The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-05, Page 8• 4 • i 1. ARE AFTER YOU Madam, we want you for a customer, so we tempt you with a store full of uncommon 0n • values. SOME AND SEE THEM. Sooner or later you are going to find out the advantages of quality, service and price 'to be obtained here. The sooner you do the better it will be for you. Our customers are all PLEASED CUSTOMERS because we really , STAND BACK of everything we sell: Let us prove toou that this y is the place to buy the better Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, "Tress" Goods, Silks, Underwear and Shoes at lower prices than to be found elsewhere. •••••••••••••••••• CAMERON, MIJIIDOCH & CO. 3 s 4 r• - t► • Fent cwlwrl pluatviirnph l,►k„► i . PA. F' luno„ Skip. Filth AI•[,,K., .\,.r )'Till ('i/y ou can make this surprising experiment in our store The Test Violies 'di•tr.-r 'ubtlr in tone! 'l'e-t t i„ New Bic is1,tr ltertli,,,t hr that feet. We have an "Ave Maria- 1{} -(: t:; .i err► played by Alpert Spalding. ccitit Guarnerius. This fain oto s violin •Lt, :t brilliant, ,singing; tnne. _._ We h'i r- secctnel "Ave Hari., •'• }{F:-CREATtos: planed by earl Flesch t6'lt hi", genuine ..•tr:.ditxrius.iolin 1'hii vh::. is'ei:ios. •ic►re. (',►t•n,• i': grill compare thea.. two 1:F: -('►:r'• rt"�`-tr►'i • fir torte.. it the Viet l:r:j•,e►n 't!I►+kes clear Cie eiiiiinetir::r ! .= • x,ticeen the Guilrr►r+ciu. a::rl tlif! n.' Jh►w Stradivarius. you Lrrr,w if tl'li •p, rlevt reali.rn for • Tie NEW J3DISON The f'Jrr,nolfraph Jill, a Albert. Spiiding h,rn.elf r•-r..r.t;r'h:-I: u•: . :� took part in a test of h� New ,.'r"I .r' , r••' 1:, - Ion's E F.,:, 1 r., , rMr nil., rl jr.�5....e:1,e,;t', ,,J r''k11.F.`: 11 tl.l : `� Iie:41 ,m. at New 1 t•rk (',t r. H. played in directroutp•frr,on •.1.'h ,s„' Rei-CRt.41ro'c r,/his perforni in' A F,c theNet* Edison. Mr. Henry Il.ulh•r one of the jury of thin three, d:,t.;. 'wilted mueicitn; why► li,tene.l tr ,rn rtr,ri., . n,•.. t, ,. t ,r tone." T' N �..,, 1 I.,•.n i.� t',', 'r`al T phone.- I 1I • •', lir!•s =cr•r► t!,:•1 c•rn►- t•I,).,, .. ,v•r , Frio, .;: ,r,,,••, r . it - ran par.-r,r) -; est•,. J. G. Armstrong, Lucknow. •t t:,•' t tial M.• , t ••II.r• t"I•I,►,.• teleu. re , j,n-t. train t o-t,►r,. err f`if1 Rhk to t• of ►,. rr 11,... r ,,k -,/ V.,' Want t, Naar► Weil( tit d3'.r b olger tri tl Dfnn. rtrta Dyfn►r,i ,.� , WHEAT CO ` :D CERTI IC %TES' • The Molsvns Bunk ha:; made ar- rrngements t„ receive and pay the certificates of the Canada Wheat Board, and asks that farmers holding such certificates avail themselves of the service. The Wheat Board has declared a payment of 0c per bushel The manager will be pleased to give any inhumation. T. S. REID, Mgr. ----0-0-0-- KINLOSS COUNCIL The Council of the Township Kinloss met on July 28. Memb present, Malcolm • Ross, .John. Cob Geo. Ferrs and Reeve 'gathers, in chair, The minutes of last meet were reyd. and §igned. Moved by Ross' and. Ferrs that J Colwell 'be authorized to' pay Treasurer the sent of $19.51, be balance due by Edward Thacker accountof -drain. Carried. • M.oved by Ross and Colwell .that grant $15.00 to N. C. McKay, A - vulture! Representative, to Supp ment the • prize fund for a Sch Fair to be held at Holyrood for t Twp. of Kinloss. • ' Moved by Ross• and ierrs .that t following 'accounts be paid: Mun ipal. World, supplies, $3.61; Jo Ross, repairing '20th sideline, con. $24.00; Robt. Risiriss, repairing 20 sideline, $10.00, and 2 days shov ing gravel division 26, $5.00; Par Pinnell, shoveling gravel, div. 26, $ •Joseph' Hassell, deepening drain o posite lot 18, con. 10, $12; A. Cas more, 1Y2 day shoveling gravel, $4. Geo. Malcolm, .237• yds. gravel, $23. J. Kennedy, filling washout, lot 2 con. 2, $1; John Fair, 8 yds. grave .80; Thos. Harris, 6 yds. gravel, .6 Ja:ob Miller, 26 yds. gravel, $2.6 John C. gackenzie, 28 yds. grave $2.80; W. E. Henderson, 131 yd gravel, $13.10; Alex Fraser, 63 yd gravel, $6.30; Geo. Ferrs, 102 yd gravel, $10.20; Robt. Nesbitt, .151 yds gravel, @ $1.25, less 1z inspe tion, $194.18; John Bonnett, inspec ing Nesbitt contract, $25.50; Joh McNeice; 28.14 yds. gravel, $2.82; I• Hodgkinson, ._183 yds. gravel, $1$.30Reuben Stauffer, grading 2nd R S R, lot 11, $15.00; John •-Cox, inspect ing Mackenzie cont., 5 days, $15.00 Wm. Mackenzie, .drawing 56 load gravel- @ $1.25 per load, lot 5, con 10, . $70.00; C. Ellis, 50%. yds. gravel $5.05; Don'd McDonald, 2114 yds gravel, $2.15; �J. Tiffin, 50 yds gravel, $5.00;. Wm. James, '118 ydsgrzret, $12.80: F. G. Mi►ffffat, AA yd. gravel, $3.00; S..P. Donovan, l - : y,I- gravel, $18.30; W. Thomson, grave:, $3.1'); Alex Gillies, ndrawints t le and putting in culvert, $15.00; Jas. Fish- er, stringer on brid.re, $16.00; James r washout. • Huron and Kinloss boundary, $3.00; Jg eoseph A- new, -rant to Agricultural Society, $25.00; -Malcolm McInnes, W £. Hen- der:Eon, road work for 1919, $10.20; Adam McQueen, drawing tile, $2.0.0; Wm. Falconer, filling, at bridge. lot 26, eon. 5, $7000: N. C. McKay. grant to School Fair to be h• -id at Ilolyr.►od, $15.00. Business being over the Council adjourned until Aug. 11th, 1920. ' Geo. G. Moffat, Clerk. of ers •ell, the ink no. the ing on we ttiri- le- oo) he he is hit 9, th el- ry 5; p- 50 70 7, 1, 0; 0; ss. s. 1/ c- t - n L s a HURON TOWNSHIP COUN('1I. Council' met pursuant to adjourn ment, with Reeve Ruttle in the chair Members were all present. Minute of last meeting were read and adopt ed. , The following orders'.on the tress urer were passed and issued: Geo, If Mooney, $95.00, for part payment o printing contract; Henry Carter, $15 for ditching, grading and rsp.. h'1 and bridge on 14ideline 29, non. 9; The. Pedlar People Ltd., $109, for 2 steel culverts; S. A. Pollock, $7s.76, for 1432 feet of tamarac;• R. ('anip- heli. $20,""for 'sheep killed by dogs; Peter Campbell, $2.50, Sheep Valuat- or's fee; John McIntosh and Thai. :Hoimes, $)0, cleanin.