The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-01, Page 3AUTO SPARE PARTS
f, r 11.4,54 rnlrkru rind models of cars.
„u r• i'1.±, 'woken or worn -cut purtt”
rrt,lxc•rtl. \Vrile o1• win: ur describ-
ing wlutt ' uU M'aw►ft. \Ve carry the
;t,, };est *11441 rrioet co:r4t,lete trloek 111
e•arnuclu 4,f r nightly u.e(1 (.r liew parts
:1,141 4+4414 4144.t,ile •11'21l,1t1ent. \\'e snit'
O t• :4,,Vt%ller' 14 (;1nu41U. .14i►1'-
1:44.14.44 . r r4 fund 1,1 11.11 44,Ir 11:r,lto.
Sh e Auto Salt -age Pat't Supply,
5^3-931oirDniterin St..' Toronto On.
MR. GEORGE E. BUNTING 1 What the Woodsman Sees.
You cell elways tell a trained woods -
Newly Appointed Australas- man from a tenderfoot, because the ;
inn Manager of the Canadian I 'tende4 foot '.Fees only the obviou
Government Merchant
Marine Limited.
thil:s:: that are plainly evident, but
the trni.r,ed v: uedsm::n r.ot:ces the lit- •
tie tliii°gs that 111•e uut:•ua1 or out of
Mr.I3an't;! :: bt' i 'n the transpor- I the •ordinery. For ex:i aple; the ten --I.
tat:t.:1 1•:. 1:.'. , ;\:; : ►1t r' Grand Trunk dt9•rfoct walking .through the woods
when 1. , • t..'n ye: of' age. - Latt r he I will seep a lot of trees that look all
•.wits w:;!: t';e tall! :1 Valley ,at Buffalo. ! alike. The killed: d•oodsnlan will no -
ants i,! i4 : \', ;'aj� \l :ill •,:.• t':' a,tete. titre Mut cn.c tree ie beet in a peculiar
tie It . ..
4.;:y at .. •• _v::: ire. becamo ; 111.11)e, or hal; et .kuol)' or burl on one
DAINT'' r travelling fre:grit• i gent fur the Allan si'e \Vilell he ,sees that tree 4i '111
Y LINGERIE t he will rero„ rl! al(s know . is
:Steamship ('(.�1i1;::.I, � when the ('tl.t;ici:t • :
`. i.L.i1tit' 1at11\•::&, n.:5 ali,,ezhe.1 :0140 t ('11 the 1•ip•':1 1r:til. The? to:W. (tot .will -'i
L. Ftartl('•i by the• 4scur ' 4, twb trees
I'c,:i•11ing t4 p', thee er el. 'hes, crack.-'
`�� �: ling with lite wiled, '1'?le woodsman le-
t �•rn Y;s�. ('(bili/l'.i til(. :e aS (.rdln:tl';j sounds, •
het -he hears -the ...aisteet t sal) of a ,
twig, made sty ,iii all:zn it stepping on
it._ The tencl•erfoot -walking tin .t trail
sizers. slily the .path. in 'front of hills,
whirrs lochs all :ilik'.'. ,The 'woodglnran
will notice. the sliglitt.;t Mark in the
,ta,lfa4 .Rdta1t vitt<ctt; a . i tait..-ksfsinitnul, err..
¶tees '•t ivs-epaiisees1.lreferre .41.44riearrid 11,
will be able; to read these marks and
tell the 'tale of what happened:
8345-9475 9eSS-9464' 19467,
!'345--Ladiet.' One-Pieee Corset
('orcr. 'Price, 15 cents. Cut in 5
sizes, 34' to 42 ins. bai=t.
x•9464 -Ladies' and .111is:'zs' One -Piece
• Closed Braggers. Price, 20 'cents. In
This is Just the season
grinding rain and st1L en-
ing of joints gots hold of
you. Fight it; 'with
Templeton's I' h e u ma tic
Capsules brtina certa111
relief, and permanent re-
sults. They are recom-
mended, by doctors, lane".
-told tai' reliable druggisid
everywhere for Mt; 4a bo,.,
or write to Tew lletone,
142 King St. W.. Toronto.
Malted anywhere on re-
ceipt of price.
Even •Dirt Is No Longer Cheap.
"14t's as cheap as dirt."
"As cheap as dirt! Say. have you
tried to buy any black dirt lately?"
