The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-29, Page 1• iCurittto $2.00 I'Ftt YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE. FLOUR STANDARDIZED ALL MILLS IN CANADA GRIND '.f•TO A GOVERNMENZST AND ARD. INSTEAD OF THE HIGH PAT- ENT'S OF PRE-WAR I tYS, MILLS NOW (:RIND WHAT IS CALLED A STRAIGHT GRADE FLOUR. it AVELOeli AS.PURE' MANI- TOBA MA ,TOB:A IS EQUAL TO THE BEST. `EAPOY IS STILL UNRIVALED • • LUCNNOW. ONT.. THURSDAY, JULY X 29. 1920. -. O 0 0 O. O O O 0 0 0 4 o LOCAL AND GENERAL o A carload of cement 'now on sale. -- X. Paterson, Whiteehurch. Phone 12 len 611. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stewart, of Stratford, were up for the week -end to visit her parents. Mrs- George Bickel! and son, Stew- art', of Detroit, are visiting at Mr. Donald Stewart's. Dr. Alf... Newton: and wife motored -s up from Detroit and .are spending the v eek with his parents. Mr.. Jack Smith has joined the staff of the Bank of Hamilton as junior ' -'A=► A BLENDED FLOUR, MADE; e RITE FOR PASTRY ONLY BEATS Tit EM ALL, WHY, THEN, PASS .THE HOME' MILL FLOUR • '- E. TRELE.AVEN. G. Drinkwajter FURNACES SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED --PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC WII LNG: .AGENT FOR THE HEt'LA FURNACE, EIGHTH CON,, .KI LOSS -Monday, July 26. Berry picking is the order 'of the day. Mrs. Bramdcu and two little daugh- ters, of fronton. are visiting the former's sister, Miss Katherine Smith Mrs. Jos. Culbert spent the week- end With Glamis friends. Miss Welsh, of Reid's Corners, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Ethel Elliston. Miss Welsh was a former teacher in this vicinity and all were pleased to see her again. We hear Thos.. Harris has ordered his 'Baby Grand.' Nothing like it, Mr. Harris. The only way to keep cool in hot Weather. • Thrankn party held at Clark's Chureha-as - a grand success. An who attended report it quite up to the mark. .Quite a number of Farmers are cutting their °wheat. This crop is rushing the hay workers, a number of them being compelled to leave* the hay kr the tinielbring to cut the wheat ,in order that both allay be sue- cessfully harvested. l'M l' RCH NEWS .1`hfreld Method:se tirrrit=Quart- er!y Fellowship and Sacramental Ser- vice neap Sunday at 10.30, a.m.. at Blake's Chun h. BORN Fisher. --in Lucknow. on July 12th. 19201, to air. and Mr,. Robert Fisher. a son -James David. DiED.-On July 12th. H'20. the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher. GRAND TRUNK SYs EM nARvimr HELP EXCURSIONS pt3.4lp TO WINNIPEG Phis i s teat per mile beytir.d AUGUST UTU. and 16TH front all stations Lit the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, Pembroke. Golden Late. . Toronto and east AUGUST 11TH ane DTII, from a!! . 'stations in Ontario, Parry •Sound. .Scotia Junction and south to and in- cluding Toronto; Meaford. Pent•tang, Midlabd and Depot Harbor Branches included. For farther particulars apply to any Grand Tr„/nk Ticket Accent or C. E. Horning. 'District Pa•+sens-er Agent. Toronto. Ont. E. 1'lti l li G.T_ R. Agent Lucknow. Ont., Phone j , LOCAL MARKET eCor•re<ted to Wednesday noon 1 flutter.. .. 4S-32 Eli' 51-52 JieV 120.00 i Misses Celia and Vera Hed , ' of Brantford, are visiting their nio her for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Harvey Anderson and child ren have gone out to Alberta where they will spend a few weeks. Mr. Lamont,• a former G.T.R.%agent at Whitechar h, was a caller in town during the week. He is camping at Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, of New York City, and Mrs. Johnston, of l itchen-. er, are e►uests . of Mrs. R. Mullin. •The ladies are sisters. - Mrs.. Ronald * Mackinnon and child- ren have returned to Winnipeg after spending a month with Mr. and Mts. Angus Mackinnon. - Mrs. L. J.' Letang, of Montreal, and Miss .Anne Mackinnon, of Toron- to, -are visiting at the home ,of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mackin- non, of town. Moving Picture Show, Town Hall, Saturd*'. night, July 31st. Elsie Marriage Price. Ferguson in - -The • ' Seven good reels. Admission 25 and 15c. - + Mr. and Mrs. Neal and daughter. Winnifred, of