The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-06-17, Page 5Let Us Help You Make a. Garden • FAUTIFUI, surroundings add. to the. hie of spades, yt;11r tt t„ r•arty • A flower gartten to beanrifYa v(�tc:ll• tr+nyour,tab1e' cost. •We Live everything to nlke'i.lit11Kry..,.._ • des, rakes.lawnhost, lawn rnuH7r5, (ti•.IeautilY your house with O -Cedar • Polish irt•7a,•?1�'1ryi: S •°lam•. • 0- Cedar..:PA1ilsl( and 1a'llor <.:t t'. r ALL SIZES AND S'I'Yl,l':S, 111 :1MIN-SF:N ►l'U PA I NTS ANI► VAR• NISHES. It,IND FOR EVERY 1'i'ltl'OSE. • ,. ' (;E'1' OUR PRICES; ON (:0111'1!' (:A` EI.t •'(: 11. '.1 N - 'ZED ROOFING. 1%'E HAVE •LESS THAN1'RESF:\'1' WHOLES:1 ii UANT111'I 1(•ES. 1••.11: BRANTFFORD ASPHALT SLATE. SHHIN(;i.I•:•S AND ROOFING. . THE BES'r 'OF ITS K IND ()N '111 E MAR- KET TO -DAY. LET US SIIOW YOU WHY. PR EPA RED PLASTER.. A CAR 01'' PORTLAND('1:.111?\'1 J1'.�,I":1t:1:111 1► %%'E .111.A VE A '1;1.11:ER ON SECOND II':1.\ 11 -BI- CYCLES IN- (00L REPAIR AT RICHT '11'1 1 ,1111'1:`,BIcYC• •E REPAIRING A N U SUPPLIES. • WE HAVE A SPECIALCOAL 011. 1� OR I1(;['- ..• I1 11 UItS LMcLEOD THE STORE WHERE 'YOUR 'MONEY (;111:- LA 1:'i'll 1'' :1' JOYNT- ,li:r •ate e _ _ __ _ -'0 ' r SF TAL=t Li sH>~.f) 1672 pays to rai.:' hogs. ' Bare i.• alHaay.sra markt'.. prices are I:i :h and v.iil• rt•ntarin high. 'on ;t;•o•' ;;:t t,f the laarge export tract... tlt• 11 a 1.tan.to increase.) our ..tut'.. ,•t,: t. 1 BANK OF HAMILTLi +>w Ls LUCEtNOW Bi2ANCII J. A. Glennie,,•;,lanat',cr, thi 4170A /1961 WINGHAM, ONT. The school with competent instructors and strperiur• euurst• . drat;last, placed in positions. Alliiiate,l 'with. the Elliott 1lt(sint•, College, Tor- onto; acid the Central_ llu�int.'s:, College, Stratford. 1h't•iti: •for frt:.' r:t 1a= !ague• Entt4 tiny time. D. A. McLachlin, Pres, Phone 166 Murray McLeish, Principal, Dancing and Music That enl:►tional side of the rt:lj •r•• hl\1.1► .1,`;,111::: ,ttrt.:t..a t ,,•• •1i 1 ,ii :It • i llt• 7'mens:,lir '!!:1 1. 11 ..'1'• . is (Ill ;',.e :,t.li. or 11ay. .1:1 1,1.•l'ii': .'. i itv of people cannot be s'atiMf ed by , 1h-nt 11;tt.jat•(:: Pmte rttrit :l,• Gynin:l liens• flat: elan. 'lilt: t' grounds. (etc•. The love sof mooing th(' it''r` 1. ' :tri:'t, nit .( healthy body to the r`hythnt of mush. chi' '1'''' ,.11'1 „t i:, :'• .1 t'1 7 a:l,' , '.1,,i - bit some farm of dancing !s an in 11 '11:111 t \::,t1:11,:,i 1 i:.w.!;1,;�, i•,. •,\:, . 111,,1 horn pe(•uliar:'y of t•he n er•ar,* titan and w-onr:ln; with L:(tuor and -larder• tl 11l• 11ai,•,,',;1 1;, :Jr.,: :,,:• ;:,;,... i.-: E'nt mnsi(•, 'howcvt•r, danced may tlo, •'cri-s that til:• I:„ i.11A• i,i;,I'.I I,)c,i more harm lh:in bacteria, it is 'nth Ctii,le to St'P in , 1 '1'1'1'1 t. and t11:i.i { , `�:•, s.•.1. i1 :, I our largo. towns :1•,••:l. ._ t •';alar\', ,.11,'+, ;•:,.' 