The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-02-05, Page 3sa A TONIC FOR THE NERVES Aa % lnWI flow. Misr �o bti «let goutier to bis obsd, (lid moor Ntlr __. _ cent about the taupe of 141s iielgbbori than any but the rarest 4A0 beet of The Only Real Nerve Tonic is a our race. t:uud supply of Rleh, Iced When I tried to lamas my thanks i for their kindness in my fragmentary 1.77 Eskimo, Mr Bteians.on contluuee, •1 (hey Were more surprised than 1t pdu::e would only. attend to pleesefl, their blood. instead of worrying them- "L, wen, itt the white man's land, -se.lvt•s fir said an eminent nerve kome starve and shiver while ethers specialist, "we doctors would not see ` our consulting rooms crowded with ❑ervuus wrecks.. : More people stiffer ream- worry -t tail anything else. 'th.e sort of thing which the spoci nl: ts.puke of is the nervous, .i-un-down,condn itie caused by •ove.rwurk mid the Blood. eat much and 'are warmly clad?" they asked. - s � , That's Luck: Tt has beau explained that we need- bo•be prepared for bed' luck but that many.. anxieties of toduy; SulYererr( good • fortune does snot require to be find ihetntielveti aired, morose, low- 8uarde'd. against,• - u lilIe(l orad unable ttr keep tliitlr, All the same, it would eei-laiiily add uli"ircl oI au thing. :� n to the -cheerfulness of .life it} general, t ' Y' •� Y .sudden noise harts like 'a 'brlow. They',are full of if •• lucky uulens : were (yore widely endless fain -sit (lo rwt •sleep knuwci. How finch brighter~ things 'mill loos to.. its if we havg-reason to hope lax 144t. I.ieaduclies,'.uritia drtQ I � nerve that tiQUI0.1111ng good is folding pains are .part.,• of the F.ve:ryl►uclY,• of 'c•uurse knows :that. •eY, at d. it 'all 'c •tortes triol . ata rred t sock' .;t to hili .. . ta, • ;< + ` lrwi" (o 'iR!trvws. coal.' So it is to pick up a pin if its n ocf tat tug.the rner•vra With pc►isun(itti; head is towards .you: if not, let it'be St!dativet is a' terrible mistake: The - only real per re.:tonic is a It IR a Kinn of good fortune to. Pu good • supply ' T some garment inside out, hitt only of rich, red blood. Therefore to cure. if it its done by accident, and the ga eervousne'ss and run-down : health. Dr. • - ' lupi;; i'itls Should be 'ta-ketr: These pills actually snake new, ,:k t • blood, vv ztl strengthens the uerves, -improves -the appetite. gives ' ''ne.w strongth and spirits, and-ttrakee hitherto despondent people bright and cheerful, If you are at all "out of w torus • • roti . sAbau°lci•• ' tr, r1 ,.. !,lc'lf t,, ear. �' 11'" 411•: ' 1 1,. i t n . q, ! .! , l I N tt. Y, tr. Pink ,dills; .... �.•.- , «r . , �..w , ;,,. • ft IR 1uc•ky -to he followed by a .stray You can get these pins through' any dog. a Still better its It if u strange cat dealer in medicine, or , by mail -at '50 comes to stay. at the 'louse. Speak - Lents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from ing of cats The' I)r, Williams' �•leclfc•ine (.;o-, pe �simistK, of - course, as3- The' the, Ont. I 1 siert that when they tear the' "ftlrni- • tare with their claws if is a sig1, of --- rain: but others: hold that. she is The .Charming Eskimos: `'scrateliingtluck 'to her inasters. Stefansson,• the famous Arctic.•: ex- plorer, writing of his stay aruolr>; the 1 ij �it {t vj] i (��, Eskomos', tells of their hospitality to `�� Iii V LLt'tl �iFDI�la a•guest ands stranger, whose put- I �t(tjlr f t ONES ' tt��rr` 'pose --its coming among•tthern they did Eft! LIT J �JFJ Yii i►3 not know, and vn•ho Way: unable to re- •_ .,_-._• quite`'thetln• in itny -way for the kind- Baby's 'Oven r blots are Citi excel. --nese--t-he-y--' hawed hien ;Dwelling upon lent nled}c::ine for little ones. 