Ultra -Modern Hotel.
Hotel \tanager•-- - \\'e, have every-
- thing here for the convenience of. our
•patrons; wireless telt;;phone, wireless
telegraph—" • .' •
Patron :'Do you h:rppc•n 10 Ilave
any' tri'algl('Ss's-tring beans?".
• Templeton's RAZ- GdAH Cdp-
5uies are guaranteed to relieve
AS l' II MA. Don"t suffer an-
.otker day. .,
Wrix:e i3:emtlo•tons,' Kh g St.
W., Toronto, for freesample.
Reliable druggists sell them at
$1.04 a box-
CIassifed Advertisements.
snsTrza izs.
► will pay you. George Stevens.
1'. terborough. Ontario. -
?0s SALE
7 and lob printing plant in Easter!!
Ontario. • Insurance carried $1.600. Wtl>!
Wo for 111.200 on quick sale. Bos 12.
Ileoo Publishing Co.. Ltd., T'orante. ..
►- thicker,. shipped green front saw.
Do pot sell until youcommu..:cate with
us. Keenan Bros, Limited. Owea Sound.
for Nurses: St. Elizabeth •Hospital. ' i
loo South .Broad .Street. Elizabeth, New
Jersey. ,Complete. course. • Monthly el.'.
lowance: first year 15.00. second 510.00,
third 115.00. Address: Superintendent, ,
Lookihl . Ferward.
"WI), re ale the . 1 no\\ s of ;ester- '
clap'," •il,ctu:r(�tl the mailw•1;o• 'gttotes' WANTED, FIRST-CLASS BENCH4
carpenters to work . on interior
pCc t r.. fittings. • Good wages, steady woriu .i
-1',' ',' •,lei t 1, Jahn.- as(18.4110.4,1i'l•$- 's p a% "raw 1r"alb" .Came a.nY. .2280 i
awe 1.tsattjo;lcisa lbr'.;ones..::.:4E'J
thing to begin worrying• about now is
next. ,\•ear's foal' supply."
-- - - -- Sickly• Streams.
Foreign Railways and Rates. . "Rivers," 'said the A nlerican, y
During December, 1919, and Jaclt!_ your rivers are nothing -to ours. F_'om-
ary 1;)')0 tl.,. Italian .' iltva•ys ad Parecl •v4ith our Hudson and \i.ississip-
. . •
\anted the'ii first-Class4 passenger farce pi you -r 1lertey, Severn • and' -Thames
•U per cent., their second -crass fares,•
CO per cent and their third-class fares "O•h, Fouls
The Sufferer -Restored to Health -
Through the Use of Dr. Wil -
Mr. George E. Bunting ' •
' _ Hams' Pink Pills.
3 Sizes; Small, 24,426; medium, .'1,8, 30; r - .. ► ,
large, :i2, 34. ins. waist measure. Small '1"' L(ralscl 1 rusk SystcKlr, and ,in 1J1. St. Vitas dance is a disease of the
size requires1 90 d was pl•oinotrd to the General Agency
are sleepy, sickly streams."
!" pro�e ••ted the } ngTisl
r,U pe,r.(tent. Both fretght'and paesen man. •• "I think your rivers are jut .as
ger rates already during •the war had sickly as ours.
been advanced 30 to 4:, per cent. "How deo you make that otlt^."
"Well, they are all c•onlilied to their
1 assenger rates of the French bedG," replied the visitor.
railways, two of which are Owned by P
s yes., Ins, w: e. nerves brought on .by a inorbi�i coital- the government and all of which •are
9475—Ladies'', and Miss'es'
',eta. of the 1111 -in teallish:p in Chicago, being i where he remained until•1917. tion of the blood.••a common die t g operated under i,overnment MONEY ORDERS.
Bloomers; in two lengths.. Price 25
tents. In 3. sizes; :mgr 24, 26', med. When the` "National" Merchant ease with children; and attacks. .girl 'iron, were advanced 40 per Feist. der Send 21 Lcllliniun 1'xpres,s '.honey,
• r8. 0; large, 32;34 ' more frequently than • boys 'Irrita- ; ing the war and the tI t.lg it rates 30 Order. They are -payable e\;erywhere,
.34 i waist. Small slaking was organized, •stir. Bunting bilit? is frequently one of the first to 37 per ;cent. I3ecau�,o of the de- �
tile, longer '�h, „ 4 ids. 36 ills, was made General :'(gent for Ontario.ficits Whicll llave'confin'ued. to be in- Ooing Better.
