The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-05, Page 4Incorporated in 1355 o CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches +r.++�.•.r•+���•��.n.i.�.�• ..`.ter _ r _ ` THE 1YIOLSONS BANK The Molsons Bank Assists Farmers Almost every farmer finds his money tied tip in.stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he .should; consult our local Man ager. Savings Departments at all Br richer. T S. REID, MANAGER, LUC.KNOW..B ANCH • t .1......m11 I.. I. C. Tractors & Engines DEERING Drills, Cultivators & Harrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions FROSTand Water Bowls Gates, Fence & Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines•• Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale b-/ W. G. ANDREW,.- LUCKNOW. CREAM WANTED ••BY— nm Seatorth Creamery Co. We\ solidi your patronage and guarantee you entire sat- : Our prices are always the highest Our Testing done accurate- ty by experts, Our service and payments • are prompt Write a card to -day fori egos. Prices were never as high as at _ present and still soar- ing higher. A card will bring you cans tie the next train from us. She Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth. Ont. - ••t BEST TREATMENT FOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE --:,o-- When the Blood does not circulate freely through the Ve:us you have }Ugh Prussure and this is but a Symptom of scn;e ether disease or trouble. There is ustr.;ly Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Nervous Troubles, Hardening of the Arteries or Bran Trouble. There is aJway3 the danger of a rupture of a Blood Vee sel and as the Jt . :he, blood Veep:s end the 1.. c Le;. ars all * :...ted with High top...! Pre-zsine -t.`.•e .of.-::. az =.3t s.:-stootc.ry tr • • :.s Hack •r1p's i••ea a.4 Ne*vt R r+'edy . tur Hack.rir a K .1 '...1 art L.:rh re s. a• _.•easier; .- ti a • rr►::• . _:.t L t Kel.. P c. -.:.-•s..+ • V. •-' ::: «•• ca Jae aa: ;- o -nor _:.e• .•.sno==t fro= tt.t t reT.en_ t tot frr'rt',' • bt/•• vtncse _L.ir;• t,4 -•stir :..t•a; •'.. du:!' :.'.t ;i ea: ;rsgrrn ,4t 'UPA410 ► drover e1a•'► ate:. t•. -ty. • •, . rrii�r L Vete . , d 1'1.'''. , wty. for it :vast i1'' .. •• yews >;:Mur: atio: >-':.;.•s_- .. turp at ha=rt 'Si br::..e< i .:...4 . r . -.•-•. - at.: ::!.ser k•......:...- . oaft'_ F•. .ti ^.• ah,: • ft•• sure to pet N•as •z s. : .••••.•' 'does . - does not i.so-t :;-s :.t ri- oM • Mr' t' • . "ears: "T:I' tao-rbl...!•'. ;,•- :.+•. . a'toc. iahod to s•+s tr.- : •-• • - r , - a F.a) we'•:�. I count rit.L':e ` y :7".. . ' .••• to :he perms:ver.• usF _:::;.r -•! HPart and Nerve Re--a.+y•aar re-... y Pfemo.n•e.rA i. sir • • •..r •1t.,-.. - •• 813 ':NESS ANS, SOCIETY CARDS JOHN St;TRlultLA\1) & vt�NS. Ltd.. Uuelp..b. Ont.. lnaurauoe, Fire and Marine. • • I.: n 0. F. I.ucknow Lodge meets ever wrid,t11 evening at 8 O' (1::.•:k ito their Hal . 1:asap boll greet. All brethren cordially invited. °dicer.: -- Noble tit:trod, ttobrrt nl4Aer lu; Vice ettnd J.Megli tt ; hoe. �-t. A. II Floyd: Fin. icy.. i ►r. Patel son; 'i r'uaourer. Ale A..F. & A.M., G.R.C. Old Light Lod meets every Thursday night on or before the full noon, in the Mas- onic Hall, Havelock St., Lickr.ow. W. M., M. McGuire; S. W., Ja:nes Boyle; J W., N. G. Mackenzie See'y., W. A. Wilson. GET, THE BEST.—When you take out .life insurance 'get a policy in the San. Life of C•atiada,. the .biggest the Dominion, and a company whose record Canadians are proud of. See Geo. H. Smith, ° local agetit,• for particulars. • VICTORY BONDS S bought and sold. IAiso faun lands,and .il:age property. !Money to ioaui on 1st and 2nd mort- i gages at current rates. of interest. In - • surance. conveya'.c•mg, etc. Joseph,' 1 Agnew. Notary Public, Allin Block. Ltucknow, Ont. 1 TiME BRINGS CH.tNGE Eden Grove hotel building has :,• . • bought by Mr. Harvey r ar'•:. Greenock, who will tear :: •?.,:t:. a:.: use the material in tris Fre-�i:••r, , t a dine new residence on his farm. T?..., k ore. of the changes •that till r. - been 1:raking on many of t'ie r• r '.