The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-12, Page 3w a hL . I . . . . .. .1 L . I . . . I • .I • 1 • ♦ - ,. Is • �-.� -----�-- --•--__ - -. � ---�- _ -__._ _ .� - I 0 le ow Financial Notes Make Your F'ord11 SUNDAY SCHOOL .THE . 01 I Drive like a Paokard ! • � 8 installing a "SAFETY FIRST!' �- - - �' Montreal—The annual report of Y Ford Steering Device " . Atlantic Sugar Refineries shows sales) THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Ll:SUti 1 belo:'eEi sos�. Deal gel�Uy fur my sal;e , (Made in C&I'r- U.) ? - with tll. young man,,,,the said to tlla _� ��.. �� �� j/� for the year of over $25,000,00.0, ori ALGUST,15TH. I gwierals, but he must have felt strong i _1 �s Baur P'orii keep to iha road like two and a th)td times sales in thea, a iteavier car. miEgivin.p, for Joab slid Abishai were • •---•�••+-.:^.•^' . previous year. Refining profit alone . proe steering catty and safe and provent,o atrerina [retia !ut l.ittq, etc., The Sim and Sorrows Of David, 1. 58n1. i not 'the men tU (18a1 gNfstly' with it 'Address eo�ain+unieations'to`Asro%nomist, 78 Adelaide .St. West, Toronto was $1.594,888 and profits from other rebel, even though he were the king's sources $1.199012. ,Total profis from etc.. Standard Frier, 110.00. 12: 9, 10; 18. 1-.15. Golden SOI Advantages and profits of Systematic of pulling the mowing machine and all sources, $-,802-,910, against$ 11prepald to t.n.v addresii) Text.—Gat. 6. 7. The Wood of Ephiuim, where the .. � side -delivery rake. The tractor was1�343 in previous year. After payingi c3ec one from your DeE,ler or dtcecc trotsa battle was fought, must have be:ri in , Crop Rotations. � THE CARTER-ORVI8S CO. 12: 9-10, The Rebuke of Nathan. driven b one roan, while` the unload- the rugged wilder part of Giiestd. Its ' The •chief advantages of, y preferred dividend arrears, profit and ti Mariur�cturera and rlietrinuc„re Thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite. (exact location- and .that of the city crop roti tion clay be briefly stated as ing was done . by another. , the two loss balance of $1,106,362 was carried 1 ,is �crmonl dtr..i (we>it1, soroato ,•the. story y• of• David's crime is told in . e Rlahanaim are now unknown. It - changing places for relief. ' One mans forward to new Recount. pY►1,1�0 sswta z47• chapter II. He has caused this brave+ follows: soldier to b , sent. to certain de$th be- +was Pr°bx41y a wild, racy region, "a � 1. Rotation systematizes the farm; did the unloading as the horst gilled tbO sea of rocks," coref•ed with thickets Victoria—A number of loads have, DEAI.ERt�—write for our prurostttorri. „ work. There is a definite -portion of the fork back. Some then a a recently been made to t`ndustries I fore the walls of Rabbah, .the capital vl•1ti'ch' concealed dangerous clefts be- . city of the. Ammonites, which•his army tw•�een -the rocks, an,] in whish fugitives land prepared for each .kind of crops tractor' cpmtrols •so. that it may throughout the province' by the B. C. a Inc>treases ' driven fr•ow the load like a tea ii'A of Department of- •Industries. Sawmill CO>n1 �11>rl>t $ was besieging, in order that he might might easily lose thernselves. � r -each year anti the areas of the , . - , Value•` take to himself Bathsheba, Uriah s. Absalom Met the Servants :of -David. • ! .horses. it course, some' tractors wife.'- For this .mitre he was,,fittingly 1 �erops grown remain constant:. Harm, i and shingle: will projecl<s have been It was riot b • intention+but ��• chanter •. .. _ ' more- easily adapted for Lh:s than, I work is more economically and ef�i-' helped to considerable amount; and Ilow much do farm grains shrank ;n rebuked by his loyal friend and coup- , others. a} r he' met th-gym, and he, endeavored to ' ci,ently conducted. as a result. acking ,companies' have also been i ► escape, riding away upon his mule. storage". Th's t}uestion is frequently .sellor, the prophet Nathan. in the par-. 'l. Inas systematic ratat:ou each 'The 'tractor did not work out neZ granted loans. This assistance, it is able of fhe poor m..•1's lamb. Nathan *i y or Pullin the mowing machine timber and other asked by farmers, particularly res-' i Pa`ssllig. swiftly under an oak tree, his well f g •'ll ut mount of I showed superb courage as well s1S tact' . crop or season is ]sandlcd . itj )such a 1 P expected, will P pectin corn, since .the 13 , ,. 