:wide.• I,,ist I)erembel he o, as sent to Ails_ signs noted: The child frets, it is quay- i ' ' ••
9467 --Ladies' and Misses Japan,' ,_ , re}•s,omea, and does- not 'sleep well: The . Furred proposals •for ,further advances I "SO you really think your Inen-iorj is,
trails and i\.c wLealand t0 O :tlliLN
)<iimOlto. Price, 25 cents In •,i "1/05, ,.••
jerky movements that Characterize the : li::ve been undel•,'('onsideration. . 1 inlproviug under treatment. Yon re
mall. for the Canadian ovcrr. I ii
m:zll.:34, 3j.; nled:unr, 3S, 40; large, lin t •'lel pa • nt Marine,°his a,lpoint• disease come -a little later. . The pa advances 111 hates 'on the Aus- member things now,. then?"
a�. 44 ins. bast. Stria size • re(iuires tient become. pale; languid, and often ; trian • railways since pre-war "'Well, not exactly' but I. 'have pre-
i yds: 6 ins, wide, 1 yds. 36 'ins, .I11en, as \ust.r:aasian :tianager follow- have been enormous. The increase of•
• 'wide. :n Ili ••. •1't• •• .' ill that •connection. constipated. The limbs slid sometimes 'g.ressed so far that a I can lregtlently
the \chole body jerks spasmodic ally, 30 per (tela. 'made in February,. 12O, remember that I have forget -:ottie-
These patterns may ' he obtained ''---'�"l' I made the total finer gases about ' 3:;0 ( ''
{rem your local McCall 'dealer, or ii �j (� (� ' t j t 111.111011T and iu severe cases the. power of , e thing if I c i1d, only rentennl)* wlr:1
r McCall�h:VL�IIV .�V !"� speech is affecte:3. • Such• a. .child j Per cent: it is."
rclrrl ,the '.1ficCii.t Co.,C'o�0 13on;. Strut, i In September' •
1919, freight and paG-
' To (neo. Dept. W. jj {{ (�l1 ((►� ``,' ��j u should not be •allowed to study,. but ! .
_— �, 1iili�••S' V'IT'1 'LIMITS should be kept quiet, given a nutritious senger rates in Belgium had been in Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
diet, remain out of doors as much as I creased 44 to 50 per cent. since pre- 4
Imltat--or_ Economy. "-- possible, grid above all things given a' war ti nes. 1� urthr,r increase$"•ha�'e -Should Be Tipped ,Off.
dere is one form of inlit:ttion Once a mother has used Baby's Own. course. of Dr. Williams •Pink Pills to 'bee. m.;do since then. Cornelia- -''•1 see that another effort
c c•1.cmy that we( urs'to nourish alike Tablets for her little ones she would build up the blood and - restore the i In September, 1919, freight and I)as'• to •get in contriiiintcation tier] Mars
times cf '_peace and :pf gar: it is. net be without thein, They are the shattered nerves, Without this treat- i senger rates in The Netherlands were. Inas elided in failure." .
ideal home remedy for the baby; be- ment .the trouble may bee me chronic advanced 00 per cent. \ 'eidfreld —"Yes. I don't think they
that whicht makes •many women who • . $ '
n , l: g guai•ante(ei, to be 'absolutely free :lhd the patient life-long .sufferer..' ! 1't 1') much the LI l,cFt ;.•1v:tlrcee re
Lau;; re(•kt. :sly dislike ib destroy a use- will ever be able`to.eotninnnicat(r with
]t s tale :aur take e\'ei•y npportuni-' freak opiates ol• other 1 arl.lful drugs. The Value of Dr. \Villian:.' Pink Pills poi teal in any country have been 1111 4e , `i,trs unless they first tend a sii;na.l so Accr,pt "California" Syrup of :figs
The.y are a gentle but thorough lax:(- , in cases of this kind is shown by the in German, it is well- 1;liotvn, .
