The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-02, Page 11 • • A - $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ; $2.50 OTHERWISE. i,UCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY. SEPT. 2, 1920. 4. • Lucknow Flour Mills _--,_..- FA RZME RS Come . And Get Your Participa- tion Certificates. W. E. TRELEAVEN. G: Drinkwalter FURNACES.. _SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED --PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC WIIkING. • AGENT FOR THE HECLA PITILESS FURNACE. • DENTIST 1)r. W. D. McLeod, office McTavish block, Ripley. Office hours, 9 to 6 p.ni. ''hone for appointments. GOl1ERICH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION NEXT WEEK The Goderich Fair is earlier than usual this .year, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday, September 8, 9, and 10.,. The program for this year is probably the best ever presented. The formal opening will take place on 't hursday, the 9th, at 2.30, p.m., when Ilan. Manning Doherty, Minister of Agriculture, will give an address. There will be four track events, for good purses: Thursday, farmers' .trot or pace (purse $109), 2.23, trot of r pace (purse $250); Friday, 2.30, trot or pace (purse $200), 2.12, trot or pace (puree $250). Other attractions are: Blondin, wonderful high -wire performer; John, A. Kelly, ventrilo- quist and comedian; special exhibit from Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa; music by 33rd Regiment .band. Grand Midway features. Not the dates and be sure to visit the best district fair in Western Ontario. —�-o-o- TURN BERRY WEDDING A quiet but pretty event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKague, Turnberry, on Wednesday, August 18th, when their daughter, Elizabeth May, was united in mar- riage to Hugh Whitten Klazer, Tor- onto, Rev. Dr. Perrie officiating. Miss Louise .Klazer played the Wedding March. Only immediate relatives of tfitc .bride-ane--groom--Were- present.- After a short trip to the United State the young couple will reside in Toronto. MAKING THEM SAFE We notice by the Ottawa Farm Journal that the new Parliament Buildings have been equipped with' lightning rods, a fact which indicates that the "powers that be" have faith in this protection frotn lightning. The rod used is the Shinn Flat copper rod. Prof. Day, formerly of the O.A.C., had the contract and looked after the work. The extent of the building is suggested by the fact that 5,000 feet of cable and 1,200 brick brackets have been used. It is surprising how many farm buildings are yet unequipped with rods when it has been so well aemon- strated that a building properly rod- ded is practically immune from light- ning. o LOCAL AND GENERAL o 1 - 1 Light frosts the ;past few nights. Celebrate Labor Day in Lucknow. Miss Veda MacPherson, of. Kincar- dine, is `visiting her Iriend, -Miss Maude Barbour. All weekly papers in Iluron and Perth counties. go up to $2.00 peer year on Oct. 1st. Mr. N, D. Mackenzie left on Mon- day on a trip o the West to look af- ter fter his farm interests. . Mr. D. N. MacGregor has returned to town after spending the past few months in Cape Breton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaw and fam- ily, of Walkerton, were guests, of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cameron this week. The program of sports being held in Lucknow on Labor -Day promises a most enjoyable cls 's outing. • See large bills. • • � y . Mrs. Wm. Proctor and children, of Toronto, are paying a two -weeks' visit. with her daughter, Mrs. Roy McQuillin. Mr. and firs. R. A. Barbour have returned to town. aftervisiting for some time with Rev. and Mrs. Watt, of Allendale. The price of the Montreal Daily Gazette has been increased. to five cents for Single copses,and yearly •sub- scription to $12. Dr. W. C. MacGregor motored over from Chicago last week and was the guest of his sister, Miss K. MacGreg- or, Campbell St. - Leslie Evans, one of the five en- tertainers at Town Hall Monday. ev- ening is better known as the. Juven- ile' Harry Lauder. • . August being past and gone the Thursday half holiday is no longer ob- served and stores