The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-01, Page 2++ir• 4001iYM4010YH+Yr 1 ..
• '' A French War Story
Hints For Motor Cuaiper.-1l. I useful for making wind breaks or
There are many styes and kande of rouflng "the porch." Light folding
tents in the market especially :tultt►ai camp stuoia or ebnire with barks and
to motor camping. These are made a fading camp table may not be es-
sential, but are very comfortable to
lighter waterproofed cotton •L':zbri,r, ' have along. So is a rubber wash bowl is over"—
frequently called balloon silk. White on a tripod. Bring an ordinary ker.- Fearing that he was going to con -
;tents are somewhat objectionable ba- osene lantern; a short spade pr trench
cause they • give little. protection too tom e a shallow trench around
against the glare of the earlymorn-
the tent when stopping several nights
ing 'sun. in one location;an axe, with blade
Some tents'•ace made to attach from "three-quarter" size and a twenty
the top of .the motor: car and extend 'eight inch handle; fifty feet of %-inch
outward like a lean-to on a building, rope and a coil of cotton clothes line,
"It is creel o= you. my .teen littt:'
gudnu fife:. uu.. !:-ten to tote. -and 1
your tyro ele:.ui s. ':'t tee eli!r'. Yeur
lips are.rt'.atl'y to b:c'a:h tete 'a smile."
"1.)o You .Want .tun to • w se l►?"
"No; but I'd like to see, you hike fur'
views more set•iZuety. Whim the war
fess his love, she cut in gayly:
"Do you know When it will be overD
Will •it be over to -morrow, my dear
Jacques'. Or in a week? Or lye two
Weeks.?" tet,
"Trifler! . I know only what I want
when peace conies. I want to snake
others are attached to the running ,always useful around camp. A two- my godmother. my. R ire. Are you will.
-board of the `car aid fold batck to burner gasolene stove, or a camp .grate hag? Tell me' 1
gamy rolled up on same. Most of the with lSack: and side' sheet iron walls in ordeal to .avALd .h•urtiug his,.;tee1�.
styles:.. .fonts,.. mete.te-beeeftk.dowai: ' •pre-/.:4,'"ti::fear o d:::n:i ;;estattps ngaeshe, bocg.4 1iiis gttestic)tl. .
should one wish to use the car fora .sIle t .'foldYng camp stove with bot- "We shall see. AVe• shalt have to
• trip into town for. supplies. These tom and telescoping pipe, for burning- think things over. We have plenty of
are suitable.'for one-night camps only.', v ocd, is s•ery u E fill in more penman- time. The godmother, who seems to
Some of them have cotbeds •integral. c•• crimp.:;. • Steel wire pot hooks or
with the contraption as fastened .to •l;s,' ees• ase u eful to prevent upset
the running Board, while others neces- pots and hereed fits •ers.
sitate-separatesleeping cots. Leech. outfit in suit cases more or
less, elaborLtteiy E't i with ' plates,
.utenslls_:,tn ese uu:ii -battles for two
•or more person are in the market, .you care for me at u11?"'
so also are small neat trunks fitt�ed- •She felt, the justice of trig iceboxes or fireless cookers w Taking his hands in hers, she explain-
plates and utensils. ' ed In a coaxing voice:
While any old pots and pans 'spared' "Why. N. 1 think, you are very
from the home kitchen may suffice, tilce-_--very, very nico. • When you are
Separate tents of various models they are even:'::1'! bulky, hard to pack at the front I,tltink of you constantly.
e:they guyed to the side of the car or coiilpactly•t:r.d difficult to carry. in elle• Duly"
.staked independently near it, allow for, r•ar. ' Nested outfits, spec -kitty made . •
.more freedom of 'action. They may be � for. est' nrli ooking, •play -be bought .at His face already had cleared' at this
.in the style of wall tents, "A" tents, sar:ou, .-rise-, "llepeilt'ir.g upon ma- halfway. avowal. So• he pressed her:
canoe tents or miners tents. They; terial and size of outfit. These. uten- "Only what?" - • .
may be .had with,•or without 'ground sils are nude to nest cc..nipactly, need "I ant divorced. 1Iy husband wrong.
cloth, sewed integral; the .latter 's pie- little room and are packed in dustsed me'.' -
proof 1 proof canvas bags or cases. OUtflt9«'ell, svhat.of that?"