Atlanta. Georgia, U.S. A., paid a flying visit to their old I friend, Mrs. Dr. Tennant, during the 1 past week. Miss Terry who has been staying with airs. Whitby, -'of town, has roe out West for a vacation and to visit friends from the Old Country. Mr. E. H. Twaniley, of Ashfield, has been engaged es principal of the Gorrie School for the coming year. lie is at present taking the summer u rse at the 0.A.C. All the boys and half the girls . in town are out pulling flax: this week. They • are being taken out and buck by auto and truck each day. We un- derstand that Mr. Cutt has also a number of Indians at work A MEAN LIAR A11 liars are mean • . nd contem ible; .but some are worse t'tan othe One of the- meanest sent a note The Sentinel last week which unf got by '.and was publish We refer to the following bir notice: • Stewart, -At Str*ford, on ..Ju 25th., 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Phil! Ste i art, a daughter -Barbara Susa care assured- by- friends of Stewarts that. •there 'is absolutely 'in ..n truth tits report, so that it mu have been fabricated with malice a forethought with a view to puttin the folk concerned in a bad light be- fore the public. s To those not famil- iar with the circumstances we may, say that the stewarts were married only last March. Unfortunately, luck favored the liar in this case. The editor was off duty throughout last week, his time being fully occupied by - a balking gas engine, and , ; the • communication, which• was unsigned, passed to the linotype operator without the usual scrutiny. One can imagine the filthy creat- ure_who sent in the report enjoying a sort of fiendish pleasure as She (it is thought to have been a woman) saw her lies in print; but we would remind her that pleasure obtained in that way .s neither pure nor lasting; and that liars are, ainong thase who,' do not go to Heaven. ST. HELENS ,�. SINGLE COPIES, 4 CENTS, WHITECH URCH pt- • -Monday, July 26. rs. Miss Bina Henry, of Guelph, is to home for a few weeks vacation. for- Mrs. Holmes, of Clinton!" visited a ed, few days of the week with her cous- in, Mr. Joseph Holmes,.th • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ' Martin and Bruce spent a day at Guelph last ne 'week. rP Miss Maude Bell, of Kingharrr, is n. visiting her, friend, Miss. Jean Eagle - the son. o Jars: C.tg�avr .is •.ing..,., a- few st days here calling on old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.' Jacques, of Preston, visited over the wveek_end g with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques. .Quite a number from here attend- ed the funeral at Wingham on Satur- day of the late Chas. Rintoul, of Brussels. her. Rintoul was well known in this community, and ow 1 deepest sympathy is extended to the -Tuesday. July- 27. Mrs. Hugh McCrostie left for Mus- koka where she will spend a few weeks with Dr. Irwins, of Winghani, who • are spending the summer there. ! ° BELFAST ''Tuesday. July' 27. Miss Ida Rivett, of Crewe, is spending a few months at Albert Alton's, Dr.eand Mrs. t'i't Hackett and sons have returned home • to Detroit :after spending a %reek at his •formic#r home. here. ° :Miss Hattie Nixon has returned home. from Lucknow after spending some in..rltli: as da: r% with Smith. Mr. T. E. ►t She wood sit- ed with tfre-rr' d.tug lit..r near Go deride recently. The farmers of this : icinity have finished haying .and are busy cutting the :wheat. - Owing 'to sacramental.. serviees to be held at Blake's Church Sunday mornings the t hug. h cervi. e and Sun- day Schu.,1 . here wi.I be withdrawn. I h, Epworth Leag,..e 'will be h bereaved. theeld at usual ,hour, Mr. Alex Mowbray, of Dungannon, called on old friends in the village on. Saturday. Mrs. Bert Martin and Baby Edith, of Kingham, spent the week -end at fir. Wm. Martin'_. • . Mrs. F. Henry visited in Winghani last week. Mt. Robert Ross, of Canning,. Ont visited with his brother and sister Mr. Geo. Ross and- Miss Catherine Ross. Miss Evelyn Vary, of Toronto, vis ited her . aunt, Mrs: Robert ateClen ag•^han, last week -end. At thte nit ... ing service in the Presbyterian Church Miss Vary rendered a solo which vas much appreciated