The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-26, Page 4.....01.11.011111•11111141."......"."...1.1.110•11.4111‘. ..Ir•.`- • • Incorporated in Pais CAPITAL AND RESERVE $1,000.04 Over 130 fiches THE MOLSONS BANK 1 ` The importance of a Batik Balance is not ..t:?y • its pur- chasing value. but the independane•e which its poss-ession gives Deposits of One Dollar or more are welcomed at any of THE MOLSONS BANK branches -Interest allowed. S. REID, MN LUCKNOW Dr A`CH • I., i1. C. Tractors & Engines De RING Drills, ,Cultivators S1 Harrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence St Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and. Leeming Pianos For Sale tri ' W. tL AN DREW, - LUCKNOW. I CREAM \VANTED The seatorth Creamery Co. ! We solidi year patronage °I sod guarantee you entire sat- 1 Our prices are always tate t wheat. flet Testing done accurate- ! IP by expert& . Our service and payse.ts see prompt. Write a. ear 1n -day for reds. ° Prices were 'never se. his#_& . _ as at present and still soar-- Sag higher. A cared will bring you teras turtles next train front os. 1 Ito Seaford& Creamery Ca I Se.f rt , Oat. - 1 Wattles. i -MIS INES S AND SOCIETY CARDS 15t turkunw niIiiu1 PabliAlttil eters Thurvday moraine at Letcrnow. Ontario. Z A i to:Mel ik:. Pro •tiering i:.ai E..illur. . 'tat t.SDA V, At GUST • THE NEW TRANSPORTATION f:aah:t=•:ed tr•.an; s. 'There airy stili a few persons who seek to go frc:u • place i. a.ce by riding the freights. but not warty of them:And those who do so are not even related to, t"• - tramp of foflner days. While' he digit not to riding a few . macs t7e- Just as We wrote 'this headline a •neon -ter motor truck sped eastward along Campbell street, On its v1a\, we presume. to W ingha.u. R i th a load of five tons this truck, will awake ) tildes per hour on fair country roads, This machine - is one of a 'ling Of fnotor trucks operated by Silverwood,, prOdut a dealeers. of London. The tricks set out from Londtit, come as far north as hincaredine. and return. 'visit: • towns by the v►-ai where S i= vervuaxf' have* foal branch, , and they carry away the cream. the chick, ens or whatevier other form of 'pro- duce the Racal man has-colxecttd. On the out tri? they early • a supply ofr ' ire re/ea: (in a refrigeet-ator. .of co u rse 1. empty • cream cans and empty boxes: and crates for the foss. means of transportation ' is.'a substitute. 'for railway express, and Siiti elwuod-. are so pleased with it that trey ark preparing to have ' 1-1 of.. the lig trucks, on the - road next summer. 'At 'present they •have only three, With the development of -good • r xtds throughout tete' country, this .mt•a eans t t trarisport ►n a -ill doubt- lcs increase,: , and .it may be' that a. large portion of the long-ditalce .! hauling will be done with the motor trick. At the sarue time ther#wtll be JOHN sr -MLitt -UN. t 51NS. Lar_, a,ue,114ft. ' :i corrc•sponaing.deveelopnlent of auto- tlti::, lo=nrxace. rine sad Marian. n1,ile tr'..:1: taking the platy of the • passenger traffic. Her. i ,a means of relief from