• Pre- I'may be had -for two, four, Six or 'more You can guess that I wasn't very
;ion of I persons and consist of cooking pots, happy. I fear a second experience."
All coffee pot, frying pans, plates, cups,
eparatel, saup !,owls, knives, forks and spoons.
cks the i To this regular outfit nay be added
arefully ,a good‘bread knife, a flapjack tai iter,
As a one-night camp proposition
may • be-reektr ed, the exte`rision ten -
made to extend across the back of
the seats of the car close up under
the top.. 'These take little 'room when -
folded, and some . are •of very prac-
tical construction. • •
please you .when you see her . only
rarely, ou your furloughs• may be Leas
attractive when you have to . be with
'her all the time." .
The officer's face clouded.
"Then you don't like ruto? Doe't
ferret. Bobbinet mosquito.
fronts' and windows should ':b
vided to allow for free circulai
air without letting insects i
. tents should .be carried in.
duffle bags. When one unp
tent fdr,the first time Watch c
how it camefolded f the
Why Worry?
eetateity loomed in the way;
My. lips- went sudtit•nly gra;!.
F'or, his sword was lung.
And hit armor etrung.
"ti -o ttwo.rd'.nor urtuor are mine."
1 said. •
"1 ant but ori the dyad'"
Ilut a theitsilnd 'death;. I died
that duy
As: wa.'_t ing l'a!•ttulty'1• Mow l lay.
l'alutnity cert!° find listed . my
"..1 ant no cur," he •proudly said.
."That would slink to,attack
A defele t'less back' • • '
1 urn ;tot H'orry, whose bark
Stage 'foole.iu+the dark. •
`Not so: 1 tletit';t.l a esil•born
' knight: .
Nor shall fat r•t't+t►ival-
rous right • •
To ,',-equal • weepens and equal
't:1it4�1" •- . -••
..-.. s..
e4V4 ea. yllri' lett'!' " ist twee ns• -st lete1 r.
• steel
Ando a nide in my. hand was
'bright. -
The:i did' i feel a to nfrild.might.
With a,tenfold Zeal. theta .did 1
fight. •
!Theo did I fall '' .
Witlt. courage relight.•.
Deep and grievous my wounds
wore. all: •
13ut none in the back, and fatal,
none. '
Already my c•:intldent flesh had
•As the cl.•:an•c•utting 'Steer with-
• drew. to •ileal. •
And the -pain was as naught te
the pain I had -felt that day
When blindly awatting\ ('tilattti-
t'y's blow. 1 lay. •
it was very difficult.. The reason I
was '50 anxious to gest hi ,tOtich with
• He straightened up, almost joyous- ! You was that you bought at an :Inc- tet ialist, :tiniest cruel. whose coldness
ly, feeling that he -could easily make tioneer's some time before my gite:it 'had frozen leer 5uul, lithd revealed him.
nut his case, so long as she was will- it�gan a little' Longs XV secretary, self quite'otherw'ise to, another. wo=
ing to discuss it with hint: "That -is •p.ossi}ile. " meditate. •.� isel 'uteri.
anufae- alarge frock a bastinn c "Is that 'why you think you, might what then?"
Down at Sea's Bottoms
, . '1'ht' normal depth of the ot•e'itn floor tont in egn:ztorial regions.. though flit
is about two and a half utiles, To- season be tliidsuinireer, almost freezes
ward end near the pole:. howev , he head. This is because the. water,
there is a marked sitsllowing. Cooled at the poles, spreads out over '
'There ire ten known N real where tate sea -floor even to the tropics.
tiro depth exceeds tour miles, not The darkness can literally be felt; •
younting four other Places; where it Is for the' lsres.sure In the•depths 'is tre-
more than five miles-. These areas of mencluue•-several tons' to the square
exceptional profundity - are . ealled inch. if you were exposed to it you
"deeps." One of then skirts the' would be instantly crushed to 4 jelly.
south c=hore of Cuba, an elongated sub- But• the -fishes and other animals
marital valley... dwelling there have bodies so per-
' The deepest hole itt 4be Atlantic is 'fleeted with water (even their bones.