are now open throughout the week. Don't miss the Dance on Monday evening after the concert until 3.30,.. a.m. Music by the Goderich Society Orchestra. Lunch served. The town of Kincardine has secured • •a German trench mortar as a war trophy. The gun was captured by the Second. Mounted .Rifles, Sept. 29, 1918. The contract has been let for the electric wiring of the Methodist Church. We understand the cost without fixtures will be some over $500.00. "Treating 'Em Rough" is the title of the film play to be shown at. the Town Ball Saturday night, Sept 4th. Seven good reels -2 comics. Admis- sion 25c and 15c. Misses Kathie and Etta MacDoug- all, who make their home with Mrtt. R. Mullin, are in Toronto for a couple of weeks, hiving motored down with their aunt, Mrs. Reid. Mr. H. H. Malcolm, of /dement', Kansas, a cousin of Malcolm Broth- ers at Kinlough, was a visitor here last week. Mr. Malcolm is in the dairy farming business in Kansas. __.- Bruce -County'----had_11.5_fireala year with it total loss of $1,9,317. fhis was an increase of 60 per cent over the previous, year. Insurance covering the loss amounted to $113- 253. • The Hunter Bridge Co., of Kincar- dine, is putting in a large steel bridge and dam at Wingham. • LOCAL MARKET Egizs 58-59 Butter 58-610 , .19.76 lilogs• ........ i..�i. - The tax rate for the town of Port Elgin was fixed at 4'i mills -7 mills higher than it was in 1919. The jump is due largely to increased school ex- penditure. The Port Elgin Council evidently has nerve. That this issue of The Sentinel is one day late in going to subscribers is explained by the fact that our lino- type operator was off duty for a few days owing to a severely . sprained ankle. The concert in the Town Hall Labor Day commences at8, p.m. We assure you a most enjoyable evening's en- tertainment as 'the IHarriston Concert Cofnpany will delight all. They are most highly praised by the press, also the Five Reel Film is Billy ' Burke's best. •••=11=.701•00 01•1.••• MARRIED - o -o -•- MARRIED LAItOR DAY TOURNAMENT The Lucknow Fire Co. have made splendid arrangements 1u.• a great baseball tournament to be held on the Lucknow diamond on Labor Day—Monday next—and all that is needed is a fine day to assure . one of the best day's sport efi.er pulled off in Caledonian Park.•" - The Fire Co. does not do things by halves, and neither effort nor ex- pense are being spared to entertain a good big crowd' on Monday. Ball teams will be here from Go¢erich, Winghani, Listov rl . and Walkerton. All these have been playing well this season and fast games may be look- ed for. Fine cash prizes are offered. First, $100; 2nd., $60; 3rd., $40; 4th., $25. These will put pep in the •games, Following the games in the park there will, be a concert in the Town Hall; and that nothing may be want- ing to make the day full and com- plete, the concert will be followed by a dance. Hellysaan--Penrose.—At St. Steph- ens Anglican Church, Toronto, on Monday, Aug: 30th, 1920, by the. Rev. T. G.'Wallace, Annie•Winifred, daugh= ter of J. 11. and the late Mrs. Penrose, of Toronto, to Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Houymaa, et Weptai, Eng. THE COST STAGGERS Everybody is delighted with the idea of having Hydro Electric .current for lighting and power in town with- in a few months. But there is much hesitati?n about wiring up to take ad- vantage of the current when it is available. Everybody thought they lould have the lights in, but when they get figures on the cost of wiring. and fixtures,they are somewhat stag- gered, and there is a tendency to hes- itate. Complete wiripg of ordinary houses runs all the way from $100 to $250, and. another hundred' dollars may be added for good fixtures. This disappointment is unfortun- ate, but it is ncst likely that conditions will be much better for a year or two,. and it would be as well for those who intend using the lights to get busy and have the wiring done'while men are offering to do it. ---o-o-o-- MR. MARK BURGESS DEAD The Misses Burgess of town receiv- ed word of the death on Friday last of their brother, Mr. Mark Burgess, who lived in the state of Indiana. Mr. Burgess, it