The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-26, Page 1s bar 441; t • 1:tticknott; • ��/.ice •..� LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, AUG. 26, 1920. $2.00 PFR YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE. • u---u-u�-l►-lam u -u --.l► - u- a -u - ENGIltill BOY TANKS o LO(':11. AND GENERAL u Liickiiow Flour Mills FA RMi kS Come' And Get Your Participa- tion Certificates. W. F: TRELI_•AVLN. r Drinkwalter FURNACES SUPPLIED .\N1) 1 N ti'I'.%I:LED--1'LL M BIN(: :\ N 1) ELECTRIC ',\ HUNG. • AGENT FOR THE HECLA 1'II'EI.ESS 1•'L'RN:\CE. e DENTIST u--t)--u--o-u-u-u--o--u - tl�•-u Tortnnto. Exhibition will open, on -Saturday of •this week. sr-. Mr. Clyde Reid is home from De- -trait, for a 'short vacation. Mr. It. II. -Thompson attended the 'High Court of i.V,F..at. j.t•niun last \Pette. • I11s. L. Sherwood, of New York City, is visiting .her mother, Mrs. • F. ('alnfteil, of• town,. Mr. and 'Mrs. • Ed.. h(od)s►ins and daughter were on. u motor trip t® Loddon this week. M.l•, D. A. !Mackenzie,. of Windsor, is visiting his sister; Miss •Margaret • Mackenzie, Gravel Road. Mrs. Jas. Lindsay, of. Clinton, was the guest of Mrs. (ieu. R lae•rt_:o(11',fur a . few days of the week. Mrs. • Robert H. O Thi npson and Master Bobl'ie v:rlted Mrs. Wtn. Hughes in' Londti ilia'. week. 1I rs. Geo: 'Whirs a'),; her dau;;•ii t+: t ,. Edith,• -Z West 1'u i :: 8ro sp:'nr! nb the Wee'. with 1..1• ia'e ,.. 1'riL, i; Mr. John Mackenzie, ' ' of 'Preston, and daughters, Marguerite and Myrtle' are visitors ' ith,Mrs. K. Macleod: air Harold l.i;:l-tls left On Til,:1 _a:.y of last week lot• 1)a•'t•i.;4it,:,;k., where' "he has 'resuilied his duties as 'said • teacher. FRE:,'t1 LEAVE( ' SLNGLE COPIES; 4 `CENTS. tit t' It('It N l:\\ S • 11ItS. .1. .\. 1itul.'I' LIES - u--t,-u--r•u-v--•u-•-u-1-u--•w- v--,:; t IN NPE\1 YORK u �:\'LK113UL1"5 COLL..-.\fttr enjoying a month \acatiun, - 1• 1 :Mr. John I).• \IatLeotl, of the 5th ,' the Rev. R. MacCallul,► v►�ill lw back Fliell11 u: tsps U„pray f:,n=2iy hers �-'+�-�'�'--V---+►--u-+/i-�-u•• _y__„ Cole, Kinloss, has been much puzzled in his own pulpit next Sunday. • knew that Mrs. '11e21t (Jean .Murray) -tl•1�i- h >< u 1--0-4 ul:..• -,-. :.: • . ...' •.1 for file pastrvul)lc of weeks over the.1oj4 µt• a...:s.s...�.L .,..o llethudi,t' ('hurth_-As the pastor : was SeliuUs y` 'I,i1 for almost a;slap, 1ubU.i►12Li, ..<... ;tut•tt .,,..�. 'sudden disappearance _of Willie Fleet-_ : i 1 I woo oo uway next Sunday on onto_ and, .t iU r(; I :1•, re . not 'surprised ' when . \•;• '•i r,-, eived last Sator- \....00 u.,,..:. .t••'. -..1L.,►. Of lige., 1.110 halt beet) \\4th ,111111 tilt l'It k, 11.::., ut' Ripley, will ri.ndut'L day •(flu h:,•. i.:r:>e(1 away :A•t tor, t• 4t u. ... •L+L .t,., ..,..o.., ♦....,.