The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-22, Page 84 1 ;1 i 1• 1 `'- / sr s uooDs • • • BOYS' JERSEYS, nar, khak;, and kite, long or short sleeves, 50c. CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS, 'Blue' Bird' Brand, 2, 3, and 4 yrs, $1.75' ea. :"'PLATY $`UITS 'Hough Brand,' 2 to 7 yrs. $1.50. BATHING SUITS, Men's, Boys'. Wool or Cotton, 90c to S5.00. - MEN'S ATHLETIC COMBINA- TIO.NS, White. Sizes 36 to 44. Price $1.50.' g LADIES' 10111: e1,4112sEe. sett& to $6.59. WHITE in pique, Repp and IDedfoid.Cord«..$.75 to $4.50. 4Plit tl lid•:: v.. rzs- : li:A:. _ ; I%t tL;;SE DRESS 'at $2.73 and S2.95.- . CAMBRIC NICHT GOWNS, nicely trimmed and good quality' cembric. Special 81.39, Just received. this week two Sper- •ials in Navy RI Suiting Serge fat SSS.50 to 810.00 per yard. LADIES' FINE BLACK LISLE HOSE. SPECIAL AT 48c PAIN. JUST ARRIVED THIS WEEK THE NEW FRiLLED NETTS AND LACES `F'l!R COLLARS AM.) 1 EST EES, HI1E AND CIT. -N. ALSO A PIECE OF TAB LACE FOR COLLARS. CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO. KINLOSS Barrington -Stanley A pretty wedding •wan celebrated at 3 pin. on Wednesday,' June 30th, when Laura Ethel, daughter of Mrs. Albert Stanley, of Kinloss, was *unit- ed in marriage to Mr. 'Glenn Ross Harrington, of Detroit Rev. Mr. Lewin conducted . the ceremony and t Miss Alice. Ross, of Loudon, played the wedding march. The bride, who was given away by her grandfather, Mr. Wm. Stanley of Kincardine, 1.101r - cd lovely in a dtyss of whitr. crepe -de - chine draped with satin ribbon. She wore a bridal veil arranged in, Prin- cess style and held in plata with or- ange blossoms, and carried a shower of cream roses. Miss Roslin Harring- ton," sister of the groom, acted as 1 bridesmaidand wore a dress of white georgette and carried ~a bouquet of 1 pink roses, while Albert Stanley, brother of the bride, *asbest leen. Little Gertrude Blackwell, .of 'ninth .a..l niece' of the bride, was a char:ni e - •flower girl gowned in a butt 1:• dress of pale blue '.silk • and carrying a basket of roses and ferns, while Mas- ter Frankie Richardson of Teeswat " r, nephew_ of the bride, carried the on a white roie. After thc c_�r. n►mt:y the guests, numbering ahn;it ford, retired to the dining -room w her. dainty wedding dinner was s,•rvcd. The bride received many handsome gifts. among them being a two' hand- ;red -dollar cheene. Thi' young cauple left for a honeymoon trip to London. St Thomas and other points. the bride traveling in a tailored suit cf navy blue serge ,and picture ha:. On their return they will live in. Detroit. The best t4 i' -hes for a long and happy wedded life ko with them froiu the'r many friends and relatives. LOTHIAN -Tuesday, July:20. • .liter Cilteor•e was' over frown Chic- tie -o for a few days last week, • . • • ` I)r. and Mrs.`,Joh•► • MacLean, of l leeeeo, •re spending a five or six wet ks racatien at hi. old honkie here Mr: Monahan- and family, of •De- tri:t, aro visiting her mother and brothers. here. Mr.. and Mrs. Tom Longi►, who have h►:.•en for many •years living in Mon- tana. are visiting his brother, Mr Long. LIGt1Tl1 CON.; 14INLOSS fees'a.;',' 'July :Ai. . 1111 McKenzie akd :suss, Dan end •ih enneth, spent Sunday evening w :.til Mr, ;and Mks. Nixon, of I.ut'kr.aw. Mi;,. M. Meliay anti M r Wile John -Lon spent a day a: t:...it nee e ivith the former's si • er. One of our proini nt Four ,'''=" Paid a visit to 10th Con. friends -r..7-.'. rejx+rts the• honey situation very .pre- : raising. pr:- raising. Mr. and Mrs, J. S. (h31bet•t an -1 .1'...- and, 1: .and• 'i i•s. Earl Culbert spent en t et •. ink' a• W. Hudgins. .Quite a-nvntbcr of on \•,1 n.4- r , sera: to find thetirselves in 1.::. Saturday nights. After u. h.tr.i `ot- , - work an evening's pleasuz•. gees .a : 'right . , 111r: Lorne Culbert has 1►:arciuts.•d a Baby, Grand Chevrolet. Soaur chain; 44S -1..o nes • 't : ..-...- FOURTH CON., K1N'1 USS. -Tuesday, July 20... 1I. s. A. McDonald, who spent sev- eral weeks -With her daughter, Mrs. Weiss„ in' Rochester, returned home last Monday afternoon. This community was.greatly sh ek ed on Saturday afternoon on learning of )jr. Peter MacIntosh's fatal 'fall ,.fru a load of hay which he was un- load:nr in his ,barn. His injuries Were a fractures skull and a broken shote.ler: His faintly haste the heait- felt ; yn►I►atily of the• whole lotetlite. M r. S. McCombe .and family of itt r - a ie, and Mrs. C. Stevenson, of..De- troit, visited at -Russ 'Middleton's dart week -end. ° M re. L. Melver's sister from 1i ich- ieitn visited with her a' few Clays last weft:, Mr. Dan McKenzie .lost two vin - ?'k cows a few days ago through sora' ane'• carelessness in ha:h.l:»:g pois..n. We feel sure no harm, Was iah- tended. Plain Facts about Milk Routes A team of horses costs about $400, double harness $100, a wagon $75, making a total of $575. A Ford Truck costs $750 at Ford, Ont. Government experiments have proved that the . cost of feeding a home is 8.7 cents per working hour,or 17.4 cents per per hour. One team, if collecting milk, could not cover more than 30 miles a -day. The cost for twelve •hour% would be $2.09, or about seven `cents a mile. The cost for gas and oil for a Ford Truck is only 4.!,4 vents a utile. The Ford Truck soon pays for itself in the reduced cost of operati,►n. A Ford Truck will cover at least 60 miles a day col- lecting milk or 250 miles on long hauls. ' It enables you to operate at a lower cost per mile and to cover twice as much territory as with helm. Ford Oae-Ton Truck (Chassis owly $750 f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Use only Genuine Ford Parts 6S5 Canadian Dheakrs and nl, r 21.40 &rrieit (' irtag. soppiy (serl;t.te 1'grtf Par:* and prompt .11.42.r St refer, - E. A. RENWICK, Dealer, LUCKNOW. •-.-...-...-•-..... 'r17.�...s- Zit �'""`,-"' .,-...�. -.t" a.nr•d1�7s;MM.• ;.i .•• y.•• 4 t 'hone No. 10 is .at Service ,W. Stell for Cash -We S�11 Cheaper '11‘.►n ''he Creat Stores JUST ARRIVED • - -A Shipment. of Coiled Wire, Barb Wire and Woven Fence. IT WILL PAN' N'OU TO G OUR PRICES. A Special Discount ofi S: PEEN DOORS for the ' balance of this gtonth. es -40 TlieLnckiiow llardwarc&CoaICo. I HE S 10Itl•: '/HAT N I % FR 1111'011\1S PINE RIVER McDonald -Welsh The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welsh. tluron Tp., was the scene of a very haply event on Wednesdan J uly ':th,. when their daughter. .Miss Mn l- • n.l, was Jn ited in the bonds. o4 r ,ly- '-°'o-°-'`- . I matrimony to �Ir.. Malcolm M.• SOUTH BRUCE U. i•''.4). S'ELECIS .la hnxld,' of the lith of Iiw•on., 1.1w CANDIDATE cera nao;ry was performed by Rev. Walter J. Findlay, who more than " •Citbert Gomm, pastor of Pince River a yvar ago.. w as 'se1t*L'terl .a` ' farlllc t s' can:l:Ante for. South .Bruer, Was. a_ *gain chosen for fait position -at the .convention_ held at -Walkerton on the ,14th.' inst. Me. Findlay is -deputy. reef e of Brant township and appears to l,o 'well thought o":1 by those who Itne.: him. .W..I, ThteKay, of none' Ripley, and henry Kc:1y, o!, Culros..:, were aisn candidates. •• Presbyterian terian Church. The bride is one of \themost popular young'. ladies in the Pine River se -tion.. of • Huron. while '-the groom is an exceptionally,. popular young farmer on, the Sth 'Con.' At the conclusion .of a splendid wed - &tee breakfast the happy couple ar.Kitt-at-dine teed to Kiat -di he acctunl►anited.by a . lame number lei fries. AfL:r a • brief hooey nhoon trip. they will settle on the groom's farm on the S:h Con., where they trill be at honkie after .aughast let: A host of friend will join in wishing them. every. prosper- ity un AliztrinIOny's sea. ('t' I.RO`S t'ENTR --Tuesday, July 20. Mr. and Mrs. (;Fenn •Ilerrint ton, t, Detroit. spent Sunday at the home t•T the. latter's sister, .'Mrs, Gt o. Richart: - son. ti t s Mrs. N. Gillespie .and ehdren, h' • Tor onta, . an' visiting. at the h'm e r •. her parents,' Mr., and Mrs. John Pit'.. Mr. *rid Mrs. Guthrie Reid a! .1 children ¶eturned honkie after spen ins, • a reek with relative. in )k trot I ins_ Wilhelm ina .and Meter Lor..' M efonaltl spent S•anday at the hoe of Mr. and Mrs.. John 3fcRac. • Mrs. Thos. Guest and children. , f Kinlon_ h, spent Sunday at the Lo;: of »Mr. Joseph Guest, Miss. Agg:e Hughes, of Tees:ra_r"-, visited friends here last week. . we wish to con eetth'attt the ft ro. - £ g pupils of S. S. N.., 5 who pit.`: 1 the el..:r-1...t t.-xantinat'tur:• �••►bo, I.u,•ne. 11c1'lo*raid 1Ciahelnai.a' NleD naald and Jean :l.Intyr.. 110RN.--0'h Sunday,Jul} 19, 1921, to _Mr. and Mrs.Janes' Armstrong a song Congratulations! Teachers in the United Stat: s to the, ,number of 140,090 have deserted* their profession for economic seasons. TREZ'IENDOUS Values IN DIY GOODS Are offered to clean up balance of Summer Goods. GINGHAM:: AT 29e. ' 011.KS 19e AND 9!4. SI1.K POPLIN. 36• inches wide in a large ranee t4 rt aur` • ie= . chid ng Black. (open, Nary. tarry. Taupe. Wine. • SUPERIOR Ql-AI.IT1 REDUCED) TO S1.6". per 190 11)S. el Beautiful COTTON ANi) W101. DRESS t:001)t, the bind to make up for children's fall w ear, 36 to 411 inch 'cloths- in• tartans and hrnkrn checks.• Regular $1.00 to $1.=,1), CLEARING At 50e VD. :►n I',tlit 1 & \ t't1ItSF:TS, .:ars Irvin 21 to 30, heavy cuutil, made: in late-' models.. just a ter lines of hrokcn sites worth up to $1.i0 a pair. CLEARING _1 i $1.9:, a pair. ,110 PAIR 1..11)IES' LiSLE ANI) SILK ROOT Ht)sE, regular S1.2 anality, Color. Hroho n, Sand, tar. y, Leather. aThr l.e t .alum olered this year in ho.\iery. Any shite. Ski j to '10. OUR t'I.E.1RINt: PRICE '.fee. 231) if t)S. •of yard -,wide Durk tart and Blue l-'1.1 N N K1:1 TTE, heat quality .worth today alar rd • t LEAR-1'.k(:.-.A 53;e. 300 1115. of heavy WHITE F LA N i.l.h'TTis, 36 in. ride, beautiful soft finish, worth today :0e yd Ft)i1 l0 11.11'S . ONI.1 we offer this at SPEC'IL. PRISE OF Ilk !d. Ii.%N11 It.11:S-Itcautiful Marl, leather i.adie`' Ilandhaaa a -prrial purchase of thc'r '' to 3-11011ar hats enahl,•s us to sago ou *An, roam. These are good and room), perfect clasp.. 01 It CUE %RING • PRICE h !rife:. COME ic- COME HERE FOR BARGAINS. COME tIERE FOR YOUR EVERYDAY WANTS iN IRYGOOBS. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. MU N NS Ripley.