aarlick. The offlee.fleethd
with electric light; reveal:tee a tnan at
Ih .Mr. Hyde and 'Breen
bounel.ehe now unconsciou, burglar's
' shattered -wrist.' The man, his reask
rale naoonrays hr their hate al
I Bre
, 'AO, gloomy-hulen shadows fade into a like
where lilies; twilight -cool. that
Like Immeshed 'goblets lift . their that
'The ,seented stores ef golden beats,
hiehert award' 6t
Weatherproof the Shingles
There's added years of service if your roof
is pres,!9teikwith
ing. "you haunt the ailaee
well as by /lay,. eh? Lucky for nee
said. "I don't' play epeedel
over your property. 111.!-.4-t•
the bottem drawer of: you • de -t.
Ihe added, "what you .do w:th your life. l'h
Thee thsria until' the night is gone i ''s r
And if beneath the harveA moon, your I bee;
our own' affair. But I underststnd
have an invalid son. That would
toe• !" shouted Breen, white- te the
"Here are your keys!"
,:c,e them pass in s!lver shoon "O
Earth's School, sra. way cloth mother earth
Sure. censolecon wee,
ffrfnitnr,-try- heart,... -bereft ere -tar
i• Knew Oee 'Like Illm?
"Can Jikers take a joker
"the money haheeta.--
,Tho Dover Oil Cpmpany awn ,
leases oe 1,000 acres of !and in D
.rohitier and Belle *Barer districts.. In
22 w
. dere
hutnor(.0. papers, after I've rcad !tin,
.and them on me as his own."
latter ,disteiet they already -have
titles. In Order to Patience and
lop this 'enterprise, we offer
00 shares ef stock at .par vsitie of
Write Now for Fut; PaVieuldre tO
John Pratt & Co.
7g Adelaide St. E. - Toronto
to replece' the revoi:a r.
He handed hei
ruefully, "i et
•When sed
• O •rn.! ,.,n,tn,„e.1 iy tae wC i•L •, .Kn
writer. :".1.t. 1`i�>rn+ :+1. ,: •
SOl�� \1•,,r,l,, and M .. 35,• 1 ,. ;,se
e o.Qi�a 1•ra�ai,t. �d.Ire ,:
(••NOS I:F It, I•.t 1.\�, t.I!M:rPI,. P�1'�!„':o: 4,•�$. M,t,r 6
Hulk Carlota
use Grand:nother's
yon:!!! .:1 dpi h t:nits bare
r� d. eleinel ' Jutli has A •
lie:o:zic tool e3 n:clnory,
The soft, refined, pear:y
white ::rp ar ncc
r. nders leaves.• t.'le joy
of Beauty ww•ith yot
for many
� retOnt!
1 intn}t:tl fee fox •fernier?•sever:n;.
ranch c oestrue:tlatt, iiuu =ing, feet:-.
an l ,tarring faxes, Ly
1•.:. 11. Rayner, rlfre •c f titer be,' known
fox •1net�dere on P:
Sminvaluable lr.ttl�:lbol,lc for all v!i:'
•ash to make ::••,,^ens of 'teasing
faxes. Sent •postpeei t.o art•: eddreis
in Canada ,or tlie. .United �fa�te�
for -$1.00. 4 ,
Send orriers to
Bcx 514, Summerside, P. E. Island
Many Canadian Refill:Ws •OWC
much of their exquisite corn-
peeiosee to tae caeitiee ekin-
lteNee. la:Trent hither of
anti ti.4r*fer
Menu hef.irers.
Sem lova
Cob ,Long
& Shirts
G L 0
(rem Coe to 1:4401