The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-22, Page 4• 1 Incorporated In 1855 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches THE -MOLSONS BANK THE MOLSONS BAND is prepared to tender every 1 assistance possible to resporl•itble bnsin3ss men or fartners•in financing their business. The Manager will be glad to. go into your affairs with you and give you any information needed about banking. T. S. REID, MANAGER, LUCKNOW BUNCH ONMENNIINIMMIIIMMIPIENNImMEIM.11114.4 \ I. H. C. Tractors & Engines DtERING Drills, Cultivators & Barrows Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stanchions and Water Bowls FROST Gates, Fence & Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming Pianos For Sale bj W. G. ANDREW, - LUCKNOW.� CREAM WANTED —BY— The Seaforth Creamery Co. We solicit your patronage Ind guarantee you entire sat- Waction. Our prices are always the highest, Our Testing done accurate- ly by experts. Our service and payments are prompt. Write a card to -day for es tis. Prices were never as high as at present and still soar- ing higher. A card will bring you cans on the next train from us. ;be Seaforth Creamery 'Co.., Seaforth, Ong GRANO TRVN S YSGRANO TRUNK I'M= The Double Track Route BETWEEN MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO _ y Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains ant Parlor cars on principal -clay tra:ns. lull infortnition fr,trn any (;rang) Trunk Tick.•t agent el- C. 1•;. ;;utnid„ I)ictrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. A. W. Hr1,MILTON • C. T, R. Age3t. i.n.:kn )vr. Yh,.,trr • EVIDENCE ' Of Success of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy 1/. and -Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills Wm. Fullerton, R. R. 1, Listowel: "I doctored for eight years for Stomach • Trouble and Palms' all through my body. got no relief until I used Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy which fixed me up ali right. I used Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pini along with U e Remedy." Mrs. H. Hinchcliffe, Wingham: ',I was on the poiat.of a complete Nervous Breakdown, could not sleep or plan my household duties, suffer. ed with my Heart and ms Nerves and doctors could do little for me. After taking the frst box oft Hack- ing's Mart and Nerve itemedy 1 improved so much in health that I oontinved with a 6 box treatment and am able to return to my work with renewed vigor." Mr. Richard Jones, Dooct, Ont.: "I have hist Pains under my Heart for some time and tried all sort; of ti4eR remedies and have been to four dif. Went doctors and amid get no re- lief. 1 took one bol Of 'Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and felt very mach better. 1 ttook another box and have been able to work again. Before 1 took your rem(vi y 1 eoii }rt not work for weeks at a time, the pain was so great." These are only a few orf -the many testimonials that come to us"volun- tarily and I am mire that -you too will get bernefi'r al rexsultts if you will , but give them a fair trial. Buy them from your dealer. Insist on Hack. { Po.I BUSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS JOHN SUTHER'LAN'D & SONS, Ltd., Guelph, Out., Insurance. Fire anti Marine. 1. U. 0. F. Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday evening at 8 (Y (lock in their Hall. Came - b1.11 .street. All brethren cordially invited. ()dicers: — Noble Grand. Robert Fisher ; Vice Grand, J. Melluaig Roc. :Sec.. A.11. Boyd; Fin. Secy., Dr. Patel son; Treasurer, Alex. Koss.. • A.F. &A.M., G.R.C. Old .Light Lodge meets evety•'Thursday night on or befo,ie the full irioon, in the.Mas-. • cynic Hd11, Havelock St., Luc::now. W'. M., M. McGuire; S.'