'head was caughtp' fast in a forked -uch a nature as to as 'it did' for the header Job. lit th,.s brin8ing_l:eme to the 'k;r.1c, his branch •1f the tree,. and wedged there ' manner tend is of 5 •` i proper ei: hitch and ttinro mowr'� industries in. a considerably better 130- � shrinkage influences the weight 'of the � fault. His courage and fidelity ru, ght.; . i Le the roper reparation for the crop- doubt, vitt) p P sition than heretofore; and as a new�'bcisiael; tlais'would, of cojirse,;influence F • He does held him hang:ng,when the niule pass • I ,, �' p- •* I. txtwchiries it would have been more . K es rl ire ave o i h s. ' ,e ed on. It was not' by his loris hair I1h cythm 1.11. 1 ,: r` f c,i .a�•a ' . Y rs �aNe a in -+tom- t ,. prraaa le, grl baclsa , rs-heitnlg ire y �ofitabl>e.''"'' The gl•eattt the price of torn not hesitate to charge . Uat:id with a , • , 14::.6 . bat• by his head tha, ht was creased average yields and greater p watched Ly all the western govern- Tests show that well -matured ;corn breach of the si�.th commandment in ( ) the way was"fhat two men were neces•I merits. the killin of th•'ah and declares that I held in the. m'd t of rife oaTc. � efficiency • ' l 'peri Shekels ('f Silver. A -shekel was i 3. The central of weeds, plant dis- nary where the hay was tangled or I Regina The most midsummer has an average shrinkage of about' 20 as a consequence, the sword shall 1 but a weight of t facilitated b oro clown, which -a frequently • the case er cent., the amount ranging in an not a stamped in, • eases slid insects is fa Y p, hat.. two oui]ding in years is now going on p i never depart fratm the ho ,e of David, , f rows more t permits for July eight-year test from 6.5 to 27.7. Corn a predictioll mdst un'hap,•:ly fulfilled �si, f owon. Th�oldier probably read• . rotatit;n,' ;is frequent change of ty pe, i where tyle hay.grows i here, and building per of C1U .riterierC3 with their' multi•' tons • to the acre. Some tractors Gree that has been 'stored when damp in the tragic deaths of his sons .�mnon ( Jo ' reached $100,000. and Absalom and Adonijah, Joab. charac..r aright v,hen he said P ' 1 well adapted to, this job ,'howe� a Jamaica ---The Govern- shrinks , from eight to ten per cent. • plication and ,til good .rotations pro-' • bin;ston,than Joab t;euhi have `°steed aloof" b ing arrani;ed tt;' drive from the mow-� ment has issued orders that the plan- .more, it h en found. The •iter J cfTAbsaamhs one (revised version) anti would. not have 1 . vide regular recurrcii.t tttaes for a . _ i protected . him fret:: the king's wrath. . ing-machine seHk. � �..tation. owners _must all _put in. good °If co sold Rt -$l a }3ushelnlY y'- -- f clear: -up. a - master feces o Biblical narrative. It t,protected • = �• crops to take care of any possible fa- fall, well -matured .corn will arch of is told .w:th simplicity, naturalness, verse 13 should be rendered as I the d, A iy .Wenefits f rom soil-e..richus91 Ifn .the Alfalfa Field. c revised version: Otherwise if I had s or soil-im roving methods .are I mine conditions that might d•.. p in '$1:05 on Decembetr 1st. By f genu.:ne feeling, and ggraphic power. itleetlt falsely against his life (and. _ P Because the hired man has' gone. the islands. the following year $1.10 would be a I'''irst there is ' the unnatural and . t • distributer! uniformly 'over a whole. With the buffalo and the n•ild pigeon,i there is no'mZtter hid from the king), ► farm by n good rotation. , _-� _ fair price for the same bushel of corn. abominable crime of Amnon, far which • then thou thyself. wouldst have stood S. Frequent crop rhatase avoids the) the flaruler of to -day inisst investigate' fihe increa'ae after March 1'st is grad= two years afterwards he ell murdered aloof. . soil de leioii incident to constant one every means fora better economy of Fi11 burnt saucepans with salt and ual, reaching a value of $15 by June by. Absalom. Then Absalom fled from But Josh utas not Iackirlg in, coot - P labor in his harvesting methods.. i age. He had .defied the king's anger crop.farmiitg. water. heave for a few hours, th+en�'1st. In _short, 'then, corn should be the country to the court of a small The g.ither:n of alfalfa, because of neighboring hingdorli,' .vt•h�re lie re-. 