'They their nulividual and domestic 111 tiro c-* are • :i, mild but tborough In', tine .terirytios, lie says that in an •Eskihu ``into li s�v',e'ten the stonnacli. and revs, home .he never beard an unee1s:ts0Tif "tate:'t-h€ buw•cls-,- thus'-bringin}, relief word tie'tween a man aid his wife; in cases of .c•on ition, indigestion, . and 1!4 never saw a child 1tu:li:=he(1 •gin•' volt(•, enl(i-• and. simple fevers. ('1'tt. an old .pt'rtien treat' 1 inconsiderately. cc-rnling therm .fir:. 1..:T ss t. P.,. The , niora.1 f'Itlut� (ot : st-411iC' �.' ,' ;: its (1•uc'tVSi1(:, N.B. w rites :: "I have found whicls Ole }i; ••kiino is supt.r ii)c. to u., is ITltbv's Own Tablets excellent for. my small. " lIr' .can nma,l:r Lett(',, garments vti:cilg baby- 'in the case of con-st ipa-- agi.in. t cold than user oivn,tailut'- or I tion_and • colic and it gives the „,teat turt'I('r: he can thrive 111 Barrer lei'.!;ort' to rt'(•c1'tInnIe!1(f "them •. ) U(il"3 wastes vsilore 1111'11 of wxi•nl:•r t lflnt:it<, 1uilti,e rti. Ttit , 'f,(hlc•r are •S( i by would .st;ir•vt!,.. 'Rut the -mot' ira-I . �t''t•' lam- f}f'- 3!. tl .iiit' - dealers .at•' h}; 25 I - Mail- its othc•1 WHYS •int Which he t.� sa11►t rior is retiti ,t .box from. Thr ilr: '�V.filianls' great, f-' he is 1.)-..h. •)nor4' help- j liedit'ine Co., Brockville,. Ont. • meat is allowed 'to. remain revel- during evueduring the day. ' Williarn the Con queror put - en his mail -shirt back to front on Cot. morning of the Battle of Hastings, r ed .• -we all know what 'luck he had on that gccasieu ! If you find your keys or other steel a..rtIcles .. •.ruating, :do..not-hc,,ennoied about -At, It only gliov.(er" that seine - putting t0flc. ' ii) for ::3'Mnkia„....=r ASTHMA ha �► �ilbma. d etia men iron0 meek' TEMPLETON'$ RAZ -MAH CAPSULES rW, are so certain of re).. quite we will send you $ tree samt4e of titre oap- !sules cdon dent tttbnat you will mad tiernttell we hhavve rimed142 KingRt. W . ,, 11 oron to. t3old by reliable druggists everywhere tor 241,04 albs. • TEMPLETON'S RH �ATIC CAPSULES For lifi'ten years the standard spectfc for • • Rlretrmat am, Neuritis,ort ASSslsAtea, (Lumbago. . Natoralgla Manydoctore at+e,aribe them. Write 10 Tetupietuur, 144 ging 1st. W.. ToroLto, for free 'utopia. ruld by reliably druggists tverywher. f''r µ.IN pet t•ex. r_ An Island . Where Deer Are Safe. • - The deep musts. of a . cleer'hound's voice came l'aiutly down the ' wiud shortly it blended, with the sharper voice, of a hunting Airedale. ' The scream of a hungry cougar. is not 'more. terrifying ;.o the timid deer of 'thee° i3ritLeh • C`oaPrttwis' -roast ..,t'hna •'the • bay 0.f:..1 11(1 11ntatltil? '.11.1] ti'�hi.. 'S4.11tai1 G4 Seyt 1 *al.tl..ti"... 't v-}t!;et'trlr',"it* .-gni :: straight for ,yt•ater. The little spike buck, born _a seasons before on the rugged', forest clad coast . of. the Pa(•itic • province lifted his head. His e;ycaa and his ears his very pose displayed the high ten - son of his -taut.'rierves. .11e looked in- to the , forest of the island on which Ire stood. and he saw nothing alarm- ing. Ile turned ,and stared across 'the water toward Nelson Island. T1}e only' thing that caught his eye e that did no dk Tired tyrant. Bridget's caller -•`How would/oil like to have a home of you Own r' Cook—'F 1ne l 1'$l tired bossin' other people's families.." One on. the. Lawyer. ."Witness," asked -the attofney for, defense, who was trying to prove the . temporary insanity of the >prisoner, 'Vs it this man's habit to talk to himself when alone?" "Just at this time,"- came the ans- wer, "I�don't r`ecolleck ever bean' with him when he, was alone." The ,:Thimble .Wins. : ''' ou :1;las,S he ;ilha rp;" • sets). the hread. :.too ttre nxetidl.e,*"-''1,ut 1• Unites. yon<t a"a'1-' et+ayezgetting it in the eye. ''.'Oh, you can't tulk," retorted • the needle, "for whenever you get'into a_ F -hole 1 .hive to pull you through:" "Be',qulet, you two," chlpl*d in the thimble.