Nacos Deep, between. the, West Indies being soft and cartilaginous) that they
and Bermuda,. where it takes a sound- experience go inconvenience. When
lug line- five ate' a quurter•miles long 'captured'''and brought to the surface,
to' reach bott'ent. ‘Vltar•ton !)cep, in they •are apt to burst open, owing to
the Indian Ocean, between Java and: sudden ronioval. of the pressure.
(.'llristciftts island, has a depth of. four Suppose that some strange dwellers.
, and twieiltths t;lllee. Bet deepest of of the'- cutter aIn ve the sea of air which
I all `know: a marine li'bysses is Pl flet ,We inhabit shopltl>l fish for us with in-
Do'imA,-east,o( the Island- of Mind'Jnoa, I geuiuus. ccntrivanees of their 'us,
1`a h,1• } „innli,,:rev.t..vd.•+al.:a,r :a b g,fe):xite-ck.. .:oto. •a :;hei �h•t-af„.fluty
4,tr.tnixtr.4tr ore 4hast x-enitles::' y ie.+r chit ..t a ettrfrec e. of• - the •eartk, .:.
if you were able to walk about ups cur •it._tpeurance• (owing to reznova-1 of
the floor of the 'ocean, trantping over at'mcspitereic pre sure) would be sad-
t'he soft Shelly eese, You would • find 1 ly site -rets. Our eyes would be start-
yotfr surroundicgs most unattractive. i ing out 'of their sockets; 'our tongues
For one thing, you would be iu pitchy would hang• o.ut` of our. mouths, and,
•darkite.5s; and even if you could look if 'not already defunct we would inl-
about. you- would • see 'nothing but.'a tuediately die. •
vast expanse of utter. liesol tiuu __ it ,... It is rather- au jet -cresting -fact -brat
submarine, de;iert• dl'v-oiti of airy grow- Elie ocean's deepest deeps have depths
ing things. • about equal.. to the heigii1. • Of the
The wetter would be rnutio-lless• and 'loftiest •iuountain-ranges. But the'top-
the absolute siletlre unbroken 'by any rrost Peak cf the highest nloat:tale in
sound of the sea. 'fo add' to the un- the world. Everest, in the Hitnalayas,
plens.:tntness, the cots would be 'severe.. is. gnly live' .and a half utiles above :.eft
For the temperature at such 'depths level; so th�it if placer on the bottom
never rises above 40 aegrees F.rh:•enei. of l'la tt t '1)eep, more than !tilt a anile
h'eit, and mud dredged from' the • bot- of wafer weuld flow over its cre.-:t• •
contained, Juliette took out the. let-
ters one by one net! devoured:them
with feverish interest, When she hada
finished the- last slit fell beck 'in her
chair, her head dropping.forw•ard, Iter
arms swinging. Ile who !ries! revealed
hien, ell •to iter as a . skeptic,* n tna. 'Is1ca: should.not miss this sea marvel.
Pl::tt Fougere Lightlir;irse con:�ists
of a c•oncre to pillar set in :the .sea; it'
utaiianr.•ecl.- and is i:•orked by a sad.-
rinecable one and a quarter utiles in
which links it tip with c jr!1l51
tion: a ' specinlly • contrived • clock
A Keeperless Lighthouse.
An automatic; lighthouse tli+lt does
everything apparently hut' t`alk.statlds
guard over the' north-east th'>i•cs of
Guernsey. Totirltssts to- the ('Rennet
nom turning spoon "Hearts cannot adapt thctiiselves to-
turer.This will show the best\methed and a bread. board, also 'a breadp ,;n make me unhappy---aiid' yourself, too? .'!'lie .;tratlg,;t pale face gtc�tti rritn anybody and everybody." J:lrgne, had .
of packing the tent when \mos in * •pen
/that Is absurd: Ileac is aren't all sen as she told her story. said. She 11 itt live,! with Paul Dar, switches its •ace t' lone, be'tl:us on and
g; for dishwashing, a corkscrew, a dip-
eamp. ` •. ' !per' and •a }patent egg carrier: And t a alike. any 'more than human bodies "Tile war' found' nn living in s hose for live years uitlieut kn iwiiig cif with the/utmost prec I'en during
Tents may be adequately ligated by I t ►A, • are all made in the same image, They family. boarding house. I expected to hint,, fol; a compressed air fug ' lgral in; '
1 piece of ai.cloth fo-r the ,tab,_.