«'., James Boyle;. J.W., N.. G: Mackenzie: . Sec'y., . W. A. Wilson. GET THE BEST.—Wh :q you' take out life insurance get a policy in the Sun Life of. Canaria, the biggest in the Dominion, and a company whose record Canadians' are proud of. See Geo. H: Smith, local agent,. f.or- particulars, ,� VI('TORY IIONUr$.bought ant! sold. Also farm !ands and ti",iliae'property.. 3lonev ti) ioa:t on 1st and 2nd rno,rt= i gages at current rates of intet'est. In- Stlrance, c„nvefancinsr; etc. Joseph. Agnew, Net:ery f'yb11c, Alli•n Block, Luckntw►, .Ont. Ihikuow 'rntinr 1 1'ubli hod every Thureday u►orniti 1st Lucknow. Ontario. A. D. ACKENLlli. Pro artetur • and li:dtltor. TIi1'RSDAV, July 22, z9 or Mur sic r�uuk� 1 Stmly of •jcter.al U:s:a -c h 41Diapui>iililg ftrhet•e'ttlt•sIS, ('..►t! r. '1'%-photd :uta. 11 bite l)iat'rtrc:c :; Foul --Holt to Keep [hese :rill: ides From Sprenditt --- Itallic :► Treatment Stig ,ti~it. (Contributed by Ontario. Deb:1011)0n, .• Aeritulrur�, turotltu ) [•lEI.ci'LOSIS-;-•Judging b' the number of tuberhula, birds sent to us for 'exam {nation 'front c'ilf�?roil.t>.p1'aee Ave ,coned ude.: Z at x.44 heatieti -oaf o mestic poultry is -widely spread In Ontario. • in live fowl it is difficult to detect the disease in its early stages. 'As the_ disease advances,., however, the following symptoms are liable to develop. 1. Emaciation — Not'withstanding the 'fact that the affected bird's appe- tite keeps good, the- bird will fre- quently get thin until eventually It becomes little more than skin- and bone. This symptom, however, .docs not always occur; some birds will remain fat even In the advanced stages.of the disease, but such birds will .be very niopy and inactive. ,Paleness. — The unfeathered Parts. of the head, around eyes and mouth, the cotub and wattles, berotnt' pale and dull,. and ¥though the Usually remain bright and .clear, they lack life and fire and are often closed. The feathers• become dry and lack tht' lustre of health. 3. Listl►?ssness.—AffectOd b i r d'e gradually lose their vigor and become tis!ltss and inactive, being inclin.211 to imine around and ire down when not feeling. 4: Iaineness,—When the disease ti:c'••hones and joints lameness •Egg layinig is frequently' reduc- �d to a minimum. Alter death if the bird is opened 1;► tubercles will be found which ap- ;'�;+r ¥Bite rrtream colored.spors or ;!.instals on liver, 'spleen, •intest•infs, and may also occur in lungs, .bones a -rid o'r:ler 'tissues. These ttiberele's at" ntass, s. of dead tisane which flare been proi1u.•e►1 by the action of +be pori -on given oif hr lire trrhr•rc•1,: 1::e ►."i•iuhi•''wit :1h ge'ts ;Itdged in tl:e tts- ;h wherever ;t t':bert le d'.t'eloc' . • The droppings f:•ontaf'. red •bircls elf }:::'•T.c•; . 1 1n 11'.x••:1 so that bc•::!rhy !,ir !s rr: '.ir.. 1\f••r•,iin•^ r `!}l '•:'1• r- I '11,, r Pr,':: r:a' 1 'the- f7...!:1 the' di' -F -•:se fir •.:t r ;r•'i crrn=1sr::a;;1Plj cdroppir- g , rt' xl•:j'O �1,F• {115 .1'P g••ts I!s!:•..i in a dock it is dz neult to r•.t- '!i^:>t• rx' •:f b)' the must t!r•:/Siit ..,et. -':r• s .i l . qui; k est and rr:o.t r-f- rF+:+it' nn. --hod :s ' i kill off all .�' ,,1 i•'rr!.. :!%�l r' r,.. r. olio/: • have .t.,f.. �,. f t it; •i.�•r.:: r:.' :hart. thoro':ghly z the. prep.!: -.a . nt' c'a;' •�'..^ ;'! i.' w healthy k. 1, ':E'::i': •!. firs. . 'r:- ;,tn';• r,r .r•.' '• i-• .�' '=rii' ng:� v.-1;: Lr •„ t,r;g • ')r ,• r:x1'1 r.%•1, F • • (, : �' r, ,- r .: 144 a is • r ••.;, ' .. J:r! ) (Ls - r! t•r.-,•!y "I Cannot Go" Bn1b0LS many a1) ment. headache spoils expel ed' enjoy- When njoy Mien the Cor. r f the liver .is re"1:e,t1. ' .., .. a seems .to become • chr ..r.ic and recurs R weeks, aches*. every two, o* ..r.ree v:;:,lq severe s;cj!