( 60 rail; of ditch (Award) on con. 12, (i;) x1.50 per rod; D. S. MkDonald, for blanket from Ontario Tradinz Co., T,,r.,n;o, for piano cover, $2.50, express • on same, 50c, total $3.00; Jr,hn Mcfver, rep. • hole in abutment of hrids-e, l�,t 12, 'con. 10, $1.00; Frank Ernmers ,rt, hauling and putting plank on Grffig-e on Kincardine- boundary, 'Kin;•t,r,l:r,r• to pay half, $1.:0; V: E. (;<awi-•:-•,' hauling boiler and putting it in rul- vert at lot 5, con. 12, 000 hau.iir," :; 1 loads •of gravel for sa:se, pl ;.os; Sherman Staley, rep. culvert, 1st 1, con. 10, and hauling and • pstt.in•• plank on culvert,• sideline 5, t•r,.I. I., "15; Ralph Hill, • 10 hrs. ttiovnJn , travel at road work on John F':►i,'s beat, $::.00; 'Hen So ',tt, 15 hr+. • r,r ': r•1 i -r . Y -... 1 • 40.• -ii_ . rte.. -JP M, :. -.:_may. 41....111 _ - ....Ms. )'hone No. 10 Is ;tt 'y'o it Service We Sell for Cash-- We Sell C'heate'r 1 Kan :The Credit Stores HRST QUALITY (iOODS AT LOW PRICES WE GOT A GENUINE • S1!kN11sI LAST. %%EEK WHEN .4. SII1PMEN'r 'OP. ('OIL.ka) 11'IRE AI:1,►1VED 1"01( US THIS WIRE %%AS 1''U1tellASlD J. -1ST NOVEMBER, 1 U'(' ON A $COUNT 01'' ADVANCED ._COSTS ` AND • SCARCITY OF"MATERIAL WE HAD GIV.EN..UP'HOPE .ten •;:,F� - w! -. ,� OI•' EVEK RECEIVING 1'l'.' , HOWEVER, 1T IS IIERE, THE HES')' QUALITY • ' CLEVELAND WIRE, .INI)+11'yW'IL'L IHE-SOLI) A'I' $F.50 PER CMT. -CASH.-- PHONE YOUR:'ORDER--AND WE WILL BOLD IT/FOR YOU.. WE H,-tVEV SEV ERAL SHADES OF SJIERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT, 11'HI('H WE ARE CLEARING AT BARGAIN PRICES. - THE COLORS ARE GOOD -THE PAINT THE BEST QUARTS $1.20; PINTS 95e, 1 TheLucknown Hardware & Coa lC V• THE STORE THAT NEVER DISH I POiNT,g NOTICE TO THRESHERS DON'T • LEAVE YOUR REPAIR WORK OFF.TO TRE 1.:1ST MINUTE. (:E" IT DONE BEFORE TIIE F.1.UON OPEN;. WE ARE PREPARED TO 1)O .1N•Y WORK ON ENGINES OR •SEPARATORS. C. S. D U RN 1 N & SOI; I+ in Mu -.ray and • 31cf'.ay'a .contract; I' ' arrell, $12.10; Whitfield !;utile .50;; Roulston, $5.90; .1. M. Beaty Dopgald Black .$4.50, 1's days, in- spotting same contract; Adrian G sel, • $73.50,, 73'2"yds. gravel on hou ary, .)ot•30, con. 12, Kincardine Tp. pay half; Jas. McDonald, $ 7.50, f cedar, $15.00. for work at bridge Pa.e Line,, $7.50 for pperating gra 'er '1 t �. deys, total $29.70; Angus :Mu ray and Kenneth :1�eLay, $345.22, f contract building cement ahuttnen .f !.ridge S. L Os- I nd- 1 0-040 to Eugene Dietrich, an employee of or the Wins,►ham Creamery, had a nal -- on row escape front death one -day roe- , d-' ently while at work in.the factory. r_- I His clothing was caught` by rt shaft or and he was quickly twirled arouti d. ' ts. Ile managed to• seize. piping, which was near hint, and to this he held on until his elothing was torn oti. A • fellow workman seeing his prc.clica� iuc:It .shut "atl' the rower }►tit hot 1,e - I fare D.ietrie h was severely brui-.e.1 and cut. . i.....___ ______ _ _ ___.__ _ __.______ _. 1 . NOTICE TO -CREDITORS, 1 . ::otice i= hereby given, Intrsucnt " I tt► section :,li, chapter 121 • of the hr, wised •Sttitutes of Ont:.rio, tact ail per,uns having claims against the testate of John 3i;:c•d.ca:►, . d.ceas, :1, • I•ulau died at tier village iif S;,IIelet:s, Huron County, , of Ontario, nn ,►r about thue lith d:,=• of Jul,;, I! -2n,. are repuired to sebil by j,,,, I,•'••1 :, id, or to deliver.. the tt, u rid= ►•- signecl, at • Lue•know, Ont., on or - fore the 31st (lay et August, Itri), •their nrctt,ea rtn.1 addresses, %vide full particular: of their claims inwrath's- and 'r.t 's and the nature of the securities, if any, h,•'d I►!