electric light with an extensio wire w can't•adapt themselves to anybody and be married' very shortly. The ahsence Straightening tip again she ,o1eted sdttlirtl therein is enabled to ring a
An aluminum fold:n reRectinc,, the drawer of •t desk w�' bell ou "llore to inform ot'ir:alm tl::it
from the battery on car. ( everybody. As the proverb gees, you of the man I loved and the dangers to which contained baker for biscuits and bread is verr the lighthouse sc i; functioning ► t
Folding cots weighing as li' tie' as practical, and a "Dutch oven," though must find' other half of your pear. titch• he was exposed. as well its the some soilvenir5 of her past...�l'ith. a 1 u' ' : g 1 rc Pt"'i:.:
lou were unhappy with that matt be- territrle ;tt 'zring; of elle coutitty, furtive movement she strew out a Whet' the lamp supplies ut ttr'ety-
eleven pounds are on the marke . Cots' heavy,' iv useful.• of iter ex-Ineibaed.. Pity;i- leve becentc ls,.ivea pressure -gauge in-
- and bedding should be carried in duffle . Some, friction top cans to _arey cause yen and he hal nothing in cpm- broke nae Town. I fell dan;�erotr.�ly ill. photograph t� •
bags to keep them dry and clean. sugar, tea and butter are useful in mon either in charaeter or, in ten M}• hos tess•t4ad cue removed to a sant- call'w, •also, she r'o longer recognized ttmates this knowledge, to the Guern-
Warai lightweight blankets,e►nd an •camp. .Salt, which absorbs nipisture dencl•ea. 'jou will be happy with ane, tertian. w•
here I retnained for several him. Noy that eye, ranging' straight s.ey engine -scent. tc^iii. Kttile i} telephone is
air "pillow, inflated soft .or hard ac- readily, should be carried preferably cause I' understand ,roe and Love 'ina,ntha, • pructicall'y cut oft froru tho' ahead.: hadn't an iutplecable hardne li. iii5t illerl, and any .pilot at p't can ring •
cog i you; And it's w•orid: •l' That flruily roundel- u Guernsey fr o
ng to taste, besides a cotton con- in a wooden box or wooden tu'oe. 'Do.
y equally possible that When I came out of oily rejig; - and 1 month hadn't a p Y ea f charge. the tele
or kapok mattress or bed pad not forget soap. Sapolio, hand fosse!., your ea -husband might bring happj_ torpor I cursed'tny doctors for saving curve of. inflexible severity. She had phone is.situated tifty feet up the'side
dish towels,
should constiute the bedding. toilet. paper and 4ome ness to acme other woman. with whom nae. My fiance was reported missing. ...been the- wife of a.etranger• who had of the lighthouse, and•its position le
A 6x8 foot waterproof tarpaulin is candles. his own tastes, and character agreed:'' Nobody knew if he vela a prisoner, sortie into . her life ' and disappeared .probablya unique one among calls
"That's. impossible," she interposed, wounded • or dead. Every one 'Of his again, without leaving behitrd him anv l►clx(+r-:
-"— sharply, • She' was indignant at hiscomrades told ole a different story,•• traces of h: t real charai't'_r. ,1I1' these carious services. ere per
It's Never Too Late. imagining such a thing. In her mind' • Two big tears •- rolled down ' her Juliette put the letters into a big tcirniod by 'the original cahie, and the
It is `never too late. says O. S. Mar -
former husband was incapable of cheeks. Juliette tnurniured, pityingly: ' envelope and enclosed . the portrait whole contrivance cost- fifty thousand
ships and short locks have den in "New Success": inspiring or deserving the affection:of
"I ani sorry for you. 1 am very sorry with them. Then she rang ' for the' dollars, or one-eighth of the suns deed-
Longheen the cause of more than one o To begin to s mi:e if we have been any woman. for can.' maid and said: 1 ed to equip an ordinary lighthouse. So
opera. frowning. "Pati! Darboise w:l a brute, a Mack- `'So you see, madame, I have abso- "Give this to the lady who is in the I +cttc'ce stul. is this "sea' sentinel" that
tion making the bow and stern of a ,, �'Iu•iely nothingi salon. ,i,k her:to excuse me for lieu- another op similar lines is now in.