•hPad- • troul:i:e ar.1 !^: ty ; :�•. Case's K. •; _:..- -...a ' gesso•• • the he 't : a t.�-,•.ti. `. 10 a.-_ C G� !Ise sill. ache, hearii+t,:,%... . ••;• • 11.d - ;bey rj"rar (;1 !r�r••••• yob With t1'..ft .se .,�, medk r e. One pill s N%r• 2S 'tr a e>r Edmar,r.L, hetet r'„ N► it •,• • E•,• •• / . • 1 - r . ; ,1 1, •'•1 r -r-: t g• • • • • r A r, , ,. a 4 (]oii'j?rt WITH Ecollomp TFhe'\v Canadian Gar X11! 0vrri i' (t. fr 1Jd.i "e-grcitirid up. t6 set'ure ri,1- Ingg comfort, l; ht weight :tnd economy-. 7)'iplt'v Spr:ngs coItmbine,. in a ren:::rl.all�e wa\, ti;e tg jit'b of fight 1te gI1t with the kallry of riding, fornierlv.pus4bie anty in a heavy car of 101114 Nv dba . �bl�•�'`..1r1` :detail t, )t: It t'cllllp- li en t fi't)I11 1�:1�'� torr S'rarting and... I.iiihting to •piy'edou eter','()ver-• I:tr.'.1 is Iiigh-grade and cc5niplet•e. 11C l.ii'S,.' Canadian factory a.nd eltr:;'c� anization Lehi. l the (h'erl:tied. ai'l' bigr" foil tors in the 'success of this w 'car for :i new .Canada. 1Mingham Dealer 4 L. Kennedy. Dungannon Dealer. L. /VI Mackenzie: • Head 1: )1;1: (• :s old Fac•turit. : l• 1 `' �� ill�•s=0�•rr..an:. 1.initte(i, Toronto, Canada • Bran.,..e.: "1.1/rn t:,, N11,nrreal, Vt :Ir.inr;g and Retri:i.t - t SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 1 he applications for New Assurances received .by the Company (luring 1919 reached a total of over $100,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one year by any Ccmpany of the British En.pire. r — Get a Policy in 1920. • Geo. H. Snth, Agent, Lucknow. • mannumbilimitingembas.aiamainu,..turamessimmincumainano E STA f,LI S HED . , i1t. ►�,�e: 1:til to s:t\•e }►t'r•;tt!•- • t�i(' •:1i ir)1111tti ::•'lir it they sir(- :11,1' 111 pill. t() . l 1" ' 1't'i11 to !hr -t'1 tOo !:111:111'. t . ();,•.tl :l /1r•;,o;it :tc&.-/,ttnl '.11t71 • t:; - 1i111k of 11;t11111to�t1, :1.111:; ,•,�,'1 }1 :1)1••:,ttrpris('d to ;.:.: i i.,;..' 1,,1,,;;.3• vo;11• tilt',•ll s Mi 14, Iv I ( ,4 BANK OF HAMILTON 1.►J.p r4 ,I i:;t Mt_I1 J. A. (.1v►)nirr, Manager. !, l 'i i/ t •.1. • • .1 a• .'I'•1,t , 1'•, i...II-11 .1h111 • •1 Cr.. 1 i.. 1..' :,i}iii;' 11:1.1 . .t1, '1, r' .'.il• 1:111'•1¥ Lit l,'., i ...o r.:. g: v t►nr 1 Il.. it 11 v,. 1,1/14I I"Iv. a:1ugl,t'•4 '11) .1.111,' i-ou hR.11-1) n 111. 111•Ir,'r' - wan and � )ti. Vi.tc•rtt•. :►I11►,•:1r.•11 I► ;',.re .1,34c 1)i•t•I;s ':i 'f,r ..ri,•/• :,t t;oel.•i- 'h- on tial;' :}'. .1!.l: ' :!':til on t?:.' uhar,rt' {1f UJt ..i1 t'',,,•,!. .l rl'1e1• 1als' pr.'tt'iii..:'. . '1•:1,',. 44.11 t,•• s. re, -;i, lints tthit h 6. .. s:.- t?•i•►1 %e't'... laid v. t • co . r..it:. 1 1hr•ntt;''i1,:it tj•t' r ,,:co.: . 'lht' 1''. i i.'1 . :1' • tii:.t of ;lttt•n,l.nf.- aitl.•t;un sai .; 1 1..0 Irl." 1 ati,!. gi ..*:?1,<T, n.7 • 1,7144;:e ••;:"; 11 •:, 111'• 1114.1 :5 ttirtt..n:�r (1.1; int '1' i,► .1.. i;„ t•, ,i1• .1h'• , tet r, tot•...I• '';lilt; ,.,1 three of the' t-hartres , 'Ur,. Jt''' ,•.. i:t •tl.:;. «414't _,•Nlit._tictt, .r:-t',.'rr, t•' ih,. .',1.t the i . Ile1''e•t'11:a1. ?r•. wo:i , nil.. '1 .1 •n l'! :r1. rl ' a:)r,ii' 1 it!' c ' :I1' ir:l1 , .1.) r:• 1 '`:t► -:r!'• nttl:'11 1. 1' :l'lie 1.,;,:• %•,:i'.rt':,','is, {I o 1•ct'.1!. r. lit' Ma•1 givhn :111 Ili I. t '1 •� ' • 1:1:'' 1• i'%: 1' 11{•1' f l','tl) sit., IS 1t`o1itht t in 1,4i tin.. Till' s•' n' wa..: all nv',1 mt.. 1/r4 s.:Isil1. tltil•II sl'Itt, rtt' tt•ith a•-a:4:'11- ir4r. • The Better Way' Never disobey Nature's warn- • ing. It's far better to forestall • weakness with nourishment that protects. Scott's Emulsin • after meals for child or adult. is e a wonderful help in forestalli.ig weakness. Ask for Scott's. ';ruff st >k►,rne. Toronto. Ont ' 1: •