IN to a oft tile, resno>4,cilsi.liiy for it on IGermany..where. : that 1e will be on the lookout for only—look for .he name California on
c flier:. tact anvere rile 'fur bOl,ks to ti.\�r., and have been proved of the follo�.ing statement bay :lir, Frank J. � practicall,v all the railway are owned ae. the package, then you are sure your
}tart a li11 11• s;;niewhere :ind• ccs rot greate_t aid ,in cases of constipation. bcr:len, Acton, Ont,,•who says:— In .and 'Operated l,}• tlre.go;e'ru)nient. Re- - child is•havin.g :the best and most
' ('-i11t.- - (-)141• -- f44.4;cwrl)eOkc.- ' Seienti indigestion; colic, co2(1., and sirnnl uar3, lali� - the- • :1 •resid,( - at .,�iil Iieated 1,v.c1,(:es _vele.. n1:i(le.. ciur-iI « _ r>, g`e ving a t,r
ticLET L)ANDERINE - arntie` p 'fel' t, a little stom-
1 ► - f fevers. Concerrlilt;y them tilts. Ernest ton, Ont., my daughter,Gertrude, then' the wiry and still further very great ,
t ( .ky 10: r ape:,•:edec.,'nr`.c.s. of Il_iy ,. , ..
Still Using Candles. '
Candles still are extensively used
and • a candle stick has been invented.
with .a snuffer that automatically de-
s4ends aid . extinguishes the flame
when a candle. burns down.
Ask fcr Mtnard's ,rind take no other.
Canada sold $50,000,000 of daily
products 'to British Government,
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
►4.1414 ::;;c.•1.•ift lick ne tele evc•r.lo.ok
Gagne. 1 eat.sejouc, Cue•. writes: I aged fat:;'::•:1,•'had .a bad attack of advances have. been made "ince the..
t tl =i, t.' f have used Bab3;:s Own Tablets for rheumatic ;ever, Which le; t as its af• s3'.gning oP the arntist Le. The pas- I• , -
).t,r Ing ntl one ever kegs, o.lct c.)r<tipation and colic and have found- each bot.:e. ou Must say Cali
ve::4'n:e of en<`yt•l0p:-••aia!---'hon• ti;cv i ter•Sifects a'severe att.acl:'of St. Vitus' eenger rates now average About X00', .li`1S! l��l\'e a mass of long,forma." -
• • (':1., ).c::ring in l' 1p.13 :lea::}; !"11.('''•
,: ►•,., then( "t) successful that 1 would riot dance. For 'weeks she was cur:lined per cent. higher that'befol•e the \war, ! '
e l,c ),, \�•;thcui' lhc�m. 1 Round .etIt:ugly xe to •task he3 uncle:r. the doctor's cart. and tae freight r::tcs 'about S00 per thick gleamy hair
s :1�e :Lt':r l lie; iii the n)odern
n ' a:t:d every, IUOIL•t.r to 1:.oi) a box. She• teas entirely helpless being -`^= cent-. higher.
1 �
' f c, --,c 1: y . loll w'a1 there eve..*:( rttln- in tt. _ house. ' The. '! 81)1('e3 :1�'e sold.even r o 4 '- l� ;
ko, } �::'.r' ttl4(`re. his. : c,f •rgilc l' rit) 1-• �_able to even hold a sl)oen to feed 'her- 'Large, a lv:+uses in rate, have also ,!
n 4 1,' :.:,'.: 1 ,.. ' ..:i 'h•ail fit, .� :l.•, .did rot •
.hy u.e.die�ir,(. c eLlers or $}• Alai: .. 3 .. self, 1'or -tt -tin'c the lost the .power er 'of ! had to be• made in lzlany couiltrics•
t t .:.:.!...,1, •vents a i)ttx • from '1 ne Dr. \1'i11ir.Ins speech a11'1O t entirely. and env' with. which were leul04,e !rut -11.01'e seat of ,
)�1' t ;,1:,11:(ge"Ie1it Aleeic•`ne (.~C!., Brockville. Ont. �• 1t ' 1 ' . > ;
it . 1., :•.,:.y Loxes,-'hr:t toile ' _ c..fii(;ult5 milds l;c,•r4e.f UT: hastiliti s•; For, can;)lc, in I)t.l'.n;-
;.• (•
•!' t}:� ri1,lr.c'h pie. f 11'ian in'
""—"•""+ 'Flood. Tha tviti'11ng of her muscles ,her. 1:1r1J, all. fre:€:1„ :111:1 passenger
it. •-•4 • 1u.•,'s .;-s+ r.1::i' •,,1 cf Bite Man.c d His Necktie:b. . v;.s so bad' it. was' p,rir.fnl to see her. rates .oa' the Smith :\fIicatl pc,ve;•4:-
.. !' t 11,, l., `..r\ 11.c:r1�iig v•e st:lnd be:ore the •' a lens Aline' and'ta�;il•;C it ;cr cr merit rai!;\•: e!..c.I•t oar•:I:iced 2:; 1;^r
,'(.:..; ::},n)i:tor, flapthe large .end' over, . etre 'seemed to improve. cent..t:•hile it '.;;:,t•1't, 1t•. . a r,11s•e k f
: i r.