vessel two distinzt •units. But to make To save if we have hitherto been guard, she went ca:. It you try to 'de- left -.not a single thing
spendthrifts. fend him" to remember my flare by. lie was to ing kept her waiting so long.- course of construction by the L'ght
flip bisection on the wave• before the me 'an incomparable •toeing, good,aten= house Bureau of the t'nited States. •
ship is launched• and then slide the To honest if we have been dis-
parts into the water as- separate ob-
"I'm n.ot defending him. i was slurp der and sympathetic. 1 haven't even
jects, is a decidedly novel procedure 1 To be careful and pahistaking if we ly saying this: •'cur - one unhappy 1ii,t photograph, tend Iris letters to me
In shipyardhave been slovenly and slipshod. match there are tcn happy e•n(ri. l were lcet while i was ill. 1 •heed put
practice. A double reecho 1 To be c:ouaiderate and kind If we should be so glad to go back to t:',: then! in tihe secretary tri my 'bedroom.
ing ceremony of this kind was recent- t It seeme that the t':eren't taken out
i have bees` thougl;t.ei;s and cruel. 'front engaged—engagers to you. That 'Y.
v performed i tIter Welland. with the h would brieg me good fortune. I see at the. •tierce cif- the forced stale whirl'
i To form the habit of looking for tLe
veseel "Canadian Otter." of Canada'e s ,' wound up the affatire of the p
g' .d:n others 4n=lead of the •bad. y %•; :u.:(: a.. that. But 'the faith that tiro rict-
merehaat. marine: as the subje+.�. � -
I To rave an ercu;irat;:ng' rt•:,rd ih• 1 shall some day marry yc,u mill have ress of the pension. Yrni bought the
The finished hull was 32ri ft: lr,r.r_, 4 stead of cr:•'r:sm and-1/:sepe _.r_. rte fr r io danger_ It' w - ec(�i�t _the .to
Lt. JO in •. -__ .___. _.... - Louts XV 1►i
Cut Vessel in Halves and
Launch as Separate Unita.
e of 4.350 tons dead we:gh:. Of t . - 'g
structure an accurate model was t,nj.t,
and subie:ted .to a sefies ,f ezi TO be get! e:'sur• Ire Lave been
P ri' ' mean arA ht:sg.y •
menta, and calr:tilatioos were made to
determine the Pxart ('entre T,f gray.t Tr' f'' tn. ' xr: htdv4 rr:!t;:t'e1 un-
Of each part, as atfot'ted by the y 1'••,,,, ••P1t�'� n• !•(�"� r,'h•:r.
posed lines of -par:stion. pre. 'f'/ %-;,',:�,g:.a« :f stir --zr,. bee:•.'tF
As nearly 4s irissit%e, Outii•:.z. Ras• -
rompleted r,:: the t.'•;/arta't tares 'b' •T, K.v., a eft , 'i:,. .ey i;•,•-
.engines and hr, t! ntr:JSL J: ►� ••tf,'.e aLr,•i r -r .-.rJl: fly .r
(:ab:r:r:t workJ• .. '.s1.6''. • e• •`!!. R'..' •''n•: .. Jr r 'rf :i^ .:�'t..' '•?• •
• Millions in Salmon.
Since the Columbia River Salmon
canning industry was started by
pioneer fishermen_ In 1876, a total of
$130,000,000 worth of salmon has been
taken from the 90,000 acres of fishing
territory in the river frbm Cascade
p, All sny locks to Its mouth. -t
and ir.e :. = u, ' •t a ut wr�r. iy f) you.' , , ► a e ,: se( on t l s c•hanre, nta-
i,r/ r.,4r-
• 'r
'.0..a. .�.
• ' re E f .':ms's r= - ...Pot-
,: x
r a•
t =..errant ope ed the door. dame. jell you ,finrJ the tfe spondenre
' There is some one outside who 10 th'r .secret drawfr under the Ink-
witehe : to speak to madame. She stand?" ►
dee::: • kr.•,w rr,a(lahe., bet says-: thret r "1 'didn't knrrw thstt sth(,r(.t was 'a
has •isf Very 1 •:::r,r•' ICrl(.• (tIawrlr " ,:51(1 Jiilji,tte•, g(itttng
t: t.. u;. • I ;ir.d. rrtavd your fs clings, and
! .'.::7,0 irrirned1. tt(•!)',,aurl re0 11 i can
1'.• ,e': +.: L st,:e to br': jk Off the bir'1 t}:"1' (•.srt '
•(r: =:w• w';:: her goi-',r, w•:•t=.ut' . Thank ,.sous rr:ad:�rn=:.••
': •:.'. :.% ►!,` a �L�...',:.. �••r�.••: Lrr:r•..' Iii.00r ('il':a t.'•r'Jr1't•Ottt N••5',d bt'r'
y' ren! t.
1 rt' •: ••Z' .r •i L', r• v,',r. t �, a !r:er' �.'•'S f',f 't ''-I,r'.1:t! ( r,IJL(1 it.
:/".[. • Yr'' :, I,'. ' % ('•;:,.• „(j : -:n •, r:',S'r'r wl:'1 i2Y,t disr'k,;rtg tt I►tin(llo '
•.r. K.,.. ( (,f ;at►c.r '1 :( ► t r'(. h(:chit %violin, and other dehrie. pFri^t', e• Burin a hi my year.
• g the hist twenty 4,
. Chocolate- was introduced • int4
Europe by the 'Spaniards.
Canada has 8 canals, with 48 locks,
between Montreal and Lake Supetior.
100 miles of, canals cost ons hundred
Deforestation and Bridges
rhe eff et of the removal of the for years. :ss wood became scarce, to
forts t covet on the watersheds of 00r narrow up and confine the streams in
wr.tervrays. ie more widespresad than smaller vette. It it is a fact that the
generally suppca(stl. Not only is clearing of the country is the .cause cf
the snossfall allowed lo mr-1t more the writer running off suddenly In case
gni/lily awl heavy rain fall ,permitted of heavy rainfall., otlr bridges must.
to res(h the atrearna. rnore rapidly, hut be colarged to carry thr' increase,'
to rioltir so carries with It much lam- sitrea.nt.a, and this has been my ex-
. •,,•r •.y t r •r,• 1+. h tr . i., s,u th' tiunh rnatnr!.tl rati,tcy s,lrione jams, • The most deetruettvt+ . r.rnmer
y. ,,, . +r• `:'.',ti,: •,f t ::r.:;, v.L'trs fr,rmit•g itself into closely -woven freshet experienced in the counties
► of
t; 1' rn :,';(•:r tigal,.•it the itliutnn nts anti Anttgonirih anti 1•jcten for the Iasi •
Y .. •,” t•r •,...; ;. . .� .•rr•� �. �i.J..r � .'i ,• '' rl tel( p,'.i., of
:.,! ,..• t 1 j/:...r'1 ►gyp ,r•tr• bN(I t,ir rP✓ r,f I r g4*ii ' p ` t>!tt• tot ti twenty ygttr:r.. was the freshet.
/'�' 4, t ( ,r ;r'r!►.'• �./;!`'"moi';r' I 1t way 7'r,11 'o.r'10 tt, wat.ct i,( llirld f. it. se jafll;i (i1rri.•i t1�Vtt)' •1.Ilgu'.t ►ted,, •1004, Some f0 -3irx
�. �'.: %• , .t. l 1 :(,. i•!r, .'.r,►.ul may
the brl,lrr-s and their approaches. hitt! hririg•': tn-�nttronis11 rt,ul:tr'itnll•,f ffty,
:',"'.'1",'1", (i'+' ►', '- n. 1�t. ',f ;;n-f,,,r,:f,',r4, tir,',ri ► tufit`h !rut r ninrtirid' t(.rrtt(►f`jr, six itt I'letna were carried Out, and la
,' t',•': • • .��,j!t•r..::( (ir•i:i."i.'111- 't'iat r•t /1(1 rise of tale sIrf`aflt,t Amite sections
;re. rt«•..' i•,,! v: , i In t' nt e►•ery structure.
itt• A�O.�d
r(',..10.u:.• tt, the p.•,,,,ev utte run-off alar►, was t'I•'anetl away.' 1 tt:o'k r•artictitur
yr •,�► •b: ''-•'r'r! ori t,• r i:C,t• '',!r r•r1 it.'' tlL:,i
" rr quirr;y tit. Iiruvialurt ' r►f grater notice that, where the lumber trice•
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