The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-01-22, Page 10'1
T�'�.. -. .� ... , .•-•. .nr--:ara.."�k.-.. :..�'.,y ,-,-v3�.,wdc.....y-w,.....s...rss.. ..- 7 ..: ,d .. .,,. � ;�..•.I�..�qz,�!
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..._ •�u:_.'-'.'A'7�4A•'9:��••--+ear.
In addition to the bar alis dver ised last -
week we supplement the following
12 only • Boys' Overcoats, in the
• popular waist-sea'm uodel, .good
quality all -wool cloth; colors
green and blue mixtures, to'fit
boys from 10:to 16
years. Regular 316
and $17, Jan. price 1.1. 95
Only three of these serviceable
garments left. These are the
famous "Carts" coat, the best
quality Mackinaw
made- Sizes 42,
44, 46, reg. price
317, Jan. price ...12. 5
— \ _ -
Men's -
Men's Waist Seam Overcoats :it
prives to clr. Only six of the
season's newest garnlentb left
and these have to be .said. Three
only, brown mixture cloth, sizes
_ 31, :35 and :17; reg.
322.00, Sale Vricx 7• 7 5
Two only very heavy overcoats,
beautiful quality cloth, heather
mixed. Sizes. 38
and 40: Reg. price
340.00, Jan, price
32.50 ,
Onfo lily, Heather'mixeil, the
best quality waist seam cost we
had. Size 37. Reg.
$42.00, Jan. Price. 0�i, 7 5
GLOVES at Special Prices.
One only, F*terdown Comforter,'
° covered niith extra quality
French sateen. . This runrfortcr
w'as'in the window
"and got slightl;v
failed. Itt•g. price
$11,00; Jan. .Price 9. 50 -:
While Stocktaking we are daily
placing on our Hearing 'hargain
counter, rants : of •. various
kinds that we do not wish to en-
terinto our new stock lists.
Theseare all marked at very
low clearing prices and every
one a decided- bargain to those
_who can use them. Look them
over. You may find something
you need.
1 he applications for New Assurances received by the
Company during 1919 reached a total of over `
This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As-
surancepreviously written in one year by any Company
of the British Empire.
Geo. H. Smyth
Get a Policy in 1920. Agent, Lucknow.
Few people realize the seriousness
of the situation that confronts the
.weekly newspapers of the country at
the present time. During the past
• three years they have had to face
several increases in the price of news-
print, and the end is not yet:
Recently Controller Pringle held an
enquiry at Ottawa, and as a result
issued an order giving the paper man-
ufacturers a still further increase
from the prevailing price, so that
Isom January lat weekly publishers
will have to pay an inctease of $15.00
per . ton, which , will mean $92.00 per
tole in carload lots, and $95.00 per ton
in less than carload lots.- As very few
.r-ekly publishers have either the cap-
ital or the storage roost .to. avail
themselves of the carload price, it
ratans that .the large majority will
for the corning six months pay an in-
crease of $15.00 per ton over what
` t'ray have been paying. This price
11, Ids good only until July 1st, when
at further increase is ordered based
4•:1 the current market price quoted by
t see large exporting companies.
As a result of the increases in the
c „ 4t of newsprint and other things
1; renter into the cost of publishing
. er 100 newspapers went- out of
7. sines in Canada last year. Some
•1 ;.pens were absorbed by, or amalga-
r .ated with others; other papers c•eas-
i ; publication:
The reason for the increases in'
a. wsprhrt•prices is that the supply is
t equal to the demand in the United
'::tes. The large majority of the
American newspapers are supplied
f ► um Canada, and'as a matter of fact
e American papers consume over
>,a per cent. of . the newsprint manu-
fa,tured in this-coantry. The Amer-
icana are willing, to pay high prices,
and consequently the Canadian news-
paTiers have to meet their prices, or
n •a'!y so.
The result of the present order and
the one that will be -tide -si-x months
hence. will undoubtedly be the su'span-
sion of many paperm &tent-
sary for the safety of ' the masses,
even in a democratic' country like Can-
ada. Another result will be that -
those newspapers' that desire to live.
will have to raise their subscription
price to $2.00 at least. In the .United
States the' price of some weeklies is
32.00 and $3.00, and some weeklies in
Canada have also adopted this rate:
Certain it is that under prevailing-'
conditions it will not be possible ,for
the ordinary village weekly to survive
long at the $1.50 rate.