the ppnression Of railroad monopoly that pe.' p S little .looked for a few years • It is fart•.tnate far the pub::.' that sum h an avenue of escape has on- encd up, for the railways, always un- accommodating and extortionate. pro - 'rise to become more rather than les } abusive. �'1•aF rates- upon- the_puidiec- meds can never become extOrLar:&te,, be- i ^;tee the mat -is being free to all. any =ran who feels .that he is being r n - :'r char ed can put, on a car or trt:.k of his own. . p -to • motor trans-. neat•:at:.oa' a!1' tit`s norther* country' is i tiro sr±ow in winter. There arrears r ;;1 a season' during which the rail*a s here a r-anapoLy of t t: kr. . GET THE BEST. Ztlien yOn take. haul: hut: ne 'er'theless, the room. out life insurance re: a lwlky .:1 _ toe trunk and the auto mast exercise a nandfr+► t_eh.record Canadians are proud of. Frae-...".1:vr• I.O.O.F ; Lucknolti Lodge meets every Friday evening at S o'clock in the:r Hall. Campbell street. All • brethren ciudialil; invited. Officer: Noble Grand, John 31. -Qua's:: Vice -Grand., Robt. Johnston; Rec. See., A. H. Boyd; , Fin' Vic.. • Dr.'Pate ri�n: Treasurer, Alex Ross: A,F. & . M., h.R.C. Olen Light Lodge n.eeets every Thumday night on or before the full moon. in,'. the M:a- oni< Hall,: Havelock St... t,.uckn.,w. R. M., M. McGuire; S. W., James Ffe; J: See'y.. W: A. R ilson. Constipation Cured By Christian Science --0 - Serenty 8`e' people cat d one ksndrtx4 calla be cuzy:1 u: Christian science nan:nai3, wi . h ie proves t Sr.ot power of :be Lined over the Digs -wive Appar-.ata's sad the queo r of fiery..us.v ess as a a1�$e:.at Coasutistioa_ When these mett:..'._� Hackies's Kidney and Liver P..'s ars recommended. 'Tang= erre por_'y v ;sable and do not Gripe :Ar Ir- ritate; scary' perple bete found ;::6.•n excellent tor Headache.' D;�siness. 'amid Breath. Coated Tong,•e, Loss of Appetite. Indigestion, Gas on Ns...Stomach, and tally otl.er *Ts that are due gun t�onstipatioa: Where thele is Extreme Nervous- ness er.ou - eaess and yo aro 'an ran dean" and "r re ee�uay tt,seitld te' just as woe:. to take Hackie$ s Heart -and Nerve Remedy • at 'rah theseFi;:s.. Tt is 1s tia;:cii 'coca wc.i ti*�'iti:a i 3:.i rt stair t 3 t be gond health at 1C.w ,- yoaacer daFs. The lienar, a. -t: )ter ht'. - teats norr ani the Keri s :she ev. new Lae. Pon er ani! V`ecor i._• io •'dttrsaa arh'rr` bR.et•► ` ilii o. "per and v :talo:y. It }a. are tired of s' :.fatless bite \: i' :r aro Scree Three 'to dam yoga. ±aa.'t Is% ataa3 your Nerves are a'1 ' Shezt.rea AAS we will pet•: 1-•s<4 al -ret:': �. l'+i+ .., • s atrd'as tear Mt. 1t. a;'�_ ; -,3 r•' ant take. 337 GC:w' 1 �d ••,r do rkv-1_,ISifs t* i`.1,= -d •:ea.• .- gr•telt an stet lust wr i' «ti: a -••a ci - est trcrarantee, 1f ala: $ i r ;. p •♦ •Yr. �r2,�.���. . • ommirr OYER -ACIDITY eat the sismacl Ims spew awry • sidles mot. III yew tM� yacb is sc ei�lia.y darrehre t.e or three Ki-M131135 can the tougse bise retinas mid joy s ichia showThe perk, and ir ti gesssa emith doss +.Sd W SCOTT A WW1! Bilis• OI MOM Ow><. S1:.'1 L fe et can.* ch, the b.