__ _"Ji_ t _wasnt lar_ zny� . ' + neither ,of you would get along.'' From the Top of the Round_ . The second' course of the table d'hote' was being served: "What is this leathery' stuff?". •demanded .the ;elder : - ,,, . r theswa.i'ter. "Take it a wa,y',". said the diner, "and see tf-yon can't get inc a nice tender • 'piece front the upper Part of tfie boot, with the buttons r-einoti Ki." SWITCH OFF!. aside the kits, 4U, Calomel., or pills and take ''Ca:acaretb. " Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure, and fret,h with Cascarets, or merely whipping theta into action every few days with Salts, Cathartic Pills, 011, or Purgw tive Waters? • Stop having a .bowel wash -day. Let cascarets gently cleanse and regulate, e stomach, remove the -sour and fer- menting food and foul gases, taken the excesta bile: from the liver and carry out of the colon and: bowelsallthe constipated• waste matter .anUpoiaons so you can btraighteu up Cctscarets' to -night . 'will snake you feel .great by. morning. Thy work while you sie4 -never-*ripe, sicken, or cause any•( v lilt �n enietYeR band cost so little . too. - - British Valor Won. Captain" de Parseval, of the French navy, who has just written a book on . "The Battle of Jutland." says: "The British owed their success to the -valor of the sailors, the strewth of the chiefs, :mores _than ---to- any zrla- term superiority, because, as a haat :taextp••efm-:i$ttt :the: roetn••taI at :t}tp. posa.l of the lativel- --inferior -4o' 4kat of ""'t Y Ile' `ICler- CasuMed Ativertii einents. films w aeaa. 1R?31�A1T AGENTR WANTING atta� lux* finishes—lowest Pr6 Brunawv1Ck von sum i8BJWSPAP1fE'R, W EKLY. IN BRUCE Count . 8pl n 1! opportunity. Write ox T. R loon P nulling Co.. Llpt1ted. Adelaide St. . -. Toronto. WELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and job printing plant -in Eastern Ontal•1o. Insurance carried $1,500! Will sso' for 11,200 on quick made. 33o62. Wilton Fubllshing Co., Ltd.. Toronto. 11I2Bc ELLA11EOV8' . i ADIES RANTED To DQ PLAIN light sewing at home *hole or spare time, good pay, ' work sent any dis- tancee cha,rKea p1.id. Send etarnp for.par- ticulars. ational Manufactur t;g' Com- pany, Montreal. j CHOI E SILVEIt .BLACK 'BREEDI.NO Pb aAlso, we are " ,uyers. ot. Raw Furs. hthave you --=what price?• Reid Bros.., Botbwetl, On,, ('tOFF'IN STOCK WANTED. = IF YOU l.1 are able to supply, advise us, as we trill Pay the higheat .p ices. dry or green from the saw. Keenan, Bros..- Limited, Owers Sound, Ont. CANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. internal and external, 'cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late Dr. Bellrnan Medical -Co., Limited. COrlingwood, Ont. " Iron rust stains can he- quickly re - y moved . u _ sat rate the spots with mans." • MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies with 'Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollarscosts three -rents. Altnard's I:ininlent Co', Limited. . Sire, I have used your MINARD'S' I LINI1•IEN'f Tor the .pant 25 years and whilst I have occasionally used other liniments .1 can safely say that 1 have never used',any equal to 'yours. Artificial light for increasing egg!. prciductio.n is a good thing with a r. strong, robust flak. A flock that is lemon juice and iriimediately hold over the sten escaping from. t_ ke .tea--ket-= tle. Difir-arel's Liniment Ctt:.w Garget in Cowi: war Re:•git:n 7-iil,_--ls,,tTng country the