The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-02-12, Page 41; 4 a Incorporated ia 1855 CAP1T 1L AND RESERVE 19.00C!.003 Over 1-20 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK THE SAVING 11.-kBIT ike all pther good habits_i_s_ •th,e rs. ef resolution and .• By depiting rezu!arly a port:on of yeor s4%:nk-.711-in THE MOLSONS BANN. the sav:.ng habit is soon Tour money grews by the addition of the' interest which we- pay at carner.t rates on savings bank deposits: It is safe, and can he drawn upon when really needed. - Avoid cumlesa speti&.....ng by- open,:rtg a savings' account with us. . •• • • T. S. REID, MANAGER, LUCKNOW BRANCH. MOW Portland Cutters • Bobsleighs •,Was14ng Machines and Wringers Primrose Cream Separators Louden Litter Cart_ Ag_,_Stalls,stanrs chi NeW-Williams Sewing Machines Gourlay, Winter and Leeming PiAnos -rue Sale bj \. W. th ANDREW, LUCKNOW. Eurktintu litutittt Pubtistil every Thursday morning at Lucknow. Ontario. A. IX 41.t tsCENZ1E. Pro trietor • and Editor. TH1 its1).>1.4 t-Ett.•!?.1h. .111•:\IttVE TUE .U17'4. 1i1i 'i havethe intended 'effect. _ receives! serieos eonsideratinn for Just look at these sentences from 4 hat Ote; end there is PO d'hangel. tthit• • the Hearst &reek referred to: ,.e,ich4 he eyer.w.i...ti. -1•"residentliti caiolidate.s batt hips asIll* one pictured nri!:-.121-41 134c -4141'd - The)..niust he. f.in.ort e .1 I • ‘'• s pagLart_2.....tteefLae-t . • . There is •no other nation akainst *horn .•' England would , need sue)) ships." •-• " The referiAtee is to the -itued"r.4lI.dyCa1tiplet;t1. t'tlither on the article 'reads: -.First they. borrowed.otir money. T.I.ien they bere.our food. Then .they cry for our soldiers. Then they, shake their fists in' our faces, because they can't. mere froni , • These sentenCes'• are. typical 'of 'the article the 'way through. it is u-t- ricFculols, of course, but, it .would'tbe de.V.fitiff-4-with•a%lilit,by the • Ger.i'airs, a reranti.-13eitisii 1;• ,h, i.r•t h.... Uil'ted Stares. • • • • 'annum in ihe tnitrister's ..R t 1 p. t It p i1 t•It.ir thy stijulifl P 1o'$:!,01141. . • • execrable man that ever' edited and Fred A. CAs.s, pa h per...anger anti Act.- ublished a great .newspaper ---and lie ' orator.:_of_Eipley, • died at his .henni ubEshes 'five or Mx. _ ther-e- on. Monday- of last week at the is:,•;,i,teeterty.f.-...•Witlisoit:-..4jetnetieretaige‘mt-td3',...pearss-ond-'3-4sioittlate-,:'-.14e- . • 't t..• • .4- the 10.4)::t Of the ,•3 paid tai. the. •leader ef theOppo,ition the ()me- rits) Parl'a.:17.. It is Irkely that in th's The Sun expressthe opinion of • tlie :Drury 1.i.,vernment. and''' that when the L4.-islazure meets \the anoni- • Iy wi. t removad. I: certait4 ought- t., r' -'t moved. •The paying 1.1.a, special silary to ti iea.e 'of a parliamentary .op`po- _i_l: fs.thn '1 pi, upoo • on,se70--- 'Fe nn)l i the ar'e to carry �n a sort of friendly welfare. eareftrily observing -ail the. 00MMERCIAL success is based on %/good buying and selling. In ord- er to sell, you must buy, The man who saves provides hiniself with the means of buying that he may after- wards sell, with a profit. The Bank of Hamilton will take, care of your savings for you until your opplirtunity comes. • 4. BANK OF -HAMILTON LUCKNOW BRANCH -J. A: Clennie Manager. CREAM