• . the fart!i the past star and Mur ! �uuuucr iluis \, �' - �- .'la, 1 :1..n.t.... : � • I•'r1t!a;\• i..,i. •_ `i lli,lt ,i l! .1:,''t ,:>• \woad, an 1•:.ngl•ish Tall about 1 years per::iry • w•.urk, - Roe. 1. \\'..1, Kilpat- .. ,ot,l 1,l.t l .t. , ie ' i.' ,i .t 14 ... • mont 11s. • - :11 r. m:0.1.4,04 Oi►u1tilt a Iiirjtlt' fur `• \.htet':d •111�thjdi..t t..rttt.t -nun- y� Joy a lRrt ' t=1 1 ;alth . j.ni l• til, t..,44 a .L ....�t•v.. .... L :22 ., ..L ''the lad 'a few weeks ago, and he'r\:l ll::::, :tu .0 t •.�.:►, ltev...John :�'t,lle!r\',•oi , 1 , 4 t " 1 t cos.., 5.;<L� aS.uiij :t., .+lL u! .!!extol (►• 11•. let_ ,.•..•' In Mart'.! of lam�, ! 1(i:11j. about' on -Sunday, -Aug. 8th. �l.ull(loii, mill prett i 'nnir•t•l'�at •�• • st't•- year.. 1.,....,...,;.1„,,, , , is ..,t 4 ••; • During. the evening he was. at George s it'e i►t L.011 °C111.1rLli:'at 2, pan., a.ili ..tL.. L,. i r.•_ •/Mils leo... A •alxecial thank utlt`1'111};' The •t- •tl:a,:,'� were brought here ,r't ;,tt n/•/:. : /t ....� t !'xylol•+ ,' a►ld as it ' became date i)E'°- , • • .••, a • •• -t •Itli(tlllt ,, .aln(t I�.t 'h,7t•Stla�''rt\"C'rt,• laid u,:il ;..w 1�+tL:a a2�,... .<=:,n l fart'' }1C' thought of returlllllr; to, Nate- . "iii ltC, 1't'lE`lr't•l1. 1110 �� Utl:e.'1'.a :115• ' t' teu,osolj l ,..1: u.,"a..., :i s in the s.:lt he,i.••• �husc elf. • her late t.E't1d�s he accepted an. 1fl ItaitlUn to i''1O11a1'�• ,5uclety of the Ashtieid Ititll- \ 1 , , �. _ ntis ra to \'• R 1 :Callu,u condi 1t to stay for the night. In the .nlol•rlill'tr •U(1►5t Circuit • pU1'pos holding thell'- • , \t ��l k:iltl3 u: 2°IaL 11u.1.::':' \':a... ,:. ed a fol, •:•a. . :• t• :n the 1 rt•, ,1; ter iatl ('11111x11• '1.1ine�L 1ul'v:..0 1.,11,:t: i:...0 •. Sir:• 1; ., t I, a L t , two :S.ns, 7 -:van du • ;c.l.t::: r : .,,.;:.,. \i.i:,Ltl2.• he event away on his wheel, presunl- ! annual 6uttuay. un Se•pt.tuube1 26., ably to .go to MacLeod':(. Rut , he The 'call to Rev. Peter J•atnieson, of, evidently decided 'to oro elsewhere, for i .St ltelens, liu►li South Mountain acid Me r eod has not since seen hint; nor 1 l•ttusaut \ ai.cy, in the Presbytery of has he been. -able to !'earn anything,of ISrurl.\llle, ('Arlt± before a meeting. of hint. i the .1're>l,ytely of 1Ma:tiumi, held' at There is . no apparent reason. . for Iiuron ('hut h, Ripley, recently. The 1<'avillx in this .ray; ns h -a ut tl t'tall-bas-been a&Tc1)tl:cl by Mr:Tanlie- Mrs. Sherwood, of N. Y. ('ity, and Mrs. Reid, : of Toronto,' who are vlsit- ing here, made a. motor trip to God - Dr. W. D. McLeod, unties :(McTavish crick on -Monday. .. ' block, l:iples. Office hours, 9 to 6 ; p.m. !'hone for. appointments. ' S.%LE TENDERS' '14.0%1,•rs ;.:d,Ir.::st-i1 to the under- signed will be received 014 to August ..1 1:/•_q, Or the purchaSt of prop- erty, Lot ",3,, Campbell St., Luckilo;w r, +--just East • of Finlayson s '.stere. On the • lot there ' are two buildings •suitable ,for shops or.sto1' s. H-igh- est'or 'a'ny tender not' neves-: arils a•c=- t e'ptt d, For Parti: u;ars :.' nd. Leans •- Miss Maung Mortis was int, from apply to Ben 'Hughes, R.R. A, Holy-, ; London on "I u`esuay and returned- on rood. ,26-8. MacLeod's .iot• along splendidly. Ili - deed. MacLeod thought• very highly, of the lad, saying .that he was quiet; well-mannered, eheerful and a (good worker:' He . took nothing with hienbut the }wheel and the -clothes ht' had on --a blue suit; short trouser,, •but•kll•d at the knee, a belted' coat, blue cap and brown running 'shoes.... Mr:MacLeod will be very glad get any information about the !ud, aS he had ('0I0(• :0 re'ga'rd pial allltui t as one of ' the :fatrtily. ---0-1►-0 un►. and it was sustained. It will take effect .the last Sabbath in Sept- , ember. - i:ev. A. K. Gollan, of :South. Kinloss, was appointed moderator. • I ' 1 nlir, William.,A. Harrison,ison\who of Was \•er;: '�"t� i::. R'•I i't,.� low •yta rs • has made his 1:.+014. \\ ::h other so*.-. :-'.....e. vo:1.. • : III daughter, -.Mrs. L1', (a*l•uuay•1►ass----�u-d_u-- 4. 1 444'1(, c•ar,y on •\lullday' l440l•ni11i :ie,i th1 t. t_ 1•i c.+1.:_.••i"....(.1_01) -•-- of this Week. 11 t•. iiarrisun was in-' • • 11a tt ltil stat r, 'and had 'been lu Ilti'lt•rl 1' OI1 t 1.1:.-i: (.141.' 1,ui` <. U \• t , 4, the house for nearly o:year riot to. 1 uescioy , ai �;. .,i. ••A;,; ;y t,, -::tri •Ke:.;, ,Lst ,t I:LENS :I.r. i:it�l lips c'a:�(;1 .i:lti ::.,,.:±Y -.,.',-.,::•,‘-:''I'....._ c' 1-2_,il..• , the inConlities of o. Id age. '111terllleitt ° '. • . , �,1 r. ill,.:alt ,'.2a, :'t lte�'•.'t4 1:'•.rl ::l'- .,t• -t,\ ,l .. A•:::s 3•':.�a; to . Goderii•11 (.enostl't•4• •01"i 1 dui \' _ -i •a1trS. Ross,of Grand Rapids, Mich., -Aug. ailllalltt - al'it.lill ii, t•1Y•'' Ilial p -Tuesday, Au). _ 1., ::iy at:'�i'tlt►t�ll: J.. u T r and Mrs.' Reid, Toronto, and son, hr: Win 1leGre),rur, of ('hic•artt, a\rr.... • FOlt `-ti E--(+,.r,L: :'<•.c:..... //•• 1•'railkie, .are visiting their. ' niut11er. hos been' renewing old �11.tluaint:tt1Ct•s '•-0 0 0- -- . .'414'. . Ii't°.li; I'it 1'tt . }las 2•t't.(1'lit'u .5.10(,1: t:� 'a,.• h • ill's. L. MacLean.' ill this vlt 4n:ty, :ladle" atter- a : \'o-r\'t(`1.-.• '.:.:t :\'1:11' •1'+1:\il'i.`".)ti b O1 I:1 I1:'t\ \.1H• 11r. and llrs. R. �1)- C`:tinert411 wet•r 1T:..:n(1 its. '�Iar\'i11,.\1 Do c -ib ,And •' ,:t'1 t. 44.4. ti :::' 114..1 ►tl.. "'to; S.‘:.1., --:-he r :L•,•.c :.. : , . .('lii:t!rt•11, of We:4ttield, St1 (It 1ti:lda`: , T'.:<' \� til......• 1141.0n < \.:11 :::t t': N. i • L,1: 'boo .r:. i iii Lot -wolf' fora fo w iia `; iast •\reoo. 1 e- Ail \�'11U C':1j0y }luI1.01' x111.! \\'iSilulll, ,; ,• ht' he:ng a deleg;ite tt► the' 11i�'i • with her Pal& 111 ',. �l r. 