world, • producing, about 200,000 tons of unmanufactured zinc, per year, of which 7.6 per cent, was exported. tET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR • not strong will bretai;-';low-n under the;' Get rid,,of every bit .of stop if rubbed between , the hands and strain. ugly dandand st-n p denote restful nature in primitive •grandeur wa:; :t ,nuudgc of smoke tb;it !neared the horizon anti .xhowed tha C.1'11. .coasting steamer was out. inhaled fretrurtttly, it. will never: fall "" "' falling: hair to reliececold in the hemi in. 24, hours. If a fire is slow in starting, burn �s 1,4 1t is alae tyle Best for 3lrtlit e�t s,pr;tina, •a newspajer in 'the throat of the �?tC. Chimney to warm the flue. hound from •Powell River. Then the boom of the hound's vo!ee-i;o11e3d :lg.Z-fn across tire 'w'c:tei'", front Nelson, Island. 'The deer atovcd net v'ously, un looked all' rod again 111:(1 .C41111112;bent his he:id .to 'bite a liti ttthful. of ••gt•as . I4e Hardyl: land'' • ' Hardy Island is tilt, '•iiy e,r t'e'luge tO • all the. dt'el.' t}'' 1 t .t I•.hrt'e .y* ars ago it '._•;t• cu' 1 ititr! flit; 1.0•;0211,1s:i'U•elie} 'it i i:•i•C:U'lu 'men Vons' ,truly. .1.. 0 I,ECI,ZE. Dort its, it t Wise Men Say— lie •`car '1'l,:tt iN i- •1 iiuty date ii; ' >, 1.ar den, h'--ae it, That if ;you \.4 ant 1.4 is;al,e rtgilr of • trouble.' l:ee'1.► ft . (Ia i k. you reckless men and women who ' este�cti with corns and wh I:•onhlc' I«•'trait it (nee:?«2 :+1(ir,g, at least once a week invited an awful To stunt t.411illg Lai* at once and °'iA i11,1;•j,1+.. i1 n• �.::it ir,,tIt n;'1•' and fta, .(j'i'i`,r:. 1t �:: 1111' .... rt'i 'e :11.1 t1.': r t. i,!i d :,,,: 111 ttrit is'; i ;it -It 1. -t''1 !, 11.' itr.( riTtLti :' LISTEN TO THIS I LISTEN TO THISI SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW i•hs+t '', (+!•rt: tl,' "iat_t•rt paid, on are r n d e II have Thrt u.N1► � Whitt doath fron1ook a , r blood od u.. o • n are the. scalp • cif (Very --particle of (ilitlYl- rul—t 'a small bottle of '•hancicri:l ." P Hoy drug of toilet c',lf!It�:r tr.ir it .few -cents, 'Poura 1i+Ile' in :•c.ur 1 ,,:,•i` and. rib:`vvell inti Ila«' applit•utian i all tltail'tvuiY tlsu:tt:i�' ; and luthairs1 )11s ....min,:t't14, l'.1 e, iu :y Utl� head buuli, ritu.t.s l/tit life, vigor. itrithtile:�, thickness and -wore ce for •.. 1 -• r. G1.•t.t 1 1'•44.41 w it IC what ' }le dee5,.. . . !1i8I1 •R in' wt hu core, -,-r1P�t470--ryt-11•Pt,11 t -t -t •'-rettlt•;crl-w'r` hr lr+ s IAN.. f 1 T,t :S() ( I.- • ,1t(rll: I,• ,lit',I 11 ri' 1!i -e.. tla,!t: .,111 1'. J. Leyland of ►.nt;;: i t' tit t: •( t 11/tn•(ly 1:-.1a11.1., a rent .•;, land littl.ttoel Just o11' Nt'lst,t: 1 -1::11e! at file 418.rtth. of Jervi:• fillet. lir 1:: rght :t to ex- periment w' t:li 'Brit! 1r• t i 4c• .14 thelot . climate, imate, 'I'hc'-1' wore 2,:.00 ;1� ,req +• of rich lands :del fe r,o'so , ;mat icrt� , was it _ f;uud, er .trrt: 114' • il`ac, 7t ;t Sittchn:a),I, Toni I;1.►7i1. stn 1114 j'r(1pei• ty; :Ind dict Jib more. toward (l•_vo1o1;1A: Mont, preferring to await the endendof the w'ar: Brazil, :t lover of unintale, caught two of the. wild deur that fi '. 1 House and street Gowns • � yy���\1/��MN�-^,/�.- 1NV\1MM�/•.�yyVY..V�r-iy W V.I�-�V WVV�n.•�. y Wyy1 qurntl;, swam to• the, fzlati(1 from- the other nearby lands. fie tarine:t then, They in turn brought i/thoi• witd•One. Atany--ot--tltiu-_-bad by: dogs and' took rerege-rtes-lir disie- land. There, sechig how int.tinote tl'( original tante pair were with the matt who controlled the orchards whore , he luscious tipples: grew. the. • wild - leweemerte gradually grew intfnttite oo. To -day a herd of ' thirty deer,. cost of them bowl in wildness, , re• pond to the.vnice of Tom Brazil when ie calls. Some of them will sale!