• along our 'highways during .>•• a,- • due t a the ngw conditions urdLr tic z:__ .._ we are living. At one Lino- r.. .!.:, i hours and dollars to spend :-• ':, journeyed to and fro at the le: s t: r.-: gait of a hor=se that. acronolinp• - -- .. age, required rest every fes mile,., ' First the railway and then the :r..* ► • • car has put the old tavern rot of i business, ar d hardly a Vesti;te elf their • framework remains as. a landmar'k•of i :� the old stands. The Eden Grove heel is one of the last to diasppear.--Pais• ' h soy Adroeate. Youth and Ade r' .r-•rr- . ' r r►c w •-• • ,.• "!.•••. • a •.L..r 11.4. 44 .41/16• a • - c . :eslta h.l= • . • • _• •_.E t ; . pea ' a •`• • • d r the -.•• . < •. it r'r»t t-., t is . & i• • -•• fr• M • a .i . -a tr i E!! tukuuw entinp! Published, every 'I'butelday ,n1111•tttng at buck now. Ontario.. , Ant XI At: K R\!.l 1, Pro iriet,or and Editor. THURSDAY. AUGUST 5TH, 1920. A WORLD GONE MAI) President Hibben, of Princeton Un- iversity, in his address tar the • grad - outing. class this `ear, said some very remarkable and even startling things. Indeed, the whole address 'appear to have been of 'an unusual character. It was anything but com- plimentary to the manners and taste and ideals, of the present .day, and it. has . been .pronounced even • pessimi`s- • ,. Princeton University is ,one of the r great., edw atijfitl . ; •insttituti(•na, af. ` .the.. " Toiiotc dnStates;:.. andR, thea iareOsst. world, and we may assume that Pres- ident Hibhen is a Ulan of knowledge, culture, good 'taste and good judg- ment. What he had to say,. there- fore,. to a class of young men and young women about to beg:n their life work, if it may not be accepted , ithout question, is at least entitled ...to uiost'respeetful consideration. The conditions and the degraded tastes described, doubtless aredue to the general rn settling of all, things human by the great war. We • can here • quc to only a few paragraphs of the a. 'dress. • "About .us," • he. said, "is a world of confusion and turmoil and • under the spell of a general moral laxityr we are groping in the dark for the 1 •ey of light which we •hare not -yet discovered, "In the, industrial -world there •is underproduction, restless ••discontent, and unscrupulous . profiteering. ' ::In matters of finance there is ' inflation. As .regards our philosophy of life the _:plendidl idealism - of yesterday has given place •to the crude.ntaterialisiu of today. . Self-interest .and . self -in- • dulgenee have suddenly • asserted themselves. 40. "In our . social relations • we are weakly allowing ourselves to be ruled '►y •the.Goddess of • Folly, slaves in her lontain to the ,fashion' of the .hour. :`lie --modern .dress,''the modern' •dance, the modern music alnd -modern mon- nem.- of today are symptoms that in- dicate that, somehow, in this age we have lest our .bearings, and that the •old -values of life,: once sp highly .priz- ed, have been forgotten. Threre is danger of a lessening if not a loss of • the , old-time reverence for •woman- hood. There is no longer an aura of mystery about the young woman of today—a myst.ry once • her defence and her glory; and whenever in the history of the race this•divine prerog- ative el womanhood is lightly re- trarded' or recklessly scorned it has •always proy d 1 symptom of dread= epee_ far reaching and disastrous. Every age of moral and spiritual pro- `-:•rear in the histor; of the- world has :•ern an • a•'e of chivalry in whit h womanhood has been rut only res- r•ee•ted 'hut revered. Today our illus - 'Avis seem to be gone; evetythint - is obriou• �net- word is lift unSa ::,1 no veil undrawn.