will be remembered, visit- ed here a little over a year ago. He as at that time suffering from heart trouble, and this seems to have devel- oped. In fact, he has not enjoyed good health since that time. ST. HELENS —Tuesday, Aug. 31. Rifle practice on Saturday, Sept.. 4th. Salva shoot starts Saturday, 1N11IANS IN TOWN It is a long time since represe+htat- ives of the vanishing race of "red men" were familiar upon the streets of Lucknow. • Only the few remain- ing pioneers will remember their vis its, years ago, when there were more stumps• than houses in Lucknow. . .Now they are here again. But what different nien, and under what different condition's. Quite a number have been in town the past few weeks, and it, is said that a number of famil- ies will remain for a part of the win- ter to work in the flax mills. They have been at work on the flax since the harvest opened about five weeks ago. 'hese Indians'come from the .Bruce County Reserves near Southampton, where they make their living by farming. They are all more or less educated, and have abandoned the wild life of their ancestors for the pursuits of the white man -in short they have attained a very consider- able degree of civilization. It will be remembered that every fit man from thee reserves went over- seas in Khaki during the war. SLOW IN 'WIRING Attention of business men is called' to the fact that at this date only one business place is wired to Hydro standard -T. Reid's bakery . , store, The Commission have been making inquiry as to ' the progress of this work so that it is not encouraging to have to report as above. The Coun- cil feel that business should be alive to the situation. Four expert men have canvassed for business. Two of these were un- able to even secure one job. It will be serious for the village if lack of interest by our citizens is th.e means of spending another winter in dark- ness. —o -o -o -- A WORD TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Sentinel kindly remember that the price per year is now $2.00, and that this is the pay -in -advance rate. When we have to go to the trouble of sending out notices or engaging .a collector the price is $2.50. Single copies are now 5c. -0-0-0-- BELFAST —Tuesday, Aug. 31r. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke and little son, Clifford, of Toronto, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cooke. • Mrs. Biggins of Dungannon, Sept. 11, and will continue each fol-. ( days with her lowing Saturday. An members please Irwirs bear this in mind. Robert McQuillin, of the Sterling Bank, Goderich, was home for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todd and Tom- mie and Mr. and Mrs. David Todd motored to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDonald and daughter;Trolis Jamestown and spent Sunday with friends here. Miss A. Clark returned to Saska- toon on Monday. Mrs. Lott, of Brussels, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. David Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Wsel!ace left ler Tor- onto on Saturday to take in the op- ening of the Exhii.'ision. Miss M. C. Rutherford and Misses Helen and Isabel Miller spent the week -end at Kincardine with their aunt, Mrs. John Courtney, We are pleased to see, Mr. John Miller and Mr. Con; Foran out again, although they still have a limp. Miss Elizabeth Welwood, of New York, is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Webb. Mrs. J. T. Salkeld and daughters, Irene and Mamie, of Goderich, called on friends here on Friday. Mr. John Rutherford, Sr., his son, Mr: Geo. Rutherford, and •Mr. and Mrs. Thophen, of North Branch, Michigan; motored over Wednesday and are ,spending a week visiting rel- atives here. Mr. Rutherford is a brother of Mrs. Gaunt, Sr., and kept the blacksmith shop here over forty years ago. • Be still looks hale and hearty. • Irs. W. Taylor and daughter, Dor- othy, and her little cousin, Lenore Burley, of Guelph, are visiting ger brother, Mr. . and daughter, -Lila, are spending a few sister, Mrs. Wilson Mrs. William Irwin, Winnifred and Johnny visited friends, at Zion one day last week. Clifford, Melvin and Maizie Llack- ett visited with their aunt near Dun- gannon for a few days last week. Rev. Mr. Oaten, of Toronto, made a call at James Alton's'Wednesday. Miss Olive Alton,. who has under- RoneT atlioperation on Vet' [h-t'o'at- in SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS. HEBER I'OWELL DROWNED ,Heber Powell, the yu:irig man who was drowned at -then sen Barbour, upper Georgian tray, on s:.tuwdey last, will be remembered by many in Lucknow, he with His f►urents;, :dr. and Ars. Wm. Po.vei:, ttal•ung" lived here about,; 15 years ago. i Ile young man be - lunged to toe crew of the lake steam- er; Gleporchy. 