1. and note he was wiphout either A good rctaios should include at g i bring s.?owl • to the boil. The burnt purchased at about . ZO per cent. gess rilalned three years, fearing the arisen Q . i the number of cuttings .per, season,i y t i fear or comp:i_sion. He h mself, turn - least one of each of the, following: tin of Particles will come off without any dif-� in the fall than on June 1st of the fol-� of has father. . Joarb, Davids trouble - ;s r adil -'offers a fertile field for the saving flowing year. incith impatience from the soldier 1. - Cxsh crops, i.e., oto} e Y �• ficulty. I ,some but loyal 'kinsman, out of genu 1 who argued with him, thrust three labor. `'ti he .ane has several acres : • lne affection for the king, seeing. that ! a through he f th convertible. into _cash and such as are _ _ - - - --- arts t a t o e I of alfalfa, it' Is good- practice to cut! ` — . . — -- he grieved for his absent son, obtained oug her e p "� likely to be :•easortably sure off .success. i ' by' s"tratAgenl David's consent to .his ;'less ynuch darig?ing in the tree. His 1 . and profit in the territory c=on-:erned. �' «'f h a siK-foot mo.�'er. It is not ` A t]� Y Farm �Q�� �p} �Y youngpleted men gathered around and cons - 2. Cleaning- and moisture -storing', necessary to delay cutting until the { When Yoe e 1 1et i return. Atasslom came tack to Jer- , usaletlt, but was, not admitted to t'lle pletecl file karuarous slaughter. Ab- 1 crop or tallow,* a. regularly r+ curring I dew has dried off, its this cuts into ; e,salans tit hIy desen:eti his fate, but the (lay's work for the time, before: court, r.or to see his father. Two more Joab was unquestiorabl-y wrong i period '4n the rotation which provides Y ` 1 .G hut! yon Dake it Worth lore' years passed and Ah;dlc,tr per..uac ca,thus disregarding .ter: king's wish tit , ! enterin.,r the field is usually •a. t. Joab to be again A 1ned;ator an 1 re_ t suitable opportunity for weed eradica-, . . command. 4i.s, lom might easily have tion' and the accumulation of soil penough each morning to provide work tore }aim to his fathers presence and ' "bisturc. ., ;il mak'- alg the) meat of tl,E lawn can do a ,;teat deal 1 favor. In the four y ears hat followed been .ta?� cn prisoner and his power to . for the followins; day • � ,,. do 'further Minn preventc,h, in some m �' �'t'l;ell the grass haMS reacllcti tl:c The fir_! -�hyl� to tlu, m I towla_rt' .lining.. ti ow` �_ 1 this teconca:lation. ALsa.om beha�•ed . _ cr _ ded,____town- other w•a V. 3. Fornge Jx4p. Afi the beet crop,• _ : + tin a v erS disfiloilor is `e-ariii treaAer- ' , . • c roc as an �n-', Point where the ."twist" test , shows, pial: for. beau the_holxle,_•�thePlike look. On .the f2:�z the pie ore•. I �ondei ,nIahailafnl Dat id ticatch- . rotation. 1ssuint lies k 1 ous way. He employed all the arts to rat art of the farm ,s •sten) a'nd; it is sufficiently dry, •:it sh.ot�I11 sae, is to 'study the arrang�r,icnt o . i• t : , of a, rets :uttrActire personality to ed between the gates, a11Ei as he,•;•att']1- g, p J •c r:lkect. Aside delivery rake that ha aece ,object and the planting ma- of t►le home >Sro•andls s..c,:_,d be digni- forr.ge crops must ►,e.grown to t.ol.ri_h, . icture, fied..m14 restfil!. { ingratiate himself wifh the people. He ed �'•'e may believe he prayed-- ! staking wiiitti. of t%;•o' Swath is best:' terials as you' would studs a p stole the hearts of the sten of Israel." '`For• his estranged, 'misguid. >,b - them. Where conditions make' live- er,{ Keep the lawn free front flower' _ ' " , Be sure to�tur over the entire two. Consider each tree, Fhrub, or flog s a stock xais.ing ;ntnass•ible, any porn). d:+ul; ;ts habit3 of growth, the size to tiv'hich; beds, irWi.tllo�lumenis, curious stones,; He dupeei them into ilei:ening that he And .as he prayed forgave him ti'.ere� ` ation must provide a substitute! swaths, or else there veil) be . ] , i Before his God, for los d'e�p silt,ul enc roil. p before or inlproterly, located pants . w h.ch �t as a very warm aril ardent friend of`; . in tiie form off greets