-, "fly Antics in the last .year have (Muret inc to travel !pore Chan' 1:;. - too mi'. .and 1 have been to every .art, '.f this ruur:ry, and everyw-here ' `:' - • n t';•►. sane thin.?. tfest a= North atter :'•►uth- ev- • :tr:c •:'1•••+. • • : a< - . - r. • -• • r• , • • • t • ,, . THE NEW COIN • The. new Canadian one cent coins made their appearance in Lucknow Ireently. They are much smaller th:t:i the cent pieces now in use,. be- ing only slightly larger and jjlicker than the United States cent, and somewhat larger than the ('anadian ten `cent piece. The -new coins are noticeably lighter than the old -lash= lone(! ones, due not only to the reduc- tion in size, but also to 'a flat variation in copper content in the al-. loy l- loy of which they are composed. The design adopted is Very attractive. On the fare •side appears the• King's head with- above it the inscription, -Georg- his V Die Gra; Rex and Impe ator." .In the centre of the reverse.side ap- pears the 'words **One Cent" - with • above them • the.. inscription "Canada'.*- — at either side a s=hall maple leaf and .be:o*w them ` the rear ihit-f fault with the- en- ,coin s that it takes so many of them to buy a pound of sugar. • o=oro FRIENDS - The earth affords no richer treas- ure thaw.a. good friend. He is ---ready - to serve you with his money, his. hand, his brain and his heart. You. may, not need his money; and if you are a true friend you Rill not care .so ►such for his money as for sortie other. things. • You may not need 'his he:p- ing hand, but you will need his coun-- sel and good will. Yr are more con- cerned -to knoA what- he thinks of you and how he feels toward you than what he can do for you. Some friend- ships are easily broken. They never we're sound: Selfish 'friendships are common but utterly worthless. •'Ile that hath friends must show h:nisd-:f friendly." • • .. ARE YOU A MAN oto WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future' Big enough to Astlttme a Responsibility? • For -seeing cnutlgh'.to •Prepare for Misfuctuue•? .lmbit:ous enough to Increase your Estate itnmediatcl)' Patriotic enough to 1'ro%ide for Your Own? Energetic enough to he making a good Livelihood? Healthy enough to pass a NI.•dical Examination' Tht'ti (lily il►is . adt cal isr•nrt.t. 1•'1�! '111 01•14!.011' Wit! ' .•tttl t o S. if. COOPER, - Inspector, Th. Northern I.ife Assurance (u., Hoa .t, Sentinel ' (plica, Lucknow. • • Nasi:e ...... . Ailtlress.. .... .. - • fate born.. i THE WESTERN FAIR LONDON Sept. 11 tit to 16th The Gr:at Agric-u'tural .end Live Sto k Exhibition of Western Ontario '$35,000 •in ' Prize s - nd Attractiois Johnny J. Jones Exposition on the Midway FULL PROGRAM TWICE I' ALLY Auto Po'io, Music, Fireworks. TWO Special Evgants Daily. Exhibits of All Kinds. SOMETHING i GING EVERY MINUTE G: feral Actin ssicn 50:. . Children ISc Auto and Driver $1 00 A!► tututu :acid•.) in in the St cn Lary ILA Col. Vii. M Gartshore, President A. M. Hunt, SccretarA • S SUN FIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 7 he applications for New Assurances received by the Company during 1919 reached a total of over $'1005000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one year by any Company of the British Empire. Get a Policy in 1920. Geo. H. Smith, Agent, Lucknow. to sell their charms to . the men. • The mothers force the girls to do it.' "A goad many of the mothers un- drt•=s considerably," one suggests. 'Yes," says President Ilihtw•n. "th:y force the girls to tlo tnen they do it themselves. ih.t t?:t ., Tethers didn't do it.. Their nw:hers would have been horrified at t:'•.• t sights of today. And the your g• r.'