WANTE -BY- nu Seaford, Creamery CO. We solicit your patronage snd guarantee you entire sat - 'traction. ()r prices are always the ghest. Our Testing done accurate - :y by experts. .our service and payments ere prompL - Write a card • is. Prices %ere never as high es at present and still soar - 1:f. higher. A card will bring you cans ea, the next train from us. the Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth. Out. to -day •for BUSINESS AND SOCIETY CARDS JOHN SUTHERLAND & Ltd.. Guelph. Ont.. insurance. Fire and Marine. • 4.0. 0.-F, Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday evening at 8 0' Clock in their Hall. Camp- bell street. All brethren cordially invited. • Officers: - Noble Grand. Robert. • k i -her : • Vice Gmnd, J. 31dg/flaw; Ree. Sec.. A. H. Boyd; Fin:Secy.. In. \P'ste/son: Treaaurer. Alex. Rosa. A. F: & A. M..0, R C. OM Light Lodge meets •eery Thur.lay night-bn or befoze the. full moon. in the Ma-onic Hall. Havelock ‘treet Lucknow. W. 11. E. C. 1.intlag 34. 31cGuire: J. W., Jada Boyle: . A. Wilaon. cru?es cf the ga'•re whle they cont-md e.:fice. Smaller .„th.4:51:pl.....fpprtli,,,. measure or • ..krizoiple- cannot -be, rs:- rAded as • 411-- - U 41 ;41 -41 -I/ - 4.1 II II -(1 1- o 1)IS111101 NEWS • ce-sie-J--o---0 i). l. Ake 'iie, ‘slio Iseeir ucti:.iiig .ativiliCihe at k'orizio:-.a l'ur number of years, is. moving to Walker- ton • where he•will.continue the pr-actise of his profession. • - . The employees -of the Andrew Mal- colm Furniture factory..at.- Kincardine have orglinizedn Ore .iiritratie.fiw the , special porpose ci.f.fighting-fires. which ni4Y occur iii the factory., The Presbyterian. lioneTtkatioe of },i7-,t(nnfs" at: Zinn Li ril --11,,TC4t-a:- i.ntri • ..r11;.t1P. reWip 01 •PIT 'ithout shame, without regard for leaves a 'widow and .one 'n wanted to get anyth:tig ur art•.,*wizer2 • t,tley z „to „IL:eve ..renLaiiLeal - • it • -When the Ontario F'artiament meets it a -ill be no- easy matter to decide whether .the leader of the Conserva- tive 'ot Liberal. party. Will' be enOtled to. the E.' tra .S5,4)00 which, accerding ourse, is a The annaal -report of the Paisley roduct of the time and tar eountrY. Public library shows _that. over. 9,000 f .,theA1444.41,,,,.5,i,attas.,,,' Aiese.ks . • wove ,Lseett .4141(14..144P,' Nr"ree. ree't.:•-tirit'. 44;" z;111111`,•• ;.n. th'.• •••••t“.10.• others were John Sandheld of lluree in 1891, the_people's William of Ches- ter -in '1905, and Black Dan of Kin-. less in 1912. 'JUST •AS • . _ - It is just as easy to smile and say a good word as it is.. to get out of patience and storm about like a lake lithlied by ihe teinter's wind. Aii Ohl tri.ed is, loiew bad .,erved justice of tire. peuee lor more Ulan forty Years.' Ile did.' mere to s.ettl-e meat. in the neighborhood where he lived than 114 ever .did. 111 'Court simply by taking the parties to the proposed • tigation •away •by theinkelves. and urging:00mila to. take their differ core to Itity !kill, to get together and.nY., linnie4eaceably. Everywhere he was.: !mewl) by tIkt smile on his face and theLindlv eords lie sizidtn,• rlo oii, -knit loved "1 _Ile Was wort 4. ilty .t.. IN' I'm cf.!. . . . .:- :lilt lir tv,.t.,1.