'ant! 111,• Clark. i ►,•► •:it the Ill,'+,:t` U, -Mrs- J: 'h:•.io.1 (lit. :I,' . ,::1:,• t'. 1a r.':,L • .11r. and '''Mrs. Bert Well%%uod and I)lt:..;ln,.r; , ::n(1 in. trurti<a,. ':.r, t to -•:ti. Di: i..>:. .'11" \l.: la:ai:.t• .t p :i at: :a::.::l r: ' .• 1' . (.�turt of the I.i),k. u J1,14 the. human \•tai.(:• has a skarn:, - • iitti.' Caroline, of,.,.11'id'ttz'ham, are w.. - 1. , _ . :4 -i . ' i r r::1•• ,'1.:. .,.::...• . • Farmers, n c r to los r.:' !•::.r; lst,c.:.:'1:: c hi.+ sold Nrheat to the .t wui l►e t.e:igni,e.i to (tear • Professor ,. Ti(tt�"".x' `11 5-cT�it�2'• >Ir� .(iE�(1, `•1,1,1. t• �"T't'111ptiug t.:. il_s wig':'12 toll' apoeo,,<� o-isp. -ea arid. ---p..,.. : ..tL , Lucknow Llevator o, are asked to. 1 'P 1 40 4h. 13.:1., instructor. at the '4.'oat= ,' . �` <: .. `I.1vC (tLwt`:1 Reid. of \•in(1�11:', 1� :IL•i.. C(... .i:�. 1.'.•ii .Ball a'1nS t,,a.,.te. •._,:..• _e.:• \: call for tlie.ir• 11'h 'at board (41tihc- ..11/i.....,1.. t 11irt•rs:Ir in, pub2lc sl►:ah... , in t, •., eisitinv., at Mi.'It.'J', wnods. •'�. • tt'_:t ,.t,t: Ityl l:taltlilp ill:(i tl''i, hlt't<(.t; il,' .1 _ t. ates.-o-T. 1',..� Cain. ? -+ y 1'� , : ia? I=► i►e k'lr'ell at �1t►11 .. L.2- r '� J •, rile •; . 1 t•1,.,•• r, ' as lel:±t:::a:t..•. ,.I U<: Vit':a t., \\ :,. t_ .r. alta 1i�2(r.h.(l,thc 1111sfOCIUne _ uit;l:.;..r, :i: .0 l:►y L'i\a Iiud•r,.na ;;,• hi foo ut; 1S. (:dart l) 1Tanday t \:, n': n. .ut`- . 1, •L'. to injure s t •\\•pile harvestln:; lin ! �' :l:i li'�S:e ►' dy t:i..:t', 1't• :t`' .•!X \r t ct U -'t l 31L•S i. _Int►:( ahtl lir . u t ..0 i ,. cu- :•: Miss t.tlla, • t\ rR E r ;tall • ~`-s•-!�' In\gaol -"'--, _ Wedne'.day taking her .(nether With also. had a' gainful accident t 1 •\nd:.:s�)n Will x!_•► assist 'in tile. pro- 1: - ___ i, 1 tat rrletl ly , • ,� 'r, L. iiialrris has beim _ecn ge=:.:,- Tier for treatment in the hospital. rr'hen ::hr stepped on a ytiect�' of glass gram' .11 t12 4 ...iv buts quite • o, ten la;::_ •'Ei:. iia��_;.l -c:l t::�. ..•.:..._ while playing in the, creek/. S}1e tut i' o-o.o---- since he t, his grand car. . her foot quite seriously. 1 ' Mrs. Stalker. off Ingersoll. has been ' visiting' her brother, Mr. Will Taylor. 1 • • "lust. • Arnie and aanisa} Igo:llUth.'' . ' trip. it t : Anel Mir - 1 liestt•1 Lon u,au and •of Win:Alall o Were visiting those • \Ira, Jack '4' atson is htlidle after. • ;'i' t .:hter Resin, , of Windsor. visited aunt, air;, H. Ruthrrtorti. • i spending a short time in Toronto. • + . _ ! tltt'ir mother, Mfrs. .Tri(►.:: C:ln111(41 ,l, Lew. and firs. Will Lane. of Merl- t 1I r. L)awiti Stobie, 1 1 lfarltr;:il,' is She 'was accompanied home by her initon. Mrs. t Rev.) Will 1McDon11(1 t ' "` trier 1 Mrs Frank L c -et formerly of at\\=) 1 iIl s John Tat • 1 11 •. 