1,.: i♦ .Rios piling men and :Deign rush to some dance stall to satisfy a desire for amusement. People who Have u't,'1 17) their 'strength in 1).tnrin'g, itc• Hour(, 1?,lch Food.: or have. perhaps. lookerd. toes tong upon the Wine when at 1c -i- Regi' and have 1''t. Old John Ririe:' corn sem their 'vit,ality will fin.' a .1 nen Iii tete trsr t+f Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy. It trill .dispel "that tired t('e1Pnu take away that fe-ling (If ,lets.••'„n and tr(41'(111' 11("s that come,: ii'tltll kmred v:t:tlity and 1►r'ri--t 1'at•lj the ne'ilthy r4'•11.. r('(1 et lor to .tate (•11t',4:, 11 Will ti,a'ko your beauty slr'r- i more -i' 1 , '.tt.tV'\,'ig nt that Yu!) tl'in a,t;''kt' ltd_. :I; t . ;JI,t ,, . the mornings full.of lift and hope t, end n1nre' Ahle to'rarry (tri With !h,' ,, 1 flay's wn,rlt. The "habits ,that hurt” . it„.• ih; : t' can m(11'e na:iiy he nvutrteome if you .1 , will use Hacking's Heart ,and ,Nervi' Remedy to streng'the'n the Nen-, 1„ X 11 ! add Power to the Ilettrl and 1tr,' ' t' "'' t'' i! VIVA and stimulate the rirentatinn (,f inerit t\t' 01: he Blood. 13uy thorn from your f Carried. $140111'(etr. e0c a Loi, 6 for $2.5U. l ,1 1: ., 111 1 l 1'H1 -. "High Cost of Living” RCDUCCD This "Bur "'l�as-thP.�reputation►� of andel sell nu .,the ne . �l Towns and Villages .INI) i11a es .1\!) '1'1).1''U1'1'HEL 1'11"OVF 01.'I( ('1.:1111 t1'F:.1RE 1►1�.1,.1.l`c, t►\ _1 UF111'("1' ' OF (11.S•I.Itifi�; FOR '1'11'U'11'F:EKS•U:\1.1'—"I'Hc LAST '111'0 11'E14h1 1\' JUNE, ' it' 1;•1.,•ti1..1\1,1 1•:\1►1\(; 11'I:I)1F.SO.tl'• .i l'\'F ::uch. :1'I' `flll T1•.111:.'1'lllSy 1. •:.\'I"''1'(.1.'1'11,: f31►I.s.ti� •11.111:•\(Yi'.1SS!•:11 ` 11'1•: • . 1,1.1,1) .11.1. 1'H 1: 1.;.11t(i•:11\;; 'I O(;1?'1'll F;1{° 1';1 "I' 1'11031 ',1'1111•: TO l'1111.: 'Ili 1•:ftl•: 11 Il.l. I.i•: ' 1' Mitt 1:4::-.; 1:'lit{ .11.1.: 111°:1!}:1111.F.lt IHF.1.l_t'1! ! 1St) 1►1 'i 1.; ►►-: ~T 1 1i 1:1•:x:'1' 1'.11:i: 1 (1: .� l'►'f- 1 I ; .. t ►� 1,' l i 1,� is I: [ : 1i\ 1et-'F1'It1':1) .I. 1. tV. 1 511111: 'I't.11f:. • (;1►Ot'3:111ES -t . tight ht !:rut% n Sugar, $.6..10 per 100 IGS. Paint Olink' ('orn Flakes ('untfort Lye.. :,(Ic• .Jars Ulit.t' '9t- cake Ile pkg. y.- .... 1 le. ear tt :t!Ic •i;:r . .21c rans l'ippt•red llt'rrin;;, p Lin c,r. yt '1'untata' Saute .... .. , .30 'and :35c large cans Salmon... "_t;e • !lest grade Red Salmon .. a_,i• 25t• tart, .l't`atss ....' .... ..20c • t 9l►c• pari t'.•ai•h or. ,Plum' Jam.. ..;;c 90e fail• Peach uf • I'1utn')aro . . r;c 1 1b package Seedless': Raisin.....:'.- -;'i', bars '1'u'1t't titrttp,,. , This. A ill he your Last chancel./ get 1► aashing Soap at lit Lars fur• :'1,1►O, Strnli:lht, Sunny Monday. Comfort, 1',.r}' or Fels Naptita. • Take adla tit • . •I';t• .41 1.- tit i'- S 1 • I: PA INT • some goad shads:. in the i, ell knot, n Sher,, in 11 illi:tnt. faint to !,tear nut. 1Iu,tlt 1110 gnarls i11 the Int. %Girth $1.71' to $1.s5 per can. ON S.11.E .tT • 81.10 (1'l'. ' 11'e w ill have tables full to' t•lear. up. Wt. <tl ,-alinc,t •(taut( '�t11 hut they are, in mcixt rase,, Kurth mare. ��hut•.• 1 , the pti.ct. here, , t tlyan.we are asking re- tail. • A few .1•,t,eial. a ►•• follows: SHOES Boys. Wirt. and ladies rtannin.'' shoes in White ---Just . tht• thin; for the hot . • weather, .$1.25- per pair. 11en. liarl•es,t •hurt• at $1.(10 and $2.75. . . 1trn. 'fan ani!-131:1ci: 'Oxfords at '$3.. ill hair: ..A special frn- the _I.ad:e. rn• a(., mice l)ongtila Shoe,. cushion •ht•r hett, is $(iy 11"eirth ?`.00 alnd'"$il.titl a nv Plaice todat. i')RYCO(41►S The well -knots n makes of Overalls, "1.1i,h Lon7.:;•• 'and "Bull at l),•t" $:;. � 5 today, uns.alit� `;a. � tt 1►rth (lt) pair. Rt nren1her these are the heap)' make. • • Lay in a suptily for fall and H inter. •11en, fres-s Shirts, fang fronts, until) -111► to '4.2.1., 00 .alt• ;� �l. 1.ad: Vests, r,•,ful:r .;tt, is ir.� ,,;t i: t 11,1 sale , ( •.tt,•. Ladies ('anthin:lii•1,11(1 to $1.?.; 1•'lua'er(•O Voile clearing at 21c. • "ip.tluti 11111ai11-. eal.,rt•d harder. u: .1 basket of Lace Insertion 4 le. per .d. -Prints to Clear at 21c ycl. .t prim (;ingham, 1al in(IK•• Aide. t1e, un .:111' ,r _�'t•, .(;:, I:: It•a. :1 piers,' 1..1111. :;nil %% _ bite•. it, t' . •%.;'t•.. th t..t,r, 11 t1 .11, i4 'l•11. -, .. •1 11,`• -• c'•:1 ill ung he.nhf le.s than s1;2u (►t r �,� if b.►t;;1:7 tuci:t t . (t;, -:t 1r' .11 (i5i \ aril. 11(►SE 'tic. «nrth,:1•i In 1111•, The h..t a11ue d r.,tt: t� ht•rt.• 711_ (l:t , t . 91 in :t nicr'rih in I:rnr.n• 11!!;11' :In.i ;cl: `% . � (.c �ttr, to :!et our .;tpplof these :,1 :1 pair f,,r' ' 1.n•: THESE Are Only a Few of The Lines on Sale. Put in your appearance, and see for your- self. TERMS --Cast or Produce. Creani taken in __every clay of sale except Friday and Saturclay. J. N. McKendrick, 4 •'11 r. .t' L'st't•tlntit•,1' h;t• !11�'�. � ':',"an! —�--•–_..._ that. the (': ,tby ( ►v 7 ` • ° (4;t11un. raking- cif .•t1► t•!c :;.4 1 ( I n tint �t'(I.it, Fl,1ti1' 1 .� • ( n t ( 1 \ 1 ,1 \ I: 1 I' al t►nub f it'trt '• ' `ill!►,':1,'1, 1 r ,Illy, s:, t ► I:11"CI.1: 1 1•Il '• 1.1 'c toll in Ob..11t t'r,,,,rht ; t t • .Ian. '11'il"1rt, r I , :lits ill the l'ea•n:l , '•••,,,,;11; away. i , ' ,1at t ,►f i� lir'.. 1 tt 1,,'�, :R1,:111' .Ilt,,l ► ('i1','at i ,. �,ri t,t' .1,1�' !.1..31111:4' t-(•IH,.}� • f}ht • . � . I. Flirt tee-- •r c t.-. _ _- .�e � _._. .. 1.,1,...,.....':,-4.tf _,.;..�.._r; 11• r► , A t TTY ir• Ic v -� r }r. 1k (, . tll:r 'l. l i'ii 1. .lr:l►y, \j',�•tl(1; .1('1111 Co!,1 Ci t: , 'It • :1: I ,.• A% .,1'.,...1 , ,n rt•ictl. cr �' ,11 l:lr! •:slat}'. :, 1'ilr;r,,; l:t,' • 1.011.;7,,,...71,•(.40,7•77t,,, 1 .11(1• •(let►. 1''l 1':p�. S. 'I 1.1,1 a 1't I' , „'r t 1 1st h, (hili. .1„ .11i 1•,' t'1Ylt 7._± 1'..1.11' t .1t'kci'7. pall •afar\', :!11.1.1111 ' rll;l',l ,:, � 1'ul:rl,i . ., ,,i. t t i Murray. r,• str••l. 11, 7lt't' 11:1111C1 -S. *1.",,,m)); :1 IC ,',:t' t_ \,'i