: iiia:},.. :all. ,•(':1•.,,,•;‘•,,r,.,,,•;‘•,,r,:ti ,,.c' • in the
4: tl. 11;tiful %%eye c f the hr:ntal1 arou:l:l- push it behind and up and Bat she did not seelu to get along ,.s i.20 per tent. in both frc•.c::t and pa.
4;• lir•1 , {"}:(r 4 (laid t( .1 I11( edil,;t. and dr,:w it carefully through. It 1)ecolites elle ought to.' In Novenlbt r, 1917, we :tenger rates was made in Braz'1, and :.
(•li:1 1:n:,-, 1:raltli"C 41 111,; Tale;. . As a ):::7:it, 'and }'et. like dining, it has a removed to Acton, and in • January, • in October Of tr.e eal;le. year :idt.lition•
':•I• 11*c, chi :old decrepit fr,rnittlre t'ertain fascination. The keen plea- 191S, she was again .confined to her al increases .were proposed.. Even in '
.;•tko 'ci ::R•:(} :n attics to burden the 'hill:` of a ileo ;ants enc}'eased (revnt led with St. Vitus dance. She Ras Australia, which was. about as remote '
4 i'.4c : , of Anncicer. heirs., whet Alas 'lei;, to nhike a whuie weal: h:!gllter.again in a terrible state and quite help- from the theatre of hostilities ac any
•.4 1' kilo'.. n '•s{teany true tales" of And that dread clay when a white spot lees. • She was under a, doctor's care, Dart of the world. all, the :tore rr.rnent '
'--_--_---_—_ _ ' ( .• w apt t ( ( ( ' railwa •s have suffered severely from
BEAUTIFY%IAIR 1. itch, liver and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. Full .directions •e,a
.; 1s•. 111 short. one of the small. alit;
• t the h:':•rla this unwill•
. 1' 4!, -.s,c. W(.rl1)les�s
: (4. 4 . t, :1;,,;_ .
10 5 to (Wilk') tht'rn up:
( silt , ;n th( lint pretext. It :oz.
4 4111• is not economy. for it WOWS
Yur Men ''
Don't Get Wald
Cuku?a :sus Mud: I
(Air favorite gree:] ,one, or when the ; -s Io was 7-3il very 1:r Vci did not c e.4 i s u 4e' :> :. 44 . , Let .'1)anderitte ' , its'(•• rettr hair and
beloved brown starts •internally, and, { look v. -ell and wile always tired 111 to •make advances in their rate.. .
The railways of •Grl4at Itritai ;t w�`.re ( doubly its beauty. frau ran have .10t ;
while appearing the s:t11 e without tells `say. 191S, we.dechied to try,I)r. Witof iong. thick. strong, 111 110us hair.
us. that it- is gone forever- thatclay 1 hams Pink rills, and see whistthey pla('E'tl ori:1(:.r •goveYllt1cnt 00"11;°1 a3'4 Don't let it..stay lifeless, this:, scraggly
cur coffee is bitter anid, 010 mercer would (:o f 't• her. Site tool: then) re- ;,the beginning of the war and are still or faclilt:;. tlriril; bark its color, ci ci^,
1("v.•. . fiularly according to directions, and beim thus operated. 'During' the war : t
and vitality.