4.4.. oil - with his brother Rt•v• 311 11es ---u-u-o DEATH OF.W. A. HARRISON an=i'.tttt'r , i=. !1,110\( ;•D'art' men, so<' M Jake l::i:<. • '15 $llr•'.'4iti a:so ,l'y three si?tees. \11: Mori... 'Murray, Mrs. :Algt•i',' of New York, ,,1,11,!. \ors,. M. `.\'e1' -h, of near fine River. .111 w -et- present at the i':1 r1'al: :i. t, :i' xl.,,. "91x•1 Itt••uve 11.,:1, l.l.\ L 1'01.1-1::\' \\..N11•:i; i:▪ : . est'. ',I..... l a:.Ll. .^i:. t'1•.'. -Ll is t:.. �..,.., of '('h'(:1 -:, .ai t.i"' of t 'i.!' .at' 1'• ltutl'1 htt('it1'tl 1(11(1 di:::lr;.;-rot::a{ to ' 11olt: • • r ' The Ia.l: \Ii•s: 11:lit was a.wo;,l:::tt of •▪ • /•r.any an,i:i' ._' tit:::::; s, ai' ri posse . :,i -_ - -•- - -- 'lf ability'ti.1,:t' :1:'ore the' :t\• .:1.(''.1•01.•N1*.,--'---`.,,...:'• of .::1014.--.•••'. ,•• .\t her: hoi1 rl' �1 raker \, •�' . s':c' ma's Moo/silo:t' u:1. l aa::::t :.: ..: was •a laid: -N s: y 'l1T,ii(• !:,l•:,•- „ j.., 1 1' :1u:l.t 't`: y:::... ..a,.�a.t't11i ai: u, - i11t'1it1. an'} .':1•t•:::"','olat thl' !treat ;Cal ioi" this :,ill'...•::.;i0I:tilt. (it •i,ti .-i,,.il:.: i.... • i'Uit ti_il.:':.---N0.J Lul'\\ ii.e t. _.•..- �' Inquire a at '1 tlu : . .14.- DENTIST e. \t \ !'EKING -Tuesday, Aug. 24. Miss Dorothy Anderson is visiting her cousin here this reek. Mr. herb Graham, of Lucknow, and his si iter, . Mrs. Falls: of 'Chic- ago, ' visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson • Sunday afternoon. • 11 r, anti Mrs. Jas. Paterson, of Tor- onto. tire, guest* of Mrs. 'tVti : Stoth- ers= • • Me`s,o-s. • ('anon, Bailie, and Carmen Stuth('rs, of Toronto,' air enjoying a week', aiation under the -parental roof.. . ' Miss Reta Twa1111ey 11:1s been visit- ing friends • at Wingham and Morris T14. the past two weeks. • LAM'RIER -Tuesday.' Aug. `J3. • Mrs. rs frank Ilailit', of Detroit, V is _1 ne wing• �►I/t atgjuaintances in 'our Midst. New 1'11011eS have leen installed at !Test•. hobt. Walker's/. and Thomas • Wear.. pleased to report that Miss Annie Markenzit., vb.). has 'hod her :aid adenoids ironwood. i. ion, •,111-04 Ing as we'll" as Can be expected. 'Mrs. Alex Boyd, of Duluth, is visit- ' iris,•' Miss Annie Maclennan. • `irs.'t\'ilSoni and • Mss Rena, •of ('.11' gu •tire visiting Mrs.. K. J. Mac- kt ruin. GOI'T`RE ''or f rt`e booklet (or a.:k ,rout 4. 4)btlUt Gu-Suivo for the' t 't.r.:auuttit of goitre in your own h,►t1x•: '1'I1' medicine itt taken: intern- ally:: nf►ells the goitre; tgradua',ly d a- si►1\cs it and casts it entirely out of the syl•tint. 1'1►u owe it t,, yourself and '•oily friends to get rill oft this un- <itrl>rtlw disease'. t;u-Solco is sold. in told now, Ont.,'h J. (:, :\ltl1S1•1:(IN(: The Monk Chemical t'o., Limited. 13 Mott Street, Toronto, Ont. Mr. Jack �11wt•Lean, of Batte!f srd, Sask., visited his' sister, Mrs. W. C. Johnston, over the week -en I. He 'was east to' Toronto . • on a .l.usinoss \1 I4 :TECH --.Monday. Aug. \I r. 1). i t:.ttc- s is spending- a few .iays, at 1ti: i:.