•^ -e`: u n2,nrt' aflutter : effect t upon trafficboth the a.Dcruin:tear., and a conl;vavy arl`aal t• • Set G:,. H. Smith, Io al a,. -en;. for 1 particulars. -` I VICTORY I:OMDS Ikrze..ht anal sniff. .t1`o faro halms and t ante property.. IMoney to loan on Is; and 2nd mort- gages es at c hent r -a:.: %.f interest. Ih- s;arsr..r. tuna . eyau: t • tnnete', Notary Publiic. Allis Bl.rk, Lucknow, Out Pains About 1 the Heart 1` -.Terrey an Wan strt'e•: is Wit• : .•, he worth farts mt:,;on dollars an awry. . -and' not a foot of i is -b'ru1 en :o the plow, *or is the *rater :`.: fair (�iairi't13s por4os_ • AN derangement- of the heart's action is alarming. Frequently pains about the heart are caused by the forma. tion of gas arising from indi- gestion. Relief from this condition is /flobbtainedby the use of Dr. Chase's e''s X idney-La i er Pi 1s. • Chron:indigestion results from sluggish liver action, con- stipation of the osis, and inactive kidneys. A.."-a:s.�tr t r. t --sax's i:idarlr-I,1wlr a: gt.rse• th.re c•rta .s tin' artirity roc there-ach:1 r::.r, ta..;,,'estlaa.aa4 11r•rrr0.3:e t.le czars aasrT T army. to. era. Dr: Ctase'S Kit1Qij Lid ti: l'i It • 000 RAI: IN POLAND If th:• sfrit endons event of Vie G: `;art War writh its re i! Idris of uttn on, ► erit'1rr side were not so `azar a: hand we would regan1 the war in Poland as an event of first a.:agn:afar. In the presence of the world scar it- is ti; t' a respectable sin:e show, - •lt is nevertheless a natter of great itup: r:ance. for upon its outron a may .<ie;te n,.d the flit• of Red Russia. A { otter:agt• the world was aw•aiene news of the fa:: of Warsaw and the eo::ap`ie► of the _rolish arlly a Sot. as When the ' Germans wen_• rte oft Paris ' in the first weeks of :he war. and the .Fak Hell and British surprised the wv r:.l by elk • !'rat:ng the Germans • the 3rr., gut_, tone Po ish• Aran ser= twaelt the htan.r4=r, Of a freight 'els the truth .is th,• u!d-fashion:.l tra_,►l•' :t:dn't botht r, the roads a great deal; he tramped. - He follow -0d the eight, of -way as 'a rule. but he W'rvnied a great deal . more than he ru k,. ; ' The passing of the saloon_ is only an ineident in. the passing cif the tramp. It is not wholly due• t i Thr closing Of the saloons that the r:':fres has disappeaged. His nuinik'r were 'beeozninl[ fewer before.' the ..sal- ons - closed. The outbreak of the war w, �s really his death knell. Catne.a tine. with the blare of war. when it was not papular. for an •able- klied to be `ramping ar and over the a oun- try. with nuthing..to dl.. when say t11L2e h work was tate-be'performed--an l • the trarp , has reached the end of th. road. whatever we may think of war or prosperity. of ..prahib:tion. Beneficed the end . of the r0atd. or turned in at the gate. and hail him Croon to die. a«r stepped behind the barn and crew- <ec1 win better clothes and noire of a Citizen, and asked for a job, Rut it *as a gay life, while it lasted -7.