The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-03-04, Page 4v ► Incorporated in 1835 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,001) -Over 120 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK BUSINESS StRVlCt Many of our customers who started in a small , way, have now a well-established business through the assist- ance and co-operation of .this; Bank over a period • of years. Open an. account .in this Bank wl,)ere your ibbtel.es'ts will be faithfully looked -after • by ex=perienced officers.. The Manager' is always accessible. T.. S. -REID,- MANAGER, 'L'UCKNOW BRANCH. Portland Cutters Bobsleighs Washing Machines and Wringers Primrose. Cream Separators Louden Litter Carriers,, Stalls, Stanchions Williams New Vrtl�l•1'><a►n�e�; ��re�� • Machines Gourlay, Winter' and Lee mis1,g Pianos For Sale b W. 0. ANDREW, LUCKNOW.. '. lip turkunw OntituEI 1'ubliahed every Thursday morning lot l.uuknow, UMario. A. 1). MACKKNZ11C, Pre irtetor. and i'.Utor. '111111tid»AY, M A ItC11 1th, 1920. PRESIDENT 'WILSON,. THE GES I' ABOIED MAN IN' It was Lord who said: - "I ley' ' tt ho ascends t.► mountainh tolls shall find' the loftiest peak .Most wrapped in clouds and -snows; Heti who surpas' es or subdues Man- • kind Mut look down On the hate of those below,,' Yr•esid �s>t ils.on,- of the, United Slates,° Most, he realizing tIi sound-' msss a. !i u t i � i lc;► text sly >the e' s a .1 -le has his friends, of •coiirse, but his enemies, •if not more, numerous, are `tt►uch solider and 'pore pc"rsist= cut..' `Most of the :bitterness, of eou' .i -e, 'comes from the republicans,- wh.a, as the next presidential .election draws nearer, become more .and .more sav- a � ;;, E , e t;-th.'ir 1....::uk .tllc _president_end his. party .is •eiii done by his oullt- ►i`&1 opplarlr 3•, ' , 1'ti.l' ii t It' :lett',' th' t'iti-tt•d Gt'+tct't'.`:I 'entered., the war, re.pualicalit and dea1- oerats. alike .were with the president, but r. i sdoner was the war over than the republicans appeared to repent.• of their kindness, and they have ever since been making up for lost tirne. To a disinterested ,on -looker, the .opinions which many people have .of the ' president is astonishing. They exhaust. the resources of the Eng- lish. 'language • in efforts to cxpr..s their contempt (or him. One bitter opponent was 'heard to say- that "if Wilson -were washing di -rhea in a back kitchen , where he ought ,to' be, instead of bungling things at Wash- ington, things }night go better with the country:' .1 At times -President Wilson showed fine qualities; and he could not have attained the' presidency. if he''were. not" a man of -exceptional ability. 'But he appears, to .have qualities or defects which make' him contempt- ible. People might disagree with Roosevelt,. but ,they never felt con- tempt for him. Wilson appears to . be most unfort- ____unate g w1 pugnacious �iu►p OPFICL HAMILTON POSSIBLY . you are saving money to -day, but are you saving- all you might? Many could double their saving deposits quite easily. Thtt road to, fortune lies through sating. Take stock of your savings possibilities to- day: You will- be surprised to find how many small' amounts might have • gone into the bank instead of tieing lost sight of in other directions. BANK OF HAMILTON LUCRNOW BRANCH -J. A. Clennie, Manager. CRE3AM WANTS —BY— fhe Seaforth Creamery Co. We solicit your patronage Ind guarantee you entire sat- `sfaetion. Our prices are always the highest. Tei of don ' —Cepa at' ' '�. by experts . - Our service and payments see prompt. Write a card ^a.ls. I'rices were never as high as at present and (still soar- ing higher. . A card will bring you cans on the next train from us. I he Seaforth Creamery Co. Scaforth, Ont. to-day for BUSINESS AND•SOCIETY CARDS ei4V old tad h gelid ut .. IL 4ritallr`i• d'sekly papers have llern •afOrt)eel o suspend publication, while'neahly all th•• others have gone up to *2. 0 per yevr. Many of tit's dailies 3t••' u to ten, twelve or Iit4,-,•.1 dollar er year. gill' ('lilford Salon, :;Unit' y,':)t•:: ago. lttr:sly TxplUin(•d the t•rollhlt' with many newspapers ity . saying that vha,t was wanted was ':lawn.. grain:: and less pulp." • May liubliahers have. been trying hard "to. follow hist> suggestion, but with tetany, eip''''ally' in the U, S. cities, ther:! is still room for improvement- Jong that lino: '1'1.11: PEOPLE AND THE FLU A peculiar fart observable iii con nection 'with the present epidemic of influenza is the rc:uetanc•e of •folk admit that a case of sickness in tip fathily i., influenza.' It may l`,c' a .'plat at•y +ritltl;" N `; ltt geipp�-- an y thine: but flu Don't call it that. Why? The reason appears: to be that. influ- now*, recogt►izi'd a:; i:itching, many families 'hav'ng sickness enza and are quite 'wil 'ng to let their -neigh- bors take chances so lona; , as they (the family affected.) are .put t.) just as Tittle trouble as possible, Man .sases'this ear are ronounc- �_ y r ti 'ust la riri) i' tclll4 ., tali t: tui 'he 'in'tir`!i nl;�i•e` pofi plug' tell' iniiuc�n�:c. But a year ago itirdit';tl 'Len ia::urt'd li; that the :�i.tat)i`:ii listissen .a tVa clothing but Lite Li grippe tit lwt ills;'• years' ago.. What's in a name? Wel, if you call it "grippe" you may go' among other people with a clear conscience; but, call it "influenza" and folk -are liable to shun you and your; house: ' SHORTEST WILLS ON RECORD .. t1---^O--^0•-••O- 0-'.^• O-wore.-:-p^-..A--••.A-- 40 !• 4' „ dl O --l►-- ll-�'-l)--u--lir—u—u -41-41 'l'i'lt' tva•; 1%1tat'rt tet' -(h•rkarip u t1tt+ 1►it•i ;;t,n l'tr111 eta:. : bi.lit the fattest. job -in V1'ull.el lust. -.t1:. The Teles t,pe. In those' days win we're' 10.E tt dozed - and butter 1.).& At.* pound, thy Clerk's fees, amounted. to the tidy suns of $::,►00 a year. Rut time's have changed." The' busy t-,►urt s to -day deserted. Folks pay Their, high without being 'sued. '1'hc' Clerk's eel's fol' 'lei IIIittttutIIttl't'(I to' only •`,' -: t fop' the cutin' year. . Kincardine Knox l hunch' for flu' '!'Matt:: I)lpering for t!1,' lrt,i ward •Movement hale .gong' . Oyer.' t -t. - t,') it': t•;vas tit; . $.ti,001) .. Wit 11 a- few dispel' for hear'' from. l'ons•ds.. 'i.Ig. that l.1t•'" Bong vegatiio11 : ha a �. palet utf '.$1LO;1O O dcyht ifs the last' jc, tr anti •a half, xil,l 11:t t r 1l'1('rea`:l:'tl' :slier- init �:iltIrrirry •',s'.b�`,.-, . inr;.s', iT " . ii��1 `i 1T'i " ctt.-. "cat ;'"t4W i les poirse. is roost gratifying... Residents of the''.'prot.rre•sive' t.e►wit • ship of '1'uckersnlith -are • taking. steps to have the tiydt'o t.�U1111111�:41Qti supply the township, with 'electri:, current. A petition -making. the r�•- :quest is being. circulated among tlwe ratepayers. • (ail: la, C3oi;�, .:t #.''i1'i . f!!�cf.,{ ',�,.. . 'pati • il>... ( v .i: '•. '' r1. _..r1,,.. 4uts-ixtiiIf . i. •' �'iEtreinii ��► �'w't�tttlilr'�'�`'��Z •tar -1+.17 i. �.. .. itrt'rei' front• sleeoine sit•1(ne.•:; I'.•r 1/', t: a at tilu:tt!1� i- it . It:t' 1„'t•,1 .111 .t ~talc- 'of ?•t I11i t'wtt,t:iyaSIt.••-, t►-i.h.--i-tvise• lit, tlltltl ai�lll.ci .quite 'swell. .•., ► 1► leave all to her.—Frank A. Kirk - ley, 13th July, 1917.”; This will, which 'has , lately been proved, is'said to be the shortest will on record. It is written on the back of a girl's photograph, the. portrait of the beneficiary. Though said to be- the shortest will 'on record, this is not quite the ., fact, for there' is one which consists of three words only—"All for mother." This was written un the back,of an envelope by Mr. F. C. 'W. Thorne, of Streatham, who died in the year 1905. • Mr. Piteairn; formerly assistant to the president of a big American "Cor- poration” left a fortune of no 'less-. in deealin with a than fifteen million 'dollars. 'Yet his JOHN SUTHLItLANI) & MONS. Ltd., Guelph. 1 Ont.; lnwuranco. Fire and -Marina 10. O. 11' Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday opponant. ' • As in his dealings with Germany, he appears- to think t=hat every trouble can be- settled Eby argue- ment and expostulation, One (min im- agine him lect-iring a burglar who had evening at 8 O' (lock in their Hitt , tamp. 'entered his house in the night. Roose- br1l .erect., All brethren cordially itrvited. vert would knock -him down 'O ficers : - Noble 1:rand, Robe: t ,and hand Vice.-6ran4,.J. ; •-Iter. .146c;., .. A. ". him- ov r -to the �►ul:ire. Wilson would Boyd:1'in. Secy., Dr. Paulsson; Ieasurev, Alex. ltos,t. he. robbed and perhaps shot for bein;f fI C. -Ohl Light ?ridge meets in the way A. F. & A. M. (7, K r:rry'1'itur-•1st night on or before Leu' full ' It this lack of eight which makes . wont,, its'1►t:. t1:t temic Hatt. Havelock -;.tee= Wilson contemptible. The majority Lucknow.'. t•:ty: � w.. JL Meciiii•e; J. W.. Ju.. Mole; `,le•C}.. w. t,f people, both 'len and ).smell, :i.J- A, Wil,soll.. n,it•e a •.pian who will take care of GET 1'I(E"M•:' "f. -1f hen you take himself,- even If that involves a s. -rap. Tinsmithing Eavetroughing Furnaces Installed. All kinds of Tinware promptly repaired. 'Th4 •Orangeville -papers have . an= nOUIIc'e4I 'at : increase. in subscription rates to $ 1,50 a year after the 1 st of Marc•.h. - The delay. in making the advance has l,eelt-tlie� fault tit' :the. publishers, themselves, who were. jealous of each other and wotil'dn't dare to take the' plunge. till they Nista to. For the past three •yea:•s 'the paper business in Orangeville must have been a profitless game and ewe;11 'at the 'advanced rate they may tintii it hard enough to Make things go at present cost of production. • Rev. Father Capps,• who has been - in charge of the Catholic parish' at Teeswater the past ten years, will be moved- to Mount Forest, to suc- ceed the' late Father hehol, early in' March.- father . Flaven, of Mark, dale, will take charge of the work at Teeswater • • The new Canadian cent. Will he about the size 'of the United States cent. 'The present copper coin always seemed large for •thd, amount of value it represented. Healthy, Happy Boys and Girls --S your child healthy ? I9 - Ashe ' :.to Stan- - he o,� up dard weight,.'of good color,4b* with plenty of rich, ,.red` - blood nog ish the. grow- ing owing tissues ? For children who are titin, pale, anaemic, under weight, nervous, restless, sleepless, Dr. Chases' Nerve Food ..is 'of the greatest. benefit imaginable. -1 1',t�iii t:i;lip :„{,1 ti: (. t.t•- tiori; and :Yet . •s o iderfnil - 'pat- ent as a rester. d. ive, it ;tools r snakes the blood rich aid hn ills up the'* feeble nerves. 50 centsra 'box, "C'for $215, all dealers, et ('o , J dmanson, Bates '& Ltd., Toroutd. will, leaving ev erythin•• ''to iia ,wife, contained only twelve tines, of type- writing. ' An el(lerly• Frenchthan was found dead in his house at Dotnnely, in the • Ardennes. A search among his papers .failed to reveal any will, until under _-his- -u--plod Of sheet iron was .4:s covered, with these words writteii on it hi; white chalk; ' - , "I bequeath a!1 my property to the florouic.h of .Ardenner ' en . i-ondit:on that the mayor give $60 to the local fire I,ril.••ade for a bi'anfea•:t. (:iitrnedl The ' relatives. disputed this queer d�a'cry brief will, but the local ctlurt A •! t�iat it was var d, " eat," rill' on -record- to -that - of the late Mr. Edward Bush, a re-. ,tired English engineer who died in' 1.109, leaving property worth $.�2:=,000. It contained no lea,; .than 26,000 words, wh ch is equal to all the print- ing on three sheets of an ordinary newspaper. . Sun_Life (,i Canada. ti)t bulge: t_ ' h -ed thati:'ilson would rank among the cin, iiltt�a Zomn par a-l►rvst. Kresct prea,lats; tea d.St:t- e record •Canadians are proud of. es. One can hardly think of hint as such now, See Ceo. N. Smith, local agent, for particulars. . . ' • ' VICTORY_BO:`; DS:bou•gltt andaold. Also farm }ands and village property. .io:)eye to loan on •pct and 2nd molt - }rages at current rates_uf interest. In- surance, conveyancing, etc. Joseph Agnew, .Nota r' 1'ul,lic, Aplin Block, Lucknow•, Ont. TIIE •EXCELSIOR LiFE shows high Interest earnirii s, and economi- cal managing of the company's fairs. -11 ni. 1'. It.•:^. Agee:. THE 1f. ('. 1.• IN 111)i•1,.1N1) • The Ch• sley •I:r►tt•rp►rise . following: Wm. (raper of this town has re - fro,:. !f',liar:4, t:it• Ian= (f •his had the an t.'bs n(•t' +,f two ::,',rt''ate, Fri-ai•-+---tit.4--*.4-4,444 • 0G. Ile (;olr;t'ti(;c er) nor did h. GRAND TRUNK sn7E. -H ' stet;•k railing carol to, a riles; 'r:- • r,'•r•n•!n for the f;('rrnan. I I . :., a .• ' ', t', ., 1t',W: }tlrr: that . The Double Track Route f�ri{ 1.e 11e flt of ;'. a•. ,�j,;,,.-.' (1 . t-' f'. 7 . 1s r.�f vs :: r.tf MONTREAL,) 'TORONTO, 4 DETROIT and Ct1ICA(;t) ht ;„ • 14. � •.'. Cpexcelled i tnit_g Czar :t • . (►'• ;'' , j- 11',:1:>t:3'i f' -i', f01 ,, wleeping cars. on night trains an'l psr1'.r , . 4'it • -, , 1 . • :, COTS f,n- principal'lay frcllr:a. -tV f"�'+tt t , h <.b t t,.;. Full information from any.(,rand..T.ra!p-k ,t 1ti' :tr dist >. •''t ?r171( ricket Agent. or C. t.. Horning,. l/i-tt;t t ''! ' ' '' ' ' Pass enger Agent, Toronto: A. W. HAMILTON i► i-. les# i,t1''k.n.-iw.- , 11,)11" 1 1.'.t1' .:1'`to (,ar,A'ia atm }.lar !. , '!,'.sir'''s to l'4•1,i4.4•41 Lt, tat'• .:0:1(1e,f ir.'irnill-, W. t,'„I- ,--4=3-i-5!3.t4e-, anti a to r•• '. . v.',i:I•i finds (alt St ►► an'. reit! epi -;i --Itn,r1, take h;m v.ti':1 le.,,- atrt hinigry,':trtd. if he i,i a:itiab!('' titerre (14 .hint and till bi,,l up find y'oti have an angel. • An old colored woman, hearing the - jubilee melody said, "Nobody, knows the trouble I've ,seen. Yes, .and no- body -knows h=ow nineb less trouble we might see if we would stop look- ing at it." • .NEWSPAPERS .GOI.NC: ,1111-• The' Clohe announced 'a few days ago that on :1larch' l st the subscrip- t! n price would Le $ ►.A11 •:pc:.r ; car, and that single copies sold. outside of -Toronto 'would be :;c•' in making the announcement The (;lobe gives reasons for the.•increase. s:nipily forced to it. • by the in- crease 'in price of white paper and of :al►us', It is )reneralls known that Canad= ;f.-►--f,ul,i:�l:(pis have had a gold deal t. i' trouble th ' hast two years with the '. bite paper tvanufacturc•rs. The Globe tells us that in. 1916. it got its paper at $39.60 .per ton, while today It T hirlis ti, ► y 'ttftO per- t ►rt,-wrt1ir--* the!•t•td,t►t, of a ten -dollar advance raid-fiun,ruer: . Thi- iii a case in wh'rh the .',aero-.. •tai•turers--feign•-:t justly- he blamed for L• -the.' 'h h ;rr ic•e. it is ,really due t' the (•',''1i' -''tit:',' (,f the• (nit '(1 Stat -•s puh-a ;i •i:' r.,. Our pr:(•e eolltro;iers have '1',n- a •sro'-I ilea! ,for. ('annclit4.n rtab- .i'1: ►+.-�• .'111..y. have for tWo years f',1''e-'1 (';L:,;t l :1:t pap'•,' ,,tailtlfieturer4 !„ 11 t•► 1:t,,aFI.an f,abli.,li.•rs at a })r;,►w what -knit; Stal-'•s•t, pili. }peri W(*I'r paying for ! 1 : any, , "','I 'A t the pr'•s"nt•time ( :tr,nr!':stn r►tarl:if:iett,r,.1' ; vet, V10,00 -f+,+ +-s'+'f)• t -,la of. t -t `•)• ,;1+141 i;( 1,1•}:, , (''r; .'' 'i ,e�`f's►t •:;, tvhi!e 1'';lt,aeiian 1)311►- . n' r fray only :►noshO per ton.. fie' 1h- '..S. k.•t would reatl:l‘,- r,►e 1l'• whole (nitt,ut.of all (':1.1- .:,''':';, ,rel ill,. itt th ti,rh r f►rir 1 "BOOM" DAYS ON THE TILE WANE Unless all - signs fail the -high cost ,)f living is on .the wane, the secm- ,�l ly, iltlpnssal)le being broujiht about ►y the closing -Of the -European mark- ets. to Canadian and ;Vim -Henn, goods. The, exchange situation is, of c•ou'1 se, the...prime factor _ in the,te .pending lead;ustr:tents: From all .the p(,itttl ►whc r.- 1)r..,iuct; a(cunlul ate for ex- port, (4)Ilie stories o'f' wurt•ti:►use' be- n blocked .w,ith:..goods • tor. - witi.cli e ua t . . s svt lLi own__ that ..packing_ houses. il_'.1TetefrUln cellar 'to roof^wit 1 pro- ducts 'bought at high figures, and which. cannot be• sold in Europe in the present •condition of the • nionccy rnarket ,- • - _.. ., .. 1f the foreign situation : holds, and there is no apparent reason Co believe that the finances of the various Euro - 1:1ATC,brll! r A',:3 g AB- Tre i1�A h1at, Oat . and !'.lalo Cce.i: e;ore 1' 1)i!ii1i';:►. t f 1 �►t•r::::in or F. :Ilia, - (1..113 ,h• 1: e' •t:►s:it !)..I4,'.1,„ 113' I :.:iner- t; ,!'l1l a:t' ~:i►) i!►pili:. t''!1 . :�ift'O' St:soles tt(' .11:4:1• Used for t'ot:tti) tic:o. (('('r,-tribilt. ,1 1,\' ( ►,•t:: r•1" i l''i.:t 1J:i,'. tit ot- ,I5Ii e.tlturt:•, •1.1irinit<,) • L 1•:::1'1' it,,..,.5 14 t q'ltelri•iv t.(•C'nr- il,11''�'fle.'t,,lt::•1•• 'or . iii 1;t( r i'1 crops'. 1•,i. t.,1t4 4.1E�►• Iii, H':it:. !tato' ' 't:yea c•c►:1ci"t :•-(! ii, 1'►- t.'it:l.i 1111:;- 11.1'11:1.1' f►"il'1'i:.:t :1 ..; 111, t'tl11, !,c' ill . ye::l•S l':,::i 1.11 . i...• a 1:1:; ::t , fll'ael kat 1 1,, •'t i ►;s c I ! i,. ; 1 t -,1t niti Lt vain- . Itte:►de.,! ,i !.'Ilii:; 11., 1,;'11 i1► ,:1',tttt. t As illy 1' ' I• export-, 10 •11Is t, 1.:.i t;• ", !...1 tCi111 wet :t t St!l-I ,, . 'i 1: :' ':1.• ee i l ft %%-,►k�,:;!:; U'::,• .1 i.. i..l:.. ,: .1., 111.1 41:1•:.1 11 I' : ► i' I tCH 1, '. 1 11.. .• 1 :1 , : I . ',11 11 •..'tc,.r'-t vt t :,.:-- t :...a=-- �,..., 1,1'. 1 t ftt'- I,t.4Is . •�.I' ! �! ;.� , , t' Ili+� t ... 114 ell; 1) 11. •I� ' ,�1 ,,. 1.:1.0 f F! • prier- '+r .ar,1104111sh i► 11 + «• is 1.1 ''illy etnd.l .11)nr' :iii, ie► tll•I?.• nit :e'l4•:.'err :t'l -that lune tnfay ! )l,o • for.. 11i" .1'. S. py'dish, rs n .'lblc to i►a:: the hi;:' -h price betituse tslt'y ;!,•‘,t, a higher kali for their prnduct. 1\e • To Ladies ! Anaemia This Is 'a result of the lael . of, t.hc 'ordinary 1141 corpseules in the blood. The tot; frequent neglect c,l' this complaint, especially in the t• of growing girls and 3'tiung tt•uln,1•n, is fraught with the great - (1st danger. - Poorness of the Blood most lead to weakness ss of the 1►'►(iy, (;'•algal Debility 'and- Snell .t run 41(4W11 .49.044.1141011 that the sufferer falls a p►r':y to almostany epidemic disease.-- especially Intluenza. Colds and La Grippe. 1 Fainting, Palpitation _ - g4011ert1 (listurhl,:ern ef' the• bodily funrtior::;, 'headache, hysteria, pale mod sallow twIItftlextuu, pu'.Ior c)f tlhe•. tongue MO its, p ariuet:; un- der the -eyes and Heart i',l uraiur are generally associated wit;, An- aclnia. Hackings Heart and Acre Remedy iz the. Moi:t r(•lia; pct l4' (di('ittc to ►t::e'• it will I►rlir:g .back the t-hecks and restores Vitality nnit t'(g(►•, 11:3• not he dit-wont'aged ;and', (10 n';t wart' for you wi1l only get twors.�, 1'Iar, your confidence,— in harp ir::; helper it'll N't'rrr !thee. brit t; hart: flu). F•apitttlt•ny of 4':c,(f , Ile altit - 1lt5(t v$ti t:(' nllte'll t::• -diel, lin- :t t,!w bnllnn tc-dog. I'r'e,' root:. a. ho.. 6 for $21.0. ` c 3:1 by X11 }i,':tle•rn or by t1).;il, p e..ii:IHi'i. l lackingy Llmitcd, I.;> rowe-i. pean• nations are on the up -grace, ora're likely to lye- for a tong -period to conte, restricted sales of our pro- ducts abroad will continue. Such being 'the case, %ve 111-io all intents, and purposes, he 'called upon to con- sume the products of our own indus- try. lit this event, it will not tat long before there is u large'sul•pius, and this situation will, in the natural - course of events, 1►rint.! down prices. - Onee the high cost of living prob.; lent is surntt►unte•d, other changes will conic. 'in due course*.' First .of all,_ th:-re will not be' a legitimate' demand for higher ,wages. Of, course, these 1 114-n:anii:; gill' st ll be ''lade; hut, their: legitimacy, once questioned ley the. barometer• -of prides,. such de Murals must erase. -- 'f hist - elta'rtgep rartt>•ft- t f- rtmrst', con -At about' .without a' 'slowing down 'Of jn:lustr)1. When pat -king house:; ell 11 no, longer ship freely their- pro-, ducts .. tip Europe as they have been doing! in htige cl'inensiulls .for' some yl ai : nc'w,,,-there wall not Only ” 1►e a ctirtailmc•nt in buying tf)c'T•r raw 'ma- terials fr;►m the stock raiser and th; farmer, but :1:Sn 111 (nlj►:nynlettt• in plant,. Nlanilfac•turi,1 con - (writs that-h;itt' also- beep bllsy European orders, wilt under t,r.•-:i'l, • 'hone:pry Conditions, find a Isla 1,4:1' (neap' of their- rr:1rkets'Ott out from under them, and will naturally se'l'l. Oft, home trade at perhaps ►naterinll: lower prices. This :t:;ain, ,dill hh.'e a t:'nrl( TUT ti► slow down • , ntlt.ist', y . (►tete twurll::, t-4i,,rt is ('very r(•assui to ls.le: 'e that .our "hoops" da•• art' ton -the wane, and that sooner ,late•.• tee will. 1.e� 1►ai•k to earth, an I suint thing approximating our, pre-war period::---Tol•onto Saturday Night,, 1'! i:►ti :; t , I.i-11Yi'1= . 11.. 11,' : ,: , .1. , 1. 1.I. - 4 "rTty re- 11011t- it e-11 ,1,,,,5- -, ' '.! t„ i- ill lodged r, t 1 11 U Ilei eve•I', :.,1•Iinsist t. itlt the I':► rout- - ,:,.'.:; not . :t r. pro - ;LW' I ' r it ;-h' • :;til lit 111 •t: 1: ..' • e •o also ?tl►(t is c.- ... 1, .tec•cla . !toy he 1 tt ut. very c1iHx. ' 1• Of nit 1' • : 1 ..J' , y - a 1' ', 1210 g ' 1 :.1 I74,1A • r 4., , b , •v .1