4. ,.;:able• limy. 11 fs 110 i1o11eS1'. for 1 slut we Hever cruelly desert a faith• ! after taking several boxes there \vas it' the ,passt•nieer rat1S were )L1'. 1nced 4,0 Get a 3:, -relit bottle of delightful
;• -hirl; ng oar rightful responsihili .fits friend. For a• couple Of times af- decided impro'•eitrent., After' a further 1 per cent., while the• fre)glit rates were ,,.•])i(1lderine" at any thug 'or toilet *,4). 11 r not gencros+ity, for it is,gi\;- ter the white .spot appears we try to.; use of the pills she is now as healthy not advanced at :ell, and Leci(uae, the counter to freshen your Scall); check
+t,}; :.tray what neither we nor others tie it farther up or lower down, usual -•1:t girl you would w•i:h to see. She increases 1:1 expeu:es great'.;: exceed: t 'dandruff and falling lair. four hair
u-ioo. What it, it?• The, tight name 1y
with Pathetically ineffectual .re-'�.is fat, .,,with a tine, healt,ty. Color .and ed the increases rated, the r ol(,n needs' 511111111:it ing- tonic. then its
1,,:• not vet been discovered; butwhit• suet". And then •we pasture it back• strong and lively, The: neighbors:; meat int•urre;l a large deac.t. TO 10 life. color. 112.brightnland all. dance'
('.(•r it ts, it is a weed 10 bp ruotc'(1, somewhere on the rack With the how. , (0 whom she 1s well known, remark duce o►• wipe out this iik1ic'i•t itdv:iuces. tci�l resign-- igh i''
ir. In the garden of the' mints. where tic's that ere •not good taste any more I on the wonderful change in her ap- ' in the freight rates 0f the British rail•
a( are trying to raise the file old- and the selections made by �a worthy I pc:trance since taking. 1)r. 'Williams 1 ways ranging from :) to 100 pc: c1::'.
r•19,'' rrcpi. known as thrift and fore -milli at. n reduction s:tie, and lea it fink Pills. Loth her mother and My. were ,made effective -on January 15.
i••t',1ght 111.:1 judgn1ent, enjoy i( Saler c?d afie. 501,0110:c•self are convinced that the • pills have 1.20; -and extra charges were i(ddod
eycntually 'it disappears. \Ve -do not done her .a world of good as she is to rates which cover the •cullect'on.
know 'how,. Perhaps 'a careless !maid : now•'far hcalt'hier than we at one time and delivery of freight at statim.: 'as
drops it in a. waste-ha.aket, or a plot-; thought, Fire. eser would be." ' well as its transportation: In •I1n1.01,
, h0rl (!i41 'uu 1•: ' furthat ting wife utakiis away with it. But I For .all trouble due to poor blond 1920, the demurrage charges imposed
4,1 (•Illthe'?" •111(7-t probably like old watches and ; and w'oak• nerves, there is no other for holding a car o11e day leyond the
1'. r;y (1ollers." . ... college textbcuks, it has. some'uns:een ; medicine can equal Pr. \Villiamg Pink period of free time were increased .100. -
'M'(•rty dollars'. Fes* heaven's. sake. heaven of its own whither it is 'wafted ; Pills, Yon can get these .eels from Her .cent., and the charges for. ;+ub e.
,� where c•�In you get. a snit like after its life among us is .over."' t any dealer in 1114. in , e, or. 'by mail, quent days 200 per cent.. • i
•114.., for forty dollars" --+�-• post paid. at 50 cents ti box or six '—•''--;'--
• '1 di4'l t know now4(1lays. 1 bought 1 Montreal has -:�" ,•t:!2 trRdes union boxes for $2.rel from The Dr. Williams
0,1,, F'igl)k )'-:'rs ago."members; Toronto, 18,834; Vancouver,' Medicine Co,, llroeRrillP, On(.
11 .459; 'Winnipeg, 12,050; Quebec, --'---ti•
(•i.►4::1;4: has P.t430 doctors. 111,89.1. Do You Freckle?
Old Stuff.
This time of year
it's a Aood ids _ .
to conThine fresh
fruit or berries
With your morn -
dish of
4,i.. •.v r vM
The blend of flavor proves
delightful and is in tune
-with June.
'1Theres a Reason"
Worries. . - .