-:l:e en the 10th , C t'n. Mrs. Irwin :1::,1 daughter,, • of be- • Atkcrt's this week. ,• :.1:ss Ll la i i :...Lc, t't Clinton; is w: it:lIt 11, coo in, alt Ackert. • •(,4L • ` t'.. . 1.. .ta r t., w, a! .• 1.4 • v.'.: a ' •.....1': !: a�Q '• :. at l: L• +.. • .•.i' t'►.r ►.. .•. , :('at: -on 1114• \CUy' - l► ..c ::l,;w front (:. �. ho'.x`rt-�►n. •1...,1.1.1 •�. 1:1- : t • ► l (1( 11 n ne and 1SS l O 1► O- - - Hiss Beatrice -MacLe . Rnt't iford,•of Kinlough, spent a•day Sou►a', ('IiO(4:4I\r. ;.t'IlOttll. • :Mrs, \\'1 :. Martin and stix1 are s.pentiing a4 cot►4 • t►1 'weeks' a: k ::a•ardine.. ' • \li•:. Geo. Garton -anti children ;'e'n t a (1:1y at .Crusselis las: week. At the mo' ie show next Saturday - last week •witti fr:ends,hrro. nig it Jesse L. Lasky presents Bryant \Washburn in "The Way of a Man with a Maid," by Ida M. Evans. Ad- mission to •and 25c. The remains of Mrs. Samuel. Phil- lips -were •lfought herr' from Toronto on• ednesday, for interment in Dun- gannon Cemetery. The funeral will be from the home of her son, James Phillips; 9th .Coif, of Ashiicld, this Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Phillips was in her 80th' year. • A _copy of the Mi:estone (Sask.) Mail, 'to hand ,:this week, contains' a report of . the. ntarrioge of' Mr. •( . Rennie Button, who some years. acro worked in the meat :(hop with -his brother, R. J. Button; ' The •bride was • Miss. Mildred Jilne Sniith, a resident of Milestone. Mr. Button conducts a meat market in Milestone. • lir. Herb Eaton' 'and•}iis, wife, of Toronto, spent the past week with -his brother, Mr, Frtrd ,F:att►n. •' 31r. F:arton spent four years With the Can- adian aunty ,in France' and England. Ik was among the lucky ones. for ' though he saw much front -lin(' .ser - doe; he came' through it all \with1)u•t a scratch.. .Isis health. however, was • seriously' intpare'd. ans1 h: . is flow, about to return to Itis native bind in - hope of improvement. • �a Messrs. R.• L: Towle...hilt! R. E. . Ptlempilill, of the Iteinphill Bros. Tractor Schools Co., were i•n town' for a few days of this week. They had .0oe by motor' from Winnipeg, tak- ing a boat from. Duluth to Sarnia. These ,gentlemen have a }arge busi- ness directing no less than twenty sehtx►ls-=ten in 1'an•Ld t and ten iii i-:}(:NT;11. ('ON., K1 'LOSS 1).r. and Mrs. Jaini.l'son :ard Son.' Rt'w. 1;. S\\•al\eell silt nt Surds\• rt ' Son. - With his sister, 'al's, Jos. Cullk'1•t. ' David, of Barrie, are viS:tlo4 4r.ends blit ser Annie • -and hose 'McKay. i :It toil'` r itlai;e, . who have been in Goderieh for -filo I • Miss Mil:nie Porter. of Winghal i. paw! nl::liiil: have returned' to their I spent :'unday at the h,,:lic .••1 Mrs. home. • '1, , i • I lea,. rSt'11. • Sr. . . Mr. Lorne,'Hiss /loan and Nits.' R.