- for the. t rarp_-Ringtun R hig. FOX FARMING 1N• lilI L'E Mr. John Dickie, ion. 1. E::, :_:or, 1 .nes. the distinction o: being he r ori- eer• in fox . fa isi ng en the Penir. uia. t Ori his, farm he has a n.aa ee and 41 'tato- , 'tt:r:evd s'entiag disaster into %.1.:•t.,-_-...-.sav'tw, t.'1,'ir capita:. t1iee'.r country and t Z: i t rept:t*tion. as fila: the French. : j that the ev.u.:.h $ arral'es a-�: v iet•kr'ious all along° Cie lin-, They here rte, tared ten- of !.. u s tr,,i : of pts `t- _ rs anJ takes L•lw.ire'r:i .'f culls. , The r1ei+reeea'a:-_ v ! R.. -a• Russia who. ' t-vo weeks' ; 1• ,:�a' .Brit ▪ h and. F e:�r!: -.1-.3: . • s.:t: :•.' I'u'.anei wanted rt at. e . . - , t:ad t.• der *iss t•.. !-"i to -tits:° 1 I;- -0�.1 ask .:a►r it. are not( ,r ticir own safety; for • `•.l' the .disaster to t' a 5v v- .: ter • - <.ay i!1,::'e t:;sast_•r . t •• ;s•a. 1' caiiet lIrssat ! 377 .:'‘..:,...t ece h.t.--e. been, lead to. 1%,'.!e -e i.c. .C. -..s. :'s.tier car':?'t cT.tt:e!' • • ro .7:.• r t!t. dkstr. •: n lse ;4ti: t•taa . t.-:• ^.r e. • TILE 1x1..11-i'lVE TitsNi• HAS . *GONE E d r: _• a" t:r a tratnp evidently r: ac h- 1 ::".e er,. of t!e► -f-ail. lift Tt c :.�tt -.:,., :r .r i''t •.:. :anti • Thief are r:y ,. •- z."11, al% "C'hr'is` . T a-aternet`:k t • •',i: '. a -.I the tti-•':ates van 1t'- tnu h ..*r it�l?r. 1: 7[.v„, 1 • t :iter : ra -?1 barrel' undilAlirbe.:1 lt•v u'.t`Qt tJ al w:: • f: , • y_,y,/,► v► _.:: , z - >r Sobel atale. which he; imported • from Nang. Srootiaai . last fall, and besides thus x= -ed i'aazipie there- is a •litter . of • t.t:re,. yotaa`'. foxes :low a ,month old, 310s: of .he. winkle pen are of a patchy e,•. - dr, but oto of :he pups was •jet , lhl;.ek `t3 its fur is live turning at encrosoi with 'wit 'ten feet !•.iiih..•a!ld 1 fiver i-rey. . Mr. Dickie has a ye'n i -under the tioor of earth which is three feet deep, there . is a cement door. He is not 'taking any chat;est s with the good. beha\ or of these quad - This fox -farming into nt it ec. 1lis .;importer:ion cost 1<iilu b.;.i•U arid this is a most m de: t suns. A pair of biz:: k or s :a- ver grey .foxes w e►tt;ei vost many thousands of dollars.- In Nora Scotia and particularly Prince Edward Is- land. Vim fanning n ing i ` note' a rcee.l es- • `-, tab.isheti industry and the capital e , _-=ted pays splendid dividen•ts. lit,• owners 'belottg to the niillii'na n• May this be tllrinek of Mr. 'Lai. k ie. there's no reason why -fox farauing_ ;hood not, pay here. • 'There •:,t i' ab,y rarer th:n rs to learn about :. and the man who wo:a:d aro ir_: o this industry' would do vreli•to learn .-►1 ' Tabani`; 1t or very n;ueh a!•.•ut is tef..re 'nvestir t: very heavily.- Canadian. eavily.-Canadian. • '•� -� 1.. 1. . .. . - -. • _ 5...._ _.. ,-._-• _.. `fi :tiff. 1 O1 .1 11".\ OJ 4)40 .p I :, :, a , ennu h to Vacs- the I'at lute' ' •h t ,a.i tits? 1 cu.•u:, l 1.• earl.at.• laic vll-Ivilu►t•' • t' •'w= 1':a t ria•1'a• .'tzui. i: in i t• 1'ra►t ide 144 1 tecta 111,4:1•••'' flirrietir rnotreh to he malti9-. a :'*::^•1 1.i►rhi!iood . Ilczi.lth' eniku th to pass a Ml:deal E t.al:,ination' Tin cite this 1;;11 • • '' al iut}I fast :old aL'1:.a S. C. COOPER'. in,pert.