• them, duly verified l.y a statut,►ry deet::ration. ane) further take troth 0 th::t after the ,day of Au ►' said �:31,t r+, ust, "1 !4::0, the asse't.-s of the :,:,id „A -,:::tc• v. ill h..• destribut. (1 h:✓ the executors alcOn.' the t.tic•d' there poi tie:; e ;s - to, having( t. tiar,( 0,,i ' L. 10, con. 4, 53 1-9 cub. yds; Arc.hrie McAuley, $1.50, extra half day insoped ti:Ig Murray. & lo - s Lay's contract, and, Mk for rep. cul- wort, 'i day hauling plank $1.50, tot- ' a', $3.50; F•'redd Humphrey, )rutting 1 l,rur of stone and 2 loads of .gravel at • 1•,t • :1l,, con. 2,54.00; Donal.! Blue, f 'rep. culvert and putting one load of ..ravel din boundary,' Ashfield to pay 1 hal'. $1.50; Jas: Farrell, rep. culvert, 1st :10, con. ¢, *i ; Frank Scott, hal. of irravel c.ontrart at lot ::2,. con. 2, g 111.24; R ►t,t. ('a np'►:..!!, inspecting .e�'eott's contract, 6 days, $IM; R,,,der- i'-k •McLennan, $1.15,• for gravel, and li.irr+loch McRa $9.00 for gravel for S,-►►tt's contract; ?'rank Mit, hell o' v'r r;r.g bridge and fixing break- water, filling approaches and putting instringers cot!. 3, g •r4 on S. I.. :'.; . 2 ►; Tho-. Ilarrs $K.40,f,►r ee dar; Rt►bt. 11cTavi h, $1..00, rep. culver=t; .John Reid, $5.00, twr, trams on drag .; b:'s; •Mur,lcs 1, McKay, 51,1.x,0 Putting in ir',�t:; aryl poles ;:t cemetery; Thos. liat'r s ? .►;r for r•, da • r; John 1ih v+rr. `1'►• r'1,. bridge, 5. l.. 20, eon. -6; y ' S. Thr,.. 1'•,l.r,. ✓., )r►O.:,:• 1►42`J ft e,' • plank; It. Stephen,t ,n, $24.;0, t�'ravel delivered )1 i'r th:.0.1er::;; Ag' r. Eraser. $4.00, rep r ultra :cart app►', lot 1, con. 4; Dunca * I 1. i•r"' :, $l r •1,. l,ri Ige t'► thy claims of which they.. hall g and app., S. L. t'., the s • ►, ^.. i; .,r••hi•' 1 ► ,• i n hay,. nutic��; anti 'the . i Al,)ey, $:,, hitt,)- t,,c estate wall -�.► Wain', and r •1,. eAu rt, r , not be 1ia'1,le. ;'.,r any s :. ft t.. c.ainis unit • •fl 't••r•ttr:»+ l,ri,i,r►•, S. L. 111, •rr►n. •t• ;i ti :,t f.h; tit::•d' of the said drstri- 1d. • •'•'•r,h►•n on, Ir► b.,�iun. rep. roafd to hit; r . Ling gravel at road work on Jas. I: r e1't=►,rl'1 i*at, $4.50; Wyo. l:',ul-?',r,. rep. ,•;Jlvert and fillirl•• H.,., t r. ,•;,r►; �� 1►ated at f.uc•know, this 26th clay . 7 di. gravel 'and 2 r, July, 1f) 1'►2 htesin on scraper a r►r r S.i•.• George A. Siddt,li, agent 1 1 ; T. W. r.';cvey, $:;..1M :;`►. t rd►tr. the •;xecutork C,''r l, , 1,. .,,DIY ti(),eon. 1, ?:,.:,rt; -.f • •• r i,i.tttin;► in ru::•.I•r t ,i _ ; ' 1 , 10, e'e,n.,•i, al.IA d1vgir►g 'lith, r,., :.•_ r • Ir ler, ton. ::, a i '? r► (:',.;,r.,' .: ', I t ' 1 , • on sideline 10, con.' 4,. Us err; A rc f,.e ' NIA :,I McAuley, $4.50, for 1'4 days.ins;,ec~, ' 3'0.46; .,r '1. i,•rr„-n, $::, in,p,'t n 1 day; gr 4. '' i:elle .►ries. rets r',,•.• r f'.r 1►ia:t0: 1, r:•1,.' r,,;u3 t,, k est . el 1►i;.. .'1.. .r/ ;,gravel bill.; were .1. )t ,;e:i, $5.79; G. Farrell, J. F1. 1?!li•,tt, Pi.60; Thos. •:� t•,.. i,lent of r'h�lael;•j. hia, tt'l:,.,• weighed (,2J pioind.;, reduced, tceight tri 30:;.pounds in thr;e months by working in the steam room of 4 laundry. 41111. 4 • 4.