by all `present. Rev. Mr. Scobie will take his vaca- tion during the month of August. and Rev. Mr. Mann, of St. Marys, i fo�•in. erty of Port Elgin). will occupy -thy pulpit the first two Sunday:. of the month. - e ' Mrs. A. L. Hamilton and Elizabeth :1 Windsor, spent the week-tnd. with I Mrs. caries Ir;:.kt ;t, Sr.,' returned to Detru_t with her sc n, Will: A number of Incline are busy pull- • o 0 0 0 o e o- ••••� o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN e. 1 1 O O O O O 0 O 4 O..O 0 MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. t ire Insurance, > both stock and Mutual Companies. Conveyancing • uuzie with neatness and despatch - Geo. A. Siddall, Broker, Lucknow, 1)R. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Lairs House, Lucknow,. every 1% eur,es- uay :afternoon. All • chronic w;_ eases successfully ' treated. i•s- ,w,:;�'.ie.ugoatiiy . removes : the s.ca•1 eau is .,f disease. .Ad u'-turene of • the ,spine .txure quiciity :secured and with fewer treatinettts by tj,- teupatiry than by any other method •all kinds of fat poultry, wanted. llignest Toronto prices. paid. :also all kinds of jun:: wanted. ' If • .' you• have any, let me know. • Phone '86. Jake Libel. TEACHER W A\TED._Protestan t Teacher want,d for 3rd. room in Lucknow, Public School, duties to commence after summer holidays. Apply stating; qualifications and sail- ing expected to 1). R. Mclntosh, Sec. ing flax on Win. Irwirt's farm.. The followingit m is a clipping taken fruru the• 1..; neon Free Press: PPS g -tate Listowel 's v:etury by 9 to 3 over Palmerston tics up group` No. 2 c hamp�inship . in 'the North Welling, ton Baseball League. The locals hit ' the ball card. arid, coupled with the misplays et th,. visitors, notched more than enou gh _r•uns to beat the group - I .readers for tete' first , t tin � °this scasun.. Irwin pitch._(! 'hcautifully; allowing but four hits an.i trick out 12 hitters ' TEACHER «' ANTED. -F r •S: S., \ o. 6, ;Ashfield. Ona apply � Mr. Will Weatherhead- ha bought the property Belonging to .. the late Mr. John McLean. 31 r. W. Bowles, of Georgetown, and Mr. Shipley, of Toronto, were • week- end, visitors with Dir. John Webster. Miss Nettie C til -o-o-.r HOLY ROOD IThe Holyrood Women's Institute , iii meet at the home of Mrs. Fred. Ifaldenby ,an Wedniesday. .Aug.Nth-- h• instea(3 • y; '..0 Thtirs.fay, the 5th, - which would'i be FUR SALE. -7 --No. 2 Borwnie Cani- the regular date. I era with outfit. Inquire at 'The. Sent- Program in charge of the young girl` f s with . Miss :�rinie Hudgins in • the i incl Office. chai- .qualifications and salary a.anted. I Geo. Harris, Sec., Dungannon Hotel Kitchen' and dining -room to rent. Good Business. Address Box •'6:3, Lucknow, Ont. 2.2_ ; -tf. FARM FOR SALE ----r2 acres,. r_ miles squth of Lucknow, brick resi- dence, good stable, doable hen ,pen, orchard, strawberries and raspberries For further particulars apply to J. J. Taylor, R. 2, Lucknow. • 12-8-p. - FOR SALE --Second-hand Chevrol- et Car, in. good condititi+-i. Apply to Finlay Ross. Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques. Miss - Marion Simpson and Miss Edna Musgrove, 'of Winghani, are ests at Mr. Frank Henry's. Miss Flora Ross, of K ing► �, ham.. spent Sunday at her home . here. Miss Jeanette Cottle , and Mrs. t• ird o e; of R Ingham. Beecroft, Sr., Left on Monday. for a and Miss Ray Kleinsteiher, of Tweed, 1 few weeks visit in • the West. were the guests of Mrs. Jas. Ramage: Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace, of Forest, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wallace, of Barrie, spent the week- end with their 'sister, Mrs. John Mil- ler, Sr. Miss Margaret Rintoul was home from Toronto to attend the funeral fie pairs Women's. Oxfords sad on Saturday of her unrk, !Ir. Chas. 'amps Classic and awakes. se=es 2! 1 to s B. C and I) widths. Regular Prices 57.50, 3.t:.30, $9.00 and Siik00. Friday and Saturday your chole(, $6.93.---faareron, Murdoch d; e q airs. Blitzstein, who was taken to R ingham Hospital a few weeks ago ~where she underwent a critical 'oper- 'ation. is now being cared for by Mrs. Burton. north of the station, and is on the way to recovery. Ross MacDonald. a pupil of the Second Con.. Kinloss, School, is be- ing congratulated upon taking the highest marks of any student who wrote on the Entrance Exams at Lucknow. Usually this distinction goes to a pupil of the town school where conditions are thought to be more favorable. A public meeting will be held id Riverside Park, Paisley, on Thursday, :August 12th. at 2. p.m.. to be address- ed by Hon. W. L. McKenzie King. M.P.. Federal Leader; Mr. H. Hartley Dewart, K.C., M.P.P., and Mr. .F. F. Pardee. M.'.. of West Lampton. and the local Liberal members.' Chesley Brass Band in attendance. For fur- - ther information see posters. ST. AUGUS1INE -Tuesday. July 27. Glad to see Miss Eva King around again after being Riad up with a sev- ere cold. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phalen, of Goderich. visited Mrs. Cummings the end of last week, Mrs. 'Farley. 't if %ing,-sblrtelge. is vis- , .ionic in our village. We are pleased to see air. Elmer Foran in our burg again. Quite a number • int our locality have finished, baying ..and 11o* are busy with Oka 2111 *host. .,a • Rintoul, of Brussels. Misri5orothy McQuillan is spe in her holidays' in Toropto with .grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ilabbkk. 31 r, and Mrs. Walter Webb visited friends in London last week: , Several of the ladies attended the Women's . Missionary meeting at South Kinloss on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carr. Miss Amelia Carr and Mrs. McArthur motored from Sarnia en Saturday and spent a few days with Mrs. Ramage. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Fogarty. of Hamilton. are visitors with their niece, Mrs. Con Perhan. 31r. Harvey Webb left on Friday for Stratford where he has secured a posit:on with the G.T.R: Miss Mary Wallace, of 1 roit, i visiting her sister. 'Mrs. John Mille l' Jack • Hogan purchase.} a new Chevrolet car 'last week. Miss Anna McKenzie. of- Detroit. is visiting at her uncle's. Eli Mack. Mrs. Wni. Hogan and ' 4aby spent a nd- few days last week with friends in her 1 Luean and London. •0o LOTHIAN -Tuesday. July 27. rAR:AMOUNT' --Tuesday, July 27. Grace Farnell 4 visiting with he grandmother. Mrs. McGill. Mrs. Louis Murray and son, Bever- ley. are visiting at Dan Murray's. Mrs. Struthers and Mary are visit ing friends in our burg. They are accompanied by Edna Hunter, of London. During the electric storm last Fri- day afternoon Robt. Struthers. while moving the litter carrier along the track. received a *hock "Ewen a tigrAt- ping bolt. He was thrown to the ground and although conscious was unabh to move for some time. The current went up'h:s left arm to 'his shoulder, down ',enc side, an•1 cross= r. r ing his body went down his right leaf' to his foot. 1t was a narrow 'escape, and his away Meads are glad that it was sot fatal. ore Tom Sandy's two. youngest child- ren had a severe attack of tonsilitis last week. Dr. Finlayson. of Ripley. was called- and operated on then' re moving their tonsils. 'On Monday, the 26th inst.. the fun era! of the late This. Forel took pace from • 'the residence of his daughter. ,Mrs. M. Hogan, to Kingsbridge Cern etery. Mr. Ford was an Old and. highly est.-enzed resident of Ashfield for the greater part of his life. -.He sold his farm on the 10th. Con. a few yeairi ago and went to live with .some members of his familj in %l'ashin•;- ton State. A couple of ,moths ago he sustained a fail fracturing his hip, and although possessing a splen- did constitution, owing to his ael_ varteed age, he_.gra4isalty sank until reliever; by death. With the excep- tion of Mrs. Hogan ane! Rev. Fr. Thomas. of Windsor. , all the other members of his family are in Wash_ ington State. FORDYCE Monday. July '24. Mr- and Mrs. Eliikt ' Taylor and children. of Lucknow. were Sunday visitors at A. Havens'. Miss Marguerite Rintoul, t4 Toron- to. is visiting with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Rintoul and family. of Winghaml, visited on, Sun- day with his brother, AIex R'-rttou'.,. Miss Amelia Leaver is visiting rel, atives at Arthur. r1 elling to -i Nixon and Jn,►. chart - 4v. ton are tfo:ng repair work on .lame noVe4 harm. Quite a number from this part at- tended the fugal of the late Charles $iatoul whose remains were interred hi. Wingham Cemetery on Friday of test rreelt. • • THE HALLIDAY MEDAL • The Halliday medal for the student taking highest marks in the Entrance Examinations in Bruce County- was won this year by Andre* Green, son of Mr. and 4Zrs. John Green, of •Ches- ley. ' Andrew .had 583 marks. Jean Menary, of th.� l►tli. con.. E;dersIie, a girl of eleven. : was second .wit.h :351 maks.' NOTICE To" the Ratepayer` of the Village of I.ucknuw : NOTICE: is hereby gire•n thatrt a+t ratepayers .are r•quind to the with the uride;•rsigned nt tit a of appe_t: against the .•Asse.ssr.. nt Roll on or before the :;lith da::- "of July Anti further take n.tire that in the e g1•nt of appeals• being made a Court, to hear arid deter:ntine the same' will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, the • rd day t•f August 1920, at .r o'clock, q+.tn.. .All persons having- ,•busincss at the said Court are hereby notified to :govern themse•Iyts neiortf- ingly. Dated at Lueknow this .►rdday (It July. A.D.. lt+20 Joseph :Acne", C:rrk NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given. pursuent section :►e:, chapter 121. of the Re- vised Statutes. of Ontario. .that all persons haring dai:iis againtt• the egtate of John MacLean. detease•d. who died at the v:liage '+t 'St11t•:e11s, . Iter.►n- County. I'ro.% ;n, t• of Ontario. On or about to e i ; th day if July. l:►sti, . are re,puired to send y post prepaid. or to deliver:to int• under.,. signed. at Lueknow. Ont.. on or be - fort` the ii s + t clay of • August. 11i-211, their nam(•: and atittrt•z.,s. with:•fui! particulars of their .•jaim• .in writifig Sind •the ' rature .if the securities.. urities.. if any. held by theme.' duly verified by a statutorS- declaration. 'and further take nrticv that• after the s.t f tfay of Aii.;•ttst.• Ite.:0." the assets* of the said .- ,tater t itI he.•1 .tribtite•,1 by the exeru'r,srs anions the . partie;c en t.tled there• to, h;ivin.g f'.►1ardsnl' y. to the claims c►.t' wh't•1i they :►hall then have eotict•; andtn� p:t:ttc• �v,Il not be[�i' :� f� ar telt filet? at tl•e me., r• buti�►n._- cfe�rri . Dated at Lucknow, this 0th day, of July, • .1.P., I92). _ .. Ge.ege A. S!dda 11. area' t far -the .the Erteeatstte. 11--8.44111 • 4 FOR SALE. -Gaud niilch Cow, .i years old, due to freshen Nov. 2nd. also a heifer calf. S. Rathwell. at Ackert & Rathwell's .,Shoe Store. SALE TE\ DERS Tenders address d jointly to the, urdersigned.execsutors of the estateof •the late Jantes- Edgar will reeteii'e(l up to 'Wednesday, September 1st, 1920. for. the purchase of the farrn situated at West 22 lot 17 & IS. Con. 15, Culross. Farm - consists of 165 acres, parth under cultivation, Bank • barn. pig. pen. brick house, three or- chards, about acnes bush and swamp, The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. For full particulars and terns ap- ply on premises or to the under -k -i, - ed. Frances Edgar. Bert Edgar. R. R. 1•; (:rceer.o<k, Ort.. ,Exet ut,+rs NAIL. CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS. addressed• t,, the Postmaster Ge`.ner'al.. will be rt - rived at Ottawa until noon on Fri- -,fay. the 2,7th day of August, 192t1. for• the conveyance . His. Majesty's - 1tai:s. on a Proposed Contract for four yt•ars. six times per week. over L:t. know .N ..; • Rural Route, from the I'rstrfiaster GeneraI's • pleasure. •-Printed rii.tiCeS containing further inf+►rt !alien as to ' conditi.ms (►; pro- p(*sr+} 'Cen.tr:ic t may he seen and - blank ft•rnis of Tender mak he t'h- tame d at the Pest Offices of -Luck. now. Hoayro,td, ,Whitechurch. and at he` otee •ot the 'Post tlfficc' lnspe'e tor. -ondon: (-hal. E. 11. Fisher. Pot Office Ins , r. Pest 'Nice inspector's office, London. 16th July. 192° TE .IIFRS W 1N r I•:li Tt :pie r. viii ? e 1-0,•e • < < •iers;gneti, for .. S, n+ r'•,1 Ii). tfc. , t1 . ►.,; :,; : , rl... rd a,tua: ., . t� .. I'.a:n7. ay heseen at C'lerk's .0/1;,, Te••: ert le !! he opened at 1 o:clo.k ir, Tn. Ira: Aug. 2nd. Lowest; or any,, tender r t necessarily •accepted 19.7-c • , W. A. WILSON. Clerk.. G.... :(r J • 4 ., • • 4 4 4