iula�ules• hay lander 'the windrow.. The' -gide- ib will grow, and. i,ts IocAtion, the. people. Finally he went under a .c 4 Leguminous cm No ernlan_ delivery ,rake Sires a small Ioase �ti :n- Riving it a place in the home -grounds' would destroy the picture. Plant t1g- i false *pretence to Hebron acid there ; he`s;,., a , g p 1? n' icture. tine shrubs ,which will attract the' stow, 'allowing' free air 'circulation. t p i { rai,.ed the stand.trd 'revolt, carry - i ent system of agriculture has been 1 ;`t:i h:is its own individual- j birds to the home grounds, and plant' . _ • _ ! Soot) dry ing weather the raking can E�•et y .fa - ing :large numbers of the men of The (sOal., _�__ _ ______ built up any where that doe: not In Judah: with firth: - AhitTophel; one That,' thou ma.j st pray for them, thy • i• '• lust as every per_on has. On_one� hardy_ shrubs which_'iIl .harmonize be done late to the- afternoon- of t] it,. , I 1David's wisest counsel,ors, became his,' . _elude in- _its' rotation at least ane of f^t•m the backbone• cf a p!an for beau-' with the other features of the land- l foes are 9'-.ven. tete nitrogen -storing group of plants. day the grass is cut. . 1 That thou instyst look to God, I of tha nsost.sirikin facts ;;n� - .�►fter ],ring in tl:e xvindrow• Until'_heI tifying the home rllAy be two or.thz'ce� scope. chief adviser. The king e. and fled { ,Some R next afternoon, the hay shaulEi be, old trees. Poasibilit:ies such. ss these Trees furnish the frame and back-' urtipretiared for resistance. Ung thea pain, d' are worth hundreds.. (Iollars to the! ground for the home -grounds picture.) with those of his servants a:td,zoldiera i i bring thee cares the+t thou mayst regard to 'crop sequence that .have . _ __ _._ - ...._.._ emerged from crop rotation �rorl: are: ,loaded. A loader 111)1 save labor,' an 1 _ who were faithful to him to :llahanaim •- - s 00111 be dclir;ered at once to the; new hotrte site. ,_ Cothuar with st the Plant _permanent long-lived i each", easfTc-Jordan•• sa om `J oo • o est n . '• t 1, The great t•altie of corn, a pre it h , : f followed with a large army under the I I hrtn8 thee fretful friends dist thou 'n crops. tarn or staui-' r_ll. of the r.:lore wort '; -staring, dreary loneliness of the farm Place them at the sides of the house • paration - for gran p 1 the timber .has• been. and lawn to. frame the views, and to; Com•nand of •Arla_'w: a cousin of Joab, i rtzarst train •2 Ti,e seeding for grn�u-ea rnd .e �. cio+ie v� orae mals, «htls the help; ccoin whic,� a. d screen unisghtly objects. Plant them+ and nephew of D-wid while Davids s of one --boy to drive the team, if rn; cut, leaving' the house p . Thi soul to patience; \i'h:►t ttfou clovers ..ssould follovr, corn or- summer + At: the rear of the. house to gine ,a! forces, which he had now gat`lered and•1 deemest gain . Tile i el'flcient Loader ss used. j utxir. Another one may ha�e.,an esp background Against which the l:oases org`Inized,. were commanded l:y Joab i 1 • f:111ovv. T �©1. hien. inter�e intervening };rain ; If the birth has 'an open floor ^rd r:a:iy beauti,ul view of lake, hill, n ` • When close=t vrr(`at.l:nb chains crops the}. arc, the gre:itc r the c:lance ! atar1l. is rive:•; then tale farrlstead can be so + ma :' be se:'n. Punt thew along 'tt:9 and his t,r brother Abishai• Antl Iiia' the j around till• :,01d 1ltlsty of ventilation, . i.a2 t],e mercenary of. f::i?:are. 11 1 „• �? 'rctila-i rl:.rz ed that chi= view is enlphas: ed.� :'oadsilie for shade and comfort fdr� Gittite, who was ut the head of the: an(Ij rend from t}tme imp hieedina 11e�agt :i. it'l.rxt is fisc moll itrof.::t.'.:lc trop; : built on .ails that p l tn.t r ci ,,a.. i , n .,c. • e in twain, ,.. tr:1n, the l:a�-' restlltins: vi;l be i ci,r : Thi House is the central' fl ....,re of:the f treescto the west t an�i�r.oh htof ov.r; font m,fy • tta hest tEY the ktroop`,,- .Vie_ ]as / nftt'r f tlic?ty or Torn. + ; Give ;t the, 1Q_.,:, I That he 111 1, h, :gift ulay -i11rP thy► ?v2M, r,n ? no leases tvM' i,e Ion; dtir. the' fli nls,ela n'ctute. _-• h. Coav c •,-`ains Are m;,re.prnfit-, . , cc . i pronnnene ,, it ,requires, F.n:i m::ke All bu:'.ding;, fir faro:ecr.,t? frons' cele); David tiunlbeTM the People, arrang-I .:a: