The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-03-25, Page 1010.1111111111•11 .4 1 • • •• A r . • •••••••.••••••••••• II. "WO • ; • $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE;, $2.00 OTHERWISE. LUCKNOW. ONT., THURSDAY. MAR. 25th.. 1920. SINGLE COPIES, 4 ctims. When That New Watch Notion - • • • , First strikes you remember that there is such a thing as a store having a reputation for good watch values: also that this is the store. . • • • a Every individual Watch that we sell has got to prove up to what we promis for it. Each Movement is Factory tested and it has simply got to give you the right Nervice.• If you remember these things you will likely come here for that new Watch. We are giving Special prices on all lines on DOLLAR. DAY so that anything you buy will be saving MONEY. • Men's Heavy Nickle Watches $10.00 and up. See our Special 17 Jewell Adjusted at $20.00. BETTER BUY NOW THAN WISH YOU HAD IF: T. ARMSTRONG Jeweller & Optician . • BARGAINS N SHOES REDUalON ON ALL LINES. OF GOODS,,, IN- CLUDING TRUNKS, SUITCASES AND CLUB BAGS, FOR COLLAR DAY A'T W. J.-LIT- TLE'S.. Cali And Get Prices. W. J. LITTLE • Many people have been waiting this this announcement.; and why ! Simp- ly because McIntosh's Dollar Day means something big and real in the minds bf those who appreciate tone and genuine bargains. Come early and there will be no disappointment. DOLLAR DAY AT IviCINTOSH'S - STONE Aeroplane Values at Submarine Prices On our entire stock we will offer goods at loss than Aresent wholesale prices "for $-Day only. If you want to make Dialers Holler, make this store your headquarters. Ladies wear and Men's wear crowd- ed to the doors with,best of merchand- ise will create a record for Dollar Day sales. -Cone, early. ., . D. It. McIntosh: D. R. McIntosh says that his ba; - gas for Dollar Day will not be Mn. lined to a few lines only but will be in every* department,. and ,for- every- body. Mr. Will Douglas has engaged with Durnin has bought a!, residence in Clinton and the fainily will move •there next week. We understand that Mr. Douglas will move.to the farm at the same time. This is your great 'buying opport- tunity and you have the chance on Tuesday next Dollar Day at McIu- toshe's Store. Just arrived -car of fresh cement, Canada brand.. Luithow Hardware & Coat Co. FARMS CHANGE HANDS Many farms throughout Bruce and Huron counties are changing hands this spring. One of the latest deals in this line to be reported is the -sale by Stewart E. Robertson of his farm 3 miles west of Lucknow to Joseph Johnston. -Mr, Johnston did not keep the almost immediat- ely resold to Jas. Stanley who in turn sold his farm to R. T. Irwin. Mr. Robertson is having san auction sale on April 5th, and is giving up farm- ing for the present. •- • Among the numbers which will be rendered at the Jesse Alexander. Concert are the following: 1. A Veesit tae ▪ the. Country. 2. For Belgium. 3. Humorous incidents of Registration. 4. The Coward. 5. Should Women Propose. The program pill be varied by musics' •webers , toaster - big of solos, &setts and drills. SPECIAL -The Novel C liar- acter Drill. . • ' • BUSINESS BLOCK SOLD An important realeNtate deal was transacted the other day when Mr. Wm Murdie bought the Campbell Block -thee -is the block now occupied by the Post office and Johnston Bros. -stem There will a ata a sp se, s s s ats&s.ws s& & $ & i & $ & & $ & $ & $ & $ & & $ & 1 & $ & &$&$ LUCKNOW'S SECOND ANNUAL 141, DOLLAR DAY ▪ • LUCKNOW MERCHANTS READY FOR BIG TRADE EVENT TUESDAY, MARCH 30th; 4. ow 4. • Get ready, everybody, to come on Tuesday neift to Lucknow's Second Great Dollar 'Day. The stores will, On that one day, offer such genuine bargains as the pur- chasing public for this district have riot had presented to • themin a3ong,period, And the Merchants,- are . making it worth while for all the people of Luck now and -surround- ing district to patronize their stores on Dollar Day. - -• On. Dollar Day the bars of high prices • will be down on many articles, and everybody is invited- to come and load up while the opportunity offers. Those who took ad- vantage of Dollar Day last year were not disappointed. This year even better things are expected. The big val- ues are for one day only, Tuesday, March 20th. Many homes whose income is lim ited have had to grt along without many things they needed- because of the unavoidably high prices, and this opportunity will be ap- preciated by making the Dollars do more than on other days. Read the advertisements in this week's Sentinel and shop early before the biggest bargains are cleared out. - The names of the Dollar Day Stores are printed be- low, each offering special values in many lines for that .4 day only, so load tip the family into the car, buggy or democrat and come along to Lucknow. sh • BRASS BAND WILL PLAY _A FTERNOON AND EVENING ad .41 9. .4. 4. 04 ati 4. 44 dis se 9. so STORES OPEN I N7 EV EN (NG. • Cameron, Murdoch & Co. A. R. Finlayson W. Cottrell W. J. Lane McLeod & Joy nt W. W. Hill - J. G. Armstrong Ackert & Rathwell Peter Graf T. W. Smith R. J. Button Alex Ross Wm. Alli F. T. nnstrong I). IL McIntosh N. L. Campbell M. A. Treleaven Lneknow lide. & ail A. Illitzstein A. T. Davison & Son A. M. Spence Con Decker, - N.• D. Mackenzie Johnston Brus. Thos. E. Smith D. Mallough •.• U!DER .4,ITSPICES (w • tITCKNOW BRAS: The Bert Johnsto •Musie and Fun Show will give an entertainment in the Carnegie Hall, Friday and Sat- urday nights, changeing..the show each night. The -specialties consist of Magic Mirth Music, Box Mystery, Spirit Cabinet, Hand of Budda, Van- trigulism and selections on the violin by Mr. A. J. Smith, a master of the • pp *violin, rendering some most difficult ft* work in his solos, also, giving imita-- tions on his ene-string" instrument. This company are making a Coast -to - Ps toie;t lour, and have just completed •re their tUfir of the East and Northern partAif Canada,,,and are-.noW !finishing this part of Ontario before going west. ••• Ps FP 4114 ▪ & $ & $ & $ $ & $ II& & $ & $ $ & $ & $ $ & at $ ik$ & $ & $ & $ & $ & $ & $ ar,4 $ & $ & $ & $ & $'& $ & $ & $ &.$ AUCTION SALES S. F. Robertson, Lot 6 and 7 Con. 1 Iluron Township will have a clear- ing auction. sale of. his farm stock - and implements, on Monday April 5th Everything will be sold as Mr. Rob- ertson has desposed of his farm' pro- perty. J. Purvis Auc. immediate chang as Mr. Murdie does not sOt possertion until Dec 1st. Tickets for the Jessie Alexander concert now on sale at Armstrongs Drug store. Plan open Saturday. Miss Pearl Fraser went to Toronto Thursday of last week where she has entered at the General Hospital as a nurse -in -training. OPERA HOUSE Lucknow • FRIDAY •• AND SATURDAY MARCH 26 & 27 AUSPICES LUCKNOW BRASS BAND • BERT JOHNSTON'S BIG MAGIC AND FUN SHOW FEATURING • JOHNSTON • THE GREAT MAGICIAN CARRY OUR OWN ORCHESTRA D.