�lth:• / ''11's• t hev.1 .11;o. Henderson attend- anal ('t.lbert'visited at \\'lir. Johnst(►n's ell t::t' ;1'i iserli Of her Mos:her-in-la*. 00 Sunday.' • ' • ! Mr. ,ono, ('1►y►in. at',Mitelit'11 tri 1'r:tlny. \lr. and 11rs4 Thos. -Elliott ai•t{ vi•- 1:rr. .1, •1.7re .*1)11 llrr: '''''.:. tet' and ltii 1 t 1'1444 tr.1 \ erec-ta.s:- 0\l'tp Sc1il.l:ty alt 1•g friends ill this 1(►t::ll'ty-:' �• ' Mt'. •aril 31rs. 'Thos. ('ongl•ant a1i11 1 ti1C 11, .." Mr- •Mit.•'11"''' M:•. `tc\\- llastl'r Wilfred and Miss Flora slain- i art 1►,cnp:e-11 :he 1►i:'i ill the.Irreslly- - es were visitors at Wm. ('(►:!,:`''rain's .i' tl'1•i:.:1 't•11i:1't -h, �ti: .1;,,':14:ni anti e'\'t 41- • at 41:11 (1115 r\'eek:. .1 ll:t-.. - • Mr. and -Mrs. \ l:t'r Ilodgins wort` :5: • • \Vitus; . Wino -hair, h1.! 4harze visitors at J'. S. C1:lber•t'S Sattlr(l:ly ' rf • t'•;e St rwie s ill the M`::"."."7's t'r•et`111 r t'h1:2rin 1;a S l:ndaly. - • 11:►::y'� .hart` beei ct►1mp1a10in7.r or 11:. at:,i Mrs. •Ge -e, 'lias.'!:it`n' •c.l:.i colts these last few days. but al! .111;:,irl it. 't•?' .\r: r►l;ir,' wt•1•t• v.sters 011 Seel: i t the mend t .�1"•t' lr' 'it N. 1'•tte;Sf►n'S • lltil'.1ilr; 3st :X:t'.., y.:4'115 the 1,1(,:((-10 Il.:s ::e'4' t',•,..• .L'. \� ...a :,:::11, (Vat,. ha,. t:ai�:e,l ' :,a.i l`:acr ti t ;.. :l�lta:tt I�ll�. 4011 l`,,r One t:i•..�:1.•. three 110::tirt,ti •:I ..t1} 'j►L"' It', 1Mtt'-, e raduatc•- have 1no:lsured up t',' I... st:int!ard i t,r:•'r'c(1 l.y tilt most 'exa.1t- • in r . 40d. 1 ".1 s.:' 1e,:s .1•t•:: t'.11ncrnS Ili (':inadiar. :1:1.. .\ 11:1\'1� igen'•` t'.:' ,'\ t`,1 , :it .It'1•1- other cein:l:cr. •:i, t, summer. vat . : :, si ::.i i.4 too,. of tire 't',:�' ,;.. nl ialiliL- :1‘,1.7s$ - .111.1. t •t1:' 1 11:0.. 1 l,i•. no: ..ai t ,` yl^: .:\t.►:.:c:''' t , F.\ I:11 FoR ,.~c' h:n .; i:...t . : 1': 1:4 1..... lipids .1�. \� •. t:.. t 1: NI Ft .f; 142..'.: 11 a, , . ' �. ..., '.'•... el :i.. :i. . art. you 5:,t :It .1 'to 21:1\ .: y )at' t:.t: tet i1) a 7.:)1 or: , :1:. •.- \\ 11tlr•1' t'\ •.1 (':t`o 0' 4.1,' \4.':11•,1•1t' t1:: 1'.1''�•r„1 • 1't`ti:,.': . • are ... - .:::(l�• ::i:a:•,.::- 1 1 .o.-e:i1:.......,.. Ilt'.',1iii :�. ..'.c}•' :;t` to 'i • . ... E. 1.;1 1 Ct.r t;'' graduate '•t '. , -•' •. . 't • wow :: c: .:.: the l)epoI ,n, .Torun . ''lt, • I ;►- • L ett: he tl t t' ants t :. _ �, t..( , . al , t •.r:t li. T/ •, ` I 17 i '''''r '''''.'"''.'"*.1 .1: ..',a la::. t '( C'..l•., 11iss biplane\ht- \h'41:llaTl, who . r\'a. O sal' • •1:4:`.its 1 i.t•t':.c . •1:lalt'- ri","„: .',P '. a t' 1:1. .I�, tlt`1.•e'it i_!.:1\:i:t:,.t't••)t:':'tV ,':1jtspendi 14.. •a wt;e'l. :it• 11at'..1lmit11's hos. :t:t1•"014, ",tt ' 1•'!'I I Vit., ; •.. t 1'• 111.1. '.i' .., . i, ; returned tt .ber, hotar in T:':.'Tito`. i:'ta arnt .t, :, 11 (',,:.n r :1:.. • , . \\'c,�: 1:1�' 1 he' 5:i )1 : , . ..'t a • . � - . o-ao-,. 11-' .'t':1n Fai son haves t }::s ' nll'�;Il 111a: ' \\'.tit!) v, f•" l: ,:1r,l:2' f, r :: • �'i:t` r.:=• ,t' in tti)c t; 2•e•r: ' ;i:,;,::::4.1.:i.r... ‘2•1/2.:,-., � t tete' sive.' ,..1 •. :.�' 1 _ , '1`. . The .11'x1. •'1.:t is 4,0 4(1-1,1:1t:I1•r't1 .\\ ! �l, Joan every "1:.'r•t•'.s :1: \ r Is air blessing to humanity. \\, ' n i •1:: ' • , 1 \,1 :1 , ! . 11'. a.. iael .,• Mr's. 'gal'. T:14.1'•.., I`1 Z.:1: You i1 owrr hear him-rl►lochiti�;: • i``• •• C. '2.•.re T.`, , • • i'. . • t'. , \`. t•l',' i:1. .?.. 41:4 / 1.44.(1,(. 1.1 t t.,• t 1, :4'.` , : C....;:n1::v. F.:l' t Sparl• • . • , t e (1.•• •, , i : . V,• • 1/".. ... a `1"• :0 :t'd thole. 'ho'`1:t' • t ' S�►t`i41: ' • `• '1'111. - 1':i• .....,..%;:...:-.:,-7 i (Cit �1 t\'ai¢tlrlt:+� tails will follow 14,'01, ; :1 1rtC ,!:'-Y"• t t`.e• }{ .rjl-. ... •‘•"..., 1." :At t'lrry r,, portunity'. �!.1•. ‘..\-,.. 1h4�to:11l1 "r,, m 1:hs 1•. .. ; --- Rrute Poet 11:-. (4. ► 1'i., liar t : c, \t'e'nt t Tt r• • t `� `I . . • , 1':'•t' t "*t::ilial it' 1':.'t':\t` i:'e'at- ' „ . ale`•` We a'i'. hint a speedy rt r't'e_ nt T' at4.i• the lo.;t1e1ields' of France and 1'r••' t the:U. S. They were east. to elicit Ilel)ril:tn. Mr. Darrell' sett,l`t. 1 n :1 • "'root:.t t I .t, e f ('t 1 +lit, is the` :'"'t`•• schools at Montreal and • TI424411to. fit1•(41 neat• lfo„se ,,1:1.\r onse.. 1, ` , t' :� iilt'a`, 'rTr, ./ltlti, (i:l- " ,4t ;,:s......-,...,1,o.2. \t ` bef, to t . \v, .= tl 1 2:1'1 �- , 4 1'lll.c 1' l Their Schools give instructions ill the Y!4.` first t:11t` lir t:3 ti C.V.R. roach, .1 le'-" et t . ` handling and cart' Of t(8ttOrS, auto- t.11:-.4 1',41:t1t.• •14'1 e1 d :1'ed mans h:i: : • , t:, • - 'sial \t1ta l.e`tt'e` Gal `' " 't t• eta tft,l t' ,. •►.:: 11(0 114. and gas engrlreS. ship.`+ but \t,. at :1st :",,(4 •t • 1st. ',,,,i• T l: •,1. (�1•i 'e atm \1'v: Go, -., elf. 1 ,i los1t` i' :\ caller at our office dig^1:11.' tae pr'spte`rity, and :1 1t'\\' wt .:1'S agI' twig- h '"'I'1':1t • :were` 'visitors :it Mr. :1'':11- �.t►.n- • ' week was 1l r. harry' Darrell, of !Vic- nt\le` t.► Rrri:'the balmy c: hl:ilfe o' ilii►, 1'�'�'- L.1 :`ut)ti:ty. i - - B. (`. Nit. harre11 is on; his 1`:', iii. Co,st where he noir iirrs r: I:e'v. 111•. (."'r`nhica tturt:eti• •from 1 T>t'a::;\' t"•*`- skin ,it,e,l�.-,inti rn,,s' 1' toric, of the rrttty''r'3s lliVett't much 1;::;:.:. tired. While here he was the guest h's vacation and w!. SUO4e' his workt way home from Europe where he I depth. I1l'a.- visited his early home in En land o"f Mr hand Faicone'r, of Kinloss. t►n Sunday, Ant 29. I g -Nor i olltl,-inr in profanity. He is loved 'by- big and little: 4"e1i the .logs in 'his e"ain;ilti,:t`•. • .t • a tl• / _...n...• . .+u. ,`.'x, ....+�/.M.�i ... - - , • ..•tom,.► .....