►- ter - ward 'from the herd when called by ame. They have no fear at all of uan, when on. Hardy Islami. Sonre- imes they swim to other parts of the oasts and. range Omnia bit, but they E onie back, often feed from some erre run and swim; Tom Brazil's herd is becoming a by- - y word on the coast, but no dog and no an dare brave what Might happen bould he try to hunt eon the Inland of refuge. So the deer are fat. are bring - ng •' new little -lives into the world, nd are adding to their numbers ,by ecrult volunteers 'from the wild anges where 'ouch safety... is • not nowt) 14.V K. 'I'l1a't :tit ea �1:it' r!3:(� (it>t•.Ilil ail. Yon dol•!•1 1101!('4' it till yonyon.try„tel h ('iitrtit hat 'ii'h:t1' .t ipet''t'n+;e' 4-- l+, hat •it wfst� than s' els :it 111 ' e xlic'n<�• tit 'ett'h(':•l. .int ft 1'001ol i t lits (,wivf•- That' (•(c itse'C alealeisle 1'121 rhes with which' we fry to hide tin, holes in Your resift -s. • • 'rh<tt the are them vt 111111 8 118411 .makes himself when int' :,tiid►. ,'t his c'wtl light. now told, by a Cincinnati get autlaw-ity• to use is drug c411ed freezone., which the piontent a few drop' are ;spelled to any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the-eeritir corn, root and all, lifts It is a sticky ether compound•, which dries the Moment it is applied and simply shrivels the corn without. its naming or even irritat{ug Lite suis scud• ing ti: -rue or skin. 1t is claime(ithat out with-the•flugere a quarter of an ounce of freezone 'will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn u'r callus. - You are -further waatled• that cutting at a corn•is a suicidal habit. Our grandfathers and our grand-' .mether.:.kneew.thut the right place for u kr.ockcr is ccu;.side the door. Americso's Pioneer Dog 2/03-t.c Saes Book on DOC DISEASES land now to r sso ',:tiatie.: Free to. a-. Al- : 'eire"a ;by (• thAuihr. 3L -ilia },1 ie.. Qo., Iso. 148 West 31st 1; •titles ECZEMA IN ISSN �==-----. CUT1IP,ph��.S � GET SLOAN'S FOR t 11 9255-,9259 ' 9269 No. • 9234—Ladies Hearse Dress. 32,1 84, 30 and 38 inch waist nieasure. Price, 25 cents. Kimono sleeves; in Size 26, with ruffles, 38 -inch th, 1 step length. Cut in 8 sizes, 84, 36, 38, 3% yards, 40 'riches wide or 3'% .lyds,' 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inches bust 4$. inches wide; without ruffles, 2% : n measure. Size 36• requires 314 yards, yards, 40 or 48 'inches wide. -Width, 26 or 40 inches wide contrasting. 138 l 1i yards. daidsJ, 27 inches wide; trimming- No. 9269—Ladies' Drecss. Price, 25' e unes, r4 yard, 36 inches wide. Width l cents. Two styles of sleeve; three-' c round bottoms 2 1-8 yards. 1 piece tunic in two lengths; two-piece , ti Nei 9255 --Ladles Tie -on Waist.l'underskir•t, 38 or 36 -inch length. Cut' i'ricer” i cents. • Two styles of sleeve.,] in 8 ,sizes, 34 to 48 inch bust. Size' Cut in 7 sizes , 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 441 36, longer tunic, 4% yards, 40 inches' mand "4(i inches bust measure. Size 36,' Wide, or 3% yards, :�4 inches wide; s inlet puff sleeves, 2% yards, 36 inches shorter tunic, 4 yards 40 inches wide, wide, or 1% yards, 48 inches Bride;, or 2% yards, 54 inches wide; Fest, i with (lart, sleeves, 2% yards, 36 inches' u, yard. 18 inrhee wide. Width, I% a wide. or I% yards, 48 inches wide. yards. -t r No. 9259 — Ladies' Four -Gored. These patterns may be obtained r Okirt. Price, 25 centra.. With or with- I from your local McCall dealer, or k t side ruffles; 88 or 36 -cinch from the McCall Co., 70 I3ond St,, gth. Cut in 8 sizes, 24, 26,, 28, 30,; Toronto, Dept. W. - The entire food values of wheat and malted barley are found in Gr IDr` eauts A food In. every,, sense : noun $/1i. ,g, delicious, efcoz Cin i (. Eus,/ t o d e : est bac use tis Re a dy- t .