The, little w'orrirs which we 'meet (tacit i_.__
• day,
stay be as stumhlittg-1i1O(•ks acres.. our
During the summer months, and ec•' Or- we t})aiy make thein stepping -stones
pecially while on holidays, We shallto be - J
probably find that freckles will appear' ,Of grace, U Lord, to Thee,
on the face and'reck. Persons of , of a fine complexion. and u.:\Ici'lterson. .
those :whose'hair Is red, are •the most Furniture Dealer, Undertaker.
subject to freckles.. Sometimes Armstr(1 tg, Is.u.. Jtnie Tlt1i. -tiro, !
freckles are 'be aftermath of jaundice, 11inard's Liniment ('0.,.Ltd., •
hut i11 the sunny weather aimu.:t every. _ Yarmouth, N.S.
body -is affected by the action of the Dear Sirs:- Since the start of the
sun. and it Is intern -ling to trace the 1',asseball season we have leen hinder -
origin of freckle.. _t, ed with sore muscles, sprained anklesi,
One authority says that the skip, etc.. but jest as soon as. we Maned (is'
diirin int('-itiitic - 11(1 spring, has • lie'Mg; hitnard'I= -l.inittrrn' • our troubles
collie stran.gel�• sensitive ;IDA the heist ended. Every baseball player 'should
of the•Punhea11i4 .dratvsl our drops 'of heft) a bottle of your lintlnc'nt .handy.
moistnro which ('pei':rte• like :1 convex Yours truly.
glass, thus concentrating the rays, • W. E. .'iri'iIEI1S(1N�
which are :il:lde to art powerfully en Secretary Armstrong lfigh- School ' '
the skin. 'The heat of the -51111 U1118 ' • 14; r(b:ell- Tenni.
..... p
.mss --log's Pioneer Dog Dcmoltlos
Ecr.i[ Sia
. e.a .t Now t o tee d
110111.-,1 1're,, to,�e:: Al-
.lrer 1,•• the. 3.1::`.cr.
E. Clay Grover Co.. /no.
1;3 West 71!.: Jt:ict
. New 1':.r,. 1' ;4 .1.
operating con' the drops of ul:lirtta•'e,
eauea the skin to become darker in
-- i; t,t." whit s) we call freckle -, -
- - ----4e _ - --.
There no three count ri.a. in
Eturopt` w'il.;5(' water -power;14,1,',-
tries a;hien the:Oiler would equal tlto"e
of ('4►nada. -
To Sneeze Correctly.
Children and. even some adults :lige
taught how :o i:rr.•^. 4 )- •.1y
in at London health l: -tare. •
rro4ltic" anal rct';rte e.
ED. 7
Dandruff,- iitrair. , r-r.::1p iTiht.'i: a,
etc.,poiat to..r.on'...',t►; Condition
of the a(4:c1^, v''. i:1:� i, ass io t1:' :,
L1..:. hair :..:d p47:ya•.u4-C-
)4(.-S [''ter=lit':.. 5.1•' .1Oo09 with
li'A t:.1te:. do
mien to 114p:.; -.t •� i a condition,
'-eep:ciali}• iirrec: .i h•, a. r enae
ancl't:hgv:til et:tic -'. O'.:tra_:.t to
spots of dandruff •i
Soar 2Se. O atsricrt 2 ,ind 15Oc Sold
ih-o:�Et1o►,: t)'ehnm•nion. C: ax4ai-nDepot:
L'un.Igd, St. Pa(.:.,t., Rlontreal.
Cuticu,s Soap ehatns wit)'. ut mu`.
......W/Wor.,s....,• .1
.4 0 to/0
Not Aspirin at All without the "Ba)cr Cross"
"file name 'Tarr' 011 Asr'irin is (,l' ' r,:,\ r I (tl,;. ,,f .��i•„ . 4'' n' h •
tike �t4'rl:ll,•` 0n ! liver it )4et,titivelv.' 04,441 23 (4,4 t4j,4: (' tt t'4t c.•2 .n,
ttl(`tll'iti('4 the milk c•('nitine :1:: 1,4i'iP - Tic. 1•.. ,r.•, 1.• • , iw
Ole ."Lifts 1'1(•:"7-1)44 ,1 by ph e011 r::1'_ t:; 1.'::Y.l 4, 1i11t` .,. r '.' !-
for 14%'i' 1.411: t til \ P:(r:4 aa14,1 1101t' tl' .1 t', 4,: pair L. .!• 1 ('.. ..4",!1• in ( 1uno:(. • 4•• ,111' 1: . 1 .t •t,1
..Alwayf, 1111 1131 )111Lr•4krn 1:: ? ., .,. f, \\ ,..'t. , t ,- -
'Iti"1icTe 15 C9a1Y, C!i' i_r;1i�::i•-. s. _�..t. TS? .t• :=.►f''4' ,
. must' .
vs:.. 44 -.1.
:1. t�
.•w�•l (...1.:. •