'Not content with being the great- CLT 'EM DOWN
' hundreds of ,crates of apples are in
stock, and the var:ety, of commodities
increases almost daily.
i Everything is sold at cost. And
while it would be difficult to
the percentage ofJction, there are
but :cry few artic es that do not re-
present a marked saving.
The men in the store want Ford
buyers, to know -that everything pos-
,,silile 'is being done to wait on their
without undue delay, and they pant
'to' the fact that the store•fs.yet in its
infancy and` is, hopedthe_ser-
• vice will continually improve.. •
est manufacturer in the world, Henry •
Ford has gone into the store -keeping (Toronto Saturday Night)
business.• But as he has Nit making
money for himself out of tWe making At this writing the United States
of automobiles, he is ',not )gin=: tc, Congress is debating as -to whether
make money out of his- stores. He is or not it. is advisable to pass a law
selling groceries, clothing'; etc., to the
limitingthe' .size of newspapers and
employees of his mammoth factory' a:
cost. Here area few things which periodicals in order that there may
"The Ford Man," a little paper pub- -be a saving in white paper and bride'
fished specially for the workmen, has the demand for that • article' • down. to
to say about the' ' opening of the' a po:nt apre•eiably near the supply,
e, Like ec-er�� thine else, there is new
The Ford cash and carry .stor
which oDened Deceinbet 2 h•ith a veru, more paper required,than can possib-
ly be supplied by the mills of thik con-
tinent; while prices have adt•anccd to
a point heretofore unknown.. Those
support the Bill' ;state that nwlnn"
to the hogging of paper by the large
'mc•tropnitan newspapers, some 3 Oeo
modest line of canned goods, coffee,
soaps arld a few other :staples, has
grown much faster than was antici-
pated. • And .-the present space being
used is six times as large as that al-
lotted the store when it was in • the
experimental stage 'but little more small papers . th the United State=
than two Weeks ago. may have to suspend publication. Th-•
r Even the first clay, when, someone -item -is of the hill are by no means ins
.hung' out the srllall placard announc•- reasonable. and' if our ' Governme:it
Many people found their way in that pr' al of the large .• majority, Theing that the door on' which tlie' siren folJoaetl;with a si;nillerr piece. of les -
was tacked led to a grocery store, a,► illation, it should meet with the lip -
it was impossible to serve all of them.. daily: ne:c•spaper, ar•rording• to the‘bill.
The second day business was larges. ' would be linlitetl •tri twenty four a
than the first. and since then every I es:: Sunday' editions to _thirty-six
effort has been. male to 'semi' Fvru ; Pasts,: weekly 4)1411)i -weekly perioili--
men and women who Centric to. buy, ' cal -'t :'•entre•=h :;e rages and monthly
During one day mise than 1,000 perir,c�rc•a,ls to one hundred pages'. Th••'
pounds of coffee were sold. ,,,nti...iai. �,tei,dfrrey has; of.Ia F y ar , buss -t ss. } t
mt- d'tien- sugar haiil een added to -wa. d. lr►r •, ,. and cave 1 _ c '
Keeps Baby's,
Skin. Healthy
every mother could only
realize the ,danger which
lurks in the neglect of chafing
,and• skin irritations_ she .would
not take chances on being
without ; Dr..,.; Chase's Qintm'ent
to apply after baby's bath.
It arrests the de.. eloprnent of
eczema and makes the skin soft,
smooth and velvety.
40 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson,
Bates Cu., Ltd., Toronto.
Di Chas's
—Tuesday, .Ian. 20.
Mrs. M1rcCree. and children visited in
_1'\'ingham a few days last 'week. •
• 111r. • Archie Aitchison enteitairesi
h:s• friends last '1hursday eveains;
Owing to the •stoma there was; no
service in Calvin Church last Sunday.
•• Mr. Ed. Snaith, of Souris, Man., re=
neWed old acquaintatices .Iicre Last
week. • --
Miss Katie- McKenzie,' of .Lundss,
has been visiting her -aster, Mrs. John
Miller, jr.