'The : tc amer had put in at tient 11ai:iQouur and Powell was on the duck preparing to. throw a heaving to the boat. He appear- ed to lose' his balance, ai,d he lent: be- tween the boat and the bock. -A cora- panion wade every est ort to ,rescue: hint, but without success. It is. thought that 'he tnay have hit his head as lie fell,. foe• ne appeared to Make to save himself. The body was recovered and brought to Goderich V..here Ills,parents lire. The father -is a-cornn;eitialtraveler, and was at _Sudbury. he -clad, not arrive• home until .Monday, a ;few• hours after .the body of sqn arrived., The funeral was on • W dnesday to Maitland Cemetery: -o-o-o-- CHURCH NEWS ` Methodist Church.=Tice 'pastor will be in charge of both services next Sunday. On the following Sunday, Sept. 12th., the' Quarterly service or Sacrament of the Lori ; Supper will be observed: Presbyt: pair ('Lurch --Services next Lord's' •Day at 11, :Liu., and 7, p.in;, will be con►lu1 by the pastor. ;Morning subject: '"The Unreaped Cor- ner." Evening subject: "Waters to Swim in." You are invited to these services. s The. Presbyterian Guild will jiold its, re -opening meeting on the evening of Monday, Sep. 1:3th. The Social and Literary Committees will have Charge of the•eet:ns;. The High School students will he ''guests of the Guild; and the meeting will he of a social character. Wingham hospital, ' is improving nicely. A number of the Hackett's congre- gation attended the Zion anniversar- ies held Sunday and also the concert Monday eyLning. Mr. Sam Alton is in charge of his brother's .store at Lanes while Mr.- and r.-and Mrs. Alton are attending the Toronto exhibition. The anniversary__ of Hackett's Church will be held Sunday, Sept. 12th., at 2 and 7. p.m. Rev. T. E. Sawyer will conduct both services. On Monday everting, Sept 13th, a high class concert will be given. The program will consist of the following artists from Wingham: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanmore, singer; Mr. Allan, elocutionist; Miss Madeline' Walker, soloist; Miss MacDonald, elocutionist, also some local' talent. Ir. AUGUSTiNE • —Tuesday, Aug. 31. Miss Smith, of London, is visiting her cousin; Miss Ethel Cummings. Miss, Annie dimmings has gone on a trip out west where she will vis- it her sister,,Mrs. Joe Kinahan. Wedding bells are ringing in our neighborhood. .A goodly number of our people at- tended the Ashfield social and *all say they ha4 a very nice time. 00O- WHTTECHUI ('H —Monday, Aug. 30. Miss Olive Clow, of Wingham, vis- ited a few days with Miss• Lillian Longman. Mrs. McCallum and daughter, Ed- na, are v hating with Rev. and. Mrs. Scobie. • Miss Irene Mojre is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Simpson left for his home' in Chicago after a visit with his sister, Mrs. F. Henry. and broth- ers. Messrs. •Alex and Robt. Simpson. Mr: and Mrs. D. Beecroft and Miss Lettie Fox visited friends at Seaforth on Sunday. Mics Kathleen Terrify left on Mon- day for Toronto where she 'intends visiting for a few ,weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. ►B. Newbury . and fancily, Mks Doris. Jack and Gordon. of Toronto. spent the week -end at Mr. K. Paterson's. Mr. Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Brown -and daughter,. Vera, of Lanark( are •Visit- ing at-"Mr.—Jno. Gillerpie's: � -Mr. and Mrs. McConnell and child- ren. oI'Tie ri:--are-visiting•-At--MtAV Leggatt's. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Bruce visited nn Sunday at Mr. Bert Mart- in's,- Bluevale Road. Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Snaith, of Cleve- land, Ohio. are vii ting with the for- nmer's aunt, Mrs. Jas. Mct lenaghan. Mises Mabel and Maggie Garth'n and Mrs. Rutledge, of Brussels, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Garton; Sr.. who has been ill; hut, we are ,pleased to be,able to report she is improving nicely, LOTIii.%N --"-Tuesday. Aug. 31. • Jim Barnby is visiting with his ion, lir. Alex, in Lea'nin ton, ami w ill aiso visit friends intktroit oit l•efore re- turning. Mr. and Mrs.- Charlie McLean and family, of Chicago. are..spen.i"ing • a short vacation with:his' parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Pc, ou, of 1 etroit, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. EVERYBODY'S COLI.'.::: i • MONEY '10 LOAN on mortgahes and notes at reasunaute liltt:n. •' ••� iusuralme, tiut.0 Stock auu tlotups<u�e�. �.uttveyat.utub uw.e WILri ueaLuebs and uespa.e.l.. l.eu. 4t. Jiuga11, l,iruker, k)1t. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at tato douse,, Loci:now, every . , uay •afternoon. All chronic u.o- caac. SUcceSSiulty treated. c.a- t..opattly l'.1ii0VCS tAleplys.�ai cataes yt v.$eabe. iiuJustii.ra � of Lae spine is tuure quickly aecurw and %Jur fewer treatments ny us- teopatny than uy any other u►etuucl All kinds of fat poultry wanted. xi ib Ores t i oronto prices paid. ia.b.► all kinds or jun4 wanted. if yuu .lave any, 'let use know. Thune tie. Jake Libel. L114:, POULTRY WAIss ED: high- sst, prs.;CS paid. Siiverw•ouds i.act.nuw. i'none 4 r 2. 12-oti. • • 1''()1:.r AL1': (io041 :•_;.1 1#1..11 11 Leat. _apt. iy, 1u• J A ,. I utc�TEk. LOST -Wednesday night, Aug. •25, oetween the rresuytertan -church and l)r. Spence's drug store, a Presbyter- ian hymn book. 1' inuer "please leave at this office. s r OK S. SLE—The property of alrs. John N.' Koss, ori _ hub street, Luct;- ,tu�ti, vohsrstcng of a nine-roo,►trd- nouse and smau barn, and four lots• of land on which are a number of apple, pear and plum trees, also • • small fruit. Offers will be received .or this property, tip to September 16, applications to be sent to W. H. God- frey, Box '45, Georgetown, pint. 9-9-115 1 ERTILIZEIL—Getting ready for fall wheat seeding. Get your fertil .zer now, and when you are getting it get the best. None better than Gunri's No longer 'an experiment. This fer- tilizer has made good year after year. A car load on the way. Order now from G. S. Robertson, Licknow. 19-8-tf FARM FOR SALE 200 acre farm in the Township of Kinloss, 6 miles from Lucknow, good house and barn, orchard and spring creek, some bush. For particulars apply to Mrs. Wm. Gleeson, Luck - now. 19-8-p. FARM FOR SALE --4'2 acres, 1•z mile south of Lucknow, brick resid- ence, good stable, double hen pen, orchard, strawberries and raspberries. For further particulars apply to J..1. Taylor, R. 2, Lucknow. 9-9-p. AUCTION SALE Thursday, Sep. 9th, 1920,, at 2 o'clock at the Manse, St. Helens. Good Driving Horse,. 9 yrs., not afraid of cars, gentle. Set. of Harness - .1 Open McLaughlin Buggy. 1 Covered McLaughlin Buggy 1 Cutter 1 Cow due to freshen Sept. 1 Heifer, 10 months Loose, Gander -and 2 Goslings. and Chickens 2 Pigs, 4 months 7 Cordo first class Hardwood- 1' ardwood-1' Cycle Incubator TERMS—Cash. • John Purvis, Rev. P. Jamie -on • Auctioneer. `Owner. KTNLOCGH --T esday . :tug. 31. Miss Bettie Graham is visiting at the home of Miss Audrey Harper. Toronto. for the twcr weeia of, the E•- hibition.. The lirt'otigh Presbyterian conga.• Cation tviok advantage of the four weeks vacation of their, minister at i Dr. and Mrs. John MacLean leave I der.e►ratt'a their church, and r. novas. ! on Fridayjor their home in Chicago. things, in general. The opening seri" 'Beautiful tvVatber for gathering In , ices will tie held on Ce•••,' ". Pr. a bountiful harvest-vest�-kfld tilt harvc st �� '• _ .,cinizrn�'1;: .ls; Ma'am, 1 know. And y ��u' is pretty .wei1. athered in so far• m +eabtiful enpulth to be ori the grain 'craps are concerned. ;?le :'e but evidently you prefer the weatseedingand.ie tax life." tions. .nes of not He Sot a meal without futile!' ref. • menet to trope. 1 J • •