• liot 1. We-mait - kni..A. -Thal. ' They st.,te.._!. They leave a sure • plak•e 'bi-the ntemory. -We never See .the •tinv who "giik)es Lig a . pieee of his '-'*-feel a Ilia '.. ear s. And there is somethingabout giving , way . to* this -kind of passion Which 'hurts .thea,cao..,a.tio.A.J.Lus.,,,Yield4,14111Y1a1*ett4tiele. ,,,,,' •:•,,,It.-.;,..i..e •s• 1i'-•41,...,,--•• 1.,;+,, •.'• l,... ; - le-leel 14.1,.....•••,---V-- .:•,- 1.1l',:,I.4 4110,4 '„.1ii.r...... :1,. tiillt:i -_ LI a.izta :t....4/4..04.44-i.evi -..s.114; vi.i.itg .fg,t,:, ..t 0 .' 1.0T, UV 1'. -„.., ,,,,,,;,, ,-.; ,,,, -•;074.,.L.,.. . , st 14, not exist. ':- ' ''''' '''''''' '.':-•''': -: - the size of raiz.; ey. .- 'RUC - a Stop .niii;nted t anhink-.•no When .comparitively youngHearw . , . The.managing board of the Itui-011 that it costs fat less to be kind an I . was left a 'fortune of about twenty -.1 cotwey el„thn.. is git-la,.. mom, •ratt(e .true under every provocation than it flve million dollars by his father. does to be harsh and passionate. When • Urged by an insanelove of notoriety, a„ than is owned by it at present. Man - • h yin d ' f er BeyrioldS thinkS that the institut- the temptation comes to say bitt,er , worils, Just stop arid think: "If-th-.... words I want t� say -would make me • sorry when spoken to me surely they Will hurt my friend if I speak them •0) him." And quickly pia will add: '"I never will win him back to.nie. • I .will be ,jus t as true to him as if he. had . . never tried me. so." And the nie.nee, .,. you- do, ----*--yottr. - .1e -is - won. • 1-L'ev, -Wm , w* glo* that conies into your • heart when perhaps with a tear it, his eye your friend grasps your hand and'. tells yol.•• "11.:s is more than I . I-r.ae!:..you again an I ned.in God lies.- yois for it; and if he will "hcli) nu., 'I :.,ever 'will tempt ioi.i. sz'e A kindly mete! is like a wideA3Pra 1 ••• •tten ie tie fl 1(114 of a hurni 1:.! IV:1F i‘k 1.f spiel- wider 1, niidsurnmer sky. ii7e.t.t le !.rietili it,' • Ah -noki. _ The z_e.:4-1-:e,7. ' thing i.; nette.--speak it. And 1-.4.eiii. the 4th Xes. 4er that God himself is the payma,ster: position of and the pay is sure. -E. L. Vincent. in count.. • The Associate. Reformed Presbyterian. A • IP • r to present arrangements goes to t. _ ...nr...... !,g. pu .c o ice the leader of the. opiiosition. 'There mto journalism as a means of i ion can be made almost self suppoking ' f there is some more land to cultiv- gratlying, his ambitions. His taste at,. . t. being of the'grossest and lowest, he • . Very sudden was the -death of .sought to. ,oue-• do his 'competitors will be the two opposition paities just as Surely as there will be one, and a_number-of-41-1-. Deveart'sfollo ok? blish; • ng a iler paper than any of lienrY a man (15 years of wers will doubtless vote' .with the age and one of the first settlers of them.lie succeeded; and, strange to Government, as often as they will Tole. with theirrecognized leadersay, for a, number of years h's papers Carrick Township; He was at the '. ' • - enjoyed great business success. Soon, .liome'of his son on Jan. 30th and be - The. absntditv•Of a spee:r41 - hoWever, advertisers discovered that - the leader of -t e opposition ought • the Hearst papers,. being react almost rapidly weal,.(21: to be &Ike away a. at once. wholly h ignorant poor, ho.d no came ilI in the morning. He grew e . ...nil' _. buy .muclise41.ext-7---ti table Med- . . . s in which to. advertiSe; and the •••:_-,-,_:-...------.--- . , . ..,usiness went down rapidly.. Hearst, --T ePcy on the .Aart' able to ublish.his apers, ven it of the represent- . a t:ves of ..the nations• .wh:fh..were al-\, they . er%ears to be a „ strong tend- however,- being immensely rich was Ptoe didno'PUY. ' 'lied against Germany to 4,-:ve up the' •: Wealth is a great power for good . once strong determination to seek or for evil, and W..R. Hearst . is- an out and . put upon.trial the German i outstanding example of a had man us - army )eaders -accused , of crimes - a-,.. ing that power tn,hed ends onjy. gainst.. the rules, of civillied warfare. . . In 4; .ambitkris have carried him .Se - Because .Holland mildly .0,fused to • far Rs te) ASrire 7t6 the nrescieney. of allow the ex -Kaiser to be extraiLted she unisei sten-ez, leit he' has ii:.ver his prosecution was. drOpped withi. THE GERMAN. CRIMINALS readiness which . suggests. that t ;'_on_. wotild-be, prosecutors ..weirtglad .of an eiccue not to go the eat!, -•• The Same thing marks \the proceeil irigs against .the othr 890. Germans charged. With' high crirrieS: The.. representative .. to the list' of tho4e charged' with crimes was handed, s:mply refused to send it tp. h.i.s...guyerninetit Upon this the arnbassador'\ .Of .the- nation.s prepared a. note' to the Getman.' government .intimating. that though .they Would'like\that ' • be, ac.-..epted, stated. that. the Way -was GET THE REST. -When you take • er,_sr,' for ,negoCat:ons. with a ,;-iew to out 'life insurance get a policy in the in. ostifili the dee-ands; Sun Life of 6inada..-the 'biggest .in - At this s, a company_ w ose piece:of-slackness% The Germans -sig- record Canadians are proud of. ned the treaty which made .prvisior. See Geo. H.- Smith, local agent, feif that-igie chirged With crimes- should particulars. Up; and now when they are . - THE EXCEI4SIOR -LIFE hos.sasked ter, ' are- given .- high interest earnings, and economi- stead ef the cri,mina:s. cal 'managing. of the company's af- .The best . 1"(44.40t1 given -for -this fairs. -Wm. P. Reit:, Aent. ,acken:ng of the hand of justice -is VICTORY BONDS bought and :hat snotto toe .preent German. goy.: • • • , . • • Also. farm lands .ansl propertv.-, er-'1211"11----•"44- ight• be overthrown by a wave of. .1,-opdign ular -inati -on. That may '''fre and :t rr.ay Le that it 'would...be a. bad t., .the pre'sent Gere:an one can: .ESSVay 'fr:,ni the fee: -:ng that the aPe.?.e,-..ora:ng very consid•:r- a te art' enemy .0 hien, showeii eor.sAtratien at a:i. • ---. TT. 53. M.1:7(K-RAKF.R. . tn oney to loan ork.1,St and 2nd inort- ac gages at current rates of interest. In- surance; conveyancing, et.... Joseph . Agnew, Notary Pablic, Allin Block, Lucknow, Ont. . • ThiSIllithillg Eavetroughing Furnakes Installed. All kinds of Tinware promptly repaired. G. Drinkwalter GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM P Route TtrrrZFN MONTREAL, TORONTO. DETROIT and CHIC/N.00 ' : Lar `.•••• _ • • Sfeevzie cars on web.. :stains and par fr cars on princirAlleetl:. traits. . . tc11 frortratv:= frrAn as:. Grand Trtnic 'Ticket Agent C F. :totting tystr-ct •Passeer T. • • A. W. HAMILTON GT R. Agent. Lncirne,e-• t 2 .• MI Duey In Barbering • _-`ft7titrir -brebtrt-'-‘1fr.77-T•"•-7777'.-277- " died was 'worth •$254:ef/tri. . saved $1.5(0 fr,om- his prefits On - srtv- and hair. cuts!. &nil -the •balAce was glade by real estate inveStakents. 1. • pace next June whep tile regt;:ar ".1ardl,..- i f ,--....: r -ivier.- are fam::ar se -,.:on will be he at The Tub. Tr.e -.-.- ..--, :re ra- e ,. f W. R. Hearst, fa:r- , .. , --..:at'on if Reeve Mu"'' hackei •...p r- -• a - COUNTY COUNCIL WIL:L .MEET AT TOBERMORY A unique happening .r. •.he f the Bruce (:ounty CoUncil wii1 taiee the reeves of the North,. was a, paper,- ..-.e.• pa;.. -r, wh.er. fifteen /fear,: th4.- -ye:iow- r•epted, an. -1 the extreme end of. the count,y • .eat of the leg- 'the rh:tef: •iis-'eators• ' ao-y Tfn.-, • mktr.-t Th:s be kr erlueat:on to :dar. e-r•try L..! • • i'.: one. . It is is f test -ea id- that' onsfl-4r-446-4';''''4.4**"-jdz".--vii..1.-fr°4411"'Tv'.- .G: ;be. of Tr, ror t',,a,: ..;r. r.a.. .r.e• ' • to - • • the -./...her aryet;.e.e. 1r.-1 e.:ere. the ▪ t.'ne Seuth 'r:e• r,n V.! an e.:.-,--orrener as the:: a:org r.`• Pkt);'-r•'• , • ,!••••• (/..er the rOghwa...-- • r • 1•,r..e....ege 1- i - Line- .- a.:and St. Edniunds.' • _ (,,.1 , : ..,1 • T order Howt..-er ()nee at The • • . • fre--. 0. •a:r,-. r.v a - pap, r..a.-: ar. :ea!, gf..tara xeoneJ, t .srt• • •44.-r,. 4! -kr.f.i-firilt; :he it.417. 'and alrf • .irfof 44 (:••• . • • .,f ae '.'r.e the beit ,se•er.,..7-: • r•a.. f- ... d . a. There. tr. thy • re:e- that :ra..r.a•ia person- in •this distrid NI -116 wants • one, but \VC cannot get the cars un - •less we send in the orders now. - If you vill need a car later on, don't wait till spring- before order- ing. Put yourself at the top of the delivery_ list' 1-) ontcr , 1 • A few. Walkerton Citizens have Sub, scribed $75,000 to be invested in • the Bindertwine factory there, and which ha 'been' closed down for a num- ber of years. The machinery was sold out of this faetory- some, years' ago, so that a new plant will be in- stalled. Kincardine Reporter says': • D. B. McDonald, of Tiverton, is the 47th Warden' of , Bruce and Donald t� "occupy\ the First • MiniSter of this JF the\ Ford Mm Motor Company of Canada, Limited, is able to buitd up to the limit of its capacity,only • 27,35a4Ford Cars will be built for use in Canada between Januarythe first and July the thirty-first of this year. Divided.among- the total population of Canada this means one car to every three hundred and ten people. •,It is edsy to see that many people will be unable to..0t their Ford Cars. at all, and many will have to wait for summer or fall delivery. - As Ford -Dealers in this teiTitory, we desire to delix-'er a car a:to every .--u,f r," The Y ric _i.reer •..a....-, -ileierst.e. ierceit't- 1",.. -4.-4t:- ,4 •va"- --••••• rt 1 , •:"17:..---Z...tr.r...--t.:---7-;,-,- ...a!--=7:::: r : , .-; .--- r .; • --. : : i:r *a.n of tr.e -.var. •Tr.- .1..r'e Se- .er at The -. e -. r • • si, :4-....•.• TA '' a '",r- 'a: 1-''''"'": • ing:n...ations, Lit, r,f r•4r.se.. rr.any ,:f •-:•-••....,--,..;, r,..: r•,-_*•..-, -` • - ar. 1 .....-:.' ..• .r:',..•::..,;se tr.at it -,-.: .•,e a big.succe,..-.-- Hearst's rears Ivrei.:d r...(dt kr.,-,..V Wiartor.Ethr.0. ibis, ar,d 3 .wotald, in some measure, I 145 E. A. Renwick, Dealer LUCkii0W1 •