°r, The N,,rt:kern l-iie• 1 esu ranee lelx .1. Ste•n:inel ')Nice, l.tt.!►r..►... THE WESTERN LDN•„oN FAIR t• Sept. 1 i til to ,!nth � Th. Gr: at 'A 'ri -u'tural and Live Stere it Exhibition of Western Ontario $35,000 in Prl2cs ' And. AttractitoP$ •1 Johnny A. Jones Exposition en the. Midway FULL PROGRAM .TWICE. _ AILY Auto Polo, Music, Fireworks. Two Special Events Daily. Exhibits of All Kinds. SOMETHING 1• olriG LVratY .%.1NuTr'. Gene -al Adm ssion ;Uel chtldre4a 154: Anto and Driver $t..00 Lt lei.l: 4'.1V1 Gartshorc, Presi ent A. !4t• 'haat; 5.cretavt i!I � �i -mr; vv Vestern Universit Lt)ii.deil, ()::t el • its air %a c ences Tl1E WESTERN FAIR Land. flat.. :ep!_ i fth 1.. 1 .t:i The rtanagerta•nt of .the Fair. London. Ort.: are p: ^-' a ratalozue - of The 1.:.:- : t Exhibition. Fxhih::.%rs «'.1 vis'.t r -s to the E chit inion elate a i►e' n at: r.nst f..ar this for ser rad Tl•,:s inial ne esiitate the :the entries sariitir than usual is ,that the book may be ready. The .--..- tries ---tries for all Live Stock wri.1 tb. n•r re.. •ret Vaturvlay. Sept. lt:a. .1:. •.M; i% --fir r: j::• = • =ivy •full information •'r, for':1, stew: aS .name at: i :Stir and dart r. ir. .,user tlt-nt the r.,:ltp'.rte and of T':e c.:tt and heavy tytt` tt.•w : the t at:ie tragus. . :"rime East_. entry f• -t+:> ter, : ol,tairtetl +.r appiiaa: genera! a «#�t,i 1 -.►`la:. - , irn• , iT,tnt. S, , rotary- . • 1 Kaplan Growing . (Children debt -ate, are over-t�1,- 1 Witless or debt -ate, : t lmoiJt`i= :.C'. - t 1• • 1 Scott's Emulsioii r olarty every day as rani tel growth and st`.ir ne--, Nothing surpasses Stott -s . Emulsion as a tonics; ,'-; - i int for a child of any ace_ • t:t • r t..ite, anti t \r'e !'e - • w t Ave t .. ., .».._ _ . .•• :. aa"aa? � *hoes is r ,t , , . ht:,: -.i ...' 11.:Nrt a : 21. bar. 1 _fir, extremely sur,p,a• Z' -' pegop:0 Baa::.a _ .: is rides , • t ! ha'. •• bern p.atertet: to`- : trash' title! deSi -are loot the eri.h` 1 der a door to hw,d it open_ :J • h • airedicinc ! ern -tit: .•.:1 • 11 Et If Ton I atie High Blood Press re Yon Must Be Crefui a • F air.:* ._ i._ mist tree...envy .A the S•a n lard p'::..:•e 3 a•s'-_ke.' OR ltcys. prod:.: B•egn1's D se.se- l•.: sack::: I , . -t •.e e -t•1. , t._aore2..rC.-.: .;Lid za:e HACeolv.G'S: ' HEART AND NERVE t EMEDv Os: • to 'a, t .: fora .. - 1 .. - • : •+` `75,.a.; I. . N.tr.. 11:4- 11E.lt' EXt'L-IZSIt)NS 1 :.tor Tu Wi N N•l l'Ft. • •'; teras 'per guile. beyond : i It anis. .laTll fr.ua a:1 • 1`te :i :.•es .«f lama.•:.. :t . • �.=a:t.•e!. Pen.: ►:,:. • ►•a:• 3S fast a•ta N.;-•� F: ..•• - "')r;V .St +..-! C f d",. ., • 4 L 711':., • • d !:,•." -1 ►;+ e, t\•► e;t• ' , • • • r • • • r ler. n ha • • %1•1/..i:- f; t'li:i:'r-• :. 1•• '1uRicip*iiir' ..f t~`' ! •a -ht.• of t wintY • • Ertl ta.i: 1 r.:• .. r''l t.r t: lw t• .t tilt ul t0a .'.•• . >t, t. t ^r c - _ .f : .; eft • �- l : -..•: _L 1.vfa.. p•r- '.t . r .t;, , t - 1 -•i:t: Are 4.. Mer fa t. • • •r r't' e:,:ai,[ ttoo);s a t% • r :••► •••t- r• Ae. t .`•r .""�` f �«. t..Y_.i' •e • ` .':: r 1....rod aa.t•atG,, _ �► patents.. a four t. 'li.►urttitt on small wiser: •, • • ti.