� would like it better in the 0;41way..'t t,or dance here the other nip tai -:re 1 . w•a-i one young girl simply ant! :y t!•r sse.l, and they t.•:1 me sh'' Aa the belle •of the hall. . • "'the atmosphere that snrr +ural,. a Q rift the mystery of h •r, i4 a thine. • it is • nehaitt: z;; t • : 'lay th•-r• i. n Rays:t•1y. ' rr - :• r:. .r. } r p.•rs,:n .-r 7 r.••r• .: In •••Pr:r-. ;!i . - ar -••r. a- ;',•, •.::, end • j".' • ', ;' 0"•-• -e ;•hash,- • • r•, • 1. •. • • 'P.O.? •.a:*r'.: ••r• M. tut..It.*, ft • • m(• 1 th n a after' he de:weird the asi.:t-t• he ha i re:.•il.-4i hundreds elf lei •rs from z.'i uet•r the Country ex- pr. ,�inr arra.,:ea: u ith what be sa-,1. 'r(•sdent ilablx•n states that a; • t !NERYOLI.S MOTHERS ICumbered with endless rounds of duty. the tired, nervous mother generally finds in had Scott's Emulsion tonic -help of rarest value. A little of Scott's after meals for a few days would do • a world of good. Try ft ! • ' \ r• v.. -.e T. r ' • • .1n HON • Iii: GUI W.!: • :.haste hall the fol!ovving I.. • ..or.or.••r a farmer had much Ito , t^t'in�e a hir'-4 titan t,• • . t•,•• Na'1 aftor • `��•'. i• it aftrr`workutt • . it r. F':nal:;-.. ::► ! t e• . •• .i it t,• hi» t • •• . ' . 11't that h.• •:.;. •l ''Kith t tis n • • ' • •t :1,••••1 tr. M. e•rf • • ••• a_tlat ath ••e.••ry t asp .4 r •,r.ti••n tote ••.' tit• n, it•.l►N.P.11.'•. 'i. a the•.• h•wsrts' r ....oh at foss.• . Tito • • 11 1:t•• t't•t�t.:y 1 'anri1 or Cr oy :..:.t•'r h tl;•,'••-••e-.,::vote stet► in a�eit,.hat a ► ;.:ri tl }:.,:tett• ll:t — r e#'!i.1ep d.itt i ai:! .l t•• e ai::�.li rural ray:: •»'f th.• 1 , kc• 1 ekou sty-• 'p iii -t m h t�ft:l tv'ad aoth- • oritics. in,••r:n the .people' what tl.e ' laws : S . and as far as po!esib!e pr. it crow: 'n. , l n'ort a the Inan=e late- pr'event ;he►',i.str'i:tarn of soon; 1►iril : nf•,r a fort fire re :mations •. !'t: saes! , 1 ::n- as.ain--t aut•7;trabiir speedi•i . ia- vest isra:e .con:i•la•nts..!ay infonliaticl•• :end make arra:s when n.c. bailey. The Tear office:. Mr. t'ar n, h ,, a '+F•1. --..i:.! re, 'rd. lie• rec••ivcs a 'l- ;try ,,,..-.1't I. ,.t ' .. •... t•r-:.ct sirs �, .•�-•r t:te•?. lit••w.i.; be i::•' Va.- r. „:rnl of tl•• iir;»ar:n ent of ,th•� .ltt •r:'r G�•rurai, •:ri,: :,r; tam-- oe, other pe-o•n e1t'si: !: services sill on:�• have t ). ea.! ( up the Crown . tt••rn,r, who will iii •' 4tr.:e•t t:14• .•:flet r:—Ex. Wilts GETS IT' I •. r a Itis. wool w" t•.t as .tlrw�h :tom Ai - WILL BE I SF.F 1-1. OFFICER li:an. t •' t: •:.t-;• 'te'r,1'� :1 hiltlntl . in t1' R;.r j;r;t a '.'ars. T••4:ay it is beim niarke�.l at hr' i twenty rent= a 'pound and c:••thine- is s' front !o'». h. r in !•r:c; tai::n it •was t.: -o rear rat a ;n.,•,o- Til r:•. -tui _pricr for woo; ria t=ai=l urr.i'y .•::aiula:e'el th:. r!t•`.' ra't'e, real as ii•.lu•rry. ar.i fr.:n fifteen n►oilit•n .:►1, pro 1ue4ig . t•:':• Pinnate.' 1 >'t'+1 7.P% t• r'iIi:e"] ;� �nrti�t .rf wool in 1:" t. II :e h have te.Lny ff'y mi ion shee• three tl:1t'i» u' er ;,:tree h�:-rJ»rani_.»nett of-. p.rr i - r • 1•'1ilt •n poemsts et nevus~ It :.14 rltie:rtt that enoprous profits are he:nt !natio h;• sori►e me l•:;t at any ra•t•. they sari - not �t►in y into the rt kt is of th•. sheep farn'er. '•• 1, .. 1 t_. :44 th., • : ,. ►.••i• e - --46-110-414---•••• o,,, -46 -ti -414 --•-•,•- 'I...., , 1 ars ai. i`a,K:esh •,:• t•3 , 1•1,tcrt.i ant • 1'• ••• ,h;* tolth them, ►ii vrrtr*r's .idea. ' a IL ► n. t .al:r a . o:,i.trr tt a wtun Z , hILc, ••.3 . • • e t".•••trt.•1• :.� Cu.-'i Alit •teal Op.••. att. n Miriirrat Pr. Ctt.i r'i Ointnt••nt w i!1 re::•sere ••c& at tn - aad •s,x l 'a•ttn= t'ue -,t Th . * ,' • : l dealing Of Ibtmo-z . :, Rates ♦ C•'., 1.ir.ltrd. w T.ntnt Semple Tot tun's I: 7• it trtr,af.rt t1<. • pyt Sad elsebees !r. $ a n t) pay ptatstage► • 0