Miss EIizaheth Anderson left on
Saturday' to.resul)-,e her 'work at.:-'a_:i:-
Mr. Jas. •Purdon, reeve of West Wa-
a•:aadsh, is-attt aiding the county • coos-
cit at (ioderich. •
Mr. John •Mcll'herson left for - - the
West on Tues lay, after spenciin;, a
couple -of months with friends here.
The regular meeting of the Wont-
en's. Institute will be held at Mrs. D.
Todd's 'on Tuesday, Jau. 29, 4vhen the
sub•ie4 will .be "Hut. Supper D sh;•s."
• A couple of sleig-hloads of friends
from around his old home drove to
J.ucknuw lust •T•uesday. :speast.___a..
pleasant evvirin g with Mr. isid Mrs
.las. Millet• m their new hs:►te, Th y
rreserited" 1r. and•Mr' ..Miller with a
kitt'han cabinet.
Th' world is full o' ruts, my boy,some
shaller an' some. deep;'
An! 's';►- 5` rat 4s•1161-�o'fniks; art h , ;
as they can heap.
Each one that''s - grovelin' in th' d i tc is
is growlin' at .his .fate.
An' within' he had got his chanes I,e=
lot: it was too late.
They lam'. it all .on' someone -else, or.
• . says 'twos just -their luck --
They never onet • consider that .'taws
caused by lack o' pluck.
But'here''s th' word of one that's ,lived
clean through, from soup to _nuts; -
Th' Lord don't send no derrick round
t'h'ist folks outsa' ruts.
Sense fo):k:;- has staid in rats. u:'.tji th •y
. didn't like • th' place`•
Their scramh'rcl�br'tiw 4y t', th"i:Ta7'
an' entered in th' roc
Sieh 'c,ne has 'always fours! a it ,n•l
'held 'Jut for them ti' titin
An' cling to,till thr�y',1 1.;;:; t e iniac•
pcsuliar to th' crah. •° t
But:- only them that helps t'';
an' tries for heater thiniss
Will .ever see th' ,helpin' hand
• each climber clings.
Th's' here's. th' ha�•d, plain, ss'.,•n.r.
facts, w'ith&t no ifs or huts
Th',Lord don't send no derricks hound
t'h'ist folks out o' ruts.
It is related of `:the f:•filet„::,•:art:'`
Gustave Dui,: that 'when .}.• wa : t• ,
from. ereeY tty'_trF_:.arnr; c�'
Europe• he lust his • passport. \:•u.►•.h i
WO then re aired
1' L,, Is. :.1., 1r l,t'
every traveller. Ilk waA 'v 'r:.•
to cross the border that d .v .Sr,• S
said to th,. .poli. e:
.but 1,have. lost r►,y pa. : • 1
you 'stiller .1,11.:1411,,S
that 1 can say, is that 1 ;tf1, t
•Dior'•," 1•0," was the rep's....' ',
net cit:e:v,: u-. �rlaroy s,. ',4 r ► .
ha>,.4•c•lainrin•► t, 1,r• �',;,1.. ri . •r,.,u•
ed eharar t,:r. ' I,•►t _ 1r ,,, ,•
and 4'i at) , r 1•
v.'e shall 'v,•►...
pencil a•nf!
a s aj rg thr rc,+ T'
'w minutr:r f,r'
rake the p;t:.,•,•,•an,)lf;
Y .�..
n larser r r'u ,lies
the stock, 1.100 pound w.ere..._.twup#t-} h::+crr hte'i4; •. •> ._ rant tt ar-E7i"
in'One as - „ t ,,, r
--(Ten -fie , gr,r,T7. 1 , 1o:l,1 , ea e. arger metro -
placed on the shel'•es in the s re: ';A P91 tan journals are
more. com-Mete rose no longer news -
► g ry stock h s been papers, but nuisances.. First, they t
added, medicines—froth hot water I block up the mails and then Klock up
bags to, iodine, pork is' already being rthe. wastebaltket.•. W.e are.getting too y
sold and chickens .have been,: ordered, ) mu'ch print for our money,
regretted,, for the fewer the newspap-
ers in the .country the easier it is for
urea:thy, selfish designing persons to
control the, situatign. A tree and in-
OpendOAt pup in ,absolutely neces.
c•er,ava • at one,. , ,r
day, when smear, i
'arts the moorid sass: "f st
whether you . are or r,
ou more thin ~ others ?"-,Chr,staio,
:I l.44.10•. -r..y..a... U•-..� .as. y .a ,r/ .,'"
Phone • �R � k t Your Service
:We Sell for Casn -we Sell Cheaper `Than The CrectittStores
mummer••• .�.....••"�.�• a-�a�_ A►+ — — ti ---—1 w.�a ��r r��/: —
1t : it 11't: 1'1'1.1. LINE OF t;t)!)�, t151 !' 1t"i'1'iUJ<r) i:l• 'lll;.