• ADDEND FEATURE . A. J. SMITH WIZAOD MASTER OF THE VIOLIN AND IMITATIONS AUGIC MYSTERY MIRTH MUSIC--YANTKOLISM-BOX 'MYSTERY -not) CUFF KING-sPiRrr: • CABINET COMEDY PRICES Sec, 55c. Child Wk. PLAN AT ARMSTRONG'S DRUG STORE. • 1 If 4111__ 1 11.111.0 • Victor Whitley will have an auc- tion sate of stock 'and implements e' at the Cain House barn, Lucknow on Saturday, March 27, commencing at 2.40 o'clock. There is a lot of stuff on this sale. Seebills, R. McCharles, Auc. For Sale --Choice grass or flax farm 100 acres North half lot 6 Con. 12 West Div. Ashfield part of purchase money may remain in mortgage at 6 per cent. R. H. Dignan London FOR SALE -Massey Harris binder 6 foot cut, good as new. Massey Harris mower, VA foot cut, has cut about 40 acres. Information at The Sentenel Office. L -4-p Special -The Central Business Coll- ege, of Wingham, has a special of- fer and easy terms for you, if you start that course you have been planning for, on or before April 6th. Write for particulars.* -14-c Rev. R. F. Irwin was called to London last week on conference comniitte work to make arrange- ments for the coming annual confer- ,ence to be held in Stratford this year,• CARD OF THANKS -Mr. and Mrs. D. Huston and family wish to -ex- press their, sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors who showed so' much kindness and sym- ,pathy at the 'time of their . recent bereavement. CHURCH NEWS ' Methodist Church -In the morning Mrs: Cuyler will address the coh- gregation on behalf of the W.M.S. In the. evening the pastor will preach. • AUCTION SALE of FARM PROPERTY 290 Acres Choice Land in Township • of Ashfield The" undersined has been instructed by MRS. ,IOHN T. GRIFFIN, to sell bp public auctionAt Lot 10, Ashfield, one mile North Kintail, on NON - DAY, MARCH 29TH, 1920. • List of _Parcels of Land PARCEL r.)NE-1.04 acres, _more or less.. Situated North half Lot 4, 'Con. 9, W. D. Ashfield. Grass land, windmill and • artesian well. PARCEL TWO -50 acres more or less,situated South half -of North half Lat. 3, Con. 8, W. D. • Never failing stream, good grass land. PARCEL THREE -50 acres, more or less, situated on Lake Range .N West quarter of Lot 28, Ashfield. 25 acres ploughed, barn 36x56. PARCEL FOUR -Containing 90 ac- res more less. situated on Lake Range W part of Lot 29. -There is 44 acre§ plotighed, balance in hay. Artesian well. Choice land. comfort- able house and frame stable. The above land will be sold subject Co reserve bid. • Sale to Commence at 1 o'cck TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent. of purchase price on day of sale, balance in 30 days. MRS. 'JOHN T. GRIFFIN PROP. McCIIARLES, AUC. 4. Asemmi.. • Pigs Strayed or Stolen -From the premises of the. undersigned, lst Con. Kinloss, the week of March 20 four white pigs 5 weeks old, Any person giving information leading to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Alex •Gollan. I have *Walled in my shop an 08... ygen-ecetyline welding plant and am prepitied to weld steel, maleable, and cast iron. Perfect work can be done In any of these metals. A call at the shop will convience you of this. G. Ostrander. Cows For Sale -2 Durham Cows rising 5 years, due to April. Apply toW. Lucknow freshen in Get youi ear in shape for the sea- . Foran R. 2, son at the Ford Garage, Ininpetent . 1-4-p ' man 11 -charge of repair work. 1 E. A. Renwick. 4 • Messrs Logan and Cutt, of the -Lucknow Flax Mill Co. are in, town this week getting thierbuildingt near the station in shape .for ,the seasons WOW* 1 We had a very successful business on Dollar Day last year. We are busy sorting 'out many lines to mark at special prices for the coming DOLLAR DAY, Tuesday, March 30th. - ODD LINES IN DRESS GOODS SPECIAISIN FLANNELETTES SPECIALS IN SHIRTISIGS- . SPECIALS IN MEN'S' OVERALLS SPECIALS IN MEN'S HOSE • SPECIALS IN LADIES' HOSE SPECIALS 'IN CHILDREN'S HOSE SPECIALS IN MEN'S UNDERWEAR s SPECIALS IN LADIES' UNDER- WEAR SPECIALS IN LADIES' RAINCOATS AND MANY OTHER LINES 4 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY FLOOR COVERINGS. OUR PRICES FOR TAPESTRY RUGS AND CONGOL- EUM,SQUARES ARE MUCH LOWER THAN MARKET VALUE. IN OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT THE LAD- IES WILL FIND AN VP -TO -DATE STOCK F R 0 M WHICH TO CHOOSE THEIR SPRING HAT. WE EX. TENDt.NINVItAflON TO TILE I. A 1)1 FS TO VISIT OUR SI144)WROONL, W . CONNELL, Lucknow • 4 DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP • Treleaven Bros., Luck - now, having dissolved partuet:Jltip, W. E. MEL- • EAVEN requests that all 'accounts be paid in by April 1st. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN u MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. tire Insurance; both stock and Mutual Companies. Cohveyancing done with neatness and despatch. - Geo. • A. Siddall, Broker, .Lucknow. Highest prices paid . for all kinds of raW"furs... Special prices for mink and .fox• ei,:also for horse hides and sheep „suns: Don't. fail to call or phone /40. B. Blitstein. Dry Goods Store. • DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Cain , House, Lucknow, every Wednes- day afternoon. .chronic dis- eases successfully . treated. Os- • teopitihy removes the physical causes of disease: •Adjustment of • the spiue:is More quickly secured and with fewer trektments by Os- teopatry than. by any ether method •.All kinds of hides wanted. Highest Toi'oeto prices. Also ,all Muds of live poultry, no matter what size. Let me • know, or call by phone; No. 86, and I will call. Jake Libel. The Excelsior Life Insurance Co,s. high- niteresi earnings -6.81 per cent a-aiong with low death.ratet--.64.3 per cent - makes 1a profits to policy- holders. • Try a policy in -this Co. in 1920.- W.P.Reid; tutknow, Agt. FOR SALE--Tiventy good young breeding ewes, supposed to be with lamb. Apply tte.Alex Ross, Luck - now. '11-3-tf. ; FOR SALE -Choice Seed Oats-- Rennies' Early Yielders -Russ Mid- dleton, Phone. 26 r 9, Ripley. 25-3-p_ . • WANTED -By the Lucknow \Flax Mill, Sod Lami, suitable fur growing flax. Apply to Hugh Macintosh. Lucknow, or to the proprietors -Log- an & Cutt. • 25-3-c FARMS FOR SALE , 200 acres -Kinloss. Township, • 76-1ErEs=11-61TIMY5WISITip. Ancl-two-geoct-frame- houses -in -Luck= now. For particulars. Apply to 18-3-tf Geo. Siddall Lucknno. , - FARM FOR SALE -100 arc,res, 65 acres under grass -a splended farm on 6th Con., Ashfield; a good barn and largeorchard. .Apply to Mrs. S. J. Pentland, Dungannon. 1-4-100 • CREAM WANTED • Best cash prices Toni Smith's Wednesdays and paid for cream at grocery Lucknow, Saturdays, D. A. Andrew. , • 5-2tf / "'ru• tAnii OlvivoKb• • The assement of the village of Luck - now is now oeing mum, and owners ot dogs are notmea that mere win be no teiunaing or dog taxes tor any reason. II assesgment ot a dog Is made,, the tax will be collected, re- gardless of what afterwards becomes ur the dog. J. E. Agnew, Clerli. Dissolution of Partnership-Treleven Bros, Lucknow, having dissolved part- nership; W. E. Treleaven requests that all accounts be paid in by April 1st. . FOR ALL MATTERS REGARDING GREENHILL CEMETERY refer to D. Alton, Sexton. FOUND -on the road North of Lucknow a driving robe. Informa- tion at Sentenel .office 1-4-c FOR SALE -Eight roomhouse, at St.Helens, one acre ground and stab- le.. Apply to Jas Gaunt R. 1 Luck - now. Phon0. 41 on 64 25-3-tf. As the committe have been succes-. ful in' securing Jessie Alexander ori an off adte before another concert engagment at Listowel, they are able to make' the popular price of 50e. to Adult :C>e children. • This 'locality is afforded a special treat in securing Jesjie Alexander and you' will be Sorry if you miss her. You will miss a rare treat if you miss the Johnston fun and Magic show' 2 nights Friday sad foturdaY •