* •,1• t ee ••.,• -••fir '\- f 211164••••••• el • lamer l'a -Liniment Onres Distemper. - A Modern Raleigh • 1'h( cloak of . Sir Walter IRaleigh,. has been a sy'tnb()1 of chivalry for many years. but n Schooiboy-1! chtvtJirv_ `d'e: erre:; :iii equally honor ahi.' , place. A ('hristinas treat wris to he given at an I':dinburgli school, and hundreds of poor children has doers to Walt until tilt‘) t re' opened. Among them .was a sw(" t•faced little girl, thinly c1••td and barefoot, who trembled with cold. While tslle was dancing frets one toot to the other en the 4'1'1.1 !Lod stones. achoolboy, not much older, came. along. Ile hesitated fc,r a' nte- mens; then, snatching oft 'hi:, • oft woolen''eap. ho put it down before sur„ "Stand on that, little girl," `le steel, an4 he pasted' in' hatless at ri *fee Y'- zia fear coegils, colds and :1:1:cd -1' r' comp:Altus. Ur .• over 60 ycarr they 'have relied on . RED- SPCE CS RU U M ' for prompt !cell!). With thenar lowered. strength anti c 11al;r;. of SO they realize snore Ilaa,1 ever *before the importance of hiving Gr ity's-S'yrtllrorrttarrd-fur nleJiate use. • G2 They eler.re buy the t,enm. area - .Honrrrat 1). WATSON n CO , Mite I'm* • • "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue.! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, fiver and tbr►wels 1 - Accept "California' 0p ei Syrup of Figs only ---look for the %lpme Califof 1a a.n the ,package, then you are *sure your e ruin., "Bayern' .:<'1't bile eat i r'. ir,, tr tr YOUR:PAINREL1EF-_ .__ On Face and Head. Itched - and Burned. Disfigured. You Oowl have to rub it in to get quick, comfort. "Lunt year I became affected with 1 ing relief eacsemes. It started on the checks in a rash, and the water spread and made my face sore all around the ear end partly on my head. The skin was x•ery sore and red, and the breaking out itched and burned so that I could hardly help scratching. My face wag very disfigured. "Then I used a free sample of Cuticura. It helped so I bought thi ee cakes of Soap and one box of Oint- ment. and my face was healed." (Signed) Miss Martha Berger, Spans away, Wash., Feb. 11. 1910. Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your el.In. Sear *Sc, Oiatmeat 25 sed SOe. Sold t tmt, 51. ton. Canadian Depot: as, Molted. St. Paul St.. MemtreaL Cuticurs Soap 0141,4 OS without mug. Once y ou've tried it on that' stiff joints sore muscle, sciatic .pain, rhea. :vatic twinge, lame hack, you'll find a warm, soothing relief' you ncveer -thought a liniment reuld- li ce,. W'on't stain- the skin, leaves n• J.sielluss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick re illts. A large ottle ;. means economy. Your own or any other druggist has it.. 'Matte in Can- ada, Get it to -day. Sbc., 0c., $1.40. Sloaiis 1-itrtit>scttt Jiev.'' it he»fift- ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE. ASPIRIN Not .1spi�rin .i All without t1i�°e '•i it t;�r t :Toss►' c 1s Lav ing th best and .most on F 'rot's r• Ar t i 1 fi n door barnriless laxative or ,physic for the ' pTes''ri154li In I►ily!►;( Len- f,o e': c, 1,111e• "" -0 --'-- httiA tntnt*►a. t, Aver., i ►_- _'_ Nen .''.2) an 1101( Thu.1'' ('at. .;,e '.);, i 1‘.1 _ Much intarad alum in China In motorcycles, ue to the fact that they can travel on the nar- arid 'for wheelbarrows. catictrcyn lave- Ito- degrefous fruity taste 'Pull directicns for child's dose on each bottle. oisc it without feaf. • There la Wily oic Asph;s1.--Ba)ex."--Von ...s-.101 .1 y -Bayer" Ant -in is ti..) frit], mark t'vlbered In c;., qv . !' - kw,. o •