111?':;. 1'1' 1'.11''4 1'11-��!•:1':!' 1' fi'l'it '' I'cit it'!'111 l l'"l'1`, tit,1 111 \ti
1':1Y" 1;1.'1"#`ER. °111 ":�' '+l,)t ' FOOD 1111..1. \01' (r',l,I I{;;.1 I'1 -
:1i,' /l -1 L, ('K A\RIAI, RUT IT K •:1?1'�S '1'111;
DOING i;;l�;'1i'1':ft• 1'1" !S i' ' ):'r! ':.]:',) 11' TUE 11:.11 I' C ' IOCK-
i;lI�\ ( f•' (';\NADA t\D 1[;,�i ': i'l lr!il" i.;TA'I'i:S. !'•1' J' I'.t"l'
I\ 'THLJ 1 01 [.011'I1�1„SIlI•:::
Or; !h. 1':til ... ........ .
...... ..:..::... ,
,10 11, ;';til • ; .
:o. i-;;►ttiN,J act••okrwl�lo:g ;c'tr� t?trr,e t1 .,ot ;� ;,; �� ,arias.' l')r.
rnr Powder will clear°away the trouble (U:c•!.l%.
1 t n .1b. i'ac•kage
Dr. Hess' Heave 1'o�ader., 1 �.� lh�a'ac[:aK'c•..
liaises tut .,le ,.;.cif 4ieesst +she, ih. nas+s asisS . 41 1e
l)r �!,,,� r ,•, it;. 1- a�:t�l r);;, 't); •..,
1:u`ti�t' hiller, 2r, ill: Pacl.:t}�c•,
hiller, 1 II,:l',aek:tge ,' c
. llip acid Disinfectant ix•r quart _ . , �r;►c.
Eggs were never o hig11 in price ;,nil Oil ran increa c; ;�,►ur egg•
production by using 1)r. lless' Poultry. Panacea. •
5 lb. Package •ii:;,c•..
11/8 1!,. Package),':,e.
The LucknowHardware & CoaICo.
t is the c ry• of the chil►ircft__ , !:cii..a. hand ri
heard far down the • street. \ ".trcr and, , nearer . it
draws until each note ,becomes. tl,:;r: r- and clearer.
rl o those i; the -city this is a 1::r:i :ir :i� •,r
1. r�•
But to those residing in sui)ttrh:ut towns stirring
strains of band music are nmre- rare,
"The P. ponograph with a Soul”
in your home makes' it possible for you and your
c• .h•i.idren to have• at all tinter the sonderful march
anus:c that has inspired the world.
• Wherever you Jive ---on the far:n or in tor; n—
e,t 1`;iiisc�rt .bring the parade, with all its
._ ;�laniuu.ry.4g19•-- •-our �l its ,
rr om emery lllslra111ent,
every nt,te ;ts.clear has a reit; band-than!;t ,to the
�TCtrtns r►t ir�,11i is A.• ]'.c;1son.
ji ` e tell a. wwofderfu/ story alwut. ll�e
•��-e':i1 ,Edison in rt 6t'autilnl �r '
•�,.k that �•crt
sl•,rrld tiny., • It is ca/led "i:'ilis,n and
.�fusi�.,►•, • .1 sk for it ' and f fifl
the ' 'r : pct . � ►,
a. � r
G. Arrnstron,
• 'iJ
• Luckno.
During the aftermath• of influenza or its de-
bilitating complications, there is more than
- ordinary need that you' nourish and protect
every avenue of your .strength.
r.'f its c:'i,c.►':trt ;f,nir
l(.8 r, .r s.r,,.r,, strc:r,t,th.
1; are fearful or ronra•.ri;n in vii��Ii Those whould use
1.:1 mcana that help build up a•heallhy, resistance
What SCOTT'S dos for others jt will do for you. -Try
Try it!